Declaration of the Yemeni sword in annihilating the tales and fabrications of Dr. Abdullah Bukhari

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Ash‐Shaykh Abu Abdis‐Salaam Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar‐Raymee

Transcript of Declaration of the Yemeni sword in annihilating the tales and fabrications of Dr. Abdullah Bukhari

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    Declaration of the Yemeni sword in annihilating the tales and fabrications of the

    transgressor and perpetrator; Abdullah


    Written by

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    As-Shaykh Abu Abdis-Salaam Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee

    This is the first part of a series taken from the reply of As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee, may Allah preserve him, to Dr. Abdullah Bin Abduraheem and cowardly attempt of trying to defame and debase Al-Imaam, Al-Mujadid, Al-Muhaddith, Al--Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-th have mercy upon him, his Successor - -Muhaddith, Al-Faqeeh, the sincere advisor As-Shaykh Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him and the fortress of the Sunnah Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj, may Allah preserve it from the plots and schemes of the hatemongers.

    This series is based upon an 80 page reply to a telephone conversation that had taken place between Dr. Al-Bukhaari and an Indonesian, in which the Indonesian had asked Dr. Al-Bukhaari about welcoming As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim and As-^DD D /E

    from Indonesia had asked As-^ Z of the Shaykhs and about welcoming them for lectures. As-^Zvised them with calling both of the Shaykhs and that both of them are Salafi and that they should be benefited from and to be treated with kindness.

    Even though this was mentioned to Dr. Al-Bukhaari that As-^Zthe Shaykhs and that he spoke highly of them, it did not suffice him rather he got angry and > ^ and then continued with his 45 minutes of lying that As-Shaykh Muqbil and his students were Khawaarij, his belittling of As-Shaykh Yahya and the Mashaayikh of Dammaj, making Dua that Allah fights these Mashaayikh, his clear warning, hatred and jealousy of Ad--Salafiyyah in Yemen and other than that from his ill and filthy speech.

    Please also note that this speech that I have translated of the Shaykh is not the beginning of the Shaykhs reply; however I chose to translate this firstly due to some of the people within the west not knowing who the Shaykh is. This first part consists of praises of the major scholars of our time for As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim, may Allah preserve him, from over the past 18 years. I will be following this translation with translation of excerpts from the Shaykhs reply, may Allah preserve him.


    1 The speech that has proceeded which is above the line is all from myself; the translator, Ehsan Bin Manzoor.

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    Dr. Al-Bukhaa^

    I do not know these people and I do not advise in going to a place where its people are unknown, it is very important - as is well established amongst Ahlus-Sunnah, that knowledge should not be sought except under a Sunni, Salafi, just as knowledge is prevented in being sought from the people of innovation, likewise knowledge is also prevented in being sought from unknown people. So the fact that they are coming from Dammaj does not mean that they are upon steadfastness and well being, not everyone in there (Dammaj) is upright and approved of.

    I say2: that I have with this speech of yours two pauses:

    The first pause is with your statement:

    I do not know these people and I do not advise in going to a place where its people are unknown, it is very important - as is well established amongst Ahlus-Sunnah, that knowledge should not be sought except under a Sunni, Salafi, just as knowledge is prevented in being sought from the people of innovation, likewise knowledge is also prevented in being sought from unknown people.

    I say: Who are you oh unknown one, so as to say that your acknowledgement is to be considered and that your advice is to be taken? You are in need of someone that praises you [now], this is firstly.

    As for secondly then it is said: why do you not give the bow to he who knows how to shape it3 and ask Shaykh Yahya concerning us? O view?!!! Or at the least if you were not able to cover the expenses of calling then you have ^Z-Madkhali with you [in Saudi], what has prevented you from asking him about us so that you may see what the answer would be? Or is that your doctorate made you become sluggish concerning that?!!

    By Allah, the intelligent ones from amongst the people will laugh at you when they see your silliness, how is that you asked As-Shaykh Z determined in carrying out but you did not ask him concerning us? So you are between two affairs, there is no third:

    I [Abdullah Al-Bukhaari] asked him [As-^Z concerning you and they are Salafi Hammaam4 narrated from As-^Z - and this is what is contemplated from our Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, but however it was jealousy from myself (Abdullah Al-

    2 Note that when a sentence starts with I say, then it is referring to Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim, may Allah preserve him. 3 An Arab saying. 4 As-Shaykh Abu Hammaam Muhammad Bin Alee As-^ -Baydaanee, he is from the foremost students and close ones of Shaykh Rabee, may Allah preserve him and is also a student of Shaykh Muqbil, Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee and other than them, may Allah have mercy upon them.

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    Bukhaari) that I was not able to mention that, so I hid it and I informed of opposite to what the reality was and I made a judgement upon you that they are unknown

    Or that you say: //be and I knew that he would recommend [you] highly, so I asked him about the conference

    So which ever of the two is right you have still fallen into deceiving the Baraamikah5 from the Indonesians that had good thought of you especially when you had told them that Shaykh Rabee was pleased with you travelling to them, this is one affair.

    As for what relates to me being accused of being unknown6, then he (Abdullah Al-Bukhaari) knows that I am from the graduates of the faculty of Hadeeth from the prophets city; Al-Madinah in the year 1412-1413 from the Islamic University, and with the praise of Allah the most high and from speaking about the blessings of Allah upon me and from also refuting the lies that were invented from this weak one (Abdullah Al-Bukhaari) in his accusation of me being unknown and also from the angle of what has come in the two Saheehs from the authority of Masrooq that Abdullah Dood, may Allah be pleased with him, By Allah the one that none has the right to be worshipped besides he, a chapter from the Quran was not revealed except that I was the most knowledgeable concerning where it was revealed and a verse was not revealed from the book of Allah except I was the most knowledgeable concerning why it was revealed and if I was to know anyone more knowledgeable than myself concerning the book of Allah and I was able to reach him by she-camel then I would have surely trave.

    And in the Saheeh of Muslim upon the authority of Shaqeeq which he narrated from Abdullah D that he recited deceives his companions in regards to the booty, he shall bring forth on the Day of Resurrection that which he took (illegally)7 and then said: After whose mode of recitation do you command me to recite? I in fact recited before Messenger more than seventy chapters of the Quran and the Companions of Allah's Messenger know that I am the most knowledgeable of them concerning the Book of Allah and if I were to know anyone that had better understanding than I, I would surely have travelled to him. (Shaqeeq said) So I sat in the circles of the Companions of Muhammad but I did not hear anyone rebuke him for that or find a

    5 Al-Baraamikah- this is an attribution to an individual by the name of Abdurahman Al-Barmakee; who is an unknown person who writes refutations on the website against Shaykh Yahya and his students, may Allah preserve them. He hides under this name however is not known to anyone up until this day just as the majority of the members of this website are. The fo - are called Al-Baraamikah due to their love, praise and support of this individual, to the extent that they call him Shaykh, yet he is not known to anyone. 6 Note oh noble reader that when the Shaykh mentions about him being unknown, it is not that he is concerned about being famous amongst the people, however he is speaking about the term that was used from the people of Hadeeth concerning those narrators that would not be taken from due to them being unknown. 7 (Aali Imran 3:161)

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    Haafidh Ibn Hajar commented in Fath8,deeth there is (an indication for) the permissibility of a person to speak about himself with that which he has of virtue according to how much praise is needed, and that which is mentioned from blameworthiness concerning this (i.e. praising oneself) then it pertains to the one that praises himself by way of pride and having amazement for himself

