Demo Speech

 Informative: Demonstrative Speech SPEECH OUTLINE WORKSHEET Topic : How to perform a simple magic trick using playing cards Specific Purpose: Teach students how to perform simple card tricks Central Idea : Learning how to perform quick sleight of hands A. Attention Material (This step helps us focus our attention on tou and your message. It is suggested that you begin with a story, quote, video statistics, definition, use of suspense, etc, Never begin with, Hi I am ___ and today i am going to talk about ___.”): Have you ever wondered how magicians and illusionists perform their magic tricks that are able to mesmerize as well as make us ponder for quite a long time as to how they perform it? Not only are they capable of fooling us into believing magic is real, they have successfully enchanted people into paying them a lot of money just to watch them perform their “so -called” magic. Therefore, this speech will hopefully shed some light into how some of these tricks are actually done from the magician’s point of view.  B. Tie to audience (This step informs the audience how your topic will relate to them. Tell us how we can use your information presented to us t oday in a very practical way. Give us a reason to listen here.):   After listening to this speech an d watching me demonstrate the “magic”, the audience will be able to perform it themselves as well as identifying how other magicians perform it and other card tricks too. On another note, the audience will be able to train their hands into performing quick sleight of hands using only their muscle memory as a guide as t hey cannot actually see what their hands are doing with the cards. Furthermore, if the audience is captivated and inspired by this magic trick, With a lot of training in this field, the audience themselves might one day become professional magicians and they can earn a living t his way. C. Credibility Material (Here the student reveals to t he audience why he/she is credible, can be trusted, knows the materials, etc.):  Ever since I was a kid, every time I watch real magicians perform magic tricks, I would always try to master them soon after the show ends. I would always fail but I never gave up since in my mind, practice makes perfect and it is the key t o unravelling how the magicians themselve s perform it. Throughout my life, I always keep the same principle when it comes to magic, so every time I see a magic trick, you can be sure that I torture myself quite a bit trying to master it and trying to unravel it by myself. For that particular reason, I have gathered quite a


Demonstrative Speech For TESLians

Transcript of Demo Speech

Informative: Demonstrative SpeechSPEECH OUTLINE WORKSHEET

Topic : How to perform a simple magic trick using playing cardsSpecific Purpose: Teach students how to perform simple card tricksCentral Idea : Learning how to perform quick sleight of hands

A. Attention Material (This step helps us focus our attention on tou and your message. It is suggested that you begin with a story, quote, video statistics, definition, use of suspense, etc, Never begin with, Hi I am ___ and today i am going to talk about ___.):Have you ever wondered how magicians and illusionists perform their magic tricks that are able to mesmerize as well as make us ponder for quite a long time as to how they perform it? Not only are they capable of fooling us into believing magic is real, they have successfully enchanted people into paying them a lot of money just to watch them perform their so-called magic. Therefore, this speech will hopefully shed some light into how some of these tricks are actually done from the magicians point of view.

B. Tie to audience (This step informs the audience how your topic will relate to them. Tell us how we can use your information presented to us today in a very practical way. Give us a reason to listen here.):After listening to this speech and watching me demonstrate the magic, the audience will be able to perform it themselves as well as identifying how other magicians perform it and other card tricks too. On another note, the audience will be able to train their hands into performing quick sleight of hands using only their muscle memory as a guide as they cannot actually see what their hands are doing with the cards. Furthermore, if the audience is captivated and inspired by this magic trick, With a lot of training in this field, the audience themselves might one day become professional magicians and they can earn a living this way.

C. Credibility Material (Here the student reveals to the audience why he/she is credible, can be trusted, knows the materials, etc.):Ever since I was a kid, every time I watch real magicians perform magic tricks, I would always try to master them soon after the show ends. I would always fail but I never gave up since in my mind, practice makes perfect and it is the key to unravelling how the magicians themselves perform it. Throughout my life, I always keep the same principle when it comes to magic, so every time I see a magic trick, you can be sure that I torture myself quite a bit trying to master it and trying to unravel it by myself. For that particular reason, I have gathered quite a bit of knowledge and a number of tricks which I can perform confidently in front of a crowd. Therefore, today, I would like to share some of that information with you and hopefully get you interested in this field too. I also hope this speech will be able to turn all of you into amateur magicians.

D. Thesis & Preview (Here summarize your presentation in one sentence by previewing the main points of the speech). For example: Today I will show you how to ___. Today I will tell you first ____, second ______ and third ____.For todays speech, I would like teach you one of the simplest magic tricks that a magician will always use to capture our attention and amaze us with his so-called magical powers. The trick is to find a spectators randomly chosen card using a few simple steps which is started by having a spectator choose a card at random from a deck of cards, secondly, the card is put back into the deck at a random position, thirdly, the magician which is me will be able to find the chosen card in a spectacular fashion by having the spectator spell the card.

(Transition into body of speech Now that ____, lets go to ____.)

Body (Here I have listed 3 main points and 3 subpoints per main point remember 2-5 points is always appropriate!!!)Main Point #1: During the time a spectator chooses a card from the deck.

Subpoint # 1: Have a spectator check the deck of cards as well as shuffle the deck as many times they want to prove that the deck is a usual and ordinary set of playing cards and are not in any way modified magically or physically in order to perform the magic trick.

Subpoint # 2: Have the spectator return the deck of cards. During that time, spread the cards and tell them to choose a card from the deck. Have that spectator show the card for everyone to look at but not the magician myself. Have him or her memorize the card.

