Deliverable D6.3 Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender · key enabling technology, ... at the...

FP7 – 288028 Framework Programme (FP) 7 ICT -2011.5.3 Patient Guidance Service (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse Combination of CP & CSA Deliverable D6.3 Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender DECIPHER “ Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender” by DECIPHER Consortium is licensed under a Creative commons Attributions Share Alike 4.0 International License (

Transcript of Deliverable D6.3 Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender · key enabling technology, ... at the...

FP7 – 288028Framework Programme (FP) 7

ICT -2011.5.3Patient Guidance Service (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse

Combination of CP & CSA

Deliverable D6.3Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender

DECIPHER “ Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender” byDECIPHER Consortium is licensed under a Creativecommons Attributions Share Alike 4.0 International License(

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FP7 – 288028Framework Programme (FP) 7

ICT -2011.5.3Patient Guidance Service (PGS), safety and healthcare record information reuse

Combination of CP & CSA

Work Package:WP6 – Dissemination

Deliverable 6.3Engaging suppliers to the PCP tender

Version: 1.0Status: Final

Date of Issue: 30.11.2013File name: DECIPHER_D6.3_Engaging_suppliers_to_the_PCP_tender


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Document Information

Document HistoryDate Version Author Change Status30.11.2013 1.0 Suzan Ikävalko Final editions Final

Authors Name PartnerMain author Suzan Ikävalko Culminatum InnovationCo-authors Antoni Parada, R. Alessandrello, Jean Patrick


Richard Deed, Paul Hammer, Rebecca Ryan,Elizabeth Muir, Charlotte Haseler, Carl Peachey


I.Garcia Milá, Patrícia Díaz, Ízaro López TICSALUTAnjeza Saliaj, MCristina Corradini, F. Tistarelli,G. Cangioli, S. Bertagnini, G. Mennuti, S.Rigacci,


C. Di Billio, M. Spinu, M. Faviere, M. Caliani ESTAV CentroJaakko Ikävalko, Kauko. Huhtinen Culminatum Innovation

Keywords Pre Commercial Procurement, Phase 0, Market Consultation

Abstract (fordissemination)

The DECIPHER (Distributed European Community Individual Patient HealthcareElectronic Record) project will launch a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP)tender to create step-change innovations in the area of cross-border mobilehealthcare. The DECIPHER PCP competition will be open, fair and transparent,respecting EU Commission’s recommendations in this field.To prepare this PCP call several Market Consultation Days and informationdissemination events were organized in different EU Member States. Activedissemination also took place via Social media (such as Linkedin, Twitter andEU Procurement Forum). The aim was to conduct a thorough market scanningexercise and assure in advance that the most diverse companies in EU canparticipate in this PCP project

Distribution List

Date Issue to E- mail30/11/2013 DECIPHER Consortium30/11/2013 EC and Project Officer [email protected]

Full title Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare Electronic RecordProject Number FP7 – ICT - 288028 Acronym DECIPHERStart date Project February 1st, 2012

January 25th, 2013Duration 48 months


AIAQS Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (SPAIN)

Project URL http://www.decipherpcp.euEU Project Officer Jaakko Aarnio

Date of delivery Contractual: 30/11/2013 Actual: 30/11/2013Nature DisseminationDisseminationLevel

Consortium Confidential (CO)


Suzan Ikävalko e-mail: [email protected]: Culminatum Innovation Phone: +358 50 5834292

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Table of Contents1 Introduction 42 Market Consultation in Catalonia - Barcelona 5

2.1 Announcement 52.2 Agenda 62.3 Outcomes of Barcelona’s Market consultation day 6

3 Market Consultation in England – Birmingham 73.1 Announcement 73.2 Agenda 113.3 Outcomes of Market Consultation in Birmingham 14

4 Market Consultation in Lithuania - Vilnius 184.1 Announcement 184.2 Agenda 214.3 Outcome 25

5 Market Consultation in Tuscany – Florence 255.1 The Market Consultation Day Brochure 255.2 Agenda 275.3 Outcomes of the Market consultation day in Florence 285.4 Market Consultation through individual meetings in Tuscany 28

6 Dissemination and engagement of suppliers in Conferences and Forums 296.1 AAL Forum 2013 – Norrköping (Sweden) 296.2 European Telemedicine Conference 30

7 Appendix 1: OJEU Previous Information Notice 328 Appendix 2: Barcelona Market consultation Day 36

8.1 Online Registration Form 368.2 Online Registration Confirmation 378.3 Invitation in English 388.4 Invitation in Catalan 398.5 Invitation in Spanish 408.6 Mailings 418.7 Web 2.0 presence 43

9 Appendix 3: Florence Market consultation Day 449.1 Invitation in Italian 449.2 Mailings 459.3 Web 2.0 presence 46

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1 Introduction

The DECIPHER (Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare ElectronicRecord) Project will deploy state-of-the-art Pre-Commercial Procurement practices to create step-change innovations in the area of mobile patient ICTs. Using electronic patient data records as thekey enabling technology, the joint PCP mechanism will bring about new capabilities and services incross-border mobile healthcare, delivering significant benefits to patients, healthcare organisations,and industry.

The three main objectives of the project are: Work together to create a cross-border reference implementation with selected technical

standards for mobile solutions accessing public health information data. Generate first production-series of first-class, up-to-date, innovative mobile services

operating within the platform. Research, evaluate and improve the success of the Pre-Commercial-Procurement method

as a viable and successful process for ICT-oriented service development for the health caresector.

According to European Commission recommendations, the PCP competitions will be open, fair andtransparent. Furthermore, to assure in advance that the most diverse companies in EU canparticipate in the project several Market Consultation Days and industry engagement events tookplace starting from the ones organized in the three procuring authorities countries - Barcelona(Catalonia/Spain), Florence (Tuscany/Italy) and Birmingham (England/United Kingdom).

Market Consultation Days were planned as a ‘preparation of a public procurement’ and ‘organisedin a way not to preclude or distort competition’:

Announcing them Market Consultation Days in advance –webs, mailing lists, OJEU (OJ/SS104 31/05/2013 178450-2013-EN) (please refer to Appendix 1 of this document).

Enabling all participants to dialogue with DECIPHER project partners. Providing all information at the same time by recording and broadcasting them online


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2 Market Consultation in Catalonia - Barcelona

As firts step DECIPHER project organized its first Pre-Commercial Procurement MarketConsultation Day for mHealth solutions on June 28th in Barcelona, in conjunction with theMIHealth Forum event.The event was set up in conjunction of the MIHealth Forum 2nd Edition in order to attract theaudience of the congress.

2.1 Announcement

The text below in Italics appeared at MIHealth Forum 2013 web page ( ), at DECIPHER web page ( )and it was used as well to announce the event at the Official Journal of the European Union:

TICSalut (Spain), Estav Centro (Italy) and TRUSTECH (UK) are partners in the DECIPHERproject to develop a new generation of secure cross-border mobile solutions to access localexisting patient healthcare portals to enable efficient treatment of patients not only when at homebut also when travelling. The development solutions will be jointly procured by the Agència deQualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (Spain) that will act as single procurer on behalf of thethree aforementioned organisations.

Security and interoperability standards will be key features of the procured DECIPHER solutions.

Selected proposals will be developed through a pre commercial procurement process (end of 2013- end of 2015).

The DECIPHER consortium would now like to invite all interested parties within Europe (SME, spinoffs, start ups, large enterprises, research and technology centres, etc) active in the sectors ofhealthcare, mobile applications and security, to join our Market Consultation Day.

During the Market Consultation Day attendees will be provided with an overview on theDECIPHER procurement objectives, on the Pre-Commercial Procurement process and will havean opportunity to the procuring authorities.

This event will be held as satellite event of the MIHealth Forum (June 26th- 28th, 2013 atFiraBarcelona, Plaza España, Barcelona (Spain) - andwill take place on June 28th from 8:30 to 14:00.

