Dedications and Initations

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  • 7/27/2019 Dedications and Initations


  • 7/27/2019 Dedications and Initations


    A SelfA SelfA SelfA Self----Dedication RiteDedication RiteDedication RiteDedication Rite


    Vial of scented oil

    Prepare yourself by doing the Ritual Bath and Self Blessing. If youre performing this

    ritual at the sea or a river, bathe there if you so desire.

    As you bathe, prepare for the coming rite. Open your consciousness to higher levels

    of awareness. Breath deep. Cleanse your mind as well as your body.

    After bathing, dry and dress for the journey. Go to a place in the wild where you feel

    safe. It should be a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed by others, an area

    where the powers of the Earth and the Elements are evident. It may be a mountain

    top, a desert canyon or cave, perhaps a dense forest, a rocky outcropping over the sea,

    a quiet island in the center of a lake. Even a lonely part of a park or garden can be

    used. Draw on your imagination to find the place.

    You need take nothing with you but a vial of richly scented oil. Sandalwood,

    frankincense, cinnamon or any other scent is fine. When you arrive at the place of

    dedication, remove your shoes and sit quietly for a few moments. Calm your heart if

    you've exerted yourself during your travel. Breathe deeply to return to normal, and

    keep your mind free of cluttered thoughts. Open yourself to the natural energies

    around you.

    When you're calm, rise and pivot slowly on one foot, surveying the land around you.

    You're seeking the ideal spot. Don't try to find it; open your awareness to the place.When you've discovered it (and you'll know when), sit, kneel or lie flat on your back.

    Place the oil on the Earth beside you, Don't stand - contact the Earth.

    Continue deep breathing. Feel the energies around you. Call the Goddess and God in

    any words you like, or use the following invocation. Memorize these words before

    the rite so that they'll spill effortlessly from you, or improvise:

    O Mother Goddess,

    O Father God,

    Answers to all mysteries and yet mysteries unanswered;

    In this place of power I open myself to Your Essence.In this place and in this time I am changed;

    From henceforth I walk the Paths of the Craft.

    I dedicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God.

    Rest for a moment, silent, still. Then continue:

    I breathe you energies into my body,

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    commingling, blending,

    mixing them with mine,

    that I may see the divine in nature,

    nature in the divine,

    and divinity within myself and all else.

    O Great Goddess,

    O Great God,

    Make me one with your essence

    Make me one with your essence

    Make me one with your essence.

    You may feel bursting with power and energy, or calm and at peace. Your mind

    might be in a whirl. The Earth beneath you may throb and undulate with energy.

    Wild animals, attracted by the psychic occurrence, might grace you with their


    Whatever occurs, know that you have opened yourself and that the Goddess and God

    have heard you. You should feel different inside, at peace or simply powerful.

    After the invocation, wet a finger with the oil and mark the symbols of the Goddess

    and God somewhere on your body. It doesn't matter where; you can do this on your

    chest, forehead, arms, legs, anywhere. As you anoint, visualize these symbols sinking

    into your flesh, glowing as they enter your body and then dispersing into millions of

    tiny points of light.

    The formal self-dedication is ended. Thank the Goddess and God for Their attention.

    Sit and meditate before leaving the place of dedication.

    Once home, celebrate in some special way.

    Ceremony of InitiationCeremony of InitiationCeremony of InitiationCeremony of Initiation




    Guided Meditation(The following will be read to all participants in the form of a guided meditation,

    prior to the processional. It helps if the first paragraph is read by a male voice and the

    second paragraph by a female voice. Note:Note:Note:Note: All are nude; the initiate is also


    Hear the words of the Threefold Goddess, who of old was called Artemis, Astarte,

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    Dianna, Aphrodite, Ceridwen, Isis, Arianrhod, Brigid, Aradia, and many other names:

    Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the

    moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me who is

    Queen of all the Wise. She who would learn all sorcery yet has not won its deepest

    secrets, them I will teach her, in truth, all things as yet unknown. And you shall be

    free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing,

    feast, dance, make music and love in My presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit

    and Mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings. Nor do I demand

    aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured out

    upon the earth."


    The Initiate is left to meditate as the others rise and follow the High Priest/ess into

    the Circle area and three times around, chanting:

    "We all come from the Goddess,

    And to her we shall return

    Like a drop of rain,

    Flowing to the ocean."(repeat)

    Raising of the Circle

    High Priest/ess takes the Sword from the altar and traces a circle around the coveners.

    When he/she returns to the north, he/she kneels and salutes, saying: "Hail and well

    come, frosty Spirits of the North. Lend to us your power and protection this night,

    that may be given a true initiation, to justly wield the power of Earth. So mote it be!"

    All: (envisioning a wall of dark-green light springing up from the circle) "So mote it


    High Priest/ess advances to the east, kneels and salutes, saying: "Hail and well come,

    bright Spirits of the East. Lend to us your power and protection that may be given a

    true initiation, to justly wield the power of Air. So mote it be!"

    All: (envisioning a wall of lemon-yellow light springing up from the circle, within

    the wall of green) "So mote it be!"

    High Priest/ess advances to the south, kneels and salutes, saying: "Hail and well come,

    fiery Spirits of the South. Lend to us your power and protection that may be given a

    true initiation, to justly wield the power of Fire. So mote it be!"

    All: (envisioning a wall of crimson light springing up from the circle, within the walls

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    of green and yellow) "So mote it be!"

    High Priest/ess advances to the west, kneels and salutes, saying: "Hail and well come,

    tireless Spirits of the West. Lend to us your power and protection that may be given a

    true initiation, to justly wield the power of Water. So mote it be!"

    All: (envisioning a wall of dark blue light springing up from the circle, within the

    walls of green, yellow, and red) "So mote it be!"

    Statement of Purpose

    High Priest/ess: "I call upon the Horned God; I call upon the Maiden, the Mother, and

    the Crone; I call upon the Spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; I call upon the Hosts

    of the Mighty Dead; and I call every true Witch within this circle to witness that we

    are here to consecrate as Priest(ess) and Witch. The circle is cast!"

    All: (envisioning the walls of the circle bending together overhead and flowing

    together under the floor to form a hemisphere of bright white light) "So mote it be!"

    The Warning

    High Priest/ess cuts a gate in the circle, and roughly leads the Initiate to kneel at the

    edge before the gate, then balances the sword-point over the Initiate's heart (the

    Initiate raises his or her hands to support the point). "You stand at the edge of a place

    that is between the worlds, in the presence of the Gods and under the watchful eye of

    the Mighty Dead. If you go any further, you embark on a path that cannot be safely

    turned aside before your death. Feel the sharpness of the blade at your breast, andknow this in your heart - it would be better for you to throw yourself forward and

    spill out your life than to enter this circle with fear or falseness in your heart."

    Initiate: "I come with perfect love and perfect trust."

    High Priest/ess lays down the sword, lifts the Initiate to his or her feet, and kisses him

    or her. "Thus are all first brought into the Circle.", then leads the Initiate to the altar

    and taking up the sword, re-draws the circle over the gateway.

    Administration of the OathsAll (except the High Priest/ess and the Initiate) begin a quiet "Aum"and sustain it

    throughout the Five-fold Kiss and the Oaths of Initiation.

    High Priest/ess (administering the Five-fold Kiss): "Blessed are your feet, that have

    brought you to this place. Blessed are your knees, that shall kneel at the altars of the

    Gods. Blessed is your sex, without which we could not be. Blessed is your breast,

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    formed in strength and beauty. Blessed are your lips, which shall speak the Words of

    Truth. Are you prepared to take the oath?"

    Initiate: "I am."

    High Priest/ess: "Then kneel."Takes the Initiate's Measure. "You who have from birth

    been called but now seek to become -- do you willingly pledge yourself to the God

    and the Goddess?"

    Initiate places his or her left hand on the top of the head and right hand on the soles

    of the feet. "All between my two hands belongs to the Gods. So mote it be."

    All others raise the volume of the "Aum"slightly.

    High Priest/ess: "And do you swear to keep silent all those things that must be kept

    silent, and to respect that which is taught to you?"

    Initiate: "I willingly swear to keep silent all that must be kept silent, and to respect

    that which is taught to me. So mote it be."

    All others raise the volume of the "Aum"a little more.

    High Priest/ess: "And by what surety do you swear all of these things?"

    Initiate: "All of these things I do swear, by my mother's womb and my hope of futurelives, knowing well that my Measure has been taken in the presence of the Mighty

    Ones. Should I fail utterly in my oaths, may my powers desert me, and may my own

    tools turn against me. So mote it be. So mote it be. So mote it be!

