DeltaBahn - Improving Safety & Productivity in the American Oil Industry v2

oft Project Server: ing Safety and Productivity for the Oil Industry

Transcript of DeltaBahn - Improving Safety & Productivity in the American Oil Industry v2

Page 1: DeltaBahn - Improving Safety & Productivity in the American Oil Industry v2

Microsoft Project Server:Improving Safety and Productivity for the Oil Industry

Page 2: DeltaBahn - Improving Safety & Productivity in the American Oil Industry v2

Agenda• Background• The Problem – Rig & Frac Core Scheduling• The Impact – Safety & Productivity• The Solution – More Accurate Geospatial Scheduling• Putting It Together• The Result – Same Production Levels with Fewer Resources

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Background:An American Oil Company sought new approaches to improving upstream oil production processes in the hope of increasing throughput, reducing costs or in other ways impacting the upstream business positively.

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• Alpha Problem – Pre-Production Efficiency• The former process for scheduling Drilling Rigs & Hydraulic Fracking Rigs by

location within a lease area involved review of current rig reporting data updated nightly and maintaining plans manually to maximize active use of drilling assets and minimize transportation time between activity areas

• Beta Problem - Safety• The former process for scheduling required significant meticulous review of

geolocation of fracking and drilling to ensure minimum safe distance between activities in the pre-production lifecycle

The Problem

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• Pre-Production Efficiency• Manual scheduling limits the efficiency of the scheduling process and reduces

the opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of assets and lease-holdings

• Safety• Given the large scale of scheduling activities (10,000+ activities per

geographic area), the ability to concentrate sufficiently on safety of scheduled activities is significantly impacted by the size of the problem set.

The Impact

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• Scheduling• All drilling rigs & frac cores scheduled in Project Professional – resulting project schedule data uploaded to

Project Server

• Data Transformation• Data captured on rig performance and activity completion exported from external database & transformed into

data points in Project Professional using VBA macros

• Replanning• Assessment of planned activities leads to replanning in Project Professional – resulting replanned schedule data

uploaded to Project Server

• Reporting• Schedule planning, completion and current activity data as well as geolocation data maintained in Project Server

and exported to reports

• Decision Support / Data Analysis• Reports derived include rig efficiency charts, current capacity & projected capacity charts, safety analysis

heatmaps scalable against time phase

The Solution

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Putting It TogetherOverall the solution leverages Oracle, MS SQL Server, Project Professional, Project Server, custom VBA, custom SQL Queries in Oracle and MS SQL.

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Outcomes:As a result of the implementation of Project Server, Project Professional and the use of SQL Spatial Data capabilities, the oil company achieved multiple significant impacts:• Reduction of rig count including removal of an underperforming asset from the field• Early identification of unsafe drill rig & frac core placements supporting risk mitigation• Maintaining existing production goals while reducing cost of production through increased efficiency

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Proximity Detection

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Activity Scheduling

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Schedule Performance