    An-E in this Hadeeth there is (an indication for) the permissibility of a person to speak about himself with virtue, knowledge and other than that for a particular need, as for the prohibition of praising oneself then that is for the one who praises himself and commends himself without any need, rather he does it to boast and to be prideful. The praising for oneself when needed has occurred many times from the examples, such as repelling evil from oneself by way of it (i.e. by praising oneself), or to obtain something beneficial for the people, or as an encouragement to take knowledge from him (the one praising himself) or that which is similar to that. And from the examples of praising oneself in order to obtain something beneficial is the statement of Yusuf :

    [Yusuf said]: "Set me over the storehouses of the land; I will indeed guard them with full knowledge (Yusuf 12:55) hthmaan, may Allah be pleased with him, in the time of his blockade, that he was the one who equipped the army of Al-hand that he was the one who dug the well of Roomah. And from the examples of encouraging in taking knowledge from the one praising himself is this /D9 ^^remained more and the statement of other than him: you have fallen upon the most experienced (concerning this affair) and that which is similar to /Drecommendation for the [act of] travelling to seek knowledge, and to go to the virtuous ones wherever they may be.

    And in it (this narration) is that the companions did not speak out against the statement of /Dthat he is the most knowledgeable and the intent [behind it] is him being the most knowledgeable concerning the book of Allah as he clearly stated himself. So this does not necessitate from him that he is more knowledgeable than Abu Bakr, h h^

    that he is more virtuous than them with Allah the most High, because it is possible that one of them could be more knowledgeable than the other concerning a particular chapter of knowledge, and the other is more knowledgeable than him in totality.

    And it is possible than one is more knowledgeable than the other, however the other is more virtuous due to his increase of Taqwa, fervent fear, piety, his abstinence and the

    8 Fath Al-Baaree, an Explanation of Saheeh Al-Bukhaari. 9 d/D

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    purity of his heart and other than that. And there is not doubt that every one of the four rightly guided Khaleefahs were / D [End of Imaam An-E

    and based upon what has proceeded, then I say: indeed from the most noblest of my scholars that I have studied under are: As-Shaykh Z Al-Madkhali, As-Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Bin Alee Al-Jaamee, As-Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al- -Shaykh Yusuf Ad-Dakheel, As-Shaykh Hammaad Al-Ansaari may Allah have mercy upon all of them and other than them from the honourable scholars, rather Allah; exalted is he in his highness, had granted me success in meeting Shaykh Al-Albaani, may Allah the most high have mercy upon him, in 1410 [1990 in the Christian calendar] and I took from him [i.e. in knowledge] in the city of Jeddah for a period of about one month then I accompanied him in [the pilgrimage of] Hajj that year.

    Also from the angle of repelling this oppressive accusation even though I am unwillingly (wanting to do this) and even though I did not want to make this apparent, however after consulting some sincere advisors from the brothers, they pointed out to me that I should manifest all of the praises that I have from our virtuous Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Bin Alee Al-Jaamee may Allah have mercy upon him and from our ^ Z , -Madkhalee, may Allah preserve him, and from our Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-tmay Allah have mercy upon him and our Shaykh Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree may Allah preserve him.

    Our Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Bin Alee Al-Jamee said:

    Subject: praise and mediation

    Name: Hasan Qaasim Muhammad Sagheer

    Nationality: Yemeni

    I have become acquainted with Shaykh Hasan Qaasim in a time period which is not short, as he used to adhere to (attending) the lessons (held at) the prophets Masjid, rather he would always be in contact with me even outside of the Haram, and it is for that reason that I mention him with good, with knowledge, with adherence and with severe diligence in ^

    with having abundant mannerisms, humility, beautiful etiquettes and these attributes are befitting that they are present within eve

    Muhammad Amaan Bin Alee Al-Jaamee

    Signed and stamped

    This was in 1413 in result of my graduation from the Islamic University of Madeenah.

    O ^ Z Bin Hadee Al-Mad indeed Hasan Bin Qaasim is from the prominent people of

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    HIndeed Hasan Bin Qaasim Bin Muhammad Sagheer Al-Yemeni is from the best of the students of knowledge, due to (the state of his) Deen, his etiquettes, his love for knowledge and he is a graduate from the faculty of Hadeeth of the Islamic University (of Madeenah), he has requested from me this recommendation and I see

    Member ,-Tadrees at the Islamic University


    And our Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-t (Shaykh Hasan) is from the major callers to Allah in Yemen and this (i.e. this praise) was in 1420.

    And he said, may Allah have mercy upon him, in his introduction to the book (The legislative evidences in exposing the Hizbee deceit) truly you have aided the Sunnah oh researcher, you have exposed the defects of the Hizbiyyeen; those that try to deceive the Islamic society and we have the right to resemble to the statement of the poet (where he said):

    And the days will become manifested to you whilst at one time you were ignorant

    And news will come to you from whom you were never equipped for

    I am sure that the Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen have from afflictions more than that which has become apparent, and Allah is sufficient for us and a perfect disposer of affairs, we ask Allah that he blesses for us our virtuous brother As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim and that he rewards him with good for this openness and that he saves us and him from the plot of the Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen; the hate- -Sunnah, indeed he is all bountiful and all generous, and there is no might and no strength except in Allah The All Great.

    Abu Abdirahman Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-t

    And he also said in his introduction to the book: (guiding the creation to the ruling of ascribing oneself to the As-Salafiyyah and refuting the innovated doubts) and it was what he, may Allah have mercy upon him, had sent to me whilst he was in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, receiving his treatment at the end part of his life:

    I have seen some of the chapters from the book of our virtuous brother Hasan Bin Qaasim guiding the creation to the ruling of ascribing oneself to the As-Salafiyyah / found that he has done proficiently and has benefited and done good with this book as a refutation upon the people of innovation; those that claim that it is not permissible to ascribe oneself to As-Salafiyyah, so may Allah reward our brother As-Shaykh Hasan for this precious book and we ask Allah that he grants him success in continuing to defend the book of Allah and Sunnah of his messenger and that he saves us and him from the Fitnah of Hizbiyyah and from the Fitnah of this life and the Fitnah of death, indeed he is all bountiful and all generous.

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    Abu Abdirahman Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-t

    And our Shaykh, the sincere adviser Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him said:

    Our brother Hasan Bin Qaasim Bin Muhammad Sagheer is a virtuous person and a Shaykh, D d zn], he is the Imaam, the Khateeb and the teacher there and he has many beneficial researches and books

    And he also said in At-Tabaqaat10:

    Hasan Bin Qaasim Abu Abdis-Salaam Ar-Raymee, he is a teacher, a Khateeb, a researcher, a virtuous person that is upon the Sunnah, he has many treatises in refuting the innovators from them is: d , and a treatise concerning the impermissibility of cutting the beard

    The judicial refutation of Abul-Hasan As-Sulaymaani and his followers from everyone that is far and near

    All praise is for Allah, we praise him, we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness,

    d / /The judicial refutationelongs to our honourable brother Abu Abdis-Salaam Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee, may Allah preserve him, and I have found that it is a beneficial treatise consisting of quotes from the people of knowledge and it is beneficial in its particular topic, as is the rest of our glorious brothers treatises that which are considered a pleasant fragrance for the Salafi methodology and its people and an exposure to falsehood and its people, so may Allah reward him with good.

    Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree

    19th of Ramadaan 1423

    And Allah knows how much I detest with a severe detesting in making this apparent here, however [as is said in the Arab saying] you are the one forcing your brother, I am not being , and it is sufficient for me to say concerning these praises which are from some of my scholars, what has come from Al-Bukhari in Adab Al-D diyy Bin Arta that he said: if a man from the companions of the messenger KAllah do not take me to account for what they say and forgive me for what , our Shaykh Al-Albaani authenticated its chain of narration in Saheeh Adab Al-Mufrad P.284, Hadeeth number 585 and Al-Bayhaqi increased upon that in Al-^chain the wording ZBin Khatheem was right when he KD(Mundhir) said to him: I am at your

    10 d^-Dawah Salafiyyah min Al-Haalaat- This is a book written by Shaykh Yahya after the death of Shaykh Muqbil may Allah have mercy upon him, the Shaykh had authored the book and placed all of the students of the Shaykh in grades, starting with the Mashaayikh then those that are less than them in knowledge and so forth, towards the end of the book the Shaykh had placed all of the Hizbiyyeen and innovators in one section.

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    service, he said: do not let the numerous praises of the people deceive you, for indeed it is your actions that will be true to you [Al-Hilyah 112/2]

    Also, how can you accuse your brother of being unknown? When from the favour of my lord upon me, I have a book collaboration from it The legislative evidences in exposing , / h, with the introduction of As-Shaykh Al-D,-tand the book: Guiding the creation to the ruling of ascribing oneself to the As-Salafiyyah and refuting the with the introduction of Shaykh Muqbil also, and the book The radiance of the people of intelligence concerning the ruling of taking from the beard and a refutation upon the book As-Shams Ad-Duhaa^--Najmee and As-Shaykh Al-z-Hajooree A warning to the companion and close friend from the Fitnah of the Spies with an introduction from As-Shaykh An-Najmee, may Allah have mercy upon him, and other than that from the books and treatises which have reached around 30 compilations that which is either a book, a treatise or an article and all of this is from the blessings of my lord alone and to him belongs all blessings and favour.

    As for As-^ D D D -Aanasee, may Allah the most preserve him and raise his status, he is that very Shaykh that is calm and patient in spreading At-d ^ D ^ wah has benefited many, how many of a people have been educated from his Masjid from the memorizers of the book of Allah the most high and from other than that from the beneficial sciences of the religion, and he is distinguished, may Allah preserve him for his strong adherence to the Sunnah and the narrations of the Salaf, for you would not find yourself getting bored in his sittings due to the great amount of narrations of the Salaf he would narrate.

    He also has beneficial compilations, The methodology in how to deal with the books of the people of innovation-Shaykh Yahya Al-,The Ahaadeeth of Al-Bukharee that have three narrators in their chains of narration -Shaykh Yahya, May Allah preserve him, and al -Shaykh Saleem Al-Hilaali, may Allah preserve him, and he also has a compilation of sermons, may Allah hasten its publication and from other than that from his nice writings.

    As-Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him said in his [book] At-Tabaqaat: DD is a Shaykh that is firm, he is a virtuous individual that is giving ^ the people of innovation

  • Part 1 - Who is As-Shaykh Hasan Bin Qaasim Ar-Raymee?

    So the falsehood of the claim of the Bukhaari of today becomes apparent in which he accused us of being unknown.

    d So the fact that they are coming from Dammaj does not mean that they are upon steadfastness and well being, not everyone in there (Dammaj) is upright and approved of

    I say: that which is sufficient in refuting this falsehood of yours is the speech of our Shaykh Z-Madkhali, may Allah preserve him where he said about Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj when he was asked about seeking knowledge there:

    "Yes, it is necessary to strive in travelling to this stronghold from the strongholds of Islam. And it (Dammaj) is a lighthouse from amongst the lighthouses of Islam. Yes, strive in travelling to it, and seek knowledge from it and you will find Inshallah great goodness in it. And in it is found the Sunnah and guidance; and in it is found the following of the Prophet . And we by Allah, strongly encourage studying in this place which is considered a stronghold of the Sunnah and from its lighthouses. And in it Inshallah there are men from the people of the Sunnah, guidance and knowledge. We ask Allah to keep them firm upon the Sunnah and that he benefits by way of them and that he makes them from amongst the flag bearers of the Sunnah in this time of ours in which innovation has greatly accumulated and Fitnah has become widespread and

    And all praise is due to Allah, whosoever wants goodness and whosoever wants guidance and whosoever wants to be far away from Fitan (trials and afflictions), then it is upon him to go to the strongholds of the Sunnah. And all praise is for Allah, they (the strongholds) are widely spread amongst many countries but particularly this stronghold which I consider has a clear distinction (i.e. between Salafiyyah and Hizbiyyah) and all Praise is due to Allah. Glad tidings be given to the one who travels to it and seeks guidance from its spring and obtains enlightenment with that which it has within it from Sunnah a.

    Quoted from the website ^-

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 2 But hold on, Dr. Abdullah Al-Bukhaari retracted, didnt he?

    A Doubt - And the Refutation Upon it

    Someone may say: concerning the speech of Al-Bukhaaree regarding Shaykh Muqbil that he has completed his clarification and has explained his stance towards the Shaykh with some speech and following is its text: "And if there was in it (i.e. in my speech concerning Shaykh Muqbil) any delusion, then we free ourselves to Allah, Exalted and Honoured is He from it. And if it portrayed a corrupt meaning, then we seek refuge in Allah from that corrupt meaning......... And we conclude from this by freeing ourselves to Allah from what this expression has mislead by way of corrupt meaning, and that the Shaykh is excluded from the likes of these expressions. And we seek the forgiveness of Allah, Exalted and High is He, if this expression has given a false impression to this corrupt meaning. For this is the meaning that was intended1, and we haven't ceased to be from those who glorify the Shaykh and acknowledge his virtue and his leadership. Rather, I used to say - and many from the brothers have heard this more than once-: the Shaykhs graduation from the university is considered to be a glorious achievement from the glorious achievements of the university.... I say: This is just like the way of the tricksters, when they are tied up, cornered and their exposure comes close, and when their impotence, weakness of their intellect, shallowness of their knowledge and their bad manners become exposed, they turn towards trickery and try to convince others that their intention was not this and that, rather it was this and that. Verily he did well, the one who said:

    The two year old she-camel, if it is not pulled tight with rope

    It is not able to carry the load of the eight year old camel of burden2 And the condition of our fellow friend (i.e. Dr. Al-Bukhaaree) is like the condition of Al-Wassaabee (Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahaab Al-Wassaabee) of Al-Hudaidah3, that is, when all of the people had become aware of his slander of Al-Allaamah Rabee' Al-Madkhalee and his accusations of him being a spy, he ran and hurried in excusing himself from As-Shaykh Rabee' out of fear that he would talk about him. And that is in accordance to what he thought, but the Miskeen doesnt know that Shaykh Rabee' has given his honour to Allah, as is the condition of the well grounded scholars.

    1 NOTE: Dr. Al-Bukhaaree here is not refering to the meaning that was conveyed on the phone, rather he is referring to the meaning that he gave in this new acclaimed retraction of his.

    2 The meaning of this line of poetry is to strike an example of the weak one that tries to do the actions of those that are stronger than him whilst he is incapable of doing it. The line of poetry was taken from the book: Daywaan jareer.

