DEMAND MANAGEMENT AT CONGESTED AIRPORTS: HOW FAR ARE WE FROM UTOPIA? by Loan Thanh Le A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of George Mason University in Partial Fulfillment of the the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Systems Engineering and Operations Research Committee: George L. Donohue, Dissertation Director Chun-Hung Chen, Dissertation Co-Director Karla Hoffman, Committee Chair Jana Kosecka Daniel Menasc´ e, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies Lloyd J. Griffiths, Dean, The Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering Date: Summer Semester 2006 George Mason University Fairfax, VA




Loan Thanh LeA Dissertation

Submitted to theGraduate Faculty

ofGeorge Mason University

in Partial Fulfillment of thethe Requirements for the Degree

ofDoctor of Philosophy

Systems Engineering and Operations Research


George L. Donohue, Dissertation Director

Chun-Hung Chen, Dissertation Co-Director

Karla Hoffman, Committee Chair

Jana Kosecka

Daniel Menasce, Associate Dean forResearch and Graduate Studies

Lloyd J. Griffiths, Dean, TheVolgenau School of InformationTechnology and Engineering

Date: Summer Semester 2006George Mason UniversityFairfax, VA


A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy at George Mason University


Loan Thanh LeBachelor of Science

University of Natural Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1998Master of Science

University of Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 1999

Director: George L. Donohue, ProfessorCo-Director: Chun-Hung Chen, Associate Professor

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Summer Semester 2006George Mason University

Fairfax, VA


Copyright c© 2006 by Loan Thanh LeAll Rights Reserved



Early 2002, professor George L. Donohue gave me this invaluable opportunity of pur-suing a Ph.D. degree in Air Transportation, and I began my quest in the Departmentof Systems Engineering and Operations Research at George Mason University. With-out his trust in my capability, none of this would have happened. Over the years, Ihave learned so many things, accomplished a few things, and met people who havebeen genuine professors, colleagues and friends. I would like to thank all of them whomade this experience possible and so enjoyable.

I have had the privilege of working with Professor George Donohue, my researchadvisor, mentor, and role model, to whom I owe deep gratitude for many things.Dr. Donohue introduced me to the wonderful world of air transportation. His broadknowledge and outstanding vision in the aviation system guided me throughout thejourney. Dr. Donohue has high expectations of his students, and I thank him forchallenging me to carry through with the research. Beyond his academic virtues, Iam also grateful for many discussions with him that teach me the values of integrityand tolerance. I look forward to working with Dr. Donohue in the future.

In the same manner, Dr. Chun-Hung Chen, my research advisor, exerted a stronginfluence on me in daily research process. Not only did Dr. Chen convey to meinvaluable knowledge in discrete event simulation, he also made sure that my researchwas on the right track. Dr. Chen demonstrated how to be a good researcher and agood mentor by his academic rigorousness, diligence, and understanding towards hisstudents.

My sincere gratitude goes to Dr. Karla Hoffman, my committee chair, who taughtme invaluable knowledge in optimization theory, and difficult but fascinating prob-lems of the airline industry. Dr. Hoffman’s work ethics and professional qualitieshave always been a great source of inspiration for me, and will stay as such in myfuture endeavors. She also kindly helped revise this dissertation with great care andattention. I am deeply grateful for her time and efforts. Without her help, thisdissertation could not have been written as it is.

It is a pleasure for me to have Dr. Jana Kosecka in my committee. I would liketo express my thanks for her suggestions and warm encouragements throughout thecompletion of this dissertation. I am also very grateful to Dr. John Shortle, Dr. LanceSherry, Dr. Donald Gross, and Dr. Alexander Klein for their thoughtful commentsand advice about my research. Their insights were always very helpful. I also wouldlike to thank my colleagues at Center for Air Transportation System Research, ArashYousefi, Richard Xie, Danyi Wang, Bengi Menzhep, Babak Ghalebsaz, Ning Xu,and Jianfeng Wang, for enriching discussions regarding my research, and their warm


friendship. Many thanks to Angel Manzo and Alerie Karen who were exceptionallyhelpful in taking care of all my paperwork throughput the program.

Last but not least, I deeply appreciate the distant support of my parents. Theirself-giving love and constant encouragement stand by me in my pursuit of the doctor-ate. I also would like to thank my relatives in Virginia for sharing with me so manyrelaxing and comforting moments. Finally, I thank Michael C. Ahlers for all of hiscomputer technical help, for the extra RAM he gave me to help boost my laptop’sspeed, and for always being there for me.

I can not express enough my thanks to all the people who have helped make thisexperience possible and memorable!


Table of Contents


Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

1 Introduction and Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Airport congestion and congestion management measures . . . . . . . 2

1.1.1 Runway and airport expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1.2 Improvement of technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.1.3 Demand management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2 Congestion management by demand management in the US . . . . . 7

1.3 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.4 Statement of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.5 Contributions of this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.5.1 Primary hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.5.2 Research scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.5.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.6 The potential readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

1.7 Dissertation outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Literature Review of Prior Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.1 Congestion Management by Demand Management Measures . . . . . 23

2.1.1 Administrative options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.1.2 Market-based options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.1.3 Hybrid options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.1.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.2 Route development, flight scheduling and fleet assignment models . . 40

2.3 Delay and cancellation estimation models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2.3.1 Analytical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2.3.2 Simulation models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3 The current slot allocation rules aggravate the congestion problem . . . . 51

4 Scheduling Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


4.1 General approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

4.2 Profit-maximizing airline scheduling sub-models . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2.1 The timeline network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2.2 Interaction of demand and supply through price . . . . . . . . 59

4.2.3 Piecewise approximation of non-linear revenue functions . . . 60

4.2.4 Nesting revenue functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.2.5 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2.6 Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.3 Airport’s allocation problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.4 Solution method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.5 Implementation details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5 Parameter estimation for scheduling models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.1 Timeline networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.1.1 Arcs and arc lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5.1.2 Arc costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.2 Nonlinear revenue functions and piecewise linear approximation . . . 80

5.2.1 Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.2.2 Processing segment fares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5.2.3 Extrapolating the 10% ticket sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.2.4 Breaking down data from by-quarter-of-the-year to daily and

by-time-of-day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.3 Model validation: Unconstrained profit maximizing schedules . . . . . 87

5.3.1 Flight schedules by time of day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.3.2 Supply and price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.3.3 Flight frequencies and fleet mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

6 A Stochastic Queuing Network Simulation Model for Evaluating Schedule

Delays and Cancellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

6.1 Stochastic queuing network simulation model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

6.1.1 Modeling objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

6.1.2 Queuing network model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

6.1.3 Runway capacity submodel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

6.1.4 Delay propagation submodel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

6.1.5 Cancellation and cancellation propagation submodel . . . . . . 103


6.2 Parameter estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

6.2.1 Gate-out delay distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.2.2 Taxi time distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.2.3 En route time distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.2.4 Cancellation and cancellation propagation . . . . . . . . . . . 107

6.3 Model calibration and application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

6.3.1 Estimating delays and cancellations of alternative schedules . 110

6.3.2 Assessing impacts of changes in separation standards on airport

capacity and delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

6.3.3 Assessing impacts of changes in fleet mix on delay estimates . 115

7 Demand Management at LaGuardia Airport: How Fare Are We From Utopia?117

7.1 Assumptions and parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

7.2 Baseline statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

7.3 Investigated scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

7.4 Profit maximizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

7.5 Seat throughput maximizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

7.6 Compromise scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

7.6.1 Seat-maximizing within 90% profit optimal . . . . . . . . . . . 132

7.6.2 Seat-maximizing within 80% profit optimal . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

7.7.1 Research questions and answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

8 Conclusion and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

8.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

8.2 Recommendations for future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

A Appendix A: Airport Codes, Locations and Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

B Appendix B: Problem formulations for ORD-LGA market in MPL . . . . 164

C Appendix C: Implementation of solution algorithm (column generation) in

C/Cplex Concert Technology API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

D Appendix D: Price elasticities estimates for several key markets . . . . . . 218


List of Tables

Table Page

1.1 New runways, runway extensions, and reconfigurations included in the

OEP [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Runways, Runway Extensions, Reconfigurations or New Airports with

Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) or Planning Studies Under-

way [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Review of demand management measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1 Aircraft types and seating capacities categorized to fleets . . . . . . . 76

5.2 Hourly costs for each fleet of 25-seat increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.3 Example of demand extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.1 Wake Vortex Separation Standards (nmiles/seconds) [2] . . . . . . . . 101

6.2 Example of delay propagation (unit: minute) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

7.1 Daily average statistics of 67 markets in study, and overall statistics

(Source: ASPM Q2, 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

7.2 Scenarios investigated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

7.3 Daily statistics of profit-maximizing scenarios (* queuing delay esti-

mates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule opera-

tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

7.4 Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in profit-maximizing scenario

at different runway capacity levels, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005. (*revenue

per passenger mile) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

7.5 Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in seat-maximizing scenario

at different runway capacity levels, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005 . . . . . 128

7.6 Daily statistics of seat throughput maximizing scenarios (* queuing de-

lay estimates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule

operations) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129


7.7 Daily statistics of 90% compromise scenarios (* queueing delay esti-

mates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule opera-

tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

7.8 Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in seat-maximizing scenario

within 90% profit optimal at different runway capacity levels, Source:

ASPM Q2, 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

7.9 Numerical results of the 90% compromise scenario at 8 ops/runway/15min138

7.10 Daily statistics of 80% compromise scenarios (* queuing delay esti-

mates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule opera-

tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.11 Numerical results of the 80% compromise scenario at 8 ops/runway/15min143

7.12 Projected effects on daily operations at LGA that result from a market-

based slot allocation at 8 ops/runway/15min (*queueing delay esti-

mates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule opera-

tions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

7.13 Daily average statistics of fall-out markets at 8 ops/runway/15min,

compromise scenarios, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005. (*revenue per pas-

senger mile) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146


List of Figures

Figure Page

1.1 Increasing traffic intensity at EWR, LGA, and JFK airports . . . . . 10

1.2 Similar trends of average delay per aircraft at EWR, LGA, and JFK

airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.3 Increasing operations vs. decreasing enplanements at EWR, decreasing

aircraft size at EWR and LGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.1 Overview of airline scheduling tasks (Barnhart) . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

2.2 Overview of DELAYS and AND models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.3 Overview of NAS Strategy Simulator’s delay and cancellation component 47

3.1 The bottom left quadrant makes airlines lose money and airports con-

gested with litte passenger throughput, the upper right quadrant meets

airline and airport interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.1 General approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.2 Timeline network example for a city pair having the same time zone. 58

4.3 Nonlinear relationship of demand vs. price and the effect on renenues 59

4.4 Approximating a nonlinear function by a piecewise linear function . . 61

4.5 Nesting revenue functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.6 Branch-and-price solution method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.1 Estimates of aircraft hourly operating costs by seating capacity (Source:

BTS Q2 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.2 Estimates of hourly fuel consumption costs by aircraft seating capacity

(Source: BTS Q2 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.3 Constrained demand curves of 10% BTS ticket price sample, Q1 & Q2

2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5.4 Linear prorating of square root of leg distance helps account for fixed

cost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5.5 Example of demand extrapolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


5.6 Estimates of quarterly constrained extrapolated demand curves for di-

rectional markets, Q2 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.7 Actual seat shares by time of day are used to allocate demands by time

of day, Q2 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

5.8 Estimated demand curves for peak periods lie above those of off-peak

periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.9 Estimates of daily demand curves and revenue functions by different

15-min time periods for TPA→LGA and LGA→TPA markets, Q2 2005 93

5.10 In each substitution group, higher actual seat shares of time windows

lead to scheduled arrivals in those time windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.11 Increases in seat capacity lead to decreases in fare and vice versa . . . 95

5.12 Changes in aircraft sizes in relation to frequencies are mixed . . . . . 95

6.1 Aircraft dynamics and network components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

6.2 Hourly Empirical Cancellation Rates as the first component for simu-

lated cancellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

6.3 The relation of cumulative delay and cancellation used in simulating

cancellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

6.4 Comparison of delay estimates vs. actual data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.5 Estimates of cancelled seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

6.6 Adaptation of the system at high traffic levels and the effect on delay 114

6.7 Effect of fleet changes on delay performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

7.1 Geographical distribution of (flight) demand of LGA nonstop domestic

markets in study (see Table 7.9 for numerical values of actual frequencies)120

7.2 Densely distributed demand and increasing queuing delays near the

end of the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

7.3 Model suggests reduction in seats, which results in augmentation of

average ticket price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

7.4 Delay reduction through consolidation of flights and aircraft upgauging 125

7.5 Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline . . . . . . . . . . . 126

7.6 Seat maximizing increases seats at high runway capacity levels . . . . 127

7.7 Despite increase in seats at high runway capacity levels, model suggests

gradual decrease of flights and aircraft upgauging . . . . . . . . . . . 129

7.8 Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline . . . . . . . . . . . 130


7.9 (1) Profit-maximizing (2) Seat-maximizing within 95% optimal profit

(3) Seat-maximizing within 90% optimal profit (4) Seat-maximizing

within 80% optimal profit (5) Seat-maximizing within 60% or less of

optimal profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

7.10 Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline . . . . . . . . . . . 132

7.11 Model schedule reduces over-capacity peaks and retain buffers between

time windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.12 Seat-maximizing schedules within 90% profit optimal at 8 ops per

15min reduce flight delay significantly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.13 Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.14 Model schedule reduces over-capacity peaks and retain buffers between

time windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

7.15 Seat-maximizing schedules within 80% profit optimal at 8 ops per

15min reduce flight delay less significantly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

D.1 Log-fit of major markets (O’Hare, Boston, National, and Fort Laud-

erdale) untruncates demand in lower price ranges . . . . . . . . . . . 218

D.2 Mid-sized markets (Atlanta, Tampa, Palm Beach, and Philadelphia)

use empirical extrapolated curves to avoid overestimation by the log-

fit right tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

D.3 Smaller markets (Charlottesville, Fayetteville, Lebanon and Nantucket)

use linear fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220



Loan Thanh Le, PhD

George Mason University, 2006

Dissertation Director: George L. Donohue

Dissertation Co-Director: Chun-Hung Chen

The aim of this research is to help solve the airport congestion problem. The

returned air traffic growth is putting pressure on airport infrastructure. We identify

the causes of congestion to include (i) the High-Density-Rule (HDR) with grand-

father rights allocating the limited number of airport slots to incumbent carriers, (ii)

weight-based landing fees that do not incentivize airlines to use larger aircraft, (iii) slot

exemptions granted to small markets served by 70-seat or less aircraft, and (iv) the

80%-use-it-lose-it requirement forcing airlines to fly low load-factor flights. With HDR

at New York LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy International airports scheduled to end

in January 2007, appropriate demand management measures are critically needed to

avoid overscheduling and severe congestion. Conventional economic wisdom suggests

that market-based mechanisms such as congestion pricing and auctions are an efficient

way to allocate scarce resources. Congestion pricing and auctions have had successful

applications in many fields. In air transportation however, the complexity of airline

network synergy, the influence of market power, and airport public goals require


the understanding of airline operations and market economics to design the right

incentives, as well as the understanding of potential implications of market response

on metrics of public interest such as enplanement opportunities, average fare, markets

served, aircraft size, and flight delay.

Our research demonstrates the existence of profitable flight schedules that main-

tain or improve the public goals for LaGuardia airport. To find these schedules, we

take a novel approach in modeling a profit-seeking, single benevolent airline, and de-

velop an airline flight scheduling and fleet assignment model to simulate scheduling

decisions. This airline is defined as benevolent in the sense that the airline reacts to

actual price elasticities of demand estimated in a competitive market. Unlike existing

flight scheduling models that use fare as a parameter, our approach explicitly accounts

for the interaction of demand and supply through price. Extensive data mining of

publicly available databases is conducted to estimate cost and price elasticities of

demand. On the airport side, airline schedules are selected to maximize enplanement

opportunities such that these schedules fit into LaGuardia’s IMC rate constraints. To

reconcile the two conflicting objective functions, we look at two compromise solutions

that maximize the number of seats while ensuring that airlines operate within 90%

or 80% of profit optimality.

Our methodology applies to airports that have mostly local traffic. The results for

LaGuardia case study show that in the compromise scenarios at 8 ops/runway/15min,

the total seats are higher (increased by 1.1% and 3.4% for seat maximizing within

90% and 80% of profit optimality respectively) than that of the baseline while average

flight delay is reduced significantly (dropped 72% and 66% respectively). The number

of flights is decreased by 21% and 19%; aircraft size is increased by 27% and 28%.

The average ticket price is decreased slightly by 4% and 6% as a result of the small

increase in number of seats. There is no penalty in the number of markets.

We conclude that, with the airport’s runway rate restricted at the Instrument


Meteorological Condition (IMC) rate of 8 ops/runway/15min, there exist profitable

flight schedules that have fewer flights and reduce substantially average flight delay

while accommodating the current passenger demand at prices consistent with that

demand. The IMC rate provides a predictable on-time performance for the identified

schedules in all weather conditions. In addition, the reduction of flights through con-

solidation of low load-factor flights and aircraft upgauge alleviate the traffic pressure

on LaGuardia’s limited runway capacity, maintaining a safe runway utilization ratio.

Market access to LaGuardia is not affected when restricting airport operational rate

at the IMC rate. Airport authorities can use this “Utopia” as a benchmark or an-

alytical support to design the right incentives in potential congestion management

proposals that encourage airline schedule changes in the desired directions.

Chapter 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

Air transportation is a complex, interactive system of systems that consists of vehicles,

airports, airspace, and the people who operate them, all integrated by communica-

tions, surveillance, and information subsystems. Its evolution has been marked by

incremental changes in technology and operating practices, and by dramatic changes

in societal and market demands upon it.

Since the emergence of commercial air transportation in 1926, the United States

has been the world leader in terms of productivity. FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal

Years 2006-2017 [3] reported that by the year 2005, the industry annually operates

63.1 million flights on 7,836 aircraft; it transports 739 million passengers (40% of the

world’s enplanements), 74,300 tons of cargo between 3,500 domestic airports and 300

international destinations. At the busiest periods of the day, there are as many as

5,000 aircraft in the U.S. airspace that are operated by 138 U.S. commercial passenger

carriers, cargo carriers, and foreign carriers1.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has funded studies to determine the

future demands on the air transportation system. One outgrowth of these studies was

the development of the Operational Evolution Plan (OEP) to increase the capacity

and efficiency of the National Airspace System (NAS), while enhancing safety and

security. OEP Version 7.0 [1] continues to focus on four core areas referred to as

OEP quadrants: Air Traffic Management (ATM) Flow Efficiency, Terminal Area

1General aviation is not included.



Congestion, En Route Congestion, and Airport Congestion. The OEP 7.0 studied

the 35 busiest U.S. airports in terms of passenger activity.

1.1 Airport congestion and congestion management


Within the next 10 years, forecasts by [3] predict that there will be as many as

1.1 billion air travelers per year in the U.S. Airports rather than enroute airspace

has been identified as the chokepoints creating the major portion of the congestion

in the system. An analysis of airport and metropolitan area future demand and

operational capacity [4] reveals that 15 airports, some not currently in the OEP, will

need additional capacity by 2013, and eight more will face capacity limitations by


35 OEP airports account for about 73 percent of commercial passengers in the

country. By 2005, 23 of these airports exceed their 2000 peak activity levels while

12 airports remain below 2000’s levels. Tampa and Newark airports are expected

to reach or exceed pre-9/11 levels in 2006 and 2007 respectively. Systemwise, the

FAA [3] forecasts the average annual growth of passenger enplanements to be 3.1%

from 2006 to 2017.

Air traffic growth is putting substantial pressure on airport infrastructure, espe-

cially at airports where there are limited possibilities for expansion. The imbalance

of travel demand and system capacity in the late 1990s resulted in substantial delays

and congestion at the busiest OEP airports such as O’Hare, Atlanta, Newark, and

LaGuardia. Following the events of September 11, 2001 and during the economic

downturn in mid 2002, passenger demand and activities at FAA air traffic facilities


declined significantly. However, the industry has recovered and the combination of

the recovery in passenger demand plus the shift in activity from larger aircraft to

smaller regional jets has resulted in increased delays at many U.S. airports during


The currently planned improvements in aircraft, airport, and airspace systems

and operational procedures may not be sufficient to safely, securely, and efficiently

meet the U.S. transportation needs of the next 10 years. This concern is reflected

by various congestion management efforts, initiated by the FAA and by regional

airport management entities. Congestion management includes the construction of

new runways and/or airports, improvement of technology, and demand management

measures that control use in order to manage delays and congestion.

1.1.1 Runway and airport expansion

The Airport Improvement Program (AIP) provides grants to public agencies - and,

in some cases, to private owners and entities - for the planning and development

of public-use airports. New runways/airports and runway extensions provide the

most significant capacity increase. Coupled with the creation of the associated gates,

terminals, taxiways and other auxiliary facilities, runway expansion improves the

throughput for the airport and for the national airport system overall. Table 1.1

lists eight runway projects (six new runways, one runway relocation and one runway

extension) that are currently included in the OEP and will be commissioned by 2009.

In addition, Table 1.2 lists nine more projects that are in the planning or environ-

mental evaluation stage. These projects are not included in the OEP until all the

planning and environmental processing has been completed, the Record of Decision


CY CY CY ExpectedAirport Runway RoD ConstructionRunwayOperational Benefits

Issued to Begin to Open (% operations)Minneapolis (MSP) 17/35 1998 1999 2005 19Cincinnati (CVG) 17/35 2001 2003 2005 12St. Louis (STL) 11/29 1998 2001 2006 48Atlanta (ATL) 10/28 2001 2001 2006 33Boston (BOS) 14/32 2000 2005 2006 Delay reduction

Philadelphia (PHL) 17/35 Ext. 2005 2005 2007 Delay reductionLos Angeles (LAX)7R/27L Reloc. 2005 2006 2007 Not available

Seattle (SEA) 16W/34W 1997 1998 2008 46

Table 1.1: New runways, runway extensions, and reconfigurations included in the

OEP [1]

has been issued, and the sponsor has provided the FAA with the dimensions, timing,

alignment, and planned use of the runway.

However, infrastructure expansion requires available land and extensive capital

funds2. The approval typically takes up to 10 years to go through lengthy processes

from cost/benefit and environment effect analyses to land evacuation and construc-

tion. New runways and runway extensions often have a high degree of environmental

controversy and are frequently subject to legal challenges by the “not-in-my-back-

yard” community objection. OEP Version 7.0 [1] pointed out: “Experience has shown

that projected opening dates frequently change due to unforeseen circumstances at

the local level. Full benefits of new runways and runway extensions are often depen-

dent on the use of operational procedures that have not yet achieved full acceptance

by pilots and controllers”. This observation further recognizes the alternative of using

existing infrastructure more efficiently, either through improved technology or better

2Since 1999, seven new runways have been commissioned at OEP airports at a cost of $1.9

billion [1]


Airport orProject

Estimated CYMetropolitan Area EIS Will Be Completed

Chicago OHare (ORD) Reconfiguration 2005Washington Dulles (IAD) Runway 2005

Chicago MetropolitanNew airport 2006

Area (Peotone)Philadelphia (PHL) Reconfiguration 2007

Ft. Lauderdale (FLL) Extension 2007Las Vegas Metropolitan

New airport 2008Area (Ivanpah Valley)

San Diego Metropolitan New airport TBDPortland International (PDX) Extension 2007

Salt Lake City (SLC) Extension 2008

Table 1.2: Runways, Runway Extensions, Reconfigurations or New Airports with

Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) or Planning Studies Underway [1]

scheduling practice through demand management.

1.1.2 Improvement of technology

Improvement of technology consists of implementing capacity-enhancing Control-

Navigation-Surveillance (CNS) systems for both enroute and departure/approach

phases. Weidner [5] assessed the airport capacity-related benefits of some CNS/ATM

technologies. Flight Management System (FMS) flight control provides lateral and

vertical navigation support that helps reduce flight variability in the extended termi-

nal airspace. The Center-Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) Automation

System (CTAS) Build 2 assists controllers in the sequencing and scheduling of arrival

traffic into congested airports, both at arrival fixes and landing runways. It is now

operational in prototype form at Dallas/Fort Worth airport (DFW). Currenly under

development, Active Final Approach Spacing Tool (AFAST) would provide controllers


with maneuver advisories to meet the CTAS sequences and schedules. Another future

concept consists of four-dimensional pilot-ATM arrival trajectory negotiation in the

extended terminal area. This would help synchronize arrival flows of aircraft equipped

with required-time of arrival (RTA) capabilities and traffic avoidance system such as

automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) equipment.

Modern CNS systems support air traffic flow management to better accommodate

demands on the day of operations. For long-term planning, viable procedures should

be devised to strategically bring demand in line with capacity. The recent US com-

mission on the future of the Aerospace Industry [6] recognizes that technology alone

will not solve the modernization and capacity limitation problem. Policies need to be

changed to cope with future operational and economic needs of the air transportation


1.1.3 Demand management

Fan02 [7] defines demand management measures as any set of administrative or eco-

nomic measures - or combinations thereof - aimed at balancing demand in aircraft

operations against airport capacities. These measures intend to coordinate changes

of airline schedule. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) provides de-

mand management guidelines for 3 different categories of airports: Non-coordinated

airports, schedules facilitated airports, and coordinated airports. Slot allocation pro-

cedures rely on airlines’ voluntary cooperation through IATA coordination at bian-

nual conferences [8]. The reader is referred to “A Practical Perspective on Airport

Demand Management” [7] for a thorough survey on airport demand management

schemes around the world.


1.2 Congestion management by demand manage-

ment in the US

Today, at most U.S. airports, airlines have latitude to schedule flights with no limits

on access other than those imposed by ATM requirements or by resource constraints

such as availability of passenger terminal gates. Air traffic controllers follow a first-

come, first-served acceptance rule.

Congestion management by demand management measures was first implemented

in 1969 with the High Density Rule (HDR)3 instituted at the John F. Kennedy Inter-

national (JFK), LaGuardia (LGA), Newark International (EWR), Chicago O’Hare

International (ORD), and Ronald Reagan Washington National (DCA) airports4.

The HDR limits the number of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) takeoffs/landings at

High Density Traffic Airports (HDTA) by hour or half hour during certain hours of

the day. The HDR classifies user groups as air carrier, commuter, and other operators.

Reservations, also called slots, for regularly scheduled IFR operations conducted by

air carrier and commuter operators are allocated in accordance with 14 CFR part 93,

subpart S, Allocation of Commuter and Air Carrier IFR Operations at HDTAs, which

consists of administrative approval by the Secretary of Transportation. A reservation

authorizes an operation only within the approved time period unless the flight en-

counters an air traffic control (ATC) traffic delay. Advisory Circular 93-1 provides

information for obtaining IFR and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) reservations for un-

scheduled operations at HDTAs. FAA stated that the rule would expire at the end of

1969 but then extended it to October 25, 1970. In 1973, it was extended indefinitely.

314 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] part 93, subpart K, High Density Traffic Airports4HDR restriction was lifted at EWR in the early 1970s, and at ORD on July 2, 2002


In addition, the perimeter rule limits flights at DCA and LGA at maximum 1,250

miles and 1,500 miles for nonstop market distance, respectively5.

The deregulation in 1978 brought about the massive expansion of air travel and

also the competitive tension between airlines that had been historically present at the

HDTAs and new airlines that wanted to enter the markets. In 1985, “grand-father

rights” institutionalized the slot ownership for current holders of slots allocated to

domestic operations. These carriers may sell or lease their slots, and have to return a

slot back to a pool of unused slots for re-allocation if it is used by the current holder

for less than 80% of the time. This “use-it-or-lose-it” provision was initially designed

to prevent non-competitive holding of slots, promote efficiency in utilizing runway

capacity, and market entrance. However, there are two criticisms of this practice.

The first is that the airlines do not own these slots, and the airport operator should

be allowed to manage the allocation of these slots to assure safety, control congestion

and maximize passenger/freight throughput. The second is that airlines are accused

of being selective in choosing who is allowed to purchase slots from them, thereby

preventing competitors from gaining access to useful slots.

The Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century

(AIR-21), enacted in April 2000, initially intended to address the competition issue of

the grand-father rights at LGA, JFK and ORD. It exempted from the HDR limits cer-

tain flights by new entrant or limited incumbent air carriers using 70-seat or smaller

aircraft between a small hub or non-hub airport and these three airports. It also pro-

vided for ORD to eliminate slot controls in 2002, and for LGA and JFK to eliminate

5The controversial Wright and Shelby Amendments imposed perimeter rule and aircraft size at

Dallas Love Field airport in 1979 and 1997 respectively, although not for congestion reason


slot controls on January 1, 2007. Immediately, airlines filed exemption requests for

more than 600 daily flights at LaGuardia, which represented a daily increase of more

than 50 percent of operations. The additional 300 accepted flights then pushed Fall

2000 demand 20% above the airport’s capacity, as shown in Figure 1.1. This resulted

in record delays at LGA, with an average delay per aircraft of almost 90 minutes (see

Figure 1.2).