Interested parties are advised that the registration for attendance at the Market Consultation Daywill be available from June 1st at DECIPHER web page .

Interested parties are advised that the registration for attendance at MIHealth Forum can be foundat the MIHealth Forum web site (

The participation in the Market Consultation Day is not a pre-requisite for participation in theDECIPHER pre-commercial procurement process and does not give advantage to any supplier

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2.2 Agenda

2.3 Outcomes of Barcelona’s Market consultation day

Of the 83 registered attendees, 75 joined the event. In the audience there were:

- Major industry players (Accenture, ALTRAN, Atos, Cap Gemini, Cerner, Everis, IECISA,INDRA, InterSystems, Philips, etc.),

- SMEs and start-ups (Confluencia, Connectis ICT Services, DH Tech SL, Linkcare,Medixine Ltd., etc.),

- A couple of technologic centres (I2cat, Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme, etc.)- And few procuring authorities (Catalonia Region representatives, Hospital Sant Joan de

Déu and Hospital Clínic).

Market Consultation Day presentations and questions with answers have been recorded and willbe published on a project website ( ). The recorded presentations have beenedited and indexed based on the topics of a presentation. Thus, it is possible to check online onlythe parts of presentations that are relevant for each viewer.

9:00 –9:20)

Welcome. Josep Maria Argimón (Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries deCatalunya) and Francesc Garcia Cuyas (TICSALUT)

9:20 –9:50

Overview of DECIPHER PCP procurement objectives. Rossana Alessandrello(Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya)

9:50 –10:20

Description of DECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process. SuzanIkävalko (Culminatum Innovation)

10:20 -10:40

Description of DECIPHER PCP market consultation process. RossanaAlessandrello (Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya)

10:40 -11:10 Coffee break

11:10 –12:00

Round table with DECIPHER PCP procuring authorities. Maria Cristina Corradini(ANCI Innovazione); Marcello Faviere (ESTAV Centro); Richard Deed(TRUSTECH); Ignasi Garcia-Milà (TICSALUT)

12:00 -12:30

Technological and Functional Challenges:Security and epSOSZoi Kolitsi (Leader of Calliope project and of epSOS Legal andRegulatory);Linking to Patients Health Records. Jaakko Lähteenmäki (VTTTechnical Research Center of Finland)

12:30 –14:00

DECIPHER PCP procuring authorities: questions and answers with theaudience. Marcello Faviere (ESTAV Centro); Richard Deed (TRUSTECH);Ignasi Garcia-Milà (TICSALUT)

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3 Market Consultation in England – Birmingham

The DECIPHER project organized its second Pre-Commercial Procurement Market ConsultationDay for EHI Live 2013 on the 5th and 6th of November in Birmingham, UK.

EHI Live 2013 is the largest exhibition of its kind in the UK and a major conference with topspeakers. The DECIPHER project used the event as an umbrella for our community to holdmeetings with industry players. DECIPHER had a stand, and had arranged to meet companies forface to face meetings over the two days.

3.1 AnnouncementThe DECIPHER project applied to the conference organisation for a seminar slot (see application below)

In a nutshell DECIPHER is a European project that is offering grants to companies developingtechnologies to facilitate mobile access to health records in the EU. A 900,000 euro pot offunding is available. see

The DECIPHER (Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare ElectronicRecord) Project is deploying Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) practices to create step-change innovations in the area of mobile patient ICTs. Using electronic patient data records asthe key enabling technology, the joint PCP mechanism will bring about new capabilities andservices in cross-border mobile healthcare, delivering significant benefits to patients,healthcare organisations, and industry.The three main objectives of the project are:

• Work together to create a cross-border reference implementation with selectedtechnical standards for mobile solutions accessing public health information data• Generate production series of up-to-date, innovative mobile services operatingwithin the platform• Research, evaluate and improve the success of the Pre-Commercial-Procurement method as a viable and successful process for ICT-oriented service developmentfor the health care sector.

The proposed seminar at Ehealth live will introduce potential commercial participants andbidders to the PCP process, describe the main aims of the project and encourage collaborationwith industry in the definition of the requirements.

Other aims of the seminar will be to:Attract suppliersCollaborateIdentify business opportunitiesUnderstand market conditions to guarantee:

o A minimum number of bidders,o A minimum level of quality,o the market is able to supply a solution to DECIPHER challenge in the defined

timeframe within the defined budget,o the awarding criteria are selective enough to progress from phase to phase

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Who should join DECIPHER Market Consultation Day?

...all European interested parties (SME, spin offs, start ups, large enterprises, research andtechnology centres, etc) active in the sectors of eHealth, mobile applications, security,interoperability, semantic interoperability, accessibility, ...

DECIPHER Consortium consists of the following commissioning authorities:• ESTAV Centro (Italy)• TicSalut (Spain/Catalonia)• CMFT (UK)

The DECIPHER Consortium will issue a single, joint PCP activity late in 2013 . In doing so,the Consortium will challenge suppliers to leverage opportunities that have emerged as aresult of a number of related European initiatives, including epSOS, CALLIOPE, LOD2 andLATC, as well as recent advances in mobile technology. To ensure that the commissionedwork delivers transformational innovations, the Consortium will be advised by internationally¬leading mobile health technology experts from Greece, France, Finland, UK, and Ireland.

The DECIPHER project also sent a mailshot to the 184 exhibitors at EHI Live inviting them to meetat the stand for consultation. This is reproduced below:

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A 75 word profile was included in the official EHI Live brochure which was seen by the otherexhibitors, the 2,500 visitors to the event and website visitors. The text is reproduced below:

The DECIPHER project will develop innovations in mobile access to patient healthrecords (PHR) enabling cross-border healthcare services across the EU.

A consortium of public healthcare organisations (Italy, UK, Spain & Finland) isrunning a joint Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), offering development funding of€900.000. The PCP will be in three competitive phases. Selected applicants willdevelop new technologies for mobile PHRs. The best prototypes will be tested andspecifications developed for commercial deployment in partner countries.

For more information visit the DECIPHER stand F49 in Hall 1.

The UK Market Consultation was also publicised on the TRUSTECH website in advance of themeeting. Text reproduced below:

DECIPHER hits the road

The DECIPHER (Distributed European Community Individual Patient HealthcareRecord) project is a pan-European venture to stimulate the development of newtechnologies that will enable patients to access their health records via mobiledevices, such as smartphones and tablets, in EU member states.

Due early 2014, a call to industry will be announced to identify internationalorganisations that have an interest in developing such technologies. €0.9 millionfunds will be available to develop these solutions across a multi-phase Pre-Commercial Procurement process.

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Two market consultation events took place in October 2013, in Barcelona andManchester. At these events patients and clinicians were invited to share theirthoughts about the issues surrounding cross-border mobile e-health and help theDECIPHER project managers understand what functionality end users desire themost.

TRUSTECH, the North West NHS Innovation Service, are acting as one of threeprocurement organisations for the project and are about to embark on an excitingjourney which involves taking a robot to Lithuania. “Our Kid” (pronounced “ArrKid”: Manchester slang for brother) is an art installation at Central ManchesterUniversity Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts, which tells the story of the NationalHealth Service from its beginnings 60 years ago via a multitude of interactive screens,slideshows and printed panels. The robot is currently having redesign and will travelto ICT2013 in Vilnius (Nov 6-8) in a new DECIPHER guise, which will help showcasethe project and its goals.

Also, TRUSTECH will be attending EHI Live in Birmingham on November 5 & 6. TheTRUSTECH/DECIPHER team will be located in Hall 1 on stand F49 and will belooking to speak with commercial partners who have an interest in developing mobilesolutions. If you are attending EHI Live and would like to arrange a meeting withTRUSTECH, please contact [email protected].

In addition, the EHI Live organisers sent an invite to delegates on behalf of the DECIPHER project(reproduced below).

