DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are...

Pop Culture Politics Student Life and the like Spring 2015 DECONSTRUCTION

Transcript of DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are...

Page 1: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly

Pop Culture Politics Student Life and the like Spring 2015


Page 2: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly
Page 3: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly

Message F


The E



Alexandra BaruchI accept the fact that I had to spend half a semester

piecing this magazine tpgether. But I think you’re crazy to make me write a paragraph telling you who

I think we (DEconstruction) are. You see us as you

want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most

convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is: a brain, an athlete, a basket

case, a princess, a criminal, and more... Does that

answer your question?

Spring 2015 Deconstruction 2

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Editors In Chief

Alexandra Baruch

Will Lescas ( Away )


Jennifer Staib


Rachel Natbony


Caleb Trotter


Jennifer Staib

Rachel Natbony

Eshani Pandya

Alexandra Baruch

Russ Israel

Tiona Coleman

Ana Jackson Chaves

Will Lescas ( Away )

Front and Back

Cover Art

Courtesy of:

Alexandra Baruch

Deconstruction 3 Spring 2015

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Spring 2015 Deconstruction 4

Table of Contents

5Jennifer StaibI Wanna Be Where the People


7Russ IsraelFunk on the Rise

9Rachel NatbonyThings to Expect When You

Travel with Your Best Friends

11Yes+: A Crash Course in Enjoying LifeAna Jackson Chaves

13Alexandra BaruchLouis C.K.:

You’re New Cynical Idol

15Eshani PandyaIs He (Big Brother) Watching


17Tiona ColemanHow to Get Away With An

Amazing Show

Editors In Chief

Alexandra Baruch

Will Lescas ( Away )


Jennifer Staib


Rachel Natbony


Caleb Trotter

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Spring 2015 Deconstruction 5

Jennifer Staib

I Wanna Be Where The People Aren’t:The Seven Wonder of Winter Session

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Jennifer Staib


inter Session is a lovely opportunity,

particularly if you’re not a huge fan of people and you need to catch up on credits (or as in my case,

you have a serious condition of over-achiever).

As an introvert, I’ve come up with seven reasons to support my belief that Winter Session is a truly

fabulous time on the academic calendar.

1. Firstly, Winter Session is incredibly

peaceful. Walking around to classes isn’t a hassle because there’s no need for crowd weaving and ninja moves to pass the slow-walkers (you

know who you are). Plus, there are fewer people

around in general, so the probability of running

into someone you know is relatively low (which is

a win if you dislike acknowledging others whilst

striding to class).

2. Second, going along with the theme of

few people around, lines are shorter. I can finally go to Chipotle without feeling claustrophobic. It’s beautiful. And the Starbuck’s line in Smith? It’s totally manageable and you don’t have to hate yourself for wasting so much time waiting for

overly priced coffee.

3. Furthermore, whether you live in the

dorms or off-campus, the atmosphere of Winter

Session is completely different. In the dorms,

you can almost guarantee that more than half

of your floor-mates will be gone, meaning that there are fewer people using the bathrooms

and grossing up the place. In addition there

are fewer drunken shenanigans, so you no

longer wake up in the middle of the night to the

shouts of intoxicated individuals. Off-campus, it’s likely that your apartment or house will be less

inhabited than it was before. In my case, I had

my entire apartment to myself, and (don’t tell my roommates) I thoroughly enjoyed blaring One

Direction and belting the lyrics whilst dancing in

my Disney pajamas. I also enjoyed putting rotten

food in their sheets. (I’m just kidding, we have a very loving relationship). Anyway…

4. Next on the list is the fact that there are

only one or two classes to deal with, which

leaves plenty of time to binge on Netflix. I’ve done Winter Session each for three years now

(of course, I’m an in-stater), and I’ve only ever taken one class, so I’ve had minimal work each time (I heard that two classes can be a bit rough).

I say proudly that I watched a ridiculous amount

of Netflix, finishing several of my guilty-pleasure T.V. series.