    All yell quickly: "So mote it be!So mote it be!So mote it be!So mote it be!"

    Triggering of the Spell

    All grab the Initiate quickly and hoist him or her completely into the air (if possible),

    chanting the Initiate's new name over and over again, as fast as possible, as they carry

    him or her three times quickly around the circle. When they return to the startingpoint, they set him or her down face-down and press him or her firmly into the


    Gradually, the pressure relents to gentle massage. Through all of this they continue

    chanting the Initiate's new name, falling off in volume and speed as the pressure


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    High Priest/ess: "Know that the hands that have touched you are the hands of love."

    Removes the Initiate's blindfold and helps him or her up. "In the Burning Times,

    when each member of the Coven held the lives of the others in her hand, this would

    have been kept, and used against you should you endanger others. But in these

    happier times, love and trust prevail, so take this (hands the Measure to the initiate),

    keep it or burn it, and be free to go or stay as you please."

    Follow-Through and Earthing of Power

    High Priest/ess hands the sword to the Initiate, and leads him or her to the East,

    where they both kneel. The Initiate salutes, and the High Priest/ess announces,

    "Behold, restless Spirits of Water - I bring before you , who has been consecrated as

    Priestess and Witch!"Repeats at the South, West, and finally North.

    All (including High Priest/ess and Initiate) join hands in the Circle.

    High Priest/ess: "Thank you Spirits of the Mighty Dead, Spirits of the Four Elements,

    and awesome Lord and Lady for hallowing our circle. Go or stay as you will -- our

    circle is ended."

    All ground and center, then absorb the power of the Circle and return it to the Earth

    beneath their feet.

    High Priest/ess (after a suitable pause): "Our lovely rite draws to its end. Merry meet,

    merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed Be!"

    All: "Blessed be!Blessed be!Blessed be!Blessed be!"



    2 illuminator candles

    God and Goddess candles

    Athame or wand


    Chalice Plate

    Cakes and drink


    Dedication gift

    4 items to be placed on the altar to represent the elements


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    White cord

    Beginning with the East, call the quarters, saying:

    Ye Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, I do summon, stir and call you now to

    witness this rite and guard this circle.

    Powers of Air, move thy cool essence about me as I journey Between the Worlds.

    Then move to the South, then West and end at the North. At each quarter, a

    pentagram is draw in the air and the guardian is verbally invoked. You should

    imagine that this symbol is roaring with blue flames. When you have called the

    quarters, face the center of the circle and make mention that you are now Between

    the world by saying:

    This Circle is Cast and I am between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time, where

    day and night, birth and death, joy and sorrow, meet as one.

    Now, meld your energy with that of the God/dess. When you have aligned yourself

    with those energies, you then invoke them, or call them to the circle:

    I, (name), am Artemis incarnate. In this night and in this hour I call upon the

    ancient power of Artemis.

    When you align yourself with the deities, light a candle for each one on the altar.

    The next step is to state your purpose. In the act of honor, continue by blessing the

    cakes and wine. While focusing your energy on meeting with the divine, slowly

    lower your athame into the cup and imagine the God and Goddess joining together.

    After this procedure has been completed, partake of the offering and leave onebehind for the deities, saying:

    Oh might Artemis, eternal virgin goddess, I have come this night to honor thy

    presence and to give thanksgiving for bringing my custody bearing to a successful


    Ring the bell three times, then say:

    I have cast this circle this night to perform the act of dedication of my mind, body

    and spirit to the Lady, Her Consort, and to the religion and science of Witchcraft.

    From this day forward, I will honor and respect both the Divine and myself. I will

    hold two perfect words in my heart: Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.I vow to honor the path I have chose, the Divine and myself.

    Pick up your wand or athame and say:

    I vow to hold the ideology of the Craft in my heart and my mind for the totality of

    this lifetime, and beyond.

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    Point the wand/athame at your feet and say:

    Blessed be my feet, may they always walk the path of the eternal and Divine light.

    Point to your knees and say:

    Blessed be my knees as I kneel at the altar of my faith, not in supplication, but in


    Point to your groin and say:

    Blessed be my womb that holds and produces the creation of the human essence. I

    vow to guide, protect and teach the children of the world.

    Point to your chest and say:

    Blessed be my heart that it may beat steady and true. May the warmth of my love

    spread throughout the galaxy.

    Point to your lips and say:

    Blessed be my lips that they shall utter truth and purity of mind and soul. May

    wisdom flow for the benefit of all humankind.

    Point to your third eye area and say:

    Blessed be my astral sight, that I may see through the veil of life with the truth of the


    Ring the bell seven times. Take a white cord and wrap it firmly around your hand,

    with the knife handle in your palm. Now say:I, (mundane name), in the presence of the Universe, do of my own free will and

    mind, most solemnly swear that I will ever abide by the religion and science of The

    Craft. I shall neither harm my fellow human with the secrets that I learn, nor shall I

    flaunt my beliefs or power before them. Henceforth, from this day, I shall be reborn

    as (name) and shall honor, respect and cherish this oath I have taken.

    Unwind the cord and place it on the altar. Ring the bell nine times.

    Hold the chalice in your left hand and pour from the decanter with your right. Dip

    your dedication gift into the goblet and place it on your body. Hold the chalice inboth hands aloft and say:

    With the partaking of this wine I take into my body that of the Goddess and seal my

    oath forever.

    Drink half of the wine and hold the half-filled goblet up to the God/dess and say:

    Accept this wine as my offering of thanksgiving.

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    Hold the plate up and say:

    As grain is the bounty of the Goddess, and the eating of it denotes the sacrifice of the

    Lord and his rebirth, I seal my oath forever as I take into my body that of the


    Then stand facing the altar and say:

    I, (name), wish to thank the Lord and Lady for presiding over this dedication ritual.

    May we together walk within the light, forever.

    Hold your wand above your head, and as you circle the room while moving your arm

    in a counter-clockwise motion, say:

    This circle is open, but never broken.

    At the same time, envision your circle as being opened. Remember to snuff out the

    candles you do not wish to leave burning and prepare them for burial.

    EbonyDoes SelfEbonyDoes SelfEbonyDoes SelfEbonyDoes Self----Dedication RitualDedication RitualDedication RitualDedication Ritual


    Bath salt

    Regular salt

    Candles for bath

    6 tea candles

    Self candle

    2 illuminator candles Anointing oil

    Gift to self

    Incense and burner

    Music and player

    God and Goddess candles



    White string

    Cake and wine/juice

    Image of God and Goddess Holy water


    Altar Setup:

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    Pre-ritual Bath:

    Run a tub of warm water adding to it two or three drops of scented oil and some bath

    salt. Turn out the lights and light the candles and incense. Relax in the tub andmeditate. Once fully relaxed and at peace, drain the water and dress in ritual clothes



    Cast the circle and say:

    "I call forth the Lord and Lady, whose names are many, but to me are (God) and

    (Goddess), to stand witness to my rebirth."

    Light the candle for the God and Goddess as well as the illuminator candles. Arrange

    the six tea candles into a pentacle, with the sixth one in the center. Say:

    "By the flame of the star and the power inside, I vow myself to you."

    Place holy water and oil on each of your chakra points. Hold your gift up to each of

    the elemental points starting with Earth and say:

    "Earth, rich and strong, accept me as thy child."

    Then sprinkle salt over the gift. Next do with air, passing it through incense smoke,

    water and place a drop of holy water on it and finally fire passing it over the tea

    candles. Then copy the following onto the parchment:

    I, (mundane name), in the presence of the Lord and Lady, whose names are (God) and

    (Goddess), am reborn on this hallowed eve of (full date). From the ashes of death, in

    radiant shine, the phoenix rises again. I too shall raise and from this moment forth be

    known as (magickal name).

    Sign it and tie it into a scroll with the white string. Place it somewhere safe and

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    reread and resign it again next year. After words, sit and reflect and partake of the

    cake and wine/juice. Bid the God and Goddess farewell and pull up the circle.

