Deepwater Horizon Response

Deepwater Horizon Response Alternative Response Technologies Evaluation System

Transcript of Deepwater Horizon Response

Page 1: Deepwater Horizon Response

Deepwater Horizon Response

Alternative Response Technologies Evaluation System

Page 2: Deepwater Horizon Response

Definitions:   ARTES: Alternative Response Technology Evaluation System

(a NOAA evaluation tool) ART: Alternative Response Technology (traditionally means

response technologies, other than mechanical cleanup methods, that can be employed to address an oil spill.

•  Dispersants & other chemical countermeasures (OSCAs) •  In-situ, or “controlled” burning

During the Deepwater Horizon response, the volume and

variety of innovations generated by responders, vendors, and the general public needed to be effectively managed.

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Framework for the Use of ARTs Traditional Spill Deepwater Horizon          

�  ART technical specialist works within Planning Section

�  Dispersant and In-Situ burn staffed in both Planning and Operations sections

�  Vendors suggest products and services for use; all ARTs are funneled through the ART specialist

�  Separate ARTES program may not be established

�  Scope and magnitude usually within limited jurisdiction, one RRT

�  Typically the spill is not a continuous release

�  Declared a Spill of National Significance -- several Incident Command Posts and an Unified Area Command

�  Unified Command implements rigorous ARTES Program to meet needs and expectations.

�  Dispersants and In-Situ Burn had their own teams, outside ARTES technology review

�  Two RRTs, policies not identicial

�  Scope and duration of operations led to changing operational needs, and public expectation that all resources be brought to address the spill.

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Missions for Alternative Response Technologies Evaluation System (ARTES)

�  Provide a mechanism for the evaluation and use of appropriate technologies, new, improved and emerging, to address operational needs in spill response.

�  Establish a system to gather and categorize new

ideas from public. �  Institute technical review teams to evaluate and

rank technologies within specific categories. �  Prioritize technologies to address operational

needs. �  Establish and implement testing protocols. �  Conduct tests and provide feed-back to

Command. �  Continue to improve and refine the process. �  Coordination with the Interagency Alternative

Technology Assessment Program (IATAP) – a parallel government system.

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ARTES Organizational Elements �  Database management and coordination �  Triage

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

�  Houma ARTES Team USCG, CA OSPR, WA DOE, organized under the unified ICP

�  High Interest Technology Test “HITT” team BP team with USCG representation

�  Strike Teams as needed Bioremediation, Sand Treatment

�  Liaison Officers ICP Houma and Mobile, Unified Area Command, IATAP

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Project  Sources  �  ARTES database – direct submissions & BP call center

�  Operations & field-derived

�  VIP submissions – inputs received at Unified Area Command and Incident Commanders

�  “Open House” meetings held at parishes All ideas were directly or indirectly submitted to ARTES database

for tracking and scoring  

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Process of Technology Review and Evaluation

� Develop systematic approach to collect and work with new ideas.

� Develop systematic approach to evaluate and score the ideas.

� Prioritize ideas based on current and future operational needs.

� Field test ideas. � Feed back ideas into Operations.

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Products,  Services  &  Equipment  Database  

�  Products, services and equipment were placed in a parallel database that was available to BP Logistics Section as an alternative sourcing tool

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Classify /Re- Classify

Stage 2 Classification

Escalate? Escalate

Feasible Not ProvenFeasible Proven

HITT Team Planning / Logistics / Testing

Email Back to Respondent

Proposal:Not PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Stage 1Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2Classification








Stage 3 Technical Review by Classification

Technical Review by


OperationsGo/No Go


Available Options



Closing Response To Vendor



Stage 4Technical Review


Alternative Response TechnologyTriage Process


ProposalNot PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Email BackTo Respondent


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Stage 1 Process: Preliminary Evaluation

� ARTES triage process shows all inputs coming from the data. But many more sources of inputs �  Unified Area Command. �  Political and Media �  Liaison and Local/State Reps. �  Operations �  Vendors and Innovators

Classify /Re- Classify

Stage 2 Classification

Escalate? Escalate

Feasible Not ProvenFeasible Proven

HITT Team Planning / Logistics / Testing

Email Back to Respondent

Proposal:Not PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Stage 1Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2Classification








Stage 3 Technical Review by Classification

Technical Review by


OperationsGo/No Go


Available Options



Closing Response To Vendor



Stage 4Technical Review


Alternative Response TechnologyTriage Process


ProposalNot PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Email BackTo Respondent


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Stage 2 Process: Classification

� Once and idea is determined possible or feasible, classification occurs in stage 2.

� A feed-back loop was created for reviewers if it is determined a technology has been misclassified.

� Categories have been revised as review has continued.

Classify /Re- Classify

Stage 2 Classification

Escalate? Escalate

Feasible Not ProvenFeasible Proven

HITT Team Planning / Logistics / Testing

Email Back to Respondent

Proposal:Not PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Stage 1Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2Classification








Stage 3 Technical Review by Classification

Technical Review by


OperationsGo/No Go


Available Options



Closing Response To Vendor



Stage 4Technical Review


Alternative Response TechnologyTriage Process


ProposalNot PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Email BackTo Respondent


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Stage 3 Process: Technical Review by Classification

�  This is the process for review by a technical review committee.

�  Specific criteria are develop and each technology/idea is scored.

�  Prioritization is based on the critical nature of operational needs.

