DEED OF TRUST. - Carlisle Indian School Digital...


Transcript of DEED OF TRUST. - Carlisle Indian School Digital...

Page 1: DEED OF TRUST. - Carlisle Indian School Digital … OF TRUST. TO ALL PERSONS TO ... of land and trust funds in
Page 2: DEED OF TRUST. - Carlisle Indian School Digital … OF TRUST. TO ALL PERSONS TO ... of land and trust funds in


T O A L L PE R S O N S TO W H O M T H E S E P R E S E N T S S H A L L COM E, I ,R i c h a r d H . P r a t t , C a p t a i n U n i t e d S t a t e s A rm y , s e n dG R E E T IN G .W h e r e a s , B enjam in W . H ooker an d M argaret H ., h i s w i f e , b y

deed bearing date tli'e 20th day of F ebruary , A. D., 1883, did convey to me, the said R ichard H . P ra tt, for and in consideration of the sum of tw en ty thousand dollars, all th a t certain trac t of land situated i n M iddlesex tow nship, C um berland County, Pennsy lvania , bounded and described as follows, to w it:

B eginning a t a stone in the Carlisle and H arrisbu rg T u rn p ik e ; thence by land of Jacob A lbrigh t, no rth tw enty th ree degrees east one hundred and fifty seven and one te n th perches to a stone; thence by lands ofT hom as G ill’s heirs, and of M rs. H epburn , north seventy one and one h a lf degrees w est one hundred and six ty six and five te n th s perches to a point on th e Conodoguinet C reek ; thence up the said Greek by the several courses thereof one hundred and fifty one and nine ten th s perches to a post; thence by land of Isaac B rennem an, south th ir ty six and one fourth degrees east six ty three perches to a stone ; thence by the tu rnp ike road, no rth seventy three degrees east six perches to a stone; thence by the said tu rnp ike road north eigh ty two degrees east one hundred and three and six te n th perches to the place of beginning, and contain ing one hundred and fifty seven acres and fifty eight perches, be the sam e more or less. Reference being had to the said deed, recorded in the office for re­cording deeds in and for C um berland County, in Deed Book U. Vol. 3, pages 505 etc.

Now know ye th a t I, the said R ichard H . P ra tt, do hereby ac­knowledge, testify and declare th a t the said described trac t of land, w ith th e appurtenances, w as and is held in tru s t by me for th e I n ­d ian In d u stria l School, a t Carlisle Barracks,. Carlisle, Pa., and th a t the nam e of the said R ichard H . P ra tt in the said deed is used only in tru s t for the purpose aforesaid, subject, nevertheless, to th e pay­m en t of the whole am ount of the purchase m oney m entioned in said

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deed to w it, T w enty thousand dollars, as follows, to w it: Four thou- sand dollars, being th e cash paym ent on account of said purchase, E ig h t th o u san d six hundred and th ir ty four dollars to B enjam in. W . ITocker, am ount of ju d g m en t in the Court of Com mon Pleas, of C um ­berland county, No. 135, A pril Term , 1833, w ith interest-from F e b ­ruary 1st 1883, being for part of the said purchase m oney and four several judgm en ts in sai l Comm >n Pie tu of Ca nootiao 1 C cu tty , to w it : T w enty eigh t hundred dollars to Eveline It. M usser, am ount 01 ju d g m en t No. 252,A pril term , 1882, w ith in terest from A pril 1st, 1383, N ine hundred dollars to Joseph Musser, am ount of ju d g m en t No, 178, A pril Term , 1870, p resent num ber 121, Ja n u ary Term , 1880, With in terest from A pril 1st, 1888, E leven hundred and six ty six dollars to Joseph Musser, am ount of judgm en t No. 222 A pril Term 1874, present num ber 232 A pril Term 1879, w ith in te rest from A pril 1st, 1888, a'iid tw enty-five hundred dollars, to Jo h n .Musser am ount of ju d g ­m e n t No. 310 A pril Term 1879,w ith in terest from A pril 1st,1883.;. And also subject to the fu rther trusts, lim ita tions and Conditions herein declared as- follows to w i t :