    Greek Fire InitiationGreek Fire InitiationGreek Fire InitiationGreek Fire Initiation

    Needed: Token of fire

    CastCastCastCast of Charactersof Charactersof Charactersof Characters

    Tiresias: (name)

    Hephaestus: (name)

    Artemis: (name)

    Apollo: (name)

    Hestia: (name)

    Prometheus: (name)

    Seeker: (name)

    In casting the circle, when calling the Quarters you are free to use your own words

    but we ask that you use Greek styling and personify with the names of the four Greek


    NorthNorthNorthNorth: Boreus

    EastEastEastEast: Eurus

    SouthSouthSouthSouth: Notus

    WestWestWestWest: Zephyrus

    Tiresias seated north of altar rises, goes around to face altar, and invokes God and

    Goddess in a Greek style using these two triumverates:GGGGodododod

    Zeus: Strength

    Hades: Knowledge

    Poseidon: Emotion


    Hera: Power

    Athena: Wisdom

    Aphrodite: Love

    He then step back and says: "We have been called forth from the edges of Time andSpace by one who seeks entry to the Halls of Olympus. I am Tiresias, Prophet of

    Thebes, who, though blind, shall be his guide. Seeker, come forth!"

    Seeker approaches circle at north-east point of Circle.

    Tiresias: "Who seeks entry to Olympus?"

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    Seeker: "I, (name).

    Tiresias: "Before you enter, gaze upon one who sought what was not rightfully his. Do

    you still desire entry?"

    Seeker replies.

    Tiresias (If no, he leaves and circle is closed. If yes):"Then enter and ask passage of the

    Guardians of the Gods."

    Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North.

    Tiresias: "Hail, Mighty Hephaestus, Craftsman of the Gods. With me is one who seeks

    entry to Olympus."

    Hephaestus: "How are you known, Seeker?"

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Hephaestus: "By what right seek you passage through the North?"

    Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Earth and learned of my own mortality."

    Hephaestus: "Pass with the Blessings of the Earth."

    They travel around 1 to East.

    Tiresias: "Hail, Vigilant Artemis, Virgin Goddess. With me is one who seeks entry to


    Artemis: "How are you known, Seeker?"

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Artemis: "By what right seek you passage through the East?"

    Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Air and have learned the need for focus

    of will."

    Artemis: "Pass with the Blessings of the Air."

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    They travel around 1 to South.

    Tiresias: "Hail, Bright Apollo, Lord of the Sun. With me is one who seeks entry to


    Apollo: "How are you known, Seeker?"

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Apollo: "By what right seek you passage through the South?"

    Seeker has no answer.

    Apollo: "You have not yet earned the right to pass through the South. To win this

    right, you must seek Fire from he who first gave it to Mankind, Prometheus. Tiresias,

    guard him upon his path of Fire that he learn what he needs to face the Titan."

    They travel around 1 to North.

    Tiresias: "I come with (name), who now seeks Prometheus that she may gain the right

    to Fire. What can you teach her that will ease her path?"

    Hephaestus: "Know that I am Hephaestus, Craftsman and Smith of the Gods. In my

    labors, I use Fire as a purifying agent, separating the metal from the stone, and for theactual forging of my Art. But remember that creativity requires forethought. Daedalus

    was a Master of my Craft, yet rarely considered the implications of his creations. He

    created the Labyrinth of Minos, who then imprisoned him within its intricacies. He

    crafted wing that he and his son might escape, yet in their flight Icarus died. Always

    consider the consequences of the which you create."

    They travel 1 around to East.

    Tiresias: "I come with (name), who now seeks Prometheus that she may gain the right

    to Fire. What can you teach her that will ease her path?"

    Artemis: "Know that I am Artemis, Virgin Huntress. Through my will, no man has

    ever known me. Yet will must be tempered by intelligence. Remember Otus and

    Ephialtes, twin giants who were arrogant enough to think themselves better than the

    Gods. They continued their ill-wrought plans, even after Poseidon warned them.

    Through supposed desire, they chose to pursue me. They separated in pursuit of what

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    they saw as a white hind, and, with simultaneous throws, slew each other. Thus blind

    will caused the death of all they truly loved."

    They travel 1 around to the South

    Tiresias: "I come with (name), who now seeks Prometheus that she may gain the right

    to Fire. What can you teach her that will ease her path?"

    Apollo: "Know that I am Apollo, God of the Sun and Keeper of Knowledge.

    Knowledge of Fire has allowed Man to forge a civilization. But seeking to advance

    without can lead to catastrophe. Witness Phaethon, who attempted to drive the Sun

    Chariot without proper knowledge, nearly causing the incineration of the Earth.

    Action without knowledge will often lead to ruin."

    They travel around 1 to the West.

    Tiresias: "I come with (name), who now seeks Prometheus that she may gain the right

    to Fire. What can you teach her that will ease her path?"

    Hestia: "Know that I am Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home. The warm glow of

    emotion in balance is vital for proper growth and life. But when emotions are

    allowed to rule above all else, tragedy is soon to follow. Consider Paris, who upon

    seeing Helen, bowed to an all-consuming desire for her, kidnapping her without

    thought of the consequences. Thus began the Trojan War. Do not bury your

    emotions, but neither should you elevate them to the level of Ruler.

    They travel 1 around to the South. Tiresias alone goes to altar and faces Seeker.

    Tiresias: "Seeker, are you prepared to face Prometheus himself with your request?"

    Seeker: "I am."

    Tiresias: "Then come forward and call him forth."

    Seeker goes to altar facing North.

    Seeker: "From the depths of Time, I call you forth. Arise Prometheus, Light bringer."

    From within the members in the Circle, Prometheus rises and goes to north side of


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    Prometheus: "I am Prometheus. Who summons me here?"

    Seeker: "I am (name)."

    Prometheus: "Why have you brought me here from the depths of Time?"

    Seeker: "I seek the Gift of Fire."

    Prometheus: "And by what right do you ask it?

    Seeker: "By the right of perfect love and perfect trust."

    Prometheus: "Then know that you are well met. I will grant you Fire and its path for

    a year and a day that you might learn its lessons. The most important lesson it can

    teach you is the need for thought before action of any kind. You must always

    consider the consequences of all that you do or say. At the end of your time on this

    path, you will be judged on your fitness to continue your search."

    Prometheus gives Seeker a token of Fire.

    Prometheus: "With my service done, I bid you farewell."

    Prometheus leaves, blending into Circle.

    Tiresias: "Well done, most noble Seeker. Please join us for the remainder of ourrevels."

    Seeker is given seat in Circle. Tiresias faces front of altar and dismisses Deities using

    Greek styling and the following names:


    Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon


    Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite

    Each Quarter dismisses its element in a Greek style and dismisses the appropriate


    NorthNorthNorthNorth: Boreas

    EastEastEastEast: Eurus

    SouthSouthSouthSouth: Notus

    WestWestWestWest: Zephyrus

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    Tiresias: "Our work is completed for now. Let us rejoice and enjoy this company,

    remembering that though we may go our separate ways, we are always united as one.

    Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"//

    Seeker's CopySeeker's CopySeeker's CopySeeker's Copy

    Seeker approaches circle at north-east point of Circle when summoned.

    Seeker: "I, (name).

    Seeker replies to question.

    Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North.

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Earth and learned of my own mortality."

    They travel around 1 to East.

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Air and have learned the need for focus

    of will."

    They travel around 1 to South.

    Seeker: "I am called (name)."

    Seeker has no answer.

    They travel around 1 to North.

    They travel 1 around to East.

    They travel 1 around to the South

    They travel around 1 to the West.

    They travel 1 around to the South. Tiresias alone goes to altar and faces Seeker.

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    Seeker: "I am."

    Seeker goes to altar facing North.

    Seeker: "From the depths of Time, I call you forth. Arise Prometheus, Light bringer."

    Seeker: "I am (name)."

    Seeker: "I seek the Gift of Fire."

    Seeker: "By the right of perfect love and perfect trust."

    Seeker is given seat in Circle.

    Initiation into the Coven: Outdoor VersionInitiation into the Coven: Outdoor VersionInitiation into the Coven: Outdoor VersionInitiation into the Coven: Outdoor VersionNeeded:







    Candidates for initiation should be in good mental and physical health. They should

    also be of legal age and sought out the Craft of their own free will.

    Before being accepted into the Coven (s)he should spend sometime learning about the

    Craft and magic and such. (S)he should know about practices that most people get

    uptight about. She should be told that initiations are perfectly safe and voluntary.

    Also, if at any time prior to taking the oath she wants to back out, she can do so with

    out fear or other recriminations.

    The candidate must chose a Craft name. This name should not be a common

    American name and must have personal meaning to the candidate.

    Traditionally the apprenticeship lasted for a year and a day. This is a good idea if itcan be done. Before (s)he can be initiated, the Coven must vote. A single no is

    sufficient to not allow the candidate to be initiated into that particular Coven.