TRUSTECH, the North West NHS Innovation Service, is looking for commercialpartners to develop mobile solutions for a pan-European communication tool forpatients to access their personal health records. This is for an FP7 project calledDECIPHER with up to €900,000 available to award to successful companies.TRUSTECH will be located on stand F94 in Hall 1, so why not pay a visit to find outmore about DECIPHER. Alternatively, contact [email protected] toschedule an appointment during the exhibition. We look forward to meeting

To be sent to:

Clinical & Patient portalsData management / clinical coding / information for commissioningE-prescribing & medicines managementGP SystemsHardware: services/desktops/pcs/tablets/mobile devicesIntegration/interoperabilityPatient admin systemsTelecommunicationsTelehealth

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3.2 Agenda

Paul Hanmer, Richard Deed and Rossana Alessandrello conducted face to face interviews withinterested parties at the event.

Richard Deed waiting for the next interviewee

Rossana talking about DECIPHER on the stand.

The responses from the companies were recorded in a questionnaire. The response from BlackPear is reproduced below:

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Partner Attendees

Organisation attendees


Individual meeting DECIPHER Dissemination event (EHI Live 5th /6th

November 2013 UK Dissemination Event)

OrganisationPlease provide a brief description of the organization(s) participating to the meeting.

Company / organization 1Black Pear Software Ltd

Address (street, postcode, city,country) Bartlam House, Shrawley, Worcester WR6 6TPContact person Dunmail HodkinsonTitle of contact person CEOMobile numbere-mailKind of organisation: SME,large company, start-up, spin-off, etc


Main focus of the company/organisation

Patient Portal

Experience in developingtechnologies related withmedical devices, mHealth,security, interoperability, etc

See company profile

Topics covered on DECIPHER PCP

Name, Surname DECIPHER Partner TRUSTECHPaul Hanmer (PH)

Organisation Name Black Pear SoftwareName, Surname Dunmail Hodkinson


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Questions to pose to the organisations

Topic / Question Raised by Response given Answered

byState of the art and organisation’s future developments

What technologies do you supply? PH My healthfile – iphonepatient’s inpractice TPPEMIS integration patientapplication free to patientscancer apps medicinemanagement kernel.Translation standardphrases in Turkish (forexample) GP supplier’ssystems contract 2014.

Is DECIPHER PCP in line with yourbusiness strategy?

PH Yes

PCP Call

Is the scope of the challenge clear?Please specify what is not clear andsuggest how you could supportDECIPHER consortium to clarifyfurther the needs

PH How will the project breakdown into the three maincomponents:

1. Suppositories andmoving data

2. Interoperability3. Apps range of

apps on top ofbusiness servicesframework(Sante)

Do you have any question regardingthe PCP phases?

PH More clarity around thePCP phases. Needs aclear scope.

Taking into consideration what aPCP wants to achieve, what criteriado you consider important toevaluate bidders’ proposals?

PH Real users – needsanalysis. Not woolly, needsto lead to something(implementation?) It can’tsolve all the problems.

What criteria do you considerimportant to evaluate bidders’proposals from Phase 1 to Phase 2?

PH Similar to above.

What criteria do you considerimportant to evaluate bidders’proposals from Phase 2 to Phase 3?

PH Pilot use case should betightly constrained whichare going to deliver someobjective benefits.

Is your organization interested to bidto DECIPHER tender?

PH Yes

If so, are you planning to bid by yourown or in consortium with other

PH We don’t know, need tosee the tender specification

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organizations? Please explain theadded value of each of the partnersof the consortium

but potentially we would beopen to a consortium bid

3.3 Outcomes of Market Consultation in Birmingham

The DECIPHER team interviewed around a dozen companies interested in engaging withDECIPHER (profiles are reproduced below). In addition about ten other organisations visited thestand and took away information on the project.

Black Pear Software: Dunmail Hodkinson

Bespoke medical applications for the wireless world - Black Pear Software specialises indesigning and delivering applications using cutting edge mobile technology to support highquality medical care wherever it is required. The team has over twenty years of experiencedelivering successful healthcare applications to NHS organisations. This combined with use ofthe latest advances in cloud based server technologies and mobile devices allows us toproduce applications that are easy to use and portable as well as compliant with NHS codingand security standards

Voice Technologies Ltd: Ian Knapton (or Alistair Graham CEO/ James McPherson Chief Technical Director)

Voice Technologies are specialists in document creation, speech recognition and digitaldictation services and solutions. We’re focused on supporting the healthcare, legal andpublic sectors. We are approved suppliers through Commercial Buying Solutions and SharedBusiness Services frameworks for NHS Trusts and Foundations across England, Scotland andNorthern Ireland. We’re also on the National Framework for Scotland. We build oursolutions with hardware and software from other leading providers such as Winscribe,Nuance, Philips & Olympus. We fit your needs to our solutions.

Slainte Healthcare: Canice McKee

Sláinte Healthcare is Europe’s fastest growing Healthcare Technology Company (Deloitte Fast500 2012). Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland and with operations in the UK, Middle East,Australia, Asia and the US, Sláinte enables hospitals to maximise Clinical and Administrativeperformance. Sláinte Healthcare is focused on delivering web-based software solutions thatdeliver quantum efficiency and cost savings to healthcare organizations throughout theirgeneral administration, clinical patient records and insurance claiming processes. Our clientshave achieved major gains and savings as a result of our projects, and they have been able toreduce the focus of staff time on patient administration and increase the time spent onpatient care. ‘Sláinte’ – pronounced ‘Slawn-tcha’ – is the Gaelic for ‘good health’. Sláinte wasfounded by CEO, Andrew Murphy, and is now one of the fastest growing, profitable,healthcare technology companies in the UK and Ireland.

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Map My health: Iain Brogan & Kemal Haque

Mapmyhealth creates eHealth systems that promote patient self-management andcollaborative care in chronic diseases. Mapmyhealth collaborates with world-leadingacademic and clinical experts to build disease-specific eHealth self-management systems,and demonstrates their clinical and cost-effectiveness through rigorous clinical evaluation.Mapmyhealth eHealth systems are built on a versatile technical platform: the MyhealthEngine. Based on flexible, scalable web app architecture, the Myhealth Engine supportsbroad interoperability with third party applications and devices, accommodation of verylarge user numbers, and the highest levels of security.

Digital Spark Ltd: Michael Bell & Gavin Kipling to meet with RD & PH

We collaborate with clinicians and informatics specialists to develop quality healthcaresoftware. We are passionate about equipping and enabling clinicians with digital solutionsthat drive improvement in services and help keep patients safer. With significant NHS andprivate sector experience across the Digital Spark team, we design, develop and implementinnovative systems that drive performance improvements across all care pathways. Ashealthcare IT moves towards digital and mobile solutions that enable cross systemintegration and transparency, our innovative Capture suite of products continues to lead thefield. We are proud to offer highly effective products with world-class user experiences toour healthcare partners.

Total Mobile: Ronnie Geddis

With the launch of the TotalMobile App Platform we have also expanded in to the Healthmarket. Our expansion has taken us outside the UK to North America and The Netherlands.Today, TotalMobile provides the TotalMobile App Platform to a range of Government,Private Sector and Healthcare customers in the US and Europe, as well as throughout the UKand Ireland. We also work with a range of software and systems integration partners. Ourpartner related business more than doubles every year. The TotalMobile experience hasbeen designed so that frontline workers can deliver better services and make mobile workingmuch more satisfying and enjoyable. Here are just a few examples how:-

TotalMobile simplifies the ways in which mobile workers can access and use information.They can work offline – no need for continuous connectivity.They can work on any device – a smartphone, tablet or laptop and any operating system.They can use a variety of tools that best suit their working methods.They have access to all the info they need without worrying about where it came from.