5. Since Winter Session is held during one

of the coldest months of the year, it provides the

perfect circumstances in which to cuddle up with

a blanket and some hot chocolate, surrounded

by your best friends on girls’ night with nothing but Disney on the agenda. Not to say that this

can’t be done during the regular semester, but the calmer atmosphere is perfect for a delightful

night in.

6. Indeed, the peace and quiet of Winter

Session is irreplaceable. When it starts to snow

the campus is a freaking Winter Wonderland.

Picture a light snow falling all across Newark,

the street lights throwing a calm orange light

that reflects off of the snow, and a silence that is profound and beautiful… yeah it’s pretty darn awesome.

7. It’s really cold, especially if you have an 8a.m. This isn’t quite a wonder. This part sucks a bit, unless you’re Queen Elsa and the cold never bothered you anyway.

In case you can’t tell, I very much enjoy Winter Session, and I highly recommend it for you all to

try sometime. Though, don’t you all register for Winter Session at once…most of the fun is due

to the fact that none of you are here…

“There are only one or two

classes to deal with, which

leaves plenty of time to binge

on Netflix.”

Page 8: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly

“‘Uptown Funk’ marks a turning point in twenty first century pop music. DiscoFunk is making a comeback! We seen pop music of this sort since the late 1970s...”

Spring 2015 Deconstruction 7

Funk on the Rise




Throughout the past few years, a lot of the monster

pop songs, as I like to call them, have been the

slightest bit funky and disco-esque. Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines,” Pharell Williams’ “Happy,” and Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky,” all of which were at the Billboard number one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk”

by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly the funkiest

of them all and could be on its way to surpassing the

popularity of the three monsters previously listed.

How come wherever I go, I hear “Uptown Funk” playing in the background? Don’t get me wrong, I love the song. But after hearing it on TV, in my dorm, in student

centers, on the radio, in coffee shops, and pretty much

anywhere else you can think of, I have noticed that

its popularity trumps that of most other pop songs.

The single from Mark Ronson’s latest album, Uptown Special, sat at number one on the US Billboard Top

100 for eight weeks, the UK Singles Chart for seven,

and is still the top selling track on iTunes. It also broke

other records such as being the most streamed song in

a week at 2.56 million.

When asked what kind of style Ronson intended for

the single, he stated that he loves real instruments i.e.

horns and bass guitar, but wants to play “great records

in the club that sound amazing.” That is the key to the

song’s success. It could pass as both a song college kids “turn up” to and a

track all the 70s afroDads shake their

hips with.

Ronson also mentioned in a different

interview that Bruno Mars – who sings

and plays drums on the piece – has

a certain energy to his performance

that can transcend the boundaries of

Russ Israel

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Spring 2015

Funk on the Rise




Spring 2015 Deconstruction 8

age and race. In addition, the

song’s bass player, Jamareo

Artis, who normally plays with

Bruno Mars, has a strong jazz

and R&B background; his slap

bass provides a perfect – not too

cheesy – tone and foundation

for the rest of the song to groove

on. But that is just my own

observation. You know a song is

special when both your younger

sister and your professor can

sing along to it…

“Uptown Funk” marks a turning

point in twenty first century pop music. DiscoFunk is making a

comeback! We haven’t seen pop music of this sort since the

late 1970s/early 1980s when

tracks like “Super Freak” and

“Brick House” held the number one spots. Ronson’s song, unlike “Happy” and “Blurred Lines” is completely funky. It

has horns, slap bass, the whole

70s package! Pop music is

transitioning from songs made

entirely on a laptop, to songs

made in an actual studio with

actual musicians and an actual

groove. I for one can’t live without the groove. Ever since

dubstep gained popularity, the

groove, which I am so fond of,

has been replaced with build

ups and “drops.” Those drops

are definitely fun to listen to, but when you hear the same

crescendo four times throughout

one song. it gets old. Plus, it is

hard to relax to that kind of house

music. It is much easier, more

fun, and more relaxing to listen

to the popfunk songs of late as

opposed to the ususal frat party


Yet I can’t figure out why so many young people like Ronson’s funk

endeavor, Uptown Special. Funk

and Disco have been around for

so long, and it is strange to me

that only now with this album all

the youths are getting hip to it.