    This ritual is written for use in the woods. There has to be a path leading from the

    staging area to a clearing where afire can be lit. To save time, the fire should be setup

    but not lighted.

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    The bathtub should be set up along the path and filled with warm water and the other

    ingredients. The water will also have to be consecrated.

    The candidate should be brought to the staging area by their sponsor. She should be

    wearing clothing that can be cutaway easily by a sword without undoing buttons or

    stepping out of pants legs. The candidate should be lead down the path by the

    sponsor. After a little ways a member of the Coven, the Challenger, should step onto

    the path. They might want to wear a mask. They take the sword that they carry and

    say: "Who comes to the gate?"

    The candidate, coached before hand, answers: "It is I, (name), child of earth and starry


    Challenger: "Who speaks for you?"

    Sponsor: "It is I, (name), who vouches for him/her."

    The Challenger holds the point of the sword up to the candidates heart, and says:

    "You are about to enter a vortex of power, a place beyond imagining, where birth and

    death, dark and light, joy and pain, meet and make one. You are about to step

    between the worlds, beyond time, outside the realm of your human life. You who

    stands on the threshold of the dread Mighty Ones, have you the courage to make the

    essay? For know it is better to fall on my blade and perish than to make the attempt

    with fear in thy heart!"

    The apprentice answers: "I tread the path with perfect love and perfect trust."

    The Challenger replies: "Prepare for death and rebirth."

    And the Challenger takes the sword and cuts off the apprentices clothing till she is

    standing naked. The Challenger grounds their sword to the Earth. The Challenger

    should then blindfold the candidate and tie a cord around their wrists and one ankle

    while saying:

    "And She was bound as all living things must be, who would enter the Kingdom ofDeath. And Her feet were neither bound nor free."

    The candidate is led to the tub and bathed, while still blindfolded, by the rest of the

    Coven. While being bathed, she must remain quiet. She is helped from the tub and

    dried off. The candidate is then carried to the Circle. Everyone in the Coven, starting

    with the High Priest (Priestess in the case of a man), kisses her and says:

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    "Thus are all first brought into the world, and thus are all first brought into the


    The High Priest (Priestess in case of a man) now leads the candidate to each of the

    four corners and introduces her to the Guardians, of course going deosil.

    "Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East and all the Mighty Ones of the Craft.

    Behold (new name), who will now be made Priestess and Witch."

    The candidate is brought back to the altar. The High Priest kneels and gives her the

    Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and

    the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

    "Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.

    Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.

    Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.

    Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.

    Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names."

    For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length-to-length, with their feet touching each

    others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after

    the kiss on the lips. The candidate is then measured with the other piece of cord,

    from head to toe. The cord is cut. She is then measured around the head and chest

    and knots are tied to mark these lengths. The High Priestess rolls up the cord, and

    asks the candidate:

    "Are you willing to swear the oath?"

    The candidate answers: "I am."

    The High Priestess asks: "Are you willing to suffer to learn?"

    The candidate answers: "Yes."

    The High Priestess takes the apprentice's hand, and with a needle properly purified

    by fire and water, pricks her finger, squeezing a few drops out onto the measure. The

    candidate then kneels, and places one hand on her head and the other beneath herheel and she repeats what is read to her. The High Priest says:

    "This is the Charge of the Coven: That I will keep secret what I am asked to keep

    secret, and never divulge the names or dwelling places of our people unless by their

    consent. That I will learn and try to master the Art Magical; but ever remember the

    rune: "What good be the tools without the inner light? What good be magic without

    wisdom sight?" That in due course I will strive to find a worthy pupil in magic, to

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    whom in future years I can hand down the knowledge I acquire. That I will never use

    the Art Magical merely to impress foolish persons, nor for any wrongful end. That I

    will help the Craft of the Wise, and hold it's honor as I would my own. That I

    consider these vows taken before the Elder Gods; and that if I betray this Charge I

    accept as my just reward that retribution of destiny which over takes those who

    basely betray the trust and confidence that others have placed in them. Know that

    none can escape the fate, be it curse or blessing, which they make for themselves,

    either in this life or in another life.

    The High Priestess says:

    "Repeat after me: 'I, (name), do of my own free will most solemnly swear to protect,

    help and defend my sisters and brothers of the Art and to keep the Coven's Charge. I

    always keep secret all that must not be revealed. This do I swear on my mother's

    womb and my hopes of future lives, mindful that my measure has been taken, and in

    the presence of the Mighty Ones.' All between my two hands belongs to the


    The candidate repeats the oath. The Coven shouts: "So mote it be!"

    The High Priest says: "Arise and be anointed"

    The High Priest then makes an X mark on the initiates forehead, breast and genitals

    while saying: "May your mind be free. May your heart be free. May your body be

    free. I give you the Craft name of (name)."

    The rest of the Coven members grab her suddenly, lift her if possible and carry her

    three times around the Circle, laughing and shrieking. They then lay her face down

    before the altar and press her into the ground. Gradually the pressure changes to

    stroking. They chant her new name, raising a Cone of Power over her. The blind fold

    is removed and she is told:

    "Know that the hands that have touched you are the hands of love. Thus are all first

    brought into the world, and thus are all first brought into the Coven."

    The Charge of the Goddess is spoken and any other myths, mysteries, and secrets are

    revealed. She is also told the Coven names of all the members. The High Priestessreturns the measure, saying:

    "In the Burning Times, when each member of the Coven held the lives of the others

    in their hands, this would have been kept and be used against you should you

    endanger the others. But in these more fortunate times, love and trust prevail, so take

    this, keep it or burn it, and be free to go or to stay as your heart leads you."

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    The service goes on as usual, be it New or Full Moon or Sabbat. Before the Circle is

    opened, the new initiate is taken to the four corners again and introduced to the

    Guardians again.

    Self DedicationSelf DedicationSelf DedicationSelf DedicationNeeded:


    Perfumed oil



    Wine chalice

    Insert the following where stated in circle casting.

    Put pinch of salt on tongue:

    I am a mortal, loved and cared for by the Triple Goddess and the Great God.Through the Great Mother, all things are born; to her, all things, in their season,

    return. Through her sacred cauldron, I enter and leave this physical world, until by

    my actions I no longer must return to learn.

    Set perfumed oil on pentacle, kneel before altar:

    I, (name), come into this sacred place willingly. I come to dedicate my life to the

    pagan way, to the Old Celtic Gods, whose power is still strong and vital. Here I give

    my word-bond to follow the ancient paths that lead to true wisdom and knowledge. I

    will serve the Great Goddess and give reverence to the Great God. I am a pagan, a

    stone of the ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon the Earth, yet open to thewinds of the heavens, and enduring through time.

    May the Old Celtic Gods witness my words!

    Rise and go to eastern quarter:

    Behold, O Powers of Air! I, (name), am a follower of the Lord and Lady.

    In south quarter:

    Behold, O Powers of Fire! I, (name), am a follower of the Lord and Lady.

    In west quarter:Behold, O Powers of Water! I, (name), am a follower of the Lord and Lady.

    In north quarter:

    Behold, O Powers of Earth! I, (name), am a follower of the Lord and Lady.

    Return to altar, take perfumed oil, place drop on your power hand, anoint respective

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    sites saying:

    Let my mind be open to your truth.(forehead)

    Let my mouth be silent among the unbelievers.(upper lip)

    Let my heart seek you always.(over heart)

    Let my hands lift in praise of you.(center of palms)

    Let my feet always walk your secret paths.(tops of feet)

    Stand in silence to receive blessing. Lay your piece of jewelry on pentacle.

    This emblem shall I wear for all things magickal.

    Bless this (name of jewelry), O Great Ones, that I may be blessed and protected in all


    Place wine chalice on pentacle, then lift it high:

    To the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.

    Drink the wine, saving some to be put outside for little people.

    This is a time for meditation, then close the circle.




    1 silver candle

    1 gold candle

    1 illuminator candle Bowl of holy water

    Bowl of salt



    Candle snuffer


    Bottle of wine/juice and cakes

    Libration bowl

    Robe and magick jewelry (optional)

    1 tablespoon sea salt Jasmine essential oil

    Candles for the bath

    Meditative music

    First decide if this is truly what you want to do. Look deep within yourself and

    meditate on the question. Ask yourself, Is this the path I want to walk? If you

    decide that Wicca is truly your calling, you can proceed with your ritual.

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    Set up your altar. To do this place the items listed above on the surface you have

    chosen to work on.

    Lay out your ritual robe and magickal jewelry (if you plan to wear them).