Microsoft: Neil Pearson (& possibly Mark Smith)

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Microsoft HealthVault has been developed to be an open platform for security enhanceddata sharing amongst NHS organisations and the citizen. Our privacy and security enhancedplatform takes care of authentication, hosting and data modelling so that NHS Trusts canfocus on building apps that citizens need to lead a healthier, happier life. HealthVault’sinformation sharing model allows full control of which data elements are shared, who it’sshared with and how long it’s shared for. Custodian access can be granted for a citizen’srecord to a person they nominate to help manage their health information. Any informationentered into HealthVault can be, with the citizen’s permission, re-used across many differentapps and supplemented by a growing list of devices. Incorporating device technology allowsfor a richer healthcare experience and ensures patients are able to see an impact on theirtreatment progress, or raise concerns earlier. The UK instance of HealthVault is hosted byAttenda, a provider of NHS data services including hosting the portal, in its secure UKdata centres.

Citrus Suite: Chris Morland (& provisionally Steve Donovan)

Citrus Suite is a UK based creative design studio producing mobile apps for globally knownclients.The core development team of Chris, Macca, Steve & Dom produced content for some of thegame industry’s most prestigious titles and as Citrus Suite we have made an impact, seeingTHREE apps reach number one in various App Store charts in 2011 and 2012 (including USand UK charts).“Elevating simple ideas into award-winning realities, we consistently deliver products thatincrease our client’s brand visibility. From publishing to mHealth, commissioners trust us totranslate their content into seamless digital experiences to charm and delight theiraudiences, adding value through our ‘people-centred’ design focus.”

Steve Cooper: Formfast

FormFast helps improve processes across the healthcare enterprise via solutionspowered by essential technologies:

Electronic Forms (eForms)

FormFast replaces paper forms with electronic forms toprovide a method to collect discrete data, receivemapped information from other systems, and providegreater control for hospitals, eliminating obsolescence.

Electronic Signature Capture(eSignature)

For organizations "going paperless", electronicsignature capture of patient consents is a key area forautomation. FormFast collects patient sigantureelectronically and sends to directly to the EMR forpaperless archival.

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Workflow Automation

Process bottlenecks and manual tasks can bringproductivity in a hospital to a crawl. Plus lack of visiblityinto processes hinders performance. Streamline andsimplify processes with FormFast enterprise workflowplatform.

Dashboards and Reports

Traditionally, since many processes in the hospital aremanaged on paper, critical data is tracked in paperforms. By collecting information discretely, FormFastfrees the information and populates dashboards andreports for increases visibility and greaterunderstanding of business processes.

Enterprise Content Management(ECM)

FormFast offers an intuitive, affordable solution forstoring, sorting, and locating any type of file ordocuments in the hospital electronically.

Output Management

When documents need to be print or output, highperformance hospitals choose FormFast, the leader inoutput management for healthcare. Export documentsto multiple sources intelligently using pre-programmedcriteria or on-demand.

CCube Solutions: Vijay Magon

CCube Solutions is an award-winning provider of enterprise content management (ECM)solutions, comprising electronic document and records management, workflow, electronicforms, portal software, and systems integration. Founded in 1995, we have a proven trackrecord working with the National Health Service, police, local government, and in the privatesector providing cost effective and scalable solutions, tailored to meet the individualrequirements of customers.

1st Easy: Robert Quinlan

VMWare Cloud Computing Platform - From secure, software defined data centres (SDDC), toflexible pay-as-you-go hybrid cloud environments, we have all the tools you need to buildyour cloud. Provide hosting services for a range of industries that rely on the internet fortheir success. Hosting is our speciality it is what our team and infrastructure do best. Ourhosting services are designed to take care of the concerns that keep you awake at night and to giveyour business a competitive advantage. We'll help you to deliver great experiences to yourcustomers, boost the productivity of your staff, and bolster the reliability of your online activities.

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And our solid track record means that we'll be around to support and help you grow your businessfor as long as you need us.

VidaVia Ltd: Ian Singleton

Delivering exactly the software system or process you need, integrated into currentinfrastructure with change and process management support to ensure a return on yourinvestment. Shaping, configuring and integrating an existing proven bespoke development tosuit your particular infrastructure, context and business need at an affordable price.

Cerner: Kit Butterfield

We are transforming health care by eliminating error, variance and waste for health careproviders and consumers around the world. Our solutions optimize processes for health careorganizations ranging from single-doctor practices to entire countries, for thepharmaceutical and medical device industries, and for the field of health care as a whole.Our solutions are licensed by approximately 10,000 facilities worldwide.

We are changing the way people use and share information

We empower providers to base decisions on best clinical evidence.We coordinate care across traditionally fragmented health care systems.We provide clinical organizations with the reliability, flexibility and continuousinnovation available through cloud-based intelligence.We provide contextually relevant information to the right people at the right time.

Market Consultation Day conclusions will be published on the project website( ).

4 Market Consultation in Lithuania - Vilnius

The DECIPHER project successfully applied to exhibit at the “ICT 2013” event organised by theEuropean Commission under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU. Richard Deedand Rossana Alessandrello joined the exhibition.

4.1 Announcement

ICT 2013 – Conference, 6th to the 8th of November 2013

The conference features top ICT professionals from industry, academia, research. Speakers fromacross the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud computing, broadband, ICTinfrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long term visions on the future and much more. Expertswill present details on how to participate in the next EU's Research Programme - Horizon 2020.

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A special focus will be given on Digital Futures - a journey into 2050's futures and policychallenges.


ICT 2013 in Vilnius is a unique opportunity for projects and companies to showcase theirresearch, ICT products and innovative creations.

The exhibition will link todays' research and innovation with visions for the future. More than200 exhibits will cover a diverse set of research results and products, ranging from cars andadvanced robots to very small components, software, new business or new services.

The exhibition is grouped according to 5 themes - you can browse all exhibitors by clicking oneach theme.

digitally empowered citizens; - Putting the individual in the centre.

smart and sustainable cities for 2020+; - Putting the city in the centre.

industry and business for tomorrow; - Putting the competitiveness of European industry inthe centre.

intelligent connecting intelligence; - Putting networking, interfacing, integration in thecentre.

culture, science and creativity. - Putting content in the centre.

The DECIPHER project exhibited under the theme “culture, science and creativity” in the artexhibition village. A multimedia statue was reimagined to convey the message of DECIPHER usingvideo content of members of the DECIPHER team, patients and clinicians recorded by awardwinning multimedia firm “Winning Pitch”. This conveyed the objectives of the project and the aimsof pre-commercial procurement.

The exhibition is also a way to link each of the 5 themes to the Digital Futures - Futuriumvisions by using the advanced research work within a theme and/or exhibition cluster as aninspirational source to improve the Futurium visions. The distinctive and impressive 7 ft highmultimedia sculpture is embedded with digital screens, which can play over 30 short films.These films will be loaded with information, and interviews with experts, which together cantell stories about the planned changes and opportunities brought about by the DECIPHERproject.

We will articulate the issues that EU citizens with health conditions may face when travelling,and how by use of the proposed DECIPHER solution they will be able to get better healthcare.The DECIPHER project will also have a fund (900,000 euros) that it can award to developersof these mobile health solutions, which we will be promoting at the event.

