Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone)...

Literal meaning: Rule by the people (from Greek, demos meaning people and kratos meaning rule) Definition: A society whereby the leaders are elected by the people and represent the people.; a system of governement by the whole poulation or all eligible members of the state, typically through elected representatives Democracy can provide for the change in government without violence, since the jurisdiction of citizens determines the ruling authority. It also prevents the monopoly of the ruling authority, since there is an election every fixed term. This also brings about a feeling of obligation to the citizens. The people gain a sense of participation regarding their own government Advantages: Not all citizens are aware of the full political scene in the country, which may lead to people blindly voting Authorities may work with a short term purpose (because of the termly elections) and may work towards winning elections rather than for the people Disadvantages: Direct democracy: Switzerland Presidential democracy: USA, France Parliamentary democracy: UK, Germany, Spain, Singapore Examples of democracies: Democracy Wednesday, 8 June, 2011 10:49 AM HISTORY Page 1

Transcript of Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone)...

Page 1: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Literal meaning: Rule by the people (from Greek, demos meaning people and kratos meaning rule)

Definition: A society whereby the leaders are elected by the people and represent the people.; a system of governement by the whole poulation or all eligible members of the state, typically through elected representatives

Democracy can provide for the change in government without violence, since the jurisdiction of citizens determines the ruling authority.

It also prevents the monopoly of the ruling authority, since there is an election every fixed term.

This also brings about a feeling of obligation to the citizens.○

The people gain a sense of participation regarding their own government○

Advantages: •

Not all citizens are aware of the full political scene in the country, which may lead to people blindly voting

Authorities may work with a short term purpose (because of the termly elections) and may work towards winning elections rather than for the people


Direct democracy: Switzerland○

Presidential democracy: USA, France○

Parliamentary democracy: UK, Germany, Spain, Singapore○

Examples of democracies:•

DemocracyWednesday, 8 June, 201110:49 AM


Page 2: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

What problems confront a society after war?

Loss of jobs•

Lack of food•

Bad economy•


Knowledge of other countries gaining independence○

By losing the war, the British essentially lost the trust of people○

Mixed reactions to the British•

MCP- Malay communist party fueled distrust in the people•


Riots & strikes- Public disturbances

Initially started off as a strike•

Community disturbance○

Public transport freezes (no one can take the bus)•

Hock Lee bus riots:○

Communist instigated•

Started off as a custody battle between two ethnic parents

Reports were biased○

Lack of sensitivity○

Malays felt that they did not respect them ○

Riot started between races because-•

Maria Hertogh riots○

Race/religious issues•

Strikes can become riots!Banana notes worthless; only straits dollar can be used•

People did not keep Straits Dollars•

Overprinting would lead to Inflation

Giving out too much- people do not want to work

But they could not print/give out too much○

Main issue: how to give people enough money without causing inflation○

British had to print money for people•

Change in currency:

SG Tumultous yearsWednesday, 6 July, 20118:43 AM


Page 3: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore





Communism vs capitalism


Singapore today- a socialist state

A system of social organization in which property and means of production are to be held in


Witnessed the widespread revolt throughout Europe in 1848o

Workers and peasants rose up against the upper class eliteso

Rise up against the rich

Overthrow the government

Share the wealth of the rich equally among Russians

Urged the workers too



CommunismWednesday, 6 July, 20118:49 AM


Page 4: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Share the wealth of the rich equally among Russians

A process of class conflict and revolutionary struggle and will result in victory for

proletariat and the establishment of a communist society which private ownership is

abolished and everything belongs to the community



AIMS TO: create a society where there is no rich and poor, there are no social classes and

everyone is equal

Communism spread to Singapore via China- Chinese that had contact with China knew

about the CCP, and established the MCP

Communists and British worked hand in hand during the war

AIM OF MCP: To achieve immediate independence from the British colonial authorities,

replacing colonial rule with a communist government controlled by China

Trade Unionso

Via newspapers that sang praise of communism and chinao

Via textbooks from china that promoted communismo

Via teachers who are MCP members or sympathizerso

Via students, who educate workers about communist ideaso

Announced and implemented a programme of mass struggle against British



Launched armed attacks against British rubber plantationso

Other sporadic attacks to evoke anti-British sentimentso

Influenced workers and students to go on strikeso

MCP’s methods:

A better working lifeo

Empowered workers to demand for better working conditions and higher payo

Spread ideas that workers can take over management of factories from

uncooperative employers


Equal/classless societyo

Empowering students with the idea of a revolution to change societyo




Page 5: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

If you were a reporter, how would you describe the Hock Lee bus riots?•What are some typical characteristics of communist problems?•

DEFINE CRUCIAL. (well-being of people)○


What was the most crucial problem that the British faced?•

They used methods such as strikes/riots

They used textbooks/tv to target Chinese students

They were good @ exploiting the situation


What is the significance of communism in the post-war years?•

What conclusions can you draw from the public disturbances? (attitude of people)•How would you compare social/political problems?•How did the communists affect the British decisions? What did they MEAN to the British? To the locals?•What is the significance of the Maria Hertogh riots?• Maria Hertogh Riot: 11 Dec 1950

Anti NS: 13 May 2954Hock Lee: 27 April 1955

Wednesday, 6 July, 20119:10 AM


Page 6: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Year of strikes1947-First elections; SPP!1948-Rendel Commision1953-Limited self-government (5 parties contested)1955-

British knew that they would have to give SG Independence, but- when??•Money matters.•

Setting the environment for local parties to grow•RENDEL COMMISION

Internal trade•Education•Housing •

Areas given to locals:

Internal security•Defence•External affairs (trade etc)•

Areas retained by British:

1947-INDEPENCEWednesday, 20 July, 20119:18 AM


Page 7: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

We believe strongly in a multiracial environment where everyone can lead harmonious in peaceful lives. This equality will bring the country to greater heights in terms of the people and the economy. Look at all the riots that we have experienced. Look at how many lives we've lost, how many have been discriminated against and hurt just because of race. Do you want this to continue?! Do you want to continue living in fear of rejection and discrimination, of injustice?? DO you want this to be the future? The future of singapore?