Perhaps people subconsciously

miss the authenticity of a real

bass guitarist playing in perfect

unison with a real drummer.

When two humans make music

together, there is subtlety and

there is slight error, but if those

musicians are connected and

talented, they will make errors

together. On the other hand, if

a human is making music with

a computer, there is no subtlety

and there is no error; there is

only calculation and perfection.

In today’s iWorld, I think we long for genuine connection; we hear

that humanity in “Uptown Funk”

and I hope we will continue to

hear it in the pop funk songs of

the next few years.

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Rachel Natbony



































Things To Expect When You Travel With Your Best


Last winter break, I had the once-in-a-lifetime

opportunity to take a four-day trip to Nashville,

TN, with three of my oldest, craziest friends. For

the first time ever, we had no chaperones, no parents, and no explicit plan. It was just the four

of us frolicking about the bar scene, and soaking

in all the country music, culture, and laughs we

could fit in ourselves. Not only did I love every second of it, but I also learned some important

truths about the silly, accepting dynamic of best

friends on an adventure together.

Whatever you forget to pack, someone else will

have for you to borrow. If you can’t shake the feeling you left something essential at home,

don’t even worry about it. I ran out of eye shadow halfway through the trip, but I didn’t really run out of eye shadow, because I had three other makeup

bags at my disposal, no questions asked. My

friend, Julie, exclusively brought workout clothes

and somehow managed to dress appropriately

the whole time. What’s yours is theirs and what’s theirs is yours.

You will accumulate inside jokes beyond

comprehension to anyone else. For real, though.

While on the trip, my friends and I were basically

married to each other. We spent all hours of the

day and night stumbling upon random nuances,

occurrences, and strange happenings. There is

a line between what is funny because it’s funny and what is funny because of whom you’re with. While on such a trip, that line is absurdly blurred,

in the best possible way.

Each of you will claim a corner of the hotel

room to carelessly throw all your crap. Because

suitcases are small, and it’s hard to find that cute shirt you want to wear to dinner that night, and

it’s even harder to fit everything back where it was, your belongings will claim one corner of the

room. These designations will be unspoken, but

thoroughly adhered to, and beautiful through and


You will pee in more restaurants than you will

eat or drink. As close as I am with my three

friends, we still had to work with four separate,

demanding bladders. Bathroom stops were

rampant on our trip, and often happened at the

worst, most inconvenient times. Once or twice

we had an emergency on our hands, and in these

instances, finding a bathroom became both an aggressive intense mission, as well as a bonding

experience. Nobody wants their friend to have to

hold it.

Naptime will inadvertently be scheduled into your

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day-to-day happenings, and

that’s okay. Sorry, but college students are secretly adult

babies. With all the excitement

and late-night shenanigans,

crashing is inevitable. Obviously

you don’t want to spend the whole trip sleeping, but cut

yourselves a break. Friends who

nap together, stay together.

There will always be that one

friend who gets up early and

does productive things. Don’t try to understand her. She is a

Martian. Just let it happen.

You will take too many pictures.

I’m not kidding. Take pictures in the taxi. Take pictures when

you’re all brushing your teeth with makeup smeared all over

your faces. Take selfies with your food. Take selfies with unsuspecting strangers. Record

everything, because it really

does go by so quickly, and you

have no idea when you’ll all be together this way again.

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Yes+:A Crash Course in Enjoying Life

Ana Jackson Chaves










Five days is not enough time to become enlightened-- this is something I knew fully well as I signed up for the YES+ program.Yet, when I signed up for this meditation workshop/self-improvement program, I couldn’t help but wonder how I will have changed by the end of it.

It was a unique experience. Every night we would meet up in one of the event rooms on campus. Huddled under blankets, we’d form a rough circle and begin each session with a discussion about the importance of medita-tion and reflection. Then we would perform a number of activities that were designed to make us break out of our comfort zone. The great thing was that everyone put 100% energy into the activities. During one session, we each had to take turns standing at the front of the room to teach our favorite dance moves to the rest of the people. What would have usually mortified me became something truly enjoy-able because of the positivity of everyone in the room.

