Delivering good services to people living with disability...

Good Samaritan Industries Annual Report 2015-16 By 2020, we’ll deliver to 2,020 West Australians living with disability valued jobs, training & community inclusion Delivering good services to people living with disability so they can enjoy a good life

Transcript of Delivering good services to people living with disability...

Good Samaritan Industries Annual Report 2015-16

By 2020, we’ll deliver to 2,020 West Australians living with disability valued jobs, training & community inclusion

Delivering good services to people living with disability so they can enjoy a good life

Front page cover two Employees of the Year - Mark Lenane and Cheryl Hindley-Jorgen

“GSI celebrates people”

“I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow with the company, GSI has been very supportive towards my needs”

Mission – Delivering good services to people living with disability so they can enjoy a good life

Vision – By 2020, we’ll deliver to 2,020 West Australians living with disability valued jobs, training & community inclusion


l integrity

l Respect

l Responsibility

l innovation

l individual service

IndIvIdualISEd Support

(1,079 people)

Expand Good SammYS

(Five New Stores)

CrEatE nEw markEtS

(School Traineeships)

dIvErSIfY our buSInESS

(Mega Barn)

markEt our SErvICES

(Work in Progress)BY

A MessAge FRoM ouR CHAiRMAn

it is a pleasure to report on the 2015/2016 financial year. our team focused on discerning the issues relevant to the strategic direction of gsi, ensuring that we stay on track with our core goals and objectives.

We farewelled Board Member Reverend Wilf Pearce after seven years loyal service. Wilf’s compassion, wisdom and values contributed significantly to gsi and stand as testament to one of “nature’s gentleman”. We wish him all the best for the future.

in a changing of the guard we welcomed to our Board Reverend Craig Collas - uniting Church in the City, Chris Walker - engineer and Project Manager Bechtel and Tamsin eldridge - Legal Counsel Wesfarmers Corporate solicitors. These members have already buoyed the gsi Board with their enthusiasm for our mission and we look forward to their future contributions.

2016 was certainly an exciting year. We opened new good sammy stores in Mandurah, Malaga, Wangara, Port Kennedy and Midland. A highlight was our new Mega Barn concept at Canning Vale, retailing 31 tonnes of clothing for sale by the kilogram. We also launched our school-based work experience service, now assisting 120 high school students with disabilities, and many are beginning traineeships at gsi. in combination, these initiatives train and employ many additional people with disabilities and provide valuable and affordable retail services to local communities.

our Patron the governor Her excellency, the Honourable Kerry sanderson AC and uniting Church Moderator steve Francis led our celebration of international Day of People with Disability, providing over forty $1,000 scholarships and awards to assist people with a disability to further their career aspirations.

As a proud agency of the uniting Church in WA, we again provided financial support for the Church’s Multicultural Ministry to advance their good work in bringing people of all backgrounds together in their faith. At a time when the world’s differences often focus on negative issues, it is important to remember that regardless of our backgrounds, we celebrate good people with good values from all circumstances – together we make up the overwhelming majority of our society.

in other news, after fifteen years of service on the Board of gsi i am retiring and i feel privileged to have been involved in our iconic social enterprise. i would like to thank all of my colleagues on the Board, past and present, for their contributions; it has been a humbling experience to work with so many wonderful and dedicated people, all of whom give their time to our great cause on a voluntary basis.

Thank you to the uniting Church in WA for its unwavering faith in our mission, gsi exists to advance god’s work in our community and we do this on behalf of the Church. i thank our staff, volunteers, donors, customers, funders and supporters - i pray for god’s blessing for you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you have shown gsi.

Rod Benness Chairman

‘I am happy here - transferring from a retail assistant role to programming databases and looking after online sales in Head office has allowed me to fulfil my potential as well as creating a positive impact within GSI.’

“GSI is a good place to work”

“they look after their staff at all levels and are very conscious of safety”

Genuine quotes taken from confidential surveys during the year.

CHieF exeCuTiVe’s oVeRVieW

gsi is committed to providing quality services to enable people living with disability to be actively included in the community through work, skills development and service support outside of work. To do this gsi must be a thriving social enterprise - in the last five years we have increased our net assets by 34%, underpinned by independently audited financial statements and Quality Certification against the national Disability service standards.

