Deer book for peter ferentinos

Diet A Deer is a herbivore which means that they only eat vegetation like plants and grass. Deer mostly eat plants during the spring. When summer comes there are lots of juicy green leaves for the deer to dine on. A deer can also eat mushrooms and herbs can also be good for a deer's diet they usually eat these foods in the fall. When winter comes they will eat acorns that have fallen from the trees but it can be very hard for them in the winter because it is really hard for them to look for them. Deer’s will often travel long great distances so that they can find food. Some deer do not survive because they are eating farmer’s crops. The other species of deer like the moose will often eat underwater plants when the plants are available. Every deer species are all strict plant-eaters. The types of food that a deer will eat are grass, herbs, foliage, nuts, berries, bark, and fungi this is the type of food that the fallow deer eat to. The deer is will known as a selective eater. A deer will spend a lot of time browsing for food that is around their area. The main food that a deer will eat is leaves. Deer are very selective when it comes to what they want to eat. They spend a long time on a great deal of picking out shoots, leaves, grasses and fruits that can be easy for them to digest. Most people call the deer browsers. The other food that a deer can eat is soft vegetation,


This a deer book that I made for my dad when he was in the hospital with a brain problem

Transcript of Deer book for peter ferentinos

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Diet A Deer is a herbivore which means that they only eat vegetation like plants and grass. Deer mostly eat plants during the spring. When summer comes there are lots of juicy green leaves for the deer to dine on. A deer can also eat mushrooms and herbs can also be good for a deer's diet they usually eat these foods in the fall. When winter comes they will eat acorns that have fallen from the trees but it can be very hard for them in the winter because it is really hard for them to look for them. Deer’s will often travel long great distances so that they can find food. Some deer do not survive because they are eating farmer’s crops. The other species of deer like the moose will often eat underwater plants when the plants are available. Every deer species are all strict plant-eaters. The types of food that a deer will eat are grass, herbs, foliage, nuts, berries, bark, and fungi this is the type of food that the fallow deer eat to. The deer is will known as a selective eater. A deer will spend a lot of time browsing for food that is around their area. The main food that a deer will eat is leaves. Deer are very selective when it comes to what they want to eat. They spend a long time on a great deal of picking out shoots, leaves, grasses and fruits that can be easy for them to digest. Most people call the deer browsers. The other food that a deer can eat is soft vegetation, twigs and some other vegetation plants and leaves. They are also called grazers because it mostly eats grass. A deer’s stomach can have a wide variety of foods they can eat from grass to nuts and to fruit. A deer has small unspecialized stomachs this is by a herbivore standards and high nutrition requirements. Deer can also eat seeds and tree bark all of these things help the deer to grow and to get new pair of antlers every year a deer will have a significant task. The other food that the deer like to eat is young leaves, fresh grasses, soft twigs, fruit, fungi, and lichens.

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Habitat/Range A deer’s native is in the Mediterranean regions. They can also see in parts in the Middle East this also introduces in Europe and in parts of north and in South America. They can also be seen in South African and in some areas in Australia. Some species of deer can be seen in Asia, Europe. They can also be found on North and in South America. The best location to look for deer are in Asia this is the place where they are originated. Some species of deer like the Chinese water deer have tusks instead of them having antlers. The best place to look for moose and elk are in North America. The deer small species are really solitary and they rather live in bushes and in trees by themselves. The bigger species will rather graze on open habitats and congregate so that they can be protected from predators. The bigger species live on northwest Africa, Eurasia and in the Americas. A deer’s habitat is on woodlands that are very grassy clearing for them to graze on. The habitats that the deer can be seen are found on lot of different habitats like they can be found on forests, rainforests, grasslands and on tundra’s. The White tail deer lives on the deciduous forests, conifer forests, they can be seen in rainforests, in grasslands, in farm land, marshes and they can even been found in desert areas. The White-tailed deer can also live in south Canada and in South America. When it gets hot in the summer they usually move into inhabit fields and meadows that are being used by clumps. They sometimes live in coniferous forests they live here because so that they can get a lot of shade when it gets hot outside. When winter comes they usually live in a forest. They live here during this time because so that they can be preferring coniferous stands that have a lot of shelter from a harsh elements. Deer are mostly found in the forests in Europe, Asia and in North America. Deer can be found in every single continent except for Antarctica. The other habitats that the deer can be found on are the Tundra and up in the mountains some species of deer can be found up there to.

