Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching...

Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lniversity of Toronto

Transcript of Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching...

Page 1: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods

Amir G. Aghdam

A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lniversity of Toronto

Page 2: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

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Page 3: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

To my mother

Page 4: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements


In this thesis, the adaptive control of decentralized systems using switching control

methods is studied.

The motivation for studying this problem arises when the model of the system

being controlled is highly uncertain, i.e., when uncertainty in the plant model is suf-

ficiently large such that a fixed LTI controller or traditional adaptive controller is

ineffective to use. In this case, it is assumed that a dictionary of calculated decen-

tralized controllers has been obtained which has the propem that a t least one of

the controllers always satisfactorily controls the plant; a switching controller is t hen

found mhich sequentially applies a controller from this dictionary of controllers to

control the actual plant. Two approaches are investigated in this thesis. The first

approach requires that a set of plant models be given, and that the real plant rnodel

belongs to this set. The other approach only requires that a family of controllers to

exist with the property that a t least one of them satisfies the control objective for

the problem when applied to the actual system.

In determining a solution to this switching control problem, a study of digital

coatrollers for decentralized systems is made. Such digital controIlers can potentially

improve the overall performance of a decentralized control system, when a LTI contin-

uous controller is ineffective. Conditions under which a digital controller can improve

the performance of a decentralized continuous-time system are discussed, -41~0, it is

shown that using Generalized Sampled-Data Hold Functions (GSHF) instead of a sirn-

ple zero-order hold, in the implementation of the digital controllers, can significantiy

improve the overall performance of the resultant closed-loop system. In particular, it

is shown GSHF can potentially be used to modie the structure of the digraph of the

resultant discrete-time plant, by removing certain interconnections in the equivalent

discrete-time model, to hrrn a hierarchical system model of the plant, and in this

case a decentralized digital switching controller can immediately be irnplemented in

the resultant system.

Page 5: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

Acknowledgment s

1 would like to sincerely thank my S u p e ~ s o r , Professor Edward J. Davison, for

providing useful insight in the area of decentralized control theory. 1 have been truly

honoured by his generosity, support and guidance throughout the course of my studies,

and 1 feel priviledged to have been his student.

My gratitude to the members of my Ph.D. thesis cornmittee, professors Daniel E.

Miller, J. D. Lavers, Bruce A. Francis, and Raymond H. S. Kwong for their valuable


1 am very- grateful for the support of al1 my friends, mentors and administra-

tive staff in ECE: Sarah Cherian, Linda Espeut, Bibiana Chang, Mehran Aliahmad,

Shahriar Mirabbassi, Ali Sheikholeslami, and Kelvin Loveless. Thanks are given to al1

my friends and colleagues in SCG. 1 would like to acknowledge Rashid Kohan, who

was highly supportive, Peyman Gohari, for his help and patience, Steven Postma,

and al1 the network admins for their assistance. To al1 SCG students and professors,

my deepest gratitude.

Many thanks to my wife, my father, and my sisters for their encouragement and

interest.. Without their understanding and support 1 could not have completed this


Finally, and most importantly, 1 would like to thank my rnother whose courage,

faith, and patience !vas inspirational. Mom, my final oral examination was held on

the third anniversary of your passing. I know that o u were there, mom, this is for


Page 6: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements


1 Introduction 11

1.1 Notation and -4bbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.2 Decentralized Fixed Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.3 Digital Controllers for Decentralized Systems . . . , . . , . . - . . - . 14

1.4 Decentralized Adaptive Control via Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.4.1 Conventional -4daptive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

1.4.2 Switching-4daptiveControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.4.3 A New Application for Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.5 Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Digital Control of Systems with Approximate Decentralized Fixed

Modes, Using Zero-Order Hold 21

2.1 Decentralized Fixed Modes (DFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.2 Sampling and Approximate Decentralized Fised Modes (ADFM) . . . 24

2.3 Theoretical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.4 Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Decentralized Control of Systems, Using Generalized Sampled-Data

Hold Functions 45

3.1 Formulation of Generalized Sampled-Data Hold Functions (GSHF) . . 45

3.2 Numerical Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4 Pseudo-Decentralized Switching Control 59

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B.2 Some Related Material From the Paper [12] "Adaptive Sivitching Con-

trol of LTI MIMO Systems Using a Family of Controllers -4pproach"

by hl. Chang and E.J. Davison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

C MATLAB Program 154

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List of Figures

. . . . . 1.1 The structure of a digital controller as a time-varying system

. . . . 1.2 The configuration of an ideal decentralized switching controller

2.1 -4 decentralized system with two input-output agents . . . . . . . . . .

2.2 The input and output signals in a computer control system . . . . . .

2.3 -A decentralized control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.4 -4 quotient system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . 2.5 The general form of the quotient system for system ( S . ' ï ) .

2.6 Digraph of the system in Example 2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.7 Minimum condition numbers of Example 2.2 versus sampling period

for each eigenvalue of the equivalent discrete-time system . (a ) e-T.

(b) eO-lT: (c) e.3T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.8 Closed-loop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal decen-

tralized continuous-time LTI controller . (a) Output signal of control

agent #l; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of

. . . . . . . . . control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2

2.9 Closed-loop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal decen-

tralized digital controller . (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) in-

put signal of control agent #1: (c) output signal of control agent #2;

(d) input signal of control agent #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2.10 Closed-loop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal cen-

tralized continuous-time LTI controller. (a) Output signal of control

agent #1; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of

. . . . . . . . control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2. 43

2.11 Minimum performance index versus sampling period for Example 2.2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . using digital controller. 44

Generalized sarnpled-data hold configuration for a decentralized system. 46

Closed-loop simulation results for Example 3.1, using optimal decen-

tralized digital controller with first-order GSHFs (3.8b) and (3 .8~) .

(a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control

agent #1; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (dj input signal of

control agent #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Optimal 2nd order polynomial hold functions obtained for Example 3.1.

(a) The function corresponding to control agent #l; (b) the function

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . corresponding to control agent #2.

Closed-loop simulation results for Example 3.1, using optimal decen-

tralized digital controller with second-order GSHFs (3.9b) and (3.9~).

(a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control

agent #l; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of

control agent #S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Minimum condition numbers of Example 3.1 for the GSHFs given by

. . . . . . . . . . . . . (3.9b) and (3.9~). (a) e-T, (b) eo-lT, (c) e-".

Closed-loop simulation for Example 3.1, using optimal continuous-

time state feedback controiler (2.20). (a) Output signal of control

agent #1; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of

. . . . . . . . control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

. . . . . . . Block diagram of the decentralized switching controller 1.

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Decentralized switching control for Example 4.1. (a) Transient re-

sponse; (b) steady-state response and reference input; (c) upper bound

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signals; (d) switching instants.

Centraiized switching control for Example 4.1. (a) Transient response;

(b) steady-state response and reference input; (c) upper bound signal;

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) switching instants.

The Zinput, 2-output mass-spring system of Example 4.2. . . . . . .

Decentralized switching control for the mass-spring systern of Exam-

ple 4.2. (a) Transient response of control agent #l; (b) steady-state re-

sponse of control agent #l; (c) transient response of control agent #2;

(d) steady-state response of control agent #2; (e) switching instants.

-4 hierarchy of interconnected subsystems which satisfis -kssumption 5.1. 94

Decentralized switching control for Example 5.1. (a) Transient re-

sponse of control agent #l ; (b) steady-state response and reference

input for control agent #l; (c) transient response of control agent #2;

(d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2. . .

Decentralized switching controller for Example 5.1. (a) Switching times

for control agent #1; (b) switching times for control agent #2. . . . .

Centraiized switching controller for Example 5.1. (a) Transient re-

sponse of control agent #l; (b) steady-state response and reference

input for control agent #I; (c) transient response of control agent #2;

(d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2. . .

Decentralized switching control for Example 5.2 with 912 = O. (a) Tran-

sient response of control agent #l; (b) steady-state response and ref-

erence input for control agent #l; (c) transient response of control

agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control

agent #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

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Decentralized switching control for Example 5.2 with g12 = 0.5. (a) Tran-

sient response of control agent # l ; (b) steady-state respoase and ref-

erence input for control agent #l; (c) transient response cf control

agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control

agent#2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Decentralized switching control for the mas-spring system of Exam-

ple 5.3. (a) Output response of control agent #1; (b) output response

of control agent #2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Decentralized switching controller for the mas-spring system of Exam-

pIe 5.3. (a) Switching times for control agent #l; (b) switching times

for control agent #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

. . . Digraph of a continuous-time LTI system with 3 control agents. 110

Digraph of a continuous-time hierarchical LTI system wit h 3 control

agents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

. . Sampled-data hold function for control agent #2 in Esample 6.1. 121

Digraph of the mass-spring system of Exarnple 6.2. . . . . . . . . . . 122

Sampled-data hold functions for control agent #2 in Example 6.2. (a)

T = O.5sec; (b) T = 2sec; (c) T = 5sec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Digraph of the equivalent discrete-time rnass-spring system of Exam-

ple6.2.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Closed-loop simulations for Esample 6.2. (a) Samples of the output

response in control agent #1, for y,,~,, = 1, M . J , ~ = O; (b) samples

of the output response in control agent #2, for y,,,,, = 1, ~ I J ~ ~ J , ~ = 0;

( c ) samples of the output response in control agent #1, for y,.,,, = 0,

~ , , f , ~ = 1; (d) samples of the output response in control agent #2, for

1 / r ~ f , i = O , ~ ~ ~ f , 2 = 1 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

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Closed-loop simulations for Example 6.2. (a) Samples of the control

signal in control agent #1, for Y,.JJ = 1, yr.f,2 = O; (b) samples of the

control signal in control agent #2, for y,,t,, = 1, = O; (c) samples

of the control signal in control agent #1. for y,.~,, = O, y , , ~ , ~ = 1;

( d ) samples of the control signal in control agent #2, for y,,/,l = 0,

y,,f,2=1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Decentralized switching control for the mas-spring system of Esam-

ple 6.3. (a) Samples of the output in control agent #1; (b) samples of

the output in control agent #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

6.10 Decentralized switching control for the mas-spring system of Exam-

ple 6.3. (a) Switching times for control agent #l; (b) switching times

for control agent #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

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List of Tables

2.1 Minimum condition numbers of Esample 2.2 for digital controller and

different sampling periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.1 .Minimum achievable condition number for Esample 3.1. using polyno-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mials of 3 different degrees 57

3.2 Minimum achievable performance index for Esample 3.1, using poly-

nomials of 3 different degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Page 15: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

Chapter 1


The decentralized control of uncertain systems using bot h continuous-time and discrete-

time controllers is considered in this thesis by using the so-called "switching control"


In this chapter, some preliminary information about the notation and abbrevia-

tions used is given in Section 1.1, and then a brief overview of decentralized fixed

modes and the advantage of applying digital controllers to decentralized systems will

be briefly reviewed in Section 1.3. In Section 1.4, a general overview of decentralized

adaptive switching control will be discussed. In Section 1.1.3 a new application of

generalized sampling will be introduced, which can be used in the design of decen-

tralized controllers and in particular, decentralized adaptive controllers. Finally, this

chapter will be concluded by an outline of this thesis.

1.1 Notation and Abbreviations

Sorne of the terms and notation that appear throughout this thesis will now be defined.

IR, R+ and N represent the set of real, positive real, and natural numbers respec-

tively, and 118" and IPxn denote the n-dimensional vector space and rn x n matrix

space respectively.

In the state space representation of a system, capital letters B, C, D, E, and

F are used to denote the system matrices for the control agents al1 together, while

Page 16: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

the small letters b j , c j , d j , fj, and ej are used to denote the corresponding system

matrices for each control agent, separately.

sp(.) denotes the spectmm function, and evaluated for a particular matnu, gives

the eigenvalues of that matrix.

The notation diag([DI . . . D,]) is used occasionally to denote a block diagonal r 7

1 O ... D.] E { . } denotes the expected value and is used to defme a performance index mhich

is equal to the average value of a quadratic function for uniform initial conditions

distributed on the unit bal1 [35].

II.Ii denotes the norm of a vector or the induced norm of a rnatr~x. In Chapter 4, i t

is used to represent the 2-nom, while in Chapter 5 it is used to denote the oo-norrn.

It is to be noted that this notation for the norm is consistently used throughout these

two chapters.

PC denotes the set of real vector-valued functions defined on t 2 O whose elements

are piecewise continuous, and PC, denotes the subset of PC functions which are


The mod function is defined from W to IV, as foliows:

x mod y := x - floor (3 where floor(r) rounds z to the nearest integer towards -m.

Given a set of plant rnodels, the index of a plant mode1 or controller and cor-

responding parameters are denoted by superscripts, while the number of a control

agent for a plant is denoted by subscripts. For example, K: represents a parameter

1' corresponding to the plant #k and control agent # j .

For continuous-time signals, the independent variable is enclosed in parentheses,

whereas for discrete-time signals, brackets are used to enclose the corresponding in-

dependent variable.

In al1 examples, the international system of units (SI) has been assumed, unless

Page 17: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

noted othemise. ,4iso, al1 numerical values are assumed to be represented by a t least

4 significant digits. Therefore, 3.49 will in fact be the same as 3.490 in the thesis.

,411 variables and parameters are denoted by italic fonts, while al1 sets and function

names are represented by Roman fonts. .Alsol the following abbreviations are used

t hroughout the t hesis:

LTI linear t ime-invariant

LTV h e a r t i m e - v a ~ n g

DF hl decentralized fked mode

ADFhI approximate decentralized fixed mode

Q F M quotient fked mode

AQFM approximate quotient fked mode

ZOH zero-order hold

GSHF generalized sampled-date hold func t ion

A 4 IMO multi-input multi-output

BIBO bounded-input bounded-output

MSBF modified strong bounding function

1.2 Decentralized Fixed Modes

Decentralized fixed modes (DFM) were introduced by Wang and Davison in [69],

who showed that they played an essential role in determining if a LTI plant can be

stabilized by applying a decentralized LTI controller. Such DFM can be classified

as either being "structured" or "unstructured" (601. There has been some confusion

in the literature as to what type of fixed modes are also fixed with respect to tirne-

varying output feedback [65]. This question was Iater clarified to a certain extent in

[ïl] and (301. However, to avoid confusion, throughout this thesis, we will consistently

refer to structured DFMs, as the modes that remain "fiued" with respect to any type

of decentralized output feedback, e.g. nonlinear or tirne-varying control. This type

of DFM is sometimes referred to as a "quotient fixed mode (QFM)" [25], which is

associated with strongly connected subsystems of the plant [31]. Thus, systems with

Page 18: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

unstable structured DFMs are not stabilizable with respect to any type of nonlinear

or time-varying decentralized controller.

Unstmctured DFMs on the other hand, are modes that can be eliminated by ap-

plying appropriate tirne-varying controllers. Several time-wxying decentralized con-

trollers using vibrational feedback [33], [65], and periodic feedback [l], [30], [68] have

been introduced for this purpose.

1.3 Digital Controllers for Decentralized Systems

It uras shown in [39], that for almost al1 sampling periods, a discretized system has

the same number of stmctured DFMs as the original continuoustime system, and

has no unstructured DFMs; it imrnediately follows that a continuous-time LTI sys-

tem with unstable DFhh which are al1 unstructured, can be stabilized by using a

digital controller with a simple structure, e.g. with a zero-order hold. The equivalent

discrete-time model of the system is first obtained? using a fked sampling period,

and in this case, unstructured DFMs will generically no longer exist in the resultant

discrete-time model, and an appropriate technique can then be used to design a digi-

tal controller to stabilize the system. The overall controller then obtained consists of

the above decentralized LTI controller and a zero-order hold as shown in Figure 1.1.

This configuration is equivalent to a time-varying continuous-time controller. Note

Figure 1.1: The structure of a digital controller as a tiine-varying system.

Y,,, [ kl -

that the hold function corresponding to the Digital to Analog block (D/A) can be

any function defined owr one sampling period.

Cornputer L

' u Ml DIA

with ZOH b A

14 ( f ) - Pl;uit

Page 19: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

The idea of using Generalized Sampled-data Hold Functions (GSHF) instead of a

simple zero-order hold (or first-order hold) in control systems n7as first introduced by

Cliammas and Leondes [4]; [5], [6]. Kabamba examined the application of GSHFs in

control systems, and pointed out that by using GSHF, one can obtain much of the

efficiency of state feedback, without the requirement of state estimation [28], [29]. He

also showed that GSHFs can significantly improve the performance of the closed-loop


In this thesis, the application of GSHFs will be extended to decentralized systems.

1.4 Decentralized Adaptive Control via Swit ching

In this t hesis, the adaptive control technique of "switching control" introduced by

Miller and Davison in [41], will be extended to decentralized systems. Switching con-

trollers are nonlinear controllers, which can be used to stabilize and regulate systems

with highly uncertain plant models. This is accomplished by using a dictionary of

controllers, and by switching from one controller to another at appropriate time in-

stants; here a "switching controller," which uses feedback from certain outputs of the

system, is used. This class of adaptive controllers is more effective than conventional

adaptive controllers, when the uncertainty in the plant model is sufficiently large [41];

furt hermore, in applying the switching controller approach, rnany of the classical as-

sumptions required in the adaptive control literature can be relaxed. However, these

controllers reqiiire that the plant be described by a plant model which belongs to a

known finite set P.

