oP052 DEGRADATION OF BIOWASTE LIQUID FRACTION IN ANAEROB BATCH REACTOR Etih Hartati, MindrianySyatila, Prayatni Soewondo, Marisa Handajani, RavinaRBinol, SylvinaDian WLp and Enri Damanhuri. Program fual !\.vitoltyreatgl.Engineering-Faculty of civilandEnvironmental Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung JI. Ganesha No. I 0 Bandung 40r J2 - 'o etih_09(dlahoo.con ABSTRACT Biodegradable constituents of municipal solid wastes such as fruit and vegetablewastes are produced in large quantities in markets, and beiome a sourceof nuisance in munici-ipal landfills or composting, because of their biodegradability. In order to resotvethe problem and red-uce the biodegradabitity of organic fraction municipal solid wastes, mechanicaland biological treatme"t-" "pfri"d. The aim of this research is to evaluatethe biodegradation process of bioiaste in liquid tactiojn rnaoe caringin market in anaerobic batch reactor. Furthermorl, th" production of biogas rro111 tt " reactor is also being monitored. Biowaste used in this research were taken rrom 6ariffi rriJ.",, Bandung. Mechanicaltreatrnentused include -softing, gnnding uno ."pu*iing, while biological treatmentused in this research was by anaerobic digestiin using i uatcn ieactor operated at a volume of 4 L. By mechanical treatment,the liquid fraction of the biowastewas obtained.This research useda substrate liquid fraction of the original biowaste, artificial, vegetables, auir" -o variations of pretreatment sedimentation and without prefteatmenl Physical-cheirical parameters analyzndin this research are p.H'vsl' volatile fatty acid (FvA), chemical oxygen demand'1coo;, "ttarroi una tG;. The results show that the efficiency of coD removat ai higer s pretreatment edimantation than without prelretment' CoD removal efficiency in substrat with pretreatment sedimentation gl.g2% the !loy** original reactor, 72.73% thebiowaste artificial tl",".,-si.ii";,-l#;ffiie reactor and 59'90% thefruit reactor. Methan produced 2.llo/o day-to-I0 in thebiowaste origfiJieactor without pretreatment and with pretreatment o,l6yo ttre vegetible reactor and0,0r9yo thJ fruit reactor,which both occurredon the fourth day. Keywords: anaerobic digestion,batch, biowasrc. Proceedings ofthe InACIKITAInternationar c,onferencc ofscience andrcchnorogy (AICsr),20t1 ISBN No. 978979 t64t5 9 3 INTRODUCTION Waste problemsin Indonesiauntil now has not get adequate aftention. The studieson wastetreatrnent is very little done, but'more on aspects of management. Market waste contributor aroun d 1g.77% of municipal waste(l), and the probtem of aesthetics, the environment and healttu because it is concentrated in one place is massive. Waste generation of CaringinMarket is l.Z2literl#/day;i; biowaste composition of 85.31% (l), and the composition of vegetables and fruits from the traditional market reached 84.6%. 395




Etih Hartati, MindrianySyatila, Prayatni Soewondo, Marisa Handajani, Ravina RBinol,Sylvina Dian WLp and Enri Damanhuri.

Program fual !\.vitoltyreatgl.Engineering-Faculty of civil andEnvironmental EngineeringInstitut Teknologi Bandung JI. Ganesha No. I 0 Bandung 40 r J2

- 'o



Biodegradable constituents of municipal solid wastes such as fruit and vegetable wastes are producedin large quantities in markets, and beiome a source of nuisance in munici-ipal landfills or composting,because of their biodegradability. In order to resotve the problem and red-uce the biodegradabitity oforganic fraction municipal solid wastes, mechanical and biological treatme"t-"

"pfri"d. The aim ofthis research is to evaluate the biodegradation process of bioiaste in liquid tactiojn rnaoe caringinmarket in anaerobic batch reactor. Furthermorl, th" production of biogas rro111 tt

" reactor is alsobeing monitored. Biowaste used in this research were taken rrom 6ariffi rriJ.",, Bandung.Mechanical treatrnent used include

-softing, gnnding uno ."pu*iing, while biological treatment usedin this research was by anaerobic digestiin using i uatcn ieactor operated at a volume of 4 L. Bymechanical treatment, the liquid fraction of the biowaste was obtained. This research used a substrateliquid fraction of the original biowaste, artificial, vegetables, auir"

