Declaration Leaving EPP_en NG


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Transcript of Declaration Leaving EPP_en NG

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"On leaving the European Democrat Students"

Regarding the decision of mother party CDPP to leave the European People’s Party, NGPPCD inform the

 public opinion and international partners that it has decided to leave EDS - the official students’

organization of the EPP and YEPP - the official youth wing of the European People's Party which we areaffiliated. CDPP took this decision after a long examination of the internal situation in this international

 political organization, which ranks first in the European Parliament and European Commission, decisively

influencing for many years the policies of European institutions.

The branch of youth consistently supports the position of CDPP

In 2003 NGPPCD become member of the EDS and YEPP - the youth branch of EPP. During this time we

established many international contacts, which proved very useful for us at times difficult for our 

organization, when we have been supported by our European partners.

In recent times though, studying carefully the EPP basic documents, the public discourse of its leaders and

international dignitaries, especially taking heed of the deeds of representatives of this organization, we

concluded that the classical doctrine of Christian Democracy, conceived and implemented by the founders

of this political movement, currently became void. The old constellation of illustrious European

 politicians, who shined after the Second World War, was replaced by the successors who have lost any

connection with political and moral values of their predecessors. Documents and speeches of EPP officials

are imbibed with radical liberal language and commitment to the values of Christian Church has vanished

without a trace. Name of Jesus Christ was suppressed, and Christian morality was substituted with a

cynical pragmatism and ideological mix without a solid reference system.

Departure of communists from power and geopolitical interests seem to have finally overcome the spirit of objectivity and critical spirit of exponents of European bureaucracy. For almost three years, we are

witnessing a political speech of infinite eulogizing of current governance by the EPP emissaries, who are

 praising tangible progress towards political and economic reforms and fighting corruption. The envoys of 

the European institutions and EU diplomats accredited in Chisinau completely ignore aspects that are

fundamental for the fate of democracy and the rule of law. The practice of double standards has become a

 permanent policy of EPP in the case of Republic of Moldova.

So, for example, despite the public opinion's insistence, until today no light was shed on the violent events

of April 7, 2009, whose main organizer was EPP' protégé Vladimir Filat. While our country continues to

 be monitored by the Council of Europe, this institution, as the EU structures, dominated by EPP political

representatives, has not sketched any gesture to determine power in Chisinau to reform the prosecutionoffice, the judiciary, local government, Ministry of Interior, secret services and other institutions, vital for 

Moldova to become a functioning democracy. The Intelligence Service is led by former KGB officers in

retirement, serving interests of power at the expense of our national interests and rights of citizens, the

European People's Party continuing to applaud their friends in power in Chisinau. Our country receives

huge amounts of loans and unconditional grants from foreign donors, but they do not show any interest in

how these funds are used fraudulently.

But the top height of cynicism and hypocrisy of European bureaucracy was its attitude towards a long and

scandalous farce perpetrated by the current anti-democratic regime, - that is, illegal keeping of power to

avoid organizing elections due to failure to elect President of the Republic. Many gross violations of the

Constitution, improper subordination of all independent and autonomous institutions of state to claninterests of the three ruling parties, transforming the country into a "captive state" under the control of a

few oligarchic groups - those incidents of unprecedented severity of breaching of legal and democratic

norms are overlooked by EPP leaders, who are constantly throwing words of praise to illegitimate and

corrupt governance. While in Moldova the state power was usurped and its citizens emigrate because of 

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mass poverty and social injustice, foreign partner’s reaction to this scandalous reality is more than


The most dangerous and anti-national action planned by the European bureaucracy in complicity with the

 power in Chisinau was a promotion of so-called anti-discrimination law, renamed in the last minute “the

equal opportunities law.” Imposing the phrase "sexual orientation" into national legislation was the only

major concern of European bureaucracy and Moldovan authorities stripped any trace of religious' feeling

and executed this command with blind docility. This aggression against public morality, the family

institution and Christian traditions of our people was presented jointly by the European bureaucracy and itsacolytes in Chisinau governance as the height of the democratic spirit and mandatory element of European

integration. Thus, we had the unpleasant opportunity to get convinced that in the EPP there is left no trace

of the Christian Democratic doctrine or attachment to Christianity, the religion that gave identity' and

history' profile to our continent. Systematic attacks against the Church and our tradition and imposing

 pseudo-values from European Union, which is in a deep moral, economic and institutional management'

crisis, are performed by the European People's Party, where the tone is imposed by neoliberal-style

 politicians, who are secular and anti-traditional.

Being a supporter of the rule of law and democracy, CDPP can not accept aggressive atheism and anti-

 popular character of the foreign circles trying to impose "police of conscience" and present sin and

immorality as the culmination of European civilization. CDPP aspires to join the Christian peoples of 

Europe, not to participate at ideological colonization and brain washing, imposed to our people through

European bureaucracy' emissaries and their servants who are currently in power in Moldova.

Given the permanent abandonment of the Christian-Democratic values by the EPP leadership and EPP'

mingling into liberal individualistic ideology of a speculative capitalism of anti-popular essence, given the

lack of honesty and consistency in relations with its partners in the ex-communist countries, New

Generation of Christian Democratic People's Party announces its decision to renounce to membership of 

the European Democrat Students(EDS) and of Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP).

June 18, 2012

Lucia Cujbă – Chairwoman NGPPCD