In order to implement the above switching control procedure, it is assumed that a

finite set of controllers has been previously designed for each of the respective plant

models contained in P. One then implements an appropriate switching mechanism,

which switches among these controllers, to choose the appropriate controller for the


Various switching mechanisms have been introduced to stabilize centralized sys-

tems; in this thesis, an extension of switching controllers to decentralized systems is

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The block diagram of an ideal decentrdized switching control system is depicted

in Figure 1.2. The system has rn control agents associated with the control inputs

U L , ... , u, and measurable outputs yi, ... , y,. The plant model Pr belongs to a

known set of models P = { P l , ... , PP}. For each plant model, a decentralized LTI

cont roller:

has been designed that stabilizes and regulates the plant model Pk: k = 1, ... ,p . It

is desired to apply a switching mechanism to each control agent, so that after a finite

time, al1 control agents switch to the appropnate controllers that provide stability for

the overall system and tracking of the reference inputs y,.~,~, ... , Yrel,rn in the presence

of the unmeasurable disturbance W . The ideal decentralized switching scheme is one

that acts on each control agent independently of the other agents, Le. the control

input uj is generated and selected by only using the output signal yj and reference

input y,,f corresponding to control agent # j .

1.4.1 Conventional Adaptive Control

In conventional adaptive control design, it is typically assumed that the actual plant

is fixed, and can be described by a LTI model tvhich is unknown, but that a good

deal of a priari information re the plant is known; this information typically includes

a knourledge of the upper bound on plant's order, the relative degree, the sign of the

high-frequency gain, and minimum phase property. Furthemore, in the conventional

decentralized adaptive control literature, some additional structural restrictions are

also placed on the interconnections of the system. Typically, these restrictions include

some type of Lxed level of interconnection strength assumptions, or various matching

condition assumptions [22], [62], [26], [61], or slowly time-varying interconnection

assumption [59].

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Switch 1 (Agent 1)

1 Plant P r I

Figure 1.2: The configuration of an ideal decentralized switching controller.

There have been some developments made to relax some of the classical assump-

tions adopted in conventional adaptive control. For example, some improvements have

been made to remove the required information on the sign of the high-frequency gain

[53], (701, [34], [58], and to weaken the other assumptions [49], [50], [64], [38]. However,

certain assurnptions re the right half plane zeros are required [44]. In the decentral-

ized adaptive control literature, similar assumptions are required for the interacting

su bsystems. However the main assumption generally made in the decentralized case

is on imposing a bound on the magnitude of the subsystems' interconnections [22],

[û2]. There have been some atternpts made to relax some of these assumptions. For

example, in [72] a decentralized adaptive scheme is proposed without requiring any

a priori information on the subsystem7s high-frequency-gain signs. Furthermore, in

[37j and [54] i t is shown that under certain conditions, the interconnection gain as-

sumptions can be relaxed, by estimating the interconnection outputs acting on each

subsystem J however, al1 of the assumptions normally made for the centralized a d a p

tive control case must hold for each subsystem of the decentralized adaptive control


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1.4.2 Switching Adaptive Control

The adaptive centralized control of systems via switching control is a relatively new

line of research which was motivated to weaken the classical a priori information,

and can be traced back to [52], in which a number of questions about the classical

assumptions in conventional adaptive control were raised. There has been a consider-

able amount of interest towards switching control methods and its applications in the

literature recently; e.g. see [70], [43], [42], [46], [47], [45], [48], [55], [3], [SI, [57], [IO],

[Ml, [56] ; [SI, [7], [SI], [63] [20], [2] , [73]. These methods can be very effective mhen

wide-band tracking/disturbance rejection of a physical plant, which can be described

by a family of plants models, is required.

In the adaptive switching control approach using a family of plants, it is typically

assumed that the plant is not necessarily fixed, i.e. the plant may change from one

plant model to anuther; in this case, it is assumed that the plant model belongs to

a known set of models, and so, to implement the adaptive controIler, the first step

required, is to design (using either a model based, or an experimental approach) a

finite set of controllers which provide the required performance for this set of plant

models [21], [46], [57], [al], [41]: [I l ] , 1121. Then, on applying a so called "switch-

ing scheme", each controller is applied to the plant sequentially, and eventually, in

finite time, the switching controller stops switching. This implies that as long as the

plant remains unchanged, the switching controller mil1 remain locked on one of the

appropriate controllers which fulfills the closed-loop performance requirements.

Fu and Barmish [21] considered a compact set of LTI models to represent a plant

and imposed an a priori upper bound on the order of plants in this set. They

showed that Lyapunov stability can be achieved in this case, by applying a finite

set of controllers. Davison and Miller [41] reduced this a priori information, to

the knowledge required re the order of a LTI stabilizing compensator. They then

simplified the compactness assumption required on the set of possible plant models

to just consist of a finite set of plant models. .4s a result of this, one can design a

high-performance LTI controller, e.g. an optimal controller, for each plant model in

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the known set.

In (121, a class of multivariable switching control algorithms was introduced which

doeç not require a knowledge of the actual family of plant models. Using this pro-

cedure, the only information which is required to be known, is a set of controllers,

corresponding to the set of plant models, mhich contains a stabilizing controller for

each plant model.

1.4.3 A New Application for Discretization

Sampled-data system applications are widely found in indus t l , mostly in order to

take advantage of the application of cornputers as digital controllers. In a discretized

model, each transfer function in the resulting transfer rnatrix is a function of the sys-

tem parameters, and also the sampling period and hold functions (zero-order hold,

first-order hold, ...). Now, the question arises: using generdized sampled-data hold

functions, to what extent can one modi@ these transfer functions so as to become

equal to zero in the discretized model? This problem is also studied in this thesis and

initiates a new line of research ir, the control of decentralized systerns, with various

applications. Note that the complexity of the controller design problem in decentral-

ized systems greatly depends on the complexity of the structure of the overall system.

For example. to stabilize a hierarchical model (which consists of a set of subsystems

connected by interconnections in certain directions), one can easily design a decen-

tralized stabilizing controller for the system by designing centralized controllers for

each agent independently. Therefore, finding a set of generalized sampled-data hold

functions so that the resulting discretized system has a hierarchical structure, can

greatly simplify the design problem. This is an important observation that can be

applied to decentralized adaptive control systems.

The remainder of this thesis is organized into the following chapters:

In Chapter 2, the application of digital controllers in decentralized systems is dis-

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cussed. Initially, an algorithm to find structured DFMs is obtained. It is then shown

that under certain conditions, the application of digital controllers can significantly

improve the performance of a continuous-time decentralized system. In t his chapter,

the hold function considered in the discretization process is a simple zero-order hold.

In Chapter 3, it will be shown how the efficiency of the digital control for decentral-

ized systems can be improved by using a more gelleral form of sampled-data hold

functions instead of a simple zero-order hold- Simulation results obtained for second

order hold functions Nustrate the advantage of using generalized sarnpled-data hold

functions over simple zero-order hold in this case.

In Chapter 4, decentralized switching control using a binary communication link

between different agents is introduced. The proposed switching scheme is a decen-

tralized version of the method introduced by Miller and Davison in (411 and so, it is

assumed that the plant model belongs to a known finite set. Although the switching

controller does not require input or output information flow to exist between different

control agents, the controller is not completely decentralized as it requires a very weak

communication link to exist between the control agents to assure that al1 agents will

switch simultaneously. In Chapter 5, a decentralized switching scheme is proposed

which does not require any information link at al1 to exist between the different con-

trol agents, provided that the systems model has a certain structure. This method is

a decentralized version of the switching mechanism developed by Chang and Davison

in [12]. Therefore, instead of using a set of plant models, it is only assumed tha t a

set of previously designed controllers for the system is given.

In Chapter 6 it is shown how one can use generalized sampted-data hold functions

to convert a continuous-time plant to an equivalent discrete-time system with a certain

desired structure, in particular a hierarchical structure, which can then be directly

used to simplify the design of decentralized control systems for the plant. In this case,

the results can be directly applied to the decentralized adaptive switching method

proposed in Chapter 5 which requires a hierarchical plant model.

Finally, the thesis closes with Chapter 7, the concluding remarks and some sug-

gested future work.

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Chapter 2

Digital Control of Systems with

Approximat e Decent ralized Fixed

Modes, Using Zero-Order Hold

In this chapter, the application of digital control with zero-order hold in decentral-

ized systems which have Approximate Decentralized Fixed Modes (rZDFM) will be

discussed. Tmo different types of ADFMs will be defined, and then, using the concept

of -4pproximate Quotient Fked Modes (AQFM), the conditions under which the per-

formance of the closed-loop system can potentially be improved by applying digital

control will be discussed. The efficiency of digital control in decentralized control will

be examined t hrough simulations.

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2.1 Decent ralized Fixed Modes (DFM)

As a motivation for introducing the notion of Decentralized Fixed Modes (691, consider

the following LTI system:

(2. l a )

It may be verified that this system is controllable and observable, and thus it is well

known that t here exists a LTI controller which stabilizes the system. Suppose horvever

that the controller is restricted to have the following decentralized configuration:

Then it turns out that it is impossibte to stabilize the system using such a LTI

decentralized controtler, since the system has a so-calted DFh4 at X = L.

Definition 2.1 [69]: Consider a LTI system:

wit h a controller information flow constraint:

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Then X E sp(A) is a decentralized fked mode (DFM) of the system if:

X E sp(.l) fl sp(A + BKC),

1 kp 1 In this case, it can be verified for (2.1) that:

and so X = 1 is indeed a DFM of (2.1).

Consider now the following system:

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It can be verified that (2.2) also has a DFM at X = 1 and so this system also cannot be

stabilized using a LTI decentralized controller. However in this example, the systern

can be stabilized by using a linear time-varying decentralized controller, unlike the

case of the system (2.1), and this difference is reflected in the type of DFM's which

(2.1) and (2.2) posses. In the case of (2.1), the DFM X = 1 is said to be a structured

DFM, whereas in the case of (2.2), the DFM is said to be an unstructured DFM.

2.2 Sampling and Approximate Decentralized Fixed

Modes (ADFM)

It is well known that digital control can be used to stabilize an unstabie continuous-

time system which has unstable unstructured DFMs present, e.g. see [39], [l], [30] and

[68] (but not structured DF'vls). In this section, the application of digital control will

be extended to eliminate certain classes of "Approximate Decentralized Fised Modes"

(-\DFM), namely so-called "unstructured -4DFMm, which in turn can thence improve

performance of the closed-loop system: as a result, decentralized digital controllers

can potentially improve the overall performance of the closed-loop system, in cont rast

to the case when the system is controlled by a LTI continuous-time decentralized

çont roller.

-4 brief description of -4DFM as proposed in [67] will now be given. For simplicity,

consider the following decentralized system:

where uj E W' and yj E W1, j = 1,2, denote the inputs and outputs respectively. The

block diagram of this system is depicted in Figure 2.1. This system consists of two

input-output stations corresponding to (u l , yl) and (uZ, y2), and A, a n eigenvalue of

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where cj E RIXn, bj E IRnxL, j E m = {l, ..., m}. The process of sampling and

holding on t his system, will now be investigated. The equivalent discrete-time system,

corresponding to (2.7), is represented by:

where the equations relating the continuous-time system (2.7) to the equivalent

discrete-time system (2.5) depend on the sampling period, holding process, and pro-

cessing delay. Tlie processing delay is the time difierence between sampling the output

signal and computing the control signal and is illustrated in Figure 2.2; its value varies

A u V I l.4 Dl

,, u [O1

Y [41 i - . . - . . . . . time - *

sampling processing p e n d delay

Figure 2.2: The input and output signals in a computer control system.

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between zero and the sampling period. In the rest of this thesis, we \\dl consider zero

processing delay, which corresponds to the case when the control law is applied to

the system immediately after sampling the output signal. Assume nonr that a simple

zero-order hold is applied to al1 control agents. The equivalent discrete-time system,

in this case, assuming -4 is invertible, is described by the following matrices:

and a controller with output u[k] can be constructed from ~ [ z ] , i 5 k. If the

continuous-time system (2.3) has unstmctured DFMs, then for generic sampling times

T > O there exist no unstructured DFMs [39] in the equivalent discrete-time system.

There will, hontever, exist ADFMs for these respective modes, and since as the sam-

pling time approaches zero, the behavior of the discrete-time system converges to the

continuous-time system, t his implies t hat for sufficiently small sampling periods, the

discrete-time system mil1 have -4DFMs which tend to infinity as T -, O. This implies

that to avoid large ..2DFMs, one should choose "large" sampling periods: on the other

liand, a large sampling period makes the control signal sluggish. Therefore, the choice

of an "optimal" sampling period involves an optimization problem.

2.3 Theoretical Result s

-4s was previously discussed, decentralized fixed modes (DFM) of a linear dynamic

system are the modes that cannot be shifted by decentralized time-invariant output

feedback. Wang and Davison [69] introduced this notion, and concluded that the

absence of unstable DFMs is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of

a decentralized LTI controller to stabilizes a system. Sezer and ~ i l j a k [60] introduced

the concept of structurally decentralized fixed modes to characterize the modes that

are fised with respect to any arbitrary feedback structure. This definition \vas made

using the notion of stmctured matrices and structurally equivalent systems [36].

Structured and unstructured -4DFMs will be defined now. With no loss of general-

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ity, consider a system in expanded form

m-agent system:

[66], i.e., consider the following decentralized

where cj E RIXn, bi E PX', i = 2,2, . . . , m. The digraph of this system is defined as

a set of m nodes and directed arcs connecting these nodes. The nodes represent the

control agents of the system and the directed arcs represent the connections between

them. If q ( s 1 - A)-'bj # O, then there exists a directed arc from node j to node i

(i, j = , 2 , m . Consider a subsystern of (2.7) consisting of a subset of the nodes

{1,2, ... , m ) with the property that for each distinct pair of nodes 2 , j in that subset,

t here exists a directed pat h from node i to node j and also a pat h from node j to node

i (a directed path consists of one or more directed arcs). This subsystem is called

a st rongly connected subsystem of (2.7) [3 11 (usually the term "strongly connected"

is referred to the digraph of a system instead of the system itself). -4 system can

always be decornposed uniquely into a number of st rongly connected su bsystems,

which are the largest strongly connected subsysterns in the sense that if an extra

node is added to any of the strongly connected subsystems, that subsystems will no

longer be strongly connected.

Corresponding to the decomposition of a system into strongly connected subsys-

tems, one can define a new decentralized systern wit h a control agent assigned to each

subsystern, which is in fact the quotient system for (2.7) [31]. As a simple example,

consider a decentralized control system with the digraph of Figure 2.3. This sys-

tem consists of three subsystems, and only two of these subsystems (subsystems #l

and #2) are strongly connected. The corresponding quotient systern is depicted in

Figure 2.4.

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1 Controller I 1 1 Controller 2 1 ( Controller 31

Figure 2.3: -4 decentralized control system

1 Controller 1 1 1 Controller 2 1 Figure 2.4: -4 quotient system

Definition 2.3 : Given the system (2.71, the DFMs of the so-called quotient system

for (2.7) are called quotient k d modes (QFM) of the system (2.7) [25], which are,

in fact, structured DFMs of (2.7).

-Assume the system (2.7) consists of a set of 1: 1 5 1 5 m strongly connected subsys-

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tems {(cl, -4, 61) , (&, -4, &), . . . , (ci, A, bi) ) , where:

The following initial result is defined:

Theorem 2.1 : Consider the system (2.7); then h E sp(A) is a QFM of the sys-

tem (2.7) iff it is a transmission zero of all of the following subsystems:

where & and bi denote any possible partition of C, and bi defined in (2.8) (including

empty sets) respectively (i = 1,2 , . . . ,1) such that the number of rows of C. is equal

to the number of colurnns of bi, i = 1 , 2 , . . . , 1 .

Proof of Theorem 2.1 : The quotient system corresponding to the system (2.7)

lias the general structure of Figure 2.5, where Ci, i = 1,2'. . . , 2 represent the control

agents corresponding to the strongly connected subsysterns and ik, , . . . is are intro-

duced in (2.8). In this case, certain arcs a t each subsystem can be removed without

losing the strong connection among the corresponding agents, and arcs between each

pair of strongly connected subsystems have an appropriate direction such that none

of these pairs are strongly connected. Here each controller Ci has a centralized struc-

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Figure 2.5: The general form of the quotient system for system (2.7).

ture. This implies that there can exist feedback from each agent in the subsystem to

any other agent in the same subsystem via the controller Ci- Hence, A E sp(.-l) is a

QFhl of the system (2.7) if and only if it is a DFM of the system with respect to the

block diagonal matrix:

where ATi (i = 1 , 2 , . . . : 1) is a a

(ki - k i - l ) x (Ici - gain matrix (ko = O). NOW,

using the concept of an expanded system (661, one can conclude that A is a QFM of

the system (2.7) iff it is a DFM of the systern:

x = -42 + Bu, y = Cx,

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mith the following B and C matrices:

2 (k, - kl-1)

and so, the application of Theorern 2 of [li] immediately leads to the proof of Theo-

rem 2.1 (note that any matriv with identical rows or columns is singular; thus there

Remark 2.1: It is to be noted that Theorem 2.1 provides a new method to identify

structured DFMs, which does not require one to investigate the structure of the non-

zero elements of the system matrices, as was done in [60].