    3 A city in Yemen.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 2 But hold on, Dr. Abdullah Al-Bukhaari retracted, didnt he?

    Then, the latter speech of Al-Bukhaaree doesn't excuse him from his slander of As-Shaykh Muqbil a year ago and an explanation of that is from many angles: Firstly: Al-Bukhaarees slander of As-Shaykh Muqbil and his students is a clear slander to anyone one who possesses understanding and a heart. As for his late apology, then it has within it a form of deception and deceit, so carefully consider his statement: and if there was in it (i.e. in my speech concerning Shaykh Muqbil) any delusion So he is persistent in his speech and previous expression in accusing the Shaykh with the concept of the khawaarij, so there is no clear retraction with in it. Secondly: His latter speech didnt come except after the cassette was distributed, which had the time period of one year and five months behind the scenes, which was a command from him, may Allah abandon him. So where has he been since all that time? Why did he not hurry in excusing himself and clarifying? Thirdly: It is absolutely necessary for him to clearly announce this mistake of his and to repent from it without having trickery as there comes in his statement: And if there was in it (i.e. In my speech concerning Shaykh Muqbil) any delusion So rather he should say: 'I made a mistake concerning such and such, and I repent to Allah in regards to that'. As for the trickery, then we are sick and tired of it, just as other than us from the people of justice were sick and tired of it from Abul-Hasan in regards to his acclaimed 'repentance' regarding the things that were taken against him. Fourthly: As for his statement: ...And we haven't ceased to be from those who glorify the Shaykh and acknowledge his virtue and his leadership. Rather, I used to say - and many from the brothers have heard this more than once-: the Shaykhs' graduation from the university is considered to be a glorious achievement from the glorious achievements of the university.... Then I say: This commendation and praise is made outwardly and in front of the community, so that he is able to promote what seems to be his opinion and as for in secrecy then he is a wicked slanderer towards the Shaykh and his centre and the most outright proof for that is this cassette which he was eager, with a severe eagerness, of it being hidden and it being propagated amongst the Masaakeen from the people of Indonesia only. And if it is not (slander), then what is this action called Oh intellectual ones?!!!! So he did not propagate this action except upon the simple-minded ones from the people and Al-Mufadhal Ibn Muhalhal done well when he said: If you were to sit with the person of innovation and he was to narrate to you his Bid'ah, you would be cautious of him and would flee from him. However (this is not the case, rather) he will narrate to you with Ahaadeeth of the Sunnah at the beginning of his sitting, then he will enter upon you his Bid'ah, and it is as if it will stick to your heart, so then when will it leave your heart? [See 'Al-Ibaanat ul-Kubraa page 408] So be careful Oh Bukhaaree of our time, may Allah rectify you from resembling the way of the people of innovation in misguiding others, for there are hidden things in the nooks and crannies.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 2 But hold on, Dr. Abdullah Al-Bukhaari retracted, didnt he?

    So after (that): Then Oh Al-Bukhaaree, I advise you with sincere repentance and a rectification of what you have corrupted and a clarification, He - The Most High said:

    Except those who repent and do righteous good deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed). These I will accept their repentance, and I am The one who accepts repentance, The Most Merciful. [Al-Baqarah 160] Fifthly: You still have to repent from accusing As-Shaykh Yahya and who ever is with him of everything that you have debased him with in that cassette of yours. That is because slandering As-Shaykh Yahya is considered slandering As-Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, because he is the one who chose him to be his successor (i.e. in knowledge and authority over Dar Al-Hadeeth). Also slandering the scholars, the like of As-Shaykh Yahya, is considered a slander of what they carry from 'Aqeedah and Manhaj and the slandering of As-Shaykh Yahya is also considered slandering of the Dar (Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj). And in accordance to the Masonic principle: If you want the elimination of a concept, then eliminate who carries it. Look at the people of innovation and misguidance from the people of Ar-Rafdh1, how they

    tried to slander the messenger of guidance but they were by no means able to do that, so they took to slandering his companions, may Allahs pleasure be upon them. And it was for this reason, that the Salaf, may Allahs pleasure be upon them, were heedful towards this and made the speaking ill of the people of the narrations a sign of the people of innovation, as has come from the narration of Al-Imaam Abu Haatim Ar-Raazee, may Allah have mercy upon him. And Al-Imaam Abu Zur'ah Ar-Raazee said:

    If you see a man disparaging any of the companions of the messenger of Allah , then he is

    a Heretic and that is because according to us the messenger is true and the Quran is true. Rather the only ones who brought this Qur'an and the Sunan (plural of Sunnah) to us are the

    Companions of Allah's Messenger . They only wish to disparage and demolish our witnesses so that they can falsify the Book and the Sunnah, whereas they are more deserving of being disparaged for they are the heretics [See Musnad Ibn Raahawayy] And Ahmad Bin Sinaan Bin Al-Qattaan, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: There is not in this world an innovator except that he despises the people of Hadeeth, for if a man becomes an innovator, the sweetness of Hadeeth is removed from his heart As for making a distinction between As-Shaykh Yahya and Dammaj then the intelligent ones from the people do not accepted it. And our brother, Yaasir Al-Hudaydee done well when he mentioned in a poem called: An Epic Poetry in the Difference Between the Salafi Da'wah and the Sabbatical Al-Mari'yyah:

    1 The extreme sheeahs.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 2 But hold on, Dr. Abdullah Al-Bukhaari retracted, didnt he?

    Then Dammaj is Yahya and the sincere one 1 is it2

    And what was Dammaj then is Dammaj now And he also said:

    Because Al-Hajooree traversed the path of his leader

    And this how Al-Wadi'ee was, there is no separation as it appears to me So with what has proceeded from citation, this doubt has been plucked out and has been falsified with the praise of Allah and his success. And that which was intended by way of its clarification and its explanation has come to an end. I ask Allah that he has granted me success in clarifying the truth and invalidating the falsehood and its people. And I ask Him the Most High, for our brother Al-Bukhaaree that he examines himself from what he has perpetrated by this false statement and that he repents from it with a sincere repentance with its well known conditions along with a rectification and a clarification. And that we all keep in mind, our standing tomorrow in front of The Compeller, blessed is He the Most High, and His questioning of us about what we had committed from actions and what we pronounced from speech as He The Most High says:

    But stop them, verily they are to be questioned [As-saffat 24]

    And let it be known to everyone, that whomsoever tries to cause harm to Dammaj or its Shaykh, the sincere advisor, with evil or with falsehood, then we see it an absolute must upon us to defend the truth and its people with whatever we are able, by all means possible, and by Allah, we see that to be from seeking closeness to Allah - The Most High and that is not except because of what is known from the condition of that centre (Dammaj) from its propagation of the immaculate, pure, correct Islamic religion and the propagation of At-Tawheed and the pure Sunnah, upon its owner is the most excellent of prayer and the most complete salutation. So then let that be known to the one that is tempted of trying to cause evil to (i.e. Dammaj). And that doesn't mean that we close our ears from advice and guidance, however giving advice has it mannerisms (that one should adopt) and also has legislated, Salafi procedures (that one takes). As for the onslaught, warnings, the debasement, the idle speech from the fibs and falsehood, then no! And never will we allow it as long as our souls are still in our bodies. So let the one that is present inform the one who is absent. And Allah is all aware of what the intent is and he is sufficient for us and is truly an excellent watcher over us.