There were more than 9,000 delay flights at LaGuardia in September 2000, up

from 3,108 in September 1999, which constituted more than 25% of the delayed

flights in the entire country, up from 12% in the previous year. The percentage

of delayed flights at LaGuardia, 15.6%, was nearly twice that at the nearest airport,

Newark International, at 8%. Furthermore, as the problems caused by congestion and

delays worsened, a ripple effect was experienced at airports across the NAS. Airlines

routinely cancelled scheduled flights, especially in afternoon and evening hours, in an

effort to avoid greater delays on other flights that would depart for LGA late in the


On September 19, 2000, in response to mounting delays, the Port Authority of

New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) announced that it was imposing a moratorium

on additional flights at LGA. The FAA followed with its own plan to rescind the

AIR-21 LGA slot exemptions that had already been granted and redistribute those

exemptions by a lottery. FAA described this measure as temporary and said it would

terminate restrictions on September 15, 2001. The controversial slot lottery randomly

allocated 159 exemption slots to incumbent carriers serving small communities and

new entrant airlines. On June 7, 2001, FAA placed a Notice in the Federal Register

regarding demand management at LGA. The Notice solicited public comments on


Figure 1.1: Increasing traffic intensity at EWR, LGA, and JFK airports

Figure 1.2: Similar trends of average delay per aircraft at EWR, LGA, and JFK



potential methods to allocate LGA airport capacity.

The events of September 11, 2001, followed by the economic slowdown in mid

2002, brought down demand and diverted attention from airport congestion to air-

port safety. The outcome of the lottery remains in effect today with minor changes

determined by an administrative process. Over the past few years, demands at the

three airports have increased back to pre-2001 levels, and at LGA it now surpasses the

airport’s capacity (see Figure 1.1, where facility-reported capacities are calculated by

averaging actual daily capacities throughout the observation period). The rebound

in operations has brought about resurgence in delays to pre-2001 levels, with EWR

having average delay per aircraft as high as one hour. Delay patterns of LGA, EWR,

and JFK are shown in Figure 1.2. They exhibit periodic behavior with mid-summer

and mid-winter having highest delays. The similarity in pattern of the three curves

reflects that the three airports, being close to each other, experience the same seasonal

traffic trend and weather effects.

The removal of HDR at ORD airport in July 2002 experienced the same over-

scheduling and severe congestion problems as at LGA airport in 2001. From April

2000 through November 2003, American and United Airlines, the two dominant carri-

ers that provide 85% of flights at ORD, increased their scheduled operations between

the hours of 12 p.m. and 7:59 p.m. by 10.5% and 41% respectively. However, seat

capacity by each carrier decreased more than 5.5 percent over the same period. By

November 2003, O’Hare was the most congested airport in the NAS with record num-

ber of delays: only 57% arrivals and 67% departures were on time, and delays averaged

about an hour per flight [3]. The government’s efforts in administrative congestion

regulation led to the two airlines’ two rounds of schedule cutbacks in March and June


2004, only to be met by other airlines’ addition of flights. Bilateral scheduling re-

duction meetings between DOT officials and individual airlines were then necessary.

In these meetings, the government mostly reinstated HDR for arrivals at ORD as a

temporary measure until April 2008.

1.3 Motivation

The over-scheduling that causes delay and congestion reflects increasing demand in

airline operations. However, this increasing demand is partly manifested by the inef-

ficiencies within the overall airline schedules.

At EWR airport, the increasing number of operations is contrasted by the decline

in passenger throughput. The blue time-series bars of the first chart in Figure 1.3 plot

the annual actual operations at EWR, and the red time-series bars show the annual

passengers. These time series do not have a common y-axis as the chart intends to

show the relative trend of individual time-series. One notices three trends: (i) the

number of operations has increased little over the period; (ii) the number of passengers

has decreased slightly and (iii) the size of aircraft used has decreased significantly.

Despite constantly high levels of operations, the average aircraft size is decreasing

from 133 seats in 2000 down to 105 seats in 2005.

One can see similar trends of aircraft size at LGA. The overall shift from large jets

to smaller aircraft increases the system workload while keeping passenger throughput

the same or decreasing. Systemwise, regional jets carry fewer passengers each flight

and represent 37 percent of the commercial traffic at the nation’s 35 busiest airports,

up from 30 percent in 2000 [1]. For the FAA, less weight-based landing fees due to

increasing proportion of small aircraft have resulted in less tax revenues flowing into


Figure 1.3: Increasing operations vs. decreasing enplanements at EWR, decreasing

aircraft size at EWR and LGA


the Aviation Trust Fund, which pays for most of the FAA’s costs to run the system.

Due to the industry’s economics of scale and competition pressure, airlines have

incentive to schedule smaller aircraft at higher frequency, causing congestion to persist

even when the U.S. air traffic system builds more runways and/or improves computer

facilities. As a result, appropriate demand management measures have become more

critical to help regulate the demand, especially to prepare for the current planned

removal of HDR at LGA and JFK in January 2007. FAA’s 2001 “Notice of Alterna-

tive Policy Options for Managing Capacity at LaGuardia Airport” [9], DOT’s 2001

“Notice of Market-based Actions to Relieve Airport Congestion and Delay” [10], and

FAA’s 2005 “Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), Congestion and Delay Re-

duction at Chicago O’Hare International Airport” were met with extensive response

from the industry [11] [12], the research community [7][13][14][15], and other inter-

ested parties [16][17][18][19] demonstrating the relevance of the issue. Subsequent

FAA-sponsored Congestion Game 1 conducted at George Mason University in Nov

2004 [20], and Congestion Game 2 conducted at University of Maryland in Febru-

ary 2005 [21] investigated the impacts of various administrative and market-based


Similarly to those efforts, this dissertation aims to contribute to the understanding

of potential demand management solutions at congested airports such as EWR, LGA

and ORD. In particular, current slot restrictions at LGA and JFK are due to be

lifted on January 1, 2007. As of June 2005, no policy or plan is in place to manage

congestion after that time. If slot controls are extended in 2007, government goals of

increasing the fairness and efficiency of airport use will go unmet.


1.4 Statement of the problem

We demonstrate that the current congestion situation is caused in large part by the

existing rules. Specifically, we show that grand-father rights with 80%-use-it-or-lose-

it requirement, and slot exemptions lead to great inefficient use of airport capacity.

We point out that this inefficiency affects both airlines and airports. Faced with

projected traffic growth, the current rules at congested airports have to change.

We then examine the economics of providing air transport at congested airports

from both airline’s and airport’s perspective. We calculate average price elasticities

at various times of day based on sample ticket prices, actual sales and schedules.

We couple this with cost data for the airlines to determine the profit-maximizing

fleet size needed to accommodate demand. By examining such schedules, we can

determine goals that achieve better throughput without altering the natural behavior

of the flying public. By answering the above questions, we hope to better understand

incentives that would encourage a better reallocation of air traffic.

In order to better understand how to encourage efficient use of congested airports,

we state our research problem as follows:

Research Problem 1 Are current rules of slot allocation the main causes of the

congestion problem?

Research Problem 2 Focusing on LGA airport where the congestion problem has

been the most severe, and assuming that current slot allocation rules causing conges-

tion identified in research problem 1 are removed, can we identify flight schedules and


fleet mix that are profitable to airlines and that can accommodate the existing de-

mand yet reduce congestion, given current prices and price ellasticities? Specifically,

to accommodate profitably the current demand,

• What is the optimal fleet mix and frequency for each market?

• What would altering the schedule and fleet mix impact:

– Average delay per aircraft?

– Operation throughput?

– Enplanement opportunities?

– Fare?

– Number of markets?

Analyzing airline schedules requires the understanding of airline economics and

operations to avoid unduly affecting the business models of air carriers by forcing

impractical regulations. Therefore, modeling airline scheduling decisions is essential.

Initially, modeling individual airlines and their interaction in an N-side game setting

is theoretically desirable. However, this approach is impractical for many reasons:

• There is an infinite number of competition behaviors. Faced with incomplete

market information and competition pressures, an airline could react rationally

or irrationally, optimally or suboptimally depending on the market’s structure.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to model all possible behaviors or even be able

to identify such behaviors.

• Behavior of new entrants would require assumptions and data that are difficult

to validate.


• Publicly available data for individual airlines are limited, especially for small

carriers with little market presence. The data also contain inherent noise.

We therefore take a novel approach toward answering the above questions. We

model a single benevolent airline that seeks to optimize the profit of its operations at

LGA airport. While still modeled as profit-maximizing, this single airline is benevo-

lent in the sense that (i) the airline reacts to actual and realistic price elasticities of

demand that are estimated in a competitive market, and (ii) it is willing to cooperate

with the public goals. Its resulting optimal schedule can provide an analytical bench-

mark towards which a reallocation of air traffic load should be encouraged to move.

Clearly, the idea of a monopoly airline is neither practical nor desirable, but solv-

ing the scheduling from a single benevolent airline’s perspective might help airport

authorities understand how best to encourage efficient use of airport resources, may

indicate the relative cost of serving specific markets, and also better understand the

effects of altering traffic loads within given periods on delays and prices. On the other

hand, the real market data we use to estimate price elasticities incorporate actual de-

mand curves and prices of the current competitive market, not of a monopoly market.

Therefore, the concept of a single benevolent airline should not be too restrictive.

1.5 Contributions of this dissertation

The research presented in this dissertation seeks to validate the following hypothesis:

1.5.1 Primary hypothesis

Hypothesis 1 The current congestion situation is caused in large part by the exist-

ing rules of slot allocation. Specifically, grand-father rights with 80%-use-it-or-lose-it


requirement, and slot exemptions lead to great inefficient use of airport capacity.

Hypothesis 2 Without the restriction rules identified in hypothesis 1, there exist

profitable flight schedules that can accommodate the current passenger demand and

reduce flight delay.

1.5.2 Research scope

The case study of our research focuses on LGA airport. LGA is a typical non-hub

airport that serves mostly local traffic to and from domestic markets. The same

methodology can be used to examine other congested regions and expanded to con-

sider larger networks. Specifically, the research seeks the optimal domestic flight and

fleet schedules for nonstop markets at LGA from a single benevolent airline’s perspec-

tive. We only consider markets that have daily profitable schedules to LGA. When

the model does not accommodate all the demand of a certain market (because it is

unprofitable to do so regardless of airplane size), which leads to capacity reduction or

even removal, such results can highlight the cost of maintaining the current demand


Excess of operations, once identified, would be assumed to move to reliever airports

in the area such as Stuart, White Plains, Islip, or Teterboro. How this excess should

be reallocated is beyond the scope of this dissertation.

Additionally, runway capacity is used as a surrogate to airport capacity, with the

assumption that other facilities such as ATC, taxiway, ramps, gates, and terminals

have sufficient resources to support the operation of airport runways at their capacity

levels6. We evaluate the on-time performance of the resulting schedules, and other

6Klein et al. [22] investigated the constraints of these support facilities on the fleet mix at LGA


metrics of interest such as the operations throughput, enplanement opportunities,

changes in fare, changes in the number of markets, and aircraft size.

The research investigates different optimal reallocation benchmarks for scenarios

with different capacities and public goals, along with guidelines for potential transition

paths. However, detailed transition plans require in-depth investigation into different

allocation mechanisms (administrative or market-based) and therefore are beyond the

scope of this dissertation.

1.5.3 Contributions

Contributions of this dissertation are categorized into four main areas:

Development of an airline flight and fleet scheduling model that incor-

porates the interaction of demand and supply through price (Chapter 3)

Appropiate congestion measures require the understanding of airline economics and

operations to avoid unduly affecting the business models of air carriers by forcing

impractical regulations. Therefore, modeling airline scheduling decisions is a central

part of this research. Unlike existing flight scheduling models that use fare as a pa-

rameter, our flight and fleet scheduling model considers fare as a variable negatively

dependent on supply level. This design choice allows the analysis of effects of changes

in schedules on average fares.

Development of a computationally-efficient solution algorithm to find the

optimal set of schedules (Chapter 3) We devise at each of the airports a column

generation algorithm to determine the optimal collection of schedules for each of the

Origin-Destination pairs based on the capacity constraints of the airports in study.


The decomposition algorithm decomposes the problem into a master problem that

optimizes use of the airports while the subproblems find optimal O/D schedules based

on current prices and demand curves.

Development of a methodology for estimating demand curves by time of

the day from publicly available sources (Chapter 4) We perform data mining

of ASPM and BTS databases to break down the aggregate data by quarter of the

year to aggregate data by day and time of day.

Development of a delay stochastic simulation network model to evaluate

flight schedules (Chapter 5) We develop a simulation model that explicitly con-

siders wake vortex separation standards between categories of aircraft to simulate

runway capacity. Delays are estimated based on runway capacity. The simulation

model is simpler than the Total Airspace and Airport Modeler (TAAM), and yet

capable of evaluating the implications of fleet mix on runway operations throughput.

Demonstration of the existence of profitable airline schedules that reduce

congestion and accommodate current passenger throughput level (Chapter

6) We find the optimal demand allocation benchmarks for scenarios that assume

different capacity levels and public goals. The public goals investigated in this disser-

tation are (i) maximizing profit, (ii) maximizing seat throughput, and (iii) maximizing

the number of markets and seat throughput. The resulting schedules are then eval-

uated against the metrics of interest: Operations throughput, average flight delay,

seat throughput, average aircraft size, number of regular markets, and average fare.

The results show that at Instrument Meteorological Condition (IMC) rate of runway


capacity, airlines’ profit-maximizing responses can be expected to find scheduling so-

lutions that offer 70% decrease in flight delays, 20% reduced in number of flights with

almost no loss of markets and no loss of passenger throughput.

1.6 The potential readers

This research should be of interest to both the public policy makers and airport

authorities. With modifications to include specific business constraints, airlines could

also extend this model to analyze and restructure the flight networks.

1.7 Dissertation outline

The next chapter answers the first hypothesis by conducting data analysis. We use

flight load factors and aircraft sizes as two main metrics to point out the inefficiency

in current slot usage. Current policy that affects these two metrics is then identified.

Chapter 3 provides a review of current research on demand management. We

present different proposals, studies and experiments, and summarize their premises,

analysis techniques, findings, pros and cons. In addition, we also investigate the

literature of works related to our research approach. These include integrated models

of flight scheduling and fleet assignment, and models of flight delay simulation.

In Chapter 4, we develop the mathematical formulation for our airline scheduling

model and government’s allocation model. While the airline scheduling model only

seeks to maximize profit, we formulate three different objective functions for the

government’s model. The interaction between demand and supply through prices is

explicitly incorporated in the airline model by the use of revenue functions and their


piecewise linear approximations. The concept of nesting revenue functions to model

demand spill and recapture is introduced next. Column generation is then used to

link these problems to find the final solution.

Chapter 5 explains how we estimate parameters for the scheduling models using

publicly available databases. To build the arcs of the flight network for each market,

we calculate flight lengths for different fleets. Cost is then added to the arcs using

estimated direct operating cost and fuel consumption. To estimate revenues, we

contract the daily demand curves for time windows of two time granularities.

Our stochastic delay simulation network model presented in Chapter 6 serves to

evaluate the output schedules. The model simulates the aircraft dynamics through

queuing systems of the enroute airspace and various airport facilities. We assume that

runway capacity is the main chokepoint. Wake vortex separation between pairs of air-

craft determines runway throughput. We present delay and cancellation propagation

to simulate network effects.

In Chapter 7, the solution procedures are applied to LGA airport. We investigate

scenarios corresponding to different objective functions andn airport operational rates.

Metrics of interest are evaluated, compared, and interpreted.

Finally, chapter 8 summarizes the major contributions and findings of this disser-

tation. We also outline future improvements, and potential directions for research in

demand management.

Chapter 2: Literature Review of Prior Research

This chapter presents a survey of the latest proposals for congestion management,

followed by current developments of existing analytical tools that are needed in our

approach. We start with demand management measures and discuss the general ad-

vantages and limitations of each option. As airline scheduling reactions are important

in the assessment of new demand management procedures, we next describe models

that could be potentially used to simulate airline responses. The resulting schedules

then need to be evaluated in terms of delay performance. Therefore, we conclude the

chapter by looking at some major delay and cancellation estimation models.

2.1 Congestion Management by Demand Manage-

ment Measures

When capacity expansion is either not possible or will not occur prior to serious de-

lays without some congestion management tool, one needs procedures for limiting

the demand into a congested airport. Government agencies (e.g. the Department of

Transportation, the FAA, the House of Representatives), industry spokesmen, and the

research community have identified and studied potential methods to allocate runway

capacity at airports with high demand. Such options include administrative proce-

dures, market-based options and some hybrid approaches. Administrative options

consider removing certain users, restricting entry of unscheduled flights, and alter-

ing the mix of users through lottery or legislature. Market-based proposals advocate



congestion pricing and slot auctions. We present many of these ideas next.

2.1.1 Administrative options

The Subcommittee on Aviation’s Hearing on The Slot Lottery at LaGuardia Airport

[23], FAA’s 2001 Notice of Alternative Policy Options for Managing Capacity at

LaGuardia Airport and Proposed Extension of the Lottery Allocation [9], and FAA’s

2005 Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), Congestion and Delay Reduction at

Chicago O’Hare International Airport [24] suggest the following:

Reallocate general aviation (GA) aircraft slots. Six slots per hour at La-

Guardia are allocated for general aviation flights by corporate jets. These unsched-

uled private flights could move to Teterboro airport in New Jersey, which is only

12 miles to midtown Manhattan and functions as a general aviation reliever airport.

However, Teterboro airport is currently highly congested as well.

Eliminate extra sections. An extra section is an additional flight that is added

dynamically by airlines to accommodate the overflow passengers. Extra sections are

popular on the Washington to New York and Boston to New York hourly shuttles

when the first flight (or section) fills up. Airlines do not need a slot or slot exemption

to operate an extra section.

Eliminate the use-or-lose-it requirement. The requirement that airlines use

their slots at least 80% of the time was imposed to ensure these limited assets would

actually be used and not hoarded. This has, in the past, forced carriers to operate

unwanted flights just to maintain their slots for “better times”, resulting in inefficient


use of runway capacity. If airlines did not have to be concerned about the loss of a

slot, they might be more willing to reduce their schedule.

Increase the use-or-lose-it requirement to 90% of the time for a two-month

period The option expects to create a faster turn-around of unused slots so that

scarce public resource can be exploited to the greatest possible extent. However, a

higher threshold of utilization rate is likely to increase the inefficiency created by the

80% limit.

Suspend leases under the buy-sell rule. The buy-sell rule allows the slot holder

to lease unused slots to other air carriers. Under this rule, a carrier could use a slot for

weekday flights and then lease the same slot to another carrier for weekend operations.

The Notice suggests that suspending leases under the buy-sell rule would reduce slot

usage rates by only allowing one carrier to use a slot during any given week.

Extend the lottery from slot exemptions mandated by AIR-21 to all slots

and slot exemptions. Slot lottery was initially considered as a temporary measure

as randomly allocating scarce resources obviously can not be optimal. Slot lottery

remains in effect until today because better solutions identified so far are not ready

to be implemented. The lottery of slot exemptions involves only a small number of

exemption flights by new entrants and small, non-incumbent carriers, to small and

non-hub airports. We argue that extending the lottery to all slots would unduly

disrupt the existing market structure with long established schedules of incumbent

airlines, and demand. Consequently, this option would only exacerbate the allocation

inefficiency and provoke strong opposition from incumbent airlines.


Allow antitrust immunity. Before the Airline Deregulation Act in 1978, the Civil

Aeronautics Board (CAB), FAA’s predecessor agency, had antitrust immunity au-

thority that allowed airlines to meet and coordinate their schedule within capacity

constraints at an airport. However, such capacity reduction agreements were consid-

ered anti-competitive and were prohibited by the Deregulation Act. CAB retained

the authority to grant anti-trust immunity and that authority transferred to DOT

when the CAB was abolished at the end of 1984. DOT granted anti-trust immunity

to the airlines in 1987 so that they could meet and agree to adjustments in their

schedules in order to reduce the delays that were occurring at that time. In 1989,

DOT’s antitrust immunity authority expired. If this provision of antitrust immunity

was in effect, several small communities that gained service from more than one air-

line under the AIR-21 slot exemptions could coordinate to reduce their frequencies

and consolidate their capacities [23].

Various government agencies, the industry and research community provide qual-

itative assessment of these administrative options. “Reallocate GA aircraft slots”

would remove these small aircraft to make more slots available to larger airliners.

However, the healthy GA community at LGA would want to maintain their easy ac-

cess to downtown Manhattan [17][18]. On the other hand, we think that “Eliminate

the use-or-lose-it requirement” is not practical. Faced with competition pressures

of the economics of scale, airlines would still schedule flights to compete for market

presence. Otherwise, this would allow slot hoarding, airlines will hold on to their

slots without using them, and therefore this option would hinder market access by

other carriers. As such, neither efficiency nor competition gain can be achieved. “In-

crease the use-or-lose-it requirement” might also cause airlines to lose their slots due


to unforeseen scheduling conflicts that they could have used productively at a lower

threshold, or force the airlines to fly even more unwanted flights [11][18]. “Suspend

leases under the buy-sell rule” could force airlines reveal their true slot demands but

could also aggravate the inefficiency of the use-or-lose-it requirement as airlines try to

hold on to their slots [23][12]. Similarly, random allocation of scarce runway capaci-

ties to airlines without consideration of economic implications on the markets served

in “Extend the lottery” option is highly inefficient and disruptive to long-standing

services [16][18]. Finally, “Allow antitrust immunity” likely causes potential nega-

tive effects on competition and price, which are the main reasons for AIR-21 slot

exemptions. [18] pointed out that “competition-related problems are inherent in any

administrative allocation of slots. These problems will not be fixed by incremental

changes but only by a more comprehensive market-based approach”.

2.1.2 Market-based options

Let the market decide, laissez-faire. An FAA-mandated 1995 study of the slot

rules concluded that lifting the HDR and allowing laissez-faire would double average

all-weather delays at HDTAs, leading to increased delays at other airports because

of the ripple effects on the Nation Aviation System (NAS) [25]. The delays that

occurred following the passage of AIR-21, and the removal of HDR at ORD airport

[26] demonstrated the impracticality of this option.

Congestion or peak-hour pricing. The current scheme of weight-based landing

fees incentivizes airlines to schedule higher frequencies of smaller aircraft. A small

aircraft occupies the same slot as a large one. Thus passenger throughput declines as


smaller aircraft is employed. In contrast, congestion pricing consists of charging a flat

landing fee based upon demand at a particular time of day. Therefore, fees for peak

periods will be higher than for off-peak periods, preventing low-value flights from

being scheduled in peak periods. Increasing per flight cost is expected to encourage

airlines to upguage, and therefore increase the passenger throughput.

While being relatively under-explored in aviation, congestion pricing of transport

networks has been common in road traffic. Examples include traditional methods

using toll booths such as turnpikes and toll roads, as well as more modern schemes

employing electronic toll collection such as the London congestion charge [27], and the

Trondheim toll scheme in Norway [28][29] which both use flat rate. Singapore’s Elec-

tronic Road Pricing [30] imposes time and location-varying rates for access into the

central business district with no toll during off-peak hours. The Highway 407 bypass

of Toronto, Ontario not only allows transponder-equipped cars but also uses digital

video technology to read license plates of cars without transponder, matches them

against the Motor Vehicle Registry’s database, and sends out a monthly bill. High-

way 407 uses variable pricing: higher fees during the morning and evening commuting

times cause discretionary trips to shift to other times of the day, easing congestion for

those paying the higher rates. High-occupancy toll lanes (such as SR-91 in Orange

County, California and Interstate 15 in San Diego, California) charge single-occupant

vehicles who wish to use lanes or entire roads that are designated for the use of high-

occupancy vehicles (HOVs, also known as carpools). There is a pre-determined toll

schedule for every hour of the day. Overall, these implementations, although faced

with initial objection and skepticism, have helped to tweak road usage patterns, de-

crease demand and average trip time in the tolled areas, eventually gaining public



Congestion pricing of airport runway access can be considered as a reactive mea-

sure in the sense that prices are adjusted in response to recorded delay levels. Price

regulator would set time-based prices for slots and airlines would set their demands

accordingly. As a result, airline long-term planning is subject to cost uncertainty.

Comments of The US Department of Justice on congestion pricing [18] pointed out

that “a drawback to congestion pricing is the regulator’s lack of knowledge about

what price to set. A regulator may not have good enough information to allow it

to set the right price without frequent experimentation”. Therefore, convergence of

the pricing process is uncertain. In addition, congestion pricing does not consider

the fact that airlines also need gates and ticket counters to operate. The flexibility

in scheduling might not be fully realized if dynamic allocation of support facilities is

not guaranteed.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) strongly advocates moving to a market-

based slot allocation system [17],[18]. [18] mentioned a congestion pricing application

to highway traffic in Southern California. Corbett (2002) [19] however raised the

concern that flights by small aircraft or to small communities are most likely to suffer

under a congestion pricing approach.

In addition to qualitative references above, recent research contributes more an-

alytical analysis of congestion pricing. Daniel [14] models and estimates equilibrium

congestion prices at a hub airport. Daniel utilizes stochastic queuing theory to com-

pute delays which then translate to congestion costs and prices. The stochastic queu-

ing model is similar to that of Koopman [31] where arrival demands are modeled


as nonstationary Poisson distributions. However, it allows multiple servers in treat-

ing departure queues and arrival queues independently, and it assumes deterministic

service time. At the beginning of each 10-min period t, the probability distribution

of the number of aircraft in the system is estimated by solving a set of Chapman-

Kolmogorov equations. These equations are valid for all non negative values of the

utilization rate ρ in contrast to the steady state results which apply only to situations

where 0 ≤ ρ < 1. Specifically, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations solve for the prob-

ability pi(t), i=0,1,2...,m, of having i customers in the system at time t. Expected

queue length at t is then derived and expected waiting time at t can be calculated.

A bottle neck model of airline response adjusts traffic patterns to react to queuing

delays and congestion fees. Operations at hub airports form closely scheduled arrival

and departure banks to increase load factor and decrease connection time. The bottle

neck model assumes costs for each unit of deviation time when an aircraft (i) arrives

before the scheduled arrival time, (ii) arrives after the scheduled arrival time, (iii)

departs before the scheduled departure time, and (iv) departs after the scheduled

departure time. Individual airlines maximize their cost; the social-cost minimizing

planner minimizes the total cost to find congestion prices for actual flight times. Con-

gestion prices are calculated mathematically by evaluating first-order derivatives of

cost formulas. Airlines use congestion prices to update flight costs and solve for the

optimal schedule. The process iterates until equilibriums are found. The approach

was illustrated with an empirical application of the model to Minneapolis-St. Paul

airport (MSP). The research demonstrated a mechanism to compute congestion prices

and attain equilibriums. The results in [14] showed that congestion pricing causes a

reallocation of small aircraft to off-peak periods or to other airports.


Pels [32] argued that “several characteristics of aviation markets may make naive

congestion prices equal to the value of marginal delays a non-optimal response”. Pels

pointed out the differences between congestion pricing for road traffic and for aviation:

road traffic considers link-based tolls and road users typically do not have market

power, air transportation is rather node-constrained and airlines often compete under

oligopolistic conditions. Pels’ airport pricing model reflects that (i) “airlines typically

have market power and are engaged in oligopolistic competition at different sub-

markets”, and that (ii) “part of external delays that aircraft impose are internal to

an operator and hence should not be accounted for in congestion tolls”. Pels analyzed

market power distortions in congestion pricing with a two-airport two-airline example

using test data.

Fan [33] demonstrated the effects of demand management when reducing the to-

tal number of flights or spreading out the demand profile. Fan estimated delay in

hour and in aircraft-hour of different schedules: (i) 1,348/day that causes 1 hour

and 20 minutes of delay/flight from 8pm-10pm, (ii) 1,205/day (-10%) that causes

20min/flight (-80%) for the same period, runway capacity set at 75ops/hour, and (iii)

a hypothetical schedule of 1,205/day with demand evenly distributed throughput the

day. The delay estimates suggested that a reduction in total demand is necessary for

airports with constantly high demand profile (LGA), and a shift in demand profile for

airports that have peaks and off-peaks. Fan then investigated the economic benefits

resulting from adopting fine versus coarse congestion tolls for markets with both sym-

metric and asymmetric carriers [13]. Time-based congestion prices were calculated as

the marginal delay cost (=marginal delay * average unit operating cost) caused by

adding a flight at different times of day. The results show that the current landing


fees are a lot less than the estimated marginal costs, which can be over $7000 for half

of the day when demand is 1,348/day. Fan concluded that given reasonably elastic

responses in terms of frequency adjustments, the benefits to carriers of instituting

congestion pricing generally exceed the amount of tolls collected.