    Draw your bath and add to the water the sea salt and a few drops of jasmine essential

    oil. Light your bath candles. Play the meditative music. Get in the tub and relax.

    Breathe in the essence of the jasmine. Think about the ritual you will be performing

    and what it means to you. Meditate on the changes you will be making within

    yourself and your life. Are you ready to face the challenge? Think about your

    relationship with the Lord and Lady. Cleanse your mind as well as your body.

    After bathing, drying, and dressing for the journey you are about to take, go to the

    altar and prepare your sacred space.

    First consecrate your elements.

    Now take your water and walk the circle deosil and say:

    As I walk this circle round

    I cleanse and consecrate this ground.

    Next sprinkle your salt around the circle and say:

    First with Water then with Earth

    With negativity banished theres joyous rebirth.

    Take the incense censer and walk the circle saying:

    Next with Fire, then with Air

    Leaving us only with purity fair.

    Take your athame and mark the boundaries of the circle casting the circle as you go.

    Stand in front of your altar and light the illuminator candle with a match or lighter.

    Welcome the God and Goddess and thank them for coming.

    Begin your Dedication to the Goddess by saying the following:

    Goddess, I stand before you in this sacred place of power.

    Open my heart to your spirit.

    I open my mind to your wisdom.

    I dedicate myself to the learning of your mysteries.

    I dedicate my life to following the Wiccan path.

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    O Great Mother, take me into your fold.

    Protect me, teach me, heal me, and empower me.

    Breathe your spirit in my body and make me complete.

    Teach me to see through eyes that are wise.

    Teach me to feel through a heart that is compassionate.

    Teach me to drink through lips that speak of kindness.

    Teach me to hear through ears without prejudice.

    Teach me to live in oneness with the Earth.

    Great Goddess, Queen of the Craft of the Wise, I come to you as Your daughter/son


    From this day forward I will follow your light and strive to learn the mysteries.

    Light the silver candle with the flame of the illuminator candle.

    Begin your Dedication to the God by saying the following:

    God, I stand before you in the sacred place of power.

    I open my heart to your spirit.

    I open my mind to your wisdom.

    I dedicate myself to the learning of your mysteries.

    I dedicate my life to following the Wiccan path.

    O Great Father, take me into your fold.Protect me, teach me, heal me, and empower me.

    Breathe your spirit in my body and make me complete.

    Teach me to see through eyes that are wise.

    Teach me to feel through a heart that is compassionate.

    Teach me to drink through lips that speak of kindness.

    Teach me to hear through ears without prejudice.

    Teach me to live in one with the Earth.

    All powerful Lord, consort and protector of the Lady, I come to you as your

    daughter/son (name).

    From this moment forward I will follow your light and strive to learn the mysteries.

    Light the gold candle from the illuminator candle.

    Pour the wine in the chalice and get your cakes.

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    Before you eat and drink, pour some of the wine and break off some of your cake into

    the libation bowl for the Lord and Lady.

    Now drink the wine, eat the cakes, and reflect on this ritual and how you have taken

    the first big step in changing your life.

    When you are finished eating and drinking, thank the Lord and Lady for attending

    your dedication and snuff out the gold candle and silver candle.

    Take your athame and walk Widdershins around the circle to take it down.

    Snuff out your illuminator candle and clean up. Make sure you take the contents of

    the libation bowl, the Lord and Ladys portion of the feast, and give it back to the

    Earth. Go outdoors and pour it on the ground.

    SelfSelfSelfSelf----Dedication CeremonyDedication CeremonyDedication CeremonyDedication Ceremony


    9 white candles

    Book of Shadows

    Ritual robe

    Favorite jewelry

    Representations of the elements

    New broom

    4 votive candles 4 flowers

    Holy water


    Tea candle


    Token for yourself

    Cakes and ale

    Phase One:

    For nine weeks prior to your selected date, you should burn a white candle every

    Sunday, saying the following prayer:"Guardians of the Gates, I welcome you. Protect me on my path toward dedication

    and initiation and by your will, open the gates between the worlds so that my request

    may be heard and acted upon without harm to myself. Guardian angel, come to me,

    come to me. I need you. I invite you. Protect and guide me on my path toward

    dedication and initiation. Whatever I need for the ceremony, provide the way for me.

    So mote it be.

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    Special Note:Special Note:Special Note:Special Note: If you forget to perform this function on the given day, then you must

    start all over again because you have broken the momentum toward this special


    During these nine weeks, you should copy the ritual into your Book of Shadows.

    Phase Two:

    One the night of the ceremony, take a spiritual bath, towel-dry with a fresh towel,

    and dress in your ritual robe (no jewelry). Place your favorite jewelry in the north

    section of the altar. Turn off the phone and lock your door (if indoors) to ensure that

    you will not be disturbed. Spend at least a half hour meditating before going any

    further. Think hard about why you want to do this, what benefits you wish to derive,

    and what positive changes you desire to make in your life. Immediately before

    beginning the ceremony, cleanse, consecrate, and empower all supplies that will be

    used. Pass the four elements over the items, saying:

    "I cleanse and consecrate these items in preparation for my dedication ceremony.

    May no evil or negativity abide in thee. May the blessings of the Lord and Lady

    descend upon this altar and these things. So mote it be.

    Set your Book of Shadows by the altar where you can clearly read it.

    Phase Three:

    Create sacred space by carrying a representation of each of the elements to the four

    quarters in a clockwise direction. Sweep the area with a new, empowered broom inthe same manner. Place a votive candle at each quarter along with flowers or

    appropriate items that match the quarter.

    Phase Four:

    Begin the ritual by casting the circle and calling the quarters:

    "I conjure thee, O circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the

    world of humans and the realms of the mighty ones -- a meeting place of perfect love,

    trust, peace, and joy, containing the power I will raise herein. I call upon the

    elements of the east, the south, the west, and the north to aid me in this consecration.

    In the name of the Lord and the Lady thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of power!

    Tap your foot or your staff on the ground three times. Stand in the center of the

    circle, and say:

    "Guardian of the Gates of Dedication, I welcome you. Protect me during my

    dedication ceremony and by your will, open the gates between the worlds so that my

    request may be heard and acted upon without harm to myself. Guardian angel, come

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    to me, come to me. I need you. I invite you. Protect and guide me on during this

    dedication ritual. So mote it be.

    Move to the north quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the north, element of earth, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (name),

    do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.

    Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Power of earth, lend me your strength and

    stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on

    this momentous occasion.

    Move to the east quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the east, element of air, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (name), do

    summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.

    Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Power of air, lend me your strength and

    stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on

    this momentous occasion.

    Move to the south quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the south, element of fire, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (name), do

    summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.

    Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Power of fire, lend me your strength and

    stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on

    this momentous occasion.

    Move to the west quarter, and say:"Guardians of the west, element of water, and all ye in the realm of Faery, I, (name),

    do summon, stir, and call you forth to witness this rite and protect this sacred space.

    Welcome to my dedication ceremony. Power of water, lend me your strength and

    stability to this ritual, gift me with your special abilities. Enter here and welcome on

    this momentous occasion.

    Move to the center of the circle, and stand in the God position. Close your eyes and

    feel the power of the God enter your body. Now take the Goddess position stance,

    and say:

    "Holy Mother, Divine Father, I, (mundane name), (magickal name), welcome Youinto this circle cast for my dedication ritual. Come to me and bless me with Thy

    divine presence. Gift me, please, with Your special powers. I have come this day/eve

    to proclaim my desire to dedicate myself to the Craft of the Wise. I desire to learn and

    study to be a practicing Witch. Help me in this year and a day to understand what it

    means to be a spiritual person and give me the strength I will need to continue on this

    sacred path, for I know and understand that I have much to learn.

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    Walk to the north quarter, and say:

    "Hail, guardians of the north, I, (mundane name), (magickal name), come to you

    seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of earth to teach

    me what I must know.

    Light the votive candle that you placed in that quarter. Visualize the energies of the

    north filling your body, helping you to prepare for your sacred journey. Walk to the

    east quarter, and say:

    "Hail, guardians of the east, I, (mundane name), (magickal name), come to you

    seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of air to teach me

    what I must know.

    Visualize the energies of the east filling your body, helping you to prepare for your

    sacred journey. Walk to the south quarter, and say:

    "Hail, guardians of the south, I, (mundane name), (magickal name), come to you

    seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of fire to teach me

    what I must know.

    Visualize the energies of the south filling your body, helping you to prepare for your

    sacred journey. Walk to the west quarter, and say:

    "Hail, guardians of the west, I, (mundane name), (magickal name), come to you

    seeking dedication into the Craft of the Wise. I invoke the powers of water to teach

    me what I must know.