    Translated by: Abul-Layth Yusuf Al-Biritaani

    1 The meaning of this is that As-Shaykh Yahya is referred to as An-Naasih Al-Ameen (the sincere advisor) as As-Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, had given him this title, but here the poet has deliberately mixed the wording around. So what is intended is that Dammaj is Shaykh Yahya and Shaykh Yahya is Dammaj.

    2 I.e. Dammaj.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    The 14th point: your statement: What is Dammaj? What is in it? Yani, whoever comes to it or passes through it becomes a Salafi? In the era of Muqbil it wasnt like that, would it be like that in this era?...

    I say: I have with this speech of yours two pauses:

    The first pause is your statement: What is Dammaj? What is in it?

    I say: Look closely with me oh my dear reader at this belittlement of the immense efforts that which are present within this centre Dar Al-Hadeeth in Dammaj - those knowledge based efforts that which such and such amount of universities could not perform by way of clarity and pure methodology (that it has within it). However it is the concealed hatred upon the Dawah of as-Shaykh Muqbil and his devoted students (that has caused you to say this), indeed how beautiful it is that one said:

    Lessen your blame upon them and do not increase in it

    And if you do not stop, then prepare yourselves to fill in the gaps that they filled

    Indeed within Dammaj Al-Khair there is knowledge and guidance, the genuine stronghold of the honourable Sunnah, in it are unique men who you (Oh Bukhaaree) and those similar to you cannot compare to a tenth of their companionship, in it is brotherhood, love, friendship, preference, in it is virtuous mannerisms, in it are authors, memorizers of the book of Allah - the Saheehain1 - Sahih Al-Musnad Mimma Laysa Fi As-Saheehain2 - Riyaad us-Saaliheen and other than that from the books of the Sunnah.

    In it is the studying of Aqeedah in its many forms and modes, in it is the studying of different subjects of knowledge, to the extent that in one day more than fifty lessons are held. In it are Khateebs (ones that deliver sermons) and callers to Allah, in it are the brave ones; those that confront the people of Rafdh3, in it are those who refute the different groups of the people of innovation and their kinds, in it are those who teach good and they do not hope for any repayment nor gratitude, and in itand in it and in it

    How much, how much and how much more I can count from the good and benefit that is present within it. As for you and those similar to you, if the monthly wage was to end, then you wouldve surely withheld from (giving) Dawah and you wouldve surrendered in your home.

    1 Sahih Al-Bukhaari and Saheeh Muslim.

    2 A book authored by Al-Imaam Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, in which he gathered all the Ahaadeeth that he saw to be authentic upon his certain conditions and then compiled them in this book. Note this book is of 6 volumes and contains over 4600 Ahaadeeth.

    3 I.e the Raafidhah, extreme Sheeas that the scholars have declared disbelievers.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    The second pause - your statement: Whoever comes to it or passes through it becomes a Salafi? In the era of Muqbil it wasnt like that, would it be like that in this era?...

    I say: Contemplate oh my brother; the reader, may Allah protect you, towards this conduct which comprises of diminution concerning the rank of this huge place which Al-Allaamah Rabee Al-Madkhalee said concerning it, that it is considered to be a fortress from the fortresses of Al-Islaam. And who it that has claimed what you have mentioned, i.e. that by merely passing by it (Daar Al-Hadeeth) a person becomes Salafi? Rather it is from the exaggerations which you have taken from as-Shaykh Ubaid in his slander of as-Shaykh Yahya that he makes one a Hizbee due to possessing a library and a car.

    You and your crew from the Baraamikah4 of this time should know that whoever comes to this place in most cases doesnt want (anything) except to seek legislative knowledge- this is his condition- so he sits (seeks knowledge) as Allah has written for him and then attains a lot of good and learns the reality of Ad-Dawah As-Salafiyyah and something concerning the dangers of the innovated groups and then gains enlightenment in his religion.

    So loving this place is considered in this time, a sign of a persons Sunnah. Whether it be in the time of as-Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy on him, or in the time of his successor, the sincere advisor, as-Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajoori may Allah preserve and protect him, due to what is in it from the spreading of clear and pure goodness, as has previously been mentioned concerning that, and this is a methodology known with the Salaf.

    So abstain, oh inexperienced one, from this speech of yours and improve your mannerisms with the people of knowledge, for indeed you are in need of seminars and seminars in which you may learn the mannerisms (one should adopt) with the people of knowledge and virtue from Ahlus-Sunnah. As it is not like this that we have learnt from our Mashaayikh that we speak in this naive way.

    A sign of the people of innovation is slandering the people of the narrations, as was said by the Imaam; Abu Haatim Ar-Raazi, may Allah have mercy on him.


    4 An attribution given to Abdurahman Bin Maree Al-Adanee, his brother Abdullah Bin Maree Al-Adanee and their followers.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    The 15th point: your statement: Because we know the position of the Shaykh previously, may Allah have mercy upon him, towards the land of At-Tawheed and the Sunnah and these lands of ours, yes! And his positions did not please any Sunni I say: Ponder oh my brother, the reader, at the degree of the hidden hatred upon as-Shaykh Muqbil and upon his Sunni - Salafi Da'wah which occupied the field and the mountain, rather by the blessing of Allah it occupied the entire world. Look at this lunatic, how he turns the ailments after they were forgotten about. And he knows with certain knowledge that the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy upon him, had praised with a nice praise in his speech regarding the lands and its rulers in the tape entitled: What I witnessed in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia'. And he, may Allah have mercy upon him and forgive for him (his sins), ordered with the removal of everything which was in the speech from wrong doing towards its lands and its rulers. And this if it shows anything, then it shows that the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy upon him, doesn't speak from desire and (from) agreement with the misguided Khawaarij as this fabricator claims about him, rather he used to interpret Allah, The Most Highs statement:

    Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged. And Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Knower. (An-Nisaa 148)

    ... (And this was) Ijtihaad5 from him, not from (following ones) desires or innovating. And from his affair in what pertains to this issue (about speaking about the Saudi government) is that the affair was explained to him with clarity, then he outlined it (on paper) in that which has been mentioned previously. And a person should not be criticized in this case, due to what has been narrated in the two authentic books (Bukharee and Muslim) from the

    hadeeth of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased him, that he said: The Prophet said: "Aadam and Musa argued with each other, so Musa said to Aadam. 'Oh Aadam! You are our father who did us harm and removed us from Paradise.' Then Aadam said to him, 'Oh Musa! Allah chose you with His speech (spoke to you directly) and He wrote (the Torah) for you with His Own Hand. Do you blame me for an action which Allah had written in my fate forty years

    before my creation?' So Aadam confuted Musa, Aadam confuted Musa", The Prophet added, repeating the statement three times." Then he (Al-Bukhaaree) increased in belittlement whilst saying: A pious man, he repented two months before he died. As if he was talking about an ordinary person, not a scholar from the scholars of this nation that Allah had benefited by way of him and by way of his Da'wah, Islam and the Muslims in the different parts of the world. Oh glory be to Allah, how can I forget the envy and the hate that Al-Bukhaaree of his time harbours upon the Shaykh and his Da'wah; those immense efforts and that great Da'wah which the Yemeni lands hadnt know of since the time of Mu'aadh (Bin Jabal) may Allah be pleased with him, up until this time. Did he forget that? Or did he pretend to forget it? And began due to him having something in himself - rummaging through what had been done and dusted from the Shaykh.

