Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff...

Complete>Elite Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003

Transcript of Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff...

Page 1: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

C o m p l e t e > E l i t eD e f i n i t i v e H o m e T h e a t e r f r o m P i o n e e r F a l l 2 0 0 3

Page 2: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

D i r e c t o r ’ s c u t s o n D V D . L a t e - s e a s o n p l a y o f f g a m e s . C o n c e r t s o n


2 P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a T e l e v i s i o n s

1 0 H i g h D e f i n i t i o n P r o j e c t i o n M o n i t o r s

1 2 D V D R e c o r d i n g & P l a y b a c k

2 0 A / V R e c e i v e r s

2 8 C o m p o n e n t E s s e n t i a l s

3 2 F e a t u r e s & S p e c i f i c a t i o n s

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h i - d e f d i g i t a l c a b l e .

On a t ru ly great home theater system, these w i l l be unforgettab le moments where t ime

stops and your da i l y l i fe moves in to the background . Ch i l l s and laughter, adrena l ine

rushes , w i ld danc ing in your med ia room – they ’re a l l par t of the package.

E l i te home theater systems are bu i l t to de l i ver these ext ra -sensory exper iences . Gu ided

by P ioneer ’s l ead ing -edge aud io and v ideo exper t i se, each component i s c ra f ted w i th

ext reme attent ion to deta i l . We use on ly the best opt i ca l g lass and the f inest l enses , the

most power fu l processors and top -grade e lect ron ics . And even when they ’re turned off,

E l i te components are stunn ing .

The purchase of an El i te home theater system is an investment in your happiness. Wi th

each mov ie, game, or concer t you ’ l l see — and hear — your investment pay ing off.

> > >

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Go ahead, turn it on. The experience will change you.

P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a T e l e v i s i o n s

Page 5: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

It’s like magic. Re-runs become

new again, and movies are an

almost spiritual experience. With

mind-bending depth and clarity,

Elite plasma TVs and projection

monitors keep you in a state

somewhere between utter disbelief

and sheer joy, each time you hit

the power button.

• High Definition WXGA (1280 x 768) Resolution

• PureDrive

• Advanced Continuous Emission II (ACE II)

• Pure Color Filter II

5 0 " P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a T e l e v i s i o nP R O - 1 1 1 0 H D

2 3

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• Advanced PureCinema with 3:3 Pulldown

• Certified ISF C3 Modes

P R O - 9 1 0 H D 4 3 " P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a T e l e v i s i o nP U R E D R I V E

Fact: there are many brands of plasma displays, but only a few actual manufacturers.Among this very short list, Pioneer is atrue innovator at the forefront of plasmadevelopment. Our latest breakthrough isPureDrive™, a Pioneer exclusive thatpushes the limits of plasma displayperformance. PureDrive keeps videosignals entirely in a digital domain ratherthan convert them back and forth betweenanalog and digital, as is typical. Thislossless, all-digital process allows fargreater control of the signal and enables itto maintain all of its original depth.

To bring the completely digital PureDriveplatform to market, Pioneer developed itsown custom digital chipsets — actually sixnew ICs, four within the media receiver ofthe Elite PRO-1110HD and PRO-910HD, andtwo within the panels themselves. The resultis a technological foundation of excellencethat will carry forward into the future.

Here are the features made possible by thedevelopment of PureDrive, and how eachcontributes to improved picture quality. Ina crowded field of plasma displays — someof them excellent — this is what it takes tobe the very best. • XGA (1024 x 768) Progressive Resolution

• PureDrive

Conventional PDP PureVision’s PureDrive



D Terminal

ES Digital




3D Y/C Chromadecoder


Digital ImageProcessing


VideoPDP Panel PDP Panel

D Terminal

ES Digital





3D Y/C Chroma decoder Digital ImageProcessingDigital


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I / P C O N V E R S I O N

Even the most common plasma displayscontain an I/P converter, a chip thatturns interlaced images into progressiveimages. That’s the easy part; inexpensive,low-performance I/P conversion chips areavailable to all manufacturers. But perform-ing that conversion with total precision andwithout visible distortion cannot be donewith an inexpensive chip. Go into a store,begin watching a plasma display and lookfor a moving image that contains a straightedge such as a pillar or fence. As motioncontinues, look for a jagged effect along theedges. That imperfection can be eliminated,and powered by PureDrive, the ElitePRO-1110HD and PRO-910HD plasma TVs areup to the task. Each contains a custom ICthat performs high-grade I/P conversion, sothose straight edges will look straight andclean, like they’re supposed to. Better technol-ogy, better performance: it’s another reasonwhy Pioneer plasmas are the best in their class.

A D V A N C E D P U R E C I N E M AW I T H 3 - 3 P U L L D O W N

Film doesn’t translate to a standard that aTV can process without some alterations.Here’s why: all movies are shot on film at 24frames per second (fps), but televisionsdisplay images using the long-standing NTSCstandard of 30 frames per second (or moreprecisely, 60 interlaced fields per second, or60Hz). In order to display a movie, 6 fps must

be added to the film’s original 24 fps, to equal30. This is done by examining each frame offilm and creating three “partial” frames fromthe first frame of film, two partial framesfrom the second, then three again, and so on.This conversion process is called 3-2 (orsometimes 2-3) frame pulldown.

Today's 3-2 pulldown standard greatlyimproves NTSC reproduction of film-basedmaterial. It requires a processor to takethose 24 fps into a buffer, interpolate how tocompose the 6 frames to be added, andre-send the “new” 30 frames. This is excep-tionally difficult to do and often results inuneven motion, especially during fast-movingaction in a film.

As part of its creation of PureDrive, Pioneersolved this issue by developing a custom,industry-exclusive IC that creates 3 fullcopies of each frame x 24 frames persecond, for 72 progressive fps (72Hz). This is3-3 pulldown, which synchronizes perfectlywith the frame rate of film so there’s noneed to make interpolations. It’s actually afar less complicated process that doesn’tforce the processors into guesswork. Now,film-based material on DVD, videotape, andeven regular television will match thesmooth, natural reproduction you’d see in a theater. Advanced PureCinema 3-3 pulldown— unequalled by other plasma display brands —will become the new industry standard.

A D V A N C E D C O N T I N U O U SE M I S S I O N I I ( A C E I I )

Some of the most gripping movie momentscome in low-light scenes. Most plasma panelsdon’t properly reproduce all the detail inthese dark scenes, leaving you thinking,“what was that?” and playing it over again.But the Elite PRO-1110HD and PRO-910HDovercome this: Advanced ContinuousEmission II uses 10-bit processing to produce1,024 gradation steps for each red, green,and blue cell, creating a palette of over 1.07billion colors. This industry-leading technologygives you a wider range of hues and farmore accurate reproduction.


The clear front of an Elite PureVisionplasma display is actually a preciselymachined, optical-grade glass panel.Besides offering high-impact protection,this glass panel acts as a color filter thatincreases the spectrum of light emitted bythe plasma. With our Pure Color Filter II —an Elite exclusive — you’ll see a fuller rangeof colors with a higher level of coloraccuracy than ever before. It also helpsto increase contrast by limiting ambientlight reflection, so it’s ideally suitedto your everyday viewing conditions. Ourhigh-performance glass panels actuallyout-perform CRTs in color reproduction.

4 5

Conventional PDP ACE II

False Contours

Advanced PureCinemaFilm NTSC Normal


60 frames ls






60 frames ls


72 frames ls60 frames/s24 frames/s

Pure Color Filter

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1 0 - B I T 3 D Y/ C S E P A R A T I O N

NTSC (analog) video images are comprisedof two signals, luminance (brightness infor-mation, expressed as “Y”) and chrominance(color information, expressed as “C”). Whenanalog video is played back, the Y and Csignals must be kept separate or they’llinterfere with one another. The result isvideo noise in the form of the dreaded “dotcrawl” — distracting, visible dots movingalong the edges of images. To combatthis, the Elite plasma displays include aPureDrive-powered processor that features10-Bit 3D Y/C Separation, effectively keepingthe Y and C signals separate. This featureenables a significant improvement to theintegrity of the images.


Digital video and MPEG video both usecompression that can create unwantednoise. “Digital noise” often appears as acheckerboard pattern on solid images likethe sky or skin. “MPEG noise”, also known as“mosquito noise”, appears as a fuzzinessaround the edge of an image. The ElitePRO-1110HD and PRO-910HD are designed togreatly reduce both types of noise, for ahigher level of realism.

N A T U R A L R E - S I Z E

Many plasma displays allow the user toselect a screen mode best suited to thematerial being viewed — for example, whenwatching a regular 4:3 TV show on a 16:9widescreen monitor, the image can bestretched to fill the entire screen. But innearly all plasma displays, that stretchingprocess causes problems such as blocky,fuzzy, or over-stretched images. The ElitePRO-1110HD and PRO-910HD have an industry-exclusive Natural Re-Size function thatre-shapes the picture and allows it to maintaina natural appearance, without adding theartifacts that deteriorate picture quality.

D Y N A M I C R A N G E E X P A N D E R( D. R. E. )

So, you’re watching a movie and an actresswith jet-black hair is wearing a bright whiteshirt — a high-contrast situation that givesnearly all plasma displays trouble. Usually, ifher hair color is a true black, her shirt willappear as a slightly dull off-white. Or, hershirt will be pure white but her hair isn’t atrue black. And, of course, it doesn’t help toadjust your brightness because either thehair or the shirt will lose its true value. EnterDynamic Range Expander (D.R.E.). Withenormous processing power, D.R.E. managesto raise the values of both lights and darks,noticeably improving the contrast ratio andcreating a more vivid presentation.


Another technology that the Elite PRO-1110HDand PRO-910HD use to deliver such a stun-ningly sharp picture is Natural Enhancer, anindustry first. On any source, analog or digital,PureDrive-powered Natural Enhancer cleansup those wavy Moire (“moray”) patterns and enhances the contrast at the edges ofimages —rendering a clean, detailed picture.

D I G I T A L C O L O R T R A N S I E N TI M P R O V E M E N T ( C. T. I . )

Run-of-the-mill plasma displays have ahard time accurately rendering a coloredimage laying over another colored image —for example a man in a dark blue jacketstanding against a red wall. The usualresult is a dithered pattern and an unwantedcombination of colors where the twoimages intersect. Digital Color TransientImprovement (C.T.I.), a Pioneer PureDrivedevelopment, smoothes out edges of colorimages so that they’re more distinct, andcolors are reproduced more accurately.


Color noise is another form of analogvideo interference — noticeable speckledimperfections seen within solid colors onyour screen. The Elite PRO-1110HD andPRO-910HD feature a 10-bit Digital ChromaDecoder to reduce noise and provide betterfrequency response, for pure, clean colors.

Digital Noise Reduction

Brightness Increase

Off On

Off On

MPEG Digital Noise Reduction

Brightness level

Input level Input level

Further enhanced reproduction in the low brightness range

Brightness level

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6 7


Exclusive to the Elite PRO-1110HD andPRO-910HD, Color Management enablesgreater control of colors, selectively boostingor scaling back values to match the actualimage without affecting other colors on thescreen. As you can imagine, this takes a lotof processing power, but it results in farmore accurate reproduction. Two examples:Color Management will enhance a floweringtree without distorting the blue sky behindit; and facial skin tones will be reproducedmore accurately without discoloring thesubject’s clothing.

M U L T I - W I N D O W D I S P L A Y

OK, admit it: sometimes you want to watchtwo shows at the same time. Picture in Picture(one full-screen image with a smaller imageinset) has been around a long time, but nowMulti-Window Display takes dual-materialviewing to new levels: it lets you display anycombination of HDTV, NTSC, and even acomputer, either as twin images (50/50 splitscreen) or as Picture in Picture. Watch profootball on HDTV alongside fantasy footballfrom your PC. Two college bowl games, twomusic specials...OK, you get the picture.*


An Elite PureVision plasma display makes anexceptional monitor for a PC or Mac laptop

computer. The high-definition native resolu-tion of our 50" models is 1280 x 768, and for43" models it’s 1024 x 768, so charts,graphs, the Web, and full-motion DVDs willall look clean and crisp. And of course youcan display more than one sourcesimultaneously, using either Picture-in-Picture or 50/50 split screen.*


Whether you’re watching regular (analog)television, a DVD, or an extreme wide-screenmovie, all Elite PureVision models enableyou to adapt the panel’s image to thesource, for optimal viewing.


With all Elite PureVision plasma displays,you’ll be able to watch NTSC (analog)broadcasts, plus three types of ATSC digitalbroadcasts: Standard-, Enhanced-, and High-Definition. Because the Elite plasma panelsfeature true high-definition native resolution,everything you watch will be maximizedfor the highest quality, whether it’shigh-definition or NTSC. In fact, all Elitepanels automatically up-convert video fromany source — including regular TV — to 1280x 768p (on the 50") or 1024 x 768p (on the43") display.

Keep in mind: when a manufacturer says itsplasma panel is “high-definition compatible”,

this does not mean it has a high-definitionnative resolution. It will display an HDbroadcast, so you’ll see an image, butpicture quality will be reduced due to thepanel’s lower performance capabilities.


The Elite PRO-1110HD and PRO-910HD arehigh definition plasma televisions: in addi-tion to the plasma panel itself thesesystems include a media receiver, stereospeakers, and a color-matched swivel stand.

Media Receiver: This outboard componentdelivers both terrestrial broadcast ATSC(digital) and NTSC (analog) programming,with connections for satellite, cable, and acomputer. It offers connectivity for a rangeof video and audio components, includingthe new HDMI, or High DefinitionMultimedia Interface, discussed on page 8.

Speaker System: Contains newly developed3-way speakers with soft-dome tweeter. Thetwo speakers are side-mounted, either flushor recessed. The televisions feature SRSWOW®, further enhancing your list ofoptions to include 3D sound and betterbass reproduction.

Stand: New, stylish tabletop stand withmatching black finish. It swivels 20 degreesfor optimal viewing convenience.

In order to maintain longevity, certain precautions must betaken when using a computer interface with the television.

Natural Enhancer

Conventional PDP Pioneer’s NaturalEnhancer

2 Split Screens (with PC) Picture in Picture

Multi-Window Display

Side-Mounted Speaker Option


Page 10: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

• PureCinema II with 3:2 Pull Down

• Pure Color Filter

P R O - 1 0 0 0 H D I 5 0 " P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a D i s p l a yH D M I I N T E R F A C E

All Elite PureVision plasma displaysfeature a new type of digital input calledHigh Definition Multimedia Interface, orHDMI. This high-bandwidth consumerinterface allows huge amounts of very highquality data — such as uncompressedHDTV signals — to be input at high rates ofspeed, up to 5 Gbps. This leaves a lot ofspare capacity for future applications; forexample, a current uncompressed HDmovie “only” requires 2.2 Gbps. Anotherbig advantage of HDMI: it doesn’t performunnecessary A/D and D/A conversions, sothe signal remains in a pure, digital state.This lossless process delivers a higherimage quality level.