�  Regulatory Evaluation. �  If proposal is basic research &

not an operational need, may feed into the IATAP process.

�  Results from stage 3 will be forwarded to Louisiana Governor’s office.

Classify /Re- Classify

Stage 2 Classification

Escalate? Escalate

Feasible Not ProvenFeasible Proven

HITT Team Planning / Logistics / Testing

Email Back to Respondent

Proposal:Not PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Stage 1Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2Classification








Stage 3 Technical Review by Classification

Technical Review by


OperationsGo/No Go


Available Options



Closing Response To Vendor



Stage 4Technical Review


Alternative Response TechnologyTriage Process


ProposalNot PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Email BackTo Respondent


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Stage 4 Process: Technical Review by Operations

�  High Interest Technology team (HITT) testing as well as testing and observation from Group Houma.

�  Document all test results and provide feedback to the submitter as well as Operations sections, and Area Command �  Appropriateness for response �  Capabilities �  Limitations

Classify /Re- Classify

Stage 2 Classification

Escalate? Escalate

Feasible Not ProvenFeasible Proven

HITT Team Planning / Logistics / Testing

Email Back to Respondent

Proposal:Not PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Stage 1Preliminary Evaluation

Stage 2Classification








Stage 3 Technical Review by Classification

Technical Review by


OperationsGo/No Go


Available Options



Closing Response To Vendor



Stage 4Technical Review


Alternative Response TechnologyTriage Process


ProposalNot PossibleNot Feasible

Already Considered

Email BackTo Respondent


Page 14: Deepwater Horizon Response

Submission  Status  Current

•  Total number of ART Submissions to the Database 122,870 •  Number of Submissions for Source Control 79,498 •  Number of Submissions for Oil Spill Response 43,372 •  For the Spill Response Submissions:

•  Records in Stage 1 & Stage 3 Review 14 •  Submissions Field Tested and Recommended for Use 23 •  Submissions Field Tested But Not Recommended for Use 33 •  Remaining Planned Field Tests (most highly ranked candidates in Stage 3) 26 •  Submissions Advanced to Stage 3, No Field Test Planned 160

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HITT Team Tests and Trials � Beach Cleaning - 3 technologies � Separation and Skimming - 10 technologies � Shoreline Protection - 3 technologies � Boom and Sorbants - 14 technologies � Other (radar, sensors, etc.) 8 technologies

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Best  Prac:ces  in  Opera:ons  � Used to capture “grass-roots” equipment and

practices that underwent field review � BP Best Practices person in Operations

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Notable  Projects  � Did we discover any silver bullets? � Significant effort to confirm or deny the application of

new approaches � Described the capabilities and limitations of various

practices in an environment suitable for rapidly assembling experts and regulators in a field environment

� Many projects will move ahead with further research and refinement

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Rigid  Pipe  

Boom  Sorbent  and  Solidifier  


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Oil  Skimmers  Bluewave  Marine  

Tar  Ball  Skimmer  

Big  Gulp  

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Low  Pressure  Marsh  Flusher/Grapnel  

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Large  Scale  Ini:a:ve  Sand  Treatment  System  Review  

�  After bulk oil removed, sand treatment became a priority �  Balance local resident demands for action with the need to properly

evaluate the response technologies for this response

�  ARTES took the lead in compiling an inventory of treatment options and helped lead an Area-wide discussion to address the needs of stakeholders and resource trustees

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Other  Technologies  Reviewed  � Water  surface,  water  column  or  buried  oil  detec:on    

�  Fluorometers,  spectrometers,  sonar  buoys  

� Oiled  boom  collec:on  �   Rollers,  cleaners,  compactors,  incinerators  

�  Tar  ball  collectors  and  siPers  �  Water  surface,  sandy  beach  

� Oil-­‐stained  sand  cleaners  �  Warm  water  and/or  chemical  washing  

�  Sediment  reloca:on    �  Surf  washing  

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Addi:onal  Value  Added  by  ARTES  �  While ARTES is not meant to be

an thorough, exhaustive Test & Evaluation process, it has proven to identify or resolve major fatal flaws in submissions “as-is”

�  Equipment deployed in the marine environment can have adverse implications on wildlife

•  ARTES helped several projects negotiate environmental permitting issues and thereby reducing liability to the operation in the “field-testing” of new ideas

•  Example - Federal wildlife trustees were consulted (under Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements). Best management practices were applied to tarball net trawls and rigid pipe boom.

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Future  Efforts  �  Continue to support remaining testing, BioChemical Strike Team

(BCST), and sand and marsh cleanup efforts �  Debrief and package the ARTES concept for future use in future

large spills �  Transition elements of ARTES projects to BP’s new company, the

Gulf Coast Restoration Organization, to advance spill response technology

�  Some projects that were more conceptual may be selected by EPA

and USCG for future R & D projects

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Some  Lessons  Learned  About  ARTES  During  the  Deepwater  Horizon  Response  

The ARTES team was able to provide:

�  A focus on technology review and interactions with new product vendors �  A dedicated team with the ability to liaison with all other ICS entities �  The necessary discipline to enter everything into a single database and

tracking system �  Critical feedback to submitters, earning trust and reducing impact to

Operations/Logistics by providing a single point of contact �  Timely testing via a collaboration between a technical review team and

an output-oriented test team �  ARTES is a new concept; better marketing of this tool within the

response will greatly improve effectiveness �  Important to build on lessons learned via future ICS training and a

ready-to-go database solution

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