    5 Religious analysis.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    Rather, he believed it and ventured upon the Shaykh and his students, accusing them with the ideology of the Khawaarij whilst they are innocent from that, like the innocence of the

    wolf from the blood of Yusuf , and the debate concerning this point of the frightened one will be completed in the upcoming point.


  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    The 16th point: your statement: "And it is for that reason, not everyone that comes to us from Dammaj (we consider him to be) a Sunni, we would think that all of the people are under the influence of their Shaykh, that they are khawaarij with this ideology" Allah the Most High Said:

    ... mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths. They utter nothing but a lie. (Al-Kahf 5)

    I say: You have lied, you have acted immorally and you were made to swallow stones. That is because the position of as-Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, is well known (and) agrees with the Manhaj of the Salaf in regards to the way one behaves with the rulers. How much you are in need of the stick of 'Umar6 and his fresh date palm stalks which he punished Sabeegh Bin 'Asl with, and you are in need of a cauterization on your head to remove from it that which is blameworthy and faulty. And upon this, verily I am going to narrate to you oh my noble brother; the reader, something from those words of the most honourable mountain Al-'Allaamah Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-Waade'ee, may Allah have mercy upon him, in the issue of the rulers, so that it may become clear to he who has been deceived by them (Bukhaaree and his likes), the extent of their lies and fabrications upon that Imaam: He said, may Allah have mercy upon him: as is in 'Tuhfat Ul-Mujeeb Fee Ijaabatihi Asilat Shabaab Al-indoneesee' ...And the Da'wah of Ahlus-Sunnah, from the virtue of Allah, Allah has blessed it. For their Da'wah is in their books and in their tapes and the government tolerate them because they know that they do not seek to obtain their chairs (i.e. their positions). Because the chairs to them do not equal to a dropping (in their sight), Allah, glorified be He, The Most High, said:

    Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge (Al-Mujaadilah 11) So it is upon Ahlus-Sunnah that they inform those in responsibility that they are not seeking to obtain their positions, rather that they see knowledge more beneficial than the positions and that they are not pleased about their positivism7, rather they dislike it. However they ask Allah to correct them and that He returns them back to the truth with a beautiful

    6 Translators note: the Shaykh, May Allah preserve him, Intended by this statement, the story of 'Umar Bin Al-Khattaab and Sabeegh: Sabeegh Bin 'Asl arrived in Madeenah and he had with him books, he would bring about questioning obscurities in the Quran. When this reached 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, he sent for him, and had prepared for him fresh date palm sticks. When he entered upon him he sat down and 'Umar said to him: "who are you" so he said "I am Abdullah Sabeegh". 'Umar said: "I am Abdullah 'Umar" then he grabbed him and hit him with the fresh date palm sticks and he didn't stop hitting him until he cracked his head open and made blood stream down his face. He (Sabeegh) said: That's sufficient Oh Ameer Al-Muslimeen, for whatever was found in my head has now left. [Ash-Shareeah of Al-Aajuree 1/483 and Al-Ibaanat ul-kubraa of Ibn Al-Battah 2 / 609]

    7 I.e. their manmade laws.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    returning. And he said, may Allah have mercy upon him, as is in the previous source (i.e. the same book) when he was asked: 'what is the Madhhab of the pious predecessors in regards to the conduct (one should adopt) with the rulers? And from what he answered:

    The conduct of the Salaf suffices us, as comes in the hadeeth of 'Ubaadah Bin As-Saamit,

    may Allah be pleased with him, he said: We pledged allegiance to the messenger to hear and obey in times of invigoration and in times of weariness and in times which we found hardship and in times of ease, even if someone else is given preference over us. And that we do not revolt against the Leaders unless you see from them clear disbelief for which you have a clear evidence from Allah and that we speak with truth wherever we are and we do not

    fear, for the sake of Allah, the blame of the blamers. And the prophet said: Whoever comes to you while your affair has been united over one man, intending to divide your power or dissolve your unity, kill him.

    And he also said (i.e. Shaykh Muqbil): so it is incumbent that we know what we are upon, and that the general population is Muslim. So the Yemeni population is Muslim, and its government is remaining, holding on to the tail of Al-Islaam, and it is considered better than others. And just like that the Saudi population is Muslim, and its government are too, and it is considered to be from the best of the governments and we are going to be questioned about this speech that we say.

    And he also said: I do not advise with speaking ill of the rulers; however it is obligatory to have verification, I do not advise anyone to clash with their governments and we are not callers to tribulations, so (we say that) the general population are Muslims and that the jurisdiction is to be made by the heads of the Muslims and I do not permit the carrying out of overthrowing, revolting and rebelling against the leader, and the general population are in need of returning to Allah glorified is He, the most High, and the forelocks of the slaves are in the hand of Allah glorified is He, the most High:

    Verily! Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (Ra'd 13:11)

    And he, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in the same book; question 138:

    There is a difference between you getting up and speaking out on the Mimbar against the actions of the leader that are in opposition to the book and the Sunnah, and you advising the people to rebel against him, so advising (to rebel) is not allowed except if we see clear disbelief as there comes in the Hadeeth of Ubaadah Bin As-Saamit: We pledged allegiance

    to the messenger to hear and obey in times of invigoration and in times of weariness, and in times which we found hardship and in times of ease, even if someone else is given preference over us, and that we do not revolt against the Leaders unless you see from them clear disbelief for which you have a clear evidence from Allah.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    And the prophet ordered Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, to say the truth even if it is bitter, as is narrated by Imaam Ahmad in his Musnad. As he also ordered him to hear and obey (the ruler) even if an Abasinian slave was to be in command over him. So Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, gathered between the two affairs and listened to and obeyed Uthmaan, may Allah be pleased with him.

    So if we see clear disbelief, is it allowed for us to rebel or not? It is obligatory to see the

    situation of the Muslims, do they have the ability in facing the clear disbelief or would they

    be presenting themselves as a sacrifice? And do they have with them self sufficiency or will

    they reach out their hands to America and other than them from the governments and then

    leave them to shed their blood and then let them appoint for them a Secularist over the first

    Secularist (that was in charge) or a Communist instead of the Secularist or a Christian

    instead of a Muslim, so having self sufficiency is a must.

    Then after that, have they prepared what the war needs by way of armed forces? And it is

    not a condition that their armed forces are equivalent to what the enemies have because

    Allah the most High says in his noble book:

    And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy (Al-Anfal 8:60)

    And have they prepared what the war needs from Doctors and Hospitals? Or will they perhaps leave a persons blood to run out from a wound? And also what the war needs from nutritions, the people are not prepared to be patient as the companions of the messenger

    were patient upon weakness, leaving their home lands, illnesses, poverty when the companions had exited and migrated to Al-Madeenah. So the people today are in need of disciplining themselves in accordance to how the companions were, may Allah be pleased with them.

    And he, may Allah have mercy upon him said as is found in the questions of some of the immigrants of America:

    And we give in our taxes and custom duties upon the cars and other than that whilst believing in its impermissibility.