I realized that I was getting such positive feed-back because I had completely let go of any self-consciousness. And that realization spurred me on to do even more ridiculous moves. I was like a fitness instructor in one of those cheesy exercise videos from the

eighties. I made everyone clap their hands, and bounce up and down, and skip while flapping their arms.

Yes, on the surface this looked like some silly ice-breaker exercise. It wasn’t until later that I realized the importance of the underlying lesson.

The leaders of the program had crafted an environment in which free expression was encouraged, not graded or judged. I’d never felt such high levels of energy coming from a group of college students. Usually when you see people interacting on campus, they’re us-ing their best nonchalant tones of voice and gauging how much of themselves they can reveal to another person without seeming weird. Suddenly, it felt like I was living two separate lives-- one as a partially zombified student and one as a free spirited member of the YES+ community. It was easy to see which one I preferred.

But it wasn’t long before I realized that the knowledge the program had given me about stress-management and happiness wasn’t an instant cure-all. I didn’t wake up suddenly the next day and feel delight at tackling the mound of projects I had to do. Nor was I im-mune to everyday irritations. But I was more aware. I realized that my negative attitudes

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were limiting what I could accomplish. The problem was that it was so much harder to keep that high-levepositivity going when I was surrounded by people who hadn’t been part of the program.

It’s been months since that course ended, and even now I struggle to put what I learned into practice. I think the main chal-lenge is that this kind of learning isn’t just memorization-- it’s changing how you view things and how your mind functions. Sure, it was easy to be free-spirited and silly for a few moments in a welcoming community atmosphere. But on a huge college campus, where so many people are strangers to one another, it’s a lot harder to spread that feeling of community. This is something that we do not learn in school. We learn study strategies and things that are practical but, we don’t learn the im-portant things like how to open one’s heart to others, and find excitement in one’s work,

and not let school drain whatever may be left of that thing you call a soul. Although the YES+ program did not completely change my attitudes to-wards life, it did help me realize a lot of important things. It taught me how important it is to be encouraging to people and to allow free expression. Unfortunately, our society does not sup-port these attitudes. We’re taught to be competitive, and to size people up to see how we compare. We’re taught all these standards we have to meet inorder to be successful but we often end up miser-able. Before, I would have resigned my-self to accept that I can’t change society.

But after seeing how everyone responded to the YES+ program, I’ve realized that changes can be made-- but we have to put 100% into it or it’s not going to happen.

“I was more aware. I realized that my negative attitudes were limiting what I could accomplish.”

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Spring 2015 Deconstruction 13

By: Alexandra Baruch

Louis C.K.:Your New Cynical Idol

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Deconstruction 14Spring 2015 Spring 2015

By: Alexandra Baruch

When you have bacon in your mouth, it

doesn’t matter whose president.

C.K. reminds us to take a step back and enjoy

the simple things. Yes, the world is a chaotic

place. There are reasons to be anxious, to be

afraid, to curl up in a blanket, become a human

burrito, and spend a weekend in hibernation.

But there is a time and a place for that worry and

stress, and it isn’t every day. Now and then, we owe it to ourselves to take a day off. Completely

off. Not just by skipping one class and sleeping

in late, but by skipping everything, and doing

something fun. There are certain things that are

bigger than our stresses, like running away to

the beach, spending an entire day in bed, or

cramming bacon into our faces.

“I don’t stop eating when I’m full. The meal isn’t over when I’m full. It’s over when I hate myself.” If gluttony is sin, then call me a sinner. Sure,

there is something to be said for knowing

your limits, but when life gives you a plate of

barbecue, macaroni and cheese, creamed corn,

cole slaw, french fries, and sweet tea … self-

hatred is served for dessert (after the ice cream,


“Everything is amazing and no one is happy.”

Truth. We can send text messages across the

country in mere seconds. We can have food

delivered directly to our doors. We can step onto

a plane, fall asleep, and wake up on a different

continent. But that’s just not enough for us. No one is happy, because our internet connections

are slow, our phones are two years old, and for

whatever reason the winter is cold.