-4s a result of Theorem 2.1, one can use the definition of -4DFM now to define .4p-

prosimate Quotient Fixed Modes (AQFM), and it can be concluded that if X E sp(A)

is an ADFM of magnitude cond(X) for the system (2.9), then it is also an AQFM

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of identical magnitude for the system (2.7). A M-4TL-AB program is written and

included in Appendiu C which can be used to obtain the XDFMs and XQFMs of a

LTI system witb no more than 3 control agents, using the proposed method. This

code is used in the next example.

Example 2.1 : Consider a 3-input, 3-output, strictly proper, decentralized LTI sys-

tem with the followïng system matrices:

The digraph of this system is shown in Figure 2.6. This systern consists of tmo

strongly connected subsystems {{l, 2} , {3}} , with sp(. l) = {l. 2' 3}. In order to find

Figure 2.6: Digraph of the system in Example 2.1.

ADFMs in this system, the minimum condition nurnbers of the following matrices are

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ob tained for each eigenvalue:

and in this case, using the MATLAB code in Appendk C, the following values are


mhich implies that X = 1 and X = 2 are large ADFMs with magnitude 2.382 x I O 4

and 4.836 x lO%espectively.

To find the -4QFMs for this system, ive need to obtain the quotient system corre-

sponding to the strongly connected subsysterns. It can be easily seen from Figure 2.6

that for this esample:

In order to specify AQFMs, the minimum condition numbers of the matrices in (2.10)

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are checked together with the following matrices (as described in Theorem 2.1):

Using the bL4TL-4B code in Appendiu C, the following values are obtained:

Therefore, A = 1 and X = 2 can be considered to be large -4DFMs, and the only large

-4QFnlI in this system is X = 1; here, X = 2 is the only unstructured large ADFM in

the system.

Comment 2.1: Throughout this chapter and the next chapter, the terms AQFM

and structured ADFh.1 wiil be used interchangeably. However, there is a special case

for which these two terms are not exactly quivalent. This occurs when a strongly

connected su bsystem includes an interconnection t hat is significantly weak (in terms

of the norm of transfer function representing that interconnection) compared to the

other interconnections, and without that interc~nnection~ the strong connectedness

of the subsystem mil1 no longer exist. In this case, it is possible to have a structured

ADFbI which is not an AQFM In fact, if by removing the weak interconnection, the

corresponding structured ADFh/I becomes a QFM of the new system. that mode is

a structured ADFhl. In the remainder of this chapter and next chapter, it will be

assumed that such a weak interconnection does not exist and thence, AQFM and

structured .4DFM will be considered the sarne.

Now, the effect of sampling on unstructured -4DFMs will be discussed.

Theorem 2.2 : Given the continuous-time decentralized system (2.7), assume that

X E sp(A) is an unstructured ADFM with magnitude cond(A), and let the system (2.7)

have the equivalent discrete-time representation given by (2.6); then there exists a

constant M > O such that if cond(X) > M, this implies that there exists a sampling

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period T so that:

tvvhere cond(eAT) denotes the magnitude of the ADFkI for the equivalent discrete-time


Proof of Theorem 2.2 : The proof of this result follou~s by using a continuity

argument. Note that a continuous-time system with an unstructured ADFM, A, can

be rnodeled as arising from perturbing a system which has an unstructured DFM. In

other words, given the system (2.7), represented by:

which has X as an unstructured .4DFM, consider a new system:


and where Ail. Ab,, Ac,. j = 1:. . . . rn are chosen so that X is an unstructured DFM

of (2.12) (here LA, Ab,, and Ac, can always be chosen so that is the case). Consider

the systern (2.12) now; then for any constant M , if 4.4, Abj, Acj are sufficiently

small, it follows that cond(X) of (2.11) is greater than M for almost al1 sampling

periods T. The proof is completed by choosing M > cond(eAT). . Remark 2.2 : Theorem 2.2 implieç that a digitai controller can potentially improve

the performance of a continuous-time closed-loop system, when there exists an un-

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structured -4DFIVI in the continuous-time system.

2.4 Numerical Example

Example 2 -2 : Consider a cont rollable, observable, non-minimum phase, unstable

system with the following state space matrices:

The eigenvalues of this system are sp(A) = {-1,0.1, -3}. Applying the minimum

condition number criterion results in:

and so, X = 0.1 c m be considered as being a large ADFM for the system (this is an

unstructured -4DFM since it is not an AQFM). Note that this is an unstable mode

and so to stabilize the system, the decentralized continuous-time LTI controller has

to "shift" it to the left half plane, which irnplies that it will require a large gain.

The discrete-time equivaient of the above example is now computed using the set of

matrices given by (2.6), and on applying the minimum condition number criterion

for ADFM in the equivalent discrete-time system, the results shown in Table 2.1, and

Figure 2.7 are obtained; these results show the minimum condition number for each

eigenvalue of the discrete-time system as a function of the sampling period. It can

be seen from these results, that for a wide range of sampling intervals, the equivalent

discrete-time system has no large ADFM, e-g., with a sampling interval of T = 2sec,

the condition nurnber of the ADFM e0.lT for the discrete-time system is 250.2 which is

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Table 2.1: Minimum condition numbers of Example 2.2 for digital controller and different sampling periods.

sampling period T (sec)

O. 1

approximately 7 times smaller than cond(0.l) = 1778 for the continuous-time system.

-4s a rule of thumb, if the minimum condition numbers associated with the unstable

modes in the continuous-tirne system are significantly greater t han their discrete-time

counterparts, a suitable digital cont-roller can potentially be more efficient than a LTI


It is desired now to find a controller to stabiiize the unstable system (2.13), and

the following performance index, for the continuous-time system, is considered as

a rneasure of the system performance using either continuous-time or discrete-time

static decentralized controllers:

where E denotes the expectation operator [35]. It is to be noted that in the case

of discrete-timc control, this performance index takes intersample ripple effects into

account. The following cases are examined:

pole e-T

2.087 x 10'

i) Optimal continuous-time decentralized LTI controller: Consider applying the


to (2.13). Then on rninimizing the performance index defined in (2.14), with

pole - 3 ~

1.395 x 10'

pole (?o.~T

3.882 x IO3

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Figure 2.7: Minimum condition numbers of Example 2.2 versus sampling period for each eigenvalue of the equivalent discrete-time system. (a) e-T, (b) eO-lT, (c) e-3T.

respect to kl and k2, using Algorithm I (see Appendk .4), the optimal perfor-

mance index of J , = 1.105 x IO5 and the following optimal feedback taw are


which produces the following eigenvalues for the closed-loop system:

which irnplies that the closed-loop system has been stabilized. The correspond-

ing performance index for x(0) = [l 1 11' is 1.087 x 105 and Figure 2.8 gives

the corresponding input and output signals for this case. Note that y,(O) = 1,

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~ ~ ( 0 ) = -0.995 and yl then peaks to a value of 32.95 before settling down to

zero. The performance of the resultant controller is not satisfactory, and is a

consequence of the large ADFM at 0.1 in the system. In fact, even using a de-

centralized continuous-time LTI dynamic controller will not make a significant

improvement in the performance of the system in presence of the large ADFM

Figure 2.8: Closed-Ioop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal decentral- ized continuous-time LTI controller. (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

ii) Decentralized digital controller. Consider applying the digital controller:

to (2.13), with a sampling period of T > O and a zero-order hold. Then on


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minimizing the perfonnance index (2.14) as \vas done in (i) , using Algorithm II

(see -4ppendix A), with respect to kl, k2 and T, the optimal performance index

of J , = 4896 is obtained which is approximately 20 times smaller than the

result obtained in (i). The corresponding optimal controller is given by:

and the optimal sarnpling penod is TV = 3.085sec. The eigemalues of the

resultant closed-loop system for the equivalent discrete-time system are given

by :

nhich shows that the closed-loop system has been stabilized. The corresponding

performance index for x(0) = [l 1 11' is 2.116 x 104 and Figure 2.9 gives the

resultant input and output signals for this case. The transient response of this

system now has a much more reasonable response compared to Figure 2.8.

For cornpleteness, the case of a cent.ralized controller will now be considered.

i i i ) Centralzzed continuow-time optimal LTI controller: Consider applying the cen-

tralized controller:

to (2.13). Then on minimizing the same performance index given in (i), the

follon4ng optimal feedback law is obtained:

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Figure 2.9: Closed-loop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal decentral- ized digital controller. (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signai of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #S.

which produces the following closed-loop eigenvalues:

The resultant optimal performance index is J, = 8.382. The corresponding

performance index for x(0) = [ l 1 11' is 18.52, and Figure 2.10 gives the

resultant input and output signals obtained for this case.

The above results show that the input and output signals obtained in the proposed

decentralized controller are approximations to the optimal LTI centralized control


It is clear that the performance index obtained for the digital decentralized con-

troller (2.17), which depends on the sampling period T, is superior to the continuous-

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Figure 2.10: Closed-loop simulation results for Example 2.2, using optimal centralized continuous-time LTI controller. (a) Output signal of control agent #1; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

time decentralized controller (2.15). For completeness, Figures 2.11 (a) and (b) show

how the optimal performance index obtained using (2.15) depends on the sampling


So far, various output feedback controllers have been considered in this example.

It is ta be noted for this problem, that the minimum achievable performance index for

(2.14) using any type of controller is obtained by the contincous-time state feedback

law :


and the corresponding performance index for x(0 ) = [l 1 11' is given by J , = 1.448.

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Figure 2.11: Minimum performance index versus sampling period for Example 2.2 using digital controller.

Remark 2.3 : It is to be noted that the optimization algorithm used for digital

controller design in Example 2.2, and similar examples in Chapter 3 (-4lgorithm II,

Appendix A) rninimizes the continuous-time quadratic performance index, and so this

implies that the optimization algorithm takes intersample ripple effects into account.

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Chapter 3

Decentralizcd Control of Systems,

Using Generalized Sampled-Dat a

Hold Functions

It was s h o w in Chapter 2 that digital controllers can potentially improve the perfor-

mance of systems with unstructured ADFMs. In that chapter, a very simple form of

digital controllers, using zero-order hold was used. The question now arises: is it pos-

sible to improve the performance of the overall system by using a more generaI form

of hold functions instead of a simple zero-order hold? This problem is investigated in

this chapter.

3.1 Formulation of Generalized Sampled-Data Hold

Functions (GSHF)

The idea of using a GSHF in a closed-loop control system, is to sample the output of

the system, and let the control signal be a linear time-varying weighting of the output

during each time interval [28]; one of the advantages of using GSHFs in this case is

that the resultant output feedback controller acts in a dual way to state feedback,

without the requirement of using state estimation 1281.

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Consider a strictly proper decentralized LTI system with rn control agents repre-

sented by:

where x ( t ) E Rn is the state vector, and uj ( t ) E WJ, and y j ( t ) E Rrj, j E 15 =

(1, ..., m) are the control vector and output vector of control agent #j respectively,

and A, b,, and c, are matrices of appropriate dimensions. Generalized Sampled-Data

Hold Functions (GSHF) can be formulated as follows (see Figure 3.1):

mhere üj[k] E HPSl is a control vector of the discrete-time system, for the corresponding

Figure 3.1: GeneraIized sampled-data hold configuration for a decentralized system.

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sampled-data system associated with (3.1) and (3.2): given by:


It can be assumed without loss of generality, that rj = s j , j E m. One can now set

üj[k] = gj[k] in equation (3.2a) to achieve closed-loop control. It is to be noted that

this feedback law along nith the system matrices defined in (3.4) correspond to zero

processing delay because the control signal is applied to the system immediately after

sarnpling the output signal. It has been showri in [28] that the resulting closed-loop

continuous-time systern is stable if the eigenvalues of the matriu:

which represents the equivalent closed-loop discrete-time system, are al1 contained

inside the unit circle. We will now show how GSHFs can improve the performance of

the closed-loop system.

Lemma 3.1 : Consider the system (3.1) with sampled-data hold functions (3.2). For

any sampling period T , and any arbitrary n x sj matriw b; whose columns belong

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to the controllable subspace of (A, b j ) , there exists a sj x sj GSHF f, so that with

uj (t) = f, ( t)üj [k] , t E [ k T , ( k + l )T) , the corresponding discrete-time system (3.3),

has the property that b4 = b;.

Proof of Lemma 3.1 : The proof follows by using an argument similar to that

presented in [28].

Thus, for each T > O' there exists a sj x 1 function fj(t) that can transform

%, (tm) = O to G, ( tkCL) = bi! where GJ ( t k ) and b*; denote the ith colurnn of b d j ( t k )

and 6; (i E (1' 2, ..., sj)) respective'v, and t k + 1 - tk = T . In other words, one can

always find a sj x sj GSHF f,, (non-unique), so that the matrix bdJ in the resultant

discrete-time system is equal to amy specified n x sj mat ri^ whose columns belong to

the controllability subspace of (A, b j ) - In fact, one can use the following steps to find

a possible solution to the above problem:

i) Assume that the rank of the controllable subspace of (A, 6,) equals nl 5 n.

Find a transformation V to partition the system as:

where the controllable pair (All, 6 , ) represents the controllable subspace of

(A, b,) . The first nl columns of V can be any set of vectors that span the

column space of the controllability matrix [b, Ab, ... 4"-'b,], and the last n - nl

columns can be any set of vectors that results in a nonsingular matrix V.

ii) Find the controllability grammian corresponding to ( A L ,, 61) on [O, T ] as fol-


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iii) Then, the folloring GSHF is a solution (non-unique) to this problem:

where 6;I is obtained from the following equation:

It has been shown in [27] that using the GSHFs of this form, good stability margins

can be achieved by the closed-loop systern, for appropriate choices of T and 6,: j E m.

The following result is now obtained:

Theorem 3.1 : Consider the continuous-time decentralized system (3.1) , and assume

that X E sp(A) is an unstructured ADFM with magnitude cond(A); then for almost

al1 ([4 . . d m ] 4, [ b ... b,]) systems, and for any sampling interval T, there exists

a GSHF such that the condition number representing the ADF-M in the equivalent

discrete-time system is smaller than the same ADFM obtained by a zero-order hold.

Proof of Theorem 3.1 : The proof follows on noting that:

(i) for almost al1 ([d, ... c',]', A, [bl ... b,]) systems, one can choose a matris b; ir.

the controllable subspace of (A, b j ) to minimize the minimum condition number

corresponding to the XDFM in the equivalent discrete-time system (3.3),

(ii) on noting from Lemma 1, that on applying an appropriate GSHF such as (3.5),

bd, can then be made equal to b;, and

(iii) on noting that a zero-order hold lies in the zeros of a non-zero polynomial hold

function (the space spanned by a zero-order hold is limited to the constant

functions while a GSHF can be any function and provides more degrees of

freedom) . Thus for almost al1 ([d, . .. dm]', A, [bl ... bm]) systems, the resultant

GSHF obtained is not a constant.

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This implies that the condition number corresponding to any ADFM can be mini-

mized by using an appropriate GSHF, instead of a simple zero-order hold. The special

case for which a zero-order hold provides the minimum value for the condition number

corresponding to a ADFM, occurs when 6; is proportional to ~ ~ e A ( i - r ) b j d ~ (which

is equal to A-' (Ad - I )b , if A is invertible). It is to be noted that the function

which minimizes the corresponding minimum condition numbers is not unit

the function given by (3.5) is just one possible choice. . Remark 3.1 : Note that the GSHF which minimizes the corresponding m

ue and


condition numbers is not necessarily the optima1 GSHF +th respect to a performance

index that may be defined for the closed-loop system.

Remark 3.2: One can use a simple function, e.g. a c l a s of polynomials of specific

degree, instead of the function defined in equation (3.5), to minimize the condition

number of an ADFM. For example, by using the class of second-order polynomial

functions, one can minimize the condition number over 3 CI=, s: parameters (note

that each second-order function includes three coefficients). Alternately, one could

also apply piece-wise constant functions, instead of polynominal functions to create


3.2 Numerical Example

Example 3.1 : To illustrate the ad\-antage of using GSHF for decentralized systems,

consider Example 2.2 of the previous chapter, whose corresponding system matrices

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are rewritten as fo1lows:

AS discussed in Example 2.2, A = 0.1 can be considered to be a large ADFM for the

system. In fact, X = 0.1 is an unstructured ADFM and so, it can be "shifted" by

means of an appropriate LTI controller. However since this mode is an unstable mode,

any stabilizing controller has to shift this mode into the left half plane, and this will

require a large controller gain for any LTI continuous-tirne decentralized controller.