Schank [34] looked at Boston, LaGuardia and Heathrow airports where conges-

tion pricing had been implemented. He identified institutional barriers that prevent

effective implementation of this option. The identified institutional barriers include

the problem of displaced passengers when low-value flights are displaced, the political

and social equity issues. Social equity is defined as fair treatment vis--vis all groups

of aircraft size. As a result, the research does not recommend the use of congestion

pricing without adequate alternatives for displaced passengers.

Strategic slot auction in primary market Optimal allocation would require

that those flights that are most able to switch to off-peak slots do so, leaving peak

capacity to those that are willing to pay more for the service. Conventional eco-

nomic wisdom suggests that auctions are an efficient allocation mechanism for scarce

resources. Auctions have been successfully used for radio spectrum allocation with

large numbers of interrelated regional licenses [35]. Although modifications would be

required for slot allocation, the use of auctions by the Federal Government to allocate

scarce resources demonstrates the feasibility of using auctions even for complex allo-

cation problems. Airport slots could be packaged with gates and ticket counters. A

strategic auction would establish the rights for airlines to schedule service in specific

time slots. However, since the network is highly stochastic, flights might not be able

to depart/arrive during the designated slots. Therefore, on the day of operations,


slots could also be exchanged tactically. Altogether, auctioning slots at the strategic

level could synchronize traffic demand with limited system capacity, and provide a

legal basis for tactical slot exchange to encourage extensive usage of scarce resources.

Proposals to allocate airport time slots using market-driven mechanisms such as

auctions date back to 1979 with the work of Grether, Issac, and Plot [36]. Their proce-

dure was based upon the competitive (uniform-price) sealed-bid auctions for primary

market, complemented by the oral double auction for the secondary market. Rassenti

and Smith [37] explored the use of combinatorial sealed-bid package auctions as the

primary market for allocating airport runway slots. This auction procedure permits

airlines to submit various contingency bids for flight-compatible combinations of in-

dividual airport landing or take-off slots. These studies carried out lab experiments

with cash-motivated subjects and hypothetical slot values. The focus was mainly

on the efficiency and robustness of the auction design in terms of demand revelation,

provided that bidders know the values of the slots and would perform truthful bidding

as their best strategy in a sealed bid auction. However, the assumption that airlines

know the values of slots to submit in a sealed bid auction may be impractical. More-

over, airline network constraints and the large number of slot combinations imply

that an iterative bidding process is indispensable to allow for bidders’ adjustments

without the need for enumerating an exponential number of alternative bids.

The 2001 study by DotEcon Ltd [38] investigated the use of slot auctions at

Heathrow and Gatwick airports in London. In addition to a thorough summary of

the current slot allocation schema in E.U., governed by E.U. Regulation 95/93, and

their implications, [38] proposed simultaneous multiple round auctions of “lot” com-

plemented by a last sealed-bid round. A lot includes the right to use both the runway


and terminal facilities. To ensure incentive compatibility, the study proposed pricing

based on opportunity costs rather than the amount winners bid, i.e. winners pay the

highest value alternative use of the capacity. This pricing scheme can be thought

of as second-price payment for single item auctions or Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG)

mechanism for multi-unit multi-item auctions [39][35][40]. The study concluded that

in general, slot auction in primary trading and bilateral buy-sell negotiations in sec-

ondary trading would benefit consumers by increased volume of flights and decreased

fares. However, this conclusion is drawn from qualitative analyses and highly aggre-

gate calculations. There is no modeling of airline scheduling decisions.

A follow-up study by National Economic Research Associates (NERA) [41] ex-

tended DotEcon’s study [38] to provide a more systematic assessment of different

slot allocation schemes at 32 E.U. Category 1 airports. [41] suggested that market

mechanisms in both primary and secondary trading have the potential to address

many of the inefficiencies of current schema. Specifically, a simultaneous ascending

auction, where all lots are sold (either individually or in combination) is most suitable

for the allocation of airport slots. The study concluded that proper implementation

of market mechanisms will result in higher passenger volumes, higher load factors,

reallocation of flights to off-peak times or to uncongested airports, and lower fares

on average. Similarly to [38], the conclusion is highly qualitative with illustrative

calculations of aggregate statistics.

Fan [13] recommended simultaneously ascending auctions for airports with sym-

metric carriers. Interestingly enough, Fan suggested that a market-based demand

management policy can comprise both congestion pricing and slot lease auctions.

Ball (2005) et al. [42] reviewed slot allocation in the U.S and presented a framework


for airport slot auction design. The authors put forward the need for three types

of market mechanisms: an auction of long-term leases of arrival and/or departure

slots, a secondary market that supports inter-airline exchange of long-term leases and

a near-real-time market that allows for the exchange of slots on a particular day of

operation. [42] showed that not only would auctions assure that demand is in line

with capacity, but also that the proceeds from auctions would provide the investment

in aircraft avionics to increase capacity in the future by allowing a safe reduction

in aircraft separation. By including many public policy constraints in the design,

an auction encouraging new entries (by providing bidding credits), and discouraging

or disallowing monopolistic control over markets by not allowing a single career to

be awarded more than a given percentage of the available slots. Similarly to [38],

the auction design was a simultaneous multiple round ascending bid auction which

lumps landing/takeoff rights with gates, ticketing and baggage handing facilities. [42]

however did not provide any experimental results.

As an effort to identify potential demand management measures, the FAA and

the Department of Transportation (DOT) requested the member universities of The

National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR) to design

and conduct a series of government-industry strategic simulations or games to help the

government evaluate three candidate policy options [20]. George Mason University

(GMU) and the University of Maryland (UMD) conducted the fist game in November

4-5, 2004 to explore the HDR and congestion pricing options for LGA airport. Within

the context of the first game, a “Potential Notification of Proposed Rule Making for

an FAA Slot Auction” solicited comments about an ascending clock auction design

with intra-round and package bidding. The proposal suggested the auctioning of 20%


of the slots per 15-minute period at LGA every year, with a slot referring to both a

take-off and a landing. The auction determines winning bids for arrivals, and requires

that the associated departures be scheduled within 1.5 hours after the scheduled

landing time of the arrival. Vouchers are introduced as a way to offset the loss of

incumbents’ grandfather rights. A second game took place in February 24-25, 2005

where the industry played a mock auction of LGA landing slots. Both games involved

interested persons from the airline industry, academia, the FAA, airport operator

and federal government communities. Participants played decision-making roles in

simulated real-world scenarios. Due to time limitations, the few simulation rounds run

for each option are not enough to draw significant conclusions about airline scheduling

responses or to find equilibriums. However, the games achieved their design goal:

allowing interested parties to experience first-hand the process of congestion pricing,

and also introducing the industry to how an auction might be run for their application.

The researchers obtained much feedback from the participants. Of particular note

were (i) carriers’ requirement that slots to be combined with other facilities such as

gates, baggage handling facilities, ticket counters, and overnight parking spaces; (ii)

and the need of a transparent disposition of proceedings. Additionally, off-record

discussions proposed auctioning slots at two different levels of priority: high-priority

and low-priority slots. High-priority slots would be guaranteed access during IMC

when airport capacity is reduced, whereas low-priority slots would not. Although

this idea appeared interesting from the research point of view, it was considered too

complicated for implementation.


2.1.3 Hybrid options

Maintain HDR and Blind Buy/Sell in secondary market Although HDR

does not create property rights of runway slots, airlines are allowed to sell or lease

unused slots in the secondary market. The purchase, sale or lease of slots in the

secondary market can promote efficient use of slots. These transactions usually in-

volve bilateral negotiation between airlines, on-going government intervention in the

secondary market slot transactions is minimal. However, airlines can discriminate

buyers/tenants to their benefits by giving slots to non-competing carriers and pre-

venting access to competing ones. A blind auction of slots available in the secondary

market that is overseen by the FAA could prevent airlines from engaging in collusion

or purposely not selling/leasing to a particular competitor.

[18] pointed out that “competition-related problems are inherent in any adminis-

trative allocation of slots. These problems will not be fixed by incremental changes

such as adding a blind buy/sell rule as suggested in the Notice [9], but only by a more

comprehensive market-based approach”.

2.1.4 Summary

Table 2.1 summaries administrative and market-based options for demand manage-



Measure Pros Cons





Reallocate GA slots Remove small aircraft, increase slots Objection by GA communityavailable to larger planes

Eliminate extra sections Maintain demand predictability Remove the expansion flexibility of shuttle serviceEliminate the use-or-lose-it Incentivize airlines not to Airlines hold on to their slots w/o using them orrequirement use unprofitable slots continue scheduling to maintain market presenceIncrease the use-or-lose-it Faster turn-around Airlines might fly even more unwanted flightsrate to 90% for 2 months of unused slots or lose slots due to unforeseen disruptive eventsSuspend leases under Reveal airlines’ true slot demand Force airlines to maintain inefficientthe buy-sell rule Faster turn-around of unused slots flights to keep the slotsExtend the lottery Simple Inherent inefficiency of random

allocation of valuable slotsHighly disruptive to long-standing services

Antitrust immunity Facilitate the consolidation Hinder competition, requireof service among airlines on-going government intervention





Laissez-faire Simple, airlines would eventually Unconstrained demand creates severe congestionfigure out the market equilibrium Convergence uncertain

Congestion PricingAllocate peak times to Overscheduling, hence congestion, might remainmore valuable services Cost uncertainty for airlinesFlat rate to incentivize aircraft upgauge Convergence uncertainSchedule flexibility for airlines Unfavorable to small markets

Slot auction

Allocate peak times to Require complex packaging with other facilitiesmore valuable services Subject to unpredictable bidding behaviorsFixed cost incentivizes aircraft upgauge Require airline commitment, no warrantyDemand, hence delays, is controlled of slot availability on the day of operations


d HDR and blind auction Prevent slot hoarding among airline Does not address grand-father rightsin secondary market coalition in sell/lease of slots in the primary market

Promote secondary market access

Table 2.1: Review of demand management measures


Despite very little practical experience of the application of market mechanisms

in airport slot allocation, researchers have made significant progress in trying to

understand the feasibility and implications of these options based on auction and

game theory as well as the use of market-based mechanisms in other domains. Market-

based mechanisms for airport slots raise many issues, including the implementation,

the effect on airfares, consideration of applicable legal requirements, the treatment

of international services, the use of any new revenues, as well as the impact on new

entrants, small airlines, competition, and service to small communities.

Overall, analytical analyses of congestion pricing focus on the convergence of the

pricing algorithm, whereas proposals for slot auction focus on the robustness and

demand revelation requirements of the auction design. However, they all require the

simulation of potential airline responses. Different approaches use different sets of as-

sumptions about the airlines’ slot valuation models and the market’s structure. There

assumptions are not exhaustive nor are they easily validated. In addition, modeling

individual airlines leads to the difficult issue of simulating competition behaviors.

There can be an infinite number of competition behaviors. Faced with incomplete

market information and competition pressures, an airline could react rationally or

irrationally, optimally or suboptimally depending on the market’s structure. In auc-

tions, bidders may attempt to game the auction rules by parking (bidding on low-value

items), signaling (indirectly showing interest on certain items to other bidders with-

out actually bidding for them to keep the standing prices down) and bid shading

(placing a bid that is below what the bidder believes a good is worth). Although re-

cent auction designs have become more robust, new behaviors are expected to emerge

constantly. Therefore, it is difficult, if not impossible, to model and validate all these


behavioral potentials. On the other hand, public policy decisions will be made only

with the best information available at the time.

2.2 Route development, flight scheduling and fleet

assignment models

The policy objective of congestion management is to optimize the utilization of airport

capacity by maximizing passenger throughputs within safe capacity and acceptable

delay levels. However, one can not overlook the objectives of air carriers, as com-

mercial entities, to optimize profit or market share. Appropriate congestion measures

therefore require the understanding of airline economics and operations to create the

right incentives. In scheduled passenger air transportation, airline profitability is crit-

ically influenced by the airline’s ability to construct flight schedules containing flights

at desirable times in profitable markets (defined by origin-destination pairs). This

chapter describes the economic model of airline schedule planning, the policy model

of airport authorities, and the process that seeks the optimal compromise between

their conflicting objective functions.

Airline schedule planning includes route development, and schedule development.

Schedule development further entails frequency planning, timetable development and

fleet assignment. The output of these tasks is the ”external” schedule offered to

the flying public. Internally, aircraft routing, crew scheduling, and airport resource

planning allocate airline resources to accommodate the schedule, making sure the

offered schedule is operational. Figure 2.1 depicts the major tasks of airline scheduling

process. For more details of the process, see [43][44]

Route development is typically undertaken together through detailed analysis


Figure 2.1: Overview of airline scheduling tasks (Barnhart)

of market entrance possibility and profitability. Frequency (or service level) and

timetable are determined to maximize market coverage from a marketing standpoint

based on various considerations of market conditions, namely competition, passengers’

preference for travel times, and operational constraints such as allowed operating time

windows, rights of park aircraft overnight at certain airports, direct itineraries with

one stop, mandatory or optional flight legs. Most airlines make significant changes to

their schedules at least twice a year to accommodate marketing objectives and to ad-

just for seasonal changes in traffic patterns. Minor and incremental changes are made

to the schedule on a monthly basis to reflect holiday travel patterns or competitors’

scheduling changes.

While the timetable design problem involves selecting an optimal set of flight legs

to be included in the schedule, the fleet assignment problem assumes a flight schedule

with specified departure and arrival times and seeks to optimally assign aircraft types


to flight legs to maximize profit. Analysis of aircraft economics combined with seg-

ment demand is essential to determine the right fleet for the right market distances

in order to achieve cost efficiency, subject to the airline’s fleet availability constraint.

Airlines with heterogeneous fleets flying large networks with different haul ranges

have therefore harder fleet assignment problems to solve.

In this dissertation, as the goal is to model airline scheduling practice from the

perspective of airport authorities, we focus on the route, flight and fleet schedule

development. There has been little research on formal models for finding optimal

routes, frequencies and schedule times. Often, decisions involving these tasks are

made through ad-hoc analysis, and they are highly subjective. In contrast, the fleet

assignment problem has been studied extensively in the literature, traditionally as

a separate problem [45][46][47] and later in conjunction with the aircraft routing,

maintenance and crew scheduling problems [48][49].

Lohatepanont [44] integrates timetable planning and fleeting problems. In addi-

tion to the set of mandatory flights, flights are selected among a given set of optional

flights to find the optimal schedule. Linearly spilled and recaptured demand due to

the choice of fleets and optional flights require estimates for pairs of flight legs and

pairs of itineraries, which are difficult to estimate even with airline propietary data.

Within the “Congestion Management at US Airports” project by NEXTOR uni-

versities [20], Barnhart and Harsha [50] developed an airline slot valuation model

that simulates airline response to a slot auction. The proposed model is a mix integer

problem designed for individual airlines, and required demand and cost proprietary

data as inputs. The assumptions include (i) a multiple round package auction (ii)


airlines can bid for bundles of slots to build their daily schedules, (iii) incumbent air-

lines are given vouchers for their currently held slots and unused vouchers can be sold

after the auction, (iv) average fare is constant. The demand curves are functions of

frequency, and are given by piecewise input parameter values. The model maximizes

the total profit.

All these models use ticket prices as a parameter that does not correlate with

changes in supply: ticket prices stay constant regardless of the total number of seats

in the resulted schedule. This simplistic assumption helps keep the fleet assignment

model tractable and may be a reasonable assumption from a single airline’s perspec-

tive given the highly competitive nature of the market. However, when looking across

the industry, excess of aggregate capacity leads to decreasing average fares, even when

such fares are unprofitable.

2.3 Delay and cancellation estimation models

Delay and cancellation have been extensively estimated by a large number of models as

principal metrics to evaluate schedule performance. Two main approaches categorize

these models into analytical methods or simulation tools which have focus on the

processing speed or the level of details respectively.

2.3.1 Analytical models

Principal fast-time analytical models reviewed in [51] such as MIT’s DELAYS and

AND, and more newly developed models such as the delay and cancellation component

in FAA Strategy Simulator [52] are macroscopic models where aggregate values of

input parameters, namely traffic demand and airport capacity, are given or generated


to obtain approximate closed-formed estimates of delay. DELAYS is a dynamic and

stochastic queuing model that estimates queuing delay for access to an airport’s

runway system, excluding en route or terminal area airspace congestion, or bottlenecks

on the taxiways or aprons. AND connects individual airports by a simulation module,

which propagates delay among airports and updates their demand profiles. DELAY

and AND assume no cancellation.

We present these models in more details next.

DELAYS and AND The analytical queuing model DELAYS was developed and

extended by Koopman [31], Kivestu [53], Malone [54]. DELAYS models an individual

airport in isolation as a single server queue. It estimates the probability distribution

of aircraft number in the queue at a local airport, and from which derive local queuing

delays. Malone [55] connected airports in the network through a schedule of flights

with the simulation model AND, Approximate Network Delay. Figure 2.2 outlines

the interaction between DELAYS and AND.

DELAYS approximates the M(t)/Ek(t)/1/m queuing systems with nonstationary,

i.e. time dependent, Poission arrival processes and kth-order Erlang service times,

m is the finite capacity of the system. Erlang is chosen to approximate a wide

variety of service-time distributions having characteristics similar to the kth-order

Erlang. The approximation approach uses far less memory and CPU time for large

Erlang orders. When k=1, the system reduces to M(t)/M(t)/1, and as k → ∞, it

approaches asymptotically the M(t)/D(t)/1. The model performs calculations for

each time period, ex. by hour. The hourly arrival rates (or service rates) combine

the hourly demands (or runway rates) for landings and takeoffs. Beginning with


Figure 2.2: Overview of DELAYS and AND models

initial setting at time t=0 and iteratively for t=1h, 2h, 3h, ..., the model solves a

set of Chapman-Kolmogorov equations to compute the probability distribution of

the number of aircraft in the system. These equations are valid for all non negative

values of the utilization rate ρ in contrast to the steady state results which apply only

to situations where 0 ≤ ρ < 1. Specifically, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations solve

for the probability pi(t), i=0,1,2...,m, of having i customers in the system at time t.

Expected queue length at t is then derived and expected waiting time at t can be


AND uses DELAYS iteratively to estimate flight delays for each time window.

For departure flights, delays calculated by DELAYS can be absorbed in-flight up to a

percentage cutoff (10%) of the total deterministic en-route time, the remaining delay

is propagated downstream to the arrival phase. At the arrival airport, the flight is


added to the queue of the corresponding time window, updating the arrival airport’s

demand profile. Arrival delays can also be absorbed on the ground up to a percentage

cutoff (10%) of the deterministic turn-around time. The remaining delay is added

to the next departure, and the demand profile is updated. AND was tested with a

prototype 3-airport network with an additional sink-source airport.

NAS Strategy Simulator The UMD-built NAS performance component in the

FAA Strategy Simulator is a high level analytical model that estimates monthly de-

lays and cancellations in the NAS. The model studies the distribution of the hourly

utilization rate (ρ=scheduled demand/capacity) at an airport for each month. The

monthly 50th and 95th percentiles of ρ at all airports are weighted averaged based

on the fraction of NAS operations at each airport to obtain the monthly 50th and

95th percentiles of ρ for the whole NAS. The model then builds over a 6-year period

statistical models of monthly probabilities of cancellation vs. monthly NAS 50th per-

centiles of ρ, and of monthly average flight delays vs. monthly NAS 95th percentiles

of ρ. Figure 2.3 outlines the main steps of the approach.

To estimate flight cancellation probability of future scenarios, load factor is used

as follows:

Cancellation probability = e−3.75 ∗ (load factor ∗ (1− ρ50))−3.34

and average flight delay is determined as:

Average delay = 38.62 ∗ (ρ95(1− Cancellation probability))− 23.84


Figure 2.3: Overview of NAS Strategy Simulator’s delay and cancellation component

2.3.2 Simulation models

Large-scale microscopic simulation models such as Total Airspace and Airport Mod-

eler (TAAM) [56], Reorganized ATC Mathematical Simulator (RAMS) [57], and the

more recent NASA Airspace Concepts Evaluation System (ACES) [58][59] developed

by the VAMS project. Designed to be comprehensive, these models offer detailed

gate-to-gate simulation, including airport ground movement, terminal area depar-

ture/arrival sequencing, and en-route cruising phase. They can be used to as plan-

ning tools or to conduct analysis and feasibility studies of new ATM concepts. In

addition to numerical outputs, they also provide real time graphical visualization.

The Detailed Policy Assessment Tool (DPAT) developed by MITRE [60] is also a fast

time simulation without graphical support. These complex models typically require


long learning curves and extensive data input efforts. They often have little support

for stochastic events that often perturbate the system, nor do they allow a flexible

way of canceling flights and propagating delays.

Total Airspace and Airport Modeler (TAAM) simulates the physical aircraft

movement in all phases of flight from gate to gate, airport operations, and ATC’s

decision-making process. Developed in and continuously improved since 1987, TAAM

has become a state-of-the-art fast time simulation model that offers specialized fea-

tures such as Conflict Detection/Resolution (CDR), user-defined rules, and unlimited

zooming capability to display the smallest details in 2D or 3D. TAAM has been used

extensively in the literature to model ATC workload [61], redesign airspace sectoriza-

tion [62], evaluate the impacts of Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) [63],

study changes in runway usage and implications on airline schedules [64], and other


Reorganized ATC Mathematical Simulator (RAMS) is a fast-time, discrete-

event computer simulation model developed and supported by the Model Develop-

ment Group (MDV) at Eurocontrol, France. RAMS offers 4-dimensional flight profile

calculations, 4-dimensional aircraft conflict detection, rule-based conflict resolutions,

4-dimensional aircraft maneuvering for conflict resolution, and 3-dimensional airspace

sectorizations. The model also provides methodologies to analyze airspace structure,

ATC systems and future ATC concepts. The model displays 2D real time graphic

visualization of the simulation. The latest version of RAMS, RAMS Plus, includes a

limited convective weather model represented as dynamic forbidden zones. RAMS’

principal areas of application have been ATC workload, free routing investigation,


free flight study, and airspace capacity/density.

Airspace Concepts Evaluation System (ACES) developed by NASA as a fast-

time simulation and modeling capability for design and trade-off studies of system

level concepts within the NAS. ACES utilizes the high level architecture (HLA) and

an agent-based modeling paradigm to create the large scale, distributed simulation

framework necessary to support NAS-wide simulations. HLA is a set of processes,

tools and middleware software, developed by the Department of Defense, to support

plug-and-play assembly of independently developed simulations. Various models, cat-

egorized into Agent, Infrastructure, and Environment groups, represent weather, hu-

man behavior, aircraft dynamics, flight planning and controller workload elements.

NAS agents operate within the NAS Environment and communicate with each other

and the NAS Environment through the NAS Infrastructure.

The Detailed Policy Assessment Tool (DPAT) is a fast-time, global air traffic

simulation that can model current and future air traffic, for any world region. DPAT

represents airports and airspace as a network of finite-capacity resources and models

individual flights and itineraries. DPAT computes delays at airports and air traffic

control sectors and propagates delays across system resources. DPAT applications

include system-wide airport and airspace planning, assessment of benefits of proposed

system improvements, and identification of the effects of future traffic growth. DPAT

supports flight delay propagation [65][66].

A common trait of the analytical models that use aggregate parameters is that

they do not distinguish departures and arrivals. Neither can they discern the effects


of changes in traffic mix. Details of individual flights are not modeled, losing connec-

tions between flights, or network effects. The simulation models on the other hand,

due to their complexity, represent many challenges to users. Donohue and Laska [67]

found that TAAM and RAMS “require significant amounts of data that are some-

times difficult to obtain”, and “learning to use these models take considerable time

and effort”. Additionally, they provide little support for stochastic events and flight

cancellation. Most of the available models are closed source tools, thus eliminating

the possibility of extending their capabilities to new research applications. Obtain-

ing access to most of the presented models is also cost prohibitive for independent


Chapter 3: The current slot allocation rules

aggravate the congestion problem

In the chapter we conduct data mining to prove inefficient use of runway capacity

due to current slot allocation scheme.

The monthly T-100 Segment table, compiled by the Bureau of Transportation

Statistics (BTS) [68], reports domestic and international operational data by U.S.

and foreign air carriers. For each row, it contains, among other data items, carrier,

aircraft type, number of performed departures and seats, and number of passengers

transported for that month. We divide the number of seats by the number of per-

formed departures to get average aircraft size, and the number of passengers by the

number of performed departures to get average load factor. Figure 3.1 collects six

months of data for LGA, JFK, and EWR airports. Cumulative percentage of data

points for reference values of the bottom x-axis is displayed on the top x-axis, and

for reference values of the left y-axis on the right y-axis. Notice the cumulative

percentages are highly non linear.

As LGA is a non-hub airport with mostly domestic traffic within 1500-mile perime-

ter, while EWR and JFK accommodate international and long-haul flights, the ranges

of aircraft size at the three airports are different. An aircraft considered small in EWR

might be a mid-size one for LGA. However, if we only look at 50-seat or less aircraft,

then these small aircraft make up a significant portion at all three airports: 40.6%,

23.6%, and 46% of the total flights at EWR, JFK, and LGA respectively, and flights



having 60% or less load factor represent 22%, 9.4%, and 36.2%. The high percent-

age of low load factor flights at EWR and LGA suggests that there is an excess of

operations, resulted arguably from airlines using high frequencies to maintain their

competitiveness. The large presence of small aircraft at EWR and LGA also relate

to the fact that LGA serves markets within a 1500-mile perimeter, whereas EWR is

a domestic hub of Continental Airlines.

Splitting the charts into four quadrants along the median aircraft size and 50%

load factor allows us to better understand the observations. The bottom quadrants are

low load-factor flights that are likely unprofitable to the airlines. The left quadrants

relate to flights having fewer seats than half of the traffic. Interests of airlines and

airports coincide in the upper right quadrant, where private profitability comes with

public goal of having high enplanements. The bottom left quadrant is inefficient for

both airlines and airports, and only contributes to the congestion.

There are three main causes for this inefficient use of airport capacity. Firstly, the

High-Density-Rule allocates slots to incumbent airlines to serve markets within 1500-

mile perimeter. Secondly, slot exemptions granted by the AIR-21 and the lottery [9]

to new entrant carriers flying 70-seat or less aircraft to small and non hub airports.

Subject to the “use-it-or-lose-it” requirement, airlines that are granted the slots have

to use their slots up to 80% of the time, profitable or not, or have to return them.

Thirdly, weight-based landing fees incentivize airlines to use smaller aircraft at high

frequency to compete for market share. As a result, low load-factor flights and smaller

aircraft use up LGA’s runway capacity, aggravating the congestion.


Figure 3.1: The bottom left quadrant makes airlines lose money and airports con-

gested with litte passenger throughput, the upper right quadrant meets airline and

airport interests

Chapter 4: Scheduling Models

In this chapter we present the optimization models for airline scheduling subproblems

and also present the airport’s allocation problem that we will refer to as the “master

problem”. In the airline scheduling subproblems, we explain how demand curves are

used and how we then determine price equilibria in the resulting revenue functions.

We approximate the nonlinear revenue functions by piecewise linear functions. De-

mand spill and recapture between substitutable time windows are accounted for by

nesting revenue functions between time windows of compounding granularities. The

resulting schedules of individual markets are inputs to the master problem where we

solve a set packing problem over a variety of different objective functions. The solu-

tion methodology for solving the overall problem is a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition

when the columns being generated are schedules generated based on an announced

price vector.

4.1 General approach

Figure 4.1 depicts our general approach. The three NY area airports are referred to

as cluster airports, and the other airports as outstation airports. There are two op-

timization components with two separate objective functions: the single benevolent

airline seeks profit-maximizing schedules, and the airport seeks the best combination

of schedules that fits into airport capacity constraints and maximizes pre-determined



Figure 4.1: General approach

public goals. The airline finds optimal schedules by solving a multi-commodity net-

work flow subproblem for each market. Each market is defined as a directional pair of

outstation and cluster airports, and only markets that have daily nonstop domestic

service are included in this study. The airport component collects these schedules, or

columns, and solves a set packing master problem. The dual prices computed from

the linear relaxation of the set packing problem serve as feedback to the subproblems

by providing prices that then determine alternative schedules (i.e. generate columns)

that better satisfy the objective function of the master problem. We continue the

process until no further columns can be identified.