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Size/Weight A size of a white-tailed deer is 6 to 7.7 5ft (1.8 to 2.4 m). A weight of a white tailed deer is 110 to 300 lbs (50 to 136 kg). The size of a fallow deer is 70 to 96 pounds. Their weight is 40 to 100 kg. A deer’s antlers can grow about 60 to 95cm. Another weight for a white - tailed deer is 3 to 3 1/2 feet (0 .9 to 1m) up to the shoulder. The males can weigh about 400 pounds (180). The females are also called does they can weigh about 200 pounds (90kg). The other size of a deer are 1.3-8ft (0, 4-2.4).

Life span The white tailed deer will live about 9 to 12 years. The fallow deer can live about 15 years. The White tailed deer can live about 6 to 14 years in captivity. A deer can also live about 30 years to.

1 interesting factDeer’s will start to grow antlers in two years and also in every year in April. The males are the only species of deer that wears antlers the females and the fawns do not have antlers. The antlers will shed and they will regrow in a litter larger and more elaborate in each year. The antlers can be very bony and they are covered with hairy skins that are called velvet. There are blood vessels in the velvet their job is to supply the food and the oxygen that will make their bones grow. The antlers will be ready to grow in the late August. The velvet is shed and they are rubbed off and then the antlers will start to die. The deer's antlers will

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stay on the deer’s head until seven months. The deer is the only mammal in the world that has antlers on top of its head. A male deer will grow a new set of antlers in every year. The male deer usually use it's antlers to fight their rivals when they are looking for a male to mate with. This usually happens during the mating season. The male deer's horns are usually shed and they will continue to regrow throughout the whole year. It is like a skin of what a snake has. The only species that has exception annual horns shedding is usually the Chinese deer.

2 interesting factDeer live in a group called a herd they can hold about 25 deer in their herd. There are females and the dominant male. That is called a stag. The Male deer main job is to protect their herd. The males usually fight off other stags that would want to take over the other stags herd. The male usually protects their females from other stags and also to make sure that the herd is safe to. The deer that grow in North America usually reach about 1 meter tall. The deer that are in Africa are not called deer they are usually like to be called antelope. The species of deer that do not grow antlers are the Musk deer and the mouse deer instead of antlers they usually have very big canine teeth these species of deer use these teeth to battle. The deer that lives in Africa is the red deer and it can also be called the hart these deer are the only species of deer that live in Africa.

3 interesting factThis deer is one of the biggest deer species of deer in the world. There are about 45 species of deer that live on this planet. The most important part of a deer is the animal's antlers. Only the male deer’s can grow antlers except for the reindeer. The reindeers antlers does not matter what kind of sex they are. The antlers start to grow in the spring they will start to be boney first and they will

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also start to be sprout that is on the top of the deer's head. The deer’s antlers are covered with hairs which are called velvet. Later on in their lives the velvet will start to die and they will also start to rub off. This leaves the deer's hard antlers ready for battle with other deer that want to take over the herd. The male deer will use their antlers to compete fights against other males so that they can protect the females. When the breeding season is over then the antlers will start to fall off the antlers usually fall off in every year. Then later the males will always grow a other set of antlers in every year. People call the White-tailed deer after the white underside of their tail. These tails are used to show that there is danger nearby. Deer’s have a lot of predators that hunt them. The deer can protect them selves by running away or hiding from their predators. The deer's hooves, antlers and their teeth are used for any last resorts. The predators that can hunt down deer are the grizzly bear, mountain lions, coyotes, and humans these predators go after the larger deer species. The small species of deer like the pudu are usually hunted by big birds, foxes and the very small wild cats can kill the small species of deer. The deer has lots of animals that it has to look out for like bears, wolves and coyotes can kill a deer for food. Deer always have to be careful so that they can stay safe from their predators. Deer always use their sense of hearing, smelling and sight for any danger that is somewhere nearby. When they do sense that there is danger they will usually quickly leave the location the will leave the area by leaping, running, or maybe walking. Deer can be prey to lots of different meat eating animals they can be killed by a tiger and some other big mammals that might want to scavenge from any deer that just got killed some other animal. A lot of deer species can be very fast and very large to. There can be probably of different names for a male and a female deer it depends on the species. The male deer are called a buck. But the other species of deer like the elk, moose, reindeer that are males are usually called bulls. The male red deer is called stag. The female deer’s are called does. The other species of deer like the moose, elk and the reindeer that are females are called cows. The female red deer are called hinds. The smallest deer in the world is the pudu deer this deer is usually found in warms areas like in the forest in South America. This deer can only stand for about one foot tall and this deer's weight is 15 pounds. The biggest deer is the moose it can grow about seven feet tall and it can weight about 2,000 pounds.

