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Ecopals Comenius

Transcript of Deforestation

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Deforestation is the process by which trees and foresets desappear, basically caused by human activity.

Deforestation is mainly caused by men due to the cutting down of wooden factories, as well as for getting ground to seed plants.


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MAIN CAUSES OF DEFORESTATION The main cause of deforestation is the growth of population.

The next increase about the demand of wooden products of forest land.

the search of new lands for growing in developing countries is the cause of cutting down forests.

Ranchers cut down thousands of hectares of rain-forest in order to the animals eat along the year, moving once the food is sold out.

To the aim of satisfying the increading demand of wood, furniture and paper, the developing countries have turned to the high reserves of humid forests.

For the population, every time more populated in Africa and Asia, wood keep being the basic combustible to elaborate food and for using it with the heating.


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Direct consecuences of Deforestation are different, concerning every kind of species and habitats and provoking an important ecological unbalance.

One of theses consequences is the extinction of carbon dioxide drains, reducing the capacity of the environment of being capable of absorb this CO2 for change it into oxygen and in that way, carry out the greenhouse effect.

Besides, with so much cutting down and indiscriminate burning, it´s produced an important change in the grounds that some time after, it will change the weather, because it will have not so many protection and retention of humidity, causing droughts in this way.


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-One solution is the prevention, that carries out plans like education, but forestal education to become aware in young people that it´s a natural resource that taking care of it has a lot of economic potential.

- To preserve forests and use them racionally, avoid destroying the most valuable species and letting they restore with their own seeds.

- To supply firewood and other forestal products, we must seed trees of fast growing that are be able to take profit of them in little

- As a way of retaining wall, different international organisms propose Reforestation, a parcial way accepted by the ecologist movements, because they say in the repopulation we must take into account not only the elimination of Carbon Dioxide, but the biodiversity of the place to replant as well.


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- To elaborate products that come from wood (paper, pencils, etc) or other products more valuable, like furniture.

- To produce pure oxigen of trees and reabsorv carbon dioxide for this question. This generates a kind of change for external debt to highly developed countries that pollutes. It´s got a name: KYOTO CONVENTION.

- Another way of solve this important problem of deforestation would be the agroforestal systems, that are the ones that in which some species of trees are kept.

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