In the airline submodels, we model explicitly the interaction of demand and supply

through price. Changes in frequencies and aircraft size, i.e. changes in supply, would


lead to a revision in prices. This interaction affects demand and the airlines’ bottom

line. From an airport’s point of view, price is also important in the overall evaluation

of the quality of air transportation service. Therefore, in our models, price is a variable

and the resulting nonlinear revenue functions are approximated piecewise.

Flight scheduling requires demand estimates for different times of the day. Such

demands are interdependent, i.e. demand can be spilled from one time window and

recaptured by others. Instead of estimating demand spill and recapture between

pairs of time windows, we use nesting revenue functions to model demand for time

windows of different granularities (for more on this see Chapter 4). Demands of finer

granularity time windows are therefore constrained by demands of coarser granularity

time windows that include them. In this way, we assume that when we sum the

captured demands of finer granularity time windows, the total can not exceed the

captured demand of the compounding coarser granularity time window. We only

look at one level of nesting in this dissertation with a generic substitution grouping

of time windows. However, nesting is flexible and can be market-specific to model

peak and off-peak time windows.

4.2 Profit-maximizing airline scheduling sub-models

Airline scheduling submodels take as input estimates of demand, price elasticities of

demand by time of day, and costs of operating different fleets, to build the timetable

of flights such that profits are maximized. The timetable includes origin airport,

destination airport, departure time and arrival time of each flight and the fleet type

assigned to that flight. In network optimization theory, a fleet assigned to a flight is a

commodity flow and fleet mix scheduling is a multi-commodity flow problem defined


on a time-line network. As timetables for individual nonstop domestic markets at

LGA can be built separately (although not independently as they are all subject to

capacity constraints at LGA), we develop a time-line network for each market with all

potential flows and solve the optimization to find the schedule of profit-maximizing


4.2.1 The timeline network

A timeline network is built for each pair of airports (o, o′). At each airport, time of day

is partitioned into time windows represented by nodes: nodes in T are time windows

of airport o, and nodes in T ′ are time windows of airport o′, all nodes ordered in Zulu

time. The set of directed ground arcs (i, j) ∈ AG with i, j ∈ T (i, j ∈ T ′) represent

ground flows where aircraft stay at airport o (o′) from time window i to time window

j. For each valid fleet k ∈ K at o and o′, a set of directed flight arcs (i, j) ∈ AF

with i ∈ T and j ∈ T ′ or vice versa constructs potential flights for that fleet in the

timetable. Similar to Lohatepanont [44], any outgoing arc at any node is considered

to happen after any incoming arc at that node, and an additional directed ground

arc from the last time window to the first time window is added at each airport to

represent aircraft parking overnight.

Specifically, let:

fk,o,o′ block time by fleet k from airport o to airport o

′, in time windows

gk minimum turnaround time of fleet type k, in time windowst(i) order of time window i in Zulu time

then the directed arcs emanating from nodes in T are created as follows:


u uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu u

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -













1airport 1

airport 2

(b) subnetwork for fleet 2that requires 3 time windows for a flight arc

u uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu uu u

- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -











airport 1

airport 2 *








flight arcs

ground arcs


(a) subnetwork for fleet 1that requires 2 time windows for a flight arc

Figure 4.2: Timeline network example for a city pair having the same time zone.

i ∈ T , j ∈ T ′, (i, j) ∈ AF if t(i) + fk,o,o′ + gk = t(j)i, j ∈ T , (i, j) ∈ AG if t(i) + 1 = t(j)i, j ∈ T , (j, i) ∈ AG if t(i) ≤ t(k) ≤ t(j) ∀k ∈ T

Similarly, the directed arcs emanating from nodes in T ′ are created as follows:

i ∈ T ′, j ∈ T , (i, j) ∈ AF if t(i) + fk,o,o′ + gk = t(j)i, j ∈ T ′, (i, j) ∈ AG if t(i) + 1 = t(j)i, j ∈ T ′, (j, i) ∈ AG if t(i) ≤ t(k) ≤ t(j) ∀k ∈ T ′

Figure 4.2 is an example of the timeline network for a city pair that has the

same time zone. Figure 4.2a constructs the flight arcs for fleet 1 that requires 1.5

time windows for flight time in both directions, and 0.5 time window for minimum

turnaround time. Figure 4.2b builds the flight arcs for fleet 2 that needs 1.5 and

2.5 time windows for flight time in different directions, and 0.5 time window for

minimum turnaround time. The subnetworks for all valid fleets put together create

the multi-commodity flow timeline network for that city pair.


4.2.2 Interaction of demand and supply through price

In microeconomics, it is well known that demand and supply interact through price

following the generic relationship depicted in Figure 4.3. The law of demand states

that given other things remaining the same, the higher the price of a good, the smaller

is the quantity demanded. This clearly reflects the observations that overcapacity

in certain competitive markets have driven airlines to reduce ticket prices even to

unsustainable levels.

Figure 4.3: Nonlinear relationship of demand vs. price and the effect on renenues

Changes in frequencies and aircraft size, i.e. supply of seats, would lead to changes

in prices. This interaction affects demand and therefore the airlines’ bottom line.

From an airport’s point of view, price is also important in the overall evaluation of

the quality of air transportation service. Therefore, we explicitly model price as a

variable by using directly the revenue functions and their linear approximations.

The demand curve D for air service of any time window t exhibits a convex

nonlinear form as in Figure 4.3a. Demand is diluted to substitute services (namely

flights to the neighboring airports in the cluster or other means of transportation such


as car, train) as price increases. Demand curves of peak periods shift rightward and

those of off-peak periods shift leftward. Corresponding to a convex demand curve is

a concave revenue curve (see Figure 4.3b) where the maximum y-value is the optimal

revenue for that time window. Similarly, revenue curves of peak periods lie on top of

those of off-peak periods.

A certain fleet mix configuration corresponds to a supply curve where the move-

ment along the supply curve translates to changes of frequency. Larger aircraft ratios

in the fleet mix shift the supply curve rightward. Price as a regulator establishes

market equilibriums at the intersection points of demand and supply curves. S1, S2,

and S3 in Figure 4.3a intersect the demand curve D at quantities equal to 500, 1000,

and 1300 respectively where the resulting revenues of S1 and S3 are sub-optimal

compared to the revenue of S2.

4.2.3 Piecewise approximation of non-linear revenue func-


An arbitrary continuous function of one variable y = f(x) can be approximated by

a function of the form y = f(x1, ..., xq) =∑q

i=1 fi(xi) where fi(xi) is piecewise linear

for each i. Given the segment endpoints (ai, f(ai)) for i=1,...,q, any a1 ≤ x ≤ aq can

be written as

x =




λi = 1, λ ∈ Rq+.

The λi are not unique, but if ai ≤ x ≤ ai+1 and λ is chosen so that x = λiai +

λi+1ai+1 and λi + λi+1 = 1, then we obtain f(x) = λif(ai) + λi+1f(ai+1). In other


Figure 4.4: Approximating a nonlinear function by a piecewise linear function


f(x) =




λi = 1, λ ∈ Rq+

where at most two of the λi’s are positive and if λj and λk are positive, then

k = j +1 or j−1. This condition, identified as a Special Ordered Set (SOS) contraint

of type 2, can be modeled using binary variables yi for i = 1, ..., q − 1 (where yi = 1

if ai ≤ x ≤ ai+1 and yi = 0 otherwise) and the constraints

λ1 ≤ y1

λi ≤ yi−1 + yi for i = 2, ..., q − 1

λq ≤ yq−1 (4.1)


yi = 1

y ∈ Bq−1.


For convex (concave) functions in a minimization (maximization) problem, SOS2

constraints in 4.1 can be removed, as the optimization process always chooses 2 ad-

jacent endpoints. However, generic piecewise linear functions or convex (concave)

functions in a maximization (minimization) problem require 4.1 to ensure the non-

negative values of 2 adjacent λi’s. On the other hand, when only a finite set of values

of x’s are valid, segment endpoints can assume those values and the SOS2 constraint

set can be replaced by the SOS1 constraint:


λi = 1 λi ∈ Bq.

4.2.4 Nesting revenue functions

Different time windows are not independent as spilled demand of this time window can

be recaptured by other time windows. Spill and recapture occur because passengers

can choose alternative time windows when their desired times are capacitated, too

expensive or not provided in the schedule. Therefore, the supply levels of alternative

(closely adjacent) time windows determine these spill and recapture effects. As the

schedule is not known in advance, we first estimate revenues independently for each

time window, then use nesting revenue functions to include the interdependency

between time windows.

Revenue functions can be estimated for different granularities: by 15min, 30min,

1hour, or by peak and off-peak time windows at each airport (see Chapter 4 for

estimation method). Figure 4.5 estimates revenue functions of ORD→LGA market

for all 15-min time windows in the first half of the day and the aggregate revenue


function for the whole period. Note that some time windows have the same estimates

of revenue functions and therefore are superimposed on top of each other. The sum

of demands and revenues of all 15-min time windows are therefore expected to be

constrained by the aggregate, or nesting, revenue function of the compounding period.

Figure 4.5: Nesting revenue functions

If λiq are the piecewise variables for the revenue function of time window i with

q ∈ Q(i) being the segment indexes,


λiq = 1, λiq ∈ R+

xi =∑



fi(xi) =∑



and a nesting revenue function of a period p that contains i, i.e. i ∈ E(p), having


piecewise variables βpr, r ∈ Q(p),


βpr = 1, βpr ∈ R+

xp =∑



fp(xp) =∑



then the nesting constraints is:


xi = xp


fi(xi) ≤ fp(xp)

4.2.5 Assumptions

• The constraint on fleet availability is removed, i.e. we assume the airlines will

procure whatever aircraft is optimal to fly,

• Aircraft sizes are grouped into increments of a fixed number of seats,

• Arrival time rather than departure time drives demand,

• Demands are estimated for non-stop domestic flights to/from the airports in

study. Scheduling decisions are therefore limited to the nonstop markets,

• If arrival time windows at different airports are substitutable, they have the


same chronological values,

• There is only one level of nesting for the revenue functions. The finer granularity

time windows are compounded into only one coarser granularity time window.

The sets of substitutable time windows at one airport are mutually disjoint and


4.2.6 Formulation

Assuming concave revenue functions, we define:


T time windowsAG ground arcsAF flight arcsK fleet types operable at the 2 airports of the marketQ(i) linear segment indexes for the revenue function of i ∈ T


Sk seating capacity of fleet type k ∈ KCk

ij direct operating cost for one flight of fleet type k ∈ K for (i, j) ∈ AF

Aiq linear segment quantities for the revenue function of i ∈ T , q ∈ Q(i)Riq linear segment revenues for the revenue function of i ∈ T , q ∈ Q(i)l average load factor


xkij number of flights of fleet type k ∈ K for (i, j) ∈ AF ∪ AG

λiq linear segment variables for the revenue function of i ∈ T , q ∈ Q(i)

Subproblem formulation:

max z =∑i∈T


Riqλiq −∑




kji (4.2)


subject to:


xkj,i −


xkij = 0 ∀ i ∈ T , k ∈ K (4.3)



Skxkji −


Aiqλiq = 0 ∀ i ∈ T (4.4)



Aiqλiq −∑


Aprβpr = 0 ∀ p ∈ P (4.5)



Riqλiq −∑


Rprβpr ≤ 0 ∀ p ∈ P (4.6)


λiq = 1 ∀ i ∈ T (4.7)


βpr = 1 ∀ p ∈ P (4.8)

x ∈ Z|AF |x|K|+ , λi ∈ R

|Q(i)|+ , βp ∈ R


For any time window i,∑


∑k∈K Ck

jixkji in the objective function (4.2) is the

total operating cost of arrivals at i. The resulting total capacity∑


(j,i)∈AF Skxkji

multiplied by the average factor estimates the number of revenue passengers arriving

at i. This value is then decomposed in (4.4) into a convex combination of segment

endpoints (Aiq, Riq) with q ∈ Q(i) using non-negative real variables λiq. Therefore,∑q∈Q(i) Riqλiq is the piecewise linear approximation of the revenue function of time

window i. Subtracting the sum of all the cost terms over all flights from the sum of

all the revenue terms over all time windows yields the total profit that (4.2) seeks to


maximize. (4.3) enforces flow balance constraint that at each node i in the timeline

network, for each fleet, the number of incoming aircraft is equal to the number of

outcoming aircraft.

As explained earlier,∑

q∈Q(i) Aiqλiq is the estimate of realized arrival demand at

time window i. i can have other substitutable time windows that are all included

in a coarser compounding time window p, i.e. i ∈ E(p). Similarly, (4.5) decomposes

the aggregate arrival demand of p into a convex combination of segment endpoints

(Apr, Rpr) with r ∈ Q(p) using non-negative real variables βpr. (4.6) states that

the sum of revenues of substitutable time windows in p,∑


∑q∈Q(i) Riqλiq, is

constrained by the revenue of the compounding time window p,∑

r∈Q(p) Rprβpr. (4.7)

and (4.2.6) are the sets of convex constraints for λiq and βpr.

The solution of a subproblem creates two schedule vectors: the arrival vector

aj where aj =∑


(i,j)∈AF xkij, and the departure vector dj where dj =∑


(j,i)∈AF xkji, j ∈ T are time windows at the capacitated airport study in

the master problem.

4.3 Airport’s allocation problem

The master problem at a capacitated airport collects the schedules of individual

markets and solves a set packing problem with side constraints to maximize public





S schedule vector indexesT time window indexesM market indexesS(m) column indexes of market m’s schedule vectors, m ∈M


a|T |x|S| matrix of arrivals by time window: aij is the number of arrival flights at

time window i in schedule jd|T |x|S| matrix of departures by time window: dij is the number of departure flights

at time window i in schedule jZj coefficient of the schedule vector j ∈ S, determined by the public goal to

optimizeCi arrival/departure rates of time window i ∈ TGi ground capacities in time window i ∈ T


yj binary variable equal to 1 if schedule vector yj is in the optimal solution

Formulation of the master problem:


Zjyj (4.9)

subject to:



aijyj ≤ Ci ∀i ∈ T (4.10)


dijyj ≤ Ci ∀i ∈ T (4.11)


yj ≤ 1 ∀m ∈M (4.12)

y ∈ B|S|

The sets of constraints (4.10) and (4.11) reflect airport operational rate con-

straints. As each market can have many alternative schedules from which at most

one schedule can be in the solution, each market has a SOS1 side constraint in (4.12).

The objective function maximizes public goals such as:

• Profit where Zj is the profit of schedule j, given by the value:



Riqλiq −∑





from the subproblem that produces schedule j.

• Seat throughput where Zj is the total seat of schedule j, given by the value:




from the subproblem that produces schedule j.


4.4 Solution method

Figure 4.6 depicts our method to find the optimal collection of schedules. Initially,

the mixed integer subproblems, i.e. the determination of schedules for each O/D

pair, provide optimal arrival demand and departure demand columns to the mas-

ter problem. The master problem solves its linear relaxation, called the LP master

problem, to compute dual price for each constraint. The dual price of a constraint

reflects the contraint’s value, or its contribution to the objective function. There are

three sets of dual prices corresponding to the three sets of constraints in a master

problem: αi for (4.10), πi for (4.11), and µj for (4.12). For a maximization problem,

a new column with coefficient zj can be added to the master problem if its contribu-

tion to the objective function, zj, is larger than the value of resources it would use,∑i∈T (αiaij + πidij) + µj, or when zj −

∑i∈T (αiaij + πidij)− µj > 0. In other words,

a new column can be added if it prices out favorable with respect to the objective

function. This process is called “column generation”, often used to solve large scale

combinatorial optimization problems.

Therefore, we update the formulation of the subproblems to include this condition

as an additional side constraint, with the initial dual prices set to zero:

z −∑i∈T C



xkj,i −

∑i∈T C



xkij − µ ≥ 1 (4.13)

where the expressions for z are different for different objective functions of the

master problem, as explained in airline scheduling subproblems.

When the objective function of the master problem is not profit maximization,


Figure 4.6: Branch-and-price solution method


it is inconsistent with the profit-maximizing objective functions of the subproblems.

Therefore, when the column generation process finds new feasible schedules, they

can be suboptimal. We can parametrically set a lower bound on these suboptimal

schedules: a suboptimal schedule is valid if it is within some percentage of the optimal

solution’s value.

The initial solutions, or columns, of the subproblems initialize the root node of

the LP branch tree of the master problem. At the root node and subsequent nodes,

a two-phase solution process takes place: the node is first solved to calculate dual

prices which will serve as input to MIP subproblems to generate new columns (if any)

to be added to the current node, then the node is solved again and branches if there

are integer variables with fractional values. In contrast to regular branch-and-bound

algorithms where a node with an LP solution less than the incumbent integer value

can be pruned (in a maximization problem), branch-and-price requires storing all the

unprocessed nodes for later column generation processing, as new columns added to

a node can increase its objective function value. In our branch-and-price algorithm, a

node is pruned if it is either infeasible or it has an integer solution after the two-phase

solution process. To optain optimality, the process should continue until all the nodes

are processed.

4.5 Implementation details

As the current version of CPLEX Concert Technology does not allow for dynamic

addition of new columns into a problem at each node of the branch tree, we implement

our own branch-and-price tree and use CPLEX to solve the LP problems at each node.



• At each node, we branch on the most fractional variable that has largest coef-

ficient in the objective function,

• We store all unprocessed nodes in a ordered list and use best-bound strategy to

select the next candidate node,

• We add columns to the master problem and at each node, we store the list of

variables that (i) come from the parent node, (ii) are generated at the node,

(iii) are fixed to 0 and (iv) are fixed to 1 from the root node down the tree to

the current node. When we move from one node to another, we reset all the

bounds of the stored variables, and fix to 0 all other variables.

Interested readers are encouraged to see Appendix C for the code listing of our

branch-and-price implementation.

Chapter 5: Parameter estimation for scheduling


Modeling airline scheduling decisions usually require proprietary cost and revenues

data along with constraints of airline business models. Each airline’s data can be

largely different from others’. To mitigate this effect, we use aggregate data across

airlines available in public databases. Aggregate data is also more effective in reducing

the inherent noise in any data set, especially for airlines with little public data.

Parameter estimation for scheduling models consists of building the timeline networks

and calculating revenue functions.

5.1 Timeline networks

A timeline network is built for each city pair. The monthly T-100 Segment table,

compiled by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS [68]), reports domestic

and international operational data by U.S. and foreign air carriers. Only data of

domestic carriers are considered as we look at domestic schedules. For each segment,

it contains, among other data items, carriers, aircraft types, distance, total number

of performed departures and seats, total ramp to ramp times, and total air times.

Aircraft types are provided as identification codes. We calculate the size of each

aircraft type by performed departuresperformed seats

. Aircraft sizes are then grouped into increments of

25 seats (or any fixed number of seats) called fleet. The fleets identified as such for a



segment determines the number of commodities in the multi-commodity flow network

for that segment.

For this study, we use the data of Q2, 2005 and categorize fleets available at LGA’s

domestic nonstop markets into the following ranges of seats:

5.1.1 Arcs and arc lengths

Flight arcs depart and arrive within 5:15 and 24:00 local times at any airport. To

estimate arc lengths, or leg lengths, we use Aviation System Performance Met-

rics (ASPM) database [69] that provides on-time performance of individual flights.

Recorded scheduled block times are typically padded with some time buffer built into

the schedule so that reasonable delays can be absorbed. Actual block times can be

higher than scheduled block times due to unexpected excessive congestion, or smaller

due to unexpected low congestion. If we can reasonably assume that airlines adjust

their delay buffers over time to cope with congestion, then the minimum of scheduled

block times and actual block times is more likely to reflect the average block times.

However, the minimum of the two block times can still contain airborne or ground

delays. In reduced demand scenarios, airlines would incur less delay on the day of

operations, and so they would eventually reduce both scheduled and actual block

times. As airborne phase is less subject to delay than ground operations, we could

further adjust estimates of block times to:

actual air time + 2 * min(scheduled block time, actual block time)


Averaging estimates of block times adjusted as above for all aircraft types in a

fleet provides the arc length for that fleet. In addition, an arc arriving at a node


Fleet Aircraft Average Size Fleet Aircraft Average Size


BE-1900 19


B737-8 166EMB-145 22 B737-9 167DO-328 J 32 A320-1/2 168SF-340/B 34 B727-200 172DHC8-100 37 A321 174EMB-135 37 B767-2/R 174


EMB-140 44 B757-200 179200/440 47 A340-500 181DHC8-300 50


A310-300 194EMB-145 50 B757-200 194RJ100/ER 50 A321 196


AV RJ85 69 B767-2/R 204200/440 70 A330-200 206RJ-700 70 B767-3/R 207EMB-170 72


B757-200 215MD-80 74 A321 216BAE146-2 77 A330-200 221


B717-200 88 B757-300 222B737-1/2 100 B777 222DC-9-30 100 B767-3/R 223B737-5 108 A340-200 230MD-80 109 B767-400 235DC-9-40 110


B757-300 245


B717-200 117 B767-400 246A319 121 A340-200 251B737-300 122 B767-3/R 251DC-9-50 125 A310-300 253B737-700 126 A340-300 255MD-80 132 B747-400 258A320-1/2 133 B777 258


A319 138 A330-200 261B737-400 144


B747-400 266MD-80 145 A300-600 267B737-300 147 A340-200 272A320-1/2 148 B777 283MD-90 150 B767-400 285B737-8 151B757-300 154B767-2/R 158

Table 5.1: Aircraft types and seating capacities categorized to fleets


means that the aircraft should be ready to depart at the very node. Therefore, we

add the turnaround time to arc lengths. As the nodes in the timeline networks are

time windows, arc lengths in hourly unit are translated to arc lengths in time window

unit. Lastly, as the x-axis of the timeline networks is local time windows, we subtract

or add the difference in time zones of the two airports to calculate the final arc lengths.

5.1.2 Arc costs

The cost data comes from Schedule P-52 in Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41

Financial Data), BTS database. P-52 table contains detailed quarterly aircraft oper-

ating expenses for large certificated U.S. air carriers. It contains for each aircraft type

direct flying expenses (including payroll expenses and fuel costs) and total operating

expenses that include maintenance of flight equipment and equipment depreciation

costs. We show in Figure 5.1 these two types of operating costs after separating fuel

to allow for future analyses on fuel cost impact. Compared to direct costs, total ex-

penses have larger variability. In average, the total expenses can be as high as 186%

of the direct flying expenses. Figure 5.2 shows a more monotonic trend with less

variability of hourly fuel consumption by aircraft seats.

We average for each fleet the following metrics of each aircraft type that belongs

to the fleet:

hourly air fuel consumption =air fuels issued

total air hours

hourly aircraft direct expense excluding fuel =total air direct expenses - fuel cost

total air hours

hourly aircraft total expense excluding fuel =total air total expenses - fuel cost

total air hours


Figure 5.1: Estimates of aircraft hourly operating costs by seating capacity (Source:

BTS Q2 2005)

Figure 5.2: Estimates of hourly fuel consumption costs by aircraft seating capacity

(Source: BTS Q2 2005)


Then arc cost when using aircraft direct expense is:

arc cost = arc length * (average hourly aircraft direct expense excluding fuel

+ average hourly air fuel consumption * fuel unit cost)

Aircraft seatsFuel consumption Direct cost Direct, maintenance and

(gallons/h) ($/h) depreciation cost ($/h)25 306 703 79550 418 840 110675 530 978 1417

100 759 1115 1729125 987 1253 2040150 1216 1390 2351175 1445 1528 2662200 1674 1665 2973225 1902 1803 3284250 2131 1940 3595275 2360 2078 3906350 3046 2490 4840375 3275 2628 5151

Table 5.2: Hourly costs for each fleet of 25-seat increment


and arc cost when using aircraft total expense is:

arc cost = arc length * (average hourly aircraft total expense excluding fuel

+ average hourly air fuel consumption * fuel unit cost)

In this study we use direct flying expenses to estimate arc costs as these relate

directly to flight schedules.

5.2 Nonlinear revenue functions and piecewise lin-

ear approximation

In addition to the total numbers of passengers by segments in the monthly T-100

Segment tables, we use the quarterly Origin and Destination Survey to estimate

market demand curves. Compiled by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the

Survey is a 10% random sample of airline tickets from reporting domestic carriers.

Relevant data include origin, destination, prorated market fare, number of coupons

(or flight legs), number of passengers, and market miles flown. This available data

represent only a small fraction of the constrained demand. Figure 5.3 plots the

demand curves of ORD and BOS markets in both directions for the first two quarters

of 2005.

We extrapolate the sample to obtain the complete demand curves for each directional

market by making these assumptions:

5.2.1 Assumptions

• Revenues are estimated for daily schedules of domestic nonstop markets,


Figure 5.3: Constrained demand curves of 10% BTS ticket price sample, Q1 & Q2


• Direct flying expenses are estimated to determine arc costs,

• The sample data is taken randomly from a much larger population set,

• The sample is a good representation of the population,

• The sample average fare is a good estimate of that of the population,

• Probabilities of price points in the sample are good estimates of those of price

points in the population,

• Time-based demand shares are proportional to time-based seat shares,

• Demand for each nonstop domestic market is equal in both directions, and hence

equal to the average of directional demands.


5.2.2 Processing segment fares

The tickets in the Survey are itinerary tickets. Segment fares are traditionally pro-

rated from itinerary fares. However, there is a fixed cost in any flight leg. This

portion of fixed cost is large in flight legs of short distance, and decreases in legs

of longer distance. We compute segment fares proportionally to the squared root of

distances of segments in the itinerary1. Figure 5.4 illustrates the difference between

linear prorating and linear prorating of square root.

Specifically, if a flight has two legs of 100 (=102) miles and 225 (=152) miles, and

has the one-way ticket price of $100, then leg one is allocated $40 (=100 ∗ 1010+15

) and

leg two $60 (=100 ∗ 1510+15


Figure 5.4: Linear prorating of square root of leg distance helps account for fixed


1Thanks to the advice of Dr. Tassio Carvalho, American Airlines


5.2.3 Extrapolating the 10% ticket sample

As the sample average fare is a good estimate for the market average fare, the quar-

terly demand curve should pass through the reference point (quarterly demand, av-

erage fare). The quarterly demand is the average of directional demands over the

quarter. We can then extrapolate sample demand for each price point to its popu-

lation demand proportionally to their probabilities in the sample. However, as the

sample demand curves are constrained by available capacities and airlines’ inventory

management, especially in lower fares, we could reduce this effect by extrapolating

only data points above the reference point to build the upper part of the demand

curve, then find an appropriate fit for the demand curve previously found to estimate

untruncated demands for lower fares.

Fare Sample Passengers Extrapolated$210 1 23.8$200 2 47.6$190 3 71.4$180 4 95.2$170 5 119$160 6 142.9$150 7$140 8$130 9

mean=$156.7 sum=45 sum=500

Table 5.3: Example of demand extrapolation

For example, consider the sample set is given in Table 5.3, and the total number

passengers in the full data set is 500. The average fare of $156.7, and therefore the

extrapolated demand curve is assumed to go through the point (500,$156.7). There


are 6 price points above the average fare that cumulatively sell to 21 passengers.

Their respective probabilities in the subsample above the average fare are 121

, 221

, 321



, 521

, 621

. The extrapolated demand would be 121∗ 500, 2

21∗ 500, 3

21∗ 500, 4

21∗ 500,

521∗ 500, and 6

21∗ 500. The sample demand curve and the extrapolated curves of

the example are depicted in Figure 5.5. Notice that in Figure 5.5b, we compare two

methods of extrapolation. The simple curve is obtained by only extrapolating the

data points using the sample probabilities, whereas the average curve is forced to go

through the reference point, and it extrapolates price points above the reference point

as described above. The fit curve in Figure 5.5b fits the average curve.

Figure 5.5: Example of demand extrapolation

The extrapolation stretches the sample curve above average fare rightward while

maintaining its shape. Fitting then provides the extrapolated estimation for the rest

of the sample. Figure 5.6 illustrates the estimation procedure for two directional

markets ORD→LGA and PIT→LGA in Q2, 2005. The extrapolated curve for ORD


in Figure 5.6a is best fit by a log function with R2 = 0.96, whereas the extrapolated

curve for PIT in Figure 5.6b is best fit by a linear function with R2 = 0.84.

Figure 5.6: Estimates of quarterly constrained extrapolated demand curves for direc-

tional markets, Q2 2005

5.2.4 Breaking down data from by-quarter-of-the-year to daily

and by-time-of-day

The fit curves obtained above are aggregate estimates of quarterly demand curves that

combine demand of peak and off-peak hours of the day. In order to determine the

optimal schedule, passengers’ travel time preference for different time intervals needs

to be estimated. It can be reasonably assumed that over time, airlines adjust their

schedules as to best accommodate passengers’ travel time preferences. Therefore,

if time window 08:00-08:15 at LGA airport has a higher concentration of arrival

seats than 08:15-08:30, we assume the demand captured by 08:00-08:15 to be higher

than that of 08:15-08:30. Or in other words, we assume that demand is captured


proportionally to the number of scheduled seats.