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The deer's foot has two toes on it. Every toe on the deer is protected by a very hard covering which is called a hoof. The hooves help the deer by pushing the ground so that they can run fast to get away from danger. When the deer is running on its tiptoes it can run about 40 miles per hour and it can leap about 20 feet. The deer can also use their hooves to fight off their enemies. On the deer's hooves can be very sharp and with one single kick from them can really hurt a attacker that it is trying to kill it. The deer family is the only animal group that has antlers on their heads. An antler is really hard bones that can grow on top of a deer's head. Mostly all of the males have antlers. There are some species of female deer that do have antlers like the reindeer they have antlers. Antlers can come in many different shapes. Some deer's antlers are round and they are flat. The other antler shapes can be thin and they can be pointed. The reason why deer’s have antlers because so that they can protect them from predators that might want to eat them. They also use their antlers to fight off other deer to. A deer's ears can be soft and tender the antlers are covered with thin layer of skin which is called velvet. The velvet can be very soft and it can be fuzzy. When the antlers are done growing then the velvet will dry up. Then the deer will scrape it off against a tree or in a bush. The antlers on the deer can grow very big every year. But first the deer's antlers has to be short and straight. When the deer grows older then the antlers will grow longer they can even form branches.

Reproducing A female deer which is called a doe will normally give birth to one or two fawns. Fawns are usually born in the spring. Lots of fawns are all covered with white spots. This will help them to hide in very tall grass. When the fawn reaches a week or two weeks old. Then the fawn will start to follow its mother where ever she will go. Fawns will follow their mother anywhere. Their mothers will continue to protect them until they are at least a full year old. When that time has come then the fawn will almost be as tall as their mother. Lots of fawns will start to lose their

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spots when the young male deer will start to grow their first set of antlers. The White tailed deer will also have three fawns to. They only give birth to only one at a time. A White tailed deer fawn's gestation period is due to May or in June. Their gestation period can also be for seven months. These fawns have a reddish-brown coat that can help them to blend in with their surrounding. This coat also has spots on them. A fawn can usually be born in May or in June. A female and male deer will start to mate in 6 or in 10 months then later on they will have a new baby deer that is born. Lots of baby deer are called fawns. But other species of deer like the moose, elk, caribou and the reindeer babies are usually called calves. The first moment that the fawn in born then it will start o wobble and it will start to fall when it stands up. But pretty soon the deer will start to run and jump alone with its mother. The baby deer will stay really close to its mother so that it can be protected by predators that might want to kill it and eat it. That they will learn when they are out on their own. Their mother will teach them how to get food and how to stay safe when danger is near. The fawn will learn by just watching her. When the fawn is old enough to take care of it's self then they will leave their mother and they will find their own place in the wild. The deer's mating season will start during October and January. The mother will give birth through 7 months. Female deer usually have one or three fawns. It is so lucky that the does protect their fawns by a lack of scent so that other predators will not be able to smell them. A white tailed deer’s mating season will usually start in the late fall. Fawns will start to be born in the spring. A doe will only have one fawn at a time. If the doe has another time around of giving birth she might even have twins. The White tailed deer mating season is called the rutting season. The rutting season will usually take place in the fall. The biggest and the strongest buck in the herd can only mate with the females. They will usually mate with 4 or 20 females in the herd. During mating the bucks will start to lose a quarter of their weight. Bucks will usually fight off the other males so that the males can have the change to mate with them. The younger males do not usually fight bigger males. The younger bucks always know which one is stronger. If a male deer is ready to mate he will usually scrape a spot on the ground with their antlers. The deer's hooves are created by a special scent. The males will leave the scrape on the scent on the ground. When the female is ready to mate she will usually leave her scent on the

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same scrape ground on the same one as the males are. If the both males want the same doe they would have to fight for her. When they are fighting they will push and stab with each other with their antlers. Sometimes these fights can cause deaths to. If the bucks starve to death then their antlers will lock on each other antler. Most often the both end up giving up. Baby fawns are usually born during May or in the early June. A mother will only give birth to a single fawn at a time when the female is one year old. The female will be able to breed in a very young age and they have to increase very fast because of the white tailed deer population. When it is time for the female to give birth she likes to be alone when she is raising her baby. The mother will find a very quiet place for her to give birth. A female will chase away another yearling or a one year old fawn. Bucks are always so busy eating leaves and tree buds. After the males are done mating with the females they usually do not help the females take care or raise the fawns. When fall comes that is the time of year when young bucks will start to grow their antlers so that they can fight when the mating season comes back again. When a newborn fawn is born they have a scent on them. This scent can be an easy target for predators. After they are born their mother will lick the scent away so that predators will not be able to find them. After they are born a fawn can only stand about a half an hour standing up on its legs. Then they will start to drink their mother’s milk. The mother’s milk is called colostrum. The colostrums will help the fawn grow and faster and stronger. When it is time for the mother to feed the fawn she will hide it so that she will be able to feed her young. Baby fawns have white spots on them so that they can hide in the grass or in a brush. Sometimes female deer can have twins. The mother will start to separate the both fawns when the mother leaves so that she can get food. By them hiding then predators will have a hard time finding them and so that they can escape from the animal that is about to eat them. But usually when they are getting attack by another animal then they will make a loud bleat. The mother will may respond to the fawns cries in 2 ways. The first way is that the mother can fight off the predator and the second thing is the mother will try to get the predator to chase her instead of her baby. During the summer time this is the time when the females are raising their fawns and they will start to get more weight during the summer. They have learned to use less of their mother’s milk so that they can become

