Dekada 70 reaction paper

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-Human Right

Transcript of Dekada 70 reaction paper

Mariel Josine David12-21741CEU School of Law and JurisprudenceHuman Rights LawAtty. June Dela Cruz

The Storm of the 1970s

Dekada 70 is, perhaps, one of the best books I read in college and one of the best movies Ive seen. It chronicles the life of a Filipino family during the tumultuous period of the First Quarter Storm and Martial Law. Theres Amanda, the typical housewife with a brood of five sons with her very traditional husband. The movie, based on a book by Lualhati Bautista, shows the various challenges faced by a Filipino family then. It describes the internal struggles faced by a typical Filipino during that period in our history.

Gender Inequality

Perhaps not the most evident form of human rights violation in the movie is gender inequality. The movie depicts Amanda as a traditional martyr wife stuck in a very patriarchal society. Her views, concerns, and emotions are not given much credence in the movie. She is considered as a mere support system to the family instead of an actual individual with dreams and problems. As shown in the movie, her husband did not understand the reason why she wanted to get a jobnot because she needed the salary, but because she is yearning for fulfillment and personal growth. Fortunately, the government and the society have evolved and now recognize that it is imperative to empower women. The United Nations push for women empowerment in society, economics, and politics. However, many women still suffer physical, emotional, and economic abuse. Through recent legislations, though, women are not given a better position in society. Women are now given more rights in the workplace and in the family.

Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus

Habeas Corpus literally means Show me the body. The Writ of Habeas Corpus necessitates that a person under custody be brought to court for the conducting of proper trial and judgment. When this was suspended during the 1970s, it basically allowed people to be detained without insurance that he will have his day in court, thereby depriving him of the due process of the law. In response to the suspension of the writ during the Marcos era, the procedure concerning the suspension of the writ was included in the 1987 Constitution.

Suppression of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association

The constitution guarantees the right to free speech and peaceful assembly. However, during the Marcos era, there was media censorship and violent dispersal of rallies. Media outlets were either closed or controlled by the government. People who went to rallies were either physically hurt during the dispersal or captured and detained by the police. Because of the EDSA revolution, the Filipino people became even more adamant to protect the right to free speech and peaceful assembly. Maximum tolerance was practiced after martial law. However, during the Arroyo administration, the government implemented the policy of Calibrated Pre-emptive Response which was subsequently questioned and ultimately junked by the Supreme Court, calling it a darkness that shrouds freedom.

Extra Judicial Killings & Summary Execution aka Salvage

In the movie, Jason, one of Amandas sons, was wrongfully detained and subsequently released only to be killed and dumped like trash in the park. Jason represents at least 3,000 Filipinos who were salvaged during Martial Law. Salvage is a colloquial term for summary execution, for the government believed that it is the way to rescue the country. It is disheartening to note that until now, summary executions also known as extra judicial killings still take place. A couple of years ago, an independent commission was created to address extrajudicial killings of media personnel and activists. The Melo report attributed said killings to Retired Gen. Jovito Palparan aka The Butcher. In 2009, 58 people were killed in Maguindanao, around 34 of whom are journalists. The Maguindanao massacre is referred to as The deadliest attack on the press. The Philippines is still one of the most dangerous countries for journalists.


The Bill of Rights provides that no torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation can be used against the prisoner to extract confessions or information. The movie showed the various torture methods used by the military against the leftists. These torture methods include water torture, battery, and electrocution. Desaparecidos

Charlie Del Rosario was briefly mentioned in the movie by Julian. Charlie del Rosario is believed to be the first desaparecido in the Philippines. He was last seen well before the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. The term Desaparecido refers to victims of forced disappearances through abduction. Their families suffer a fate worse than having to mourn a family memberfor these desaparecidos are mssing, leaving their families without a corpse to see and touch if even for the last time.

Conclusion: End Impunity. NOW.

Impunity refers to the freedom from punishment for a certain crime. From the Marcos Era until the present, human rights violations are still very rampant in the country. Saddening as it may be, there has been little to no improvement at all in the country from the human rights protection point of view. While there are legislative improvements concerning the upliftment and empowerment of some marginalized sectors in the society, the promotion and enforcement of constitutional rights were left behind in the Stone Age. The country is still one of the most dangerous countries for journalists. Student activists still go missing despite the absence of martial law. The culture of impunity has to end. We Filipinos should take a more active role in the promotion, upliftment, and protection of our rights.