-o variations of pretreatmentsedimentation and without prefteatmenl Physical-cheirical parameters analyzndin this research arep.H'vsl' volatile fatty acid (FvA), chemical oxygen demand'1coo;,

"ttarroi una tG;. The resultsshow that the efficiency of coD removat ai higer s pretreatment edimantation than withoutprelretment' CoD removal efficiency in substrat with pretreatment sedimentation gl.g2% the

!loy** original reactor, 72.73% the biowaste artificial tl",".,-si.ii";,-l#;ffiie reactor and59'90% the fruit reactor. Methan produced 2.llo/o day-to-I0 in the biowaste origfiJieactor withoutpretreatment and with pretreatment o,l6yo ttre vegetible reactor and 0,0r9yo thJ fruit reactor, whichboth occurred on the fourth day.

Keywords: anaerobic digestion, batch, biowasrc.

Proceedings ofthe InACIKITAInternationar c,onferencc ofscience andrcchnorogy (AICsr),20t1ISBN No. 978 979 t64t5 9 3

INTRODUCTIONWaste problems in Indonesia until now has not get adequate aftention. The studies on waste treatrnentis very little done, but'more on aspects of management. Market waste contributor aroun d 1g.77% ofmunicipal waste(l), and the probtem of aesthetics, the environment and healttu because it isconcentrated in one place is massive. Waste generation of Caringin Market is l.Z2literl#/day;i;biowaste composition of 85.31% (l), and the composition of vegetables and fruits from the traditionalmarket reached 84.6%.


P@@din8s ofll1c I'ACIKITA Inrc..ational Conf€.cne ofsciene ed Technolog, (AiCST),20lIjSAN No 9'78979 16415 9 3

Jn general. market waste in Indonesia immediately transportcd 1{) a landfill (operated open dumping).The protrlem of open dumping is the production of biogal as onc ofthe causes of global warming.One of the biogas recently suspected as the cause of global warming is methane;as. Activity ofdethanogenic landfills produce 6-120z methaoe released into the aho;here@). This is a big concembecause ofglobal warming potential of methane reached 5-35 times the COrc). So that need reducethe organic compounds that enter the la.ndfill for the formation of methane gas to be reduced. Indeveloped countries, reduction oforganic liaste solids before dispose off becoines a necessrry, sucnas methods of MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatmenr) applied in European countdes. MBT isdivided into 2 (two) stages, mechanical and biological trealmen! generally MBT uses the concept ofpretreatment before treated by c.mposting. Composting is a very generally altemative saggested lnIndonesia' but composting wilr be fo'nd barriers by high water content of the waste will beprocessed, so reducing the water content need be done to markel wasre biodegadable (biowaste), forthe solid can treated in a more oplimum. Reduction of waste to be transported 10 a laodfill is areferrals that rnandated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 ;f 2008(r), so treatnenrwaste in the market is in line with the law.

Especially wet fermentation of household waste that is characterized by high levels ot water willproduc:..a reject water, and very few are leaming how to treat wastewater generated from thisprocess' . rstrmattng about 500 lire6 of walte water leaving lhe system per-ton wet fementationbiowaste arc pro:essed(o). In recent yea.s, a number of reaclor designs adapted and developed foranaerobic trelnent for fruit and vegetable solid waste, such as batch and continuous (5;. Sio.;p.o;ess of fiuit and vegetable solid waste occurs in the presence of a series of bioch€micaltruEformations, ivhich consist of4 (four) stages (5). First, organic materials solid wnste tiuit andvegetables such as celiulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, will experience liqlefaction in thepresence ofexfacellular enzymes before being used by bacteris asidogenik. The rate of hydrolysisshg€ is a function ofseveral factors such as pH, temperature, composition, subst.ate particle size andconcentration of intermediate products. After that, the dissolved orgadc components include thehydrolysis products will be cdnverted into organic acids, alcohols, hylrogen, and carbon dioxide bybacteria asidogenik The product ofthe process asidogenesis converted into acetic acid, hydrogen,axd cartron dioxide. Then the methale produced by bacteria metanogenik of acetic acid, hydrogen,and carbon dioxide along with the reactions oforher substrates such as formic acid and metharol.