It was shown in Chapter 2, that on applying a LTI continuous-time decentralized

output feedback controller and on minimizing the performance index:

using Algorithm 1 (see Appendk A), a value of J , = 1.105 x 105 is obtained. In

this case, the corresponding input and output responses for the system when x(0) =

[l 1 11' are given in Figure 2.8, and it is observed that the inputs ui and u ~ , peak to

approximately 110 and 650, respectively. It is desired now to design a decentralized

digital controller with appropriate GSHFs for this system, to improve the performance

of the closed-loop systern. Two different cases will now be investigated:

i) First-order polynomials: Consider applying the sampled-data hold functions

f i ( t ) = ait + bi and f2(t) = a2t + to each control agent. On minimizing the

performance index (3.7) using Algorithm III (see Appendix .4), the following

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results are obtained:

Optimal sampling time : T, = 1.152sec7

Optimal fi(t) : fi(t) = -4.8865 + 2.915,

Optimal f2(t) : f2(t) = 1.768t - 1.978,

Optimal performance index : J , = 15.08.

Note that in this case only one parameter has been added to the control design of

each agent compared to digital control with a zero-order hold, but a significant

improvement has been achieved. The corresponding input and output signals

of control agent #1 and control agent #2 for x ( 0 ) = [l 1 11' are depicted in

Figure 3.2 in which (a) and (b) give the output and input signals of control

agent # 1 : and (c) and (d) give the corresponding signals of control agent #2,

respectively. The resultant performance index for x (0 ) = [ l 1 lIt is 50.17,

which is significantly smaller than 1.105 x 105 obtained in the continuous case.

ii) Second-order polynomials: In this case, sampled-data hold functions of the form

f i (t) = al t2 + bit + cl and f2 (t) = a2t2 + &t + cz will be assigned for each agent.

On minimizing the performance index (3.7) as described in the previous case,

the following results are obtained:

Optimal sampling time : T = 1.254sec,

Optimal fi(t) : fl(t) = 5.931t2 - 4.229t - 0.3416,

Optimal f&) : f2(t) = 1.058t2 - 2.565t + 1.400,

Optimal performance index : J, = 14.71.

These optimal hold functions are shown in Figure 3.3. The corresponding per-

formance index for x(0) = [l 1 11' is 6.293 and Figure 3.4 gives the resultant

input and output signals for this case.

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Figure 3.2: Closed-loop simulation results for Example 3.1, using optimal decentral- ized digital controller with first-order GSHFs (3.8b) and (3.8~). (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control agent #l; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

It can be seen from Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.4, that no "peaking" occurs in the

response of the system, as compared to the continuous-time systern (see Figure 2.8).

In addition, the magnitudes of the input and output signals in Figure 3.2 and Fig-

ure 3.4 are much smaller than those of Figure 2.9 obtained by using a zero-order hold

for the same system.

For interest, the minimum condition number cond(X) for the eigenvalues of (3.6)

using the optimal GSHFs (3.9b) and ( 3 . 9 ~ ) versus sampling time T? are given in

Figure 3.5. It is obsemed that the condition number of the unstable mode has been

reduced by a factor of 100 approximately, using this class of generalized sampled-

data hold functions, instead of a zero-order hold. It can also be seen from this figure

that as the sampling time T approaches 0, the condition number of the unstable

mode (A = 0.1) increases; thus this result confirms the observation often made in

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Figure 3.3: Optimal 2nd order polynomial hold functions obtained for Exarnple 3.1. (a) The function corresponding to control agent #l; (b) the function corresponding to control agent #2.

practice, that "fast sampling" is not always a desirable procedure to implement in

digital control design.

In completeness, a continuous-time centralized state feedback controller was de-

signed using a X2 design method with performance index (3.7) (see Example 2.2 and

equation (2.20)). Simulations using the resultant state feedback controller for the

case when x ( 0 ) = [l 1 11' are given in Figure 3.6.

Remark 3.3: Here i t is observed that the input-output response of the resultant

continuous-time centralized system using the optimal state feedback (Figure 3.6), is

comparable to the input-output response of the decentralized digital control system

with optimal first-order polynomial and second-order polynomial GSHFs (Figure 3.2

and Figure 3.4), on ignoring "ripple type of effects". There still however will be a

significant difference of behavior between a centralized continuous-time controller and

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-2' I O 5 10 15 20

@l t (sec)

Figure 3.4: Closed-loop simulation results for Example 3.1, using optimal decentral- ized digital controller with second-order GSHFs (3.9b) and (3.9~). (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of coctrol agent #l; (c) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

a decentralized controller, if one wishes to obtain "high performance" for the system,

i.e. a "rapid response with no 'peaking' occurring", in the system. This is because

the minimum condition number of the unstable ADFM (A = 0.1) will become larger,

as the sampling time decreases (see Figure 3.5). Thus the application of GSHFs

in digital decentralized control is Iimited mainlv to t hose situations where moderate

sampling times are to be applied.

Remark 3.4: Choosing the proper sampled-data hold functions is a trade-off be-

tween the improvement of the overall performance of the closed-loop system achieved

by the functions, and the complexity introduced by the corresponding functions. Ta-

ble 3.1 compares different polynomial orders in ternis of the minimum acliievable

condition number, corresponding to the unstable ADFM X = 0.1 in Example 3.1.

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Figure 3.5: Minimum condition numbers of Example 3.1 for the GSHFs given by (3.9b) and (3.9~). (a) e-=, (b) eO-LT, (c) e-3T.

Table 3.2 compares the effect of zero-order, first-order, and second-order polynomi-

als on the minimum achievable performance index defined in (3.7) (these results are

obtained by using -4lgorithm III in Appendix A). Both tables illustrate the effects

of using higher-order sampled-data hold functions. For this example, a first-order

polynomial is a good choice and there is not any significant improvement achieved by

higher-order polynomials. Note that a zereorder polynomial as a GSHF, is equiva-

lent to a zero-order hold. However, the results of Table 3.1 do not match the results

obtained in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.7). The reason is that the matrix Bd defined in (2.6)

mhich is used to obtain the condition numbers, is different from the corresponding

matrix obtained by applying GSHFs (equation (3.4b)), since the latter is in fact a

combination of the former, and the optimal static gain for digital controller.

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-0.08 1 O 5 1 O 15 20

(bl (sec)

-1.2 O 5 10 15 20

(4 r (sec)

Figure 3.6: Closed-loop simulation for Example 3.1, using optimal continuous-time state feedback controller (2.20). (a) Output signal of control agent #l; (b) input signal of control agent #l; ( c ) output signal of control agent #2; (d) input signal of control agent #2.

Table 3.1: Minimum achievable condition number for Exarnple 3.1, using polynomials of 3 different degrees.


polynomials first-order

polynomiais second-order


optimal sampled-data hold functions

f i = 1066

fi = -2.301 x f = 1.037t - 552.7

f2 = -785.2t + 43.90 f i = -9741t2 + 4028t - 321.4

f2 = 2.015 x 104t2 - 7520t + 489.6

optimal sampling period (sec)




minimum value for cond (0.1 )




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polynomials first-order

optimal sampled-data hold funetions

f 1 = 9.996

optimal sampling period (sec)

polynomiais second-order

Table 3.2: h/linimurn achievable performance index for Example 3.1, using polynomials of 3 different degrees.

minimum value for (3.7)

- -

f2 = -0.7069 fi = -4.886t + 2.915


f2 = 1.76St - 1.978 f i = 5.934t2 - 4.231t - 0.3412


- - f2 = 1.046t2 - 2.550t + 1.396


1.152 15 -08

1.254 14.71

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Chapter 4

Pseudo-Decentralized Swit ching


In previous chapters, it was assumed that the model of the plant being studied is

esactly known, which is impossible to achieve in "real world" applications, i-e. the

problem of robustness was not considered. This gives motivation to this chapter,

which studies the decentralized control of plants with uncertain mathematical models.

In particular, it is assumed that the plant is described by a continuous LTI model,

which is contained in a specified family P of plant models, and in this case it is

assumed that a family of decentralized controllers has been found to satisfactorily

control the models contained in P. -4 switching control scheme is then proposed

that uses the input-output information of each agent, to switch between the local

candidate controllers in each corresponding agent. -4 binary communication link is

assumed to exist between the local control agents to assure that ail agents switch to

the next candidate controller, simultaneously. Simulation results: using the proposed

decentralized scheme, are given and compared with the centralized scheme given in


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4.1 Decentralized Feedback Mode1

Consider the family of strictly proper, controllable and observable, decentralized LTI

systems P = {P'? k E p = (1, . . . , p ) ) , which has m control agents and is described

by :

i . = ~ ~ z + [ b f [ ] + [ f . . e ] [ w1 ] 7 ,4.w

um Wm

Yre f ,m Ym

(4. lc)

mhere x ( t ) E Wk is the state, q ( t ) , j E m = {l, . . . : m ) is the control input of control

agent #j, y j (t) is the output to be regulated of control agent # j, [ w; ( t ) . . . w&(t ) 1' is

the plant disturbance and ëj(t) is the error at control agent #j, which is the difference

between the specified reference input IJ,.J~ and the output y j - Al1 matrices and

variables here have appropriate dimensions. It is assumed that the plant models Pk,

k E p are known, and that the actual plant mode1 is contained in P = {Pk, k E p}.

It is also assumed that yj and Yrefj, j E m are measurable, and that the system

given by ( and ( is observable from each agent, i.e. (6, A*) is observable

for V j € ni, Vk E p.

It is assumed that a dynamic decentralized LTI controller represented by the

block diagonal rnatrix K k ( s ) =diag([Kf(s) . . . Kk(s)]) has been designed for each

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plant mode1 Pk, k E p, and has the structure:

where z j ( t ) E IRck1 , and where, without Ioss of generality, it is assumed that ly = 1

for al1 k E p and j E fi, by adding unobsenable stable modes if necessary. In

particular, it is assumed that each Kk has been designed so that it stabilizes the

closed-loop system corresponding to Pko and that the controller satisfactorily performs

disturbance rejection and/i>r tracking for Pk, for a specified class of tracking and

disturbance signals.

The previous controller (U), can alternately be written in terms of a static output

feedback controller:

wlien applied to the following augmented controllable and observable system [41]:

Yre f,i

Yref ,m

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Thus, at this point, we have an appropriate decentralized controller (4.3) which can

respectively control each plant mode1 PL, k E P, and we wish to find a way to control

the actua1 plant, when it is assumed that the plant can be described by some LTI

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mode1 contained in B. -4 decentralized switching technique will now be proposed to

accomplish this goal.

4.2 Main Result

The decent ralized swi tching controller will be obtained by taking the same approach

as used by Miller and Davison in [41] for the centraiized case. The general approach

adopted consists of two phases. We initiaily want t.o find an upper bound for the

error signal, which is associated with each Pk and the corresponding controller gain

k k The upper bound signals will then be used to find an appropriate controller by

switching between the different controllers. Note that since a decentralized switching

scheme is to be applied here, each control agent wïll be examined separately. Hence,

based on the input and output signals of each agent, some auxiliary signals will be

introduced to construct an upper bound signal for each agent.

Decentralized Switching Controiler 1 : Following [41], the decentralized switch-

ing controiler consists of two phases:

Phase 1: Finding a bound o n the initial condition

Here, we want to define for each control agent, parameters in a similar way as was

described in [41] (Lemma 1). Choose any arbitrary positive value for T and define:

and let:

a k j s := the srnailest singular value of Wkj- (4-5)

Since it is assumed that the system is observable from each agent, this implies

a k j 3 # O. Now, define:

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and let:

(here, I I . 1 1 denotes the 2-nom of a vector or the corresponding induced n o m of a

matrix). With ü ( t ) = O for t E [O, Tl and [" ] = 0, but y j (O) not necessarily

equal to zero, finci:

and assuming that I lwj(t) 1 1 define:

Assuming that I luj(t) l l 5 &, for t E [O, Tl; and that the plant is described by the LTI

mode1 p k , it then follons from Lemma 1 in [41] (see AppendLv B) that:

Xom? find constants yki > O and At < O as described in Lemma 2 in [41] (see

-4ppendiu B) , so that:

and let:

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Define nom the following p x m auxiliarq- signals:

i k j ( t ) = b k j ( t ) + ? k 2 e k j ( t ) rkj(0) = O , t E [O,T], k E p, j E m,


I l


Note that the upper bound signal introduced in [41] is:

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With ü( t ) = O for t [O,T] and [I':, ] = O then:

and since

Phase 2 :

( 0 ) 1 5 j this impiies that ëkj( t ) 2 ~ l ~ ~ ( g ( t ) - B k

Searching the gains

Now, control action will be applied. Let the control input be:

Let the p x rn auxiliary signals be given by:


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Set t l := T, and for every k E (2, . . . . p + 1) for mhich tk-l # 00, define tk by:


1 : there exists a time f E [T, t] for which

if the set is nonempty (the minimum exists if it is nonempty), and oo otherwise; if

t,+l is defined and finite, then define t,+2 = O and set K;+' = O. j E mo where E is a

small positive constant. and is a matrix consisting- of the rows:

of ck, where s, denotes the number of outputs a t control agent #q, with so = O (in

the special case, when each agent of the plant is only single-input, single-output, the

matrix is just a matrix consisting of the r o m j , m + j , and 2m + j of the matrix


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4.3 Properties of Decentralized Switching Controller

The following result shows that the switching controller "chooses" a stzbilizing LTI

controller for the plant in finite time.

Theorem 4.1 : Consider the family of LTI plant models (4.l), and the corresponding

family of decentralized LTI controllers (4.3). Suppose that y,.,j, u, E PC,, j E ml

r w1 1 1 4

condition x(0), when the switching controller defined in Phase 1 and Phase 2 is applied

to the plant, the closed-loop systern has the following properties:

(i) The switching controller stops switching in finite time, Le., there exists a time

t' > O, by which no switching occurs Vt > t* .

(ii) The state Z ( t ) defined in (4.4) is bounded, Vt 1 0.

To prove this, we need the following preliminary results.

Lemma 4.1: For any vector x = [il] , there exists j E {1, . . . , m}, so that


Jm 11xj11 2 11x11.

Proof of Lemma 4.1 : We can write llxll in terms of llxj[l1 as follows:

(note that in the general case, each element xj can be a vector). Choose j now so


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which implies that:

Lemma 4.2 : Consider the following differential equations:

+ L ( t ) = ATl ( t ) + ré1 ( t ) , i l (h) = f 1 0 ,

;2 ( t ) = XF2 ( t ) + ré2 ( t ) , F2(t0) = r 2 ,

Assume that 7 > 0, f l 0 , and é l ( t ) 2 ë 2 ( t ) > O , t 2 to. Then, T l ( t ) 1

?2(t) , t L t o -

Proof of Lemma 4.2 : The solutions of the above first order differential equations

are given by:

7eNt-r) ë, dTl FI ( t ) = rloe

Since yël ( T ) 2 y ë 2 ( r ) , tO 5 T < t , and e*(t-T) > O , Vt. r , this implies that:

Also, since iio 2 F20, then T ~ ~ ~ " ~ - ~ o ) > ~ ~ ~ e " ( ' - ~ ) , which implies i l ( t ) 3 F2(t), t 2

t,. . Proof of Theorem 4.1 : Let y,,!,

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fi, and J [ [ ] 1 5 6. It the. fbllows fmm Lemma 4.2 th.:


where rk(t) , defined in (111 (see -4ppendix B), is given by Equation (4.11). Further-

more, on assuming that ü(t) = ~ ' i j ( t ) , since at least for one j E fi, Ekj(t) is greater

e l 1 than IlG(t) - ~ ~ ( ( i t ) - D~ ( i 1 )II, t E (tl, toi] in (4.11), i t follows from

1 %ef,m(t) J Lemma 1.1 and Lemma 4.2 that rkj(t) 3 rt(t), t E (tl, ti+l]. On the other hand, it

can be easily shown that for any j E ni,

Thus, if the appropriate controller ü(t) = KLjj(t) is being applied, then the n o m of

the signai:

is less than fkj, t > tl in (4.12). Since it has been assumed that the system is

observable from each agent, this implies that if any of the applied controllers results in

an unbounded state response, then the outputs of al1 control agents of the system will

become unbounded. The proof now follows from Theorem 1 in [41] (see Appendix B).


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Remark 4.1 : Note that despite the fact that the switching scheme is decentralized,

a weak communication link is in fact required to exist between the agents, so that al1 r 1

1 ~re , , j ( t> J of al1 agents have reached their corresponding upper bound signals). The only in-

agents snitch at the same time (this occurs when the signals Ilij,(t) -

formation that we oeed in this case, is the time instant in which each agent hits its

corresponding upper bound. In other words, we need to assign a binary flag to each

control agent. It is to be noted that under some conditions, this binary information

can be communicated via the interconnections between the subsystems.

t h e block diagram of the proposed decentralized switching controller for a system

with two input-output agents is depicted in Figure 4.1. The weak communication link

or binary signals between the switching controllers are shown by the dotted lines.