HDMI offers plug and play capability andaccommodates all of the current ATSCdigital television formats, plus it supportsup to eight channels of audio. And despiteHDMI’s huge bandwidth power and theability to accommodate both audio andvideo, the plug itself is substantially smallerthan the plug for DVI, the computer industry’svideo-only transmission medium. So, if theshortest distance from your digital cablebox to your plasma display happens to bestraight through a wall…small size can be abig advantage.


To further customize your viewingexperience, the Elite-exclusive ISF Modeenables your PTV to be optimized for thespecific room in which you’ve placed it. Asan optional service available through yourElite dealer, an ISF professional can calibratecontrast, tint, and other parameters to bestfit your exact environment, both for day andnight viewing. Once these calibrations aremade, ISF becomes a preset mode that letsyou make fine adjustments to color andimage values.

• HDMI Inputs with HDCP

• Automatic Format Conversion

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8 9

P R O - 8 0 0 H D I 4 3 " P u r e V i s i o n P l a s m a D i s p l a y

• PureCinema II with 3:2 Pull Down

• Pure Color Filter

Wide-angle Viewing

• HDMI Inputs with HDCP

• Automatic Format Conversion

Wide field of view of more than 160°







Elite plasma panels let you sit almostanywhere in the room without missing apixel. Their wide viewing angle surpassesboth rear projection monitors and LCDpanels, with exceptional uniformity in colorand brightness.


Thinking of placing your Elite PureVisionplasma panel in a well-lit room? Not aproblem: Pioneer places a patented blackcoating between each row of plasma cells,absorbing the light hitting the panel. Thissignificantly reduces reflections comingback to your viewing position and nearlydoubles the effective contrast. You’ll seeblacker blacks and a more detailed picture,without having to pull the curtains or turnoff the lights.

Auxiliary Electrode

Front Glass Substrate

Dielectric Layer

Protedtive Layer (MgO)

Black Stripe

Address Protective Layer

Address Electrode

Rear Glass Substrate

Red Phosphor


Transparent Electrode

Green Phosphor

Blue Phosphor

Page 12: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

Blue Achromatic Lens

• Certified ISF C3 Modes

• PureCinema III™ Format Converter

• Reference Theater and Pro Modes

• Scratch Resistant Anti-Reflective Panel

P R O - 7 3 0 H D I 6 4 " H i g h D e f i n i t i o n P r o j e c t i o n M o n i t o rR E F E R E N C E T H E A T E R M O D E

Pioneer’s Reference Theater Mode (RTM)goes to great lengths to make the pictureon your screen look like it does on the bigscreen. In RTM Mode, the color temperatureis set to the ISF beginning point: 6,500degrees Kelvin. This enables the PTV toreproduce film images with the most perfectwhite balance. RTM then automaticallyinitiates the Scan Velocity Mode, whileswitching off the Sharpness circuitry. It setsthe new Adequate Wave Form ResponseFilter for the movie setting, enabling the PTVto reproduce films with natural outlines, freeof artifacts and “ringing.” RTM also switchesoff the Flesh Tone circuit, to ensure accuratecolor reproduction. Now: enjoy the movie.


If you’re not watching a movie on a PioneerTV with PureCinema III, then you’re notgetting the whole picture. PureCinema IIItechnology enhances both film- and video-based signals to create film-like viewing.

Film-based format: Automatically detectsNTSC 3/2 film-based sources, then recreateseach individual film frame, resulting in apicture free of motion artifacts.

Video-based format: Automatically detectsNTSC live, video-based sources, then process-es the signal with advanced motion detectionto create the new progressive image.

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Standard 0.72 mm Lenticular Screen Elite Ultra-Fine 0.52 mm Lenticular Screen

• Certified ISF C3 Modes

• PureCinema III™ Format Converter

• Reference Theater and Pro Modes

• Scratch Resistant Anti-Reflective Panel

P R O - 5 3 0 H D I 5 3 " H i g h D e f i n i t i o n P r o j e c t i o n M o n i t o rH D M I I N T E R F A C E

Elite PTVs feature an HMDI interface, whichallows huge amounts of very high-qualityaudio and video data — such as uncom-pressed HDTV signals — to be input at highrates of speed, up to 5 Gbps. Consequently,the signal remains in a pure, digital state.HDMI offers plug and play capability andaccommodates all current ATSC digitaltelevision formats, plus it supports up toeight channels of audio.


To reduce over-saturation and that blurredhalo effect seen around the peripheries ofimages on conventional PTVs, Elite PTVsemploy a Blue Achromatic Lens thatimproves color saturation and producescrisp lines and a more realistic picture.

T H E I N D U S T R Y ’ S F I N E S TL E N T I C U L A R S C R E E N

One of the most important elements toenhancing picture quality is also one that isoften overlooked: the screen. All Elite PTVsemploy a lenticular screen that includeslight-capturing tiny ridges and grooves thatare embossed onto the surface. Theseridges are spaced at a mere 0.52mm apart —the industry’s finest — to provide the bestpicture possible. Black striping is placed onthis surface to reduce the reflection ofambient light, further improving an alreadysuperb picture.

10 11

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Here’s the next generation in DVD recording and playback.

D V D R e c o r d i n g & P l a y b a c k

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A DVD recorder with built-in TiVo

service and 120Gb hard disc.

DVD players with high-resolution

DVD-Audio and SACD playback,

plus advanced i.LINK and HDMI

interfaces for fast, pure signal

transmission. This is home

theater in the fast lane, and

there's no turning back.

• 120GB Hard Disc Drive (Maximum 123 HoursRecording Capacity)

• Double-Layered Chassis

• TiVo Basic™ Service Included; Upgradeable toTiVo Plus™ Service*

• 3:2 Progressive Scan with Faroudja DCDiProcessing

D V D R e c o r d e r w i t h T i V o ®D V R - 5 7 H

12 13

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T i V o B a s i c ™S e r v i c e

The DVR-57H is a world’s first, combining aDVD Recorder and the revolutionary TiVoBasic™ Service in one component. TiVo is by far the most popular of the “Digital VideoRecorder” (DVR) services, and its integrationwith the DVR-57H makes a very powerfulcombination.

With the DVR-57H and TiVo, you canFind, Store, and Burn what you want, whenyou want.

Find It: The simple-to-use TiVo service willlet you search for, find, and select individualTV programs to record. That way, you’re incharge. So, no matter how busy you are,you’ll never miss your favorite shows.

Store It: The 120GB hard drive provides upto 123 hours of temporary storage. Record ashow tonight, watch it tomorrow or nextweek. Plus, you can actually control Live TV:pause it, reverse it, play it in slow motion.You can even watch a recorded programfrom the beginning, while the recordersimultaneously finishes the recording. All ofthese functions are very simple to use.

Burn It: Programs stored on the hard drivecan then be copied onto a DVD. You cancreate an extensive DVD library of yourfavorite movies, shows, sporting events,even your own home movies, that can beplayed in most DVD players.

W I T H T I V O , T H E R E ’ S N OG O I N G B A C K

Once you experience the TiVo conveniencesdelivered by the DVR-57H, there’s no goingback to the old way of watching and recordingTV. Here are a few additional TiVo features:

• Schedule and then record programs on thehard drive while playing a DVD.

• Play programs from the hard drive whilerecording a different program from thehard drive to a DVD.

• Watch a program from the beginning whilethe recorder simultaneously finishes therecording.

• Transfer content at high speeds from thehard drive to a DVD for long-term storage.


• TiVo Basic™ service is included with theDVR-57H; you don’t have to do anythingelse and there’s no fee. Once you make

the necessary connections, the TiVointerface appears on your display.

• TiVo Set-up uses an easy on-screen navi-gator that walks you through the process,which initially takes only about one hour.

• Whether you get your TV signal via cable,digital cable, satellite, antenna or a com-bination thereof, TiVo has you covered. Itholds a database of over 13,000 channelscovering the United States. (To use bothsatellite and cable at the same time, anupgrade to the TiVo Plus™ service isrequired. For more on TiVo Plus™, pleasesee the following section entitled “TheTiVo Plus™ upgrade.”)

• Once it knows what channels you receive,TiVo lets you find the programs you wantto view or record. The DVR-57H includesconnections for telephone and broad-band so that program guide informationfor the next three days can be updated ona regular basis (the DVR-57H contactsTiVo for updates automatically).

T H E T I V O P L U S ™ U P G R A D E *

For even more convenience and flexibility,a higher level of TiVo service is available.Called TiVo Plus™, it offers these additionalprogramming features:

• 14-day Program Guide Data: Providesprogramming data for the next 14 days —vs. 3 days with TiVo Basic™ — so findingfuture shows and selecting them for

Status Bar

Actual recording capacity varies depending upon thetype of programming being recorded.

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Compared to its analog ancestor the VCR,a DVD recorder is faster, easier to use,and delivers vastly superior sound andpicture quality.

Video QualityDVD recorders provide far higher video quality vs. videotape, both in recording andplayback. The detail and color accuracy ofDVD is a clearly visible advantage over tape.

Audio QualityDVDs provide digital audio for playback andrecording, vs. analog audio on videotapes.For playback, most DVD movies are encoded with 5.1-channel surround soundinformation such as Dolby Digital or DTS,which greatly enhances the entertainmentexperience. Plus, DVD recorders record inDolby Digital 2-channel audio.

Disc DurabilityVideotapes, regardless of format, will deteri-orate with time. Temperature extremes andoverly moist or dry conditions will adverselyaffect tape. Also, because the tape must runacross a machine’s tape heads for playbackand recording, repeated use will eventuallyweaken a tape. DVD discs are far moreresistant to moisture and temperature, sothe discs will last far longer than tape andnot lose quality. This is especially importantfor one-of-a-kind videos that you’ll want tosave for future generations.

SpeedUnlike videotape, DVDs do not have to berecorded in real time, and record speeds canin fact reach up to 18x, saving you hours.Also, DVDs enable you to jump to a sectionrather than using videotape’s painfully slow“<<” and “>>”.

recording is even easier.

• Season Pass™: Automatically recordsevery episode of your favorite shows,every time they’re on, even if the schedulechanges. You can even skip the repeats!

• WishList™: Records every show based onyour interests, such as a favorite actor orfavorite sports team. Oriental cooking orancient Rome. All home décor shows. All(fill in the blank) shows. How easy is that?

• Search by Title: Want to find a specificmovie or show title? Enter it into an on-screen field using the remote, and TiVo willfind it. If it’s on in the next 14 days, that is.

• TiVo Suggestions: This is smart recording.The remote control includes Thumbs Upand Thumbs Down buttons; give TiVo aThumbs Up on a show, and it will suggestsimilar shows to watch. Thumbs Down, andit won’t go there again.

You can upgrade from TiVo Basic™ to TiVoPlus™ at any time, directly through the TiVowebsite at

T I V O H O M E M E D I A O P T I O N ™ **

As a premium feature package, TiVo offers aHome Media home networking capabilitythat features the following:

• Digital Music: Play mp3s stored on yourcomputer using the TiVo easy interface.

• Digital Photos: View your digital photosstored on your computer on a TV.

• Remote Scheduling: Schedule TiVorecordings on your DVR-57H fromanywhere in the world via the Web.

• Multi-Room Viewing: Transfer recordingsbetween TiVo Series 2 DVRs in your home —now you can record a program on your livingroom DVR and watch it on your bedroom DVR!

*TiVo Plus service requires subscription fee. Pricing, termsand conditions subject to change. Receipt of TiVo Plus service is subject to the terms and conditions of the TiVoservice agreement.

**Requires upgrade to TiVoPlus and purchase of HomeMedia Option premium feature package; additional equipmentand fees required. For details see

D C D I ™ B Y F A R O U D J A

When material originally shot on video (asopposed to film) is up-converted from standarddefinition (480i) to enhanced definitionquality (480p), the process calls for somenew video information to be created. Overall,this “interpolation” greatly improves picturequality, but during fast-paced material suchas pro football and hockey it often causesthe problem of unwanted jagged edges(jaggies) along diagonal lines. The DVR-57Hutilizes a technique called DirectionalCorrelation De-interlacing, or DCDi™, a videomode algorithm that monitors edge transi-tions and fills in any information gaps thatcause the jaggies. With DCDi™, edges aresmoother and more natural, and the overallpicture quality is improved.

A 1 2 0 G B H A R D D R I V E

The DVR-57H includes a king-sized 120-GBhard drive that allows you to record material— off the air, cable, satellite, transfer yourhome movies, you name it — for short-termstorage and viewing. You can then decidewhat to do with the material: keep it forrepeat viewing, delete it, or record it ontoDVD-R for permanent storage. One-of-a-kind shows and home movies are primeexamples of content you’d want to archive,using a DVD-R so they cannot accidentallybe erased. DVD-RW can be used for sharingcontent with friends and for temporarystorage (material recorded on a DVD-RW canbe written over).

How much material will fit on a 120-GB harddrive and on a DVD? It depends upon therecording quality you select.* Here are therecording capacities for each by quality level:

Quality Recorder DVDExtreme (Fine) Quality 22 Hours 1 HourHigh (SP) Quality 42 Hours 2 HoursMedium (LP) Quality 84 Hours 4 HoursBasic (EP) Quality 123 Hours 6 Hours

*Actual recording capacity varies depending upon the typeof programming being recorded.

You may use this product only to reproduce or copymaterials for which you own the copyright or have obtainedpermission to copy from the copyright owner or for whichyou otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy.Unless you own the copyright or have obtained permissionfrom the copyright owner or otherwise have a legal right toreproduce or copy, you may be violating the law, includingcopyright law, and may be subject to payment of damagesand other remedies.

14 15

* When EP quality content is copied to a 4x DVD-R disc,additional time will be required o initialize and finalize.Recording times will vary depending on recording options.

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F A S T , E A S Y H A R D D R I V E - T O - D V D C O P Y I N G

Recording material from the hard drive toDVD goes very quickly. The DVR-57Hfeatures about 18x record speed, so you’ll beable to dub a 2-hour program to DVD inbasic EP quality mode in less than 7 minutes.The material remains in a digital statethroughout, so there’s no loss ofpicture quality. And for even more flexibility,you can record content to the hard drivewhile dubbing different content from thehard drive to a DVD. DVD recordings aremade in Video Mode, so your newly recordeddiscs will play in nearly all DVD players,including of course your DVR-57H.

D I G I T A L 3 D N O I S E R E D U C T I O N

The DVR-57H includes a sophisticated noisereduction circuit which can achieve anamazing 6-10dB of noise reduction, withoutintroducing artifacts or decreasing sharp-ness. You’ll experience a much cleanerpicture that is virtually free of noise.


It’s not enough for a source component toprovide signal purity only in its internalcircuitry; it also must provide ways to outputthe signal in its purest form and with highspeed, for optimal quality and convenience.Here are three methods used by Elite DVDrecorders and players to achieve this goal.

HDMIThe DV-59AVi features a new type of all-digital output called a High DefinitionMultimedia Interface, or HDMI. This high-bandwidth interface allows huge amounts ofvery high quality data — both video and audio— to be output at high rates of speed, up to2.2 Gbps at HDTV. This leaves a lot of sparecapacity for future applications. Anotheradvantage of HDMI: it doesn’t performunnecessary D/A and A/D conversions, sothe signal remains in a pure, digital state.This lossless process ensures the highestquality level.

