(defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John...

(defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs) a møøse once bit my sister

Transcript of (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John...

Page 1: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

(defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)

a møøse once bit my sister

Page 2: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Ben [email protected] / ben.vandgrift.com

(.log js/console “hello”)

Page 3: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

consulting, open source, and Datomiccognitect.com & github.com/cognitect/clojurescript




Page 4: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Clojure Applied: From Practice to PractitionerPragmatic Programmers, beta available March 2015

the other



Page 5: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

A rubyist, a clojurist, and a javascript programmer walks into a bar and has a beer.


Page 6: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

ClojureScript 101?

or: “How I learned to stop worrying and love the parentheses.”

Page 7: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work


Page 8: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

what is ClojureScript?

an implementation of the Clojure with JS as its platform

Page 9: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

what is Clojure*?

an advanced Lisp dialect designed for a concurrent world

on the JVM, right? yes and.

Page 10: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

what is Lisp?

John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work of Alonzo Church’s lambda calculus (1930’s).

Page 11: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

1958, seriously?


Page 12: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Clojure was built on well-researched principles over a

period of two years.

Rich Hickey’s ‘Clojure Bookshelf’


Page 13: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

• reasonability: the lambda calculus, Lisp

• metaprogramming (defmacro, etc)

• persistent data structures (vector, hash-map, etc)

• lazy and delayed evaluation (sequences)

• asynchronous evaluation (futures, promises)

• concurrent channels (core.async)

• state management (mvcc, uniform update model)

Page 14: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

ClojureScript is Clojure

is Lisp


Page 15: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

.clj/s features

• homoiconicity

• immutability

• concurrency

• metadata

• functionalish

• composability

• interoperability

• macros

• bindings

• impressive!

Page 16: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

the basics

Page 17: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Note the function position: (def a-var “some value”)

Note the quote: ‘(1 :two “3” four (fn [] #{5}))

lisp forms are simple

Page 18: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

(def a-var “some value”)

(def a-fn (fn [a b] ,,, ))

(defn a-fn [a b] ,,, ) ; same!

lisp forms are uniform

Page 19: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

(def turtle “ _,.---.---.---.--.._ _.-' `--.`---.`---'-. _,`--.._ /`--._ .'. `. `,`-.`-._\ || \ `.`---.__`__..-`. ,'`-._/ _ ,`\ `-._\ \ `. `_.-`-._,``-. ,` `-_ \/ `-.`--.\ _\_.-'\__.-`-.`-._`. (_.o> ,--. `._/'--.-`,--` \_.-' \`-._ \ `---' `._ `---._/__,----` `-. `-\ /_, , _..-' `-._\ \_, \/ ._( \_, \/ ._\ `._,\/ ._\ `._// ./`-._ `-._-_-_.-‘ ”)

all the way down

Page 20: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

almost: special forms

• def

• var

• quote

• do

• if

• let

• fn

• loop/recur

• try/catch/finally/throw

… vs. JavaScript — 60 / 191 depending

Page 21: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

“The first rule of Macro Club is Don’t Write Macros.”

Stu Halloway, Programming Clojure

macros are not simple

Page 22: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

.js .cljs

var url = “http://…”; (def url “http://…”)

function hello(name) { console.log(“hello, ”+ name); }

(defn hello [name] (println “hello, ” name)

// got nothing (ns my.library (require [other.lib :as o))

var person = {first: “bob”, last: “smith”};

var first = person.first; var last = person.last;

// do stuff

var color = [128, 55, 55, 0.5]; var r = color[0]; var g = color[1]; var a = color[3];

// do stuff

(def person {:first “bob” :last “smith”})

(let [{:keys [first last]} person] ,,,)

(def color = [128 55 55 0.5])

(let [[r g _ a] color] ,,,)

Page 23: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

[event f] (swap! state add-listener event f))

(def twitter-uri (goog.Uri. "http://search.twitter.com/search.json"))

(defn search-tag "Get the current tag value from the page." [] (.-value (dom/get-element :twitter-search-tag)))

(defn retrieve "Send request to twitter." [payload callback error-callback] (.send (goog.net.Jsonp. twitter-uri) payload callback error-callback))

(defn send-event "For the given event, call every listener for that event, passing the message." ([event] (send-event event nil)) ([event message] (doseq [f (-> @state :listeners event)] (f message))))

(defn parse-mentions "Given a map representing a single tweet, return all mentions that are found within the tweet text. Twitter usernames are not case sensitive so mentioned usernames are always returned in lower case."



everything is a list.

Page 24: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

( ) > ; ?

meh. zealotry is not useful.