We use ASPM database to approximately break the quarterly demand curve for

the whole day down to daily, by-time-window-of-day level. As of Jan 2006, ASPM

provides, among other data items, scheduled times of past flights from 25 reporting

airlines at 75 airports. For the purpose of estimating past demand distribution over

time of day, we only need to look at flights that were actually flown in the past. The

extrapolation of aggregate demand curves of any quarter obtained from BTS is then

allocated to all the flights flown during the same period reported in ASPM. We use

the number of scheduled seats of each time period to compute the probabilities of

their respective contributions to the total demand.

It can be reasonably assumed that a time window having more flown seats con-

tributes more passengers to the total count of demands. Therefore, the quarterly

extrapolated fit curve is multiplied by the seat share of each time period in Figure 5.7

to give estimates of quarterly demands by time window. Specifically, Figure 5.7 shows

actual seat shares of directional markets by 15-min intervals during three months of

Q2, 2005 (taken from ASPM). Seat shares, normalized to have values from 0 to 1,

of two directional markets of each city pair are plotted in a same chart with one

direction has the y-axis inverted. ORD→LGA and LGA→ORD markets have seats

almost evenly distributed throughout the day, and therefore the seat share values by

quarter hour are rather small on a 0-1 scale. In contrast, TPA→LGA has flown the

most seats in 17:45-18:00 time window and LGA→TPA market has flown the most

seats in 14:15-14:30.

These quarterly demands by time window are then broken down to daily demands

by time window. Different time windows can have flights flown for different numbers


of days during the quarter, e.x. LGA→TPA has 86 days during Q2, 2005 that had

arrivals to TPA in 14:15-14:30 time window, whereas it has only 44 days that had

arrivals to TPA during 17:45-18:00. As we want to seek daily schedules, we divide

quarterly demands by the average number of days of all the time windows, i.e. con-

sidering only these two time windows, we would then divide the quarterly demands

by 86+442

= 65.

Figure 5.8 and Figure 5.9 illustrate estimated daily demand curves and revenue

functions by 15-min periods for ORD→LGA, TPA→LGA, and LGA→TPA markets.

Estimated demand curves for peak periods lie above those of off-peak periods, as there

are more demands at any given price point and more willingness to pay at any given

supply quantity. As a result, the revenue functions of peak periods also lie above

those of off-peak periods. As ORD schedules more time windows than TPA, we only

display the time windows associated with estimated curves for TPA in Figure 5.9.

5.3 Model validation: Unconstrained profit maxi-

mizing schedules

We investigate the optimal schedules of LGA nonstop domestic markets without run-

way capacity constraints at LGA and without the aircraft size restriction for exception

slots that serve small markets. While it is not valid to compare these optimal un-

constrained solutions of a single benevolent airline to actual constrained schedules of

multiple airlines, the unconstrained solutions helps verify their consistency with the

main assumptions in our modeling approach such as:


• Optimal scheduled times are consistent with historical data

• Changes in supply lead to reverse changes in price.

We solve the unconstrained optimal schedules for LGA nonstop domestic markets

using the following parameters:

• Data sampling period: Q2, 2005

• 67 nonstop domestic markets that have daily schedules to/from LGA

• 45 minutes of minimum turn-around time for all fleets

• 80% load factor

• Fuel cost: $2/gallons

• Existing fleets

• One level of nesting with three generic substitution groups for all markets: time

windows from 6:00am-12:00pm (12:01pm-17:00pm, or 17:01pm-24:00pm) are

substitutable. However, finer grouping of substitutable time windows can be

done to reflect better demand characteristics of individual markets.

5.3.1 Flight schedules by time of day

We assume earlier that over time, airlines have come to capture passengers’ travel time

preferences by making incremental changes to their timetables and supply levels. The

number of actual seats scheduled and flown for different times of day reflects the time-

based concentration of demands. It can be reasonably expected that in the model

output, flights should be scheduled in time windows that have flights scheduled in the


past, and time windows with larger seat shares should have more flights and/or larger

aircraft to accommodate the corresponding demand allocations. Figure 5.10 shows

in the upper and lower panels the seat shares by time windows of the day for ORD’s

two directional markets. Flights in the output schedules are plotted in the middle

panel where the end points of flight arcs correspond to scheduled departure times

and arrival times. The output schedule is valid if in each substitution group, flights

are scheduled to arrive at time windows that have higher demand concentration, or

actual seat shares.

5.3.2 Supply and price

We expect to see the reverse relationship between supply and price. Figure 5.11 shows

such a trend: increase in seat throughput leads to decrease in fare, and vice versa.

One can notice that although high frequency markets such as ORD, ATL, BOS, DCA

all decrease their daily frequencies in Figure 5.12 and upgauge, BOS and DCA both

increase the overall throughput while ORD and ATL in contrast reduce the number

of seats available. A few outliers correspond mostly to small markets: Charlottesville-

Albemarle Airport (CHO), Nantucket Memorial Airport (ACK), Barnstable Muni-

Boardman/Polando Field Airport (HYA), Martha’s Vineyard Airport (MVY).

5.3.3 Flight frequencies and fleet mix

Figure 5.12 shows the change in aircraft size of model output vs. actual data against

the change in daily frequency of model output vs. actual data. Changes in aircraft size

within 15 seats are negligible due to the rounding when grouping aircraft to fleets of

25-seat increment. Profit maximizing schedules suggest reduction of service levels and


maintaining/upgauging aircraft size for most of the markets. One can notice that the

shuttle service markets such as BOS and DCA, and the high frequency markets such

as ORD and ATL are all in the upper left quadrant. Newport News - Williamsburg

International Airport (PHF) result maintains its current frequency of six flights/day,

but reduces aircraft size from 110 seats to 50 seats. In contrast, the model output of

Myrtle Beach Airport (MYR), being one of the favorite vacation destinations in the

second quarter of the year, increases aircraft size from 100 seats to 170 seats. Markets

with little change in both frequency and aircraft size are mostly small markets: Sa-

vannah International Airport (SAV), Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA),

Lexington Blue Grass Airport (LEX), Birmingham International Airport (BHM),

Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE), and Dayton International Airport (DAY).


Figure 5.7: Actual seat shares by time of day are used to allocate demands by time

of day, Q2 2005


Figure 5.8: Estimated demand curves for peak periods lie above those of off-peak



Figure 5.9: Estimates of daily demand curves and revenue functions by different

15-min time periods for TPA→LGA and LGA→TPA markets, Q2 2005


Figure 5.10: In each substitution group, higher actual seat shares of time windows

lead to scheduled arrivals in those time windows


Figure 5.11: Increases in seat capacity lead to decreases in fare and vice versa

Figure 5.12: Changes in aircraft sizes in relation to frequencies are mixed

Chapter 6: A Stochastic Queuing Network

Simulation Model for Evaluating Schedule Delays

and Cancellations

Demand management measures aim to change flight schedules. In addition to other

performance metrics to evaluate the potential measures, namely operational and pas-

senger throughputs, market access, and network load balance, delays and cancella-

tions need to be estimated to assess the impacts on congestion. This chapter presents

a delay and cancellation model that simulates network dynamics resulting from sto-

chastic and queuing effects. In response to the industry trend of using small aircraft in

recent years, passenger throughput has become a driving factor in increasing system

capacity and efficiency. Currently proposed market-based solutions to the problem

such as congestion pricing and slot auctions aim to incentivize airlines to upgauge.

It is therefore of particular interest to estimate the effects of fleet mix on airport

capacity and airline performance. Our model integrates explicitly aircraft separation

to simulate airport operation capacities. The model provides an intermediate level

of detail in a gate-to-gate simulation tool that simulates the stochastic, queuing, and

propagating effects of delay and cancellation among airports.



6.1 Stochastic queuing network simulation model

6.1.1 Modeling objectives

From an assessment point of view, to evaluate the impacts of a congestion manage-

ment measure concept, the model needs to support evaluations of:

• Implications of schedule changes in flight time and fleet mix on airport capacity:

Operational rates are constrained by the safe separation standards between

pairs of aircraft which are dependent on their fleet types. Therefore, a direct

analysis of fleet mix and the resulting aircraft separations is a major modeling


• NAS operational performance in terms of delay (departure/arrival) and cancel-

lation including system-level assessments. The evaluation can be aggregate and

airline-specific, and system-level assessment should include airport interdepen-

dency in terms of delay and cancellation propagation,

• Affects of uncertainty within the system and within the models used to simulate

the system. The NAS is a highly stochastic and asynchronous network that

variability simulation is important in estimating the steady state of the system.

6.1.2 Queuing network model

Airports’ main facilities such as gates, taxiways, and runways are modeled as multi-

server queuing systems that mimic aircraft movements from gate-out to wheel-off for

outbound operations and from airport arrival to gate-in for inbound operations. En-

route cruising phase between city pairs is also modeled as a multi-server queue. The


following diagram depicts the queuing network dynamics:

Figure 6.1: Aircraft dynamics and network components

All servers are generically specified by (G/k/FCFS) where G refers to a generic

service time distribution, k is the number of parallel servers, and FCFS reflects the

First-Come-First-Serve queue discipline. Outbound flights are subject to a cancella-

tion probability that is determined statistically in relation to delay. When an out-

bound flight is cancelled and goes to the sink, if it has subsequent connected flights


then it increases the cancellation probability of those flights. Flight cancellation is

described in detail later in the cancellation submodel. When an outbound flight is

not cancelled, the outbound flight sets off at the gate-out server that generates local

randomness to the scheduled gate-out time. This local randomness is added on top of

deterministic departure delay propagated from previous delayed leg(s). The flight is

then directed to the taxi-out server to proceed to the first available departure runway.

Waiting time in the departure queue for runway access and runway occupancy time

is calculated by the runway capacity sub-model described subsequently. If the desti-

nation airport is modeled, the aircraft enters the enroute queue of the corresponding

city pair. The enroute server then assigns to the flight an expected time of arrival,

generated as a stochastic value of service time of the enroute server. Subsequently,

the aircraft gets in the queue for runways at the arrival airport. If the arrival airport

is not modeled, the flight goes to the sink. Inbound flights that do not have origin

airports modeled are also added to the corresponding enroute queues.

On the arrival side, the process unfolds in the opposite order. Flights in the

landing queue access arrival runways using the airport runway capacity sub-model.

Stochastic taxi-in times are then added before the aircraft is considered arrived at

gates, i.e. goes to the sink. If an arrival has a subsequent departure, its arrival delay

and the turnaround time between the two flight legs are used to determine whether the

subsequent departure will have propagated delay and quantify this metric if needed.

Service time distributions of various servers in the model are estimated statis-

tically to simulate the stochastic nature of the NAS. Flight cancellation also uses

statistical distributions of cancellation rates. Multiple independent runs using these

distributions provide estimates of the variability of the measured statistics such as


operational rates, delay, and cancellations.

The system is extensible, as we intend to give a compromising approach between

full-network aggregate analysis and detailed study of a sub-network of major airports.

Airports of interest can be added to the model as needed, and others are considered

as sink and source. En-route time distributions are estimated for pairs of airports

considered in the simulation. It can be reasonably assumed that congestion manage-

ment measures would be applied at major chokepoints of the NAS and would have

major effects at these nodes.

6.1.3 Runway capacity submodel

Currently, arrivals and departures are modeled separately in the runway capacity

model (one-runway airports are typically not modeled in the simulations given their

insignificant role in the NAS), and future extension of the model should include

mixed runways. However, the dependency between runways is modeled by using a

calibrating factor that will be discussed later in the section. The runway model has

as many parallel departure (arrival) servers as the number of dedicated departure

(arrival) runways at the modeled airports. Runway availability is determined by

enforcing the separation minima between sequenced aircraft: an aircraft can only

land or take off when the previous aircraft has exited the runway or the two aircraft

are separated by at least the proper minimum time lag, whichever is later. This

rule uses time-based separation standards for specific pairs of aircraft types listed in

Table 6.1, and runway occupancy times sampled from empirical distributions studied

in [70].

As recent jet engines generate stronger wake vortexes and aircraft are sequenced


more closely in the terminal area, time-based separation has become more appropriate

in the sequencing procedures in addition to distance-based separation, as wake vortex

decay is a function of time. Hansen [2] converts distance-based separations to time-

based separations using nominal landing speeds of four types of aircraft based on

their wake vortex characteristics. From Table 6.1, a small aircraft following a large

aircraft needs to be separated by at least 4 nautical miles or 164 seconds. It’s clear

that a schedule with high concentration of small and much larger aircraft will reduce

significantly runway operational rates.

The standard separations are multiplied by a calibrating factor to match airports’

simulated departure (arrival) rates to the actual data in ASPM. This factor helps sim-

ulate mixed runways, interdependency between runways and operational differences

from airport to airport. It is calibrated such that the steady-state average simulated

capacity levels approximate airport realized capacity levels (both for arrival or depar-

ture) reported in ASPM. In addition, it is assumed that aircraft are allocated to the

first available runway.

Trailing Small Large B757 HeavyLeadingSmall 2.5/80 2.5/68 2.5/66 2.5/64Large 4/164 2.5/73 2.5/66 2.5/64B757 5/201 4/115 4/102 4/101Heavy 6/239 5/148 5/136 4/104

Table 6.1: Wake Vortex Separation Standards (nmiles/seconds) [2]

The runway occupancy time can be well fit using a Normal distribution, and the

method is widely used in the literature [70][71]. Based on Haynie’s observation at ATL

airport in 2002 [72], the runway occupancy time is modeled as a Normal distribution


N(38, 82).

6.1.4 Delay propagation submodel

Delay propagation reflects network effects and varies from non-hub airports to large

hub airports. At non-hub airports, most traffic is Origin-Destination, and therefore,

large delay of an inbound flight can only be propagated to a later outbound leg by the

same aircraft by the same airline. Linking flights in this case is simple by following a

FIFO rule based on aircraft type and airline. The quantified effect essentially depends

on the turnaround time and the delay magnitude of the previous leg.

Let tD0 (f) and tA0 (f) denote respectively the schedule departure and arrival times

of flight f , and tD(f) and tA(f) the simulated departure and arrival times, then the

delay that flight f propagates to a connecting flight g is simulated as follows:

GP (g) =

0 if tA(f)− tA0 (f) ≤ 15 min

min(tA(f)− tA0 (f),α[tA(f)−tA0 (f)]

tD0 (g)−tA0 (f)[tA(f)− tA0 (f)]) otherwise

where[tA(f)−tA0 (f)]

tD0 (g)−tA0 (f), calibrated by a scaling factor α to reflect the sensitivity of

flight schedules to disruption, determines the magnitude of the delay propagation’s

multiplicative term. We assume the propagation to be positively correlated to the

lateness of flight f, i.e. tA(f)−tA0 (f), and negatively correlated to the time lag between

the scheduled arrival time of flight f and the scheduled departure time of flight g in

the denominator or tD0 (g)−tA0 (f). The scaling factor α is determined empirically using

connected flight linkage. Table 6.2 illustrates our delay propagation calculation for

10 exemplary combinations of delays and turnaround times and three representative


Delay Turnaround time GP (g) GP (g) GP (g)tA(f)− tA0 (f) tD0 (g)− tA0 (f) α = 1 α = 0.5 α = 1.1


45 20 10 2260 15 7.5 16.575 12 6 13.290 10 5 11


45 35.5 17.8 39.160 26.7 13.3 29.375 21.3 10.7 23.590 17.8 8.9 19.6

Table 6.2: Example of delay propagation (unit: minute)

values of α: larger values of α explain for schedules that are more susceptible to

disruptive events.

At hub airports, however, one delayed arrival can affect many outbound flights of

different aircraft types and even of different airlines (regional/trunk line and code-

share partners) as connecting passengers transiting through the hubs to different

destinations. A late arrival can delay many connecting flights if there are a substan-

tial number of connecting passengers changing aircraft at the hub airport and little

possibility of spilling those to subsequent flights. Therefore, airlines make compro-

mise between maintaining delay internalities and sharing these to other passengers

as to minimize the overall impacts of operational irregularities. As passenger data

are proprietary, propagating effects at hub airports will need a separate passenger

simulation module, and that is beyond the scope of our current research.

6.1.5 Cancellation and cancellation propagation submodel

Cancellation of a flight f is determined by a conditional probability function p(f).

On one hand, cancellation likelihood can be modeled as a probabilistic variable. The


probability of canceling a flight f , p(f), has two independent components: the prob-

ability of canceling f as a result of canceling an inbound flight g, p(f ∩ g), and the

probability of canceling f caused only by local technical or operational problems,

p(f ∩ g):

p(f) = p(flight f is cancelled)

= p(f ∩ g) + p(f ∩ g)

= p(f |g)p(g) + p(f |g)p(g)

We denote p(f |g)p(g) as p1, p(f |g)p(g) as p2, and explain later how to estimate

them in the parameter estimation section. On the other hand, it is commonly ac-

knowledged that delay and cancellation are used as performance trade-off. Airlines,

to certain extent, voluntarily cancel flights to avoid excessive delay. This decision

involves cost/benefit analysis using airline proprietary data. Therefore, we use daily

cumulative delay (of all arrivals and departures) at an airport as a surrogate to the

airport performance based on which to make cancellation decisions: the statistical

trend over time between the cumulative delay in minutes and the number of cancella-

tions reflect aggregately how airlines generally compromise between the two metrics.

At the departure of a flight f , to determine the probability of canceling f in relation

to delay, let∑

k:k<f [dA(k) + dD(k)] be the cumulative sum of departure delay dD(k)

and arrival delays dA(k) of all flights k scheduled before f , and c the cumulative

number of cancellations that happen before f . We simulate the statistical non-linear

relationship, denoted as Ω, between the two metrics as follows: If the two metrics fol-

low the pattern, the probabilities p1 and p2 are dominant; but if delay becomes more


excessive, a cancellation is forced to maintain the trend between the two metrics:

p(f) =

p1 + p2 if Ω(

∑k:k<f [d

A(k)− dD(k)], c) is true

1 otherwise

Details on modeling this feature are given in the next section, when we estimate

parameters of the model for LGA airport.

6.2 Parameter estimation

A major challenge lies in estimating model parameters. The data source we used is

ASPM. Given limits on what is available at what level of fidelity, we conducted data

filtering to isolate the effects being analyzed. It is widely known that airlines incor-

porate buffer times into their schedule in anticipation of delay. In order to estimate

’real’ delay, i.e. idle time that aircraft spend waiting to proceed, it is necessary to

base the calculation on actual times but not scheduled times. But on the other hand,

reported metrics in ASPM typically include many effects at the same time, such as

gate-out delay and en-route delay.

We used techniques to remove or at least alleviate the compound effects, which

are described subsequently for respective metrics. Although our data preparation

process has tried to estimate independent distributions of various stochastic variables,

the overall estimation can be further improved if better filtering techniques become


We also provide details on the delay propagation and cancellation algorithms in

this section. These are some of the main features of the model that aim to simulate

network effect, and the trade-off relationship between them.


6.2.1 Gate-out delay distributions

Gate-out delay values in ASPM are the time difference between scheduled gate-out

(departure) time and the actual time. This metric typically includes delay due to

late connecting legs, local airline operational problems, and delay due to ATC’s flow

management measures such as Ground Stop or Ground Delay Programs. The first

delay component can be easily isolated by sampling only departures that have early

inbound arrivals so there should not be any propagation effect. Then, since we don’t

have access to the third component of the delay, it was analyzed together with local

randomness to give the statistical distribution of gate-out delay time.

6.2.2 Taxi time distributions

Taxi-out times reported in ASPM typically include queuing delay for runways. Since

it is more important to estimate actual waiting time of an aircraft but not the extra

delay in addition to expected delay impeded in the schedule, the model alleviates this

compound effect by having taxi-out times drawn from the distribution of the mini-

mums of nominal taxi-out time and actual taxi-out time. Taxi-in time distributions

are fitted similarly.

6.2.3 En route time distributions

Enroute times are referred to as airtimes in ASPM. This metric sums the necessary

flying time to go from airports to airports, and the en-route delay due to weather or

traffic flow management. When an airport’s inbound traffic flow is expected to exceed

its available capacity, ATCs proactively delay arriving aircrafts by Ground Stops,


Ground Delay Programs for flights that have not departed yet, and impose Mile-

in-trail restrictions, holding patterns, alternative routes and other flow management

procedures for airbound aircraft. As we wanted to isolate stochastic enroute delay

from this queuing effect, we only sampled flights such that at their wheels-on times

at destination airports, the number of arrivals does not exceed 75% of airport arrival

capacity. This condition helped identify flights that are not subject to traffic flow

management measures initiated by destination airports.

6.2.4 Cancellation and cancellation propagation

Let p1(f) denote the probability of canceling flight f caused by local technical or

operational problems, as defined previously in the cancellation submodel. p1 can be

empirically determined from ASPM for any time period length. The probability of

canceling flight f after canceling a connecting flight g, p2(f |g), can also be determined

empirically by using connecting flight linkage. Without loss of generality, we show

in Figure 6.2 an example of p1 + p2 at LGA airport for every 1-hour time period

throughout the day where this probability can be as high as 10% for 22:00-23:00 time


Figure 6.3 relates cumulative delay (arrival and departure) of all flown flights


k(dA(k) + dD(k)), to cumulative flight cancellations, c, throughout the day at

LGA. Each data point represents a 15-min time window of any day of the sampled

period and reflects the level of cumulative delay in minutes at the corresponding

number of cumulative cancellations. A time series plots the change of one metric in

relation to the other for one day. The set of these time series therefore shows the

approximate trend of delay-cancellation correlation that is fitted by a logarithmic


Figure 6.2: Hourly Empirical Cancellation Rates as the first component for simulated


regression function.

As explained previously in the cancellation subsection, daily cumulative delay (of

arrivals and departures) can be considered as surrogate to airport performance based

on which airlines make cancellation decisions to certain extent. The statistical trend

over time between the cumulative delay and cancellations reflect aggregately how

airlines generally compromise between the two metrics. Figure 6.3 fits the trend of

these two cumulative metrics by the log function y = 7726lnx−7255.7, or∑


dD(k)] = 7726lnc−7255.7. At the departure of flight f during a simulation run, if the

two cumulative metrics stay at or below the log curve, the sum of p1 + p2 determines

the probability to cancel f as the delay is not too excessive to be compensated by a

cancellation; but if cumulative delay increases above the curve, a cancellation is forced

to maintain the log-fit non-linear trend between the two metrics in Figure 6.3. Given

the fitted log function of the relation between cumulative delay and cancellation in


Figure 6.3: The relation of cumulative delay and cancellation used in simulating


Figure 6.3, the following algorithm is used to determine the cancellation probability

of a flight f in the model:

p(f) =

p1 + p2 if


A(k) + dD(k)] ≤ 7726lnc− 7255.71 otherwise

When one flight is cancelled, c is updated to give a new threshold for the condition.


6.3 Model calibration and application

6.3.1 Estimating delays and cancellations of alternative sched-


The sub-models and parameter estimation procedures are generic to all airports. In

this section, the Congestion Game [20] that investigated alternative slot allocation

schemes for LGA airport in anticipation of the removal of High-Density-Rules in

January 2007 motivated us to focus on this airport. Without lost of generality, we

present in this section the calibration of our model against actual data for LGA

airport taken from ASPM database for the period 2000-2001.

The schedule material from the Congestion Game [20], four flights schedules of

1386, 1274, 1240 and 1104 operations/day that result from administrative and con-

gestion pricing measures, was run 100 independent replications each to compare the

outputs to average statistics of corresponding demand ranges. The schedule of 1386

operations/day correspond to the demand level in Fall 2000. The current schedule is

at 1240 operations/day, and the other schedules are derived from the current sched-

ule. Comparison of delays estimated by our model against ASPM data are shown in

Fig. 4. As explained earlier in the runway capacity submodel, aircraft pair-wise sepa-

ration standards are systematically enforced. We calibrated the multiplicative scaling

factor to approximate the estimates with the actual data. This scaling factor explains

for mixed runways, interdependency between runways, operational differences (due

to wind, temperature, elevation, ATC’s separation practice) of between airports. As

the scenario of 1240 operations represent the most common scenario, we calibrated

the scaling factor against actual data of this demand level.


Figure 6.4: Comparison of delay estimates vs. actual data

The charts in Figure 6.4 compare average simulated arrival delays and departure

delays aggregated for 15-min periods versus actual statistical data respectively. Each

time series corresponding to each schedule scenario plots the deviation of simulated

aggregate arrival (departure) delay from recorded delays of all flights in every 15-

min bins. Extreme values at the tails of the curves are due to delays propagated by

network effects. The common trend in both arrival and departure delay estimation is

that the model tends to overestimate at higher levels of demand, appears accurate at

current levels, and underestimates at lower levels. The deviation begins to manifest


early in the afternoon, and appears more important for arrival than departure. The

over-prediction is due to the model strictly imposing standard separations between

aircraft at all demand levels. Network effects explain for the larger deviation in

arrivals compared to departures, as well as the under-prediction at low levels.

Delay and cancellation are highly correlated. Airport authorities need to look at

both metrics to determine the desirable level of one metric in conjunction with that of

the other metric. Cancellation implications simulated in the model are given in terms

of expected number of cancelled seats per hour, as shown in Figure 6.5. The common

trends of cancelled seats for the four schedule scenarios correspond to the combined

effects of empirical probability and the lognormal trade-off correlation between delay

and cancellations.

Figure 6.5: Estimates of cancelled seats

As expected, busier schedules are more likely to cancel more seats in addition to

high delays. Cancel seats also increase gradually towards the end of the day, due

to cascading effects from previously schedule disruptive events. Faced by demand

outpacing the growth of capacity, forecasting delays and cancellations is important in


understanding the potential implications of airline schedules on airport performance

and the quality of service provided to the flying passengers. As US airlines can

schedule as many flights as they want in most US airports (except airports with HDR

such as LGA, JFK, and DCA), airport authorities can use this model to analyze before

hand the impacts of future demand levels in order to coordinate with airlines for

more desirable schedules, and conduct strategic planning for capacity enhancement

or congestion management. Moreover, our model could be extended to estimate

delay/cancellation at the level of individual airlines. Airline-specific estimates then

can be given to airlines involved in a coordinated scheduling process to incentivize

them make changes that might improve their individual performance and the overall

performance [73]. Therefore, the model provides a proactive approach to identify

schedule gridlocks and potentially mitigate well in advance.

6.3.2 Assessing impacts of changes in separation standards

on airport capacity and delay

The over-prediction observed in model calibration is due to the model strictly impos-

ing standard separations between aircraft at all demand levels. Standard separations

were established a long time ago and thereby remain conservative given constant im-

provements in avionics. Because of this reason, and the pressure of higher incoming

traffic rates, ATC’s might adapt to keep delay down in practice.

The runway capacity sub-model that explicitly uses separation standards allows

for analysis of potential relaxation of this constraint. We adjusted the scaling factor

in the runway capacity submodel to reflect this adaptive behavior. Figure 6.6 shows

that model estimates accuracy for arrival (similarly for departure) when the come


closer to actual data when separation standards in Table 6.1 are decreased by 6%

(reduced to 94% of the original values).

Figure 6.6: Adaptation of the system at high traffic levels and the effect on delay

Assuming that current technologies could safely decrease the separations by 6%,

simulated delay of the high-demand schedule scenario at 1375 operations/day with

separation standards being strictly enforced is brought down to the currently observ-

able level. Therefore, if the current level of delay is considered maximally acceptable,

operational rates could only increase with a corresponding reduction in the separa-

tion standards. The model’s ability to assess airport capacity and performance by

scaling current separation standards is important. This could support policy-makers

to re-evaluate these standards, which have long been considered as conservative. Out

model quantifies the tradeoff between operational rates and separation standards. As

airport capacity becomes increasingly critical in coping with projected traffic growth

and congestion, a reduction of wake vortex separations needs to be carefully analyzed

to balance a desirable level of delay versus a required level of safety. Analytical mod-

els with closed-form estimation provide little support for this analysis requirement.

As such, simulation tools as ours can be very helpful.


6.3.3 Assessing impacts of changes in fleet mix on delay es-


In addition to the adaptive capability described above, the model distinguishes itself

further from analytical models, which take as input aggregate demands and capacities,

by allowing hypothesis on aircraft type to be made and estimating the resulting

effects. As ongoing efforts in congestion management try to bring the number of flight

operations align with airport capacities while maintaining the throughput, analysis of

the impacts by changes in the fleet mix on airport performance is important. Figure

6.7 compares estimated arrival delay per flight for the current fleet mix of the 1386

operations/day schedule scenario against that a hypothetic fleet of all-large aircraft

(from the wake vortex categorization standpoint) at the same operational level.