HDMI offers plug-and-play capability andaccommodates all of the current ATSC digitaltelevision formats, plus it supports up toeight channels of audio. And despite HDMI’shuge bandwidth power and the ability toaccommodate both audio and video, theplug itself is substantially smaller than thatof the older and more limited DVI, whichhandles only video. HDMI is compatible withElite plasma displays and projection TVs(latest models) with HDMI inputs. And it’sbackward compatible with the DVI inputs (anHDMI-to-DVI cable is required and audio isnot transferred out the DVI cable). (DV-59AVi)

i.LINKToday’s sophisticated multi-channel record-ings deliver a level of sound quality unlikeany that came before. In order to deliverthese new digital signals, new methodsof transmission were developed. i.LINK

connectivity, a.k.a. IEEE1394, allows you tosimplify your system and expand itsperformance at the same time. It’s anadvanced digital interface that providessingle-wire transmission of new music formatssuch as DVD-Audio and SACD. In addition,i.LINK streamlines connection between thesource player and a similarly equippedreceiver (such as our VSX-49TXi, VSX-55TXi,and VSX-59TXi): what used to take up to sixdifferent connections to achieve, i.LINKhandles with one simple digital connection.Because of its high levels of quality andconvenience, the non-proprietary i.LINK hasbecome the industry standard for transmit-ting high-resolution multi-channel recordings.(DV-59AVi and DV-47Ai)

A N E W P I X E L C O N V E R S I O N I C( T w o D i m e n s i o n a lR e s o l u t i o n E x p a n d e r I C )

The more pixels, the better the picture.The DV-59AVi contains a Pixel ConversionIC that automatically increases the pixelcount from progressive 480 x 720 to anamazing high-definition progressive 1280 x720 or 1920 x 1080i. The signal generatedby the MPEG decoder passes through theIC where the pixel count is increased, thenis output via HDMI to an HDMI-capable TVor monitor (There is a variety of Elite plas-ma displays and rear-projection TVs withHDMI inputs.)


Connection using i.LINK


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• 14-bit/216 MHz DAC with NSV Technology forHigh Quality DVD Video Production

• New Pixel Conversion (Digital Direct Pixel Drive)

• Burr Brown PCM1738EG-3 Chipsets (3) for allAudio Processing (Direct)

• HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface(Video, 2ch LPCM Digital Output)

• i.LINK - Advanced Resolution Digital AudioInterface (IEEE-1394)

• Pure Audio On/Off

D V - 5 9 A V iD V D P l a y e r w i t h M u l t i - C h a n n e l D V D A u d i oa n d S A C D P l a y b a c k


Elite DVD players give you the power tomake adjustments to your taste, withselect models even offering three usermemories (DV-59AVi, DV-47Ai, DV-45A) torecall your settings.

• Progressive Motion: Maximizes theProgressive circuit for the type ofvideo-based DVD you’re watching: SLOWfor mostly static pictures, FAST forfast-moving pictures.

• Component Frame Digital NoiseReduction (DNR): Independently reducesnoise in the luminance and color signals.

• Mosquito Noise Reduction: Reducesdistortion concentrated near the edgesof moving objects. (DV-47Ai)

• Block Noise Reduction: Reduces noiseassociated with the digitization processused in DVD production. (DV-47Ai)

• Black/White Levels: You can independ-ently adjust the black and white levels foroptimal contrast.

PureCinema Progressive ScanPureCinema’s advanced circuitry achieveshigh conversion accuracy by actuallyre-creating the original frames of a film anddisplaying them in a 3-2 order (called 3-2pull-down), matching the output to televisionstandards. This creates natural, film-like,flicker-free images that are smooth andvirtually free of bothersome artifacts onmoving objects. (DVR-57H, DV-59AVi,DV-47Ai, DV-45A, DV-F07).

New Triple-Layered ConstructionPioneer designed a triple-layered construc-tion with a stainless stabilizing plate under-neath the DV-59AVi to increase the isolationof the components from vibration. Accuracyof signal reading is improved by thisconstruction and as a result, high qualitysound and video are realized.

16 17


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D V - 4 5 AD V D P l a y e r w i t h M u l t i - C h a n n e l D V D A u d i o a n dS A C D P l a y b a c k

• PureCinema Progressive Scan (2-3 Pulldown by VQE7)

• 108MHz/12-bit Video DAC with NSV Technologyfor High-Quality DVD Video Reproduction

• Plays: DVD Audio, SACD, DVD Video, MP3, CD,Video CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R and DVD-RW

• i.LINK (Advanced Resolution Digital AudioInterface) Audio Outputs

D V - 4 7 A iD V D P l a y e r w i t h M u l t i - C h a n n e l D V D A u d i o a n dS A C D P l a y b a c k

D V D - A U D I O A N D S A C D

DVD-Audio (DVD-A) and Super Audio CD(SACD) represent the future of audio on disc:high-density, high-resolution music that ismiles ahead of CD. The music is bigger, moredetailed, and more open, and you willdefinitely hear the difference — especiallyif played back on an Elite DVD player.

DVD-AudioMore data. A DVD-A disc can hold 4.7 GBof data, seven times that of a regular CD.Rather than use this huge data area tojust add more CD-quality songs, it’s beingused for…..

Better music. This is the key. With all thatdata area, music can be formatted into twochannels (stereo) at a 192kHz, 24-bit rate,which may be the highest level of qualityyou will hear in your lifetime. Or, into sixchannels at a 96kHz, 24-bit rate, creating afull-octane, 5.1 surround field that swirlsaround you.

Visuals. Besides great music, some DVD-Atitles have photo slide shows, song lyrics,artist interviews, and even music videos assupplemental content. Video is not themain focus for DVD-A, but these extras arenice, especially when they focus on afavorite artist. • PureCinema Progressive Scan

(2-3 Pulldown)

• 54MHz/10-bit Video DAC for High-Quality DVDVideo Reproduction

• Plays: DVD Audio, SACD, DVD Video, MP3, CD,Video CD, CD-R,CD-RW, DVD-R and DVD-RW

• Triple 192KHz/24-bit (3x2) Audio DAC for High-Resolution Sound Reproduction

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D V D - A U D I O A N D S A C D

SACDBetter Music: Although SACD is encodeddifferently than DVD-A, it also featuresultra-high-resolution, multi-channel musicthat’s clearly superior to regular CD.

More Data: SACD discs can hold about4GB of data and currently come in threetypes (all three can be played by an SACD-compatible player)

Single-Layer: One layer of high-densitydata is dedicated to either very high-resolution stereo (two-channel) or multi-channel music.

Dual-Layer: Two high-density layers,otherwise same as above. The two layersgive you more great music.

Hybrid Discs: Two layers, but one layer isfor high-density SACD music, the other forregular CD audio. This is the only type ofSACD disc that can be played on a regularCD player — which can only reproduce theCD Audio layer. Why would you want such adisc? You can play the high-density layer inyour home player, and the CD layer in yourcar or portable CD player.

18 19

D V - C 3 6D i g i t a l P r o g r e s s i v e S c a n 5 - D i s cD V D / C D / C D - R / V C D C a r o u s e l P l a y e r

• On-Screen Disc Management

• Keyboard or Mouse Title Input

• Dolby® Digital and DTS Digital Outputs

• Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversion

D V - F 0 7 3 0 0 + 1 D i s c D V D / C D / V C D / C D - R / C D - R W P l a y e r

• Digital Progressive Scan Output

• 10-bit/54MHz Video Processing

• Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversion

• Digital Video Parameters Adjustments

• Double Layer Chassis Construction

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Pioneer’s philosophy on great sound reproduction? Just listen.

A / V R e c e i v e r s & A m p l i f i e r s

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We call it the Advanced

Multi-Channel Stereophonic

Philosophy, and its principles

drive Elite receiver design.

It demands the highest quality

parts; continuous partnering with

world-class sound engineers; and

precise audio reproduction.

Sounds simple, but you can hear

the results.

• 150 Watts x 7 MOSFET Amplification

• Dolby ProLogic IIx

• i.LINK Advanced High Resolution DigitalAudio Interface

• Advanced MCACC – Multi-ChannelAcoustic Calibration

• New LCD TouchSmart Remote

T H X U l t r a 2 C e r t i f i e d 7 . 1 C h a n n e lA / V R e c e i v e rV S X - 5 9 T X i

20 21

Pioneer’s philosophy on great sound reproduction? Just listen.

A / V R e c e i v e r s & A m p l i f i e r s

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Automatic Mutual Distance Adjustment

• 100 Watts x 7 @ 8ohm

• i.LINK Advanced High Resolution DigitalAudio Interface and SACD Direct Mode

• MCACC – Multi-Channel AcousticCalibration System

• Advanced Direct EnergyMOSFET Amplification

V S X - 5 5 T X iT H X S e l e c t C e r t i f i e d 7 . 1 C h a n n e lA / V R e c e i v e r

A D V A N C E D M U L T I - C H A N N E LS T E R E O P H O N I C P H I L O S O P H Y

With more high-resolution content becomingavailable all the time, receivers must be ableto reproduce detailed information with highprecision and accuracy. With this in mind,Pioneer created its Advanced Multi-ChannelStereophonic Philosophy to guide the devel-opment of Elite receivers, thus ensuringaccurate transmission of information fromcircuit to circuit without adding or takinganything away.

The key principles of this philosophy are:

Highest Quality EquipmentThe use of the highest quality parts andsuperior design and construction ensurethe ultimate in sound quality.

Precise Sound ReproductionPioneer MCACC automatically calibratesyour system’s sound characteristics tocreate perfect audio for your media room —just like in the recording studio.

Professional ExpertiseAIR Studios has collaborated on this conceptto provide professional sound-tuning tech-niques. Additionally, THX certification andthe latest surround formats let theartistic qualities of the sound shine through.

The tangible result of Pioneer’s AdvancedMulti-Channel Stereophonic Philosophy isexceptional fidelity both in traditional stereoand multi-channel recordings.


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22 23

M C A C C( M u l t i - C h a n n e l A c o u s t i cC a l i b r a t i o n S y s t e m )

Just like musical instruments, home theatersystems need to be tuned for optimalperformance in their physical environment.The question is: how can you fine-tune yourhome theater system without an expert’s help?

The answer: Pioneer’s Multi-ChannelAcoustic Calibration System, or MCACC.MCACC is a full realization of Pioneer’sAdvanced Multi-Channel StereophonicPhilosophy and the world’s first fullyautomated acoustic calibration system.Featured in all Elite receivers, MCACCevaluates the acoustic characteristics ofyour media room and calibrates the speakersystem accordingly, for professional-levelsonic performance. It works in any room,regardless of shape or size. (VSX-59TXi,VSX-55TXi, VSX-53TXi)


The MCACC function sends out pink noisesignals and test tones that are read by a sensitive calibration microphone, measuringthe response from each of the multi-channelspeakers in your system. MCACC thenperforms these five processes:

• Checks for the absence or presence ofconnected speakers.

• Detects speaker size (large or small) andpositions in the room.

• Equalizes the distance differences createdby the speakers’ various room positions.

• Neutralizes the differences in soundpressure level.

• Performs two separate equalizations forflat curve (all-channel EQ) and for aligningto the front left and right speakers (FrontAlignment EQ). Once set-up is complete,you can select one of these two EQ settings:

*All-Channel EQ: equalizes all speakers tocreate a much flatter frequency response.

*Front Alignment EQ: equalizes only your“effect speakers” (center, surround right andleft, surround-back right and left) to matchthe tonal character of your main front rightand left speakers. If you prefer to have yourmain speakers “left alone”, select this setting.

In addition, the new VSX-59TXi flagship incor-porates a new and improved AdvancedMCACC system which provides even moreprecision and accuracy. By applying TimeAligned Dynamic Acoustic Treatment,Advanced MCACC can distinguish betweendirect sound and room reverberations allow-ing you to apply acoustic treatment where it ismost needed. Furthermore, Advanced MCACCallows you to actually see your rooms originalacoustic signature by sending 3-dimensionalgraphics of each channels frequency responseto a PC via the RS-232c output.


The benefits of MCACC can be significantand very audible. Here are just a few:

• A more natural sonic mix between speakersand a much wider sound stage.

• True 3-dimensional sound field, especiallyfrom surround speakers.

• A longer reverb that is more like that ofthe original soundtrack.

• More sonic detail. Now, certain soundswhich were previously masked by othersounds can be heard for the first time onyour system.

With MCACC, you can have the ultimatehome theater — one that is customized foryour own home.

Air Studios Room

Room with light reverberation

Room with heavy reverberation*Featured in the VSX-59TXi.

Room Frequency Response by Channel

0 10 20 3040 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

0 10 20 3040 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

60 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k

60 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k









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V e r s a t i l e I n p u t s a n dO u t p u t s

All Elite receivers provide a wide range ofdigital inputs and outputs; the VSX-59TXi andVSX-55TXi also include an i.LINK interfaceand a USB plug-and-play port.

i . L I N K

Today’s high-resolution multi-channel for-mats, such as DVD-Audio and SACD, deliveran entirely new level of sound quality.Because DVD-A and SACD recordings containfar more data than regular CDs — and includecopy-protection encryption as well — a secure,big-bandwidth transmission method wasrequired. As a result, the industry adoptedan already-proven digital interface that metthese requirements and harnessed its powerfor digital audio. This digital interface iscalled i.LINK. More importantly, Pioneer isthe first to apply this advanced technology toboth DVD players and A/V receivers.

Simpler and Betteri.LINK connectivity, a.k.a. IEEE1394, allowsyou to simplify your system and improve itsperformance at the same time. It’s anadvanced digital interface that providesjitter-free D/A conversion of all 2-channeland multi-channel formats between similarlyequipped components. i.LINK also stream-lines the connection: what used to take up tosix separate cables to achieve, i.LINK handleswith one simple wire.

Two-way Communicationi.LINK enables two-way communicationbetween components, so control data andother messages can be sent back and forth.When an Elite i.LINK receiver is connected toan i.LINK DVD player, their communicationenables Auto-Source Switching, Auto-Play,and time-saving shortcuts.


All Elite receivers feature powerful, high-endaudio processing for the most realistic sonicexperience possible.

The VSX-59TXi employs professional-gradeMotorola and Sharc processors that form thedigital engine of this high-octane receiver.They provide all of its key digital decodingand high-level processing including MCACC,Dolby/DTS/THX surround, noise reduction,and equalization for all 6.1 channels and all 7.1speakers. These high-performance proces-sors feature superb reproduction accuracy.

The VSX-59TXi, VSX-55TXi, and VSX-53TXeach contain a high-grade 192kHz/24-bitD/A converter for each of the 8 channels,ensuring that signal purity is maintainedfrom input to output.

Employing Pioneer’s legendary Legato Linkand Hi-Bit technologies, the Audio Scalerdramatically improves sound quality fromCDs and DVDs, approaching DVD-Audio’sextended frequency and wide dynamicrange (VSX-59TXi, VSX-55TXi, and VSX-53TX).

