Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate Service...Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate It...

Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate It is important to complete all the necessary information otherwise services could be delayed To enable us to comply with the current COSHH Regulations, all pipettes used with hazardous materials must be decontaminated of all hazards and not present a risk to the service technician. Please complete this certificate declaring the items as hazard free & enclose it with your pipettes for servicing. Delivery Address: Invoice Address: Promotion Code: Manufacturer/Model of Pipettes to be Serviced No. of Pipettes Manufacturer/Model of Pipettes to be Serviced No. of Pipettes Name: Company: Dept: Tel No: Fax No: Email: Customer Order No: VAT Exemption: YES NO Service Type: As Received Calibration Only Service & As Returned Calibration As Received Service & As Returned Calibration Service Level Required: (2.2, 2.4 etc) Details shown overleaf Have the pipette(s) been used with any hazardous materials? YES Go to section A then C NO Go to section B then C Nature of Contaminant: Method of Decontamination: Decontaminated by: Date of Decontamination: A I confirm that the above information is accurate, and that the pipette)s) detailed is/are safe to handle Position: Date: Signed: Name: B I authorise that any spare parts required to bring this/these pipette(s) back to required calibration level may be replaced and that these will be detailed on my invoice Please contact me with a quotation before proceeding with any service if spare parts amount to £30 or over per pipette Please contact me with a quotation for spare parts before proceeding with any service C Test Specifications: Manufacturers ISO 8655 *Please note that selecting fewer than 10 readings at 3 volumes is on the understanding that it does not permit a conclusion of conformity to ISO 8655*

Transcript of Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate Service...Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate It...

Page 1: Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate Service...Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate It is important to complete all the necessary information otherwise services could


It is important to complete all the necessary information otherwise services could be delayedTo enable us to comply with the current COSHH Regulations, all pipettes used with hazardous materials must be decontaminated of all hazards and not presentarisktotheservicetechnician.Pleasecompletethiscertificatedeclaringtheitemsashazardfree&encloseitwithyourpipettesforservicing.

Delivery Address: Invoice Address:

Promotion Code:

Manufacturer/Model of Pipettes to be Serviced No. of Pipettes Manufacturer/Model of Pipettes to be Serviced No. of Pipettes

Name: Company: Dept:

Tel No: Fax No: Email:

Customer Order No: VAT Exemption: YES NO

Service Type: As Received Calibration Only Service & As Returned Calibration As Received Service & As Returned Calibration

Service Level Required: (2.2, 2.4 etc) Details shown overleaf

Have the pipette(s) been used with any hazardous materials? YES Go to section A then C NO Go to section B then C

Nature of Contaminant:

Method of Decontamination:

Decontaminated by: Date of Decontamination:


Position: Date:

Signed: Name:BI authorise that any spare parts required to bring this/these pipette(s) back to required calibration level may be replaced and that these will be detailed on my invoice

Please contact me with a quotation before proceeding with any service if spare parts amount to £30 or over per pipette

Please contact me with a quotation for spare parts before proceeding with any service


Test Specifications: Manufacturers ISO 8655

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*Please note that selecting fewer than 10 readings at 3 volumes is on the understanding that it does not permit a conclusion of conformity to ISO 8655*

Page 2: Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate Service...Decontamination & Authorisation Certificate It is important to complete all the necessary information otherwise services could

2.2 Reading Calibration

All Instruments are serviced andrepaired, followed by a two reading accuracy check at the lowest andhighestspecificationvolumes.

Weissueacertificateofcalibrationdetailing the results of the check.

2.4 Reading Calibration

All Instruments are serviced andrepaired, followed by a four reading accuracy check at the lowest andhighestspecificationvolumes.

Weissueacertificateofcalibrationdetailing the results of the check.

3.10 UKAS Calibration

All Instruments are serviced andrepaired, followed by a ten reading accuracy check at the lowest, midandhighestspecificationvolumes.

WeissueafullUKAScertificateofcalibration detailing the results ofthe check

Service & Calibration Options

Send Your Pipettes, Order Form and Decontamination Certificate to: Sky Business Centre, 9a Plato Business Park, Damastown, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15F T 00353 1 8851605 F +44 (0) 1162 346704 E [email protected]

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Decon Cert 2013.indd 2 25/06/2013 15:42