Figure 6.7: Effect of fleet changes on delay performance

Not only does the upgauging bring down average arrival delay per flight by 26%,

from 32.2 min/flight to 23.7 min/flight, it also enhances airport’s capacity, as separa-

tion for LARGE-LARGE is 2.5nmile/73sec vs. 4nmile/164sec for LARGE-SMALL.

This positive effect of a more homogeneous fleet mix of larger aircraft on airport


capacity and performance is important: it provides incentives and support decisions

to upgauge airline fleet mix. This feature of our simulation model addresses the

shortcoming of all analytical queuing models that use aggregate demand to estimate

delays: aggregating demand loses all characteristics of the fleet mix and therefore

neglects this determinant of airport capacities’ operational constraint. Furthermore,

focus could be given to highly congested periods to identify groups of aircraft whose

upgauging could significantly reduce the delay peaks.

Ball et al. [20] pointed out: “Airlines have no effective means of differentiating

their service. Efforts to differentiate by increasing frequency of flights have resulted

in lower load factors, and airlines have responded by continuing to adjust their fleets

towards smaller regional jets with substantially higher cost per available seat mile.

The result of these efforts has been reduced profitability, but airlines are now locked

into higher-frequency schedules with fleets of smaller, less-economical aircraft”. As

such, studying the effects of fleet mix could assist policy-makers in devising measures

to enhance passenger throughput and reduce excessive flight frequencies, better the

utilization of public scarce resources. Moreover, in a larger context, the model could

help study the effects of new aircrafts such as B7E7 and A380 on airports’ capacity

and performance.

Chapter 7: Demand Management at LaGuardia

Airport: How Far Are We From Utopia?

Our methodology is applicable to airports that have mainly local traffic. In this

chapter we apply our methodology to LGA airport. We first extend the results of

the unconstrained profit-maximizing scenario presented in Chapter 4 to constrained

scenarios with different runway capacity levels at LGA. The public goal of maximizing

seat throughput is explored next, also in unconstrained and constrained scenarios.

As maximizing seat throughput is conflicting with profit maximizing, we identify

intermediate solutions and focus on two compromise scenarios. For each scenario and

runway capacity level, we report important metrics of the output schedules, such as

operation throughput, seat throughput, average aircraft size, average fare, number of

markets served, and average flight delay estimated by our delay model introduced in

Chapter 5.

7.1 Assumptions and parameters

As mentioned earlier in Chapter 4, we use the following assumptions and parameters

for all the scenarios:


• We only consider profitable daily schedules of nonstop domestic markets,



• The sample data is taken randomly from a much larger population set,

• The sample is a good representation of the population,

• The sample average fare is a good estimate of that of the population,

• Probabilities of price points in the sample are good estimates of those of price

points in the population,

• Time-based demand shares are proportional to time-based seat shares,

• Demand for each nonstop domestic market is equal in both directions, and hence

equal to the average of directional demands.

Data and Parameters

• Data sampling period: Q2, 2005

• 67 nonstop domestic markets that have daily schedules to/from LGA

• 45 minutes of minimum turn-around time for all fleets

• 80% load factor

• Fuel cost: $2/gallons

• Existing fleets

• One level of nesting with three generic substitution groups for all markets:

time windows from 6:00am-12:00pm, 12:01pm-17:00pm, and 17:01pm-24:00pm

are substitutable. However, finer grouping of substitutable time windows can

be done to reflect better demand characteristics by time of day for individual



7.2 Baseline statistics

General statistics For the sampling period of Q2 2005, ASPM reports traffic data

of 275 airports that had nonstop domestic and international flights to/from LGA, and

revenue data of 92 domestic markets. We only focus on 67 domestic markets1 that

have at least one nonstop flight in average per day during the sampling period. These

markets provide 92.6 % of the total passengers and 94% actual operations at LGA.

Statistics with respect to these 67 markets are collected in Table 7.1 to be compared

later against various scenarios. The overall statistics are also provided for reference


Metrics Study OverallMarkets 67 275Flights 1024 1104Seats 98686 101072Passengers 72845 78675Average aircraft size 95 95Average fare $139 $133Average flight delay 18.7 min 18.6 min

Table 7.1: Daily average statistics of 67 markets in study, and overall statistics

(Source: ASPM Q2, 2005)

Average market frequencies Figure 7.1 shows the geographical locations of 67

markets in study, and the average actual daily frequencies in both directions for

each market. Daily frequencies are colored coded using a color spectrum from 2 to

74 flights/day. BOS has the highest average frequency (73 flights/day), followed by

1See Appendix A for airport codes, names and locations


DCA (68), ORD (62), ATL (48), FLL (43), and RDU (37). The smallest markets that

have regular daily frequencies are HOU (3 flights/day), BGR (3), HYA (2), MVY (2)

and LEX (2).

Figure 7.1: Geographical distribution of (flight) demand of LGA nonstop domestic

markets in study (see Table 7.9 for numerical values of actual frequencies)

Scheduled flights and actual average delays by time of day The average

number of flights scheduled in each 15min time windows and the resulting delays are

plotted in Figure 7.2. Throughout the day, demand fluctuates around the airport-

reported optimal rate of 10 deps(arrs) per 15 mins, alternated with small buffers of 30

minutes. As a result, queuing delays build up towards the end of the day, reaching up

to 40min for departures and almost 50min for arrivals. One can notice that departure

demand is higher in the morning, but departure delays worsen in the evening due to


delay propagating effects between flights circulating in the network.

Figure 7.2: Densely distributed demand and increasing queuing delays near the end

of the day

7.3 Investigated scenarios

Airline scheduling subproblems seek to maximize profit. The resulting schedules are

collected into a set-packing master problem. The set of profit-maximizing schedules of

a single benevolent airline represents the economic “Utopia”. This economic “Utopia”


results from demand-supply interaction through actual price elasticities, with the

assumption that supply can be consolidated. However, maximize profit is conflicting

with the public goal, which is to maximize enplanement opportunities. Therefore,

we first investigate two conflicting objective functions of the master problem: (i)

find schedules at LGA that maximize the overall profit, and (ii) find schedules that

maximize the overall seat throughput.

As maximizing seat throughput might select schedules that are suboptimal to air-

lines, we look at seat throughput maximizing scenarios with different lower bounds

on profits. We then select two intermediate solutions, called the compromise scenar-

ios, that reconcile the two objective functions and are close to the baseline. The two

compromise scenarios impose profits of seat-maximizing schedules to be within 90%

and 80% of the profits of profit-maximizing schedules. These compromise scenarios

identify feasible transition paths towards the economic “Utopia”.

For each scenario, i.e. profit-maximizing, seat maximizing, and intermediate solu-

tions, we solve the set-packing master problem at different runway rates to (i) analyze

the sensitivity of the outputs to this parameter, and (ii) further validate our model.

We then report for each combination of scenario and runway capacity the number of

markets, operation throughput, seat throughput, average aircraft size, average fare,

and estimate the resulting average flight delay. The scenarios are outlined in Table



Airport dep/arr rate/15min/runwayUnconstrained 10 9 8 7 6 5 4



io Profit-maximizing - - - - - - - -Seat-maximizing - - - - - - - -Compromise 90% - - - - - - - -Compromise 80% - - - - - - - -

Table 7.2: Scenarios investigated

7.4 Profit maximizing

The profit maximizing scenario has the same objective function in the subproblems

and in the master problem. Figure 7.3 plots the total seat throughput in the output

daily schedules, contrasted by the average output fare, for the baseline and different

runway capacity levels at LGA. The unconstrained scenario suggests a 20% reduction

in seats, which would increase average ticket price by 12% from $139 to $156. Note

Figure 7.3: Model suggests reduction in seats, which results in augmentation of av-

erage ticket price


that the total output seats for runway capacity levels ≥ 5 deps(arrs)/runway/15min

is still higher than the actual average number of passengers passing through LGA per

day during the sampling period.

Changes in the total output seats when runway capacity decreases might be

non-monotonic, due to adjustments of supply around that the supply level of the

profit optimum: decreasing or increasing supply from the profit-optimal supply level

can both decrease the optimal profit. It is also interesting to see that from 10

deps(arrs)/runway/15min, which is the reported Visual Meteorological Condition

(VMC) optimal rate for good weather conditions, to 8 deps(arrs)/runway/15min for

Instrument Meteorological Condition (IMC), the output seats do not change sig-

nificantly. Observed actual rates at LGA for all weather conditions average at 8

deps(arrs)/runway/15min. Tightening the runway capacity constraint at LGA barely

affects the number of seats until the rate is set at 4 operations/runway/15min.

Changes in total seat throughput are translated to flight frequency and aircraft

size in Figure 7.4. Although seat throughput falls only by 20% for the unconstrained

scenario, daily flight frequency decreases by 40%, raising average aircraft size from 95

seats/flight to 130 seats/flight. These two time series follow the same trend as total

seat and fare time series with little change for most of the runway capacity levels,

and start deviate off at 5 ops/runway/15min.

The results suggest reduction of airline capacity through consolidation of flights

and increase aircraft size. This is consistent with the large number of low-load factor

flights observed in ASPM data, and the overscheduling reality of the industry that

drives down ticket price. The concept of a single benevolent airline that reacts to price

elasticity of demand in a competitive market helps us achieve these results. These


Figure 7.4: Delay reduction through consolidation of flights and aircraft upgauging

results represent the highest level of airline consolidation and profit-based rationality.

Our model demonstrates the inverse relation of supply and price: reduction of airline

capacity leads to increase in fare. Table 7.3 summarizes daily average statistics of

the profit-maximizing scenario. The minor non-monotonic changes in #flights and

#seats are normal for a set-packing problem solution. Figure 7.5 visualizes percentage

changes of the metrics compared to the baseline.

#deps (arrs) allowed per runway per 15minBaselineUnconstrained 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

#markets 67 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 61#flights 1024 602 594 598 596 596 594 570 476#seats 96997 77700 77450 77600 77550 77300 77650 76200 66600

aircraft size 95 129 130 130 130 130 131 134 140average fare $139 $156 $157 $157 $157 $157 $157 $159 $170flight delay*18.7min 3min 2.7min2.8min2.7min2.7min2.3min 2min 1.4min

Table 7.3: Daily statistics of profit-maximizing scenarios (* queuing delay estimates

do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule operations)


Figure 7.5: Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline

Three markets that are not profitable to operate on a daily basis include Lebanon-

Hanover, NH (LEB), Roanoke Municipal, VA (ROA), and Knoxville, TN (TYS).

These markets might then have non-daily schedules, or relocate service to other sub-

stitutable airports. Table 7.13 gives their daily statistics.

Runway cap. Market Frequency Arc. size Fare Passengers Yield* ($)Unconstrained LEB 6 19 $153 50 0.72

10,9,8,7 ROA 5 37 $186 77 0.466,5,4 TYS 2 50 $125 85 0.19

4ACK 5 26 $216 47 1.07ALB 7 33 $91 62 0.67CHO 5 33 $229 80 0.75

Table 7.4: Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in profit-maximizing scenario at

different runway capacity levels, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005. (*revenue per passenger



7.5 Seat throughput maximizing

The seat maximizing scenario collects profit-maximizing schedules from airline schedul-

ing submodels, and finds the best combination that maximizes the overall number

of seats. Therefore, the result of this scenario can be significantly different from

that of profit-maximizing. In fact, Figure 7.6 shows that the unconstrained setting

suggests a small increase in daily seat throughput at LGA. As runway capacity be-

Figure 7.6: Seat maximizing increases seats at high runway capacity levels

comes more restricted, seat throughput goes down gradually to the baseline level at

6 ops/runway/15min, and then continues to decrease. Average ticket price also drops

from the baseline $139 down to $129 for the unconstrained setting, then goes up

slowly to reach the baseline value again at 4 ops/runway/15min. Again, Figure 7.6

demonstrates the reverse relation between supply and price.

One might notice that at 6 ops/runway/15min, seats regain the baseline value

whereas fare is still smaller than the baseline fare value. That is because two small


markets, Nantucket, MA (ACK) and Norfolk, VA (ORF), fall off the solution, and the

remaining markets continue to have an increase in total seat throughput. Table 7.5

lists fall-off markets for all runway capacity levels investigated. Despite an increase

Runway cap. Market Frequency Arc. size Fare Passengers Yield* ($)Unconstrained LEB 6 19 $153 50 0.72

10,9,8,7 ROA 5 37 $186 77 0.466,5,4 TYS 2 50 $125 85 0.19

6ACK 5 26 $216 47 1.07ORF 14 34 $238 255 0.5


BGR 3 40 $93 76 0.25GRR 1 39 $129 27 0.20ITH 9 33 $160 93 0.89SAV 7 50 $140 326 0.19



BHM 6 50 $190 280 0.22CAE 6 50 $130 292 0.21HYA 2 28 $235 19 1.19MCI 10 125 $180 643 0.16MVY 2 34 $233 15 1.33RIC 19 50 $155 619 0.53


Table 7.5: Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in seat-maximizing scenario at

different runway capacity levels, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005

in seat throughput, the model produces schedules with fewer flights at all runway

capacity levels than the baseline. The supply level of this seat throughput maximizing

scenario is broken down to flight frequency and aircraft size in Figure 7.7. The

number of flights reduces gradually from 1024 flights in the baseline to 962 flights

in the unconstrained setting and to 484 flights at 4 ops/runway/15min. Aircraft

size also increases gradually from 95 seats/flight in the baseline to 115 seat/flight

at 10 ops/runway/15min, and up to 163 ops/runway/15min. Table 7.6 summarizes

daily and average statistics of the seat throughput maximizing scenario, Figure 7.8


visualizes the percentage changes compared to the baseline.

Figure 7.7: Despite increase in seats at high runway capacity levels, model suggests

gradual decrease of flights and aircraft upgauging

#deps (arrs) allowed per runway per 15minBaselineUnconstrained 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

#markets 67 64 64 64 64 64 62 58 52#flights 1024 962 914 898 848 770 686 588 484#seats 96997 106250 105100104150102550100250 96550 89600 79100

aircraft size 95 110 115 116 121 130 141 152 163average fare 139 125 126 126 128 130 131 137 139flight delay*18.7min 15.7min 9.2min7.8min7.2min4.5min3.2min2.6min1.6min

Table 7.6: Daily statistics of seat throughput maximizing scenarios (* queuing delay

estimates do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule operations)


Figure 7.8: Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline

7.6 Compromise scenarios

Notice that seat throughput in the profit-maximizing scenario is significantly below

that in the seat throughput maximizing scenario. This results from the conflicting

objective functions of the two scenarios. Increasing seat throughput selects subop-

timal schedules that provide more seats than the optimal quantity. Therefore, we

add a lower bound on the profit value of candidate schedules when solving the seat

throughput maximizing scenario to enforce the selection of schedules that are not too

far from the profit optimal.

Figure 7.9 illustrates the seat throughput curves for different values of lower bound

of schedule profit. As the lower bound approaches 100% of profit optimal, the seat

throughput curve gets closer to the optimal curve of the profit-maximizing scenario.


Figure 7.9: (1) Profit-maximizing (2) Seat-maximizing within 95% optimal profit (3)

Seat-maximizing within 90% optimal profit (4) Seat-maximizing within 80% optimal

profit (5) Seat-maximizing within 60% or less of optimal profit

The profit-maximizing scenario is the benchmark towards which commercial air-

lines should move to achieve economic efficiency, and this economic efficiency entails

significant airline capacity consolidation (20%). This benchmark is an “Utopia” in

the sense that monopoly is undesirable, and competition is necessary. On the other

hand, the seat throughput maximizing curve is the public goal that might lead to air-

lines’ unsustainable overscheduling. Therefore, we chose the intermediate solutions

at 90% and 80% of optimal profit that (i) are close enough to the baseline to provide

a feasible transition solution, and (ii) is reasonably close to the optimal profit curve.

When runway capacity is restricted, these intermediate solutions also represent levels

of service consolidation possibly resulting from airlines’ market-based responses.


7.6.1 Seat-maximizing within 90% profit optimal

Table 7.7 and Figure 7.10 summarize daily average statistics of the seat maximizing

scenario within 90% profit optimal.

Figure 7.10: Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline

#deps (arrs) allowed per runway per 15minBaselineUnconstrained 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

#markets 67 64 64 64 64 62 59 54 43#flights 1024 842 828 832 808 746 670 576 462#seats 96997 99450 99300 98900 98100 96050 92550 86350 75900

aircraft size 95 118 120 119 121 129 138 150 164average fare 139 133 133 133 134 135 137 142 146flight delay*18.7min 8.2min 7.4min5.9min5.2min4.2min2.8min2.3min1.5min

Table 7.7: Daily statistics of 90% compromise scenarios (* queueing delay estimates

do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule operations)


In Table 7.8, we list the markets that fall out at different runway capacity levels.

In contrast to the previous scenarios, there is non-monotonicity for seat-maximizing

within 90% of profit optimal, due to the lower bound on profit and the fitting issue in

Runway cap. Market Frequency Arc. size Fare Passengers Yield* ($)Unconstrained LEB 6 19 $153 50 0.72

10,9,8,7 ROA 5 37 $186 77 0.466,5,4 TYS 2 50 $125 85 0.19

7ACK 5 26 $216 47 1.07BWI 14 38 $124 241 0.67


BGR 3 40 $93 76 0.25ORF 14 34 $238 255 0.5PHF 6 113 $107 412 0.37SYR 15 37 $115 298 0.58



DAY 5 50 $131 195 0.24HYA 2 28 $235 19 1.19PVD 9 32 $121 129 0.85SAV 7 50 $140 325 0.19



ALB 7 33 $91 62 0.67BHM 6 50 $190 280 0.22CAE 6 50 $130 293 0.21GSP 9 50 $149 277 0.24ILM 5 50 $135 184 0.27IND 18 58 $138 747 0.21MCI 10 125 $180 642 0.16MEM 6 125 $170 574 0.18MVY 2 34 $233 15 1.33PHL 19 58 $59 522 0.60PWM 14 50 $106 432 0.39RIC 19 50 $154 619 0.53XNA 4 38 $295 85 0.26


Table 7.8: Daily average statistics of fall-off markets in seat-maximizing scenario

within 90% profit optimal at different runway capacity levels, Source: ASPM Q2,



a set packing problem. ACK’s schedule, for example, falls out at 7 ops/runway/15min

because the combination of other schedules fit into the capacity constraint and provide

a larger total of seats; adding ACK’s schedule violates the capacity constraint. At

6 ops/runway/15min however, BGR and ORF fall out, releasing capacity to ACK’s

schedule so that ACK could fit into the seat-maximizing combination.

In the next section, we look more into details the output schedules at 8 ops per

runway per 15min. We first estimate delays by time of day, then present changes in

schedules and fleet mix of individual markets.

Frequency and delay distribution by time of day Figure 7.11 plots the number

of flights (arrivals and departures) by their scheduled 15-min time windows for the

compromise scenario at 8 ops/runway/15min. Note that the output schedule includes

only nonstop domestic flights that are profitable on a daily basis. These flights come

from 64 airports. Other demands not accounted for are other flights, which include

international flights, non-daily and non-scheduled flights that can come from 275

airports having nonstop service to LGA. We stack the other flights on top of the

output schedule to approximate the total final demand of this scenario. Time series

of average total of actual demand is also plotted for comparison purpose.

The output schedule combined with other flights approximates well the average

demand by time of day. The total demand profile has fewer peaks above LGA optimal

runway capacity rates. The buffers retained between time windows serve to absorb

queuing delays accumulated at the peaks. We estimate average flight delay per flight

for the output schedule only in Figure 7.12, which is reduced to less than 15min for

any time window.


Figure 7.11: Model schedule reduces over-capacity peaks and retain buffers between

time windows

Figure 7.12: Seat-maximizing schedules within 90% profit optimal at 8 ops per 15min

reduce flight delay significantly

Changes in supply level and price of individual markets Table 7.9 provides

baseline values and numerical results for all the markets in this scenario.


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

ACK 5 2 -2.8 26 25 -1 216 148 -68ALB 7 2 -5.3 33 25 -8 91 90 -1ATL 48 32 -15.7 156 145 -11 128 167 39BGR 3 4 0.9 40 38 -3 93 112 19BHM 6 6 0.1 50 50 0 191 298 107BNA 8 6 -2.5 83 108 25 177 225 48BOS 73 60 -13.4 106 208 102 123 74 -50BTV 11 6 -5.5 37 50 13 102 86 -15BUF 21 14 -7.2 50 93 43 87 75 -12BWI 14 8 -5.6 38 25 -13 124 189 65CAE 6 6 0.3 50 50 0 131 152 21CAK 6 6 0 113 125 12 100 87 -13CHO 5 2 -3.3 33 25 -8 229 144 -85CHS 11 10 -1.3 50 75 25 133 123 -11CLE 21 16 -4.6 65 78 13 128 135 7CLT 32 30 -1.7 102 97 -6 127 129 2CMH 26 22 -4.2 46 102 56 150 97 -53CVG 13 10 -3.5 122 155 33 121 123 2DAY 5 6 0.5 50 50 0 131 147 16DCA 69 68 -0.7 108 131 23 120 86 -35DEN 14 14 0.1 158 150 -8 185 242 57DFW 26 26 -0.5 148 146 -2 191 204 13DTW 32 22 -9.7 122 175 53 124 126 1FLL 43 26 -17.2 157 181 23 111 118 7GSO 18 12 -6 50 96 46 127 107 -20GSP 9 6 -2.7 50 83 33 149 115 -35HOU 3 4 0.6 137 150 13 195 224 28


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

HYA 2 2 -0.2 28 25 -3 235 274 39IAD 16 16 -0.3 66 81 15 90 77 -14IAH 17 18 0.9 131 150 19 215 217 2ILM 5 6 0.6 50 83 33 135 111 -24IND 18 12 -5.8 58 88 30 138 137 -1ITH 9 4 -4.7 33 25 -8 160 156 -4JAX 8 6 -1.8 52 150 98 156 120 -36LEX 2 2 0 50 50 0 171 231 60MCI 10 6 -3.5 125 150 25 180 181 1MCO 21 18 -2.5 166 156 -10 109 140 31MDW 19 20 1.5 152 143 -10 115 111 -4MEM 6 6 0.2 125 133 8 171 162 -9MHT 16 10 -6.4 38 45 7 107 92 -15MIA 16 14 -2.4 175 154 -21 141 202 62MKE 12 8 -4.1 99 163 64 157 132 -25MSP 13 12 -1.3 150 167 17 197 191 -7MSY 6 6 0.1 131 175 44 155 156 0MVY 2 2 -0.1 34 25 -9 233 259 26MYR 6 6 0.3 104 175 71 130 118 -12ORD 62 56 -6.1 138 139 1 148 143 -6ORF 14 10 -3.7 34 25 -9 150 238 88PBI 12 8 -3.6 171 225 54 111 118 6PHF 6 6 0 113 75 -38 107 119 12PHL 19 8 -11.5 58 44 -14 59 101 43PIT 13 12 -1.1 112 67 -45 171 287 116PVD 9 4 -4.8 32 25 -7 121 130 8PWM 14 12 -2.5 49 58 10 106 101 -5


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

RDU 37 22 -15.1 46 95 49 129 111 -18RIC 19 14 -5 50 39 -11 154 229 74ROC 14 6 -8.1 39 125 86 118 78 -40SAV 7 6 -0.6 50 50 0 140 152 12SDF 7 6 -0.9 50 83 33 165 172 7STL 9 10 0.9 137 155 18 173 168 -4SYR 15 12 -2.8 39 25 -14 115 155 40TPA 10 10 0.5 160 155 -5 114 127 13XNA 4 4 0 38 50 12 295 227 -69

Table 7.9: Numerical results of the 90% compromise scenario at 8 ops/runway/15min


7.6.2 Seat-maximizing within 80% profit optimal

#deps (arrs) allowed per runway per 15minBaselineUnconstrained 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

#markets 67 64 64 63 64 64 59 54 43#flights 1024 902 882 868 824 780 684 582 474#seats 96997 102750 102200 101600100250 98100 94700 87750 76850

aircraft size 95 114 116 117 122 126 138 151 162average fare 139 129 130 130 131 133 135 140 143flight delay*18.7min 12.5min 10.3min9.7min6.4min3.6min2.9min2.2min1.6min

Table 7.10: Daily statistics of 80% compromise scenarios (* queuing delay estimates

do not include international, non-daily and non-schedule operations)

Figure 7.13: Percentage change of daily statistics from baseline


Figure 7.14: Model schedule reduces over-capacity peaks and retain buffers between

time windows

Figure 7.15: Seat-maximizing schedules within 80% profit optimal at 8 ops per 15min

reduce flight delay less significantly


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

ACK 5 2 -2.8 26 25 -1 216 148 -68ALB 7 2 -5.3 33 25 -8 91 90 -1ATL 48 40 -7.7 156 125 -31 128 167 39BGR 3 4 0.9 40 38 -3 93 112 19BHM 6 6 0.1 50 50 0 191 298 107BNA 8 6 -2.5 83 108 25 177 225 48BOS 73 60 -13.4 106 208 102 123 74 -50BTV 11 4 -7.5 37 63 26 102 86 -15BUF 21 18 -3.2 50 75 25 87 75 -12BWI 14 6 -7.6 38 25 -13 124 189 65CAE 6 6 0.3 50 50 0 131 152 21CAK 6 6 0 113 125 12 100 87 -13CHO 5 2 -3.3 33 25 -8 229 144 -85CHS 11 10 -1.3 50 70 20 133 123 -11CLE 21 16 -4.6 65 78 13 128 135 7CLT 32 32 0.3 102 98 -4 127 129 2CMH 26 16 -10.2 46 141 95 150 97 -53CVG 13 10 -3.5 122 175 53 121 123 2DAY 5 6 0.5 50 50 0 131 147 16DCA 69 68 -0.7 108 131 23 120 86 -35DEN 14 14 0.1 158 150 -8 185 242 57DFW 26 24 -2.5 148 163 15 191 204 13DTW 32 22 -9.7 122 175 53 124 126 1FLL 43 32 -11.2 157 158 0 111 118 7GSO 18 12 -6 50 96 46 127 107 -20GSP 9 6 -2.7 50 83 33 149 115 -35HOU 3 4 0.6 137 150 13 195 224 28


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

HYA 2 2 -0.2 28 25 -3 235 274 39IAD 16 16 -0.3 66 81 15 90 77 -14IAH 17 18 0.9 131 144 13 215 217 2ILM 5 6 0.6 50 83 33 135 111 -24IND 18 10 -7.8 58 100 42 138 137 -1ITH 9 4 -4.7 33 25 -8 160 156 -4JAX 8 6 -1.8 52 150 98 156 120 -36LEX 2 2 0 50 50 0 171 231 60MCI 10 8 -1.5 125 131 6 180 181 1MCO 21 18 -2.5 166 156 -10 109 140 31MDW 19 20 1.5 152 158 5 115 111 -4MEM 6 6 0.2 125 133 8 171 162 -9MHT 16 10 -6.4 38 45 7 107 92 -15MIA 16 14 -2.4 175 154 -21 141 202 62MKE 12 8 -4.1 99 163 64 157 132 -25MSP 13 14 0.7 150 154 4 197 191 -7MSY 6 6 0.1 131 175 44 155 156 0MVY 2 2 -0.1 34 25 -9 233 259 26MYR 6 6 0.3 104 175 71 130 118 -12ORD 62 50 -12.1 138 153 15 148 143 -6ORF 14 12 -1.7 34 29 -5 150 238 88PBI 12 10 -1.6 171 195 24 111 118 6PHF 6 6 0 113 50 -63 107 119 12PHL 19 8 -11.5 58 44 -14 59 101 43PIT 13 12 -1.1 112 67 -45 171 287 116PVD 9 4 -4.8 32 25 -7 121 130 8PWM 14 14 -0.5 49 57 9 106 101 -5


MarketDaily Model Frequency Actual Output Aircraft Actual Model Fare

Average Output Deviation Aircraft Aircraft Size Average Average ChangeFrequency Frequency Size Size Change Fare Fare

RDU 37 26 -11.1 46 90 44 129 111 -18RIC 19 16 -3 50 34 -16 154 229 74ROC 14 6 -8.1 39 125 86 118 78 -40SAV 7 4 -2.6 50 50 0 140 152 12SDF 7 6 -0.9 50 83 33 165 172 7STL 9 10 0.9 137 155 18 173 168 -4SYR 15 14 -0.8 39 25 -14 115 155 40TPA 10 10 0.5 160 190 30 114 127 13XNA 4 4 0 38 38 0 295 227 -69

Table 7.11: Numerical results of the 80% compromise scenario at 8 ops/runway/15min


7.7 Discussion

The profit-maximizing scenario finds the economic “Utopia” where airlines, faced

with restricted runway capacity levels, are expected to rationally consolidate their

service. The results indeed suggest reduction of flights and aircraft upgauging. Con-

sequently, this scenario is best congestion-wise. The optimal schedules of the single

benevolent airline represent the highest level of consolidation and rationality. As

complete consolidation is not realistic nor desirable for a competitive market, as well

as airlines do not always behave rationally, the results in fact provide an upper bound

on how air service can be restructured if airlines respond to capacity restrictions in a

market-based fashion.