Anaerobic process has the advantage thal it can remove otganic compounds and produce methane gastlat can be utilized as ar, energy source. Market o€anic waste, solid waste vegetables and fruits thatare producrd periodically etery day, is a renewable biomass eners/ source, because the content offirtrientrich material and potentially be used as raw material for the fom-ation of energy (biogas).The purpose of this study was to determine the degradation proc€ss biowaste fraction of the iolid\{aste liquid and anifial o.iginal markct snd solid waste vegetables and ftuits in anaerobic batch


Proeedihgs of lhc I i ACIKITA Intcmational Confc.cna of Sciencc ed Tcclbotosl/ (AjCST), 20 I IISBN No 9?8 979 l64lJ9l


Sanpling methode which used in this research was grab sampling. Biowastes which used in thisresearch were original biowastes, Fruit wastes, vegetable wastes, srtificial biowastes from Caringinmarket- Afte. collected, each biowaste goes to grirding process by SHREDDER FTOlot-2Hp typefrom normal size into small size (+l cm). The waste was stored at 4oC until it was used in iieexperiment. Any non-organic contamination was removed by hand before rxe.

After grinding process, the biowaste made slurry to reduce organic materials and nutrient in biowaste.Slurry undergo separation process by screening fabric to result liquid and solid fraction. These liquidfraction b€came a substrate for each reacbr, The research used foul anaerobic batch reactors w1hsubstrate sedimentation and without sedimentation before the input reactors. The substratecomposition of liquid fraction is 100% original biowaste, 100% a(ificial bio.lvasre, vegetable 75% :fnrit 25% (vegetabl€s reactor) and vegetables 25yo: fnti'Syo (frrit re^ctot).

The substrates were inoculated with seeding from rumen, cow manure and sludge from anaerobicpond IPAI (lnstalasi Pengolaian Air Limbal) which had been aclimated with the same kind ofsubsbate used in experiment. The mtio of biowaste substate and seeding is 9:1. This mrxture wasadjusted to reach neutral pH (7) before added to reactor

Reactors used in this experimental were an anaerob b:ich rcactor vdth operatinal volum€ 4 L, showedin Figurc l. At the reactor covet there are silico^L hose for gas sa$pling and substances addition,thermometer, and mixer Atfter the substrates and inocllum added to rdatot it is covered and sealed.Nr is flowed lo remove orygen in rhe reactor so tlar the anaerob condition \\as crealed.


.__lI 'h ' ' . . ! l .?* l

Figure 1. Reactor Scheme

Temperature, pl{, VSS, total volatile acid (TVA), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and etanol weredetermincd according to Standar Methods for Waste and Wastewater Trcatment (6). Biogas wasanalysed by gas ctuomatography.



t3fiiff?;r;);l,ffSlt rnrcmationarcanfc!.neofsci.neadrechnorosy(Arcsr),20ll


The characteristic of substane showed in Tabel I and 2. pH oforiginal and artificial substrate is 4.7-5.45, whereas vegetabl€s and fruits subsrrate are more acidic pH of 2,82-4.02. pH for each liquidfraction under neutral pH conditions, so that said liquid fraction to the original substmte, artificial,vegetables and fruits are acidic samples0). (Hammer and Hanrmer Jr 200i.Teble l. Characteristic Substrate ofLiquid Fraction Origioal and Artificial Biowaste

UDitOrasinai I Oripinel2 Artificial I Artincial2pH 5J 5.45 5 4_7

Alkalinitv mE^ C!COr 2_606 3.016 2.503 2.786c 26 26 26COD iot l 9.t64 8.592 r2.888 11.456

t,553 1.967 1.197lnElL E.4 I l .7 6_8NTX'rsrL 9,051 1-2]0 6,697TSS 7.200 5,600 7.220 5.530vss llgn' 5.E91 4.E75 5.663 t,540

Selulosc 0.79 0.52 0.78 0.61Cabohidrat o.2E 0.I08 0.17 0.385LiDid 0.t878 0.1075 0.1916 0.1687'

Note : l-Wilj]our pE-r?ariear *diment4tion; ?-Wrth pre_teotne^t *dr.ncndnon

gicarbonate arkalinity in the rangJ of2500-5000 mg,4 may function as buffer ro hfirdle the increasedconc€nt.ation of volatilc acid that can decrease the pHG). Liquid fraction of the o:iginal biowastealkalinity, artificial with pretreatrnent and without pretreatmen! a:r wett as for vegetaUte t is io therange ofalkalinity so that they can function as a buffer against pH changes. Analcbic treatment issuitablc for w€sle water with biodegradable COD of the medium range (ariund 2000 mgn) ro high (>20'000 mer)(e). coD of liquid fraction of substrates in Table 1 and Tabre 2 has a varue gr€ater than2000 mgn, so thar the liquid fraction can be treated with ana€robic system.