H o m e T h e a t e rS o u n d F o r m a t sBecause different movies are encoded withdifferent surround sound technologies, a topreceiver must be able to decode all of the keytechnologies with power and precision.


THX was created to achieve maximum accu-racy in the reproduction of movie sound,right there in your media room. Currentlythere are two certification levels that anaudio-video receiver may attain: THX Ultra2and THX Select. THX Ultra2 (featured in theVSX-59TXi) is the latest generation of THXcertification, ensuring optimum playback ofall multi-channel music and movie formats.THX Select (VSX-55TXi and VSX-53TX) ismore suited to the size and listening

Sharc and Motorola Chips

3D SpaceFrameConstruction




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24 25

distances of the average U.S. living room,without compromising the strict THXstandards for excellence.

D O L B Y P R O L O G I C I I X , D O L B YD I G I TA L , D O L B Y D I G I TA L E X

The VSX-59TXi receiver includes these threesurround sound processing technologies.Dolby Pro Logic IIx, an advanced version ofthe original, decodes the Dolby Surroundsignal and extends to 7.1 channel surroundplayback, based on Dolby's new concept of"scalable". Now any format, including DolbySurround, Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital EXis processed to deliver proper sound into 7.1channels. All of Pioneer's receivers candecode standard Dolby ProLogic II, DolbyDigital and Dolby Digital EX. Dolby Pro-LogicIIx, which delivers the most natural, fullrange and immersive 7.1 channel surroundlistening experience available from anystereo or 5.1 channel playback source. Formore precise surround sound, Dolby Digital5.1 sends discrete surround information to fivespeakers — two fronts, a center, and two rears— plus a sub (that’s the “.1”). Dolby Digital EXoffers even more dimensional detail than5.1, additionally decoding a back surroundchannel to make 6.1 discrete channels.

D T S N E O : 6 , D T S 5 . 1 , A N DD T S - E S ( A L L M O D E L S )DTS (Digital Theater Systems) deliversseveral surround sound technologies thatfeature wide frequency and dynamic range,for superior localization and intense soundeffects. DTS NEO:6 is a matrix system thatderives up to six main channels from anytwo-channel source, analog or digital, withthree surround channels: left surround,right surround, and back surround. DTS 5.1decoding provides five discrete speakerchannels plus a subwoofer channel. To this,DTS-ES discrete adds an additional backsurround channel to create a true (notmatrixed) 3-dimensional surround field.

D T S 9 6 / 2 4 ( V S X - 5 9 T X I ,V S X - 5 5 T X I A N D V S X - 5 3 T X )

DTS 96/24 is the first compressed surroundformat technology to support high soundresolution of 96kHz/24 bits and multi-channelcapabilities. The DTS 96/24 format enables high-quality multi-channel sound reproduction at96kHz and 24 bits through 5.1 channels, withoutany degradation in the high picture quality of theDVD-Video format, thanks to its low compres-sion rate of audio signals. DVD-Video movies ormusic can be enjoyed with a quality of soundapproaching that of DVD-Audio and SACD.


All Elite models feature Advanced Surround,Pioneer’s exclusive Digital Sound Processing(DSP) technology. Advanced Surround includesAdvanced Cinema and Advanced Concert, whichenhances movie soundtracks; and MusicSurround, which transforms your listening roominto a variety of virtual sonic environments.

M U L T I - R O O M A N DM U L T I - S O U R C E

You’re listening to the radio outside, but yourkids want to watch their favorite DVD. Or thefamily wants to hear two different CDs — intwo different rooms. Multi-Room and Multi-Source let you watch or hear what you want,where you want, anywhere in the home.

E A S Y S E T - U P A N DO P E R A T I O N

Setting up and using an Elite receiver is easy. An on-screen GUI guides you through suchtasks as assigning digital inputs, and setting time alignment (Available in all but theVSX-41). MCACC customizes your speakersystem for your media room. i.LINK enableshigh-resolution digital audio transmission with asingle wire and no signal loss. Elite receiversfeature easy-to-read displays, intuitive remotecontrols and even an LCD touch pad remote withthe VSX-59TXi. It’s a level of convenience thatmatches the receiver’s level of performance.

MCACC On-screen Display

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V S X - 5 3 T XT H X S e l e c t C e r t i f i e d 7 . 1 C h a n n e lA / V R e c e i v e r

• 110 Watts x 6 @ 8 Ohm

• Dolby® Digital-EX DTS-ES Discrete Decoding

• THX Re-Equalizer

• 96kHz / 24-bit DAC

V S X - 4 1 D T S E S / D o l b y D i g i t a l E X R e c e i v e r

• 100 Watts x 7 MOSFET Amplification

• MCACC – Multi-ChannelAcoustic Calibration System

• Multi-Room and Source Custom Installation

• Dual Motorola 48-Bit DSP Processing


For optimal performance, the EliteVSX-59TXi, VSX-55TXi, and VSX-53TXreceivers are equipped with MOSFET outputtransistors. These rugged transistors featurehigh current linearity and low signal loss, yetthey’re energy efficient and can generatehigh power even when all channels are beingdriven simultaneously. They’re also ideal fordriving low-impedance speakers.


Accurate multi-channel sound reproductionis possible only when the operatingenvironment is physically identical for allchannels. For that reason, the poweroutput devices for the three left channels(front, surround, and surround back) aremounted on the heat sinks symmetricallywith respect to those for the three rightchannels, with the device for the centerchannel mounted directly in between.(VSX-59TXi, VSX-55TXi, and VSX-53TX)

3 - D S P A C E F R A M E A N DI S O L A T E D C H A M B E R

The insides of the VSX-59TXi, VSX-55TXi,and VSX-53TX are divided by insulatingshields into three blocks: the digitalprocessor, power amplifier, and powersupply sections. This construction designserves two purposes: it prevents the digitalcircuits from affecting the analog circuits,and it increases the rigidity of the cabinetstructure. As a result, sound reproductionfrom any source is more accurate andimaging is improved.

Heat Sink forVSX-59TXi

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E S 1 0 0 0 D VC o m p l e t e L i f e O r i e n t e d A / V S y s t e m w i t h D V D - A u d i o , S A C Da n d P r o g r e s s i v e S c a n

26 27

• 360 Watts Total System Power(.9% THD @ 1kHz)

• Single DVD/DVD-A/SACD/DVD-R/RW/MP-3Playback

• High Resolution OEL Display (1.5m cable)

• PureCinema Progressive Scan (3:2 Pulldown)

• 100 Watts x 6 Amplification

• MCACC – Multi-Channel Acoustic Calibration

• PureCinema Progressive Scan

• Unified Receiver and DVD Player Remote

E X - 5 0 0 S l i m 6 . 1 A / V R e c e i v e r & D V D - A u d i o / S A C D D V D P l a y e r P a c k a g e

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A - 3 5 R I n t e g r a t e d A m p l i f i e r

• 60W, 20Hz – 20,000Hz @ 4 ohms

• Direct Energy MOSFET Amplifiers

• Remote Control

• Amp Mode

• 100 Watts x 2 Direct EnergyMOSFET Amplification

• “SR In” Terminal for Auto Power

• 4 ohm Stable

• Banana Speaker Terminals

M - 1 0 X 2 - C h a n n e l P o w e r A m p l i f i e r

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P D - F 2 7 3 0 0 + 1 D i s c C o m p a c t D i s c P l a y e r

• Auto Disc Recognition System

• Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversionwith 24-bit D/A Converters

• CD Text & Keyboard Title Input

• 50 Track Best Selection Memory

P D - F 1 7 1 0 0 + 1 D i s c C o m p a c t D i s c P l a y e r

• Roulette Rack System

• Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversionwith 20-bit D/A Converters

• CD Text & Title Input

• Optical & Coaxial Digital Output

Page 32: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

C T - 0 5 D D o u b l e A u t o R e v e r s e C a s s e t t e D e c k

• Legato Link Conversion

• Digital Process System with20-bit A/D and D/A Converters

• Digital Noise Reduction

• Digital Super Auto BLE XD

R A C K S E l i t e C o m p o n e n t R a c k s

RA-E64B Matching Component Rack for the PRO-730HDi 59 1⁄2" H x 23 3⁄4" W x 23 3⁄8" DRA-E53B Matching Component Rack for the PRO-530HDi 49 15⁄16" H x 23 3⁄4" W x 23 3⁄8" D

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P u r e V i s i o n A c c e s s o r i e s







Media Receiver

Fiber-Optic Cable

DDC Cable

MDR Cable

DVI Cable

MDR Cable Joint Connection


Plasma Display

Conversion Box (Sender)

Conversion Box (Receiver)MDR Cable

DVI Cable

AC Adapter

P D K- F S 0 3S o l i d F l o o r S t a n d

R A- E 1 0 1 1F l o a t i n g F l o o r S t a n d w i t h S w i v e l

P D A- H 0 4F i b e r - O p t i c E x t e n s i o n S y s t e m

Media Receiver can be mounted vertically onto theback of this stand or horizontally, with media receiverface flush with the stand front.

10-meter coaxial extension cableSwivels 10 degrees clockwise or counterclockwisefrom center position

The monitor can swing 30 degreesto the right or left.

30-meter fiber-optic extension cable

P D A- H 0 3E x t e n s i o n C a b l e

S w i v e l Ta b l e -To p S t a n d( i n c l u d e d w i t h P R O - 1 1 1 0 H D A N D P R O - 9 1 0 H D )

P W M - 1 0 1 1W a l l B r a c k e t

P DW B - 5 0 0 3W a l l B r a c k e t

P W M - 5 0 3A n g l e d W a l l B r a c k e t

Page 34: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

with speakers attached to sides

Picture Signal Audio Control Signal

with speakers attached to sides




118-1/16 1-5/81-3/16

5/8 1/2


8-5/16 5-1/4 18-1/8 15-1/8


8-5/16 5-1/2 15-3/16
















wall or rack






1-15/16 1-15/16


Depth 11-11/16





Leave enough room between media receiver and the wall or other appliances for heat to be released from the side fan of media receiver.

Allow for 100mm additional clearance behind unit for cable





6 (








49-9/16 4-1/8













6 (







43-3/4 4-1/8









P R 0 - 1 1 1 0 H D P R 0 - 1 1 1 0 H D / P R 0 - 9 1 0 H D M e d i a R e c e i v e r

P R 0 - 1 0 0 0 H D I

P R 0 - 8 0 0 H D I

P R 0 - 9 1 0 H D

P R O - 7 3 0 H D I / P R O - 5 3 0 H D I Dimens ions

PRO-730HDI PRO-530HDIA 59 7⁄16" 49 15⁄16"B 59 1⁄4" 49 3⁄4"C 35 1⁄16" 29 11⁄16"D 56 1⁄8" 50 3⁄4"E 38 9⁄16" 35 7⁄8"F 1 5⁄16" 1 5⁄16"G 55 13⁄16" 46 1⁄4"H 31 3⁄8" 26"I 27 1⁄2" 24 13⁄16"J 27 15⁄16" 25 3⁄16"K 2 1⁄16" 2 1⁄16"L 22 11⁄16" 20"M 3 1⁄8" 3 1⁄8"N 2 7⁄8" 2 7⁄8"O 30 3⁄8" 27 1⁄2"P 11 7⁄8" 9 3⁄8"Q 18 1⁄4" 15 7⁄8"R 28" 25 3⁄16"S 21 1⁄16" 21 1⁄16"T 19 5⁄16" 19 5⁄16"U 3⁄4" 3⁄4"V 2 1⁄2" 2 1⁄2"W 1⁄2" 1⁄2"

Page 35: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

P l a s m a D i s p l a y s

P R O - 1 1 1 0 H D50" High Definition Plasma Television• WXGA (1280 x 768) Resolution• New Pure Drive Technology• 10 Bit Digital Color Processing• ACE II (Advanced Continuous Emission II)

Capable of over 1 Billion Colors• Pure Color Filter II for

Improved Color Accuracy• Advanced PureCinema Format Converter• 3:3 Pull Down for Film Quality Video• Certified ISF Color Calibration Mode• 5 Step-Adjustable Color Temperature

Including 6500 Degree K• Deep Encased Cell Structure• HDMI Inputs with HDCP• Black Stripe Coating for Improved Contrast• Media Receiver with Integrated ATSC Tuner• Advanced Color Management• Picture in Picture Including Split Screen• High Gloss Black Bezel• RS-232C for Custom Control Applications• Illuminated Pre-set and

Learning Remote Control• 3 Way Speakers and Swivel Stand

P R O - 9 1 0 H D43" High Definition Plasma Television• XGA (1024 x 768) Resolution• New Pure Drive Technology• 10 Bit Digital Color Processing• ACE II (Advanced Continuous Emission II)

Capable of over 1 Billion Colors• Pure Color Filter II for

Improved Color Accuracy• Advanced PureCinema Format Converter• 3:3 Pull Down for Film Quality video• Certified ISF Color Calibration Mode• 5 Step-Adjustable Color

Temperature Including 6500 Degree K• Deep Encased Cell Structure• 2 Sets of HDMI Inputs with HDCP• Black Stripe Coating for Improved Contrast• Media Receiver with Integrated ATSC Tuner• Advanced Color Management• Picture in Picture including Split Screen• High Gloss Black Bezel• RS-232C for Custom Control Applications• Illuminated Pre-set and

Learning Remote Control• 3 Way Speakers and Swivel Stand

P R O - 1 0 0 0 H D I50" High Definition Monitor• WXGA (1280 x 768) Resolution• Automatic Format Conversion of Any

Source to 768 Progressive Display• PureCinema II for Quick 2:3

Pull Down Film Detection• Pure Color Filter II for

Improved Color Accuracy• 5 Step-Adjustable Color Temperature

Including 6500 Degree K• Deep Encased Cell Structure• Advanced Continuous Emission Display

Technology• 4 NTSC Display Modes: Wide, Zoom,

Full (16:9), and 4:3• Screen Adjustment for PC Use• Black Stripe Coating• 3 Dimensional Y/C Separation• High Gloss Black Extruded Aluminum Frame• New Remote Control• RS-232C for Custom Control Applications• 4 Video Inputs/ 2 Video Outputs• HDMI Inputs• Pioneer SR In/Out

P R O - 8 0 0 H D I43" High Definition Monitor• XGA (1024 x 768) Resolution• Automatic Format Conversion of Any

Source to 768 Progressive Display• PureCinema II for Quick 2:3 Pull

Down Film Detection• Pure Color Filter for Improved Color Accuracy• 5 Step-Adjustable Color Temperature

including 6500 degree K• Deep Encased Cell Structure• Advanced Continuous Emission Display

technology• 4 NTSC Display Modes: Wide,

Zoom, Full (16:9), and Normal (4:3)• Screen Adjustment for PC Use• Black Stripe Coating• 3 dimensional Y/C Separation• High Gloss Black Extruded Aluminum Frame• New Remote Control• RS-232C for Custom Control Applications• 4 Video Inputs / 2 Video Outputs• HDMI Inputs• Pioneer SR In/Out