    And he said in the book: The authentic compilation from what is not in the Saheehain, 508/4: Chapter - Advice to the people in authority and then he said: Imaam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy upon him said: [183/5] it was narrated to us by Yahya Bin Saeed, he said it was narrated to us by Shubah, he said it was narrated to us by Umar Bin Sulaymaan, from the son of Umar Bin Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him that Abdurahman Bin Uthmaan narrated from his father that Zayd Bin Thaabit left from Marwaan after having been with him at midday so we said: nothing made him (i.e. Marwan) send for him (Zaid Bin Thaabit) at this hour except that he wanted to ask about something, so I stood up to him

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    and asked him, so he said: yes, we asked concerning some things that we heard from the

    messenger , I heard the messenger say:

    May Allah brighten the face of the one who hears a Hadeeth from us, then memorises it untill he relays it as he heard it, because it is possible that the carrier of Fiqh is not a Faqeeh. And it is possible that the carrier of Fiqh relays it to one who has more understanding than him. The heart of a Muslim shall never harbour vindictive feelings against three things: sincerity in deeds made for Allah's sake; advising those in authority; and sticking to the main body of the believers - For truly their supplication encompasses the rest of the people.

    And he also said: Whoever sets the Hereafter as his goal, Allah gathers his affairs for him, gives him richness of the heart and the world will come to him grudgingly and submissively, and whoever sets this world as his intention, Allah divides his affairs for him, and will place poverty between his eyes, and nothing will come to him from the world except what Allah has written for him. And we asked concerning the middle prayer and it is Ad-Dhuhr.

    The Shaykh (i.e. Muqbil), may Allah have mercy upon him, said: This hadeeth is authentic and its narrators are all trustworthy and as for the middle prayer, what is correct is that it is Al-Asr.

    And he arranged other chapters and mentioned within them Ahaadeeth and from those chapters, they show that the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy upon him, used to traverse upon the methodology of the Salaf, and following are some examples for you:

    Chapter: The obligation of obeying those in authority [509/4]

    Chapter: The Leader is not to be obeyed in that which opposes the Sunnah [516/4]

    Chapter: Dissuasion from disobeying the Imaam if he orders with obedience [517/4]

    Chapter: The Ameer is not to be followed upon falsehood [517/4]

    Chapter: The Pledging of Allegiance is to the Imaam [519/4]

    Chapter: Denouncing the Muslim leader if he opposes the legislation of Allah without rebelling, in order to fight him [525/4]

    Chapter: It is not permissible to rebel against the leaders [526/4]

    So return back to them (i.e. these chapters from his book) if you wish, may Allah grant us and you success in following the truth. And all of them (i.e. the chapters) prove that the Shaykh was a Salafi in regards to his dealings with the leaders. And he, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: And Ahlus-Sunnah with the praise of Allah, in all of the Yemeni regions do not vote and neither do they ask for the chairs (in parliament/power) and neither do they request from the President that he comes down from his chair. [Tuhfah Al-Mujeeb]

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    And he said: And Ahlus-Sunnah, with the praise of Allah do not enter into this Hizbiyyah but rather they say: we are pleased with the president without having to elect, however we request from him to be upright upon the Book of Allah and the Sunnah and upon the religion of Allah, and we are not people of tribulations, rather Ahlus-Sunnah are far from tribulations and overthrowing and revolting and the blessing pertaining to this belongs to Allah the All Mighty and Majestic. And he said: And the President; Alee Abdullah Saalih, may Allah grant us and him success to all good and rectify us and him, knows that the call of Ahlus-Sunnah is not a call to overthrowing or revolting. So when the affair of Ad-Daali8 occurred, he (the President) said: You say that you do not have overthrowing with you and neither revolting and now you have with you protection and guns. That which is correct is those that had carried out this affair where not from Ahlus-Sunnah, and they know that, however they want to deceive the people, so Ahlus-Sunnah are free from this and you know this

    And in the same book, question 193: Is rebelling against the leaders allowed?

    So he answered: Rebelling against the leaders is a calamity from the calamities that the Muslims have been trialled with from a long time ago and Ahlus-Sunnah with the praise of

    Allah do not see it permissible to rebel against the Muslim leader because the prophet said: Whoever comes to you while your affair has been united over one man, intending to

    divide your power or dissolve your unity, kill him. And the prophet also said: If the Oath of Allegiance has been taken for two Khalifahs, kill the latter of them.

    And Ubaadah Bin As-Saamit, may Allah be pleased with him, said: the messenger gave us Dawah, so we pledged allegiance to him, so he said what have you pledged allegiance to, (so we answered) we have pledged allegiance to hearing and obeying in times of invigoration and in times of weariness, and in times which we found hardship and in times of ease, even if someone else is given preference over us. And that we do not revolt against the leaders unless you see from them open, clear disbelief for which you have a clear evidence from Allah.

    So rebelling against the ruler is considered a tribulation, because of it the blood is shed and the Muslims become weak, even if the ruler is a disbeliever then it is a must that the Muslims have with them the ability in facing him, so that the blood of the Muslims is not shed, for indeed Allah, the all Mighty and Majestic says:

    And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allh are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him. (An-Nisa 4:93)

    8 A city in the south of Yemen.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    And he was asked, may Allah have mercy upon him: Do you have problems with the Yemeni government?

    So he replied: with the praise of Allah, we do not have any problem with the government in any situation.

    So after this evident clarification from the speech of the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy upon him, do you have the slightest of doubt about the Shaykh traversing upon the methodology of the noble Salaf regarding how to deal with the rulers oh Bukhaari?!!! Rather the Shaykh is from the first of those that spoke against The Group of Al-Jihaad and he would call them The Group of Corruption, and (look) how much the Shaykh spoke out against Usmaah Bin Laadan in that which he carries out from actions that are in complete opposition to the methodology of the truth in how to deal with the people of desires and innovation.

    And he had said, may Allah have mercy upon him, whilst praising the people of knowledge: And the scholars place things in its proper place:

    . And these similitudes We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of Allah and His Signs, etc.). (Al-'Ankabut 29:43)

    q Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect. (Ar-Rum 30:21)

    . It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, Oft-Forgiving. (Fatir 35:28)

    . Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do. (Al-Mujadilah 58:11)

    So then does Allah raise the people of knowledge in status or the people of overthrowing and revolution, whilst it is narrated in the Saheeh of Al-Bukhaari from authority of Abu

    Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the messenger was asked: when is the

    hour? So he replied: When the power or authority comes in the hands of unfit people, then wait for the Hour, he (Usaama Bin Laadan) is the head of a group and is an ignoramus. And from the examples of these tribulations is the tribulation that was schemed about Yemen from Usaamah Bin Laadan when it would be said to him: we need 20,000 Saudi Riyaals in order to build a Masjid in such and such land, so he would say: we do not have the potentials, we will give it according to our potentiality inshallah and if it was said to

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    him: we need guns and other than that, he would say: take this 100,000 or more and inshallah more will come.

    And then after that the hornet had joined him, so now his money is in Sudan being spent on agriculture and projects because of At-Turaabi9, may Allah cover his face with dust, for he is the one that drooled over him.

    There was an Egyptian man that was from his (Usaama Bin Laadans) technicians that was spying on him and had a beard MaashaaAllah and the governments were searching on where his money was being stored, so he said to them that he stores it in a bank in Turkey, so then they went and got hold of his money. So I advise every Sunni that he is patient upon poverty and upon harm even if it be from the governments, and beware of your soul whispering to you and that you say then: we will carry out a revolution and try to overthrow, and shed the blood of the Muslims and the lord of might says in his noble book:

    And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allh are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him. (An-Nisa 4:93) See Tuhfah Al-Mujeeb page 204-203.