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more independent. Fawns like to play very strong. The male fawns will play by kicking, leaping and chasing their mother. Their mothers also teach their fawns how to hide that is the most important skill for a deer. Fawns will start to lose their spots in the late summer. After the fawns spots have disappeared then they will be covered with a brownish gray color. A female deer will be pregnant for 200-300 days. A female deer can have as much as 1 or 2 fawns.

Survival Status For thousands of years some deer species have been killed to make deer meat, milk and for their skins. Today they are currently being farmed for their meat rather then killing the animal. In New Zealand there have been 3,000 deer farms across only two islands. Deer are not really endangered but people are killing the deer for their meat and their habitats are the biggest threat to these animals. People are starting to push deer into smaller areas in forests that can be inhabited by bigger mammals. The future for the deer seems to be bright for this mammal. In some locations that predators are being wiped out. People have stepped in to help keep the deer population in balance. This will help them from hunger. But for the less fortunate species people are working in preserve natural areas in these places the deer needs a lot of room to live and find food. In around the world their are 29 species and subspecies of deer that are starting to be considered endangered, threatened or the animal is vulnerable. These beautiful mammals will be a lot happier with the help of their habitats. In the past deer used to have a lot of space to live on and to eat. But now today deer have to share their land with humans. People have taken over their land by replacing nature areas with towns and cities. To make sure that the deer are saved the people have plan a other nature ground that building and machines are not allowed anywhere near these areas so that the deer can live happy and so that they can stay safe. If we cooperating with the deer and their land, we would have

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to make sure that there will be a lot of deer for people to see. In the year if 1900 the White tailed deer population use to be only 500, 000 and now today there are about 18 million white tailed deer in the United States and in Canada. This has increase the White tailed deer population this can also be done to the reduction of their natural predators and some of mild winters White tailed deer national predator are wolves. There is a big problem in the United States and in Canada people are killing wolves because so that they can protect their livestock. If there are not a lot of wolves living in the wild these are the predators that can easily kill a White tailed deer. Wolves are not killing a lot of sick deer if there is not enough wolves to hunt deer then this will cause a disease will start to spread throughout the herds . If the White Tailed deer does not have an enough predators then the deer population will quickly start to grow very fast. This will be problem because then the deer will not find enough food that they will need to stay alive. If this continues then the deer will not be able to find food and they will start to starve to death and they will not find a lot of cold northern winters. All deer hunters are trying to help the white tailed deer by hunting them so that they can balance their population this usually happens in the fall. The supplies that hunters use are fresh meat. They are doing this so that deer does not suffer from starvation when winter comes alone. Many people believe that the deer population will grow if they just let nature takes its course. Sometimes during a long cold northern winter people often put out food outside for the deer to eat. This can help by saving them from the winter cold. But this can till cause a problem for next winter because their will be not enough food for the deer to eat. People sometimes believe that the numbers of their national predators should let them be increase. That is if they are left alone then nature can recover its balance again. We must do something to help to save these amazing animals. These animals need all the help that they can get. Deer have the right to continue living on this planet. They are doing their part in nature and we should find a place in nature to. This is really a big planet that is felled with wonders and discoveries that are waiting to be found. We have to make this planet safe for us and other creatures that we share it with. This is our beautiful home it deserves to have a second change to live for the next generation on this planet. That we share it with. This is our beautiful home it deserves to have a second change to live for the next generation on this

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planet. The is a rally big, bright and beautiful future if we find a way to protect our planet that are world will be a safe place to live in. This is our world, and our home will be a happy and clean place to live on. We have to make room for other living creatures to. God made animals for a reason just like he made us. That is what I know about deer. If we all work together we can save the deer and other animals that live on this planet to. Together we can make a difference in our beautiful planet that we all share.