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P R O - 5 3 0 H D I53" HDTV Monitor• 16 x 9 Aspect Ratio• RTM and Pro Mode Settings• Dual Scan Capability Automatically Detects Input Format

(15.75, 31.5 and 33.75kHz) and Displays at 31.5 or 33.75kHz• Converts Interlaced NTSC 15.75kHz (480i) to 31.5kHz (480P)

or 33.75kHz (1080i) Progressive Display (User Selectable)• Pure Cinema III I/P Conversion of Film-based Sources• Dual 181 Channel NTSC Tuners with Automatic Preset

including PIP and Twin Picture• 72 Point Digital Convergence• Achromatic Lens (Blue CRT)• 0.52mm Ultra-Fine Pitch & True Black Lenticular Screen• First Surface Mirror• High Contrast Internal Black Cabinet• High Contrast Optical Liquid Coupling Design• Wide Range Dynamic Focus• Chromatically Pure Red and Green Lens (Red & Green CRT)• New Tinted Scratch Resistant,

Anti-Reflective Coated Protective Screen• High Gloss, Piano Black Finish• 5 NTSC Display Mode: Natural Wide, Cinema Wide,

Zoom, Normal (4:3), and Full (16:9)• Auto Flesh Tone Circuit• 5 Step Selectable Color Temperature with 6500k• Illuminated Preset and Smart Remote Control

P r o j e c t i o n T e l e v i s i o n s

P R O - 7 3 0 H D I64" HDTV Monitor• 16 x 9 Aspect Ratio• RTM and Pro Mode Settings• Dual Scan Capability Automatically Detects Input Format

(15.75, 31.5 and 33.75kHz) and Displays at 31.5 or 33.75kHz• Converts Interlaced NTSC 15.75kHz (480i) to 31.5kHz (480P)

or 33.75kHz (1080i) Progressive Display (User Selectable)• Pure Cinema III I/P Conversion of Film-based Sources• Dual NTSC Tuners with Split Screen Channel Search

including PIP and Picture Out of Picture• 72 Point Digital Twin Convergence• Achromatic Lens (Blue CRT)• 0.52mm Ultra-Fine Pitch & True Black Lenticular Screen• First Surface Mirror• High Contrast Internal Black Cabinet• High Contrast Optical Liquid Coupling Design• Wide Range Dynamic Focus• Chromatically Pure Red and Green Lens

(Red & Green CRT)• New Tinted Scratch Resistant,

Anti-Reflective Coated Protective Screen• High Gloss, Piano Black Finish• 5 NTSC Display Mode: Natural Wide, Cinema Wide,

Zoom, Normal (4:3), and Full (16:9)• Auto Flesh Tone Circuit• 5 Step Selectable Color Temperature with 6500k• Illuminated Preset and Smart Remote Control

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PureVis ion D isp layPRO-1110HD PRO-910HD PRO-1000HDI PRO-800HDI

Disp layDisplay Size 50 inches 43 inches 50 inches 43 inchesAspect Ratio 16:9 16:9 16:9 16:9Number of Pixels 1280 x 768 1024 x 768 1280 x 768 1024 x 768Resolution WXGA XGA WXGA XGAPeak Brightness 1100 cd/m2 1000 cd/m2 900 cd/m2 1000 cd/m2

Techn ica l FeaturesHDTV Television Television Monitor MonitorATSC Tuner Yes Yes No NoPure Drive Processing Yes Yes No NoPioneer Automatic Format Converter Yes Yes Yes YesPureCinema Advanced Advanced II II

w/ 3:3 pulldown w/ 3:3 pulldown w/ 3:2 pulldown w/ 3:2 pulldownBlack Stripe Coating Yes Yes Yes YesProgressive Scan Converter Yes Yes Yes Yes3 Dimensional Y/C Separation Yes Yes Yes YesPeak ACL Yes Yes Yes YesGamma Correction Yes YesContour Correction Yes YesBlack Level Expansion Yes YesLiminanae Noise Reduction Yes YesColor Noise Reduction Yes YesVertical and Horizontal Contour Enhancement – – Yes YesAutomatic Brightness Limiter – – Yes YesPure Color Filter II II I IColor Temperature Control (High/Mid-High/ (High/Mid-High/ (High/Mid-High/ (High/Mid-High/(Pre Setting) Mid/Mid-low/Low) Mid/Mid-low/Low) Mid/Mid-low/Low) Mid/Mid-low/Low)Color Temperature Control R High R High – –(Manual) Setting

G High G High – –B High BHigh – –R Low R Low – –G Low G Low – –B Low B Low – –

MPEG NR Yes Yes – –(Off/High/Mid/Low) (Off/High/Mid/Low)

DNR Yes Yes Yes Yes(Off/High/Mid/Low) (Off/High/Mid/Low)

DRE Yes Yes – –(Dynamic Range Expander) (Off/High/Mid/Low) (Off/High/Mid/Low)Color Management System R/Y/G/C/B/M R/Y/G/C/B/M – –

independent independentDigital CTI Yes (On/Off) Yes (On/Off) – –(Color Transient Improvement)Natural Resize Yes Yes – –Natural Enhancer Yes Yes – –Digital Chroma Decoder Yes (10bit) Yes (10bit) – –

Conven iencesSelectable Screen Modes 5 5 4 4ISF Mode Yes (when calibrated) Yes (when calibrated) No NoSurround SRS/Focus/TruBass SRS/Focus/TruBase – –PC Screen Adjustment Yes Yes Yes YesRemote Control Unit SR Compatible SR Compatible SR Compatible SR Compatible

PureVis ion D isp layPRO-1110HD PRO-910HD PRO-1000HDI PRO-800HDI

Termina lsAntenna Input F type connectorx3 F type connectorx3 – –Antenna Output 2 2 – –AV Input (Front) 1 (Gold) 1 (Gold) – –AV Input (Rear) 3 (Gold) 3 (Gold) 1 BNC 1 BNCMonitor Output 1 (Gold) 1 (Gold) – –S Video Input (Front) 1 (Gold) 1 (Gold) – –S Video Input (Rear) 2 (Gold) 2 (Gold) – 1S Video Output (Rear) 1 (Gold) 1 (Gold) – –Component Input (Front) 1 (Gold) 1 (Gold) – –Component Input (Rear) 2 (Gold) 2 (Gold) 1 BNC X 5 1 BNC X 5D-Sub15 Input (Front) 1 (For PC) 1 (For PC) – –D-Sub15 Input (Rear) – – 1 1D-Sub15 Output – – 1 1SR IN/OUT Yes (OUT=SR+) Yes (OUT=SR+) Yes YesRS-232C Yes Yes Yes Yes

(Open to Limited User) (Open to Limited User)Digital Audio Output (Rear) Y_________ Y_________ – –_.____ 2 Terminal 2 Terminal – –VCR Control 1 1 – –Head Phone Jack – – – –HDMI Input 2(with HDCP) 2(with HDCP) 1(with HDCP) 1(with HDCP)HDMI Output – – – –

Analog Terrestrial TunerCH Selection System PLL Synthesizer PLL Synthesizer – –Receiving Channel VHF2-13 VHF2-13 – –

UHF14-69 UHF14-69CATV1-125 CATV1-125

Digital Terrestrial TunerCH Selection System PLL Synthesizer PLL Synthesizer – –Demodulator 8 VSB 8 VSB – –Video Decoding System MPEG2 MP@HL MPEG2 MP@HL – –Audio Decoding System MPEG2 AC3 MPEG2 AC3 – –Receiving Channel VHF2-13 VHF2-13 – –

UHF14-69 UHF14-69 – –CATV1-125 CATV1-125 – –

Misce l laneousPower Requirements AC 120 V, 60Hz AC 120 V, 60Hz AC 120 V, 60Hz AC 120 V, 60HzPower Consumption (panel only) 363 W 298 W 385 W 300WPanel and Media Receiver 407.5 W 342.5 W – –Power ConsumptionStanby Power Consumption 0.6W 0.6W 1 W 0.9 WDimensions (W x H x D) without packagingPanel 50" x 29" x 3 7⁄8" 44 1⁄8" x 25 11⁄16" x 3 7⁄8" 49 9⁄16" x 30 9⁄16" x 4" 43 3⁄4" x 27 1⁄4" x 4"Media Receiver 16 9⁄16" x 3 9⁄16" x 11 11⁄16" 16 9⁄16" x 3 9⁄16" x 11 11⁄16" – –Speakers 4 1⁄4" x 29" x 2 9⁄16" 4 1⁄4" x 25 11⁄16" x 2 9⁄16" – –Weight without packaging 99 lbs. 14 oz. 83 lbs. 6 oz. 102 lbs. 8 oz. 84 lbs. 11 oz.

32 33

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Pro ject ion Mon i torsPRO-730HDI PRO-530HDI

Screen & D isp layScreen Size 64" 53"Aspect Ratio 16x9 16x9Horizontal Resolution (Video Input) 1400 Lines 1150 LinesBrightness (White Peak*) 360ft-L 450ft-L

Video FeaturesHDTV Monitor Yes (1080i) Yes (1080i)Reference Theater Mode Yes YesPro Mode (Enable Professional Adjustment) Yes YesPioneer Auto Format Converter PureCinema III PureCinema III5-Screen Mode (NTSC & 480p Progressive Scan) Yes YesUltra Fine Pitch Screen 0.52mm Pitch Lenticular Sheet with New Black Dye StripeSLD (Surface layer Diffusion) Screen Yes YesMulti Point Digital Convergence 72 Point for All Modes 72 Point for All ModesRemote Convergence Yes YesWide Range Dynamic Focus Yes YesVertical Contour Control Yes YesSelectable Scan Velocity Modulation (RGB) High/Mid/Off High/Mid/OffAuto Flesh Tone Yes YesBlack Enhance (Black Level Expansion) Yes (on/off) Yes (on/off)Linear White Circuit Yes YesSharpness Circuit Yes (on/off) Yes (on/off)Color Temperature Setting 5 Modes (with 6500K) 5 Modes (with 6500K)3 Dimensional Y/C Separation 5 Step 5 Step7" Inverted HD Large Emitter CRTs Yes (new) Yes (new)High Density Phosphor CRT Yes Yes5 Element HD Lens System with Achromatic Yes YesHD Lens (Blue CRT)

4 Element HD Lens System (Red & Green CRTs) Yes YesHigh Contrast Optical Lens System Yes YesHigh Contrast Liquid Cooling System Yes YesChromatically Pure G/R Lens Yes YesHigh Contrast Black Cabinet Yes Yes

Audio FeaturesPower Output 10W x 2 10W x 2Speakers 6" Full Range Speaker 6" Full Range SpeakerFront Surround Yes YesTone Control Yes YesFix/Var Audio Out Yes YesStable Volume Yes Yes

Pro ject ion Mon i torsPRO-730HDI PRO-530HDI

Conven iencesDual Tuner Split Screen Yes YesChannel Search Split Screen (9 Channels) Yes YesPicture Out of Picture (3 Sources) Yes YesIlluminated SMART Remote Control Yes YesPre-Programmed & Learning Yes YesWhole Screen IR Remote Sensor Yes Yes181 Channel Reception Yes YesA/V Memory Yes (per Input) Yes (per Input)CC Auto Text with Mute Yes YesStation Labeling Yes YesV-Chip (Parental Guidance System) Yes YesTinted Protection Panel New Anti-Reflective and Scratch-Resistant CoatingFront Key Menu Access Yes YesSystem Mode Yes YesRemovable Control Panel/Grille/Bottom Rail Yes Yesfor Custom Installation Integration

Termina lsDVI Digital Input with HDMI Yes (2 set) Yes (2 set)Component Input (Gold) Yes (2 set) Yes (2 set)D-Sub15 (RGB Input For HDTV) Yes YesAntenna Input 2 NTSC (A&B) 2 NTSC (A&B)S-Video Input (Rear/Front) Gold Rear3/Front 1 Rear3/Front 1BNC Input Composite/Component Composite/ComponentA/V Inputs (Rear/Front) Gold Rear3/Front1 Rear3/Front1Audio Output (Gold) Yes (Fixed/Variable) Yes (Fixed/Variable)Center Speaker Input (Gold) Yes YesTV Output (Gold) Yes YesVCR Output (Gold) Monitor Only Monitor OnlySystem Remote (SR) In/Out Yes Yes

Spec i f icat ionsReception System American TV Standard, NTSC ColorTuner Reception Channel 181 Ch (Standard, IRC or HRC)Antenna Terminal VHF/UHF 2 (75 Ohms Unbalanced F Connector)Power Requirement 120V/60HzPower Consumption 250WDimensions (WxHxD) without Packaging 59 7⁄16" x 56 1⁄8" x 27 15⁄16" 4915⁄16" x 503⁄4" x 253⁄16"Weight without Packaging 341 lbs. 11oz. 271 lbs. 3oz.