Cellulose is a biodegradable polymer bur has a low level of solubility(r0). with the rreatment ofsedimentation, suspended particles will bc removed including cellurose, whereas cellulose conrenr rn&e liquid fraction was lower in the pretreatment sedlmentation_

Carbohydmtes are measured a5 the starch is a polysaccharide which degradable the monosaccharides,glucose and fnrctose(ll). The highest carbohvorale content present in the fiuit I (Tabel 2l


P.oceedinBs oa{rc ITACIKITA International Confcrcncc ofScicncc &d TehDtogy (AICST).2011ISBN No 978 979 16,11J93

'Ihbl€ 2. Charakteristic Substrate ofl-iquid Fraction from Vegetable and F jt Biowa$e



(vcscl|blcs75% : fruilsz5nor

25%: fruits1s%) otfruils I

25%: nuits1so/"\ olfruits 2

!H 4.AZ 3.64 J. l2 2.82AlkaliniN mr/ CaCO, 4,502 5.137 7;705 7,184

2.r63 1.537 1.806 683TSS msn 4.940 728 { .J70 636vss 4.040 708 3,810 584

COD (,otal 28_800 t3.017 13.600l6 45

NTK 158 150 127 40.1616 0.0798 0.4541 0.2197

Lioid 0.2.lEl 0.1945 0.2821 0.21110.60 0.60 0.16 0.66

Noie: I-Withou!/rcrE rf,?a,scdim.nrarion; 2-Mrhl--r*arrn"nr"ia;.iGii--

Based on this research, Figure 2 shows the pH profiles in alr ieactors. initiar pH ofarl reactors around7 but continued to decrease, then day-to-4 pH increased again and began to stabilize at pH 6.2 to ?.1until the end of the research.


d.rAnm.dl + o.i3in.ll +^dfktal2

Figttre 2, pH of batch reactor anaerob from substrate .wilh pretreatment alld \\ithort prctredtment.(a) Original andArlificial Bioudsre, (b) Vegetabies and Fruib tiorra.rr€.

Environmental cooditions oftemperaturc and pH have 8n important €ff.ect on the survival and groMhofmicroorganism in anaerob degradation orgaiic-rnatt€r. Bacteria will be active in specific pH ra.geand show the maximum activities at optimum pt{20). The optimar pH required for asidogenic bacteriais between 5 and 6.5, while the oprimal pH for methanogenesis is above 6.5€1.


i$"j",x111:,#li:Si rrr.marronarconf.renaofs.ienccedrcch.oroe/(Arcs.D.20rI

Decreasing pH indicate the accunluration oi acids, due to high concentations of voratlre acids in a,iil,,lr,,M.l bacreria asidogenik work, the more organic acids reproduced and cause a decline inpH"". Wirh decreasing pH, rvhich indicated a the reactors, suggesting asiaog"n""i" proo"r. Aft". "day-to-4, the pH ofthe reactor began to stabilize. tncreasing the pH vaiu" ind_icat"s th'e occurrence ofphase decomposition asidogenesis toward methanogenesis.

Volatile suspended solids (VSS) shows the organic content of suspended solids, while also as theamount of biomass contained in reactoc The concentratioh ofVSS is the number of active biomassand ined biomass contained in the reactor irr). From the profite obtained througtr ttre VSSmeasurement results can be seen the gro*,th of biomass in anaercbic batch reactor Figure j showsthe profile ofVSS in the liquid fraction by pretre_atment and without pretfeatment sedimentation.



0 r 2 3 4 I 6 7 3 9 ro

+orrciirrrl i-Anftrdr +od3inrr2 +adlfici.r2

lal (b)Figure 3. VSS ofreaetor,arc, ana€rob from-sut st?te wihrytreatment a d vrithoutprcrreathent.(a) Originat and Anificial Biowarle, (b) Vegetables and Fmits ttowl.vo


Figu,? 3(a) shows the measurcment resulis VSS, VSS tends to decrease during the research, originaland anificial reactor VSS is 557G820 mglt. Figure 3O), the reactor vegetable] and fruit treateo wl$rpretreatrnent, the VSS increase until day 2 a! 8000 mg/L and then decrease to 2000 mg/t uotil day 4,then tend to stabilize. As for the reactor without pretreat nent ofvegetables and fmitl tend to be fixedftom the starl to the end ofthe research with VSS of8o29_2386 mgn.

