Delivery Class

Delivery Class The delivery class controls the transport of table data for installation, upgrad e, client copy and when transporting between customer systems. The delivery clas s is also used in the extended table maintenance. There are the following development classes: A: Application table (master and transaction data). C: Customer table, data is only maintained by the customer. L: Table for storing temporary data. G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records but may not overwrite or dele te existing ones. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. To defi ne the customer namespace use report RDDKOR54. You can start it directly from th e table maintenance by choosing Customer namespace definition on the Attributes tab. E: System table with its own namespace for customer entries. The customer namesp ace must be defined in table TRESC. To define the customer namespace use report RDDKOR54. You can start it directly from the table maintenance by choosing Custo mer namespace definition on the Attributes tab. S: System table, data changes have the status of program changes. W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose data is transp orted with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG, R3TR TABL, etc.). Behavior during Client Copy Only the data of client-dependent tables is copied. Class C, G, E, S: The data records of the table are copied to the target client. Class W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the target client. Class A: Data records are only copied to the target client if explicitly request ed (parameter option). It normally does not make sense to transport such data, b ut this is supported nevertheless to permit the entire client environment to be copied. Behavior during Installation, Upgrade and Language Import The behavior of client-dependent tables differs from that of cross-client tables . Client-Dependent Tables Class A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing data records are overwritten. Class E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data records are o verwritten. Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all other clien ts, new data records are inserted, but existing data records are not overwritten . Class L: No data is imported. Cross-Client Tables Classes A, L and C: No data is imported. Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Existing data records with the same key a re overwritten. Class G: Non-existent data records are inserted, but no existing data records ar e overwritten. Behavior during Transport between Customer Systems Data records of tables having delivery class L are not imported into the target system. Data records of tables having delivery classes A, C, E, G, S and W are i mported into the target system (for client-dependent tables this is done for the

Transcript of Delivery Class

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Delivery Class

The delivery class controls the transport of table data for installation, upgrade, client copy and when transporting between customer systems. The delivery class is also used in the extended table maintenance.

There are the following development classes:

A: Application table (master and transaction data).C: Customer table, data is only maintained by the customer.L: Table for storing temporary data.G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records but may not overwrite or delete existing ones. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. To define the customer namespace use report RDDKOR54. You can start it directly from the table maintenance by choosing Customer namespace definition on the Attributestab.E: System table with its own namespace for customer entries. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. To define the customer namespace use reportRDDKOR54. You can start it directly from the table maintenance by choosing Customer namespace definition on the Attributes tab.S: System table, data changes have the status of program changes.W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG, R3TR TABL, etc.).Behavior during Client Copy

Only the data of client-dependent tables is copied.

Class C, G, E, S: The data records of the table are copied to the target client.Class W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the target client.Class A: Data records are only copied to the target client if explicitly requested (parameter option). It normally does not make sense to transport such data, but this is supported nevertheless to permit the entire client environment to becopied.Behavior during Installation, Upgrade and Language Import

The behavior of client-dependent tables differs from that of cross-client tables.

Client-Dependent Tables

Class A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing data records areoverwritten.Class E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data records are overwritten.Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all other clients, new data records are inserted, but existing data records are not overwritten.Class L: No data is imported.Cross-Client Tables

Classes A, L and C: No data is imported.Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Existing data records with the same key are overwritten.Class G: Non-existent data records are inserted, but no existing data records are overwritten.Behavior during Transport between Customer Systems

Data records of tables having delivery class L are not imported into the targetsystem. Data records of tables having delivery classes A, C, E, G, S and W are imported into the target system (for client-dependent tables this is done for the

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target clients specified in the transport).

Use of the Delivery Class in the Extended Table Maintenance

The delivery class is also used in the Extended Table Maintenance (SM30). The maintenance interface generated for a table makes the following checks:

It is not possible to transport the entered data using the transport connectionof the generated maintenance interface for tables having delivery classes W andL.Data that is entered is checked to see if it violates the namespace defined in table TRESC. If the data violates the namespace, the input is rejected.