* Without Protective Panel

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D V D R a n d D V D

D V R - 5 7 HDVD Recorder/Player with Hard Disc Record and TiVo • 120GB Hard Disc Drive (Maximum 102 Hours

Recording Capacity)• Double-layered Chassis• TiVo Program Guide Data• 2:3 Progressive Scan with Faroudja

DCDi Processing• VBR (Variable Bit Rate) Recording

with up to 6 Hours Record Time• Simultaneous Record on Hard Disc

while Dubbing to DVD• Time Shift Playback• 4 Automated Record Modes • Direct Title Input• MP3 Playback Compatibility• Component Video Output• Dolby® Digital and dts® Digital Outputs

D V - 5 9 A V iUniversal DVD Player with HDMI and i.LINK Connectivity• HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface

(Video, DTS and Dolby Digital Output, LPCM - 2ch)• Two Dimensional Resolution Expander IC

(Digital Direct Pixel Drive)• 14-bit/216 MHz DAC for Video Output Processing• PureCinema Progressive Scan (3:2 Pulldown)• Component Frame DNR PRO (VQE8)• Super Fine Focus Digital Filter

(for 540 lines of horizontal resolution)• Video Adjust (VQE8)• 192kHz 24bit DAC, Burr Brown PCM1738EG-3

Chipsets (3) for all Audio Processing• Pure Audio On/Off• i.LINK - Advanced Resolution Digital

Audio Interface (IEEE-1394)• Legato Pro / Hi-bit Processing (Front Channels)• Multi-Channel DVD Audio and SACD

(Super Audio Compact Disc) Playback• DVD-RW Playback (Compatible w/CPRM),

DVD-R Playback Capability• MP3 Playback Compatibility• Triple-layered Chassis (New)• Bass Management• Trick Play Processing• Component Video Output (DVD, Video CD)• Virtual Dolby Digital and SRS TruSurround• Dolby Digital and dts Digital Outputs• Twin Wave Laser Pickup• Advanced GUI and Set-up Navigator

D V - 4 7 A iDVD Player with Multi-Channel DVD Audio and SACD Playback• PureCinema Progressive Scan (3-2 Pulldown)• 108MHz/12bit Video DAC for High-quality

DVD Pictures• Twin-Wave Laser Pickup for CD/Video CD/CD-R/

CD-RW/DVD-R/RW (DVD Video Format) Playback• Super-Fine Focus Filter with 4:4:4 Video

Up-Sampling• 16 Video Parameter Adjustments w/3 User

Memories (Progressive Motion, PureCinema (on, off, Auto),YNR, CNR, Mosquito NR, Block NR,Sharpness High, Sharpness Mid, Detail, White Level, Black Level, Gamma, Black Setup, Hue, Chroma Level, Chroma Delay)

• 3 Factory Video Settings (CRT/PDP/Professional)• Pioneer Exclusive Viterbi Error Correction

with Accurate Digital Servo for Superior Reading Accuracy

• Trick Play Processor for Smooth Scanning• i.LINK (Advanced Resolution Digital Audio

Interface) Audio Output• Legato Pro/Hi-bit Processing (Front Channels)• Multi-channel DVD Audio Playback• Multi-channel SACD Playback (1 bit)• MP3 Playback Capability• Bass Management• Triple 192KHz/24-bit (3x2 channel)

Audio DAC's for Superior Sound Quality• Legato Pro Conversion• Dolby® Digital and dts® Digital Outputs• Dolby® Digital and dts® Decoders• New Advanced GUI (Graphic User Interface)

with Set-up Navigator• Jog and Joystick Remote with Glow-in-the-Dark

Keypad • Triple-Layered Chassis for Chassis Stability

Page 40: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

D V - C 3 6Digital Progressive Scan 5-Disc DVD/CD/CD-R/VCD Carousel Player• Digital Progressive Scan Output • Progressive Digital Noise Reduction • Interlaced Video Noise Reduction • Digital Gamma Control • Digital Sharpness Adjustment • Digital Chroma Delay • CD Mode for Full CD Changer Functions & Video Off • High Speed Loading and Playback Resume • 10-bit Video Signal DAC 96KHz/24-bit Audio DAC • Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversion • Dual User Memories • Twin-Wave Laser Pickup for

CD / Video CD / CD-R Playback • Viterbi Error Correction for

Superior Reading Accuracy • Double Layered Chassis• Dolby® Digital and dts® Digital Outputs • Component Video Output • Remote Control with TV Presets

and Glow-in-the-Dark Keys • Setup Navigator for First Time Setup • Advanced GUI with Non-Stop

operation, Basic/Expert Mode

D V - 4 5 ADVD Player with Multi-Channel DVD Audio and SACD Playback• PureCinema Progressive Scan (2-3 Pulldown) • 54MHz/10bit Video DAC for

High-quality DVD Pictures (Analog Devices) • Super-Fine Focus Filter with 4:4:4

Video Up-sampling (Progressive Only) • Video Parameter Adjustments w/ 3 User

Memories, Fine Focus, Contrast, Sharpness,Brightness PureCinema (on, off, Auto), Hue, Chroma Level

• Parallel S-Video / Composite Outputs • Pioneer Exclusive Viterbi Error Correction

with Accurate Digital Servo for Superior Reading Accuracy

• Still Step Play Forward and Reverse • Slow Motion Playback • DVD Audio Playback • SACD Multi-channel Playback (1 bit) • MP3 Playback Capability • Twin-Wave Laser Pickup for: CD /

Video CD / CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW playback (recorded in Video Mode)

• Triple 192KHz/24-bit (3x2) Audio DAC's for Superb Sound Quality (Burr Brown)

• Dolby Digital and dts Digital Outputs • Dolby Digital and dts Decoders • Video Off • Bass Management

D V - F 0 7300 + 1 Disc DVD/CD/VCD/CD-R/CD-RW Player• New A/V Decoder - VQE4 • High Bit Legato Link D/A Conversion• 96Khz 24-Bit D/A Converter • Virtual Dolby Digital • Gold Plated Jack Pack• Trick Play Processor• RS232 Interface for PC/ Escient• Keyboard and Mouse Title

Input with PS/2 Connection• Up to 600 Disc Control with Second Unit• GUI with Advanced Disc

Management and Search System• Search Function by Key Word - Disc #,

Disc Type, Title Name, and Artist Name• 10 Audio and 10 Video Custom Files• Auto Update• CD / DVD Text• Jog & Joy Stick Remote Control

with Fluorescent Keys and 2 Color LED

Page 41: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

DVD Recorder w i th T iVoDVR-57H

Mode HDD DVDPlayback

Media – DVD-Video/DVD-R/DVD-RW/CD/CD-R/CD-RW*1

MP3* Playback*3 – YesChase Playback Yes –

Record ingMedia

DVD-R/RW – YesHard Disc Drive (HDD) 120GB –Variable Bit Rate Recording Yes YesRecord from Guide Yes –VCR Plus + Yes –Number of Events No Limit –

Edit ingInput Disc Name/Title Name Yes (Auto by EPG) Yes/Yes (Auto by EPG)Erase Title Yes –Chapter Mark – Yes

– (Auto Chapter: Fix to 5 min.)

Picture Qua l i tyProgressive Scan Yes (DCDi™)Video Signal D/A Converter 9-bit/27MHz (Interlace) – 10-bit/108MHz (Progressive)

Audio FeaturesAudio Signal D/A Converter 24-bit/192kHz

HDD Funct ionHigh Speed Copy Yes (HDD to DVD) –Resume (by Title) Yes Yes“Live TV” Control Yes –

Conven iencesTiVo Basic™ Yes (Program Information: up to 3 days) –TiVo Plus™ * Program Information (up to 14 days), –

Search By Title, Season Pass™, WishList™, Smart Recording Options, TiVo Suggestions

TiVo Plus™ with TiVo Plus™ and Digital Music & Photos, –Home Media Option™ * Multi-Room Viewing, Remote SchedulingAuto Clock Setup Yes

TunerTerrestrial Tuner NTSC, MVHF / UHF / CATV 2 –13 ch. / 14 – 69 ch. / C14 – C125 ch.Terminal: –Phone Line YesIR Control YesSerial Control YesUSB Yes

InputsVideo Input Terminals Composite x 2, S-Video x 1 Audio Input Terminals Composite x 2

OutputsVideo Output Terminals Composite x 2, S-Video x 2, Component x 1Audio Output Terminals Composite x 2, Optical Digital x 1

Other Termina lsPioneer SR (System Remote) –

Misce l laneousPower Requirements AC 120V/60Hz ACPower Consumption 49WDimensions (W x H x D) 16 9⁄16" x 3 11⁄16" x 15 3⁄8"(without Package) 420mm x 94mm x 391mmWeight (without Package) 14 lbs. 1 oz. / 7.4kg

*Some discs may not be playable due to different recording formats or physical condition of the disc at the time of recording and playback.

*1 CD-R/RW Playback: Disc may not be played back because of the following reasons: recording characteristics of recorder/characteristics of disc/scratch anddust on disc/dust and condensation on pickup lens. CD-R/RW Playback: CD-R/RW discs, recorded in CD Audio, MP3 audio can be played back. Unfinalized discsexcept CD audio formatting cannot be played back. Only CD Audio is not compatible with multi-session discs. Only the first session of a multi-session disc willbe recognized.

* 2 The Recorder can play music and other audio files that are in MP3 format. It will attempt to play any file with an .MP3 file name extension (upper or lower-case). Make sure the audio files on your discs are valid MP3 files and have an MP3 file name extension. A file that is not an MP3 but has an MP3 file name exten-sion may cause noise or unexpected results when you try to play it. Other kinds of content may cause a disc not to play, or to create noise, or distort the output.

The device used to create discs with MP3 files on them must be ISO 9660 Level 1 or 2 compliant, and the CDs must be created using physical format Model, orMode2XA Form1. The Recorder is compatible with both Romeo and Joliet file systems.

Page 42: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

DVD Compat ib le P layers DV-59AVi DV-47Ai DV-45A DV-F07 DV-C36

Dig i ta l Aud io Spec i f icat ionsTHD 0.0008% 0.0009% 0.001% 0.002% 0.002%Frequency Response: 48kHz 4-22kHz 4-22kHz 4-22kHz 4-22kHz 4-22kHzFrequency Response: 96kHz 4-44kHz 4-44kHz 4-44kHz 4-44kHz 4-44kHzFrequency Response: 192kHz 4-88kHz 4-88kHz 4-88kHz – –S / N 118dB 118dB 118db 115dB 115dBDynamic Range 108.8dB 108dB 108db 103dB 103dB

ConveniencesSetup Navigator Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGlow-in-the-Dark Remote Control Yes Yes Yes (Jog / Joy) Standard

(Jog / Joy) (Jog / Joy) (Jog / Joy)TV Controls with Manufacturers Yes Yes Yes – YesPreset Codes600 DVD Control - - – Yes –Auto Update (1-Disc / All Discs) - - – Yes –Custom Files - - – Audio / 10 Video –Title Input w / CD / DVD Text - - – Yes –On-Screen Disc Title Management - - – Yes –

Spec ia l P lay Funct ionsCondition Memory - - – UP to 100 Up to 15

Discs DVD Discs DVDResume Function Yes Yes Yes – –Repeat Mode (All, Title / Chapter / Yes Yes Yes Yes YesTrack /Group / Folder, A-B) (all: CD, VCD, (all: CD,VCD,

SACD, MP3 only) SACD, MP3 only)(CD / Track,SACD / Track, Video / Yes Yes Yes Yes YesChapter & Title, DVD-Audio /Group and Track, MP3 / Folder & Track)Best Selection Memory - - – 50 –Trick Play Processor for Yes Yes – Yes –Smooth ScanningStill / Step Play Yes Yes Yes Yes YesSlow Play (Forward / Reverse) Yes Yes Yes Yes YesRandom Play Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scan Funct ions10-Key Direct Search and Play Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(Chapter / Track)Title Search / Track / Time Search Yes Yes Yes Yes / Yes Yes / YesFrame Search - - - - -

D isp layGraphic User Interface (GUI) Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOn-Screen Information Display Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOn-Screen Bit Rate Meter Yes Yes Yes Yes YesFilm (24 frame/s material indicator (# Indicator) Yes Yes Yes – –Video Frame Number Display Yes Yes Yes – –On-Screen Contents Calendar - - – Yes YesFL Display Off Yes(Pure Audio) Yes(on RCU) – – Yes

DVD Compat ib le P layers DV-59AVi DV-47Ai DV-45A DV-F07 DV-C36

Video Termina lsS-Video Inputs (Gold Plated) - - - - -Composite Video Inputs - - - - -(Gold Plated)Digital Video Input/Output - - - - -(i.LINK) Connection for Camcorder OnlyHDMI Outputs 1 - - - -Component Video Output 1 1 1 1 1(Gold Plated)S-Video Outputs (Gold Plated) 2 2 1 1 In / 1 Out 1Composite Video Outputs 2 2 1 1 In / 1 Out 1(Gold Plated)Parallel Composite, S-Video, Yes Yes Yes (Interlace) / – –Component Output None (Progressive)

Aud io Termina lsAnalog Audio Iutput (L / R) - - - - -(Gold Plated)Analog Audio Output / In 1 Out 1 Out 1 Out 1 Out / 1 In 2(L / R) (Gold Plated)6 Channel Audio Output Yes Yes Yes – –Coaxial Digital Output 1 1 1 1 1(Dolby Digital,DTS, LPCM) Coaxial Digital Input (Gold Plated) - - – 1 –Optical Digital Output 1 1 1 1 1(Dolby Digital,DTS, LPCM)Digital Audio Output 2 2 – – –(i.LINK) Connection

Contro l Termina lsPioneer System Remote (SR) In / Out In / Out In / Out In / Out InPS2 Interface for Keyboard - - – Yes –and MouseCD-Deck Synchro - - – Yes –

Misce l laneousAC Inlet Yes Yes Yes – –

(form: (form: (standard type)hexagon type) hexagon type)

DVD-RW Playback Compatibility Yes (CPRM) Yes (CPRM) Yes (CPRM) – –Power Requirements 120V, 60Hz 120V, 60Hz 120V, 60Hz 120V, 60Hz 120V, 60HzPower Consumption 18W 14W 13W 21W 12WDimensions (W x H x D) 16 9⁄16" x 4 5⁄16" x 10 15⁄16" 16 3⁄4" x 4 1⁄8" x 11 1⁄8" 16 9⁄16" x 2 3⁄4" x 11" 18 1⁄16" x 7 5⁄8" x 17 1⁄16" 16 9⁄16" x 5 1⁄16" x 14 3⁄4"without PackagingWeight without Packaging 12 lbs. 2 oz. 11 lbs. 3 oz. 5 lbs. 12 oz. 21 lbs. 6 oz. 14 lbs.

When playing DTS-encoded(CDs,LDs,DVDs),excessive noise will be exhibited from the analog stereo outputs. To avoid possible damage to the audio system, the consumer should take proper pre-cautions when the analog stereo outputs of the DVD player is connected to an amplification system. To enjoy DTS Digital Surround TM playback, an external 5.1channel DTS Digital Surround TM decoder system must be connected to the digital output(S/PDIF,AES/EBU, or TosLink)of the DVD player.*You may use this product only to reproduce or copy materials for which you own the copyright or have obtained permission to copy from the copyrightowner or for which you otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy. Unless you own thecopyright or have obtained permission from the copyrightowner or otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy, you may be violating the law, including copyright law, and may be subject to payment of damages and other remedies. Note: DVD players and DVD Discs have Regional Code Classifications that determine their market area and compatibility. Discs and players must have matching codes in order to be played. All DVD players featured in this catalog are classed as Regional Code 1. Some discs may not be playable due to different recording formats or physical condition of the disc at the time of recording and playback.