Or do you want to agree and vote for a party that will focus on building trust and relationships between the different races? By doing this we can etter move on woth out economic goals because we are united, and UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.

Do you want to leave the future of singapore in those who are already ruling us? We are NOT SATISFIED. We are still in lack of trust, not harmonious amongst other races? Or would you want to let the locals of singapore, like the Alliance party, help to improve singapore? We are a party that is closely linked and made by the malay community, the chinese and indian community and we think that we can bet

1955 Elections activityFriday, 22 July, 201111:24 AM


Page 8: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Special rights given to Malays to improve their standard of living•CG expected SG to adapt to system alr in place•

MALAYA:Special rights did not exist•PAP believed that people's standard of living through education/industrialization•


Alliance leaders in KL wanted SG alliance to have more seats in th Singapore Legislative Assembly•Alliance did not win any seats•PAP won 37 of 51 seats•UMNO was unhappy•Election results showed that Singapore Malays supported the PAP's programme for improving that Standard of Living


Before 1964, PAP had no branches outside SG•PAP decided to take part in the 1964 Federal Elections as a Malaysian political party•

To build a Malaysian Malaysia○

Provide all with necessary skills and equal opportunities to succeed○


Alliance leaders were upset because PAP promised not to take part in the Federal Elections•

Since the Alliance had taken part in the 1963 SG state election, it was only natural that the PAP contested the Federal Election

Alliance leaders were angry with the campaign as it seemed to criticise○

PAP drew large crows but only won one seat○

Alliance won 89 over 104 but were still worried○

PAP arguments:•

Some UMNO leaders began to criticise PAP for looking after Malay interests in SG○

An anti-PAP campaign was started through the Malay press, especially the Utusan Maelayu (UM)

UMNO wanted to win back Malay votes in SG•

Development in Crawford, Kg Glam dna d Rochor areas○

2500 families relocated; 200 malay families○

Claimed that 3000 malays were relocated○


To ease growing tension: LKY met 900 Malay representatives in July 1964•

Showed how easily peace and harmony could be broken○

Clashes did not get completely out of control because of curfew and riot troops/goodwill between Chinese and Malays

Significance of race riots:•


Were differences over economic differences the main reason for separation?

SINGAPORE IN MALAYSIAThursday, 28 July, 201111:52 AM


Page 9: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Main reason for merger: common market○

However this was NOT SET UP (despite the agreement stating that It would be set up in stages)

Thus Singapore was not happy○

Resulting in separation○

Not only was the common market not set up, Indonesia and Philippine's also cut off trade links

Making the economic situation in Singapore dangerous○

Thus Singapore wanted merger.○

Malaysia raised taxes from 40%-60%○

Singapore was not happy since they already had economic problems (no common market, less trade)

They did not want to pay such a huge sum to Malaysia who was not giving them any economic benefits

Leading to separation○

YEAH. Economic issues:•

PAP and UMNO interfered in each other's politics○

Neither were happy○

UMNO tried to start an anti-PAP campaign; PAP took part in the Malaysian Federal elections

Is there a root factor that results in other factors?Is there a trigger factor for the event?Is it a contributory factor for the event?

Other issues (politic):•

Were differences over economic differences the main reason for separation?Thursday, 11 August, 201111:12 AM


Page 10: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Bumiputra•Malaysian's Malaysia vs. Malays Malaysia•Equality and meritocracy•Article 153 of Malaysian Constitution•Affirmative action taken to protect Malay rights•Never write counter-factual arguments (if xxx then xxx)•Nature of causes- underlying cause•

KEY WORDS Wednesday, 17 August, 20118:47 AM


Page 11: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

Full independence○

Malaysia would provide a stable government for SG, curbs communist threat (anti-communist)

Control the communist threat○

Singapore's political reasons•

Post-war problems○

High unemployment rate○

No natural resources○

Small domestic market○

Common market--> improve economy○

Increased free trade--> no tariffs-->Increased income/expansion of businesses○

lower taxes○

Singapore's economic reasons•

Ends British colonialism in the region○

Key event: Barisan Socialist

Communist threat○

Tunku Abdul Rahman's reasons:•

Colonies became an economic burden after WWII○

Colonial reasons:•


MergerFriday, 19 August, 201111:54 AM


Page 12: Democracy -€¦ · c. P/P- purpose, provenance d. T- tone (less reliable with tone) 2. Reliability 3. To what extent Reliability: Source A is reliable because _____.therefore

NOT paraphrasing/describinga.ANALYSIS.b.Look at question first c.Go to source and pick out relevant partsd.Inference--> evidence, elaboration, linke.


CK- Contextual knowledgea.OS- Other sourcesb.P/P- purpose, provenancec.T- tone (less reliable with tone)d.


To what extent3.

Reliability:Source A is reliable because ______.therefore since it supports Source B, it proves it further credible. However, it is not reliable because xxxxxx

Use inference from source to support statement in question

SBQThursday, 25 August, 201111:16 AM