Decision . - . . . - . . . . Switching Decision

Maker 1 Command



Switching Command


- . - 1 [ .J -

Agent 1 Agent 2 4 C . YI "2

Figure 4.1: Block diagram of the decentralized switching controller 1.

Remark 4.2 : Sometimes, it is more convenient to deal with continuous signals

instead of discontinuous ones. Thus, in the case that f ' w j is discontinuous, which

makes Il 0, ( t ) - II discontinuous, one can design an appropriate first order

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filter such as:


X:=min{Xk: k E p), < A ,

and use ëf&) instead of Il&(t) - 1 II to find the switching times.

Remark 4.3 : One can make similar assumptions as made in [41] (Theorem 2), to

parantee that if the plant is PL, then the final gain is kk.

Remark 4.4: It is to be noted that in using this method of decentralized switching,

we need to compute p x rn awriliary signals (one for each plant and each agent) whereas

in the centralized switching method introduced in [41], only p ausiliary signals are

required (one for each plant). However, the total nurnber of input and output signals

required to find the upper bound signals for each agent in the decentralized case, is

less than the total number of input and output signals required in the centralized

case, and, the required flow of information in the centralized switching is much more

demanding than for the decentralized case.

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4.4 Numerical Example

Example 4.1 : Consider the system (4.1) with the following family of plant models:

0.124 0.595 a Model P2 : A2 =

-0.274 -0.107 0.984 0.847

4 = [ -0.144 -0.525 ] , 4 = [ -0.685 -0.207 ] , e: = eg = [ 0-1 0-1 ] , j; = f$ = 0.1,

1 0.953 Model P3 : .A3 =

-0.246 -0.422 0.754 0.872

4 = [ -0.784 -0.608 ] , 6 = [ -0.979 -0.196 ] , ei = es = [ 0.1 0.1 ] , = f: = 0-1,

1 0.597 a Model P5 : Ag =

-0.378 -0.131 0.255 0.730

6 = [ -0.053 -0.064 ] , 4 = [ -0.019 -0.709 ] , e: = ez = [ 0.1 0.1 ] , ff = fi = 0.1.

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For each plant model, a decentralized servomechanism controller of the form:

lias been designed to minimize the performance index:

with p = 1, for the case of constant reference inputs Yre,,~ and yre,z, using -41-

gonthm IV in -4ppendiu -4- The corresponding gains obtained for each controller

C$ k E {l, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ) , j E {1 ,2) , are given as follows:

0 For plant model PL :

m For plant model p2 :

m For plant model p3 :

m For plant model P4 :

For plant model P' :

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which result in the following eigenvalues for the closed-loop system associated with

each plant model:

Setting T = lsec and on applying the switching controller equations in Phase 1, the

following parameters are obtained from (4.5)-(4.10) in order to construct the upper

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bound signals for each plant model:

&For plant model P' :

al11 = 2.955 x IO', a12 ' = 5.965 x IO-', a131 = 6.769 x 1od2,

0112 = 4.815 X IO', a i 2 2 = 1.711, a l32 = 4.154 X 10-~,

711 = 3.500, 712 = 4.686' 713 = 3.116, Al = -1.849 x IO-',

0 For plant model p2 :

a 2 1 1 = 1.072 x 103, an1 = 2.346 x IO', azsl = 1.866 x 10-~,

a212 = 8.443 X IO', = 2.819, a232 = 2369 X X O - ~ ,

721 =2.660, 722 =3.701, 723 = 1.194, A 2 = -1.975 x 10-',

0 For plant model P3 :

as11 = 1.674 x 102, a321 = 7.754, = 1.195 x 10-~ ,

a s i 2 = 5.621 x IO', = 2.484, (1332 = 3.558 x 10-~ ,

731 = 1.333, 732 = 1.930, 733 = 5.178 x IO-', A3 = -1.108 x 10-l,

0 For plant model p4 :

a411 = 1.004 x 102, a 4 2 1 = 2.404, a d 3 1 = 1.993 x 10-~ ,

a 4 1 2 = 9.637 x lol, am = 2.221: (1432 = 2.075 x 10-~,

7.11 = 1.103, 7 4 2 = 1.103, 7 4 3 = 3.372 x IO-', X4 = -1.355 x IO-*,

0 For plant model p5 :

a511 = 1.514 x 104, a521 = 1.796 x 102, as31 = 1.321 x 10 -~ ,

(1512 = 3.345 x 102, 0522 = 6.997, -2 = 5.979 x 10-~ ,

751 = 1.479, 752 = 1.502. 753 = 1.246 x IO', Ag = -1.340 x 10-~.

We now have a set of five decentralized two-input, two-output LTI systems. Assume

nonr that 6, = W2 = yrcf,l and ~ ~ ~ 1 . 2 are square waves of magnitude 10 and period

lûO?r, that the unknown plant is P5, and that the order of switching controllers is

C: -t C: + Cf + C: + C:, j = 1,2. Choose ~ = 1 and let x(0) = [0.5 0.51'.

The folloning closed-loop system results of Figure 4.2 are then obtained on applying

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the decentralized switching controller 1 to the system. The transient response and

steady-state response of the output are given in Figures 4.2 (a) and (b) respectively

The thick lines indicate the output yl and the thin lines, indicate y*. Figure 4.2

(c) shows the upper bound signals for each agent, with the thick Line and thin line

indicating the signals for control agent #1 and control agent #2 respectively, and the

signal g ( t ) in Figure 4.2 (d) represents the switching instants. It can be seen that

the system switches to controller nurnber 2, 3, 4 and 5 after about 22, 31, 39 and 72

seconds respectivelly.

-51 I O 200 400 600

(ai t (sec)

Figure 4.2: Decentralized switching control for Example 4.1. (a) Transient response; (b) steady-state response and reference input; (c) upper bound signals; (d) switching instants.

For comparison, if we use the centralized approach introduced in [41] with the

above plant models and controllers, and with the same T, E , tracking signals, and

initial values, we obtain the results shown in Figures 4.3 (a), (b), (c), and (d) for

the transient responses, steady-state response, upper bound signal, and switching

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instants, respectively. .4gain, the thick lines in Figures 4.3 (a) and (b) represent

the output at control agent #1, while the thin lines represent the output at control

agent #2.

Figure 4.3: Centralized switching control for Example 4.1. (a) Transient response; (b) steady-state response and reference input; (c) upper bound signal; (d) switching instants.

Comparing Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3, we observe that both techniques provide

stability, tracking and disturbance rejection for the closed-loop system in this example,

but that the centralized technique, results in a better transient response and a faster

switching mechanism. The reason for this is that the decentralized switching scheme

is more conservative in terms of the upper bound signals obtained and the error

signals. On the other hand, the decentralized mitching scheme requires far less data

transmission to exist between the plant's control agents. It is also to be observed

that both controllers result in excessive "peaking" occurring in the output transient


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Example 4.2 : Consider a 2-input ,2-output mas-spring system shown in Figure 4.4.

Choosing the state vector x = [gnf Gnf y1 yi 32 y$ and vsuming w = 0, the

Figure 4.4: The 2-input, 2-output mas-spring system of Esample 4.2.

following state space equations are obtained:

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Let Ar = 10, ml = rn, = 1, kl = k2 = 1, and fi = f' = 0.1, and define the following

systems matrices:

The follouing set of 3 plant models will now be considered:

O Model P' :

0 Model P2 :

Mode1 P3 :

Note that no fixed LTI controller can simultaneously stabilize this set of plant models

1241. On using the controller equations (4.2), the following decentralized servomech-

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anism controllers are designed:

a For plant model PL :

a For plant model PZ :

For plant mode1 p3 :


Assume now that P3 is the correct plant model. Consider the controller switching

order given by Cj + C: + C?, j = 1 , 2 and choose c = 1 and T = ioec. For

zero initial state and with reference inputs yref,i = 1 and Yref,z = -i, the results

given in Figure 4.5 are obtained. Figures 4.5 (a) and (b) give the transient response

and steady-state response of the output of control agent #1, and Figures 4.5 (c)

and (d) give the corresponding output for control agent #2, and Figure 4.5 (e) gives

the switching instants. It is clear from these figures that the system will switch to

the correct controller in approximately 3 seconds. The eigenvalues of the closed-loop

system, when plant model P3 is controlled by the decentralized controller C3, are

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given by:

Figure 4.5: Decentralized switching control for the mass-spring system of Exam- ple 4.2. (a) Transient response of control agent #l; (b) steady-state response of con- trol agent #l; ( c ) transient response of control agent #2; (d) steady-state response of control agent #2; (e) switching instants.

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Chapter 5

Decentralized Switching Cont rol

for Hierarchical Systems

In this chapter, a decentralized switching scheme will be introduced for systems with

a certain type of structure, and where the switching controller acts on each control

agent independently of each other. in other words, there is no need to communicate

between the different control agents as was done in Chapter 4, using this decentral-

ized switching controller. However, this is accomplished a t the expense of assuming

a specific structural constraint on the direction and strength of interconnections ex-

isting between different subsystems of the plant. The controller does not require any

knowledge re plant models for the system or any bound on disturbance signals in the

systern. The only requirement is that there is a known set of controllers, containing

at least one controller that stabilizes and regulates the actual physical system. Simu-

lation results for the proposed decentralized switching controller and the centralized

switching controller introduced in [12] are giwn and compared.

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5.1 Decentralized MIMO Feedback Mode1

Consider the finite dimensional LTI plant mode1 Pk, k E P = { 1, . . . , p ) which has

rn control agents and is described by:

where x ( t ) E Rn* is the state, u j ( t ) E Rrn~ : j E m = ( 1 , . . . , ml is the control input at

control agent # j , and yj(t) E Rmj is the output to be regulated at control agent # j ,

w,(t) E W P j is the disturbance a t control agent #j, and ë,(t) E Rnj is the error at

control agent #j, which is the difference between the specified reference input ym/j

and the output y j - It is assumed that yj and yrejj are the only measurable signals.

-Assume now that a set of candidate decentralized controllers given by:

,\7here zj(t) E g k j , G" ~ l k j , ~5 E P k j xmj, JI E @ k j x m j , K* E IRrn, , J 1 J

L% I Emj x m ~ , and Mk J E Rmj Xmj stabilizes the plant mode1 (5.1) for k = 1 , 2 , . . . , p

respectively. Without l o s of generality, assume that z k j = I for al1 k E P and j E m.

Note that we do not necessarily assume that the plant model (5.1) (or their degree)

is known. In fact, one could assume that the set of decentralized controllers (5.2) for

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the plant (5.1) has been obtained by using only experirnental methods, e.g., by using

on-line tuning methods (151.

The set of system modeki dong wïth their corresponding controllers can now be

written in the following forrn:

where (121:

-Cs .- 1, .- ( 1 - ~ C L ~ ) - ~ , 3 J


Yrel. 1

Yref .m


W m

Yre j,m

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We now wish to constntct a decentralized switching controller for the plant, which

selects an appropriate decentralized controller from (5.2) , so that for an unknown

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plant which has a plant model contained in (5.1), the resultant closed-loop system is


5.2 The Main Result

We shall consider the case when the plant/controller is described by (i) a continuous-

time model or (ii) a discrete-time model.

5.2.1 Decentralized Switching Controller for Continuous-Time


Consider the set of plant models (LI), and partition the corresponding matrices into

the following:

mhere A*. E Rrk' X Q i , bk. E wki Xmij and c*, E Wrnj "'kj '1 '3

( 2 , j E m, k E P), where rkj's

are arbitras- positive real numbers, with the property that r k l + . . . + r h = nk.

Assumpt ion 5.1 : Given c 3 O, assume that:

either for j > i or for j < i, where A:, &:, ej are fked matrices with unity norm.


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Here if E = 0, the conditions of Assumption 5.1 correspond to a constraint that the

plant (5.1) consists of a hierarchy of interconnected subsystems as illustrated in Fig-

ure 5.1; if E is "small", the assumption corresponds to a plant consisting of a hierarchy

of interconnected subsystems which are weakly interconnected to the remaining sub-

systems of the plant. One can also look a t the magnitude of the interconnection

transfer function a t different frequencies to check the weak connectedness (future re-

search is required to characterize exactly when the conditions of Assumption 5.1 can

be satisfied) .

Define Decentralized Switching Controller II for each agent, as follows:

Decentralized Switchinn Controller II :

mhere j E ra. t E (t,, ts+lj]7 z( tz) 0: s E {l , 2 , . . .}, and i := ((s-1) mod p ) + l .

Set t l j := O, V j E m and for s 2 2 such that t,-u is finite, define the switching time

ts j as:

min t 3 t > ts-lj, and 11 [ z i ( t ) ~ > ~ ( t ) ] II = Fj(s - 1)

tSj := if this minimum exists

I - othenvise

where 11. II denotes the oo-norm, ë,,(t) is the filtered error signal a t control agent # j ,

given by:

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and where F is a modijied stmng bounding function (f E MSBF) [12], mhich is defined

to be a strictly increasing function from N to R, such that for al1 positive real constants

(ao, al : a2) the funct ion:

goes to infinity as i + oo. An example of such a MSBF function is ie i2 , i E N

Now, considcr the following assumption:

Assumpt ion 5.2 [12]:

The condition (i) and (ii) of Assumption 5.2 can be easily met by setting z j ( t ) = O

and ëfj(t) = O. j E m; the conditions (iii) and (iv) of Assurnption 5.2 are necessary

conditions for there to exist a solution to the decentralized robust servomechanism

problem [16]. The following main result is obtained:

Theorem 5.1: Consider the set of plailt models (5.1), and assume that the plant

models have the structure defined in Assumption 5.1, and that the actual plant has a

mode1 which belongs to this set. Then there exists c > O sufficiently small such

t hat the following property holds: consider the corresponding decentralized con-

trollers (5.2) for each agent, and apply the switching controller 1 to each agent at

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time t = 0; tlien for every Fj E MSBF and X E IR+, for every initial condition

x (O), 7 (O), and ëf (O) satiswng -4ssumption 5.2, and for every bounded piecewise

continuous reference input and disturbance signal, the closed-loop system has the

following properties:

i) there exists a finite time tj,ss > O for each agent, by which no switching occurs

at that agent for t > t,,,,,

ii) al1 the controller states z j ( t ) , the plant states x ( t ) , and the filtereci error signais

ë J j ( t ) are bounded, and

iii) for alrnost al1 controller parameters G:, H:, K:, and L: ( j E m, k E P), for

constant refererice and constant disturbance signals, the error signal a t each

agent asymptoticolly decreases to zero as time increases.

Proof of Theorem 5.1 : The first step in proving this theorem, is to impose the

conditions of .i\ssumption 5.1 onto the closed-loop systern (5.3). Assume that the

actual plant's mode1 is given by Pr, (r E P), and that over an arbitrary time interval,

the controller (G: , H ) , K: , L: ) has been applied to control agent # j. Assume also

that condition (i) in Assurnption 5.1 holds true ~ 4 t h e = O; in this case, we will

have the following structure for the resultant closed-loop system in this time interval.

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In this case, it can be easily seen that the closed-loop system corresponding to control

agent #l is given by:

which implies that the differential equations of the first rrl plant states [XI . . . xrFl]'

and the first l r l controller states [zl . . . zi,,]' are independent from the rest of the

augmented mode1 states. Thus, since al1 conditions in .4ssumption 5.2 hold true,

BIBO stability of the subsystem #1 represented by XI,. . . ,xrr1, 21,. . . , yrl which

corresponds to control agent #1, immediately follows by Theorem 3.1 in [12], and al1

three conditions in Theorem 5.1 are fulfilled for this subsystem. Thus, the switching

mechanism will stop switching in a finite time for control agent #1, and al1 the

states in this subsystem will stay bounded. L.ikewise, if we consider the differential

equations corresponding to x,,,+l, . . . , xrrl zirl +I, . . . , zi,, +lF,, we will similarly see

that they are functions of the first rrl +rr2 plant states and the first Lr1 +lr2 controller

states. Since the states of subsystem #1 are bounded. one can assume that the signal

introduced by subsystem #1 in the differential equations of subsystem #2 acts as

a bounded disturbance. Thus, subsystem #2 also meets the required conditions of

Theorern 3.1 in [12] and it fulfills al1 three conditions in Theorem 5.1. Similarly,

one can conclude that the subsystem associated with control agent #3 and al1 other

subsystems will lock ont0 an appropriate controller in a finite time, resulting in BIBO

stability for the whole system, and asyrnptotic error regulation for al1 of the control

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Assume now that c > O in -4ssumption 5.1. Because of continuity. it can be con-

cluded from [12] (see Appendix B) that if € is "sufficiently small" , then the switching

mechanism can still be successfully carried out using the proposed method. In other

words, if there e-xists a sufficiently weak interconnection from the lower level subsys-

tems to the upper ones in Figure 5.1, then the conditions in Theorem 5.1 will still be

achieved. Systems which have this property are said to be "Weakly interconnected".

Such a system Ml1 be illustrated in Example 5.2.

