
Camila Bodetto & Valentina Bekir

Transcript of Deforestation

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Camila Bodetto & Valentina Bekir

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Deforestation is the destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands

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In a forest the crowns of individual trees touch to form a single canopy. In a woodland, trees

grow far apart, so that the canopy is open.

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Conversion of forests and woodlands to agricultural land to feed growing numbers of people.

Development of cash crops and cattle ranching, both of which earn money for tropical countries.

Commercial logging destroys trees as well as opening up forests for agriculture

Felling of trees for firewood and building material; the heavy lopping of foliage for fodder; and heavy browsing of saplings by domestic animals like goats.

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The carbon cycle. Forests act as a major carbon store because carbon dioxide is taken up from the atmosphere and used to produce the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up the tree.

The water cycle. Trees draw ground water up through their roots and release it into the atmosphere (transpiration). With removal of part of the forest, the region cannot hold as much water. The effect of this could be a drier climate.

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Soil erosion and the loss of a protective cover of vegetation more soil is lost.

The result of soil erosion is the silting of water courses, lakes and dams.

Extinction of species which depend on the forest for survival. Forests contain more than half of all species on our planet - as the habitat of these species is destroyed, so the number of species declines.

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Next time you buy a hamburger from a big fast food chain, think about where the meat has come from - don't be afraid to ask the manager if you don't know. If it has been imported from south or central America, the chances are that rainforest has been cleared to raise the beef cattle -an expensive price to pay for a burger!

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Try to walk or cycle to work or school instead of going in the car. If it is too far away to do this, then take public transport instead. This will save petrol, which is made from oil and comes from below the ground and so, like plastic, can cause the destruction of rainforests.

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Once you start looking you'll be surprised at just how many wood products are made from rainforest trees such as mahogany or teak. In particular, look out for toilet seats, furniture, picture frames and charcoal. Ask if they are produced sustainably or if rainforest has been destroyed in order to produce them.

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Recycling services are improving quickly: in many places, paper, glass, aluminum (drinks and food cans), kitchen and garden waste and plastic bottles are now collected from your house, office or school just as your rubbish is collected.You can also help by making sure you don’t waste paper and by always using both sides of a piece of paper.

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