Page 25: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

.cljs data types

• immutable

• persistent data structures

• performant

• lists ()

• vectors []

• hash-maps {}

• hash-sets #{}

Page 26: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; hash-map, or ‘map’ (hash-map :a “eh” :b “bee” :c “see”) {:a “eh” :b “bee” :c “see”} ;; same

(def a-map {:a “eh” :b “bee”})

(get a-map :a) ;-> “eh” (:b a-map) ;-> “bee”

(assoc a-map :c “see”) ;-> {:a “eh” :b “bee” :c “see”}

hash-maps: keyed

Page 27: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; vector (vector 1 2 “three” :four) [1 2 “three” :four] ;; same thing

(def a-vector [1 2 “three” :four])

(get a-vector 2) ;-> “three” (nth a-vector 3) ;-> :four

(conj a-vector ‘five) ;-> [1 2 “three” :four ‘five]

vectors: indexed

Page 28: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; hash-set (hash-set 1 2 “three” :four) #{1 2 “three” :four} ;; same

;; hash-set is a map with no values (hash-map :a “eh” :b “bee”) {:a “eh” :b “bee”}

;; set can hold anything unique (hashset 1 two “three” #(:four))

hash-sets: unique, fast

Page 29: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Sequences : the fundamental abstraction.

• one element at a time • lazy, ∴ potentially infinite • all collection types are seqable • convert to/from with seq/into


Page 30: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

(def nums [1 2 3 4 5]

(map #(* 2 %) nums) ; (2 4 6 8 10)

(reduce + nums) ; 15 (reduce + (map #(* 2 %) nums) ; 30

(filter odd? mums) ; (1 3 5) (remove odd? mums) ; (2 4)

sequence fns

Page 31: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

(def nums [1 2 3 4 5]

(partition 2 nums) ; ((1 2) (3 4))

(take-while #(< 4) nums) ; (1 2 3)

;; for clarity (defn shift-once [n] (bit-shift-left n 1))

;; infinite, lazy (def twos (iterate shift-once 1)) (take 4 twos) ; (1 2 4 8 16)

more sequence fns

Page 32: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; infinite, lazy, anonymous fn

(def twos (iterate (fn [n](bit-shift-left % 1)) 1))

(def twos* ;; with shortcut (iterate #(bit-shift-left % 1) 1))

(take 4 twos*) ; (1 2 4 8 16)

more sequence fns

Page 33: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; destructuring a list - note, no return

(def color [255 100 175 0.6])

(defn rgb->hex “converts rgba notation to a hex string, dropping alpha” [[r g b _]] (str "#" (.toString r 16) (.toString g 16) (.toString b 16)))

(rgb->hex color) ; "#ff64af"

Page 34: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; destructuring a map

(def color {:r 255 :g 100 :b 175 :a 0.6])

(defn rgb->hex “converts rgba notation to a hex string, dropping alpha” [{:keys [r g b]}] ;; maybe :as color (str "#" (.toString r 16) (.toString g 16) (.toString b 16)))

(rgb->hex color) ; "#ff64af"

Page 35: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; a little more clojure-y

(defn rgb->hex “converts rgba notation to a hex string, dropping alpha” [rgba] (->> (take 3 rgba) (map #(.toString % 16)) (apply str “#”)))

(rgb->hex [255 100 175 0.6 0 0 0]) ; "#ff64af"

Page 36: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

;; all the way clojure-y

(defn rgb->hex “converts rgba notation to a hex string, dropping alpha” [& rgbx] (->> (take 3 rgbx) (map #(.toString % 16)) (apply str “#”)))

(rgb->hex 255 100 175 0.6 0 0 0) ; "#ff64af"

Page 37: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Clojure/Script is very opinionated, and prefers lean,

expressive code.

which doesn’t matter at all; do what works for you.

Page 38: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

quick start?

The tool chain needed to get to any particular starting place can be fiddly.

Page 39: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

the docs?

When in doubt, David Nolen (@swannodette) will have the most current information.

Page 40: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

• the actual coding experience

• concurrent processes with core.async and web workers

• developing in the REPL

• live updates with figwheel

things I wanted to get to today (i.e., part 2)

• core.logic (> mini-kanren)

• core.match

• test.check

• atoms, refs, and the unified update model

maybe next time.

Page 41: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work


Page 42: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work


FFF Tusj Avenir Next Avenir Next Condensed Anonymous Pro

urls: http://clojure.org http://github.com/clojure/clojurescript http://swannodette.github.io/

Page 43: (defn -main [& args] (talk/start clt-cljs)ben.vandgrift.com/talks/cltjs-101.pdfwhat is Lisp? John McCarthy’s language for specifying mathematical notation (1958), based on the work

Ben [email protected] / ben.vandgrift.com

(.log js/console “thanks!”)