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The DECIPHER project was listed in the official website of the conference as shown below:

DECIPHERInteractive sculptureOur Kid :The distinctive and impressive 7 ft high multimedia sculpture is embedded with digital screens,which can play multiple short films. These films are loaded with information, interviews withexperts, which together will tell stories about the planned changes and opportunities brought aboutby the DECIPHER project

A picture of the multimedia robot before it travelled to Lithuania:

“Our Kid” (centre) with Richard Deed and Bruan Kidd, assistant manager of Manchester City FC

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DECIPHER booth at the Exhibition

A news article about DECIPHER exhibiting at ICT 2013 was released on the TRUSTECH Website:

TRUSTECH is acting as one of three procurement organizations for the project and is about toembark on an exciting journey which involves taking an interactive sculpture in the form of arobot to Lithuania. The robot, affectionately known as “Our Kid” (pronounced “Arr Kid”:Manchester slang for brother) is an art installation at Central Manchester University HospitalsNHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) which originally told the story of the National Health Servicefrom its beginnings 60 years ago via a multitude of interactive screens, slideshows and printedpanels. The robot has recently being redesigned and will travel to ICT2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania(Nov 6th-8th) on stand 5D9 to advertise the DECIPHER project and its goals. FormerManchester United and City player Brian Kidd was on hand to launch Our Kid’s European tour.Currently joint assistant manager at City, he commented: “It sounds brilliant and as someonewho travels around Europe so much, I can easily see the benefits of being able to have accessto parts of your health record, while travelling.”

4.2 Agenda

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During the conference and exhibition the DECIPEHR project arranged to have face to face meetingswith about 7 organisations and met around 30 other organisations who visited the stand.

Details of the meetings is given below:

Name Position CompanyDr.Rytis Naginevicius Director Soft Dent

Zviad Kirtava Board Chairman Partners for Health NGO

Luisa MatosISA Academy GeneralDirector Intelligent Sensing Anywhere

Prof. Dr. TamasGergely CEO Applied Logic Laboratory

Juan MiguelGarcia-Gomez

Reader in BiomedicalInformatics

Universidad, PolitechnicaValencia,BiomedicalInformatics Group

GediminasKostkevicius CEO BalticRad/ Ortho BalticWaqar Ahmed EU Advisor Oslo MedTech

Ian CastilloDirector of TechnicalInnovation Icon

Isabelle De SutterEuropean Affairs TeamManager Systematic

Alberto Borghese

Associate Professor -Laboratory of AppliedIntelligent Systems (AIS-Lab) Università Degli Studi Di Milano

Dr. Nenad StojanovicInformation ProcessEngineering (IPE) FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

Maria Marques Senior Researcher UNINOVA

Lothar Fritsch Senior Research Specialist Norsk Regnesentral

Kalev Koppel CEOSoftware Technology and ApplicationsCompetence Center (STACC)

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Prof. Shuang-HuaYang

Professor of Networks andControl, ResearchCoordinator of ComputerScience, Head of Networks,Communications & ControlSystems, Research Division Loughborough University

Dr. Nenyó Balázs egyetemi docens

Budapest Muszaki ésGazdaságtudományl EgyetemIrányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszék

Hawari HashimTechnology Strategy andPartnership Samsung Electronics

Adelheid Obwaller

Directorate General II(Planning), Science,Research and DevelopmentDivision

Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry ofDefence and Sports

Victoria Cochrane ESADE Business School BarcelonaJosé CarlosNascimento Professor Auxiliar Universidade do Minho

Ardiel Cabrera Ruiz

Programme Assistant - EUPolicies, InternationalRelations European Commission

Iratxe Irizar OtaegiCommercial Director's Assistant, DepartmentoComercial CEIT

George Athanasiou Foskare (Software Modelling) KTH Vetenskap Och Konst

Aiste LehmannProject development andManagement TIDEA

Antonini reseracher UniTOConstantine D.Spyropoulos research Director

National Centre for Scientific ReserachDemokritos

Cristian Barrué Reserach Associate UPCDanny Weissberg CEO VoiceittFrank Murray CEO & founder PiercomGema Maestro Molina Project Manager Innovati

Ivan Evgeniev Ivanovhead Advanced ControlSystems Lab Technical University Sofia

Joan Cabestany Investigador UPCJourk de Loof Senior Researcher Engineer Alcatel LucentLidia Manero Mijangos Proj Manager Medtronic

Ljiljana StojanovicInformation ProcessEngineering (IPE) FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

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Lucas Paletta Key Researcher Joanneum ResearchManuel FernandezMiguel Director Centro Excelencia UEMMario Conci Cognitive Scientist User centred design

Sabine Schumann Vice Managing Director p.a.u. educationTerenziani reseracher UniTOVassilis Plachouras Reserach Associate Institute for the Management of IS

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4.3 Outcome

After 3 days of digital inspiration, creativity & connecting, ICT2013, Europe's biggest digital technologyevent had almost 5000 people attending. They had the opportunity to learn about the DECIPHER project.The multimedia robot gave information about DECIPHER and also PCP in general. The ICT2013 event wasorganised by the European Commission in partnership with the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of theEU so it was good that PCP was presented at a high profile event.All the technological providers contacted during the event demonstrated their major interest in DECIPHERand taking part to the pre-commercail procurement programme.

Market Consultation Day presentations and questions with answers will be published on a project website( ).

Contacts will be followed up with a questionnaire to gather feedback on DECIPHER and the PCP process.

5 Market Consultation in Tuscany – Florence

The last Pre-Commercial Procurement Market Consultation Day of the DECIPHER project took place onNovember 14th, in Florence. The event was organized in collaboration with Confindustria (the mainorganisation representing manufacturing and services companies) Tuscany branch and Florence branch andEuropean Enterprise Network – EEN.

5.1 The Market Consultation Day Brochure

The key elements of the brochure were distributed to enterprises through different channels such as officialwebsite of the Decipher- project, partner websites, Facebook, Linkedin, Confindustria network, Birminghamevent, Vilnius and EEN. Please see below the main contents of the Brochure:

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Description of the PCP process

PCP—a new approach for procurementA new approach is being applied in the development and deployment of the DECIPHER PCPapplication. The pre-commercial procurement (PCP) model involves parallel development ofseveral ideas, from which one or a few will eventually be selected for commercial procurement. ThePCP model is particularly targeted for radical innovations arising from the interactive and iterativedesign process.

The DECIPHER PCP project covers the process up to Phase 3, after which the participatingprocurers may proceed to commercial procurement actions.

DECIPHER PCP project creates a mobile health care solutionTravelling abroad for short trips or longer stay is more common than ever. As the mobility ofpeople increases, also the need for healthcare services while abroad is increasing. DECIPHERPCP project seeks new innovative technologies to enable the access to personal health informationby the caregivers and by the individual always when needed.

Mobile assistance for healthThe DECIPHER PCP health application will assist the citizen in various situations ranging fromacute care episodes to management of chronic diseases. In the event of acute sickness abroad, theDECIPHER PCP application provides the caregivers an access to the essential health history of the

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patient. The availability of health record information abroad is especially important for individualswith chronic diseases needing frequent medical consultations.

ChallengeHealth delivery systems and health records are still severely limited by national borders.DECIPHER PCP will take the challenge of leading the development of an innovative mobileapplication connecting with health information repositories of different countries. Moreover,legislation and rules concerning security and privacy are country-dependent and shall be carefullytaken into account.

5.2 Agenda

14:30 –15:30


Welcome (Marius Spinu, ESTAV Centro)

Overview of DECIPHER project objectives (Rossana Alessandrello - AgènciadeQualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya)

Description of DECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process. (SuzanIkävalko - Culminatum Innovation)

Description of DECIPHER use cases and architecture. (Ignasi Garcia-MilaVidal, Ticsalut)Industry point of view (Confindustria)

15:30 –18:00

ROUND TABLE: questions and answers with the audience.

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A moment of the event in Florence

5.3 Outcomes of the Market consultation day in Florence

Of the 56 registered attendees 36 joined the event. In the audience there were:

Major industry players (Telecom Italia, Engineering, NoemaLife, VAR Group, Dedalus, TBSGroup),

SMEs and start-ups (Prometeo S.r.l, Extra S.r.l, Ergon S.r.l, Ehealth-Tech S.r.l., etc.), A University (Politecnico di Torino)

Market Consultation Day presentations have been published on the project website( The links to the presentations and to the FAQ have been sent to theattendees via e-mail. To be noted the active participation of the attendees, especially from majorindustry players. Questions were mainly on PCP process and on DECIPHER architecturecharacteristics. SME’s and start-ups manifested doubts on their capability to make a R&D workthat matches all the functional specifications of the solution the Consortium wants to procure.