    Visualize the energies of the west filling your body, helping you to prepare for your

    sacred journey.

    Walk to the altar and repeat the blessing below as you dab holy water on each of the

    eight points of your body:

    "Blessed be my feet that walk the path of spiritual service. Blessed be my knees that

    kneel at the sacred altar. Blessed be my womb that gives forth life. Blessed be my

    heart formed in beauty and strength. Blessed be my lips that speak only the truth and

    wisdom of the Lord and Lady. Blessed be my eyes so that I may see the abundance of

    the earth. May I be cleansed, consecrated, and regenerated in the service of the Craftof the Wise. So mote it be!

    Take three deep breaths and visualize yourself filled with holy, divine light. Kneel at

    your altar. Place your witchs blade on the center of the altar. Place your hands over

    the blade and repeat the oath below:

    "I, (first and last name), do solemnly swear by my Mothers linage and by all that I

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    hold sacred and holy that I will honor and respect the Lord and the lady and the

    brothers and sisters of the Craft of the Wise. I will work hard to serve the Lord and

    Lady in every way, and I will try to learn all aspects of the Craft in preparation for my

    initiation. I will not use my knowledge of the Craft to purposefully cause harm, nor

    will I require the payment of money, goods or services when I pray for people or

    work magick for them beyond a fair exchange of energy. When I have learned

    sufficiently, I may choose to seek initiation or permanent dedication, or I may walk

    away and follow another spiritual path. I will do my best to work in harmony for

    myself and for others, always. I will respect other religions as I respect my own. I will

    not disrespect the work of those that have gone before me, and I honor each

    individuals contribution to my faith and learning. I will not reveal those brothers

    and sisters who are forced to practice in secret and, should I break this oath, I shall

    with full knowledge suffer the consequences. I will reach for the perfection in the

    universe and I shall obtain it. Thus said, I give myself to the religion of Witchcraft.

    Spirit has now witnessed my oath. On this day (name the day), I (magickal name),

    claim my power! So mote it be.

    Stand up and light the tea candle in the cauldron. Take the token you have purchased

    or found for yourself and hold the item over the altar, saying:

    "Lord and Lady, please bless this token of my faith. May it provide protection as I

    walk the path of the Wise.

    Take the token to each quarter and ask for the energies of that quarter to bless and

    energize the object. Return to the altar, hold out the token again, and say:

    "This object represents my testament to this day and to my oath. I will wear it inhonor of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be.

    As you put it on your person, say:

    "At this moment I am reborn in body, mind, and spirit! So mote it be!

    Seal the ceremony with your personal communion. Hold your hands over the drink,

    and say:

    "From the moon to the land, from the land to the vine, from the vine to the berry,

    from the berry to the juice, I consecrate this drink in the name of the Lord and Lady.

    May their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.

    Drink some of the juice, then pour the rest to the ground as a libation to Spirit,


    "To the gods!

    Hold your hands over the cake, and say:

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    "From the sun to the land, from the land to the stalk, from the stalk to the grain, from

    the grain to this bread, I consecrate this food in the name of the Lord and Lady. May

    their blessings shower upon me through eternity. So mote it be.

    Eat some of the cake and drop the rest to the ground as libation to Spirit saying:

    "To the gods!

    When you are finished, spend some time in meditation. To close, move to the center

    of the circle, and say:

    "Great Mother, Divine Father, I thank you for attending my dedication ceremony.

    Guard and guide me until I decide to become part of the community of the Craft of

    the Wise, or choose to seek another path. Help me to do the divine work given to me,

    and help me in all of my choices. So mote it be.

    Move to the western quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the west, element of water, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you

    for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on

    your way. Powers of water, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if

    you like. Hail and farewell.

    Move to the southern quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the south, element of fire, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you

    for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on

    your way. Powers of fire, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you

    like. Hail and farewell.

    Move to the eastern quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the east, element of air, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank you for

    your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm none on your

    way. Powers of air, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if you like.

    Hail and farewell.

    Move to the northern quarter, and say:

    "Guardians of the north, element of water, and all ye in the realm of Faery! Thank

    you for your participation in my dedication ritual. Peace be with you and harm noneon your way. Powers of water, thank you for your special gifts. Go if you must, stay if

    you like. Hail and farewell. Everything comes from the north!

    Begin at the west, releasing your circle as you walk widdershins around the circle

    area. When you are finished, pound the ground with your hand, and say:

    "This circle is open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part, until we merry

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    meet again. For we are the people, the power and the change! So mote it be!

    Self Dedication RiteSelf Dedication RiteSelf Dedication RiteSelf Dedication Rite


    Salt Scented oil

    Prepare yourself by drawing a bath of warm water. Add a tablespoon or so of salt and

    a few drops of a scented oil such as sandalwood. If you have no bath, use a shower.

    Fill a washcloth with salt, add a few drops of essential oil, and rub your body. If

    you're performing this ritual at the sea or river, bathe there if you so desire. As you

    bathe, prepare for the coming rite. Open your consciousness to higher levels of

    awareness. Deep breathe. Cleanse your mind as well as your body.

    After bathing, dry and dress for the journey. Go to a place in the wild where you feel

    safe. It should be a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed by others, an areawhere the powers of the Earth and the elements are evident. It may be a mountain

    top, a desert canyon or cave, perhaps a dense forest, a rocky outcropping over the sea,

    a quiet island in the center of a lake. Even a lonely part of a park or garden can be

    used. Draw on your imagination to find the place.

    You need take nothing with you but a vial of richly scented oil. Sandalwood,

    frankincense, cinnamon, or any other scent is fine. When you arrive at the place of

    dedication, remove your shoes and sit quietly for a few moments. Calm your heart if

    you've exerted yourself during your travel. Breathe deeply to return to normal, and

    keep your mind free of cluttered thoughts. Open yourself to the natural energiesaround you. When you're calm, rise and pivot slowly on one foot, surveying the land

    around you. You're seeking the ideal spot. Don't try to find it; open your awareness to

    the place. When you've discovered it (and you'll know when), sit, kneel or lie flat on

    your back. Place the oil on the Earth beside you. Don't stand- contact the Earth.

    Continue deep breathing. Feel the energies around you. Call the Goddess and God in

    any words you like, or use the following invocation. Memorize these words before

    the rite so that they'll spill effortlessly from you, or improvise:

    "O Mother Goddess,

    O Father God,Answers to all mysteries and yet mysteries unanswered;

    In this place of power I open myself

    to Your Essence.

    In this place and in this time I am changed;

    From henceforth I walk the Wiccan path.

    I dedicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God.

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    Rest for a moment, silent, still. Then continue:

    I breathe your energies into my body, co-mingling, blending,

    mixing them with mine,

    that I may see the divine in nature,

    nature in the divine,

    and divinity within myself and all else.

    O Great Goddess,

    O Great God,

    Make me one with your essence

    Make me one with your essence

    Make me one with your essence."

    You may feel bursting with power and energy, or calm and at peace. Your mind

    might be in a whirl. The Earth beneath you may throb and undulate with energy.

    Wild animals, attracted by the psychic occurrence, might grace you with their


    Whatever occurs, know that you have opened yourself and that the Goddess and God

    have heard you. You should feel different inside, at peace or simply powerful.

    After the invocation, wet a finger with the oil and mark these two symbols

    somewhere on your body. It doesn't matter where; you can do this on your chest,

    forehead, arms, legs, anywhere. As you anoint, visualize these symbols sinking into

    millions of tiny points of light.

    The formal dedication is ended. Thank the Goddess and God for their attention. Sit

    and meditate before leaving the place of dedication. Once home, celebrate in a special




    A silver pentagram necklace

    A bottle of very good red wine (or fruit juice)

    4 candles for the elements 1 black candle

    2 white candles

    Bowl of specially prepared oil for this night

    Vial of magick oil (your choice)


    Your Book of Shadows

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    Tape player

    Prerecorded tape of the journey youve made (listed below)

    White cord (enough to create a circle around your sacred space)


    Incense of your choice




    Between the sunset and full dark of the day of your initiation, you will revive and set

    up your sacred space in preparation. Bathe with intent. Have all necessary things on

    the altar (including the silver pentacle and the bowl of specially prepared oil) within

    the boundary of your circle.

    Make the incense of your choice and pour the wine into the chalice.

    Be certain that you will not be disturbed.

    Cast the circle as you have learned. Move deosil at all times.