    And he also said: And these reckless ones, it is incumbent that the scholars be brought to them so that they teach them, the likes of As-Shaykh Ibn Baz, As-Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, As-Shaykh Rabee Bin Haadee, As-Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan and those that are like these noble ones and that they clarify to them that the religion is not to be taken from the likes of Usaamah Bin Laadan or Al-Masaree or other than them, rather it is taken from the scholars. See Tuhfah Al-Mujeeb, page 208.

    And our brother Khaalid Al-Gharbaani has a good treatise which is entitled: The Methodology of Al-Imaam, Al-Mujadid, AlAllaamah, Al-Muhadtih Muqbil Bin Haadee Al-Waadiee in what pertains to dealing with those in authority.

    9 An infidel, a number of scholars have declared him to be a disbeliever, (from them being As-Shaykh Muqbil, Rahimahullah, [Shariyyah Az-Zajr, As-Shaykh Yahya, Hafidhahullah].

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    I say: as for what our Bukhaari is clinging on to from his aforementioned accusation concerning the stance of the Shaykh about (the government of) Saudi, then the speech has preceded regarding this in which there is no need to increase upon inshallah. And if you do not repent oh Bukhaari then I cannot except gift you with the statement:

    Oh conspirator of Al-Waadiee, do you not see

    That Ibn Haadee10 glitters amongst the people11



    I.e. Shaykh Muqbil Bin Haadee, may Allah have mercy upon him. 11

    I.e. no matter how hard you try in debasing the Shaykh, his status amongst the people is always raised and lofty.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    The 17th point, your statement: Now, in this time today, you want us to trust everyone that comes out from that centre whilst it has within it this stupidity and idiocy, and the rushing upon the Mashaayikh of Ahlus-Sunnah, and the reviling of As-Shaykh Ubaid and all the Mashaayikh of Yemen, Al-Wassaabi and I do not know who else, what is this idle speech?!!...

    I say: I have with this speech of yours two pauses:

    The first pause: your statement:

    Now, in this time today, you want us to trust everyone that comes out from that centre whilst it has within it this stupidity and idiocy I say: indeed one was right when he said: she accused me with (having) her ailment and then she sneaked away12, you are more deserving of being attributed with these descriptions, for indeed, with the praise of Allah, your stupidity, idiocy and slander of Al-Allamah Al-Waadiee, the sincere adviser13 and the students of the centre have become apparent with what there is not the slightest of doubts. Then it is also said to you: who are you that we need to strive in desiring your attestation, whilst the situation is that you are an ignoramus of compounded ignorance. So as for the claimant from the likes of you and one that is afflicted with compounded ignorance then it is hard for us to remedy him except if Allah wills, for the disease of megalomania and desire has instilled in your heart and has taken command over your joints, so we ask Allah to cure you or break your back14 and relieve the Muslims from your evil. For indeed it is affirmed in the Sunan of Abu Daawood from the Hadeeth of Muaawiyah Bin

    Abee Sufyaan that the messenger said: Indeed there will appear from my Ummah people that are lead by those desires, just as the dog is lead by its owner. There will not be any joint or vein left except it will enter it. And Al-Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim was right when he said:

    One becomes unclothed after wearing two types of garments

    And a cloak is cast (over him) with blameworthiness and shame

    A garment of compound ignorance

    With a garment of fanaticism on top of that, what evil garments!!

    So adorn yourself with justice; the most honourable of adornments


    This is said in Arabic to someone who accuses others of something which he is guilty of, to get himself off the hook.

    13 Shaykh Yahya Bin Alee Al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him.

    14 This is taken from the Fatwah of Al-Imaam Al-Al-Baani, Rahimahullah, as he said: So these people that find faults in the two Shaykhs (As-Shaykh Muqbil and As-Shaykh Rabee) they are as we mentioned earlier, either an ignoramus, so then he should be taught, or a person of desires, so then Allahs refuge should be sought from his evil, so we ask Allah that either he guides him or he breaks his back.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    That which the sides and shoulders have been beautified with. The second pause: your statement: And rushing upon the Mashaayikh of Ahlus-Sunnah and the reviling of As-Shaykh Ubaid and all the Mashaayikh of Yemen, Al-Wassaabi and I do not know who else, what is this idle speech?!!... I say: what is this news that you are receiving from your sluggish group, so mention to us these narrators of yours that are reporting this to you; I am sure they are similar to you; liars and sinners. And Shaykh Yahya, may Allah grant him success, advised his brothers; the Mashaayikh from the people of Yemen concerning this Fitnah, as for Shaykh Ubaid, then speech concerning his affair has proceeded in which there is no benefit in it being repeated. As for what is connected to Al-Wassaabi, the one from Al-Hudaidah, then he has slandered As-Shaykh Rabee and As-Shaykh Al-Fawzaan and accused them of being spies, and accused As-Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhali and As-Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee of being agents (for the government), and has thrown himself between the outstretched arms of the Hizbiyyeen based on what he carries out from giving lectures in their Masjids in a well organised manner and also inventing new foundations that oppose the methodology of the Salaf and that which is similar to this from the calamities that have been clarified by our noble brothers in their articles; that which have been spread through the website, in the refutation section. So where is your concern for these Mashaayikh and firm leaders as this speech has circulated and become widespread that Al-Wassaabi has said it in many sittings? And if you are in doubt concerning it, then ring Abdurahman Bin Maree15 and request from him that he confirms this news to you, and we are anticipation to see what you will do to repel the evil from the one that you seem to be pretending to cry over by your statement Al-Wassabi. So fear Allah; your lord, oh my brother, and weigh your speech with the measure of the legislation and the Salafi methodology and stop being scared and anxious, may Allah rectify you, and do not be from those that Allah said concerning them:

    . And be not like her who undoes the thread which she has spun after it has become strong, by taking your oaths a means of deception among yourselves, lest a nation may be more numerous than another nation. Allah only tests you by this [i.e. who obeys Allah and fulfils Allah's Covenant and who disobeys Allah and breaks Allah's Covenant]. And on the Day of Resurrection, He will certainly make clear to you that wherein you used to differ [i.e. a believer confesses and believes in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophethood of

    Prophet Muhammad which the disbeliever denies it and that was their difference amongst them in the life of this world]. (An-Nahl 16:92)


    The Hizbee; Abdurahman Bin Maree Al-Adanee.

  • Declaration of the Yemeni Sword in Annihilating the Tales and Fabrications of the Transgressor and Perpetrator; Abdullah Al-Bukhaari Part 3 - Is Al-Imaam Muqbil, Rahimahullah, and his students considered to be from the Khawaarij as Dr. Al-Bukhaari claims?

    So we seek refuge in Allah from the corruption of affairs after them being upright, and ask your lord to make your heart firm upon the truth, for indeed the Hadeeth of Umm Salamah concerning this is not hidden from you and it is the Hadeeth of the turning of the hearts. And also remember the statement of Hudhaifah, may Allah be pleased with him, when he said: indeed misguidance, true misguidance is that you warn away from what you used to enjoin and you enjoin upon what you used to warn away from.

    Declaration of the Yemeni sword -2[1]...Part 1.pdfDeclaration of the Yemeni Sword.....Part 2.pdfDeclaration_of_the_Yemeni_Sword.....Part_3.pdf