Deliverability DOs and DON'Ts: What to keep in mind

Deliverability DOs and DON’Ts

Transcript of Deliverability DOs and DON'Ts: What to keep in mind

Deliverability DOs and DON’Ts

Why are we talking so much about deliverability nowadays?

Because we’ve recently realised something:

with the evolution of email, it has become much more DIFFICULT

to reach your subscriber’s inbox.

Today, more than 80% of emails sent worldwide are considered to be spam.

And the truth is, your emails may be among them.


So what can you do?

DO fulfill their EXPECTATIONS

Make sure your subscribers expect your emails, by telling them what to expect and then living up

to those expectations. If you told them you’ll send them

a newsletter 3x per week, do it. If you told them you’ll give them discounts, do it.


DO take care of your LISTS

Update your subscriber lists regularly (e.g. every 3 months).

Have a list which you haven’t used for years?

Don’t use it, or your deliverability will take a serious hit because of surprised and angry subscribers.


DO ensure VALUE in your sendings

Give your subscribers valuable content in return for their email addresses.

How can you do that?

Personalise your campaign. Segment your audience. Integrate your solutions and use the aggregated data.


And if you feel like you can’t guarantee value with your sendings?


We’re not joking. (It will hurt your deliverability much less

than unengaged subscribers or spam reports!)

DON’T forget about UNENGAGED subscribers

If you find unengaged/inactive subscribers on your updated list, create a specific win-back campaign just for them.

Not working?Then take the leap and remove them from

your list after a set period of time (e.g. 12 months).


(If you’re feeling uncertain about why you should remove unengaged subscribers, we have the perfect article for you.

Just saying.)

DO look into BOUNCES

Always look into bounced emails, both hard and soft!

Hard bounces happen when there are permanent issues with your subscriber’s email address,

while soft bounces are temporary problems with the account.


If several of your sendings have bounced from the same email address, take that away too from your list!

You won’t be losing anything.

Believe us. (Or read some more about why bounces matter here.)

DON’T make it hard to UNSUBSCRIBE

Yes, this may go against email marketing tradition - but for deliverability’s sake,

don’t make it hard to unsubscribe from your sendings!

People can be lazy: if they can’t unsubscribe, they might just mark your sending as spam,

which is MUCH worse.


and finally,DO keep an eye on your STATISTICS

Always, always, always monitor your open and bounce rates!

Although they won’t tell you about your deliverability, they will show you your engagement rates,

giving you a rough idea of where you land in your subscriber’s inbox.


And that’s it! These 7 DOs and DON’Ts will prevent your deliverability

from going downhill, and maybe even get you in the inbox faster…

So good luck!

Want to guarantee your sendings’ deliverability?

Discover our APSIS Pro email marketing solution, with built-in reporting and automation features

AND a dedicated deliverability team monitoring every sending!


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shopping cart recovery, check out

WWW.APSIS.COM- or better yet, drop us a line at [email protected].

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