The seat-maximizing scenario, on the contrary, finds the policy “Utopia” that

maximizes enplanement opportunities. The results increase the number of seats for

most of the runway capacity levels. While consolidating flights, this public goal could

encourage airlines to unsustainably overschedule, and therefore, this policy “Utopia”

might be neither stable nor desirable for long-term public planning.

The compromise scenarios of 90% and 80% illustrate different levels of market

concentration and rationality. For both scenarios, statistics of the output sched-

ules show that, at 8 operations/runway/15min, the output total seats are higher

(increased by 1.1% and 3.4% respectively) than that of the baseline while average

flight delay is reduced significantly (dropped 72% and 66% respectively). There is

no penalty in the number of markets at 8 operations/runway/15min compared to

10 operations/runway/15min, which is the current Visual Meteorological Condition

(VMC) rate for good weather condition. Therefore, having aggregate airline schedules


at 8 operations/runway/15min will reduce significantly congestion problem at LGA,

increase the predictability of air transportation and improve the quality of service

expected by the flying public.

7.7.1 Research questions and answers

We review our findings that help answer the research problems stated previously.

Inefficiency due to current slot allocation rules Using actual data for EWR,

JFK and LGA, we showed that airport runway capacity is being used inefficiently.

50-seat or less aircraft make up a significant portion at all three airports: 40.6%,

23.6%, and 46% of the total flights at EWR, JFK, and LGA respectively, and flights

having 60% or less load factor represent 22%, 9.4%, and 36.2%. We identified three

main causes: (i) High-Density-Rule allocates slots to incumbent airlines who might

not have a profitable business model, (ii) slot exemptions granted 70-seat or less air-

craft, (iii) the “use-it-or-lose-it” requirement, and (iv) weight-based landing fees.

Existence of profitable flight schedules that reduce congestion and accom-

modate current passenger throughput level Table 7.12 outlines the projected

market response with assumptions of 90% and 80% lower bounds on airline profit

optimal, or 90% and 80% levels of airline consolidation. Our model predicts positive

changes in seats, aircraft size, and negative changes in flight delay, average fare, num-

ber of flights. The number of profitable markets on a daily schedule stays the same.


Metric Baseline 90% consolidation 80% consolidation#markets 67 64 (-4%) 64 (-4%)#flights 1024 808 (-21%) 824 (-20%)#seats 96997 98100 (1%) 100250 (3%)aircraft size 95 121 (27%) 122 (28%)average fare 139 134 (-4%) 131 (-6%)flight delay* 18.7min 5.2min (-72%) 6.4min (-66%)

Table 7.12: Projected effects on daily operations at LGA that result from a market-

based slot allocation at 8 ops/runway/15min (*queueing delay estimates do not in-

clude international, non-daily and non-schedule operations)

Unprofitable daily markets Three markets that are not profitable to operate on

a daily basis are identified to be Lebanon-Hanover, NH (LEB), Roanoke Municipal,

VA (ROA), and Knoxville, TN (TYS). These markets might then have non-daily

schedules, or relocate service to other substitutable airports. Table 7.13 gives their

daily statistics.

Runway cap. Market Frequency Arc. size Fare Passengers Yield* ($)Unconstrained LEB 6 19 $153 50 0.72

10,9,8,7 ROA 5 37 $186 77 0.466,5,4 TYS 2 50 $125 85 0.19

Table 7.13: Daily average statistics of fall-out markets at 8 ops/runway/15min, com-

promise scenarios, Source: ASPM Q2, 2005. (*revenue per passenger mile)

Frequency and delay distribution by time of day Figure 7.11 and Figure 7.14

plot the number of flights (arrivals and departures) by their scheduled 15-min time

windows, our estimates of flight delay are shown in Figure 7.12 and Figure 7.15. Note

that the output schedule includes only nonstop domestic flights that are profitable


on a daily basis. These flights come from 64 airports. Other demands not accounted

for are other flights, which include international flights, non-daily and non-scheduled

flights that can come from 275 airports having nonstop service to LGA. We stack

the other flights on top of the output schedule to approximate the total final demand

of this scenario. Time series of average total of actual demand is also plotted for

comparison purpose.

We notice that the 90% scenario with tighter lower bound on schedule profit

leads to reduction of schedule in the off-peak time windows of afternoon, while the

frequency profile approximates relatively well the morning and late evening traffic.

This results in less delays for arrivals and departures in early evening of the 90%

scenario, averaged at 8min, compared to 10-12min for the 80% scenario.

Chapter 8: Conclusion and Future Work

Air traffic growth is putting substantial pressure on airport infrastructure. Within

the next 10 years, forecasts by [3] predicted that there will be as many as 1.1 billion

air travelers per year in the U.S.. MITRE’s analysis of airport and metropolitan

area future demand and operational capacity [4] revealed that 15 airports, some not

currently in the OEP, will need additional capacity by 2013, and eight more will face

capacity limitations by 2020.

The currently planned improvements in aircraft, airport, and airspace systems

and operational procedures may not be sufficient to safely, securely, and efficiently

meet the U.S. transportation needs of the next 10 years. This concern is reflected

by various congestion management efforts, initiated by the FAA and by regional

airport management entities. Congestion management includes the construction of

new runways and/or airports, improvement of technology, and demand management

measures that control use in order to manage delays and congestion.

At congested airports where there are limited possibilities for expansion, appropri-

ate demand management measures prove to be critical in coping with the projected

traffic growth. High Density Rule (HDR) currently imposed at LGA and JFK airports

aims to maintain demand at available capacity levels. However, the initial restrictions

of this rule along with many temporary fixes over time have resulted in recurring in-

efficiencies: small markets with small aircraft competing access with larger markets,

airlines flying large number of flights at low load factor just to maintain their slots



due to the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule.

With HDR scheduled to end in Jan 2007, appropriate demand management mea-

sures are critically needed to avoid overscheduling and severe congestion at this proba-

bly most important business airport in the Nation. Many potential proposals discuss

the use of congestion pricing and auctions of airport slots. However, appropriate

demand management measures require the understanding of airline operations and

market economics to design the right incentives, as well as beforehand study of im-

plications on enplanement opportunities, average fare, markets served, aircraft size,

and flight delay.

Our methodology addresses this requirement. We take a novel approach in as-

suming a profit-seeking, single benevolent airline, and develop an airline economic

model to simulate scheduling decisions. This airline is defined as benevolent in the

sense that the airline reacts to price elasticities of demand in a competitive market.

These price elasticities of demand and cost data are estimated using publicly avail-

able databases. On the government side, airline schedules are selected to maximize

enplanement opportunities such that these schedules fit into the capacity constraints

at LGA airport. To reconcile the two conflicting objective functions, we find the

optimal solutions for each side, and identify compromise solutions. The compromise

scenarios maximize the number of seats while ensuring that airlines operate within

90% or 80% of profit optimality.

Our results show that in the compromise scenarios at 8 operations/runway/15min,

the total output seats are higher (increased by 1.1% and 3.4% for seat maximizing

within 90% or 80% of profit optimality respectively) than that of the baseline while

average flight delay is reduced significantly (dropped 72% and 66% respectively).


The number of flights is decreased by 21% and 19%; aircraft size is increased by

27% and 28%. As result of small increase in supply level, average fare is decreased

slightly by 4% and 6%. There is no penalty in the number of markets at 8 opera-

tions/runway/15min compared to 10 operations/runway/15min, which is the current

Visual Meteorological Condition (VMC) rate for good weather condition. Therefore,

having aggregate airline schedules at 8 operations/runway/15min will reduce signif-

icantly congestion problem at LGA, increase the predictability of air transportation

and improve the quality of service expected by the flying public.

8.1 Contributions

We summarize our contributions into four main areas:

Development of an airline flight and fleet scheduling model that incor-

porates the interaction of demand and supply through price (Chapter 3)

Appropriate congestion measures require the understanding of airline economics and

operations to avoid unduly affecting the business models of air carriers by forcing

impractical regulations. Therefore, modeling airline scheduling decisions is a central

part of this research. Unlike existing flight scheduling models that use fare as a pa-

rameter, our flight and fleet scheduling model considers fare as a variable negatively

dependent on supply level. This design choice allows the analysis of effects of changes

in schedules on average fares.

Development of a computationally-efficient solution algorithm to find the

optimal set of schedules (Chapter 3) We devise at each of the airports a column


generation algorithm to determine the optimal collection of schedules for each of the

Origin-Destination pairs based on the capacity constraints of the airports in study.

The decomposition algorithm decomposes the problem into a master problem that

optimizes use of the airports while the subproblems find optimal O/D schedules based

on current prices and demand curves.

Development of a methodology for estimating demand curves by time of

the day from publicly available sources (Chapter 4) We perform data mining

of ASPM and BTS databases to break down the aggregate data by quarter of the

year to aggregate data by day and time of day.

Development of a delay stochastic simulation network model to evaluate

flight schedules (Chapter 5) We develop a simulation model that explicitly con-

siders wake vortex separation standards between categories of aircraft to simulate

runway capacity. Delays are estimated based on runway capacity. The model is

capable of evaluating the implications of fleet mix on runway operations throughput.

Demonstration of the existence of profitable airline schedules that reduce

congestion and accommodate current passenger throughput level (Chapter

6) We find the optimal demand allocation benchmarks for scenarios that assume

different capacity levels and public goals. The public goals investigated in this disser-

tation are (i) maximizing profit, (ii) maximizing seat throughput, and (iii) maximizing

the number of markets and seat throughput. The resulting schedules are then eval-

uated against the metrics of interest: Operations throughput, average flight delay,

seat throughput, average aircraft size, number of regular markets, and average fare.


The results show that at Instrument Meteorological Condition (IMC) rate of runway

capacity, airlines’ profit-maximizing responses can be expected to find scheduling so-

lutions that offer 70% decrease in flight delays, 20% reduced in number of flights with

almost no loss of markets and no loss of passenger throughput.

8.2 Recommendations for future work

We identify the following potential ground for future work:

Adding layover costs When airlines choose service frequency and larger aircraft

size, they might increase the turnaround time between flights. Moreover, passenger

schedule delays increase. Schedule delay refers to the time between the most preferred

time of travel time of a passenger and the closest available flight.

Finer grouping of substitutable time windows into airport-specific peak

and off-peak periods For simplicity purpose, our study of LGA uses generic

grouping of substitutable time windows that assumes at any market, all time windows

in the morning (afternoon, or evening) are substitutable. While this is a simplistic

assumption to allow analytical convenience, it neglects the difference in travel time

preferences among markets. Plus, some time windows in the morning might be valued

more by the passengers than others. Therefore, we recommend more detailed group-

ing of substitutable time windows to reflect better peak and off-peak times at each

airport. We also suggest including the daily level of nesting revenue functions. With

only one level of nesting, there is the possibility that all time windows of a certain

group are not in the output schedule, resulting in a supply decrease while ticket prices


are still determined independently by the remaining groups.

Extend the sampling periods to include the whole calendar year We esti-

mates model parameters using data of Q2, 2005. Future studies can use data of the

full year. Separate analyses with data of each quarter could also be done to maintain

the seasonal patterns, and propose some average solution.

Extend the methodology to airports that have good mixture of local and

through traffic Our methodology is appropriate for airports with mostly local traf-

fic like LGA. EWR or JFK airports, however, have a significant connect, or through

traffic. The demands of individual markets are no longer independent: reduction or

increase of capacity on one market segment affects others. In addition to modeling

difficulty, the lack of Origin-Destination demand data also presents a challenge for

this research direction.





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Appendix A: Airport Codes, Locations and Names


ACK Nantucket, MA: Nantucket MemorialALB Albany, NY: Albany CountyATL Atlanta, GA: Hartsfield-JacksonBGR Bangor, ME: Bangor InternationalBHM Birmingham, AL: Birmingham MunicipalBNA Nashville, TN: Nashville MetropolitanBOS Boston, MA: Logan InternationalBTV Burlington, VT: Burlington InternationalBUF Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY: Greater Buffalo InternationalBWI Baltimore, MD: Baltimore/Washington InternationalCAE Columbia, SC: Columbia MetropolitanCAK Akron/Canton Regional, OH: RegionalCHO Charlottesville, VA: Charlottesville AlbemarleCHS Charleston, SC: Charleston InternationalCLE Cleveland, OH: Hopkins InternationalCLT Charlotte, NC: Douglas MunicipalCMH Columbus, OH: Columbus InternationalCVG Covington, KY: Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky InternationalDAY Dayton, OH: James M Cox/Dayton InternationalDCA Washington, DC: Washington NationalDEN Denver, CO: Denver InternationalDFW Dallas/Ft.Worth, TX: Dallas/Ft Worth InternationalDTW Detroit, MI: Detroit Metro Wayne CountyFLL Fort Lauderdale, FL: Fort Lauderdale InternationalGSO Greensboro/High Point, NC: Greensboro High Point WinstGSP Greenville/Spartanburg, SC: Greenville/Spartanburg AirportHOU Houston, TX: William P HobbyHYA Hyannis, MA: Barnstable MunicipalIAD Washington, DC: Dulles InternationalIAH Houston, TX: Houston IntercontinentalILM Wilmington, NC: New Hanover CountyIND Indianapolis, IN: Indianapolis InternationalITH Ithaca/Cortland, NY: Tompkins CountyJAX Jacksonville, FL: Jacksonville InternationalLEB Lebanon-Hanover, NH: Lebanon MunicipalLEX Lexington/Frankfort, KY: Blue Grass


MCI Kansas City, MO: Kansas City InternationalMCO Orlando, FL: Orlando InternationalMDW Chicago, IL: Chicago MidwayMEM Memphis, TN: Memphis InternationalMHT Manchester/Concord, NH: Grenier Field /Manchester MunicipalMIA Miami, FL: Miami InternationalMKE Milwaukee, WI: General Mitchell FieldMSP Minneapolis/St. Paul Int, MN: Minneapolis-St PaulMSY New Orleans, LA: Louis Armstrong InternationalMVY Martha’s Vineyrd, MA: Marthas VineyardMYR Myrtle Beach, SC: Myrtle Beach International AirportORD Chicago, IL: O HareORF Norfolk/Va.Bch/Ptsmth/Chpk, VA: Norfolk VaROA Roanoke, VA: Roanoke MunicipalROC Rochester, NY: Rochester Monroe CountyPBI West Palm Beach/Palm Beach, FL: Palm Beach InternationalPHF Newport News/Williamsburg, VA: Patrick Henry InternationalPHL Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia InternationalPIT Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh InternationalPVD Providence, RI: Theodore Francis GreenPWM Portland, ME: Portland International JetportRDU Raleigh/Durham, NC: Raleigh DurhamRIC Richmond, VA: Richard Elelyn Byrd InternationalROC Rochester, NY: Rochester Monroe CountySAV Savannah, GA: Savannah InternationalSDF Standiford Field, KY: Standiford Field AirportSTL St. Louis, MO: Lambert/St Louis InternationalSYR Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Hancock InternationalTPA Tampa, FL: Tampa InternationalTYS Knoxville, TN: Mcghee TysonXNA Fayetteville, AR: Northwest Arkansas Regional


Appendix B: Problem formulations for ORD-LGA

market in MPL

Used for profit-maximizing goal of the master problem







node := 1..96*2 ;

i := node;

j := node;

p_i := node;

temp := node;

k := DATABASE("mpl_aircraft_data","aircraft" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

flight_arc[k,i,j] := DATABASE("mpl_flight_arc",k="aircraft",i="i",j="j" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

iq := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","i" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

q := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");


piecewise_revenue[iq,q] := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue",iq="i",q="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

p := DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue","p" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

r := DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue","segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

periodic_pw_revenue[p,r]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue",p="p",r="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

period_epoch[p,p_i] := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue",p_i="i",p="p" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");


N = count(node);

T = N / 2;

S[k]:=DATABASE("mpl_aircraft_data","seats",k="aircraft" WHERE Market="ORD");

C[k,i,j]:=DATABASE("mpl_flight_arc","cost",k="aircraft",i="i",j="j" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

A[iq,q]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","demand",iq="i",q="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

R[iq,q]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","revenue",iq="i",q="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

pA[p,r]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue","demand",p="p",r="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

pR[p,r]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue","revenue",p="p",r="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

SS[k]:= S[k]*0.8;


x[k,i,j in flight_arc];


y[k,i,j] WHERE (i<T AND j=i+1) OR (i>T AND j=i+1) OR (i=T AND j=1) OR (i=N AND j=T+1);

pl[p,r in periodic_pw_revenue];

l[iq,q in piecewise_revenue];



REVENUE = sum(iq,q in piecewise_revenue: R[iq,q]*l[iq,q]);

COST = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: C*x);

FREQUENCY = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: x);

THROUGHPUT = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: S*x);




! new column generation

cg: REVENUE - COST >= 0;

! flow balance contraints

flow[k,i,temp=i] when (i<=T-1 and i>=2) or (i>=T+2 and i<=N-1): sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) + sum(j: y[k,i,j=i+1]) - sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp]) - sum(j:y[k,i-1,j=i])= 0;

flow[k,i,temp=i] when i=T+1 or i=1: sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) + sum(j:y[k,i,j=i+1]) - sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp]) - sum(j:y[k,i+T-1,j=i])= 0;

flow[k,i,temp=i] when i=N or i=T: sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) + sum(j:y[k,i,j=i-T+1]) - sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp]) - sum(j:y[k,i-1,j=i])= 0;

! piecewise balance contraints

pw[iq] when (iq+3<=T) or ((iq>T) and (iq+3<=N)): sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: round(SS[k])*x[k,i,j=iq+3]) - sum(q: A[iq,q]*l[iq,q]) = 0;

pw[iq] when ((iq+3>T) and (iq<=T)) or (iq+3>N): sum(q: A[iq,q]*l[iq,q]) = 0;

s[iq]: sum(q: l[iq,q]) = 1;


ppw[p]: sum(p_i in period_epoch, iq,q in piecewise_revenue: A[iq=p_i,q]*l[iq=p_i,q]) - sum(r: pA[p,r]*pl[p,r]) = 0;

ps[p]: sum(r: pl[p,r]) = 1;

nested_pw[p]: sum(p_i in period_epoch, iq,q in piecewise_revenue: R[iq=p_i,q]*l[iq=p_i,q]) - sum(r: pR[p,r]*pl[p,r]) <= 0;


x <= 5;


Used for seat-maximizing goal of the master problem







node := 1..96*2 ;

i := node;

j := node;

p_i := node;

temp := node;

k := DATABASE("mpl_aircraft_data","aircraft" WHERE market="ORD" and



flight_arc[k,i,j] := DATABASE("mpl_flight_arc",k="aircraft", i="i",

j="j" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

iq := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","i" WHERE market="ORD" and


q := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","segment" WHERE market="ORD" and


piecewise_revenue[iq,q] := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue", iq="i",

q="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

p := DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue", "p" WHERE market="ORD" and


r := DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue","segment" WHERE market="ORD"

and cluster_airport="LGA");

periodic_pw_revenue[p,r]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_periodic_revenue", p="p",

r="segment" WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

period_epoch[p,p_i] := DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue",p_i="i",p="p" WHERE

market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");


N = count(node);

T = N / 2;

S[k]:=DATABASE("mpl_aircraft_data","seats",k="aircraft" WHERE



C[k,i,j]:=DATABASE("mpl_flight_arc","cost",k="aircraft",i="i", j="j"

WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

A[iq,q]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","demand",iq="i",q="segment" WHERE

market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

R[iq,q]:=DATABASE("mpl_pw_revenue","revenue",iq="i",q="segment" WHERE

market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");


WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");


WHERE market="ORD" and cluster_airport="LGA");

profit_optimal:=DATABASE("profit_optimal_data" WHERE market="ORD" and


SS[k]:= S[k]*0.8;


x[k,i,j in flight_arc];


y[k,i,j] WHERE (i<T AND j=i+1) OR (i>T AND j=i+1) OR (i=T AND j=1) OR

(i=N AND j=T+1);

pl[p,r in periodic_pw_revenue];

l[iq,q in piecewise_revenue];



REVENUE = sum(iq,q in piecewise_revenue: R[iq,q]*l[iq,q]);

COST = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: C*x);

FREQUENCY = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: x);

THROUGHPUT = sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: S*x);




! new column generation

cg: sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: S*x[k,i,j]) >= 0;

! lower bound on profit

profitability: REVENUE - COST >= 0.9*profit_optimal;

! flow balance contraints

flow[k,i,temp=i] when (i<=T-1 and i>=2) or (i>=T+2 and i<=N-1):

sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) + sum(j: y[k,i,j=i+1]) -

sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp])

- sum(j:y[k,i-1,j=i])= 0;

flow[k,i,temp=i] when i=T+1 or i=1: sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) +

sum(j:y[k,i,j=i+1]) - sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp])

- sum(j:y[k,i+T-1,j=i])= 0;


flow[k,i,temp=i] when i=N or i=T: sum(j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j]) +

sum(j:y[k,i,j=i-T+1]) - sum(i,j in flight_arc:x[k,i,j=temp])

- sum(j:y[k,i-1,j=i])= 0;

! piecewise balance contraints

pw[iq] when (iq+3<=T) or ((iq>T) and (iq+3<=N)):

sum(k,i,j in flight_arc: round(SS[k])*x[k,i,j=iq+3])

- sum(q: A[iq,q]*l[iq,q]) = 0;

pw[iq] when ((iq+3>T) and (iq<=T)) or (iq+3>N):sum(q:A[iq,q]*l[iq,q])=0;

s[iq]: sum(q: l[iq,q]) = 1;

ppw[p]: sum(p_i in period_epoch, iq,q in piecewise_revenue:

A[iq=p_i,q]*l[iq=p_i,q]) - sum(r: pA[p,r]*pl[p,r]) = 0;

ps[p]: sum(r: pl[p,r]) = 1;

nested_pw[p]: sum(p_i in period_epoch, iq,q in piecewise_revenue:

R[iq=p_i,q]*l[iq=p_i,q]) - sum(r: pR[p,r]*pl[p,r]) <= 0;


x <= 5;



Appendix C: Implementation of solution algorithm

(column generation) in C/Cplex Concert

Technology API


#ifndef _SETTINGS_

#define _SETTINGS_

#include <ilcplex/ilocplex.h>

#include <ilcplex/ilocplexi.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;


#define EPS 1.0e-3


#define DEBUG

#define PROFIT

//#define THROUGHPUT


typedef IloArray<IloModel> IloModelArray;

typedef IloArray<IloObjective> IloObjArray;

typedef IloArray<IloNumVarArray> IloVarArray;

typedef IloArray<IloRangeArray> IloConArray;

typedef IloArray<IloCplex> IloSolverArray;

typedef IloArray<IloNumArray> IloNumArrayArray;

typedef IloArray< IloArray<unsigned char> > IloFlightArray;

typedef IloArray<IloFlightArray> IloColumnSolutionArray;

static const char * WORKING_DIR =


static const char * MARKET_FILE_NAME = "markets.dat";

static const char * SUB_MODEL_FILE_SUFFIX = "_profit_max.lp";

static const char * OUTPUT_SCHEDULE_FILE_NAME = "schedule.txt";

static const char * OUTPUT_LOG_FILE_NAME = "log.txt";

static const char * OUTPUT_COLUMNS_FILE_NAME = "columns.txt";

static ofstream fid1, fid2;

static const int CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 25;


static const IloInt M = 0;

// arrival capacities and departure rates


// number of 15-min time intervals

static const int T = 96;

static const int N = T*2;

static int n_markets = 0;

static int active_models = 0;


static IloEnv env;

static IloTimer timer(env);

static int rounds = 0;

static IloModel master_model(env,"LGA");

static IloCplex master_cplex(master_model);

static IloNumVarArray master_vars(env);

static IloObjective master_obj(env);

static IloRangeArray master_arrival_cons(env);

static IloRangeArray master_departure_cons(env);

static IloRangeArray master_sos1_cons(env);

static IloRangeArray master_cons(env);


static IloColumnSolutionArray column_solution(env);

static IloNumArray master_throughput(env);

static IloModelArray model(env);

static IloObjArray obj(env);

static IloVarArray vars(env);

static IloConArray cons(env);

static IloConArray cutoff(env);

static IloSolverArray cplex(env);

//variables that need to update cost during column generation

static IloArray<IloVarArray> dep_vars(env), arr_vars(env),


static IloArray<IloNumArrayArray> dep_vars_original_coef(env),

arr_vars_original_coef(env), period_vars_original_coef(env);

static void init_scenario_params();

static void init_cplex_params(IloCplex cplex);

static void init_problems();

static void report_schedule (char*, IloCplex&, IloNumVarArray);

static IloInt max_frequency;

static IloNumArray initial_max_frequency(env);


extern void generate_columns(IloNumArray, IloNumVarArray);




1 #include "settings.h"


3 class Node


5 public :

6 Node *next, *prev;

7 //IloNumArray node_dual_prices;

8 float node_dual_prices[96*2];

9 IloNum value;

10 //char id[200];

11 IloBool branching;


13 IloNumVar branching_variable;

14 IloNumVarArray node_variables;

15 IloNumVarArray node_variables_at_zero;

16 IloNumVarArray node_variables_at_one;


18 //Node(IloNumVarArray node_v, IloNumVarArray node_v_at_zero,

IloNumVarArray node_v_at_one, const char* s, IloNum val);

19 Node(IloNumVarArray node_v, IloNumVarArray node_v_at_zero,

IloNumVarArray node_v_at_one, IloNum val);



21 void printInfo();

22 ;


24 class NodeList

25 int n_nodes;

26 public:


28 Node *head;


30 NodeList()

31 n_nodes = 0;

32 head = NULL;



35 int getSize()

36 return n_nodes;



39 void addNode(Node*);

40 void removeNode(Node*);

41 void printInfo();

42 void clear();


44 ;



46 class TreeManager


48 void getObjCoef(IloObjective obj, IloNumArray coef);

49 void load_node(Node*);

50 void branch_node(Node*);

51 void select_branching_variable(Node*);


53 public:

54 IloNum lower_bound, upper_bound;

55 Node *root, *solution;

56 NodeList list;


58 TreeManager();


60 IloInt getSize()

61 return list.getSize();



64 void solve();

65 void printSolution();

66 void solve_generate_columns_resolve(Node*);

67 ;



69 //Node::Node(IloNumVarArray node_v, IloNumVarArray node_v_at_zero,

IloNumVarArray node_v_at_one, const char* s, IloNum val)

70 Node::Node(IloNumVarArray node_v, IloNumVarArray node_v_at_zero,

IloNumVarArray node_v_at_one, IloNum val)

71 //env.out() << "Node::Node() : node " << s << "\n";

72 //node_dual_prices = new IloNumArray(env,master_cons.getSize());

73 prev = next = NULL;

74 // strcpy(id,s);

75 value = val;

76 branching = IloFalse;


78 node_variables = IloNumVarArray(env, node_v.getSize());

79 for (int i=0;i<node_v.getSize();i++)

80 node_variables[i]=node_v[i];

81 node_variables_at_zero = IloNumVarArray(env,


82 for (int i=0;i<node_v_at_zero.getSize();i++)

83 node_variables_at_zero[i]=node_v_at_zero[i];

84 node_variables_at_one = IloNumVarArray(env,


85 for (int i=0;i<node_v_at_one.getSize();i++)

86 node_variables_at_one[i]=node_v_at_one[i];





90 TreeManager::TreeManager()

91 // env.out() << "TreeManager::TreeManager: #variables="

<< master_vars.getSize() << "\n";

92 //env.out() << "TreeManager::TreeManager: #constraints="

<< master_cons.getSize() << "\n";

93 lower_bound = - IloInfinity;

94 upper_bound = 0;

95 master_cplex.setOut(env.getNullStream());

96 solution = NULL;




100 void TreeManager::solve()

101 master_cplex.solve();

102 root = new Node(master_vars, IloNumVarArray(env),

IloNumVarArray(env), master_cplex.getObjValue());


104 //IloNumArray duals(env, master_cons.getSize());