By any measure, 2016 has included a great number of highlights:

• We delivered direct services to 1,079 Western Australians with disabilities.

• Client grants and emergency relief provided by GSI to assist communities with donations to congregations, other uniting Care agencies and victims of the Waroona bushfire.

• Partnerships with Quadrant Energy, Beaver Trees, Fleetwest, Leeder Cleaning Services, Alcoa Charity Help and Cities of stirling, Bayswater and Rockingham, all of which have provided significant financial support for gsi during the year.

• Our successful partnership with the State Government and WA Disability Enterprises (WADEs) has continued, delivering over $30m in state and Local government contracts and providing quality work and a positive impact for supported employees.

• Together with four other charities, we assisted in the creation and launch of the website which directs the public to locations that accept their donations.

• During National Volunteer Week we acknowledged our 150+ volunteers with a morning tea at their place of work and a small token of our appreciation.

• GSI has continued involvement in our peak bodies National Disability Services and the National Association for Charitable Recycling organisations, both here in WA and at national Committee level, actively supporting the advocacy of employment for people with disabilities and recycling to all levels of government.

• Throughout the year, GSI participated in dozens of community volunteer days for schools and corporate companies.

• Pleasingly, 159 staff members attended training throughout the year.

Much of this activity would not have been possible without the Commonwealth Department of social services, Disability services Commission and the national Disability insurance Agency providing significant funding for gsi clients to access the community.

special thanks to unitingCare West, uniting Church in the City and Centrecare for their support in providing office/meeting spaces for the options employment service.

Finally, gsi thanks all its staff, volunteers, congregations, sponsors and donors throughout Western Australia who have supported us in the last year. With their support, we have ensured gsi has continued to make a positive difference to the lives of people with a disability.

John Knowles Chief executive officer

John Knowles – Chief Executive Officer

“working with GSI has given me confidence in myself”

“GSI creates happy and positive workplaces.”

Genuine quotes taken from confidential surveys during the year.

“working with GSI has given me confidence in myself”

sTeP uP AnD suCCeeD

An exciting highlight of the year is our new School transition to Employment program - StEp. Thanks to the WA non-government Centre for support at the education Department we were able to “kick-start” the sTeP initiative.

Focusing on ability sTeP gives young people the opportunity to grow by placing them in a supported workplace learning environment where they can ultimately achieve a school-based traineeship in warehousing, retail or office administration.

Launched at the beginning of 2016 sTeP has helped over 100 students in its first six months ... young people all given the opportunity to blossom and shine and have their abilities recognised.

sTeP follows in the footsteps of the vision of our founder, the Reverend Ralph sutton who throughout his life felt strongly about educating the next generation, regardless of the challenges each individual may face.

Many of us would know the quote: “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Well, at gsi and through sTeP we make this saying ring true offering work opportunities, skills development and service support to assist people to live meaningful, happy lives.

sTeP receives consistently positive feedback from teachers, parents and support workers:

“My students are flourishing in this supportive environment.”

“The changes to her confidence we have noticed since starting have been very positive.”

“You guys are doing an amazing job and we really appreciate the opportunities you are giving our students.”


mr Steve priceAs a former Ceo and Director with extensive experience in the energy, mining, oil and gas and industrial sectors, brings a wealth of strategic, commercial and operational skills to the gsi team.

dr Sue ulreichPractising radiologist and Ceo of sKg Radiology. she serves on the national executive Committee of ADiA and is a member of World President’s organisation. she is a graduate of the Australian institute of Company Directors and joined gsi in 2014.

tamsin marshWesfarmers Legal Counsel, Tamsin has extensive experience in corporate mergers and acquisitions specialising in energy, gas, insurance, industry and safety. Tamsin is also a Board Member with Araluen Botanic Park Foundation.

mr John knowles (CEO)Joined gsi and its Board in 2008. He has over fifteen years experience as a Ceo and organisational director in disability services and currently serves on national Disability services WA and uniting Care Australia.