Solubl€ chemical oxygen demand (COD dissolved) is a value rhat indicates the need oxygen tooxidize dissolved organic compounds. In batch conditions where there is no influent or emuen! in thesystern, and organic content measured as soluble COD continued to decrease(ra). Figure 4 showsprofiles of dissolved COD in the reactor tjquid fraction of original waste, artifial, uigeraures unafruits with and without pretreatrnent sedimentation.


ftgJ*l";:rr1; i;1,:'i1.^ rhr€marionar con.crenk o.sci!.e ad rcchtrorosy (^rcsr), 20r r


iE 100c0

01) 3 { 5 6 7 3 9r0d4

+odgid[ +Arrlciatl +ortrrnrtl +A.1t6chl?


Fignre 4. Concentrafion solubleCOD in reactor batch anaerob from sijs c:ate withpretrcatnrctt andwit]nout prctreatment. (a) O.iginal and Aftificial Biouarre, (b) Vegetabf"" *i e*it"'r,r*^r,

In Figure 4 shoq's the COD tends b decline in all reactors, but !o origiflal reactor l, an artificial l,fruit I and v€getable l, an increase in concentfation ofabout 1,2 days then decrease.

Soluble COD reduction a5sociated with the activiry ofmicroorganisms in degrading organtc contentof th€ substrate into eners/ sources, such as mettrane Cft_qr[). Things thai atreci the tncrease insoluble COD in anaerobic batch reactor is soluble microbial p.oaucs lSUn). SMp produced bymrcroorganisms into organic content so that the measured soluble coD irrcreased ('r). Inu."vi"*rruj,generaliy definec as compotmds dissolved sMp conrained in tre emuenL buf not found in th€influent SMP can be.tassified into fwo groups, namely utilization associated products (UAp) andbiomass associated products (BAp), where uAp is a slvp associated with the use ofthe suostrate ardthe growth of microoiganisrns, so the tate of itl formation prDportional to the rate oi lse of thesubstrate. BAP is a SMp associated wil\ the decay o f m icroorganisms, where rhe rate of formation ofBAP proportional to coocenkation ofbiomass(I6). The cont€nt ofsoluble compounds were detecterr inSMP increased soluble COD can be classified as iJAp, bccause oc.urs earli in the anaerobic batch

COD removal elliciency at higher substrate pretreatrnenr than without pretreatmenq COII removal ofeach reactor are listed in Table 3 and the highest COD removal occuned in vegetable reactor 2 is81.97%, while for the highest removal occurred in the fruit I r€actor reached 840;e//day.

COD concentrations related wit!" the formadon ofmethane and total voiatile acid (TVA). Substratehydrolyzed into shorter organic chain, and then fermented into volatilc acids by bacteria asidogenik.Volatile acids which have more than two carbon chain, will be convertcd to acetatc and llz Ly Hz _producing bacte:ia (obtigate hydrogen-producrng ac€togens) and then changed to Ch4 b),melhanogenic bacteria.


[gft",lfi:,:,r1; l:l;,fl rn(emarionar cotrfacne ofsciena Md rcch,orogy (Arcsr).2orr

Ioput(ns/) Oulput (mgn)Eflicicncy(%)

Wit\ort Preftetnent:- orisinal I-Artificial I- Vcg€tables I- Frui6 I





Iiplr (msn) output(mgr)Emci.ncv(%)

With Pfttretneht:- Original 2-Art i f ic ia l2- Vcgebbles 2- Fruib 2





Table 3. Rate Removal and Removal efficiency dissolved COD in reactor batch anaerob

the reactor fruit 2 is 0.16% and vegetable 2 reacror €qual to 0.019%.