105 //master_cplex.getDuals(duals, master_cons);

106 //generate_columns(duals, root->node_variables);

107 ////env.out() << "TreeManager::solve():#variables="

<< master_vars.getSize() << "\n";

108 ////env.out() << "TreeManager::solve():#node variables="


<<root->node_variables.getSize() << "\n";

109 ////env.out() << "TreeManager::solve():#constraints="

<< master_cons.getSize() << "\n";

110 //master_cplex.extract(master_model);

111 //master_cplex.exportModel("root_node.lp");

112 //master_cplex.solve();

113 //root->value = master_cplex.getObjValue();


115 //root = new Node(master_vars, IloNumVarArray(env),

IloNumVarArray(env), "1", master_cplex.getObjValue());


117 select_branching_variable(root);


119 if (!root->branching)

120 solution = root;

121 return;



124 branch_node(root);

125 while (list.head)

126 branch_node(list.head);

127 list.removeNode(list.head);





131 void TreeManager::solve_generate_columns_resolve(Node* n)

132 master_cplex.solve();

133 IloNumArray duals(env, master_cons.getSize());

134 master_cplex.getDuals(duals, master_cons);

135 generate_columns(duals, n->node_variables);

136 master_cplex.extract(master_model);

137 master_cplex.solve();



140 void TreeManager::select_branching_variable(Node* n)

141 IloNumArray x;

142 IloNumArray obj_coef;

143 IloInt bestj = -1;


145 try

146 x = IloNumArray(env);

147 obj_coef = IloNumArray(env, master_vars.getSize());

148 master_cplex.getValues(x, master_vars);

149 getObjCoef(master_obj, obj_coef);


151 IloNum maxinf = 0.0;

152 IloNum maxobj = 0.0;

153 IloInt cols = master_vars.getSize();


154 for (IloInt j = 0; j < cols; ++j)

155 if ( fabs(round(x[j])-x[j]) > EPS )

156 IloNum xj_inf = x[j] - IloFloor (x[j]);

157 if ( xj_inf > 0.5 )

158 xj_inf = 1.0 - xj_inf;

159 if ( xj_inf >= maxinf && (xj_inf > maxinf ||

IloAbs (obj_coef[j]) >= maxobj) )

160 bestj = j;

161 maxinf = xj_inf;

162 maxobj = IloAbs (obj_coef[j]);




166 if ( bestj >= 0 )

167 n->branching = IloTrue;

168 n->branching_variable = master_vars[bestj];

169 else

170 env.out() << "integer solution found\n";

171 catch (IloException& e)

172 env.out() << e << "\n";

173 x.end();

174 obj_coef.end();

175 throw;



177 x.end();

178 obj_coef.end();



181 void TreeManager::load_node(Node* n)

182 for (int i=0;i<master_vars.getSize();i++)

183 master_vars[i].setUB(0);

184 master_vars[i].setLB(0);


186 for (int i=0;i<n->node_variables.getSize();i++)

187 n->node_variables[i].setUB(1);

188 n->node_variables[i].setLB(0);


190 for (int i=0;i<n->node_variables_at_zero.getSize();i++)

191 n->node_variables_at_zero[i].setUB(0);

192 for (int i=0;i<n->node_variables_at_one.getSize();i++)

193 n->node_variables_at_one[i].setLB(1);



196 void TreeManager::branch_node(Node* n)

197 if ((n->branching) && (IloFloor(n->value)>lower_bound))

198 env.out() << "branch " << n->branching_variable.getName() << "\n";


200 // Branch on var with largest objective coefficient


201 // among those with largest infeasibility


203 load_node(n);

204 // left branch

205 // add new bound

206 n->branching_variable.setUB(0);

207 try

208 master_cplex.extract(master_model);

209 //master_cplex.solve();

210 solve_generate_columns_resolve(n);

211 IloNum new_z;

212 if ((master_cplex.getStatus()==IloAlgorithm::Optimal) &&


213 //char s[20];

214 //strcpy(s, n->id);

215 //strcat(s,"_1");

216 //Node* left_child = new Node(n->node_variables,

n->node_variables_at_zero, n->node_variables_at_one, s, new_z);

217 Node* left_child = new Node(n->node_variables,

n->node_variables_at_zero, n->node_variables_at_one, new_z);

218 left_child->node_variables_at_zero.add(n->branching_variable);

219 select_branching_variable(left_child);

220 if ((left_child->branching==IloFalse) && (new_z>lower_bound))

221 lower_bound = new_z;


222 if (solution)

223 delete solution;

224 solution = left_child;

225 else if (left_child->branching==IloTrue)

226 list.addNode(left_child);


228 catch (...)

229 //env.out() << "Left child infeasible\n";


231 try

232 n->branching_variable.setUB(1);

233 n->branching_variable.setLB(1);

234 master_cplex.extract(master_model);

235 //master_cplex.solve();

236 solve_generate_columns_resolve(n);

237 IloNum new_z;

238 if ((master_cplex.getStatus()==IloAlgorithm::Optimal)

&& ((new_z=master_cplex.getObjValue())>lower_bound))

239 //char s[20];

240 //strcpy(s, n->id);

241 //strcat(s,"_2");

242 //Node* right_child = new Node(n->node_variables,

n->node_variables_at_zero, n->node_variables_at_one, s, new_z);

243 Node* right_child = new Node(n->node_variables,


n->node_variables_at_zero, n->node_variables_at_one, new_z);

244 right_child->node_variables_at_one.add(n->branching_variable);

245 select_branching_variable(right_child);

246 if ((right_child->branching==IloFalse) && (new_z>lower_bound))

247 lower_bound = new_z;

248 if (solution)

249 delete solution;

250 solution = right_child;

251 else if (right_child->branching==IloTrue)

252 list.addNode(right_child);


254 catch (IloException& e)

255 //env.out() << e << "right child infeasible\n";

256 e.end();





261 void TreeManager::getObjCoef(IloObjective obj, IloNumArray coef)


263 IloExpr expr = obj.getExpr();

264 IloExpr::LinearIterator li = expr.getLinearIterator();


266 int i = 0;



268 while (li.ok())

269 coef[i] = li.getCoef();

270 ++li;

271 i++;




275 void TreeManager::printSolution()

276 if (solution)

277 load_node(solution);

278 env.out() << "Solution: z = " << solution->value << "\n";

279 master_cplex.extract(master_model);

280 master_cplex.solve();

281 IloNumArray x(env);

282 master_cplex.getValues(x, master_vars);

283 for (int i=0;i<x.getSize();i++)

284 if (x[i]>EPS)

285 env.out() << master_vars[i].getName() << "\n";




289 void Node::printInfo()

290 //env.out() << "node " << id << ": z = " << value << "\n";




293 void NodeList::addNode(Node* n)

294 Node *p;

295 n_nodes++;

296 if (head==NULL)

297 head = n;

298 else

299 p = head;

300 while (p->value >= n->value)

301 if (p->next==NULL)

302 p->next = n;

303 n->prev = p;

304 return;


306 else p=p->next;



309 if (p->prev==NULL)

310 head = n;

311 n->next = p;

312 p->prev = n;


314 else


315 n->next = p;

316 n->prev = p->prev;

317 p->prev->next = n;

318 p->prev = n;






324 void NodeList::removeNode(Node* n)


326 if (n==head)

327 head = n->next;

328 if (head!=NULL) head->prev = NULL;


330 else

331 n->prev->next = n->next;

332 if (n->next!=NULL) n->next->prev = n->prev;



335 delete n;

336 n_nodes--;




339 void NodeList::clear()

340 Node* p=head;

341 Node* q;

342 while (p)

343 q = p;

344 p = p->next;

345 delete q;




349 void NodeList::printInfo()

350 Node* p=head;

351 Node* q;

352 while (p)

353 p->printInfo();

354 p = p->next;




358 // add new column

359 void addColumn(int id)


361 IloNum z = cplex[id].getObjValue();

362 IloNum profit = 0, cost = 0;



364 if (z <= EPS)

365 max_frequency = 0;

366 return;



369 IloNum gap = round(100*(cplex[id].getBestObjValue()-z)/z);

370 IloNumArray arr(env,T), dep(env,T);

371 IloNum service_level = 0, throughput = 0, val;

372 char s[20], varname[15];

373 int n;

374 unsigned char fleet, dep_epoch, arr_epoch;

375 /*

376 if (gap > 10)

377 for (int i=0;i<vars[id].getSize();i++)

378 if ((vars[id][i].getName()[0]==’x’) &

((val = round(cplex[id].getValue(vars[id][i])))>EPS))

379 service_level += val;

380 max_frequency = (IloInt) service_level;

381 return;


383 */




386 // number of columns in the master problem

387 n = master_vars.getSize();

388 sprintf(s,"%s_%d_%d",model[id].getName(),rounds,n+1);


390 // add new column

391 // IloNumVar new_column(env, 0, IloInfinity, ILOFLOAT, s);

392 IloNumVar new_column(env, 0, 1, ILOFLOAT, s);

393 master_vars.add(new_column);

394 master_sos1_cons[id].setCoef(new_column, 1);


396 column_solution.add(IloFlightArray(env));


398 for (int i=0;i<vars[id].getSize();i++)

399 strcpy(varname, vars[id][i].getName());

400 if ((varname[0]==’x’) & ((val =


401 if (varname[1]>=’A’)

402 fleet = varname[1]-’A’+10;

403 else

404 fleet = varname[1]-’0’;

405 throughput += fleet*CAPACITY_INCREMENT*val;


407 strncpy(s,&varname[2],3);

408 s[3]=’\0’;


409 dep_epoch = atoi(s);

410 strncpy(s,&varname[5],3);

411 s[3]=’\0’;

412 arr_epoch = atoi(s);

413 if (dep_epoch <= T)

414 dep[dep_epoch-1] += val;

415 else

416 arr[arr_epoch-1] += val;

417 service_level += val;

418 IloArray<unsigned char> flight(env,4);

419 flight[0]=fleet;

420 flight[1]=dep_epoch;

421 flight[2]=arr_epoch;

422 flight[3]=(unsigned char) val;

423 column_solution[n].add(flight);




427 for (int j=0;j<T;j++)

428 for (int k=0;k<arr_vars[id][j].getSize();k++)

429 cost += -cplex[id].getValue(arr_vars[id][j][k])*


430 for (int k=0;k<dep_vars[id][j].getSize();k++)

431 cost += -cplex[id].getValue(dep_vars[id][j][k])*




433 profit = - cost;

434 for (int p=0;p<6;p++)

435 for (int r=0;r<period_vars[id][p].getSize();r++)

436 profit += cplex[id].getValue(period_vars[id][p][r])*





440 #ifdef THROUGHPUT

441 master_obj.setCoef(new_column, throughput);

442 #elif defined PROFIT

443 // master_obj.setCoef(new_column, round(profit));

444 master_obj.setCoef(new_column, round(z));

445 #endif


447 for (int i=0;i<T;i++)

448 if (arr[i]>EPS)

449 master_arrival_cons[i].setCoef(new_column, arr[i]);

450 if (dep[i]>EPS)

451 master_departure_cons[i].setCoef(new_column, dep[i]);




454 arr.end();

455 dep.end();


457 max_frequency = (IloInt) service_level;


459 #ifdef DEBUG

460 env.out() << "add " << new_column.getName() << ", z = " << z

<< ", cost = " << cost << ", frequency = "

<< service_level << "(" << max_frequency

<< "), throughput = " << throughput

<< ", gap = " << gap << "%\t\n";

461 fid1 << "add " << new_column.getName() << ", z = " << z

<< ", cost = " << cost << "\tfrequency = "

<< service_level << "\tthroughput = " << throughput

<< "\tgap = " << gap << "%\n";


463 #endif



466 // add integer solutions to the master problem

467 ILOINCUMBENTCALLBACK3(MyCallback, int, id, const char*,

market_name, IloNumVarArray, var)


469 IloNum z = getObjValue();


470 IloNum profit = 0, cost = 0;

471 if (z <= EPS)

472 return;


474 IloNum gap = round(100*(getBestObjValue()-z)/z);


476 // store integer solutions within 10% of optimality

477 if (gap > 10)

478 return;




482 IloNumArray arr(env,T), dep(env,T);

483 IloNum service_level = 0, throughput = 0, val;

484 char s[20], varname[15];

485 int n;

486 unsigned char fleet, dep_epoch, arr_epoch;


488 // number of columns in the master problem

489 n = master_vars.getSize();

490 sprintf(s,"%s_%d_%d",market_name,rounds,n+1);


492 // add new column

493 // IloNumVar new_column(env, 0, IloInfinity, ILOFLOAT, s);


494 IloNumVar new_column(env, 0, 1, ILOFLOAT, s);

495 master_vars.add(new_column);

496 master_sos1_cons[id].setCoef(new_column, 1);


498 column_solution.add(IloFlightArray(env));


500 for (int i=0;i<var.getSize();i++)

501 strcpy(varname, var[i].getName());

502 if ((varname[0]==’x’)&((val=round(getValue(var[i])))>EPS))

503 if (varname[1]>=’A’)

504 fleet = varname[1]-’A’+10;

505 else

506 fleet = varname[1]-’0’;

507 throughput += fleet*CAPACITY_INCREMENT*val;


509 strncpy(s,&varname[2],3);

510 s[3]=’\0’;

511 dep_epoch = atoi(s);

512 strncpy(s,&varname[5],3);

513 s[3]=’\0’;

514 arr_epoch = atoi(s);

515 if (dep_epoch <= T)

516 dep[dep_epoch-1] += val;

517 else


518 arr[arr_epoch-1] += val;

519 service_level += val;

520 IloArray<unsigned char> flight(env,4);

521 flight[0]=fleet;

522 flight[1]=dep_epoch;

523 flight[2]=arr_epoch;

524 flight[3]=(unsigned char) val;

525 column_solution[n].add(flight);



528 max_frequency = (IloInt) service_level;


530 for (int j=0;j<T;j++)

531 for (int k=0;k<arr_vars[id][j].getSize();k++)

532 cost += -getValue(arr_vars[id][j][k])*


533 for (int k=0;k<dep_vars[id][j].getSize();k++)

534 cost += -getValue(dep_vars[id][j][k])*



536 profit = - cost;

537 for (int p=0;p<6;p++)

538 for (int r=0;r<period_vars[id][p].getSize();r++)

539 profit += getValue(period_vars[id][p][r])*




541 //master_vars.add(IloNumVar(master_obj(throughput) +

master_arrival_cons(arr_demand) +

master_departure_cons(dep_demand) +

master_sos1_cons[i](1), 0, IloInfinity, ILOFLOAT, s));

542 //master_vars.add(IloNumVar(master_obj(throughput) +

master_arrival_cons(arr_demand) +

master_departure_cons(dep_demand) +

master_sos1_cons[i](1), 0, 1, ILOFLOAT, s));

543 #ifdef THROUGHPUT

544 master_obj.setCoef(new_column, throughput + M);

545 #elif defined PROFIT

546 // master_obj.setCoef(new_column, round(profit));

547 master_obj.setCoef(new_column, round(z));

548 #endif


550 for (int i=0;i<T;i++)

551 if (arr[i]>EPS)

552 master_arrival_cons[i].setCoef(new_column, arr[i]);

553 if (dep[i]>EPS)

554 master_departure_cons[i].setCoef(new_column, dep[i]);




557 arr.end();

558 dep.end();


560 #ifdef DEBUG

561 env.out() << "add " << new_column.getName() << ", z = " << z

<< ", cost = " << cost << ", frequency = "

<< service_level << "(" << max_frequency

<< "), throughput = " << throughput

<< ", gap = " << gap << "%\t\n";

562 fid1 << "add " << new_column.getName() << ", z = " << z

<< ", cost = " << cost << "\tfrequency = "

<< service_level << "\tthroughput = "

<< throughput << "\tgap = " << gap << "%\n";

563 #endif




567 void solve_subproblem(int i)


569 try



572 cplex[i].solve();



574 //no integer solution within 10% optimality, add last one


576 addColumn(i);

577 /*

578 //resolve for different daily frequency levels

579 IloNum temp = round(max_frequency*0.8);

580 if (max_frequency>0)

581 active_models++;

582 max_frequency -= 2;

583 while ((max_frequency > 1) && (max_frequency > temp))

584 cons[i][1].setUB(max_frequency);



587 cplex[i].solve();


589 addColumn(i);

590 max_frequency -= 2;


592 */

593 catch (IloException& e)

594 e.end();

595 return;





599 static void init_cplex_params(IloCplex cplex)

600 cplex.setOut(env.getNullStream());

601 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::PPriInd, CPX_PPRIIND_STEEP);

602 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::RINSHeur, 1);

603 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::HeurFreq, 1);

604 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::RootAlg, CPX_ALG_NET);

605 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::VarSel, 3);

606 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::EpGap, 0.05);

607 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::EpInt, 0.001);

608 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::DepInd, 1);

609 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::FracCuts, 2);

610 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::MIPEmphasis, 2);

611 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::TiLim, 300);

612 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::CutLo, 0);

613 cplex.setParam(IloCplex::CutLo, 0);

614 //cplex.setParam(IloCplex::MIPInterval, 1);

615 //cplex.setParam(IloCplex::Reduce, CPX_PREREDUCE_PRIMALONLY);

616 //cplex.setParam(IloCplex::Reduce, 0);



619 static void init_problems()


621 ifstream market_file;


622 char s[10], name[15], file_name[50];

623 int i, j, dep_epoch, arr_epoch;


625 // read in the list of markets

626 sprintf(file_name,"%s%s",WORKING_DIR,MARKET_FILE_NAME);


628 if (market_file.is_open())

629 while (!market_file.eof())

630 market_file.getline(s, 4);

631 if (strlen(s)>0)

632 model.add(IloModel(env,s));


634 market_file.close();

635 else

636 cerr << "init_problems: Unable to open markets file.\n";

637 env.end();

638 exit(-1);


640 n_markets = model.getSize();


642 #ifdef DEBUG

643 cerr << "init_problems(): " << n_markets << " markets.\n";

644 #endif



646 // init the master problem

647 init_cplex_params(master_cplex);

648 master_obj = IloAdd(master_model, IloMaximize(env));


650 IloIntArray capacity(env,T);

651 for (i=0;i<T;i++)


653 master_arrival_cons = IloAdd(master_model, IloRangeArray(env,

-IloInfinity, capacity));

654 master_departure_cons = IloAdd(master_model, IloRangeArray(env,

-IloInfinity, capacity));

655 //master_cons = IloAdd(master_model, IloRangeArray(env,

-IloInfinity, capacity));

656 for (i=0;i<T;i++)

657 sprintf(s,"a%d",i);

658 master_arrival_cons[i].setName(s);

659 //master_cons[i].setName(s);

660 sprintf(s,"d%d",i);

661 master_departure_cons[i].setName(s);

662 //master_cons[i+T].setName(s);



665 IloNumArray sos1_rhs(env, n_markets);

666 for (i=0;i<n_markets;i++)


667 sos1_rhs[i] = 1;

668 master_sos1_cons = IloAdd(master_model, IloRangeArray(env,

-IloInfinity, sos1_rhs));


670 master_cons.add(master_arrival_cons);

671 master_cons.add(master_departure_cons);

672 master_cons.add(master_sos1_cons);


674 // read in lp files of all markets

675 for (i=0;i<n_markets;i++)

676 obj.add(IloObjective(env));

677 vars.add(IloNumVarArray(env));

678 cons.add(IloRangeArray(env));


680 sprintf(s,"%d",i);

681 cplex.add(IloCplex(model[i]));

682 init_cplex_params(cplex[i]);

683 sprintf(file_name,"%s%s%s",WORKING_DIR,model[i].getName(),



685 cplex[i].importModel(model[i], file_name, obj[i],

vars[i], cons[i]);

686 cplex[i].use(MyCallback(env,i,model[i].getName(), vars[i]));



688 // store pointers to variables to update reduced costs later

689 // prepare the storage

690 dep_vars.add(IloVarArray(env,T));

691 arr_vars.add(IloVarArray(env,T));

692 period_vars.add(IloVarArray(env,6));

693 dep_vars_original_coef.add(IloNumArrayArray(env,T));

694 arr_vars_original_coef.add(IloNumArrayArray(env,T));

695 period_vars_original_coef.add(IloNumArrayArray(env,6));

696 for (j=0;j<T;j++)

697 dep_vars[i][j] = IloNumVarArray(env);

698 arr_vars[i][j] = IloNumVarArray(env);

699 dep_vars_original_coef[i][j] = IloNumArray(env);

700 arr_vars_original_coef[i][j] = IloNumArray(env);


702 for (j=0;j<6;j++)

703 period_vars[i][j] = IloNumVarArray(env);

704 period_vars_original_coef[i][j] = IloNumArray(env);



707 // first constraint is the reduced cost condition

708 // store its variables and their initial coefficients

709 IloExpr expr = cons[i][0].getExpr();

710 IloExpr::LinearIterator li = expr.getLinearIterator();



712 while (li.ok())

713 strcpy(name,li.getVar().getName());

714 if (name[0]==’x’)

715 // set higher priority for larger fleet

716 if (name[1]>=’A’)

717 cplex[i].setPriority(li.getVar(), name[1] - ’A’ + 10);

718 else

719 cplex[i].setPriority(li.getVar(), name[1] - ’0’);


721 strncpy(s,&name[2],3);

722 s[3]=’\0’;

723 dep_epoch = atoi(s);

724 if (dep_epoch <= T)

725 dep_vars[i][dep_epoch-1].add(li.getVar());

726 dep_vars_original_coef[i][dep_epoch-1].add(li.getCoef());


728 else

729 strncpy(s,&name[5],3);

730 s[3]=’\0’;

731 arr_epoch = atoi(s);

732 arr_vars[i][arr_epoch-1].add(li.getVar());

733 arr_vars_original_coef[i][arr_epoch-1].add(li.getCoef());


735 else if (name[0]==’p’)


736 int p;

737 p = name[2]-’0’;

738 period_vars[i][p-1].add(li.getVar());

739 period_vars_original_coef[i][p-1].add(li.getCoef());


741 ++li;



744 // add sos2 constraints to subproblem

745 // to do: change sos2 constraints to lazy constraints

746 /*

747 for (j=0;j<cons[i].getSize();j++)

748 if (cons[i][j].getName()[0]==’s’)

749 expr = cons[i][j].getExpr();

750 IloExpr::LinearIterator li = expr.getLinearIterator();

751 IloNumVarArray v(env);

752 while (li.ok())

753 v.add(li.getVar());

754 ++li;


756 model[i].add(IloSOS2(env,v));

757 //model[i].add(IloSOS2(env,v,IloNumArray(env,n,p1,p2,pn)));

758 v.end();



760 */

761 expr.end();


763 // store initial max frequencies in the second constraint

764 initial_max_frequency.add(cons[i][1].getUB());


766 // sos1 constraint for each market in the master problem

767 sprintf(s,"sos1_%d",i);

768 master_sos1_cons[i].setName(s);


770 cplex[i].extract(model[i]);




774 void generate_columns(IloNumArray dual_prices,

IloNumVarArray node_variables)

775 env.out() << "generate_columns() called\n";

776 int i,j,k;


778 // update subproblems

779 for (i=0; i<n_markets; i++)

780 for (j=0;j<T;j++)

781 for (k=0;k<arr_vars[i][j].getSize();k++)

782 cons[i][0].setLinearCoef(arr_vars[i][j][k],


arr_vars_original_coef[i][j][k] - round(dual_prices[j]));

783 for (k=0;k<dep_vars[i][j].getSize();k++)

784 cons[i][0].setLinearCoef(dep_vars[i][j][k],

dep_vars_original_coef[i][j][k] - round(dual_prices[j+T]));


786 cons[i][0].setLB(round(dual_prices[i+N]+1));



789 IloInt n1 = master_vars.getSize();


791 for (i=0;i<n_markets;i++)

792 try

793 cons[i][1].setUB(initial_max_frequency[i]);

794 solve_subproblem(i);

795 //IloNum solution_time = timer.stop();

796 //env.out() << "\n### " << model[i].getName() << ", round "

<< rounds << " (" << solution_time << " seconds)\n ";

797 //fid1 << "\n### " << model[i].getName() << ", round "

<< rounds << " (" << solution_time << " seconds)\n ";

798 catch (IloException& e)

799 env.out() << e.getMessage() << endl;

800 e.end();





804 IloInt n2 = master_vars.getSize();

805 env.out() << "generate_columns() ended with " << n2

<< " columns in master_vars \n";

806 for (int i=n1;i<n2;i++)

807 node_variables.add(master_vars[i]);

808 env.out() << "generate_columns() ended with " << n2 - n1

<< " columns generated at the current node\n";



811 /// MAIN PROGRAM ///


813 int main(int argc, char **argv)


815 char s[10], filename[50];

816 int i, j, k, n_unconstrained_columns,n_columns;

817 IloNumArrayArray arr_price(env), dep_price(env);

818 IloNumArrayArray sos_price(env);

819 init_problems();


821 sprintf(filename,"%s%s",WORKING_DIR,OUTPUT_LOG_FILE_NAME);



824 //active_models=0;



826 // prepare root node

827 for (i=0;i<n_markets;i++)

828 timer.restart();

829 try

830 //solve IP subproblems using MIP Cplex, add integer

831 //solutions within 10% of optimality

832 solve_subproblem(i);

833 catch (IloException& e)

834 env.out() << e.getMessage() << endl;

835 e.end();


837 IloNum solution_time = timer.stop();



840 TreeManager tree;

841 tree.solve();

842 tree.printSolution();


844 sprintf(filename,"%s%s",WORKING_DIR,OUTPUT_SCHEDULE_FILE_NAME);

845 report_schedule(filename, master_cplex, master_vars);


847 env.out() << endl;

848 env.end();



850 fid1.close();


852 return 0;



855 static void report_schedule (char* filename, IloCplex& solver,

IloNumVarArray v)


857 int i,j,k,r, temp;

858 char model_name[10], varname[10], s[10], round[10];

859 char *p1, *p2, market[10];

860 ofstream fid;


862 env.out() << "\nWriting optimal schedule...\n";

863 env.out() << v.getSize() << " variables\n";

864 env.out() << rounds << " rounds\n";


866 fid1 << "\nWriting optimal schedule...\n";

867 fid1 << v.getSize() << " variables\n";

868 fid1 << rounds << " rounds\n";





872 for (k = 0; k < v.getSize(); k++)

873 if (solver.getValue(v[k])>EPS)

874 env.out() << v[k].getName() << endl;

875 fid1 << v[k].getName() << endl;

876 strncpy(market, &v[k].getName()[0], 3);

877 market[3]=’\0’;

878 for (j = 0; j < column_solution[k].getSize(); j++)

879 fid <<market<<"\t"<<(unsigned int)column_solution[k][j][0]

<< "\t" << (unsigned int) column_solution[k][j][1]

<< "\t" << (unsigned int) column_solution[k][j][2]

<< "\t" << (unsigned int) column_solution[k][j][3]

<< endl;





884 fid.close();

885 #ifdef THROUGHPUT

886 env.out()<<"Total seats:"<< solver.getObjValue() << endl;

887 fid1 << "Total seats: " << solver.getObjValue() << endl;

888 #elif defined PROFIT

889 env.out()<<"Total profit:"<< solver.getObjValue() << endl;

890 fid1 << "Total profit: " << solver.getObjValue() << endl;

891 #endif





Appendix D: Price elasticities estimates for several

key markets

Figure D.1: Log-fit of major markets (O’Hare, Boston, National, and Fort Laud-

erdale) untruncates demand in lower price ranges


Figure D.2: Mid-sized markets (Atlanta, Tampa, Palm Beach, and Philadelphia) use

empirical extrapolated curves to avoid overestimation by the log-fit right tail


Figure D.3: Smaller markets (Charlottesville, Fayetteville, Lebanon and Nantucket)

use linear fit


Curriculum Vitae

Loan Le obtained in 1998 her B.S. in Information Technology at University of NaturalSciences in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. She then received a scholarship to finisha Diplome d’Etude Approfondie (DEA), a research-oriented Master’s degree, in thefield of Database Engineering, jointly offered by University of Paris I - Pantheon -Sorbonne and University of Paris XI. After graduation in 1999, she worked at Centrede Recherche en Informatique at University of Paris I from Sep 1999 to May 2001.She joined France Telecom - Research and Development in summer 2001 to work as asystem architect intern. In spring 2002, she began her Ph.D. program at Systems En-gineering and Operations Research Department at George Mason University. Duringher doctoral studies, she was a research assistant in the Center for Air TransportationSystems Research (CATSR). Her research interests include optimization problems inthe airline industry. Loan Le will start working for American Airlines, Operations Re-search and Decision Support Department upon the completion of her Ph.D. program.She can be reached by email at [email protected].