“It’s kind of awkward to eat alone in a restaurant because everybody’s looking at me.” Everyone should experience eating alone. It’s liberating. They say before you can love another

person, you must first love yourself; there’s a mild amount of truth in that. Take yourself out

to dinner and conquer the awkwardness. Do all

of those little date-ish things on your own: mock

other diners, people-watch, stare blankly at the


“‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of.”

This line is a little dated, given that the advent

of Netflix has put boredom on the endangered species list. Although that’s not the point that C.K. is making, it still works. How can anyone claim to be “bored” when there are approximately

one gajillion things to see and do? The challenge

of going one week without uttering the phrase

“I’m bored” is one that everyone should attempt. Channel your inner Jack Dawson: “make each

day count.”

“I don’t have enough time in any day to think about you enough.”

Illustrating his rare but riveting sweet side, C.K.

seldom delivers lines like this one, making them

even better. In a sea of cynical yet undeniably

true observations about life, dropping this heart-

melter shows the world that even under that

hard outer shell is a soft caramel center. In

other words, every so often it’s okay to melt for someone — show them that chewy center.

“Fifty books about Clifford the Big Red Dog,

and they all tell you the exact same story: “look

how big this dog is.” That’s it.” Whether he’s bashing children’s literature to make the point that children are a pain, or trying to convey that

unoriginality is irritating, C.K. is absolutely right.

Be it Romeo and Juliet, Twilight, or Fifty Shades

of Grey, they all tell you the exact same story: watch these star-crossed lovers fumble around

for a while. That’s it. In essence C.K. is reiterating and recommending a lesson brought to us by

Good Will Hunting: “I’d hate to be unoriginal.”

“I don’t care.” Sweet, to the point, and probably what you’re saying to yourself as you flip through this magazine — but that’s life and sometimes you’ve got to be direct.

“You don’t have to be smart to laugh at farts, but you have to

be stupid not to.”

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Eshani Pandya

In this day and age of technology, virtually every-

one in the U.S. has either a computer, or a phone.

While we are busy working away, oblivious to our

surroundings, government agencies like the NSA

(National Security Agency) or FBI (Federal Bureau

of Investigation) may be watching and/or tracking

what we may be doing.

Rumors of this violation of the 4th amendment

have been circulating since the early 2000’s. Especially after 9/11, where the government and

the United States in general was on high alert for

security. Since then, the CIA (Central Intelligence

Agency) has been known to be use drones to track

the movement of Al Qaeda. The press first reported these illegal activities by the government in late 2005; in 2006, however,

there was a break through with former AT&T tech-

nician Mark Klein. Klein had been working with

AT&T for 22 years when a new hub opened up in

San Francisco on Folsom Street. As it was open-

ing, Klein received an email that someone from the

NSA was to visit their current hub on Geary Street. This is where Klein was first struck with the bi-zarreness of the situation and this escalated when

he found documents that showed that the NSA

was receiving access to massive amounts of email

and internet records from various telecommunica-

tion providers.

New pieces of information came to light last year,

when a former NSA employee Edward Snowden

leaked documents that claimed President Bush,

President Obama, their aides, certain Con-

gress members, and federal judges all knew

about this privacy breach. These judges

would authorize the government agents to

search for whatever they wanted, wherever

they wanted.

Drones have been becoming notoriously

popular through out the country. Drones

are “an unmanned aircraft or ship that can

navigate autonomously, without human

control or beyond line of sight,” according

to Merriam-Webster. This may be due to

their convenience, ranging from the size of

a model aircraft to a full sized jet. The FAA

(Federal Aviation Administration) is in charge

of regulating these machines, and in past

years have been issuing more and more

certificates. These certificates can cover multiple flights by more than one aircraft in particular areas. Many states have taken to

enacting laws regulating the use of drones

in sovereign skies. Many Police Stations

have also been applying to the FAA to fly drones around their designated areas—

some cities to begin doing this are Miami

and Seattle. Homeland security claims to use these drones for disaster relief, like wild

fires, flooding, etc. While there may be some legitimate reasons for these drones to by

flying in the sky, are there other reasons that include American’s privacy? Like regular day-to-day Americans, the

government has been taking advantage of

the technology available to us Americans.