5.4 Market Consultation through individual meetings in TuscanyANCI INNOVAZIONE sent a newsletter to 2870 Italian enterprises in order to promote the MarketConsultation Day in Florence. Following the newsletter, a small sample of enterprises was invitedin two open meetings organized by ANCI INNOVAZIONE. The scope of the meetings was thepreliminary presentation of the PCP process and of the objectives of the project.The first meeting took place on November 7th from 15.00 – 17.00. The attendees were thefollowing:

Number Enterprise Participant1 NoemaLife S.p.A. Giorgio Cassetti, Gianpiero Camilli2 EhealthTec S.r.l. Renato Calamai

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The second meeting took place on November 11th from 9.30 – 11.30. The attendees were thefollowing:

Number Enterprise Participant1 Engineering S.p.A Antonio Patafi, Stefania Marranci,

Sara Franci2 Libero Logico S.r.l Paola Ponticelli, Paolo Lanari3 Data Pos S.r.l Vincenzo Nati4 Varlife S.r.l Gionni Bernardini5 ISED S.p.A. Emiliano Nundini6 Dedalus S.p.A Davide Guerri

The meetings began with the overall presentation of the project, the description of the PCPprocess and were followed by a Questions & Answers with the participants. The attendees did nothave any familiarity with the PCP process at all therefore many questions related to this topic weremade. The objectives of the PCP the Consortium intends to launch were considered ambitious andvisionary, but at the same time very challenging for them. The main doubts were related to:

1. the effort that would be required to achieve interoperability and access to three differentPHR-s

2. the feasibility of a Commercial Procurement afterwards3. the potential usage of the solution by patients across Europe considering the current use of

PHR systems4. access to new markets

Attendees expressed their interest on receiving updates on the project.

6 Dissemination and engagement of suppliers in Conferences andForums

The presence of DECIPHER in conferences and forums where companies providing solutions inthe field where the solution designed by the project is aiming to cover is of utter importance. Thepossibility to interact with possible suppliers, explaining the design of the PCP process and thescope of the solution, ensures a good knowledge of the project and raises the awareness on thetender launch by DECIPHER.

6.1 AAL Forum 2013 – Norrköping (Sweden)The AAL Forum is the most important conference in the Ambient Assisted Living area, wherepublic providers, research centres and companies attend to show the advance on AAL solutions.This year took place in Norrköping (Sweden) during September 24th-26th with 750 participantsregistered. DECIPHER showed a booth to inform about the project and engage possible suppliersto the call for tenders.

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DECIPHER booth at AAL Forum

About 20 contacts where established and included in the dissemination actions of the project, andwhere reported as interested parties about the PCP process.

The list of entities that left full contact details where:

Entity Country Entity TypeVicomtech Spain Technological research centreTecnalia Spain Technological research centreITCL Spain Technological research centreISOIN Spain CompanyLauritzen Denmark CompanyGociety Netherlands CompanyIbernex Spain Company

6.2 European Telemedicine ConferenceThe European Telemedicine Conference was held in Edinburgh during November 29th-30th.DECIPHER had a space to explain to interested parties the project and the PCP process.

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Space showing DECIPHER information at European Telemedicine Conference

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7 Appendix 1: OJEU Previous Information NoticePublished on May 31st, 2013 (here here:

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name, addresses and contact point(s)Agència d'Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en SalutQ-5856360-BRoc Boronat 85-91. 2a plantaContact point(s): Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en SalutFor the attention of: Oficina de contractacions08005 BarcelonaSPAINTelephone: +34 935513883E-mail: [email protected]: +34 935517510Internet address(es):General address of the contracting authority http://www.aatrm.netAddress of the buyer profile: http://contractaciopublica.gencat.catFurther information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

I.2) Type of the contracting authorityX Body governed by public law

I.3) Main activityX Health

I.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authoritiesThe contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities:X yes

Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)

II.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:DECIPHER Pre Commercial Procurement: Solution exploration, Prototyping and Original development ofEuropean wide test series of cross-border, mobile, secure and interoperable technologies integrated to accesslocal patient health records.

II.2)Type of contract and place of delivery or of performance

Service category: 8 Research and development services [5]...[5] Except research and development services other than those where the benefits accrue exclusively to thecontracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs on condition that the service provided is whollyremunerated by the contracting authority.....Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance:Barcelona, Manchester and FlorenceNUTS code: ES511, UKD31, ITE14

II.3) Information on framework agreement

II.4)Short description of nature and quantity or value of supplies or services:

TICSalut (Spain), Estav Centro (Italy) and TRUSTECH (UK) are partners in the DECIPHER project to develop anew generation of secure cross-border mobile technologies to access local existing patient healthcare portals to

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enable efficient treatment of patients not only when at home but also when travelling. The technologiesdevelopment will be jointly procured by the Agència d'Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut (Spain) that will actas single procurer on behalf of the three aforementioned organisations.

Security and interoperability standards will be key features of the procured DECIPHER technological solutions.

Selected proposals will be developed through a pre-commercial procurement process expected to start at the endof 2013 and to finish at the end of 2015 (please refer to the European Commission web page for further information around pre-commercial procurementprogrammes)

The DECIPHER consortium would like to invite all interested parties within Europe (SME, spin offs, start ups, largeenterprises, research and technology centres, etc) active in the sectors of healthcare, mobile applications andsecurity, to join our Market Consultation Day.

During the Market Consultation Day attendees will be provided with an overview on the DECIPHER procurementobjectives, on the Pre-Commercial Procurement process and will have an opportunity to pose questions to theprocuring authorities.

This event will be held as satellite event of the MIHealth Forum (June 26th- 28th, 2013 at FiraBarcelona, PlazaEspaña, Barcelona (Spain) - and will take place on June 28th from 8:30to 14:00.

Interested parties are advised that the registration for attendance at the Market Consultation Day will be availablefrom June 1st at DECIPHER web page .

The participation in the Market Consultation Day is not a pre-requisite for participation in the DECIPHER pre-commercial procurement process and does not give advantage to any supplier.

Estimated cost excluding VAT: 0,00 EUR

II.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

72222300-0 Information technology services72227000-2 Software integration consultancy services73000000-2 Research and development services and related consultancy services73100000-3 Research and experimental development services73110000-6 Research services73200000-4 Research and development consultancy services

II.6)Scheduled date for start of award procedures

II.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

II.8)Additional information:This PIN is being published as part of the pre-commercial procurement market consultation to investigate thefeasibility and options to deliver European-wide cross-border, mobile, secure and interoperable solutionsintegrated to local patient health records. The purpose of this PIN is to:1- Forewarn the market that a procurementexercise may begin in the future. 2- Alert the market to innovative requirements, prior to any potential procurementprocess. 3- Facilitate participation in the market consultation process and ensure that the pre-commercialprocurement programme is open and transparent. This PIN is an indication only of potential future procurementactivity and is not a commitment to procure. This PIN is not part of any pre-qualification or selection process.