Page 43: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

R e c e i v e r s a n d C o m p o n e n t s

V S X - 5 9 T X iTHX Ultra 2 Receiver with i.LINK• 160 Watts x 7 @ 6 ohms• Advanced Direst Energy MOSFET Amplification• THX Ultra 2 Certification• i.LINK Advanced Resolution Digital Audio Interface• Advanced MCACC with 9-band Adjustable EQ • Time Aligned Dynamic Acoustic Treatment• X-Curve Acoustic Space Compensator• Dolby Digital EX & DTS-ES Decoders• Dolby Pro Logic IIx• Specially Chosen Burr Brown 192kHz / 24-bit D/A x 8• 192kHz / 24-bit A/D x 8• Universal Video Conversion• Triple Layered Chassis with TAOC Insulator• 7.1 Multi-Channel Inputs• Component Video In/Out• Multi-Room & Source Custom Control • USB Multi-Channel Input (Plug & Play)• RS-232c Interface with PC Connection • LCD Touch-Panel Remote

V S X - 5 5 T X iTHX Select A/V Receiver with i.LINK• 100 Watts x 7 @ 8 ohms• Advanced Direct Energy MOSFET Amplification• THX Select Certification• i.LINK Advanced Multi-Channel Audio Interface• Auto MCACC w/5-band Adjustable EQ

and Microphone • Dolby Digital - EX & DTS-ES Decoders• 192kHz / 24-bit D/A x 8 • Front A/V with S-Video• Large Banana Terminals• On-Screen Component Video Display• 3-D Space Frame & Isolated

Chamber Construction• 7.1 Multi-Channel Inputs• Component Video In/Out• S-Video Terminals• SACD Direct Mode• Multi-Room & Source Custom Control • USB Input (Plug & Play)• RS-232c Interface• Smart & Pre-Programmed LCD Remote

V S X - 5 3 T XTHX Select A/V Receiver with MCACC• 100 Watts x 7 @ 8 ohms• Advanced Direst Energy MOSFET• THX Select Certification• Auto MCACC with 5-band Adjustable EQ

and Microphone • Dolby Digital - EX & DTS-ES Decoders• 192kHz / 24-bit Digital to Analog Converters • Hi Bit/Hi Sampling Audio Scaler• Front A/V with S-Video• Large Banana Terminals• On-Screen Component Video Display• 3-D Space Frame & Isolated

Chamber Construction• 7.1 Multi-Channel Inputs• Component Video Inputs• S-Video Terminals• Multi-Room & Source Custom Control • Configurable Rear Speakers• 12-Volt Trigger• Front A/V with S-Video• Smart & Pre-Programmed Remote

V S X - 4 1Dolby Digital EX / DTS-ES A/V Receiver• 110 Watts x 6 Multi-Channel • Dolby Digital Surround-EX 6.1 • DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 • Dolby Pro Logic II Music & Movie • THX Re-EQ • 96kHz / 24-bit Analog to Digital Conversion (2 ch)• 96kHz / 24-bit Digital to Analog Conversion (2 ch)• Virtual Surround Back• Expanded Theater • 6 Channel Stereo • Midnight Listening Mode • DVD 7.1 Channel Input - All • Multi-Channel Outputs - All • Dual Surround Black Speaker Post• Component Video • Front A/V Inputs • Banana Speaker Terminals • 30 Tuner Preset • LCD Smart Remote

Page 44: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

E X - 5 0 0Slim 6.1 A/V Receiver & DVD-Video / DVD-Audio / SACD Player Package• 100 Watts x 6 Amplification• MCACC with Set-Up Microphone• Dolby Digital Surround-EX 6.1 • DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 • Expanded Theater• Virtual Surround • Midnight Listening Mode• Optical & Digital Inputs• DVD-Audio & Super Audio CD

Compatible DVD Player• DVD-R / DVD-RW / MP-3 / JPEG Compatible• PureCinema Progressive Scan Video Output• 10 Bit / 54 MHz Video DAC • 192kHz / 24-Bit Audio DAC• New Advanced GUI with Set-Up Navigator• Unified Receiver and DVD Player Remote

E S - 1 0 0 0 D VReference Home Theater System• 360 Watts Total System Power • DVD / DVD-Audio / Super Audio CD Playback• DVD-R /RW / MP-3 Compatible• High Resolution OEL Display • Dolby Digital & DTS 5.1 Surround Decoding • Pro-Logic II Music & Movie • Advanced Music & Movie • 5 Channel Stereo • Headphone Surround • Component Video Out • Pure Cinema 2-3 Progressive Scan • 108MHz / 12-Bit Video DAC • 192kHz / 24-Bit Audio DAC • 3 Room Size with 9 Seating Position Auto Set-up • Wake & Sleep Timer • 30 Preset AM / FM Tuner • 5 Aluminum 2-Way Satellite

Speakers & 7" Powered Subwoofer • All Aluminum ChassisM - 1 0 X

2-Channel Power Amplifier• 100 Watts Per Channel (Stereo): 4 ohms

from 20-20,000 Hz with no more than .3% Total Harmonic Distortion

• Advanced Direct Energy MOSFET Amplifier Design• Wide Range Linear Circuit• Transformer Stabilizer• 4 Ohm Stable (Low-Impedance Driving Capacity)• Banana Speaker Terminals

A - 3 5 RIntegrated Amplifier• New Flat Design• Direct Energy MOSFET Amplification• 45W x 2, 20-20k @ 8 ohm 65W x 2, 20-20k @ 4 ohm• 4 Ohm Stable (Low-Impedance Driving Capacity)• Complementary Capacitor Pair • Tone Control• Loudness Control• Low-Noise Designs• “Direct” Switch• Phono EQ On/Off• Amp Mode• Audio Inputs x 6• Headphone Output• Speaker A/B Switching Relay• Speaker Outputs x 2• SR (System Remote) Terminal

P D - F 2 7300 + 1 Disc Compact Disc Player• CD Keyboard Title Input • Center Loading Mechanism • 10 Custom Filing Modes• CD TEXT • 50 Track Best Selection Memory • Memory Back-up • Full Random Play • 2 Unit Link Connection • Headphone Out w/ Volume Control• 24 Bit D/A High Bit Legato Link Conversion

P D - F 1 7100 + 1 Disc Compact Disc Player• Hi-Bit Legato Link Conversion • Single Loader for Added Convenience • Roulette Rack Design• Motorized Door • Pioneer SR Remote Control • Title Input and CD Text• Full Random Play • Custom Modes • Best Selection Memory • CD-Deck Synchro • Direct Track Access by 10-key Pad Remote• 20-bit D/A Converter • System Remote (SR) in/out

C T- 0 5 DDual Auto-Reverse Digital Cassette Deck• Pioneer Exclusive Digital Processing System (DPS)• Legato Link Conversion For Extended

Frequency Response • 20-Bit A/D and D/A Converters • Super Auto BLE XD (Performed In Digital Domain) • FLEX - Frequency Level Expander

(Performed In Digital Domain)• Twin Motor • Dolby B/C Noise Reduction and Digital Noise Reduction• Dolby HX Pro• MPX Filter With Dolby Noise Reduction ON • Deck 1 and Deck 2: Auto-Reverse (RECORD/PLAY)• Normal and High Speed Dubbing • Music Search: + / - 15 songs • Headphone Output• TDNS (Tape Duplication Noise Suppression) (Digital)

Page 45: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

Rece iversVSX-59TXi VSX-55TXi VSX-53TX VSX-41

Ampl i f ier Des ignand Power Output

Direct Energy MOS Amplifiers Advanced D.E. Mos FET Advanced D.E. Mos FET Advanced D.E. Mos FET Pioneer Hybrid AmplificationHigh Current/Voltage Power Supply Yes Yes Yes -Extra Large Extruded Chimney – –Aluminum Heat Sink –Direct Construction Yes Yes Yes YesTransformer Stabilizer – Yes Yes –Audiophile Copper Upgrades Yes – – –Stereo 150W / ch 100W / ch 100W / ch 110W / ch

Surround ModesFront (x 2) 150W / ch 100W / ch 100W / ch 110W / chCenter 150W 100W 100W 110W Rear (x 2) 150W / ch 100W / ch 100W / ch 110W / ch

Audio FeaturesM.C.A.C.C Advanced Yes Yes –THX Ultra II Select Select –Dolby Digital 5.1 Yes Yes Yes YesDolby Digital EX 6.1 Yes Yes Yes YesDTS 5.1 Yes Yes Yes YesDTS-ES 6.1 Discrete Discrete Discrete MatrixDTS 96/24 Yes Yes Yes –DTS-Neo:6 Yes Yes Yes YesDolby Pro Logic II PLIIx Yes Yes YesDSP Processor Sharc*2+Motorola Dual 48-Bit Motorola Dual 48-Bit Motorola Dual 24-BitAnalog-to-Digital Converters 96/24 (7.1 ch) 96/24 (2 ch) 96/24 (2 ch) 96/24 (2 ch)192k/24-bit Digital-to-Analog Converters Yes (Advanced) Yes x 7 Yes x 7 96/24 x 2Advanced Multi-Channel Sound Processing 7.1 or 5.1 Channel 7.1 or 5.1 Channel 7.1 or 5.1 Channel 7.1 or 5.1 Channel

Advanced Theater Yes Midnight Midnight Yesand Midnight ModesMusic & Movie DSP Modes Yes Yes Yes YesMulti-Channel Stereo 5 or 7 channel 5 or 7 channel 5 or 7 channel 5 or 6 channelDigital Noise Reduction 5 or 7 channel 5 or 7 channel 5 or 7 channel –

Main Channel Balance Electric Electric Electric ElectricBass Boost (Stereo Only) 5 or 7 channel Loudness Loudness LoudnessSource Direct Switch Yes Yes Yes YesRemote Control Muting Yes Yes Yes YesTuner Presets 30 30 30 30

Conven iencesGraphic User Interface Yes w/overlay Yes w/o overlay Yes w/o overlay –(On-Screen Display)Front Panel Menu Control ? Yes Yes –2-Line Dot Matrix Display Yes Yes Yes Yes

FL Dimmer 4-step 4-step 4-step 4-stepMulti-Operation System (Macros) 7 Commands 7 Commands 7 CommandsRemote Control Type LCD Touch Panel Small LCD Smart Small LCD

Pre-Programmed & Smart Remote Yes Yes Yes YesRemote Control Illumination LCD Back Light LCD / All Keys – LCD

Rece iversVSX-59TXi VSX-55TXi VSX-53TX VSX-41

Conven iencesDVD, DSS, DTV, Multi-CD Control Yes Yes Yes Yes

Component Video Conversion Yes – – –Video Signal Selector Yes Yes Yes –Function Rename Yes Yes Yes –Multi-Room / Multi Source Source/Room Source/Room Source/Room –Fixed or Variable MR/ Yes Yes Yes –MS Audio Output3rd Party IR Compatibility Yes w/RS-232 Yes w/RS-232 Yes –Front Panel Controls Yes Yes Yes –Multi-Source Functions Tuner, CD, Tape 1, VCR 1, DVD/LD, TV/Sat –Termina ls

Termina lsI.LINK Digital Audio Yes Yes – –and Control Interface7.1 Multi-Channel In w/Trim Bypass Yes w/Trim Yes w/Trim Yes w/Trim Yes (DVD)AC-3 RF Input Yes – – –(with Internal Demodulator)Digital Inputs (assignable) 8 5 5 5

Coaxial 3 2 2 2Optical 5 (incl.Front in) 3 (incl.Front in) 3 (incl.Front in) 3 (incl.Front in)

Digital Output (Optical) 2 2 2 2Audio (TUNER Included)/ 5A/7AV 5A/5AV 5A/5AV 5A/5AVVideo InputPhono Input Yes Yes – –Audio/Video Outputs 2 A / 3 AV 2A / 2AV 2A / 2AV 1A / 1AVUSB Terminal Yes Yes – –(use for audio playback)RS-232c Yes Yes – –Monitor Output 1C / 2S 1C / 1S 1C / 1S 1C / 1S(Composite & S-Video)S-Video Inputs / Outputs 7 / 3 5/2 5/2 4/2Component In / Out 3/1 (assign) 2/1 (assign) 2/1 (assign) 2/1 (assign)Audio/Video Front Panel input Yes Yes Yes Yes(w/ S-Video)Preamp Output All (7.1 Ch) (SW*2) All (7.1 Ch) All (7.1 Ch) All (6.1 Ch)Gold-Plated Terminals All All No All Multi-Room / Multi-Source

2nd Zone A/V Output Yes Yes Yes –2nd Zone IR Control Input Yes Yes Yes –

12 Volt Trigger Yes Yes Yes –Pioneer System Remote (SR) In / Out In / Out In / Out In / OutSpeaker Terminals A and B Parallel Parallel Parallel ParallelSpeaker Terminal Type Banana x 7 ch Banana x 7 ch Banana x 7 ch Banana x 7 chAC Outlets 1 1 1 1

OtherControl Door Design Yes Yes Yes YesFunction Indicator LED Yes Yes – –Copper Shielded Chassis Yes – – –Heavy Duty Power Cord Yes – – –

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Page 46: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

Rece iversVSX-59TXi VSX-55TXi VSX-53TX VSX-41

Ampl i f ier Sect ionContinuous Cont. Avg. power output of Cont. Avg. power output of Cont. Avg. power output of Cont. Avg. power output ofPower Output 160watts* per channel, min., 100watts* per channel, min., 100watts* per channel, min., 110watts* per channel, min.,

at 6ohms (130 watts at 8 ohms) at 8ohms at 8ohms at 8ohms from 20Hz–20kHz with from 20Hz–20kHz with from 20Hz–20kHz with from 20Hz–20kHz with

no more than 0.09%**THD no more than 0.09%**THD no more than 0.09%**THD no more than 0.2%**THDSurround

Front Channels 160W+160W 100W+100W 100W+100W 110W+110WCenter Channel 160W 100W 100W 110WSurround Channels 160W+160W 100W+100W 100W+100W 110W+100WSurround Back Channels 160W+160W 100W+100W 100W+100WCondition 20Hz–20kHz 0.09% 6 20Hz–20kHz 0.09% 8 20Hz–20kHz 0.09% 8 20Hz–20kHz 0.2% 8

ImputPhono MM 4.7mV/47k 4.7mV/47k – –

Sensitivity/ImpedanceOther 382mV/47k 335mV/47k 335mV/47k 200mV/47k

Output Level/Impedance 382mV/2.2k 335mV/2.2k 335mV/2.2k 260mV/2.2kFrequency Response

Phono MM (RIAA Equalization) 20Hz–20kHz±0.3dB 20Hz–20kHz±0.3dB – –Other 5Hz–100kHz +0-3dB 5Hz–100kHz +0-3dB 5Hz–100kHz +0-3dB 5Hz–100kHz +0-3dB

Signal to Noise Ratio (IHF'66/EIA)

Phono/MM 86dB/83dB – – –Other 105dB/93dB 101dB/83dB 101dB/83dB 96dB/79dB

VideoInput Sensitivity 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75Output Lev/Imp 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75 1Vp–p/75Frequency Response 5Hz–10MHz+0dB–3dB 5Hz–10MHz+0dB–3dB 5Hz–10MHz+0dB–3dB 5Hz–10MHz+0dB–3dBS/N 70dB 65dB 65dB 65dB

FM TunerUsable Sensitivity (Mono) 13.2dBf,IHF(1.3V/75) 13.2dBf,IHF(1.3V/75) 13.2dBf,IHF(1.3V/75) 13.2dBf,IHF(1.3V/75)50dB Quiet Sensitivity (Mono/Stereo) 20.2dBf/38.6dBf 20.2dBf/38.6dBf 20.2dBf/38.6dBf 20.2dBf/38.6dBfSignal to Noize Ratio (Mono/Stereo) 73dB/70dB(at85dBf) 73dB/70dB(at85dBf) 73dB/70dB(at85dBf) 73dB/70dB(at85dBf)Distortion Stereo 1kHz 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%Alternative Channel Selectivity 60dB(400kHz) 60dB(400kHz) 60dB(400kHz) 60dB(400kHz)Stereo Separation 40dB(1kHz) 40dB(1kHz) 40dB(1kHz) 40dB(1kHz)Frequency Response 30Hz–15kHz±1 B 30Hz–15kHz±1 B 30Hz–15kHz±1 B 30Hz–15kHz±1 BAntenna Input 75 Unbalanced 75 Unbalanced 75 Unbalanced 75 Unbalanced

AM TunerSensitivity (IHF, Loop Antenna) 350 V/m 350 V/m 350 V/m 350 V/mSelectivity 25dB 25dB 25dB 25dBSignal to Noise Ratio 50dB 50dB 50dB 50dBAntenna Loop Antenna Loop Antenna Loop Antenna Loop Antenna

Misce l laneousPower Require AC120V, 60Hz AC120V, 60Hz AC120V, 60Hz AC120V, 60HzPower Consumption 735W 600W 600W 300WPC Stand-by 0.65W 0.8w 0.6w 1WDimensions 17 5⁄16" x 8" x 18 3⁄4" 16 3⁄16" x 7 3⁄16" x 18 1⁄8" 16 3⁄16" x 7 3⁄16" x 18 1⁄8" 16 9⁄16" x 6 1⁄4" x 15 3⁄8"Weight 68lbs. 6oz. 41lbs. 13oz. 38lbs. 4oz. 23lbs. 1oz.

*Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission’s Trade Regulation Rule of power output claims for amplifiers**Note: The impeadance indicated in the specification are actual values that speakers can present to an amplifier during playback of music/movies. They do not refer to the nominal

rated impedance of the speakers you use.

Page 47: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

Compact Disc PlayersPD-F27 PD-F17

FormatCapacity 301 Disc 101 DiscTransport Mechanism Roulette Rack Roulette Rack

Dig i ta l FeaturesLegato Link Conversion Yes YesHi-Bit Conversion Yes YesD / A Converter 24-bit 20-bit

Structura l Des ignAcoustically Dampened Chassis Yes –

Low No ise Des ignLow Loss Laser Pickup Yes Yes

Playback Opt ionsAll Discs Yes YesSingle Disc Yes YesCustom File Discs Yes YesDelete Play – –Single Disc Yes YesAll Discs Yes YesCustom File Discs Yes YesTime Fade – –Programmed Play (Track/Steps) 36 36Repeat Modes 8 8

Conven iencesFull Function Remote Control (SR) Yes YesCustom Filing 10 3Best Selection Memory 50 Tracks 20 TracksPrevious Disc Scan Yes YesMemory Hold Yes YesMemory Backup Yes YesDirect Track Access by 10-key Pad Remote RemoteJog Dial Yes –Multi-Read CD-R/RW Playback Yes –PDM59 Additional Features Talk-Back Input, Music Type Memory,

Digital Level Control, Magazine Hi-Lite Scan, One-Touch Digital Fader

Termina lCoaxial Digital Output 1 1Optical Digital Output 1 1System Remote (SR) In/Out In / Out In / OutI/O Interface – YesAdditional 301 Disc Yes –Player Interface

Spec i f icat ionsFrequency Response 2-20,000 Hz 2-20,000 HzSignal-to-Noise Ratio (EIAJ) 105 dB 105 dBDynamic Range (EIAJ) 96 dB 96 dBChannel Separation (EIAJ) 100 dB 100 dBDistortion (EIAJ) 0.003% 0.003%Power Consumption 17W 14WDimensions (W x H x D) 16 9⁄16" x 7 5⁄8" x 17 1⁄16" 16 9⁄16" x 7 5⁄8" x 15 13⁄16"without PackagingWeight without Packaging 17 lbs 14 lbs 3oz.

DVD and Receiver Package

EX-500 ReceiverVSX-C50 A/V Receiver

Power Output 100W*6 (RMS 6ohms)DSP Engine MotorolaDolby Digital 5.1 YesDolby Pro Logic II YesDolby Surround EX 6.1 YesDTS YesDTS-ES YesVirtual SB Mode YesVirtual Surround YesExpanded Theater YesHeadphone Surround YesGame Surround YesTV Surround Mode YesOn-Screen Display Yes

Audio FeaturesDialogue Enhancement YesMid-night Listening Mode YesQuiet Mode Yes96/24 DAC YesDisplay Semi Dot MatrixBass (Bass Boost) YesTuner 30 Station AM/FM

Conven iencesRemote Control PresetMCACC Standard (with MIC)Seat position (3 position) YesFL Dimmer (steps) Yes

Termina ls5.1 Ch Input YesDigital Input 4

Coaxial 1Optical 3

Audio/Video Input 5 Audio/VideoAudio/Video Outputs 1 Audio/Video + 1 VideoS-Video IN / OUT 4 In/ 1 OutPureVision-LINK YesPreamp Output SWA/V Front 1 Audio/Video, 1 Digital InSystem Remote (New SR Port) YesAC Inlet YesDoor YesDimensions (W x H x D) without Packaging 16 1⁄2" x 2 4⁄5" x 15 1⁄10"

DVD and Receiver Package

EX-500DV-50 DVD-P layer

Disc Capacity SingleOptical Disc Compatibility DVD-RW / DVD-R / CD-R / CD-RW /(Certain playback devices may DVD-Video / DVD-Audio /not play DVD-R discs recorded in CD / DTS-CD / VCD / SACD / MP3the DVD-Video format or DVD-RW discs.)

Video Features Progressive Scan Output - Film Based PureCinemaViterbi Decoding Process YesDigital Video Adjustments Interlace / ProgressiveTwin Wave Laser Pick-up for YesCD-R & CD-RW Playback

Conven iencesSetup Navigator YesRepeat Mode (Disc, Title / YesChapter / Track / Group / Folder, A-B) (Disc: DVD, CD, VCD, SACD, MP3 only)Program Play (CD / Track, SACD / YesTrack, Video / Chapter & TitleTrick Play Processor for Smooth Scanning YesRandom Play Yes

Video Termina lsComponent Video Output (Gold Plated) 1S-Video Outputs (Gold Plated) 2Composite Video Outputs (Gold Plated) 2

Audio Termina lsAnalog Audio Output / In (L / R) 1 Out(Gold Plated)Optical Digital Output (Dolby Digital, DTS, LPCM) 1Dimensions (W x H x D) without Packaging 16 1⁄2" x 2 4⁄5" x 11 1⁄10"

Some discs may not be playable due to different recording formats or physical conditionof the disc at the time of recording or playback.

DVD players and DVD discs have Regional Code classifications that determine theirmarket area and compatibility. Discs and players must have matching codes in orderto be played. All DVD players featured in this catalog are classed as Regional Code 1.

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Cassette Player CT-05D

FormatAuto-Reverse (Record / Play) Deck IIAuto-Reverse (Play) Deck ILogic Mechanism YesMotor 2

Audio FeaturesDigital Super Auto BLE XD Yes Dolby Noise Reduction System B / CDigital Noise Reduction System YesDolby HX Pro YesDigital FLEX On with Dolby NRMPX Filter On with Dolby NR20-Bit A / D-D / A YesLegato Link YesDigital TDNS Yes

Conven iencesCD-Deck Synchro Recording* YesRelay Play YesNormal / High-Speed Dubbing YesMusic / Skip Search ±15Blank Skip YesAuto Space Rec Mute YesAuto Tape Selector YesLast Memory Yes

Disp lay4-Digit Electronic Counter (x 2) YesTape / Elapsed Time Counter Modes Yes Fluorescent Peak-Hold Level Meter Yes

Termina lsHeadphone Output Yes Pioneer SR (System Remote) Ready Yes Honeycomb Chassis YesLarge Insulators Yes

Spec i f icat ionDouble Auto-Reverse Stereo Cassette Tape Deck 4-Track, 2-ChannelMotors DC-Servo Motor x 2Heads “Hard Permalloy” Recording / Playback Head x 1,

“Hard Permalloy” Playback Head x 1, Ferrite Erasing Head x 1Fast Winding Time (C-60 tape) 100 SecondsWow and Flutter (WRMS) 0.09%Frequency Response (-20dB): Type IV (Metal tape) 20-20kHzType II (High / Chrome Tape) 20-19kHzType I (Normal Tape) 20-18kHzSignal-to-Noise Ratio: (Digital Noise Reduction) 90dB (with Dolby B / C) 82dB (Dolby Off)(Digital NR / Dolby NR Off**) 57dBHarmonic Distortion (-4dB) 0.8%Input (Sensitivity / lmpedance):Line (Pin Jack x 2) Output 100mV / 68k ohms(Reference Level / Output Impedance): Line (Pin Jack x 2) 0.5V / 1.9k ohmsHeadphones (6mm Ø Stereo Jack x 1) 1.33mW / 32 ohmsPower Requirements 120V, 60HzPower Consumption 19WDimensions (W x H x D) without Packaging 16 9⁄16" x 4 15⁄16" x 9 13⁄16"Weight without Packaging 9 Ibs. 11 oz.

**S/N is improved by 10dB with Dolby B NR on, by 19dB with Dolby C NR on, both at 5kHz.*You may use this product only to reproduce or copy materials for which you own the copyright or have obtained permissionto copy from the copyright owner or for which you otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy. Unless you own the copyright or have obtained permission from the copyright owner or otherwise have a legal right to reproduce or copy, you may be violating the law, including copyright law, and may be subject to payment of damages and other remedies.

Home Theater SystemES-1000DV

SystemDisc Capacity SingleOptical Disc Compatibility DVD-RW / DVD-R / CD-R / CD-RW /(Certain playback devices may DVD-Video / DVD-Audio /not play DVD-R discs recorded in CD / DTS-CD / VCD / SACD / MP3the DVD-Video format or DVD-RW discs.)

Construct ionMultiple Layered Chassis Double Layer

Video FeaturesProgressive Scan Output PureCinemaProgressive Scan Output Adaptive MotionVideo Processing & DAC’s (DVD) 12-BitVideo Processing Bandwidth 108 MHz (Component Video)Super Fine Focus Digital Filter YesViterbi Decoding Process YesDigital Video Adjustments Interlace / Progressive

Progressive Motion YesPureCinema (on, off, Auto1,2) YesYNR (w / Film), CNR, MNR, BNR YesSharpness High, Sharpness Mid YesDetail, White Level, Black Level YesBlack Setup, Gamma, Hue YesChroma Level, Chroma Delay Yes

Twin Wave Laser Pick-up for YesCD-R & CD-RW Playback

Audio FeaturesDVD-Audio / SACD / Dolby Digital / YesDTS Processors Built-InAudio D / A Conversion 192k / 24-bit (6ch, Burr-Brown)96 / 24-bit LPCM Digital Output Capable YesDRC (Dynamic Range Control) Yes (On/Off)

Conven iencesSetup Navigator NoTV Controls with Manufacturers Preset Codes YesRepeat Mode (Disc, Title / Chapter / Track / Group / Folder, A-B) Yes (Disc: CD, VCD, SACD, MP3 only)Program Play (CD / Track, SACD / Track, YesVideo / Chapter & Title, MP3/Folder & Track, DVD-A/Group & TrackTrick Play Processor for Smooth Scanning YesStill / Step Play Yes (VCD: Forward only)Slow Play (Forward / Reverse) Yes (VCD: Forward only)Random Play Yes

ES-1000DV Spec Char tES-1000DV

Scan Funct ions10-Key Direct Search and Play (Chapter / Track) YesTitle Search / Track / Time Search Yes

Disp layGraphic User Interface (GUI) YesOn-Screen Information Display YesOn-Screen Bit Rate Meter YesVideo Frame Number Display Yes

Video Termina lsS-Video Inputs (Gold Plated) 3Composite Video Inputs (Gold Plated) 3Component Video Output (Gold Plated) 1S-Video Outputs (Gold Plated) 2Composite Video Outputs (Gold Plated) 2Parallel Composite, S-Video, Component Output Yes

Audio Termina lsAnalog Audio Intput (L / R) (Gold Plated) 4Analog Audio Output / In (L / R) (Gold Plated) 1 outCoaxial Digital Input (Gold Plated) 1Optical Digital Output (Dolby Digital, DTS, LPCM) 1Optical Digital Input 1

OthersDVD-RW Playback Compatibility Yes (CPRM)Dimensions (W x H x D) without Packaging 15" x 2 13⁄16" x 11 13⁄16"Weight without Packaging 9 lbs.

Some discs may not be playable due to different recording formats or physical condition of thedisc at the time of recording or playback.

DVD players and DVD discs have Regional Code classifications that determine their market areaand compatibility. Discs and players must have matching codes in order to be played. All DVDplayers featured in this catalog are classed as Regional Code 1.

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28 29

D V - 4 7 A i D V - 4 5 A

D V - C 3 6 D V - F 0 7

P D - F 2 7

P D - F 1 7

D V R - 5 7 H

D V - 5 9 A V i

Page 50: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

V S X - 5 9 T X i

V S X - 5 5 T X

V S X - 5 3 T X

V S X - 4 1

M - 1 0 X A - 3 5 R

Page 51: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

©2003 Tivo Inc.

TiVo and the TiVo logo are registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. Season Pass, WishList, TiVo Basic, TiVo

Plus and Home Media Option are trademarks of TiVo Inc. TiVo service is accessed through a standard

telephone line or broadband connection and is available as a local call in most areas.

“DCDI” is a trademark of Faroudja, a division of Genesis Microchip Inc.

i.LINK and the i.LINK logo are registered trademarks of Sony Corp.

For Dealer Referrals or Product Information: (800) PIONEER.For Service Companies, Customer Service or Parts: (800) 421-1404.Our consumer service representatives do not have access to information regarding dealer credit or sales information.

PureVision is a registered trademark of Pioneer Corporation.

PureCinema, PureCinemaII and PureCinemaIII are trademarks of Pioneer Corporation.

This mark indicates compatibility with Pioneer system remote control.

Pioneer and ELITE are registered trademarks of Pioneer Corporation.

Pioneer is a member of the RWPPI (RW Products Program Initiative). RWPPI is an action

organization of 57 companies (as of 8/03) whose goal is to effectively popularize and

promote DVD-R/RW products, commercial products that are developed on the basis of

DVD/R/RW standards allowing recording and playback of DVD discs.

Some discs may not be playable due to different recording formats or physical

condition of the disc at the time of recording or playback.

Lucasfilm and THX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Surround EX

is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories.

“Dolby”, “Pro Logic”, “Surround EX” and the double-D symbol are trademarks

of Dolby Laboratories.

Air Studios and the Air Studios logo are registered trademarks of Air Studios, Inc.

“DTS”, “DTS 96/24”, “DTS-ES Extended Surround” and “Neo:6” are trademarks of

Digital Theater Systems, Inc.

Motorola and the Motorola logo are registered trademarks of Motorola Corp.

Sharc and the Sharc logo are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc.

“NSV,” “Noise Shaped Video” is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.


VCRPlus+ and the VCRPlus+ logo are registered trademarks of Gemstar Development Corporation.

TruSurround, SRS and SRS Wow symbols are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.

Page 52: Definitive Home Theater from Pioneer Fall 2003...Director’s cuts on DVD. Late-season playoff games. Concerts on CONTENTS 2 PureVision Plasma Televisions 10 High Definition Projection

Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. Post Office Box 1540, Long Beach, California 90810Produced and Printed in the USA. Published by Pioneer Corporation. Copyright © 2003 Pioneer Corporation. All rights reserved. Note: Specifications and design subject to modification without notice. 11/03 Elite 140K