Remark 5.1: One can use the dual modifiai strong bovnding functions defined in

[12] to compare z j ( t ) and ë f j ( t ) with two different functions separately. This can be

used to potentially improve the transient response of the system-

Remark 5.2 : Note that given a sufficiently small E, -4ssümption 5.1 may not hold

true for a set of state equations, but it may hold true for another set of state equations

which is related to the original set by a similarity transformation. For the case when

i = O, this irnplia that if the transfer rnatrix 1 i 1 (sr - A*)-' [ bf . . b; ] has

L4J a lower-triangular or upper-triangular forrn, then Assumption 5.1 holds true. The

digraph of such systems can be represented by a hierarchy of interconnected subsys-

tems, where the interconnection goes only in one direction as depicted in Figure 3.1.

In other words, there exist no strongly connected pair of subsystems in the whole

system 1311. Since no link exists from the lower level subsystems to the upper ones,

once al1 subsystems above subsystem # j are locked ont0 the proper controller, it is

guaranteed that subsystem # j will also find the proper controller and stop switching

in a finite time.

Remark 5.3: Note that in the proposed decentralized switching scheme, the plant

mode1 need not be stable, strictly proper, minimum phase: controllable and/or ob-

servable. In addition, no a priuri bound on the magnitude of the reference input or

disturbance signal is required.

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Figure 5.1: A hierarchy of interconnected subsystems which satisfies Xssumption 5.1.

Remark 5.4 : Note that the proposed decentralized switching scheme acts on each

agent independently, Le., no communication of any type is required to exist between

the control agents.

5.2.2 Decentralized Switching Controller for Discrete-Time


Using the same approach as given in Section 5.2.1, one can directly obtain the discrete-

time counterpart for the proposed decentralized switching controller. This can be

accomplished by replacing the differential equations (5.1 ), (5.2), (5.3), and (5 .5) .

with the corresponding difference equations, and with the corresponding switching

times defined as:

min k 3 k > k,-v , and [ ( [$[k] c [ k ] ] 11 2 Fj(s - 1)

kS j := if this minimum exists

I - O t herwise

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5.3 Numerical Examples

Example 5.1 : Consider a set of LTI systems described by (5.1) with m = 2 and

assume that the actual plant mode1 is represented by the following matrices:

-41~0, assume that a set of controllers CF, k E {l, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ) , j E {l, 21, as represented

by (5.2) is given, where G: = O, H: = 1, J: = -1, -44: = O, j E m, k E P, and

where Kt , L: are given by:

C: : L: = 5.676, K: = 1.618; for plant model PL :

Ci : Li = -2.992, Ki = -1.771,

C: : L: = 0.1249, K: = 0.2689; for plant model p2 :

Ci : L; = -0.2751, K: = 0.7505,

C: : L: = 2.808, K: = 1.253; for plant model P3 :

q : L; = -2.100, Ki = -0.9962,

C : L: = 0.8143, 1<: = -0.3355; for plant model p4 :

q : q = 0.6932, 1(: = -0.8341,

C: : L: = -2.530, K: = -0.9202; for plant mode1 p5 :

Cg : L; = 2.743, Kz = 0.9680,

where at least one of these controllers stabilizes the plant (in fact, the decentralized

controller represented by {Cf , Cg} which has been found by using Algorithm III in

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Xppend i~ A, accomplishes this). Assume now that the initial plant state x (0 ) is zero,

that the reference input is a 0.02Hz square wave for both agents, and that we have a

constant disturbance of the form w (t) = [1 11'. Set the initial couditions ëlj (0) and

t j ( 0 ) , j E {l, 2) to zero, and let X = 1. On applying the proposed decentralized

switching controller with the following Fi (i), F2(i) E MSBF:

and the controller switching order given by C: -t Cj + C: -t C: + C:, j = 1,2,

we obtain the simulation results given in Figure 5.2. Figures 5.2 (a) and (b) give the

transient and steady-state response of the output a t control agent #L respectively,

while similar results for control agent #2 are given in Figures 5.2 (c) and (d). These

results show for this plant and the given set of controllers (with the particular order

of switching) and hnctions Fl(i) and F2(i) given by (5.7) for each agent, that Ive have

good tracking and disturbance rejection for constant reference inputs and constant

disturbances at both agents. Furthemore, the functions gl(t) and g2(t) in Figures 5.3

(a) and (b) give the switching times corresponding to each agent ( g j ( t ) = k represents

the time interval within which the controller number k is being examined at control

agent #j). It can be seen from these figures that control agent #1 and control

agent #2 lock ont0 the correct controilers (C: , CZ) in less than 6 seconds and less

than 11 seconds, respectively. -41~0, they show that each controller has been applied

to the plant three times.

For cornparison, on applying the centralized switching mechanism introduced in

[12] to the sarne set of decentralized controllers and system parameters given in Ex-

ample 5.1, the results of Figure 5.4 are obtained. The transient response of the

closed-loop system in this case is slightly better than that of the decentralized case

(Figure 5.2) as expected. It is to be noted that there is an undesirable overshoot in

the initial transient of the output response, for both the decentralized and centralized

switching controllers, in t his example.

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Figure 5.2: Decentralized switching control for Example 5.1. (a) Transient response of control agent #l; (b) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #l; (c) transient response of control agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2.

Example 5.2 : Consider a set of decentralized 2-input, 2-output LTI control systems

and assume the same actual plant as studied in Example 5.1; then this system is

described by:

Yi? ( 4 -0.2357s2 - 0.09293s + 0.0863 g2L(s) := - = Ul (s) s3 + 0.6417s2 - 0.1845s + O.OO669I7

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Figure 5.3: Decentralized switching controller for Example 5.1. (a) Switching times for control agent #l; (b) switching times for control agent #2.

Since the transfer function from u2 to y1 equals 0, the plant consists of two subsystems

with a single interconnection represented by gzl(s); in other words, the plant is not

strongly connected, and the conditions of -4ssumption 5.1 hold. Also, assume that

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Figure 5.4: Centralized switching controller for Example 5.1. (a) Transient response of control agent #l ; (b) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #l; (c) transient response of control agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2.

the following set of controller parameters for the closed-loop system is given:

for plant model :

for plant model PZ :

for plant mode1 P3 :

for plant model P4 :

for plant model f5 :

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Here the decentralized controller {Cf, Cz} has been designed using Algorithm III

in Appendix -4. Also, assume that the plant has zero initial states, that the refer-

ence inputs for both agents are square waves of frequency 0.02Hz as in the previous

example, and that there are no disturbances in the s-tem. Set ëjj(0) and t j ( 0 ) ,

j E {1,2} to zero, and let X = 1. On applying the proposed decentralized switching

controller with modified strong bounding functions given in (5.7) and the same con-

troller switching order as the previous example, the results given in Figure 5.5 are

obtained. Here, control agent #1 and control agent #2 lock ont0 Cf and Ci in 5 and

15 steps respectively and good tracking is achieved for constant reference inputs and

constant disturbances at both agents.

Figure 5.5: Decentralized switching control for Example 5.2 with 912 = O. (a) Tran- sient response of control agent #1; (b) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #l; (c) transient response of control agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2.

.4ssume now that g&) is equal to a non-zero constant g12 = 0.5 instead of zero,

which introduces a new interconnection in the previous interconnected system. This

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implies that the overall system is now strongly connected. The corresponding optimal

decentralized controller obtained for this system using Algorithm III in Appendix -4

is now given by:

Cf : Lf = -2.609, K: = -0.9755; for plant mode1 p5

C; : L; = 2.596, Kz = 0.9842-

Suppose that al1 other controller and plant parameters remain unchanged. In this

case, on applying the previoa decentralized switching controller II to t his system,

the results given in Figure 5.6 are obtained. These figures show that the outputs of

the closed-loop system stiil remain bounded, although the system no longer has a

hierarchicai structure. In fact? this is the case for -1.885 < gl* < 0.7696.

-1.5~ 1 O 20 40 60 80 1 0 0

(cl t (sec)

Figure 5.6: Decentralized switching control for Example 5.2 with g l z = 0.5. (a) Tran- sient response of control agent #l; (b) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #1; (c) transient response of control agent #2; (d) steady-state response and reference input for control agent #2.

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Remark 5.5 : It should be noted that the switching controller II will not necessarily

lock ont0 a particular controller which has been designed for the actual plant model.

In other words, if other controllers in the given controller set stabilize the actual plant

model, it is possible that switching will stop when this particular controller is being

examined. This is shown in the next example.

Example 5.3 : Consider the 2-input, 2-output mas-spring system of Figure 4.4. For

ml = 7722 = 1, M = 10, kr = kg = 1, JI = f2 = 0.1 and w = O, this system can be

descri bed by the following LTI model:

This mode1 will be represented by ( [ 9 ] 3 A l [ b l 4 1 ) -

It is desired now to design a decentralized controlIer of the fom:

control agent #l : ol = -El,

Pi = &PI + Bci (-el + S i ~ r ) ,

u1 = ccipi ,

control agent #2 : % = -ë2,

A? = -4&2 + & ( 4 2 + P277-21,

u2 = Cc2P2,

to solve the robust servomechanism problem for t

w and constant y,.~ signals. The following control

iie system, for the case of constant

.er parameters are thence obtained

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for t his decentralized controller:

In this case the above decentralized controller can be written in the form of (5.4a)

and (5.4b) as follows:

Assume now that the plant to be controlled has a mode1 which is contained in the

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family of models {Pk, k = 1,2 , ..., 5), where Pk, k = 1,2, ..., 5 are given as follows:

This corresponds to assuming that the plant to be controlled may have incorrect

polarity of inputs and outputs, due to incorrect wiring. Note that no fived LTI

controller can simultaneously stabilize t his set of plant models [24].

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The following family of controllers \vil1 now be considered to control the plant:

Gf =G1, H: = Hl, J: = Ji,

K: = KI, L: = LI, M; = h11; For p2 : I

For p3 :

G: = Gl, Hf = Hl, J: = JI,

Kt = Ki, L: = Li, Mf = A&; (5.9d)

= G,, H: = -H2? J i = diag([-1 1 l ] ) J z ,

K: = K2, L: = Lz, M i = hf*,

G: = Gl, H; = H l , J; = J I ,

K: = ICI, L: = LI, .I:= Ml; F o r p5 :

-4ssume n o a that the actual plant is described by P5, but that at t = ZOsec, it

clianges to P4 (due to a change in the polarity of the output of control agent #2).

Consider the controiler switching order given by Cj + Cj + Cj + C; + C:,

j = 1,2. Assume zero initial condition on the plant, that the system has refererice

signals yreJv i ( t ) = 1 , gref,a(t) = O , t 2 0 , and that the MSBF functions are given by

(5.7). On applying the proposed decentralized snitching scheme to the system (5.8)

wit h the controllers defined in (5.9), the results given in Figure 5.7 are obtained. These

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results show that good tracking of both agents, with reasonable transient responses

are obtained. Figure 5.8 gives the switching times. Note that the final controiler

obtained for control agent #1 is C: and for control agent #2 i t is Ci immediately

before the change of plant a t t = 20sec, while the corresponding final controllers

obtained after the change of plant for control agent #1 is C: and for control agent #2

is Ci. .!%O, note that s defined in Assumption 5.1 is greater than zero for this system,

which implies t hat there exist interconnections in both directions between the two

subsys terns.

Figure 5.7: Decentralized switching control for the mas-spring system of Example 5.3. (a) Output response of control agent #l; (b) output response of control agent #2.


,0.8 - - j -



0 2


- - - - Plant changes from 9 IO P'

1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1

O 5 1 O 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

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Figure 5.8: Decentralized switching controller for the mas-spring system of Exam- ple 5.3. (a) Switching times for control agent #l; (b) switching times for control agent #2.

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Chapter 6

Application of Generalized

Sampled-Data Hold Functions to

Decentralized Control Structure


It was shown in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 that under various circumstances, digital

controllers can potentially improve the overall performance of the closed-loop decen-

tralized system. Decentralized adaptive control then introduced in Chapter 4,

and in Chapter 5 it was sho~vn that for uncertain systems with a certain hierarchical

structure, one can apply a decentralized adaptive switching control scheme to regulate

and stabilize the system? with no communication links required to exist between the

different control agents. In this chapter it will be shown how one can use generalized

sampled-data hold functions to convert a continuous plant to an equivalent discrete-

time system with a desired structure, in particular a hierarchical structure, which can

directly be used to simplify the design of decentralized control systems for the plant.

.4n example application study is included, which applies the decentralized adaptive

switching controller design of Chapter 5 to a plant which has been transformed, using

generalized sampled-data hold functions, to have a hierarchical structure.

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6.1 Digraphs and System Structure

Consider the foilowing strictly proper continuous-time decentralized LTI system with

m control agents:

mhere x ( t ) E R" is the state vector, and u,(t) E R'J, and y , ( t ) E Rrj, j E fi' fi :=

(1, ..., n) are the control vector and output vector of control agent # j respectively,

and -4' b,, and cj are matrices of appropriate dimensions. The transfer matrix relating

the inputs and outputs of this system can be written as:


As discussed in Chapter 2, g , ( s ) represents the directed arc from node j to node i in

the digraph of this system. For exarnple, the digraph of a systern with 3 input-output

agents is depicted in Figure 6.1.

In the control of decentralized systems, the structure of the interconnections gener-

ally has a significant role to play, and in some decentralized control design procedures,

i t is often assurned that there exists a bound on the interconnections between different

nodes. For example, in decentraiized adaptive control methods, such an assumption

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Figure 6.1: Digraph of a continuous-time LTI system with 3 control agents.

is often made, or alternatively, certain structural constraints on the interconnections

are often assumed in order to assure the stability of the overall system [22], [62], [26],

and [61]. In the special case of systems which have a hierarchical structure, one can

directly apply centraiized control methods to each subsystem (represented by each

node in the digraph of the system), with no assumptions required to be made on the

bound of the interconnections, since signals coming from a higher level subsystems

to a lower level subsystems d l always be bounded, once the higher level subsys-

tems are stabilized. As an example of this, assume that the transfer functions g,,(s),

gI3(s), and fi3(s) in Figure 6.1 are al1 equal to zero, and that there are no external

disturbances applied to the system; then the corresponding system will have the hier-

archical structure shown in Figure 6.2, and assuming that the system has no unstable

Figure 6.2: Digraph of a continuous-time hierarchical LTI system with 3 control agents.

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decentralized fked modes, one can then design a centralized stabilizing controller for

each subsystem separately. In this case, subsystem #1 which has the highest level in

the hierarchicai structure, wilI be internally stable and since there is no input signal

coming into this subsystem other than its control input which is bounded, this implies

that al1 output signals coming out of this subsystem will be bounded. The output

signals of subsystem #1 includes the interconnection signal going to subsystem #2

and subsystem #3 through gzl ( s ) and 931 ( s ) respectivefy. Now subsystem #2, which

has the second highest level will also be internally stable. and since al1 input signals

coming to this subsystem, including the control input and interconnection signal from

subsystem #1 are bounded, this implies that al1 output signals of this subsystem will

also be bounded. Thus, al1 interconnection signals coming from the higher level sub-

systems to subsystem #3 will aow be bounded and since this subsystem will also

be internally stable, using a similar argument, one can conclude that the input and

output signals of subsystem #3 are also bounded. Thence, it can be concluded that

the complete system will be internally stable. This implies that the decentralized

controller design problem for a hierarchical system can be carried out in a centralized

way for each subsystem.

Yote t hat the transfer matrix representing the hierarchical system of Figure 6.2

has the following lower-triangular forrn:

In the general case, the transfer ma t rk of a hierarchical system always has a lower-

triangular form or can be transforrned to such a form by renumbering the subsystems

appropriately (exchanging the number of subsystem #i with subsystem # j is equiv-

alent to exchanging the ith row with the j th row, and the ith column with the j t h

column in the transfer matrk) . I t is also to be noted that any LTI system with a

lower-triangular transfer matrix always represents such a hierarchical system. As an

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example, consider a LTI system with the following input-output representation:

Define the new set of input and output vectors as:

The equation relating the new input and output vectors can then be written as:

-4s discussed earlier, in many decentralized control design procedures, i t is often

assumed that some type of condition on the interconnections esisting between the

subsystems hold. Note t hat even a weak interconnection existing between two stable

subsystems can destabilize the whole system. As a simple example, consider the

following second order 2-input, 2-output system:

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Let a be equal to zero; in this case, the transfer matrix of the resultant system is:

Because of its hierarchical structure, this model can easily be stabilized by using the

following decentralized controller:

which results in the following closed-loop system:

The resulting closed-loop system can be interpreted as consisting of two stable sub-

systems connected by a unidirectional interconnection. Nom let us introduce a weak

interconnection in the opposite direction of the existing one, by assigning a nonzero

value to a; in this case, it can be verified that the resultant closed-loop system is

unstable for a 2 0.01.

Our goai now is to determine if and hom one can modify the structure of a system

by using generalized sampling. It is obsewed that if certain interconnections of the

system can be eliminated in the equivalent discrete-time model, then many decentral-

ized control problems can be easily solved by applying centralized design methods to

the individual subsystems of the resultant discrete-time system. In the next section,

we will show how this can be accomplished.