    Light only the candle in the west (do not invoke any of the guardians at this time).

    Seat yourself before the altar and prepare yourself as you have learned. When you are

    ready, make the sign of the invoking pentagram of Earth with your athame over the

    container of specially prepared oil, then rub your entire body with it saying:

    I, (name), am properly preparedto take the rite of initiation.

    I have no fear. I am committed to this.

    I have two perfect words, Love and Trust,

    and with all things I will uphold my oath rightly.

    Start the tape of the journey. Be seated on the ground with your knees drawn up,

    your arms around them, and your head resting on your arms for the entire journey.

    (Note:Note:Note:Note: The terms we and I and the rider are used in a particularly interwoven

    pattern throughout the journey to indicate bout you and you-within-the-vision.Dont let it disturb you. Once youve read the vision through, youll understand.)

    The Journey Between the WorldsThe Journey Between the WorldsThe Journey Between the WorldsThe Journey Between the Worlds

    I see before me the Tunnel of Time. I project myself toward this place and am drawn

    down and down, back and back, way, way back to before the dawn of Christendom in

    a land of emerald green and ageless beauty.

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    I am flying low over rolling hills and moorlands, circling freely over forests and small

    hamlets of country folk, over manor and mere heading toward an inevitable destiny.

    I slow and close the distance between my world and this. The timelessness of a

    winters night is silent; not even the sounds of the hawk or the owl can be heard

    through the thickening pall. I descend.

    Now I hear muffled sounds from the marshland below me. I come to ground level

    where the mist is not so thick, but moving, steadily shape shifting as it swirls around

    the mire.

    There! Just ahead, on horseback, holding high a lantern to pick a path through this

    desolate place, is the horse and rider that I have been seeking.

    I swoop slowly and land, as a mist, upon the horses rump.

    We think of naught; we must not lose our thoughts upon any other theme than that

    of following the almost imperceptible path through this empty place.

    No life here. The lights of a thousand lost souls glint through the mist to remind us of

    our peril, but we hesitate not and heed, not their warnings. My destiny burns within

    my soul and would destroy me were it not fulfilled.

    I can see myself clearly by the light of the lantern; outlined with the ravages of manya sleepless night, I am gaunt. My jaw twitches with my effort, and my eyes are

    haunted by the dream. I am physically strong, cat-like. I clench the lantern, vice-like,

    in my hand. My clothing is simple: thronging crisscrossing the furs about my calves

    and woolen leggings as thick as mail about my thighs. My jerkin is the skin of a wolf

    snared in some past day and my cloak is russet and of heavy woven wool that hangs

    limply along the sides of my mount. I wear a hood of leather, but my hair lays in

    tangled rivulets down my back.

    The length, thus far, of my journey lays heavily upon me, and my shoulders are bent

    forward with fatigue; but we may not stop until we are past this dreadful place.

    Hour upon hour we move, well into the midnight, until at last the horse raises her

    head and snorts as she stumbles onto the grassland. We travel slowly still until the

    rider is certain of our bearings, then we roar with triumph and we are off, running

    like the wind, as the plain thunders beneath us!

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    We slow as dawn creeps above the horizon in a washed-out blur, and horse and rider,

    sweating at their efforts, breathe deeply at the sight. We come at length to a copse of

    trees into which we walk. We dismount and lead our beloved mare into the depths.

    There, a stream, cool and deep, at which we drink before we lead the horse to graze

    beneath the oaks and peer around, cautiously, to guess that none come here often;

    that we might have peace for a few hours during which we will rest.

    I know not why, but know it I do, that the rider wishes to be seen by no one, so we

    ride by night and hide by day so that none may know that we are abroad.

    We unsaddle the mare, crooning to her as we do so, and rub her down with the

    blanket from beneath the saddle. A smile crosses the riders face, and a look that stirs

    my soul with its intensity and passion. Our task done, we proceed to prepare a small

    fire over which we roast potatoes and a strip of dried meat.

    We draw a leather flask from our pouch from which we quaff deeply, the contents

    sweet and fiery. Having eaten of our simple meal, we stamp the fire and curl within

    the cloak to sleep away the daylight hours.

    And so I watch

    at one point I rise above the trees and seek to ascertain our safety, for although the

    rider is furtive and a feared of noticed, I ache for the quest, knowing it is also my

    own, and my compassion reaches out to the strength within our sleeping form who

    would do no harm without good cause. I know not how I would rouse us shoulddanger approach, but there is no farm or village within distance, so I fear not for us.

    I return to find us turning about restlessly in our sleep, the dream causing much

    mumbling and sighing; and so it is for a few hours more until I am woken by my own

    shouts. Sweat beads upon my face, I stand and remove my hood and cloak, and walk

    to the stream to wash myself, and so lose the dreaming. I again light the fire and draw

    from my pouch a large cup that I fill from the stream. I brew a draught of strong

    herbs to help me to wakefulness for the long night ahead.

    My journey will be done, thus far, on this night at least where riding is concerned.The journey of the rest of my life is just beginning, the end of which is assured in my

    mind. There is no turning back from what I so earnestly seek but what I so earnestly

    dread, for it is unclear to me what ventures will befall me between the present

    moment and some eventful death.

    I stamp the fire and cover its remains with dirt and brambles so that none may know

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    that any had passed this way. I call to my horse and she comes from her grazing by

    the stream. I saddle her and attach my pouch to my belt. I don hood and cloak, and

    mount. We move slowly through the trees in the direction of the setting sun. We

    reach the edge of the woods and wait.

    When the night is black, I ride; hour upon hour do I ride. This night is clear and I

    watch the stars for a bearing. Sometimes I walk the horse, sometimes it almost seems

    that she flies. Rising behind me the Moon glows full and high, lighting the way.

    Ahead I see monolithic rocks rising to the night sky and the mist of ocean reaches all

    about us. The tang of salt is in the riders nose and I see my nostrils flare and my eyes

    widen with that same unseeing passion. We approach the cliffs and I hear the roaring

    of waves thrashing upon the rocks below as if relentlessly drawing all within

    themselves. A wild place is this! I see a vast expanse of inky blackness within each

    rocks shadow, which is also the sea over which the Moon glows, causing a pathway

    between herself and the things beneath the waters.

    I stop to light the lantern for the path is rough and the mare troubles with each step. I

    sigh and lay my head upon my arm before raising myself straight within the saddle.

    It is now, I whisper, We wait and seek no more! As known, I have arrived! I look

    ahead to a rocky outcrop like a finger upon the sea.

    I ride hard then, sparks flying from the horses hooves upon the granite way. As we

    approach the peninsula, I see a faint glow, as if from another lantern. I slow down

    now, and throw my own light over the cliff. I am wary and seek to approach unseen.I dismount and walk toward the glow. I see a small cottage almost buried, so deeply

    was it built within the overhang of the cliffs, like a tiny fortress against the wild

    winds and sea. A lonelier spot I have never known.

    The riders face is set like stone and I cannot perceive what thoughts are veiled

    within. We walk with dignity, as if to our death.

    I come at length to the door, of massive proportion compared to the size of the

    cottage. I hesitate not but bang a fist upon it, a sigh upon cold lips. There is a wait, the

    a womans voice calls from beyond the door, Who comes?

    I am called (name), I shout. There is a laugh from within and the door is swung

    wide. There stands a small woman dressed in male attire, with wild copper hair

    cascading down her back.

    You are doubly welcome, (name), and thrice! We have waited long for you!

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    I knew it to be true! I reply, although I smile not. Was it you who called me here?

    It was your own dream, (name), and not of our doing. Enter. I shall tether the mount

    and see her well.

    What name have you? I ask, without moving; but she just smiles and shakes her

    head and again bids me enter.

    The room is dark save for the lantern in the window and the fire in the hearth. I see

    that only the first of the cottage is man-hewn and that the rest is of solid rock formed

    from the depths of the cliff. A hooded figure stands from a chair beside the fire.

    Straight of frame and as tall as an elm, but with the whiteness of hair to tell of great

    age, that falls to shoulders that show no stoop, hallowed with fire glow. He wears a

    robe of heavy dove-gray wool, and as he moves toward me he smiles. I see great love

    in the smile, but as I look into his eyes I flinch at their blackness and depths. There is

    unfathomable power within them as though they had seen the passing of time from

    its very conception and had learned from the travel all that had been there to learn.

    Ive missed you, (name)! Blessed be! he says, as though he knows me well. He takes

    my arm and leads me to stand before the fire. we have known that you would come.

    He laughs with obvious glee.