--- (Utilice esta sección tantas veces como sea necesario, pero no mezcle suministros y servicios en la parte II.2) --------

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical informationIII.1)Conditions relating to the contractIII.1.1)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisionsgoverning them:

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III.2)Conditions for participationIII.2.1)Information about reserved contractsSection VI: Complementary informationVI.1)Information about European Union fundsThe contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds YES(if yes) Reference to project(s) and/or programme(s):FP7-ICT-2011-7 DECIPHER (Grant Agreement: 288028)_____VI.2)Additional information:Further information will shortly be made available at the following site: www.decipherpcp.euVI.3)Information on general regulatory frameworkVI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice:

Annex AAdditional addresses and contact pointsI) Addresses and contact points from which further information can be obtainedII) Addresses and contact points from which specifications and additional documents can be obtainedIII) Addresses and contact points to which tenders/requests to participate must be sentIV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing

Official name: FUNDACIÓ TICSALUT,National ID: ESG64350374Postal address: Av. Ernest Lluch 32, TCM 3 Planta 6Town: Mataró (Barcelona)Postal code: 08302Country: SPAIN

Official name: ENTE PER I SERVIZI TECNICO-AMMINISTRATIVI DI AREA VASTA CENTRONational ID: IT05577300485Postal address: VIALE MICHELANGIOLO 41Town: FirenzePostal code: 50125Country: ITALY

Official name: Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustNational ID: GB654415538Postal address: Oxford Road Trust HQ COBBETT HOUSETown: ManchesterPostal code: M13 9WLCountry: UK

Annex C1 – General procurementService categories referred to in Section II: Object of the contract1 Maintenance and repair services2 Land transport services [2], including armoured car services, and courier services, except transport of mail3 Air transport services of passengers and freight, except transport of mail4 Transport of mail by land [3] and by air5 Telecommunications services6 Financial services:a) Insurances services b) Banking and investment services [4]7 Computer and related services8 Research and development services [5]9 Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services10 Market research and public opinion polling services11 Management consulting services [6] and related services12 Architectural services; engineering services and integrated engineering services; urban planning and landscapeengineering services; related scientific and technical consulting services; technical testing and analysis services13 Advertising services14 Building-cleaning services and property management services15 Publishing and printing services on a fee or contract basis

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16 Sewage and refuse disposal services; sanitation and similar services17 Hotel and restaurant services18 Rail transport services19 Water transport services20 Supporting and auxiliary transport services21 Legal services22 Personnel placement and supply services [8]23 Investigation and security services, except armoured car services24 Education and vocational education services25 Health and social services26 Recreational, cultural and sporting services [9]27 Other services

1 Service categories within the meaning of Article 20 and Annex IIA to Directive 2004/18/EC.2 Except for rail transport services covered by category 18.3 Except for rail transport services covered by category 18.4 Except financial services in connection with the issue, sale, purchase or transfer of securities or other financialinstruments, and central bank services. The following are also excluded: services involving the acquisition orrental, by whatever financial means, of land, existing buildings or other immovable property or concerning rightsthereon. However, financial service contracts concluded at the same time as, before or after the contract ofacquisition or rental, in whatever form, shall be subject to the Directive.5 Except research and development services other than those where the benefits accrue exclusively to thecontracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs on condition that the service provided is whollyremunerated by the contracting authority.6 Except arbitration and conciliation services.7 Service categories within the meaning of Article 21 and Annex IIB of Directive 2004/18/EC.8 Except employment contracts.9 Except contracts for the acquisition, development, production or co-production of program material bybroadcasters and contracts for broadcasting time.

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8 Appendix 2: Barcelona Market consultation Day

8.1 Online Registration Form


Market Consultation DayDECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process

Barcelona (Spain), June 28th, 2013From 8:30 to 14:00

The DECIPHER project aims to develop a new generation of secure cross-border mobile solutions to access localexisting patient healthcare portals to enable efficient treatment of patients not only when at home but also whentravelling.

The Decipher project develops a mobile solution which enables secure cross-border access to existingpatient healthcare portals. The objective of the project is to develop a solution addressing themanagement of long term conditions of patients with chronic diseases. The new user-friendly applicationacquired through PCP will enable efficient and safe medical care of mobile patients in EU member states.

During the Market Consultation Day attendees will be provided with an overview on the DECIPHER procurementobjectives, on the Pre-Commercial Procurement process and will have an opportunity to question the procuringauthorities

You are about to start the registration process for the "Market Consultation Day. DECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process". Each person can register only once.

Please fill in the required fields with the requested information and then click the "Continue" button toconfirm your request:


*Required field

*Title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Prof.) Drop down menu*First Name:*Last Name:*Organization: Position:*City / Town:*Country:*Phone number:*Email Address:*As a confirmation rewrite your e-mail again:


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* How did you get aware about the event: (MIHealth Forum / OJEU / Project web page/ EC/ Mail from a projectpartner/ Mail from another entity / International event / Press release / Other) Drop down menuPlease specify the partner/the entity or comment if you have selected ‘Other’:


IMPORTANT: Secretariat will send a letter of confirmation by email upon receipt of your registration form. Thisconfirmation will be valid ONLY for the registered attendee and will be your ticket to get access into the FiraBarcelona (Montjuïc Venue). Please make sure to print it and bring it with you.

For more information contact us:

DECIPHER Project CoordinatorRossana AlessandrelloAQuAS -Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of CataloniaBarcelona-Catalonia-Spain

Tel: +34 935513943Email: [email protected]

This event will be held on June 28th, 2013 as satellite event of MIHealth Forum on HealthManagement and Clinical Innovation located at Fira Barcelona

Fira Barcelona (Montjuïc Venue)Rius i Taulet AvenueBarcelona (Spain)

8.2 Online Registration ConfirmationMarket Consultation DayDECIPHER Pre-CommercialProcurement processBarcelona (Spain), June 28th, 2013From 9:00 to 14:00REGISTRATION CONFIRMED

Dear Mr./Mrs. .....

Your registration to the Market Consultation Day-DECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process wassuccessfully submitted.

This receipt will be your ticket access to Fira Barcelona (Montjuïc Venue). Please keep it as proof of yourregistration.

If you find that you are unable to attend the meeting and you have already registered, you may designate anotherperson to take your place sending a message for replacement to the address [email protected]

This event will be held as a satellite event of MIHealth Forum on Health Management and Clinical Innovationlocated at:

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Fira Barcelona (Montjuïc Venue)Rius i Taulet AvenueAvinguda Rius i Taulet / Rius i Taulet Avenue08004-Barcelona (Spain)

8.3 Invitation in English

1st DECIPHER PCP Market consultation Day

June 28th 8:30 – 14:00

FiraBarcelona, Avenida Rius i Taulet, Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)


Mobile health for European Citizens

Travelling abroad for short trips or longer stay is more common than ever. As the mobility of people increases, alsothe need for healthcare services while abroad is increasing.

Through a pre-commercial procurement programme new innovative technologies will be developed to enable theaccess to personal health information by the caregivers and by the individual when needed.

The DECIPHER PCP consortium will run a single joint Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) programme andthecall to tender - worth 900.000 Euros in total - will be launched in autumn of 2013.

DECIPHER PCP project is co-financed by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Toknow more about the project and the tender please go at: and at the Prior Information Noticepublished at the Official Journal of the European Union:

EuropeanSMEs, spin offs, start ups, large enterprises, research and technology centres, etc active in thesectors ofeHealth, mobile applications and security are invited to join the event.

During the Market Consultation Day attendees will be provided with an overview on the DECIPHER procurementobjectives, on the Pre-Commercial Procurement process and will have an opportunity to pose questions to theprocuring authorities.

The registration to this event is free and the registration form and the most updated information regarding theevent are available at the project website:

This event will be held as satellite event of the MIHealth Forum (June 26th- 28th, 2013 at FiraBarcelona, PlazaEspaña, Barcelona (Spain) -

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Interested parties are advised that the registration for attendance at MIHealth Forum can be found at theMIHealth Forum web site and that the Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries provides all the attendees with aspecial code offering 25% of discount for passes (Discount Code: GN245DLT)

The event will be also recorded and broadcasted online. The link to a recording will be site approximately one week after the event.

The participation in the Market Consultation Day is not a pre-requisite for participation in the DECIPHER PCP pre-commercial procurement process and does not give advantage to any supplier

Oficina de contractació DECIPHER / Oficina de contratación DECIPHER / DECIPHER Office of Contracting

Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut

(Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya)

Roc Boronat, 81-95 2a planta

08005 Barcelona

Tel. + 34 93 551 38 83

@[email protected]

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8.4 Invitation in Catalan

Benvolguda senyora, benvolgut senyor,

L'Agència d'Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut (Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya),com a entitat coordinadora i responsable de llançar el procés de licitació del projecte europeu DECIPHER(Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare Electronic Record), CONVIDA lesempreses tecnològiques i sanitàries a participar en la jornada "Market Consultation Day. DECIPHER Pre-Commercial Procurement process".