mr trent bartlett(Deputy Chairperson)25 years experience in senior executive roles in Australia’s large retailers; experienced Ceo and Company Director (ASX and NFP), Fellow of the Australian institute of Company Directors.

mrs Elisa fearB Comm; MBA; gAiCD. elisa has held a variety of positions within the financial sector, both in Australia and the uK. This includes Macquarie Bank’s Project and structured Finance Division and over 10 years experience in small business at director level.

mr Julian millsexecutive Director, gresham Advisory Partners Limited. He has been a member of the Board since september 2006. His experience includes over 20 years of international corporate finance experience and five years of engineering.

mr michael patchell,Chief Financial officer, uniting Church synod of WA and has been at gsi since 2013. He is an Accountant and his area of expertise includes 20 years experience in Corporate Finance including significant exposure to the not-For-Profit sector.

Chris walkerA senior electrical engineer for Bechtel, Chris has held a number of Chairperson roles within the uniting Churches in Australia and local service clubs. He brings a wealth of strategic and safety knowledge to the Board.

Craig CollasA Minister at Wesley uniting Church in the city and previously a RAAF chaplain. Previous experience includes deputy chair of Lifeline north Queensland and currently a Member of the Australian institute of Company Directors.

mr rod benness (Chairperson)Rod is also the current Chairperson of gBi Holdings Pty Ltd. He has been on the gsi Board since november 2002, a Fellow of the Australian institute of Company Directors, also a member of the Duncraig parish and brings a wealth of business acumen to the Board.

deanne marlowDivisional Manager Human Resources

John knowlesChief Executive


debbie CameronDivisional Manager Commercial Services

John dawsonDivisional Manager Finance david Granville

Divisional Manager Client Services

Sam ooiManager Financial & Managerial Accounting

Cosmin puiaSupply Chain Manager

paige lynamSenior Retail Operations Manager

anne robertsExecutive Assistant

Jean wheatleyManager Options Employment

Shannon truscottManager Service Quality and Compliance

“Giving me confidence in myself”

“treats me very well and gives me lots of different jobs to do”

“It helps people to make life easier”

Genuine quotes taken from confidential surveys during the year.

Services to people with a disability

received an employment service

with us

employed directly with good sammy

Good Sammy Shops

Customers during the year

good sammy shops items sold

Good Sammy donations

Donation Bins Tonnes donated by the public

Home collections

our people

employees employees with a disability


people with a disability supported in finding and/or keeping a job

received individualised support

to be part of their community

years 10 – 13 students participated in

supported workplace learning

high school students were awarded with

gsi scholarships


A survey of workers with disabilities asked how satisfied they were with the help given to them by gsi over the last year.

even though satisfaction levels are high, gsi still has challenges to improve our service offering to people with disabilities.

Another major stream of funding comes from the Commonwealth Department of social services; they contribute 22% of our funding to provide employment services to people.

our main expense is paying our staff. We also have the property and asset holding costs of operating our services including the Canning Vale warehouse, 27 retail stores and two employment outlets at Mirrabooka and Cannington.

Very Dissatisfied 3% Dissatisfied


Very satisfied 50%

satisfied 43%


At good samaritan industries, we sustain our Mission through commercial operations, most notably our iconic Good Sammy stores and donation bins combined generate 78% of our revenue.

Materials 1%

Property 28%

staffing 66%

Administration 5%

other income

2%other sales 6%

government grants 22%

Retail Sales 70%

ouR THAnKsgsi is indebted to the Commonwealth Department of social services, Disability services Commission and the national Disability insurance Agency providing significant funding for gsi clients to access the community.

Thanks are also extended to Quadrant energy, Beaver Trees, Fleetwest, Leeder Cleaning services, Alcoa Charity Help and Cities of stirling, Bayswater and Rockingham.

gsi deeply acknowledges the efforts of all our staff, volunteers, uniting Church congregations and our many other supporters. We pray that we continue to create meaningful opportunities for Western Australians living with disability to have good lives.


33-35 Bannister Road, Canning Vale Western Australia 6155

Po Box 1035, Canning Vale Western Australia 6970

Telephone: (08) 9463 0500 Facsimile: (08) 9455 3300