Subpoint # 3: At the time the spectator is showing the card for everyone to see, the magician himself will have to look at the bottom most card and memorize what it is. Do this discreetly as to not arouse any form of suspicion into why I am looking at the bottom card of the deck.

(Transition into main point 2 Now that I have covered ____, lets move to ____.)

Main Point #2: During the time the card is with the spectator Subpoint # 1: After the spectator have seen the card and shown the chosen card to the audience, ask them whether they want the card to be returned on top or in the middle of the deck. Whichever way is find as long as I remember the card at the most bottom section of the deck.

Subpoint # 2: If the spectator chooses to put the card in the middle of the deck, just simply take a chunk of the bottom cards and place them on top of the chosen card and convince the audience the card can no longer be found since it is somewhere in the middle of the deck. On the other hand, if the spectator chooses to place the card on the top of the deck, discreetly take the bottom card and place it on the top while distracting the audience into listening to you instead of looking at the cards.

Subpoint # 3: After making sure the card that you have memorized which is now called the indicator card is on top of the chosen card, I can shuffle the cards as many times as I want without having any restrictions or limitations into how I shuffle the cards as long as I be careful and not drop the cards on the floor or flip any of them.

Main Point #3: During the time the chosen card and indicator card is with me. Subpoint # 1: After I am done shuffling the cards however I like to, I will give the audience some power to determine how the magic trick is done by letting them decide how many times I shuffle the cards as well as in what orientation I will shuffle them in order to convince them the card they chose is well hidden in the deck and that I am powerless to find it without actual magical abilities.

Subpoint # 2: Soon after I am done shuffling the cards with the audiences instructions, I will perform a false cut movement using the cards. With this simple but effective sleight of hand movement, I can further convince the audience that the cards are even more mixed up and that the chosen card is well hidden in the deck of 52. In reality, the movement is called a false cut because it convinces the audience that the cut is further mixed up but actually it remains in the same arrangement despite how many times I perform the false cut.

Subpoint #3: After the false cuts are done successfully, I simply inform the audience that their card is somewhere in the deck and I have already figured out what it is using magic. I show the deck to all the audience to ensure them that the cards are not rigged in anyway after all that I have done with it. I explain further into how I need them to focus on the chosen card so I can focus on determining whether the card I have in mind is the correct one. However, in reality, I still have no idea what the chosen card is because I havent seen the inside of the deck yet.

Main Point #4: Moving on to the critical stage of finding the chosen card in the deck. Subpoint # 1: After retrieving the cards from the audience after they have checked it thoroughly, I can now turn the cards so that the cards are now face-up and facing me instead of the audience.

Subpoint # 2: At this time I will try to locate my indicator card within the shuffled up deck of cards which are in no way the same order as they were at the beginning of the trick. To add some suspense and doubts in the audience, I will pretend to be hesitant and change my mind many times about the card I am going to choose even though I have located the indicator card and have determined the card adjacent to it.

Subpoint # 3: The adjacent card next to the indicator card is the spectators chosen card. However, I must pretend that I still have not found the card and that I am still searching for it. While doing so, I will casually take the spectators card and place it on the back of the deck to avoid any suspicion and to reassure the audience I still have no idea what their card is. In reality, I have placed the chosen card exactly where I need it to be in order for my magic trick to work.

Main Point #5: Next, the time of the revealing of your chosen card Subpoint # 1: Now, I want each and everyone of the audience to think of the card that the audience chose and try to spell it out silently in their head. Try to imagine how it looks like and how it is spelled out. For example, ace of spades, king of hearts and so on.

Subpoint # 2: Once the audience, which is you have memorized the spelling of the card, I want the audience to spell out the card for me out loud letter by letter. With each letter, I will take one card out and place it on the table in front of me slowly with each and every one of them facing the audience to make sure they are normal and have no connection with me or the audience.

Subpoint # 3: Once it has reached the final letter, I will have only one card in my hands. At this particular moment, I will say out loud what their chosen card is and turn the only card I have in my hands slowly around to face the audience. With some hands movement, I will reveal that the card is the spectators chosen card and gently throw it in front of the spectator who chose the card to maximise the effect and make the reveal very spectacular.

ConclusionA. Brakelight (signals the end such as, to sum things up..):Now that we have covered all the steps that are involved in this magic trick, I am sure most of you have a clearer view of how this magic trick is performed and how it is done.

B. Summary (reviews the main points of the speech in the order covered):To summarize things up, the first step is to make sure the audience is convinced that the card a standard deck of cards and that there is nothing unusual with your cards. The second step is to have a spectator choose a card and show it to the entire audience. The third step is to convince the audience that the chosen card is in the deck and that I have no idea where it is. The fourth and most important step is to locate the spectators card within the deck and place it in the right position for the reveal. Finally, the steps to reveal the cards in a spectacular way for the audience are explained.

C. Tie Back to Audience (Tells us again how we benefit from knowing this show the connection between your group, the topic and the audience):Whenever you feel like entertaining someone, cheering them up for any reason, or just to impress them, you can use this magic trick. If performed correctly, I am sure that it can make someone else happy and give you the satisfaction of making someone else happy and knowing a little bit of magic that very few others know.

D. Concluding Memorable Remarks (gives you a way to end; never, ever end on thats it plan out the end, better yet tie back to the introductions attention device):Before I end this speech, I have a few words to the budding magicians in front of me here. Remember the steps, maintain your composure, keep practising and I am sure you will master this magic trick in no time. Thank you so much for giving me some of your time. See you next time with another magic trick.