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6.2 Main Result

Consider the continuous-time LTI system represented by (6.1). As discussed in Chap

ter 3, the equivalent discrete-time model obtained by applying generalized sampled-

data hold functions f j ( t ) , j E m: with a sampling period T, to each control agent is

described by:


It is desired now to determine if one can choose a set of sampled-data hold functions

f j ( t ) , j E m, and a sampling period T, so that certain elements of the transfer

rnatris corresponding to the equivalent discrete-time model, become equal to zero.

The following result is obtained.

Theorem 6.1 : Consider the systern (6 .1 ) . There exists a sainpled-data hold function

f,(t), for each agent p E fi, and a sarnpling penod T, so that the equivalent discrete-

time model has a hierarchical structure, if and only if there exist distinct integers

il, ..., i, E m, a positive scalar h > 0, and a nonzero vector xi,, j = 2, ..., m in the

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(A, b i j ) -

Proof of Theorem 6.1 : Since xi, belongs to the controllability subspace of (A, $), from Lemma 3.1 we know that for the sampling period T = h, there exists a sampled-

data hold function fi, (which may be obtained from equation (3.5)), so that in the

equivalent discrete-time model described by (6.3) and (6.4), b 4 = xi j - On the other

hand, since it is known that xiJ belongs to the null-space of

1 e-I J this irnplies that:

where Ad = eAT and cdik = îJ a s defined in (6.4). This implies that by rearranging

the elements of the input and output vectors, the transfer function corresponding to

the equivalent discrete-time mode1 has the following form:

which corres~onds to a hierarchical structure. On the other hand, if there esists no

arrangement for the control agents, so that the null-space of

and the controllability subspace of (A, bi,) have a common vector for h > O, this im-

plies that the upper-diagonal terms in the transfer function matriv of the equivalent

discrete-time model (6.3) cannot be set equal to zero for any input-output arrange-

ment. This completes the proof of the theorem. .

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Xote that Theorem 6.1 gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a system to

have a hierarchical discrete-time structure. In the nest step, sufficient conditions are

given, based on the concept of controllability and observability, which are very easy

to check.

Theorem 6.2 : Consider the system (6.1). There exists a sampied-data hold function

f,(t), for each agent p E m and a sampling period T > O, so that the equivalent

discrete-time model (6.3), (6.4) has a hierarchical structure, if there e-xist distinct

integers 11, l2 E fi, so that the following two conditions both hold: r

a) the pair is not observable.

b) the pair (-4, b j ) is controllable for every j E ni, j # 1, .

Proof of Theorem 6.2 : Assume that conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 6.2 both

hold. Let il = l , , i, = 12 , choose i2, . . . , im -1 so that {il,i2, ..., im) = {l, 2, ..., m), and

choose an arbitras- T > O. Now since the pair ( [ i1 ] , A) , is unobservable, this

c i m - 1

implies that the pair ( [ 7 1 , &) corresponciing to the quivalem discrete-tirne

Gm- 1

model will also be unobservable for any arbitrary sampling period T [13]. This in . .

turn means that the pair ( [ ? ] , .Ad ) , j = 2, ..., rn is also unobservable, which

Cij - ,

implies that the columns of the rnatrix [ ] (11 - A d ) are linearly dependent

C i j - 1

Page 121: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

(Theorem 9-13 in [32]). Therefore, there exîsts a nonzero vector xi, so that:

On the other hand, since the pair (A, biJ ) , j = 2, ..., m is controllable, it foIlows from

Lemma 3.1 that for any sampling period T, there esists a sampled-data hold function

f ,] for each agent j (j = 2: ..., rn) such that b4 given by (6.4b) has the property that

bd,, = xily where xi, is defined in (6.6). Such generalized sampled-data hold function

may be obtained by using equation (3.5)) (non-unique) as follows:

f i , ( t ) = b;, e(T-t)A w<:,z~,,


This results in:

Thence, using any arbitrary nonzero sampled-data hold function (such as a simple

zero-order hold) for f i , , along with the set of sampled-data hold functions given in

(6.7), the corresponding transfer matriv for the equivalent discrete-time mode1 will

have the lower-trîangular form given in (6.5). This completes the proof. . Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.2 provide the conditions under which the digraph of

a systern can be modified to a hierarchical structure by using sampling. In the next

step, the conditions under which the resulting discretized mode1 does not have any

decentralized fixed modes will be discussed.

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Theorem 6.3: Given (6.1): assume that the pair (A, b,) is controllable for al1 j E m.

Then eAT E sp(Ad) is not a decentrdized fixed mode of the equivalent discrete-time

mode1 (6.3) , with respect to the block diagonal gain matrix K = diag(Kl, ... , Km) , Kj E RSj X r ~ , if the following three conditions hold:

i) for every Al,, XI, E sp(A), the relation Re (All) = Re (Al2) implies that

Irn ( X i , - Xi, ) # F, Z1,12E {1, ..-, n}, k = f l , f 2 ,...

ii) ~ ~ ë " f , ( t ) d t # O, A E sp(-A)

iii) the pair ([Il , A ) is observable.

Proof of Theorem 6.3 :

ehT E sp(Ad) is a decentralized kxed mode of (6.3) if and only if any one of the

following conditions hold 11 71 :

1) rank i 2) rank ([

3) rank [-

that {il, ..., i,} = m

rank [- for some i, E ni, j = 1, ... m such that {il ,..., 2,) = m

Ad - eXTI bd

7' ci, - d


O ] < n

for some

Page 123: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

m+') .an. ([ Ad - eATr bd, , hi,2 - - - b4,,,-L

G.7, O O ... O for some ij E m, j = 1, ... m such that {il, ..., i,} = rfi

-Assume now that conditions (i)7 (ii), and (iii) are al1 satisfied. Conditions (i) and (ii)

imply that the resulting discretized system will not lose controlIability and obsenr-

ability (corresponding to any controllable or observable pairs in the continuous-time

model) [40]. Thus, the pair (ild, b d j ) is controllable for d l j E mo and the pair ([Il , &) is observable. This ixnplies that the rank conditions (1) to (1 + 1)

for the existence of a decentralized fked mode do not hold. W

Discussion: The results of Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.2 are interesting in the

sense that they introduce a completely new application for sampling in control. The

results can be very useful in the design of decentralized controllers, when the struc-

ture of the original systern does not permit one to directly apply centralized controller

design methods to decentralized systems. In this case, if the conditions given in Theo-

rem 6.1 and Theorem 6.2 are met, one can find a set of GSHFs to modify the structure

of the system in the equivalent discrete-time model (6 .3) , (6.4): so that centralized

digital control methods can now be directly applied to each interconnected subsys-

tem. In particular, the results obtained may be applied to the decentralized adaptive

control problem discussed in 5. In this case, one applies sampling to obtain a hierar-

chical discrete-t ime model, and t hence directly applies digital adaptive controIlex-s to

each of the subsystems.

Remark 6.1 : Note that conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 6.3 ensure non-pathological

sampling for generalized sampled-data hold functions. In the case of a zero-order hold,

condition (i) is suficient to guarantee non-pathological sampling [13]. In addition, if

the eigenvahes of the continuous-time system are al1 real, condition (i) in Theorem 6.3

will be met.

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Remark 6.2: It can be easily seen that asymptotic stability of the equivalent

discret e- time model will imply asymptotic stability of the corresponding cont inuous-

time model [28]. Therefore, if one designs a digital controller to stabilize the plant's

discretized model, it will result in stability for the original continuous-time system.

6.3 Numerical Examples

Example 6.1 : Consider the following 2-input, 2-output continuous-time LTI model:

The inputs and outputs of this system are related through a 2 x 2 transfer matrix as

The eigenvalues of this system are given by:

One can easily check the coiitrollability and observability matrices corresponding to

each subsystem to verify that the pairs (A? b l ) and (A, b2) are controllable, but that the

pairs (cl, A) and (c2, A) are not observable (which implies that there exist pole-zero

cancellations in the transfer functions of the rnatrix representation (6.9)). This implies

t hat the results of Theorem 6.2 can be used to obtain a sampled-data hold function

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so that the transfer rnatrk of the resulting discretized system has a triangular forrn.

Both lowver-diagonal and upper-diagonal forms can be achieved, which rneans that any

of the subsystems can be assigned at a higher level in the digraph of the discretized

model. As an example, let us assume ive wish to obtain a lower-triangular transfer

matrix for the equivalent discrete-time rnodel, which implies that subsystem #1 will

have a higher level in the digraph of the discretized mode1 (this means that we choose

II = 1 and l2 = 2 in Theorem 6.2). In this case, it can be verified that for every

sampling period T, the vector [O 1 O 11' belongs to the null-space of cl (21 - Ad)-'.

üsing equation (6.7) with T = lsec, and x2 = bd, = [O 1 O l]', the sampled-

data hold function shown in Figure 6.3 is thence obtained, and one can apply this

r (sec)

Figure 6.3: Sampled-data hold function for control agent # S in Esample 6.1.

sampled-data hold function to control agent #2, together with any nonzero sampled-

data hold function for control agent #1, to obtain a lower-triangular transfer matrix

for the resulting discretized system. For instance, on using a simple zero-order hold

for control agent #1, and the generalized sampled-data hold function of Figure 6.3

for control agent #2, the following equivalent discrete-time system representation is


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mhich corresponds to a hierarchical digraph structure. It can be easily verified that

conditions (i), (ii), and (iii) in Theorem 6.3 hold true, and thus the discretized model

does not have any DFMs. This implies that one can design a digital controller for

each agent, independently from the other control agent. In other words, the problem

of designing a decentralized controller for the system (6.8) becomes very simple, Le. it

reduces to designing a digital controller for each subsystem in the resulting discretized

model, using only centralized design met hods.

Example 6.2 : Consider the 2-input, 2-output mas-spring system of Figure 4.4 and

assume that the measured outputs are y w := yl and y,2 := y2 + (instead of y1

and y*). The system is described in this case by the following system matrices:

The digraph of this systern is depicted in Figure 6.4. The transfer functions in this

Figure 6.4: Digraph of the mas-spring system of Example 6.2.

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figure are given by:

Here, (cl, A) and (c2, A) are unobservable? while (A, bl) and (A, b2) are controllable.

Thus, the conditions of Theorem 6.2 hold for any arrangement of control agents. In

other words, one can use sampling with specific sampled-data hold functions to con-

struct two different hierarchical discrete-time modets, with either one of subsystems

a t a higher level. For instance, let us assume that il = 1 and i2 = 2 (which means that

11 = 1 and Z2 = 2 in Theorem 6.2), and let us use equation (6.7) to obtain a sampled-

data hold function for control agent #2, so that the resultant discretized model will

ùe hierarchical with subsystem #l a t the higher level. In this case, it can be shon-n

tha t for al1 values of the sampling period T , the vector [l O 1 O 1 O]' is a basis for

the null-space of cl ( z I - Ad) - l (in fact, the null-space is one dimensional). Consider

xz = bd2 = [0.1 O 0.1 O 0.1 O]'. On applying equation (6.7), the sampled-data

hold functions of Figures 6.5 (a), (b), and (c) are obtained for T = O.5sec, T = 2sec,

and T = 5sec respectively. Let us choose T = 5sec. Applying the sampled-data hold

function of Figure 6.5 (c) to control agent #2, and a simple zero-order hold to control

agent #1, the discrete-time hierarchical model of Figure 6.6 is obtained. The transfer

functions in this digraph, are given by:

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Figure 6.5: Sampled-data hold functions for control agent #2 in Example 6.2. (a) T = 0.5sec; (b) T = 2sec; (c) T = 5sec.

In addition, it can be easily verified that the conditions of Theorem 6.3 for the given

model, GSHF, and sampling period hold true, which implies that the equivalent

discrete-tirne model has no DFMs. This implies that one can design a decentral-

ized controller for this sÿstem by appiying a digital controller for each subsystem

independently, using centralized methods. For instance: consider the controllers:

vli [k + 11 = ~ i l [ k ] + 5(3/mi[k] - yrel,i),

~ l z [ k + 11 = 0.6876v12[k] + yml[k]:

ui [k] = -0.35911/,l [k] - 0.005629~~~[k] - 0-04669u12[k],

(6.1 la)


(6. I Ic)

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Figure 6.6: Digraph of the equivalent discrete-time mas-spring system of Exam- ple 6.2.


which have been designed for subsystem #1 and subsystem #2 respectively, indepen-

dently of each other, using centralized methods to solve the robust semomechanism

problem. Here Yres,i and yrej,2 in (6.11) and (6.12) denote constant reference sig-

n a l ~ for control agent #1 and control agent #2 respectively. The eigenvalues of the

resultant closed-loop discrete-time system corresponding to subsystem #1 and sub-

system #2 are given by:


sp, = {-0.8004,0.5303 f 0.2824i]

respectively. The eigenvalues of the overall closed-loop discrete-time system are thus

given by:

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-4ssume now that z[0] = [l 1 1 1 1 11' and uI1[0] = vi2[O] = V ~ ~ [ O ] = u ~ ~ [ O ] = 0-

Figures 6.7 (a) and (b) give the outputs of the resultant closed-loop system, for a

unit step reference input in control agent #1 and a zero reference input in control

agent #2, using the decentralized controller (6.11), (6.12). Figures 6.7 (c) and (d)

give the output signals for a zero reference input in control agent #1 and a unit

step reference input in control agent #2. The input signais, corresponding to control

agent #1 and control agent #2, are given in Figures 6.8 (a)? (b), (c) and (d) for

both set of reference inputs, respectiveiy. It is to be noted that these figures give the

samples of the output and input signals. The corresponding continuous-time signals

will have intersample ripple effects caused by the sampled-data hold functions in each

agent. For instance, the magnitude of the intersample x-ipples in the input signal

corresponding to Figure 6.8 (b) in the steady state, is given by the magnitude of the

samples times the magnitude of the GSHF of control agent #2, which is approximately

50 x 17 = 850. The magnitude of the the corresponding intersamples in the output

signal in Figure 6.7 (b) is approximately 150. These results show that "good tracking"

behaviour occurs for both control agents.

It is to be noted that if an incorrect polarity of inputs and outputs occurs in the

plant to be controlled, due to for example incorrect wiring, the equivalent discrete-

time mode1 obtained preserves its hierarchical structure, In other wvords, the digraph

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Figure 6.7: Closed-loop simulations for

(a (-4

Example 6.2. (a) Samples of the output response in control agent #1, for Y,.JJ = 1, y , , j ~ = O; (b) samples of the output response in control agent #2, for y r e ~ , l = 1, yre!,2 = 0; ( c ) samples of the output response in control agent #1, for y,.,,, = O , yrej,f = 1; ( d ) sarnples of the output response in control agent #2, for yref,l = O, Y , . J , ~ = 1 .

of the systems:

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Figure 6.8: Closed-loop simulations for Example 6.2. (a) Samples of the control signal in control agent #1, for YreI,l = 1? yref72 = O ; ( b ) samples of the control signal in control agent #2, for y,.~,, = 1, y,,j,z = O; (c) samples of the control signal in control agent #1, for y,,f71 = O, y,,j,~ = 1; (d) samples of the control signal in control agent #2, for yre / , i = 0, Yre/,2 = 1.

al1 have the same hierarchical structure of Figure 6.6 (the corresponding transfer

functions may have different signs however). The reason for this is that if the term

cj (zI - Ad)-'bdi is equal to zero, then the terms cj(zI - Ad)-'(-bd, ) and (-c,) ( d -

-&)-lbdi are both equal to zero also. Thus this implies that one can obtain a solution

to the decentralized adaptive switching control problem introduced in Chapter 5 for

this system by applying centralized saitching control methods to each control agent,

and in this case it is guaranteed that each subsystem will be "stabilized in a finite

time". This observation obtained is important: for esample when the parameters of

the mass-spring system are such that the corresponding interconnections are not weak

enough to be ignored, this implies that the continuous-time decentralized switching

control method proposed in Chapter 5 may not be applicable, but that its discrete-

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time counterpart, which employs the proposed sampled-data hold functions described

in this chapter can still be very effective.

Example 6.3 : Consider the 2-input 2-output mas-spring system of Example 6.2,

and a family of plant models P = {PL, P2, P3, p, P5} given by (6.13) (P5 describes

the actual plant). Assume now that each plant mode1 in is discretized by applying

the sampled-data hold function of Figure 6.5(c) i;o control agent #2, and a simple

zero-order hold to control agent #1, with the sampling period T = 5sec. Consider

the following discrete- time controller structure:

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The following set of controllers is designed for the set of discretized plant models:

For piant model P' :

For plant model p3 :

0 For plant model P' :

G: = Gl, Hf = Hi, J: = Ji,

KI =K1,Lt = L 1 , d C = M i ;

G: = G2, H i = -H2, J: = - 5 2 ,

K i = K2, Li = -L2; AI; = hi2,

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This results in the following eigenvalues for the closed-loop system associated with

the plant mode1 Pa, and the controllers Ci, Ci, i E {1,2}:

Consider the controller switching order given by Cj -t Cf + C: + Cf + CS, j = 1 ,2 , and assume that x[0] = [O O O O O O]', q [ O ] = [O O]' and z2[0] = 0.