    Who is the woman? By all the Gods, who are you? I demand, as, although this

    whole thing excites me, I fear it also and am tired of the mystery that has haunted mewaking and sleeping.

    She is who I am, and who you are to become! he replies.

    Her name?

    Call Her (Goddess) , and She will answer you!

    And you, Sir, what be your name? I ask again.

    (Goddess) is one of the names that I am known to be, child.

    And why am I here? I ask, hoping for confirmation of my yearning.

    To learn, (name), the secrets of life and fire! To be at one with Her and mold

    tomorrow with all of my yesterdays! he says.

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    What must I do? I ask.

    Show me the ritual!

    You will return, then, to the place of your circle and proceed with the rite. Refer to

    your Book of Shadows only if absolutely necessary. Go deosil about your circle and

    light all the candles, then the incense. Consecrate the water with your athame,

    making the sign of the pentagram in it. Consecrate the salt, likewise, and add it to the


    Now stand and, beginning at the gate of Earth, hold aloft your pentagram and bear it

    about your circle, leaving it at the gate once you have returned there. Do likewise

    from the gate of Air, with the incense; at the gate of Fire with both the black and

    white candles of duality (that you have on the altar); and from the gate of Water with

    the consecrated water, sprinkling as you walk your circle.

    Return to the altar, raise your dagger aloft and say:

    I, (name), in this place which is not a place,

    And in this time which is not a time,

    Do give my most solemn and sacred oath

    That I will abide by my chosen path

    And will fulfill the dance of my destiny

    Without complaint,

    Knowing it to be the Way of thatWhich I call my Goddess

    And that which I call my God!

    I shall keep silent all things

    Entrusted to me by the Gods

    And by those who seek silence of me,

    In the true nature of priestess!

    I hereby take upon myself the life of witch

    And tell all that gather here

    That my name is (name)!

    Now take your pentagram necklace from the altar, go deosil about your circle, and

    hold it up to each gateway saying:

    Earth, I call to you,

    Great guardian of the gate of Earth!

    I hold before you the symbol of my initiation!

    Acknowledge me,

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    For I am, (name),

    Priestess and witch!

    Place it momentarily on the pentacle to infuse it with the power of Earth.

    Air, I call to you,

    Great guardian of the gate of Air!

    I hold before you the symbol of my initiation!

    Acknowledge me,

    For I am, (name),

    Priestess and witch!

    Hold the pentacle within the smoke of the incense for a moment to infuse it with the

    power of Air.

    Fire, I call to you,

    Great guardian of the gate of Fire!

    I hold before you the symbol of my initiation!

    Acknowledge me,

    For I am, (name),

    Priestess and witch!

    Pass the amulet through the flames to charge it with the power of Fire.

    Water, I call to you,

    Great guardian of the gate of Water!

    I hold before you the symbol of my initiation!

    Acknowledge me,For I am, (name),

    Priestess and witch!

    Dip the amulet into the consecrated water to charge it with the power of that


    Return to your altar and drop the pentacle necklace over your head.

    Take up your athame and place the blade, oh, so sensually, into the wine in your

    chalice and say:Power and passion, the way of the art;

    Lover and lover as Goddess and God,

    United and blessed, the blood of the vine,

    Cup and athame conjoined through desire!

    Sip. Put a drop of this fluid on your finger and trace the pentagram on your own

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    forehead with it.

    Stand and take the vial of sacred oil. Put a little on both of your feet saying:

    Blessed be these feet

    Made to walk the path of the twice-born!

    Touch your knees with the oil saying:

    Blessed be these knees

    Made to kneel at the altar of all things!

    Touch your genitals with the oil saying:

    Blessed be the way of the creation of life!

    Touch oil to your chest saying:

    Blessed be this breast

    Formed in beauty and strength!

    Touch oil just above and below your lips saying:

    Blessed be these lips that speak the truth;

    By all the names of Goddess and God!

    May I be blessed! Blessed be!

    Finally you will dedicate yourself to one of the faces of both Goddess and God; name

    them, understanding that these names represent certain powers and influences that

    you seek to know and represent. Oath yourself to clarity and the refusal of betrayal ofthe Way of Witch.

    Drink deeply now from the cup, leaving a libation that you will pour onto the earth.

    Take up your athame and circle from Earth to Air to Fire to Water, farewelling each

    guardian and closing each gate.

    Write in the back of your Book of Shadows the ritual name that you have taken and

    the date of your initiation (and any other pertinent details).

    Then open your circle using your athame to withdraw the force field; earth it as you

    have been taught. Put away all things of ritual.

    Have a feast to ground yourself and celebrate.

    The rite is done. Blessed be!

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    Before you go to sleep that night, and each night for a couple of weeks, repeat

    silently, or whispered, using your ritual name:

    I am (name),

    Priestess and witch.

    Self InitiationSelf InitiationSelf InitiationSelf Initiation





    4 candles or stones


    Set up your temporary alter and quarter points. The quarters can be stones or candles

    but stones have the advantage of not blowing out if there is a breeze.

    Cast your circle of protection.

    Undress - remove all jewelry, watches etc. and put into a bag, with your purse and

    other items that are easily lost.

    Consecrate the circle.

    Summon the guardians with these words, and don't forget to pause to visualize the

    element concerned and to think upon the significance of that element for your selfdedication:

    "Guardians of the North, sacred spirit of Earth. Into the stillness of your cold dark

    womb shall you accept my death, the death of my former self. I bid you hail and


    Guardians of the East, sacred spirit of air. As the sun rises in the east so shall you

    guide my rebirth into my new life as a Witch. I bid you hail and welcome.

    Guardians of the South, sacred spirit of Fire. You shall be my protector as I go forth

    from here along my new path. I bid you hail and welcome.

    Guardians of the West, sacred spirit of Water. Cleanse my spirit and keep it ever pure

    from now and into the future."

    Now for your symbolic death.

    Lie on the floor on your back. You can lie with your head to the altar (North) if you

    wish to be close to the Goddess or to the East if the principle of rebirth is more

    important to you. Recite again those same words:

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    "I am entering the stillness before creation

    I am entering the ground of the Goddess

    May my body be still

    May my mind be peaceful

    May my heart be ready"

    Now be at peace; feel the peace of the Goddess flow into you. Feel yourself merge

    with the cold Earth beneath you. Chant this slowly and quietly:

    Hecate, Cerridwin,

    Dark Mother take me in

    Hecate, Cerridwin,

    Let me be reborn."

    Keep chanting until you feel yourself melting into the Goddess.

    When you feel the time is right get up slowly and begin to walk round the circle

    chanting the Goddess chant:

    "We all come from the Goddess,

    And to Her we shall return,

    Like a drop of rain,

    Flowing to the ocean."

    Walk gradually faster and chant faster round and round the circle. Faster and faster

    until you get dizzy. Don't stop even then. After a while you'll get tired but you must

    not stop. Go on the same time again until you drop exhausted on the floor. Why?because chanting and dancing raise power.

    Lay again on your back as you regain your breath. As soon as you have your breath

    back stand in front of the altar and anoint yourself thus: Dip a finger in the oil and

    mark a cross: 1 on the left breast (male or female), 2 on the right breast, 3 just above

    the pubic hair. This is the sigil of the first degree, the downward pointing triangle.


    "I anoint myself priestess of the old religion, and I take the name (magickal name)."

    Then say:I, (name), in the presence of the forces of Universe and the Divine, do of my own

    free will and mind most solemnly swear that I will ever abide by the religion and

    science of the Craft of the Wise. 'I shall neither harm my fellow humans with the

    secrets that I learn nor shall I flaunt my beliefs or powers before them. 'From this day

    on I shall be reborn as (name) and shall honor, respect and cherish this oath I have


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    Kneel up in front of the altar. Pour a little wine into the goblet and place it at the

    front of the altar. Now take your Athame and holding it with both hands, pointing

    down and arms outstretched plunge the blade into the wine. Say:

    "As the cup is to the female so the blade is to the male. And so conjoined bring


    Now say to yourself:

    "I am reborn. I am a Witch. I am a Priestess."

    Rise to your feet and say as loud as is safe bearing in mind that sound carries:

    "I am a witch!I am a witch!I am a witch!I am a witch!"

    Now consecrate the wine and cakes as you have already learned. Take some wine and

    eat a cake. Close the circle and ask the quarters if they would like to be dismissed

    (never treat them like servants), remember to thank them. Get dressed and eat and

    drink some more and remember to keep some back for the libation which you make

    on the very site of your self initiation before you leave.