Decline of schools and rise of learning webs2

+ ICETA-4 Decline of the Schools and the Rise of Learning Webs Daniel Mohammad Rosyid Advisor of East Java Education Board

Transcript of Decline of schools and rise of learning webs2

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ICETA-4Decline of the Schools and the Rise of Learning Webs

Daniel Mohammad RosyidAdvisor of East Java Education Board

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1 IntroductionPoor results in PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS indicated that Indonesian pupils are lagging behind in math, physics, literacy, critical thinking and creativity

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Kur2013 policy initiative as a strategic move to improve education is mistaken since it is based on an obsolete school paradigm relevant only in the past.

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Changing the all-powerful curriculum to improve education is a

20th century myth which is illusive and misleading

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It is illusive since education achievement is not significantly determined by schooling nor curriculum, but more by his personal attitude developed at home and his life experience out of school

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It is also misleading because it conceals 2 other more fundamental education problems in Indonesia : 1. Teachers incompetence2. Poor Education Governance

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2Education is more of

learning rather than schooling nor teaching

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Learning is a process of

making sense of experiences and practices

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Reading :Exploring the "real" world and its symbols(includes listening, seeing, smelling and sensing)

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Proving what has been read

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Writing :

Innovating what has been experienced in practice

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Speaking :

Communicating the innovation for the community to adopt

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Even without the internet, learning does not necessitate schooling

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3 The School

Sir Ken Robinson (2010) :"Every country on earth is reforming its public education"

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"The problem is : they are doing it by doing what they have done in the past. They may do it better, by increasing the standards"

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"By increasing school time, by providing secondary education, by putting more money into the school system"

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"They want to prepare their children for the future by doing what they have done in the past"

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"The present (school) system is designed, conceived and structured for a different age : the age of enlightenment and industrial revolution"

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"The present system has done very well only for some. A very few people has benefitted wonderfully from it. But most of them have not, even marginalised"

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Schools are franchised "education" providers.They function quite similarly to nearby warungs offering uniformly prescripted lunch.

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School paradigm :Optimal learning outcomes is the result of following faithfully well-structured set of instructions and evaluation called curriculum under the guidance of teachers in schools

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4 CurriculumHierarchy of Taught Subjects :1. Science2. Math3. Social science4. Arts5. Physical education

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Kurikulum 2013 is doomed to fail to prepare young learners for the 21st century because it is based on obsolete paradigm and invalid assumptions

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Why arts is such a looser and science and math such a big shot ?

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"Because the economic circumstances of the time :productivity and utility of workers in the factories"

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"We cannot transform our public education for 21Century by using production line, batch processes and standardization mentality"

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The set of instructions is derived from set of core competences, and basic competences derivable from a "job market" or employment requirements

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Such curriculum is therefore formulated

outside-in : pupils are expected to follow the set of instruction faithfully, or they are to adapt themselves to the curriculum

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Not surprisingly, the basic structure of such curriculum is to prepare the young from working-class families for a job placement

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To prepare leaders we have to

formulate the curriculum inside-out : recognizing the unique trait and interest of each pupils, then develop a learning program based upon them

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Schools were designed and organized using a

factory mentality : production line, batch processes, and standardization

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Neuroscience finds that the brain performs best when our body is in mobile mode in an open space

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Sitting for hours in a walled, contained space called classes are the worst place to learn, espescially for kids

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Kids learn best while they play in natural environment. Enjoyment is key to a meaningful learning experiences

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Normal kids, smarter ones do not need a school set-up to learn.A tight, technocratically well-crafted curriculum is the last thing they need

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Only lazy kids and the ones with special needs really need a "well designed" technocratically by experts at the top from Jakarta . . .

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A simple, generic and flexible curriculum adaptive to spatial, temporal and personal innovation is much better.

It encourages in-promptu innovation by teachers

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Curriculum is only a diet receipt for lunch in nearby warung. A home-made well-breakfasted kids do not really need a sophisticated lunch.

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With internet access becoming increasingly ubiquitous, learning does not necessitates formal set-ups like schools

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Learning webs consisting nodes (shop, clinic, studio, radio, business unit, etc) that offer learning oportunities in non-formal settings is much more effective in educating the public

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5 ConclusionsIn the 21st century, the need for schools and all of their formalism cannot be less

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There were once societies without schools, yet they were not necessarily less educated than our schooled ones.

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A learning society in 2045 is more achievable through a learning webs which provide more ample access to learning opportunities than trough schooling

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The very expensive policy of Kur2013 with trivial impacts on education is potentially a total waste of public money from tax payers

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Thank you