1st. That, the said R ichard H . P ra tt shall and w ill keep a full, ju s t and true account of all m oneys w hich shall be paid to h im by vo luntary or p rivate subscription in aid of the purchase m oney of th ■ said real estate, as well as of any further am ounts contributed in l i k- m an n erfo r the prom otion of the education of Ind ians a t the Carl i - •; B arracks, so long as he -shall rem ain in com m and a t the said Po ; :

2nd. T h a t all Books, A ccounts and papers for or in connect ■ i With th is tru s t, shall be a t a ll tim es hereafter open to the Inspect! ■ i and supervision of the Secretary of the In terio r, the Commissio i r of In d ian Affairs, an d th e ir A gents authorized thereto, the Com m ittees of Congress on In d ian Affairs and A ppropriations, as also the B oar 1 of Trustees hereinafter provided for, and to any donor or subsc:',' on­to said fund w ho.m ay desire to inquire into the use and appropria­tion thereof:

3d. T hat th e said R ichard H . P ra tt especially reserves the righ t to sell and Convey the said described trac t of la n d ,to th e purchaser thereof, only, however, upon the w ritten consent of th e said Board, of Trustees or a m ajority of them . A nd th e proceeds of such sale or purchase m oney shall be applied to th e education of the as the said Board shall authorize and direct, or as m ay be specifically re ­served and directed by. any donor a t the tim e of sub scrip tio n :

4th. T h a t in the case of the rem oval of Capt. R ichard I I . P ra tt, from th e com m and a t the Carlisle Barracks, by death, resignation or otherwise, the said Board of Trustees, shall and m ay m ake such dis­position of said described trac t of land and tru s t funds in aid of I n ­dian education as th ey m ay deem adv isab le :

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6th. T hat the following nam ed persons h i v i n ' sight Ie 1 th e ir W illingness to serve in the capacity of tru tees to w it: O. R. Agn ew and A .S .Larocque of Now Y ork C ity ,Joseph C. M cCam m on ofW ash- ington, D. C., Susan L ongstreth , D aniel M. Fox, Jam es E . Rhoads and W illiam M cM ichael of P h ilade lph ia , A lbert K, Sm ily of New Paltz, N . Y „ M. C. T haw of P ittsburg , Pa., W ista r M orris of Over­brook, Pa., R obert M. H enderson, J , A. M cCauley and R ichard II. P ra tt of Carlisle, Pa., are hereby constitu ted and appointed a Board of Trustees, and authorized to act under and in accordance w ith the provisions of th is declaration of trust, w ith power from tim e to tim e to fill any vacancy th a t m ay occur in the Board by death , resignation or other causes, by an election held by said trustees or a m ajo rity of them .

In testim ony whereof, I, the said R ichard H . P ra tt, have here­unto set m y h and and seal th is 10th day of M ay, 1883.

R. H . P r a t t . [s e a l ]Signed sealed and delivered in th e j

presence ofS. H . G o u ld , (Geo. Z. B e n tz . J

C um berland C ounty, ss. Before m e Goo. Z. Bentz, D eputy Recorder of Deeds, personally came the above nam ed R ichard h . P ra tt who in due form of law acknow ledged the foregoing declaration of tru s t to be h is act and deed to the end th a t the sam e m igh t be recorded as such.In testem ony w hereof I have hereun to set m y hand and Official

Seal th is 10th, day of M ay A. I). 1883.G eo . Z. B e n tz .

D eputy Recorder of Deeds.[SEAT.)

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Carlisle, May 15th .83 My dear Doctor, This meets the views of the Depts, and the lawyers. I trust you will be able to come on the 22nd and stay over the 23rd. I have suggested 8.30 AM on the 23rd as the best time for our Board to meet and organize. Cant you bring Mr. Dodge and his wife and daughter. I have just written him. Mrs. Pratt is prepared to take care of you and Mrs. Agnew. All the members of the Board who can be here will arrive on the 22nd. Wistar Morris, and Col McMichael are in Europe and Mrs Thawo Thaw. is quite ill.

Cordially & faithfully Yours,

R H. Pratt

Dr Agnew. [Written on the reverse side of three-page printed “Deed of Trust” dated May 10th 1883]