This is all good and well until the issue of

our privacy comes up. The government may

be taking technology to the next level, by

keeping our text message, email, and Inter-

net search records, along with spying on us

through the use of drones.

So the next time you are on your laptop

browsing, know that everything you are

seeing or doing could be being seen by a

government official from the NSA too.

Is He Watching?

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Deconstruction 16Spring 2015 Spring 2015

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“The very first episode

contained just about the same

amount of drama that could

occur in an entire season of a


Deconstruction 17

How To Get

Away With An

Amazing ShowTiona Coleman

As I constantly contemplated the topics in

which I could discuss in order to create a

decent article, my heart kept reverting back

to Thursday, February 26. Particularly, that

Thursday evening when the season finale of How To Get Away With Murder aired. To say this show contains a surplus of interesting

plot twists, and drama that at times seem

unfathomable would be a complete

understatement. The first ten minutes of the very first episode contained just about the same amount of drama that could occur in an

entire season of a series. The show received

rave reviews from various outlets, such as

USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, Boston

Herald, and many more. Week after week, the show continued to get more exciting

and scandalous. While I would not ordinarily

tune into a show of this caliber, I can say it

definitely captivated me and never seemed to disappoint.

As a general synopsis, the core of the

show revolves around the personal and

professional life of criminal law professor,

Annalise Keating. The course that Annalise

teaches at the fictional Middleton law school is entitled “How To Get Away With Murder.”

Spring 2014 h













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Spring 2014 Deconstruction 18

Annalise selects five of her best students to endeavor on

the opportunity to work for her

law firm. The students take on the task of helping Annalise

with various clients, while at the

same time trying to solve the

mystery of who was responsible

for the recent murder of a

student at the school.

Along the way, we gain insight

on various scandals and

infidelities that are occurring with nearly all of the main

characters. One of the most

important scandal arises from

Annalise and her husband.

Annalise is married to a fellow

professor at the law school,

Sam Keating. It is discovered

that Sam was involved in an

affair with his student. This

student just so happens to

be the same student that was

murdered. Over the course of

the season, enough drama to

last me for a lifetime occurs. The

show initially opens with one

murder, but it ends with three.

And to top that off, everyone

involved in the murders are

never caught!

The show generally receives

8/10 stars by critics. Personally,

I would give the show 9/10

(just so I do not set the bar

too high for the first season). While the show may not be

completely probable with every

scenario, the writers definitely have enthralled an audience.

The acting by lead role, Viola

Davis, is phenomenal and

the supporting cast is very

convincing. The show contains

so many shocks and twists that

one must only watch to fully

gain an understanding as to

why I am still processing what

happened four days after the

finale. And if you are wondering whether or not the show

actually teaches someone how

to get away with murder… It is

too early to determine.













“To say this show contains a surplus of interesting plot twists, and drama that times seem unfathomable,

would be a complete understatement.”

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Deconstruction 19

UD Yak

math exam trmwSo naturally I just spent an hour researching the his-tory of Alaska

To the dead squirrel on the green: R.I.P. little guy.

Do vegans eat dinosaur egg oatmeal?

I’ve had it. Today’s the day. Today’s the day I grab one of the puppies and run.

My diet can best be described as “un-chaperoned child at a birthday party”.The more you know.

I love it when girls ask me out. It shows confidence and poor judgment

If you’re not pumped for the holiday sea-son then you’re Feliz Navidead to me

I just realized “tater tot” is short for “po-tato toddler” and now I don’t know what to think about life anymore

Just WebMD’d my symptoms and I either have a hang-over or lupus ... Not sure

The fact that squir-rels don’t have to pay tuition to live on campus is nuts

Introspective frat guy: who do I know here?What you never

realized is that you were 3rd wheeling your parents all your childhod




Spring 2015

Page 21: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly




Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Deconstruction 20

Call ing al l writers.Join a group that encourages fresh ideas and voices bigger than 140 characters. Join DEconstruction.

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Page 22: DEcon Spring 2015 - University of one, are just a few examples. “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars is clearly