During the the research TVA concentrstion in all reactors showed an increase as shown in Figure 5,and at the end of the experihent reached r?900-30000 mgn acetate in the reactor with substratefraction of original waste tiquid snd the adificial, whereas for the reactor of vegetables aod Auitsreach 3591-49J9 mdl acet^te . If the accumulation of volatile acids

"*"""d1d00 _gr,

"uu."inhibition of methane fermentation(!?. TVA values in the whole reactor exce€J 20OO mg/I, so thatwhen connected with Figure 6 shows the inhibition rhe formation of methane, methane is fbrmed onryon original biowalte reactor liquid ftaction at day-10 of2.l l%, and day_to_4 formation ofmethane in


ld, (b)Figure 5. TVA in reactor batch anaerob from sub state wttJt preteatminlt arld witlrorrl prereatment.(a) Original and Artificial Brondr/e, (b) V€getables and Fruil Btovasre




Proecdings ol th. I " ACI( ITA Intem.tional Contcrcnce of Scic.e &d Tcchnology (AICST), 201 IISBNNo 978 979 16r l5 9l

Fig 6. Metan in reactor batch anaerob from subskale with pretreatment and \Nithout pretreatment. la)Originai and Artificial Btonar/e, (b) Vegetables and Fruits Biorrdjrc

N,fethanogenic bacteria tend to be more influenc€d by the inhibition than the bacteria that worL on thefermentation proc"ss('). Inhibition is a low pH, and accumulation of exc€ss acid product. Bacterialfermentation can continue to proddce fatty acids although the pH has decreased. This can cause thecontinued problems of environmental conditions. TVA decrease ofmeasurable in the reaclor causeoby thc products asidogenesis that are used for stage acetogelesis. propionic acid, butyric can bedegraded into ucetate(I3). TvA decrease followed by an increase which indicates that the acetate hasteen produced, and measured the accumulation ofsuch products as TVA. Total volatile acid profilesfot each reactor tend to show an increase for t0 days. The incrcase and decrease in TVA profiler€lated with the rate of production and consumption rate of volatile acid. In dre research done (te).

TVA reduction occurred after l0 days, in which acetic acid, butlric and proprionat consum€d as asubstrate on the stage of methanogenesis_ Based on the results obtained from TVA urcdrurcmen!which tends to increase, concluded that the degradation of all th€ reactors are still in the staseasidogencsrs

Ethanol is a product resultiog from the process asidogenesa. In this research ethanol measurementsdone by the method of refractive index refrakometri. The results for eihanol content can be seen inFipure 7.


Figure 7. Etanol in reactor batch anaerob from substrale with p.srredrme nt and w\thont Dre.rcarmen..(a) Original and Anificial Btoparre. (b) Vegerables and Fruits Biowasrp

Figure 7 shows tire profile of ethanol produced in the reactor decreased concentration oforiginal Z,artificial 2, veg€tables and fruit a 1, while the other reactor tends to increate. In the process ofanaerobic fermentalion, fatty acids, amino acids and monosaccharides converted into variousf€rmentation products including ethanol. Ethanol is produced is then used by metbanogenic bacteriaa! a s'.'bstratc mctanogenikeo). kcreasing the arnount of ethanol concenuarior showed that the non-metherogenic bactcria to produce ethanol is stilt activc on stage asidogenesa. During operation otbatch reactors occ,rr ethanol removal in original reacror 2 and artificial 2 is 43_j5o/d and 36.36Vo.Removal ofethanol in the reactor I and fruit veserable I is 45.74% aod 38.79%.


Pbcccdings of $e l " ACIKI IA lntemalional Conte.cne ofscien( dd Tchiology (A,CS', 20 I IISBN No 978 979 16.115 9l

CONCLUSIONBased on rhe research there is removar organic matter a higher on the substrate with a pre[eamentsedimenrarion. Removal e{Ticiency of liquid fiacrion of original biowaste 81.82% and biowasteaftif\cial '72_73yo, while the liquid fracrion vegetable biowaste are 81.97% and 59.90% fruit liquidfraction biowaste. On thc substate witholt pretreatment sedimentation, occur removal of organicmatler in liquid fracrion biowaste odginal and the artificial a.e 55.56Vo and 2j%, while the liquidfraction of biowaste vegetabres and fiuils are 60.79% and 51.5r%o. The formation or methane at2.11o/a on day l0 ocrur at f liquid reaction of original waste without pretreatnent sedimentation,while the substrate with pretrealment sedimentation the formation of methane of0.l6% in fhe liquidfraction ofbiowasle vegetablcs and 0.019% in liquid fract;on biowaste ofthe fruit, which both occuron the fourth day-

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This research is fundcd by DFG/BMZRCJECT(GA 546/4-l), ,uetweenUniversiry ofKarlsruie, Germany, LIpt Bandung and institure Technoloey Bu,ia;ng, i-;Oon""i,REFERENCES

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