Aquesta jornada se celebrarà el 28 de juny de 2013, de 08.30 a 14.00 hores, a les instal·lacions de laFira deBarcelona (avinguda Rius i Taulet, Barcelona). El programa de la jornada el trobareu al web del ConsorciDECIPHER(

El projecteDECIPHER promou un procés de compra pública precomercial d’àmbit europeu per valor de900.000euros. DECIPHER té la missió de desenvolupar una solució mòbil que permeti que els ciutadans de la Unió

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Europea puguin efectuar transaccions segures per accedir a les seves dades sanitàries en el cas que facin unviatge o una estada a d’altres països de la Unió.

DECIPHER és un projectecofinançat per la Unió Europea i inclòs dins del 7è programa marc de la ComissióEuropea (FP7), que es va iniciar el febrer de 2013 i té una durada de 36 mesos. El Consorci DECIPHER estàformat per la Fundació TicSalut i l’Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries (Catalunya), ESTAV Centro-Ente perServizi Tecnico-amministrativi di Area Vasta i Ancitel Toscana (Itàlia), TRUSTECH-The North West NHSInnovation Service (Regne Unit), Culminatum Innovation i VTT Technical Research Centre (Finlàndia).

La jornada DECIPHER Market Consultation Day tindrà l’objectiu d’informar les empreses assistents sobre l’abastdel projecte, el procés de compra pública precomercial i les necessitats i els requeriments de l’aplicació que caldràdesenvolupar. Les sessions seran impartides en anglès. No hi haurà servei de traducció simultània.

Si teniu interèsa assistir-hi a la jornada del proper 28 de juny, haureu d’inscriure-vos gratuïtament mitjançant elformulari que trobareu disponible al web del Consorci DECIPHER(

Trobareu més informació sobre el projecte DECIPHER alfull informatiu que us hi adjuntem, com també alweb deContractació Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya sota el títol “DECIPHER: Pre Commercial Procurementexploration, Prototyping and Original development of European wide test series of cross-border, mobile, secureand interoperable technologies integrated to access local patient health records”

8.5 Invitation in Spanish

Apreciado/a señor/a:

La Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut (Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya),como entidad coordinadora y responsable de iniciar el proceso de licitación del proyecto europeoDECIPHER(Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare Electronic Record), INVITA a las empresastecnológicas y sanitarias a participar en la jornada "Market Consultation Day. DECIPHER Pre-CommercialProcurement process".

Esta jornada se celebrará el28 de junio de 2013, de 08.30 a 14.00 horas, en las instalaciones de la Feria deBarcelona (Avenida Rius i Taulet, Barcelona). El programa de la jornada lo encontrará en el sitio web delConsorcio DECIPHER:

El proyectoDECIPHER promueve un proceso de compra pública precomercial de ámbito europeo por valorde900.000 euros. DECIPHER tiene la misión de desarrollar una solución móvil que permita que los ciudadanosde la Unión Europea puedan efectuar transacciones seguras para acceder a sus datos sanitarios en caso de queefectúen un viaje o realicen una estancia en otros países de la Unión.

DECIPHERes un proyecto cofinanciado por la Unión Europea e incluido dentro del 7º programa marco de laComisión Europea (FP7) que se inició el febrero de 2013 y que tiene una duración de 36 meses.El ConsorcioDECIPHER está formado por la Fundació TicSalut y la Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Cataluña(España), ESTAV Centro-Ente per Servizi Tecnico-amministrativi di Area Vasta y Ancitel Toscana (Italia),TRUSTECH-The North West NHS Innovation Service (Reino Unido), Culminatum Innovation y VTT TechnicalResearch Centre (Finlandia).

La jornada DECIPHER Market Consultation Day tendrá el objetivo de informar en las empresas asistentes sobreel alcance del proyecto, el proceso de compra pública precomercial, las necesidades y los requerimientos de laaplicación que se deberá desarrollar. Las sesiones se impartirán en inglés. No habrá servicio de traducciónsimultánea.

Si tieneinterés en asistir a la jornada del próximo 28 de junio tendrá que inscribirse gratuitamente mediante elformulario que encontrará disponible en el sitio web del Consorcio Decipher

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También encontrará más información en el folleto que le adjuntamos, así como en elsitio web de ContrataciónPública de la Generalitat de Catalunya con el título: "DECIPHER: Pre Commercial Procurement exploration,Prototyping and Original development of European wide test series of cross-border, mobile, secure andinteroperable technologies integrated to access local patient health records"

Esperando contar con su presencia reciba un cordial saludo,

Antoni Parada

Unidad de comunicación y documentación

Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS)

Departament de Salut | Generalitat de Catalunya

Carrer de Roc Boronat, 81-95 (segunda planta) | 08005 Barcelona | Tel. 93 5513928

[email protected]| | | |

Nota: El Decipher Market Consultation Day se celebrará como una sesión satélite en el marco del congresoMIHealth Forum on Health Management and Clinical Innovation que se realizará enel recinto de la Feria de Barcelona (Montjuïc).

La asistencia a la sesión del Decipher Market Consultation Day es gratuita pero requiere que se registre medianteel formulario disponible en el sitio web Si además desea asistir al resto de actividades delcongreso MIHealth Forum, puede obtener un descuento del 25% de la inscripción. Para disfrutar de estedescuento deberá inscribirse en el sitio web haciendo constar el código GN245DLT quela Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya le facilita como entidad colaboradora del evento.

8.6 Mailings

Mailing were sent out to the individual organizations and research entities.

At the same time support on the communication was requested to the following institutions and industry/researchassociations: ACCIÓ (Catalan Business Promotion Agency, Catalan Government) AMETIC (ICT Industry Association) Andalusian Regional Government (Junta de Andalucía) Basque Country Regional Government BIOCAT (Catalan public agency that promotes and coordinates biotechnology and biomedicine in Catalonia) CDTI ESADE Business and Law School IESE Spanish Ministry of Industry SERGAS 22@Network COCIR GSMA Continua Health Alliance VPH Institute ECHAlliance

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8.7 Web 2.0 presenceEnglish:


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9 Appendix 3: Florence Market consultation Day

9.1 Invitation in Italian


nell'ambito di DECIPHER si lancerà un Appalto Pre-commerciale finalizzato all'acquisto di R&S perlo sviluppo di una soluzione mobile per l'accesso ai dati sanitari. Sul sito ufficiale del progetto sipossono trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie ( breve ci sarà una giornata di consultazione con il mercato (Market Consultation Day) a cui sonoinvitate a partecipare tutte le aziende.Al fine di agevolare la partecipazione al Market Consultation Day, Anci Innovazione ha deciso diorganizzare una serie di incontri aperti di introduzione preliminare delle opportunità per le aziende.Gli incontri aperti con le aziende hanno il seguente orario:

- giovedì 7 novembre 15.00 - 17.00

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- lunedì 11 novembre 9.30 - 11.30

Gli incontri avranno luogo presso la sede di Anci Innovazione in Viale Giovine Italia, 17, Firenze. Sirichiede gentilmente conferma della presenza.

Per quanto riguarda la partecipazione alla giornata di consultazione con il mercato del 14novembre si ricorda che è necessaria la registrazione. Il link seguente riporta le informazioni relative alla giornata e il modulo di iscrizione:

9.2 Mailings

ANCI INNOVAZIONE sent the following newsletter to 2870 Italian enterprises in order to promotethe Market Consultation Day in Florence:

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9.3 Web 2.0 presencehttp://www.anciteltoscana.it

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