-Alsol assume a unit step reference input for both control agents. On applying the

discrete-time version of the switching controller of Chapter 5 with A = 0.5 and the

modified strong bounding functions given by (5.7), the results given in Figure 6.9

and Figure 6.10 are obtained. Figures 6.9 (a) and (b) give the samples of output in

control agent #1 and control agent #2 respectively. Figures 6.10 (a) and (b) give the

corresponding switching times for control agent #1 and control agent #2 respectively.

Tliese figures show that control agent #1 switches to controller Ct in 16 seconds and

remains unchanged aftenvards. Control agent #2 on the other hand, switches to

Cz and Cz in 18 and 22 seconds respectively, and remains unchanged aftenvards.

(one can see that C: and Ci are in fact equal to the correct controllers Cf and Cz,

respectively) .

This example illustrates the application of GSHFs in rnodifymg the structure of

the system, so that the adaptive switching controller introduced in Chapter 5 may be

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Figure 6.9: Decentralized switching control for the mass-spring system of Esample 6.3. (a) Samples of the output in control agent #1; (b) samples of the output in control agent #2.

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Figure 6.10: Decentralized switching control for the mas-spring system of Exam- ple 6.3. (a) Switching times for control agent #l; (b) switching times for control agent #2.

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Chapter 7


This chapter is devoted to concluding remarks and contributions of this work, and

suggestions re future research which can be carried out as extensions of this work.

7.1 Concluding Remarks

In this thesis, a class of decentralized LTV controllers has been proposed for contin-

uous LTI plants, using digital control (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3). The controllers

obtained have the property that when the plant has a certain type of approximate

decentralized h e d mode (-4DFM), namely so-called "unstructured ADFM", they can

outperform their continuous LTI counterparts. To accomplish this, an algorithm to

find structured and unstructured DFMs is initially presented; then, using this algo-

rithm, unstructured ADFMs can be determined. The performance of the closed-loop

system depends on the type of hold function used in the digital to analogue process,

the sampling interval, and the control law itself.

In Chapter 2, the proposed decentralized digital controller obtained uses a simple

zero-order hold. Simulation results obtained in this case, using an optimal sampling

interval and optimal stat ic output feedback, show significant improvements compared

to the corresponding continuous-time optimal decentralized controller.

In Chapter 3, it is shown that using generalized sampled-data hold functions

(GSHF), instead of a simple zero-order hotd, in the proposed decentralized digital

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controller, can introduce more degree of freedoms in the digital controller design,

mhich results in an improvement in the overall performance of the system. In this

case, simulation results obtained for the same numerical example as considered in

Chapter 2, using an optimal sampling intemal and optimal second order hold functions

for each agent, show a significant improvement in terms of the performance index

compared to the results of Chapter 2.

In Chapters 4 and 5, the case when the plant model is highly uncertain is con-

sidered, and two different switching control schemes are proposed to stabilize and

regulate the decentralized control system. In these control schemes, it is assurned

that the plant can be described by a family of plant models, and that a set of high-

performance controllers has been obtained, so that the actual plant model can be

stabilized and regulated by a t least one controller contained in this set.

The first switching control approach is described in Chapter 4 and is a decentral-

ized version of the centralized controller introduced in [41], which assumes that the

set of plant models is given, and that upper bounds on the disturbance and refer-

ence input magnitudes are avaiiable at each agent. It is also assumed that the plant

is controllable, and is observable from each agent. Smitching in the system occurs

when the norm of the error signals of al1 agents become greater than or equal to the

corresponding upper bound signal of each respective agent's switching controller. ,411

agents switch at the same time. This means that a weak communication link is re-

quired to exist between the control agents to indicate when a subsystem's error signai

hits the corresponding upper bound. This required information flow however is far

less than the information 0ow required in the centralized case, especially when the

number of control agents is greater than 2. The simulation results obtained show that

good tracking is achieved by applying this method. However, the transient response

which results has large peaking compared to the centralized method, which is due to

the conservative switching strategy of the proposed decentralized met hod.

The second switching control approach is described in Chapter 5 and is a de-

centralized version of the switching controller introduced in [12], and has al1 of the

properties of this controller. I t is to be noted that no a priori information about

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the actual plant models is required in this method, and that no communication be-

tween different control agents is required. However, the plant's model is assumed to

have a specific structure, which implies t hat the interconnections between different

subsystems of the plant, are either hierarchical or weakly interconnected. In this

case, simulation results obtained in the examples studied, show that the overall per-

formance of the decentralized switching controller is comparable to the centralized

switching controller case.

In Chapter 6, it is shown that the methods of approach as used in Chapter 3 can,

in certain circumstances, be used to transform the structure of a continuous plant

rnodel to take on a hierarchical structure, which then implies that the decentral-

ized switching control approach of Chapter 5 can directly be appiied. In particular,

Chapter 6 introduces a new application for generalized sampled-data system control,

which has the property that i t can be used to simplify the structure of the resulting

discretized model. Conditions under which the resultant discretized model can have

a hierarchical digraph are discussed, and a method to synthesis the corresponding

sampled-data hold functions for each control agent is presented. The motivation for

simplifying the plant structure to become hierarchical, is that controller design, par-

ticularly for decentralized control, can then be greatly simplified. For example, if the

plant model is hierarchical, then in decentralized control problems, one can design

a decentralized controlier for the system by applying centralized methods directly

to each control agent; in particular, the adaptive switching controller of Chapter 5

can be directly applied. Simulation results given in Chapter 6 show how such a

discretization procedure can result in a simple hierarchical digraph, and thence sim-

plify the decentralized controller design problem in obtaining a solution to the robust

servomechanism problem, and the adaptive switching controller of Chapter 5.

7.2 Suggested Future Work

An open area for research exists in the application of digital controllers in decen-

tralized systems. For example in the research carried out, it was assumed that the

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sampling period for al1 control agents is identical. One may investigate the possibil-

ity of using different sampling i n t e d s for the control agents to improve the overall

performance of the closed-loop system. Also, the effect of applying varying sampling

periods in digital control was studied through an example; one can formulate the

general problem of applying non-constant sampling intervals in digital control to de-

termine to what extent it can be effective in decentralized digital control. Robustness

of decentralized digital control is also an important subject for future work.

Previous research in applying snitching control to uncertain systems has focused

mainly on centralized systems. This thesis is one of the first studies on decentralized

switching control, and t herefore it introduces an open research area. For instance,

the two decentralized switching methods proposed in this thesis, both have some

limitations in the sense that either a weak communication link between the control

agents is required, or a specific system structure is assumed to exist. I t would be

interesting to investigate if these conditions can be relaved by applying some other

approaches or by imposing milder restrictions. This could be achieved by irnposing

some constraints on the controllers in the design process, or by applying some type

of synchronous switching for al1 control agents, using appropriate time intervals to

switch between different controllers. One mas also investigate procedures to limit the

magnitude of the transient response obtained which can be very important in potential

industrial implementation of those controllers. It may also be of interest to apply the

proposed switching control procedure, using different generalized sarnpled-data hold

functions in conjunction with the different controllers. In this case, a dictionary of

GSHFs and a dictionary of controllers would be obtained. Finally, it mould be of

interest to generalize the results of Chapter 6 to enlarge the class of outputs which

can be considered in the decentralized servomechanism problem.

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Appendix A

Opt imizat ion Algorit hms

This appendix proposes optimization algorithms which have been used throughout

this thesis, to design either continuous-time or discrete-time decentralized controllers

to minimize a continuous-time quadratic performance index- It is to be noted that

the results obtained may not be globally optimal.

A. 1 Decentralized Continuous-Time Static Con-


Consider the following controllable and observable LTI system:

(A. la)

(-4.1 b)

where B = [bi . . . bm] and C = , and assume that it is desired to design a

decentralized controller: L c - J

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K =

to stabilize the system such that the following performance index is minimized:

J = E {l=iY'(t)Y(t) + pu'(t)u(t))dt} 9 (-4.3)

where E denotes the expectation operator [35]; in this case the performance index J

(-4.3) is given by J =trace(P), where P > O is the solution to the Lyapunov function:

A'P + P.4 = -(CCf + pKCC'K'),

assuming that the matriu -4 + BKC is Humitz. This implies that the problem of

minimizing the performance index J can be reduced to the problem of minimizing

the following function:

where xl(0), xz(O), ... x.(O) are given by:

with the constraint imposed that the closed-loop system must be stable. This leads

to the following algorithm to find the optimal decentralized controller (A.2).

Algorithm 1:

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Assume that there exists a decentralized stabilizing controller (-4.2) with K = K, so

that the system:

is stable, and define the performance index for the system:

for the case when x(0) = ~ ~ ( 0 ) given by (A.4). Let:

and consider the following parameter optimization problem:

Parameter Optimization Problem

min given by (A.2)


subject to the constraint that (A.5) is stable, using as the starting point K = K. -4 solution to this optimization problem can be achieved by using the parameter

optimization method of [23].

A. 2 Decentralized Discrete-Time Static Controller

Consider the system (A.l) and assume that the discrete-time equivalent of this system,

obtained by using a zero-order hold with sampling i n t e m l T is controllable and

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observable and is described by:

A. 2.1 Zero-Order Hold

Assume that (-4.6) corresponds to a sarnpled system with a zero-order hold, and it is

desired to design a decentralized controller of the fom:


(A. 7)

to minimize the performance index (-4.3) corresponding to the continuous-time sys-


Algorithm II:

-Assume that there exists a decentralized stabilizing controller (-4.7) with K = K, so

that the system:

is stable. Let N be a large positive integer, and define the performance index for the

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for the case when x ( 0 ) = ~ ~ ( 0 ) given by (-4.1). Let:

and consider the following parameter optimization problem:

Parameter Optimization Problem

min K given by (X.7)


subject to the constraint that (-4.11) is stable, using as the starting point I< = K. In

this case. for sufficiently large N , the optimal value of the performance index Jd will

approach the minimum of the performance index (A.3).

A. 2.2 Generalized Sampled-Data Hold Function

-Assume that (A.6) corresponds to a sampled system with generalized sampled-data

hold functions as folloms:

Also, assume that fj(t), j E m, are polynomials of the following form:

(A. 10)

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It is desired to find the matri; a, which minimizes the performance indes (A.3)

corresponding to the continuous-time system.

Algorit hm III:

Assume that there exists a set of generalized sampled-data hold functions (.4.10) with

a = 5 , so that the equivalent discrete-time system:

(-4.1 la)

(-A. 11 b)

is stable. Let N be a large positive integer, and define the performance index for the


for the case when z(0) = ~ ~ ( 0 ) given by (-4.4). One can use (-1.9) to replace the first

term in the right hand side of (A.12) nrith:

where F = dia&$, ..., Fm), and:

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and consider the following parameter optimization problem:

Parameter O~timization Problem

min a gben by (A.10)


subject to the constraint that (-4.11) is stable, using as the starting point a = 6. In

this case, for sufficiently large N , the optimal value of the performance index Jd will

approach the minimum of the performance indes (-4.3).

A.3 Decentralized Servomechanism Problem

Consider the following controHable and observable LTI system:

xit) = -4x(t) + Bu(t) + Ew(t) ,

y ( t ) = C x ( t ) + Fw(t ) ,


B = [ b l ... b , ] , C =

Here, u( t ) and w ( t ) denote the control input and disturbance signal respectively.

Assume that the reference input for the control agent j is denoted by yret , j ( t ) Assume

that there esists a solution to the robust decentralized servomechanism problem [16].

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It is desired to design a LTI decentralized controller of the form:

to minimize the performance index [19]:

for constant disturbance signals w ( t ) and constant reference inputs yrelj(t), j =

1 , 2 ,..., m.

Algorit hm N:

To formulate this optirnization problem, take the derivative of (-4.13) to obtain [19]:

Now, define the augmented model with the state vector + := [xt(t) ef ( t ) ] ' , the control

input ~ ( t ) := ù(t) , and the output Y ( t ) := ë(t). This augmented mode1 can be

represented by the followving matrices:

One can now apply Algorithm 1 to the augmented model for the system defined in

(A.15) to minimize the performance index (-4.14)- Note that the initial conditions

z,+~ (O), ..., zntm(0) in this case, correspond to the constant reference inputs for the

control agents 1, ..., m.

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Appendix B

Supporting Theorems and Lemmas

This appendix contains some of the theorems and iemmas in [41] and [12] which have

been referred to throughout this thesis.

B.1 Some Related Material Rom the Paper [41]

"Adaptive Control of a Farnily of Plants" by

D.E. Miller and E. J. Davison

Consider the stnctly proper, controllable and observable, LTI system P r , k E p,

p = (1,. . . , p } : described by:



(B. lc)

where x ( t ) E IW"k is the state, u( t ) E Rm is the control input, y ( t ) E IlQf is the output

to be regulated, w ( t ) E WV is the disturbance, and e( t ) E W' is the error, mhich is the

difference between the specified reference input yref and the output y. It is assumed

that the parameters of each Pk are known exactly. The actual plant is assumed to be

contained in the family of plants P = {Pk, k E p}, and it is assumed that the signals

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y and y,,f are only rneasurable, and that u can be excited.

For each k E p, design a high-performance LTI controller K' (by any means at

your disposal) for Pk of the form:

(B. 2a)


where z ( t ) E @; without loss of generality we can assume that Z k = l , Vk E PT by

adding unobsemable stable modes if necessary. In particular, assume that each Kk

has been designed so that it stabilizes the closed-loop system corresponding to pkT

i-e. the closed-loop system matrix has al1 of its eigenvalues in the open left half of

the complex plane; more importantly, it perfoms satisfactory disturbance regulation

and/or tracking for Pk, depending on the control objective.

Finding a controller (B.2) which provides stabilization of the closed-loop system

for a plant described by Pk is equivdent to finding a matrku K' so that the static

output feedback controller:

stabilizes the following augmented controllable and observable system:

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Lemma 1 [41] : Suppose that u(.) = O in (B.1). Then for every T > O, there exist

constants a k l and a&-*, so that for every initial condition x ( 0 ) and every disturbance

w E PC,, we have:

Lemma 2 [41] : There exist constants y k l , ~ 2 , 7 k 3 , and Xk < 0, so that for every

fi; y,,!, w E PC and initial condition 5(0) , the solution of (B.3) satisfies:

for t 2 O.

We define Controller 1 as follows. Fiu T > 0, 8 > 0, and E > O, choose a k l , a k l ,

k E p, so that the inequality given in Lemma 2 holds. Then define:

Page 153: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

and Li < A.

The controller is effected in two phases.

Phase 1: Finding a bound on the initial condition.

With ü(t) = O for t E [O, Tl and r(0) = 0, find:

and define the following p auiliary signals:


if Ilw(t) 11 $ 6 for t E [O, Tl and the plant is PL, then it follows from Lemma 1 that

I!5(o)ll pk-

Phase 2: Searching the gains.

Now we apply the control action. Let the control input be:

let the p auxiliary signals be:

mith rk (T+) = rk(T) + ycie*kTW, and let the filtering signal be:

(notice that Dkl = f i k 2 for al1 kl, k2 E p, so we define := D I ) . So rk(t) generates

an upper bound on the norm of the state vector for t >_ T in the event that the plant

Page 154: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

is Pk, nhile i filters ij - D~,, / . We define the switching times recursively as follows:

set t t :=Tl and for every k E (2, . . . , p+ 1) for which tt-1 # oo, define tk by:

min{t 2 tk-l : there exists a time f E [Tl t] for which

- k I -k-1- i ( f ) = JlC - Ilrk-l(i) + llF b + E )

i f the set is nonempty (the minimum exists if it is nonempty), and oc othenvise; if

t,+l is defined and finite, then define t,+2 = m and set I?P+' = O. Observe that it

could be that tk = tk-1 for some k; if this occurs then it means that by the time that

we are ready to try the gain K ~ , Ive have already mled it out.

Theorem 1 [41] : Suppose that y,,,,w E PC,, and that Ilw(t)lJ 5 6 for t 2 0. For

every initial condition x(0 ) , when Controller 1 is applied to the plant, the closed-loop

system has the following properties:

(i) the gain eventually remains constant at an element of (kk : k E p), and

(ii) the state Z(t) is bounded.

B.2 Some Related Material F'rom the Paper [12]

'<Adaptive Switching Control of LTI MIMO

Systems Using a Family of Controllers Ap-

proach" by M. Chang and E.J. Davison

Let each element:

P* := (A" B*, c*, D', E', F'), k E {l, 2, ..., p } , p E N

belonging to the finite set of possible plants to be controlled:

Page 155: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

be of the finite dimensional form:

where x ( t ) E R n k is the state: u E iP is the control input, y E W' is the plant output

to be regulated, w E WQ is the disturbance, and ë E lR7 is the difference betwveen the

specified reference input p,.~ and the plant output y. The set of candidate controllers

which will be considered is assumed to have the general form given by:

where 7 E IF", Gk E R9kxgk, HL E R9kxr, J k E R9kxr: Kk E IRmx9r9 Lk E IRmxr, and

i V k E W m x r . In the discussions that follow, we do not necessarily assume that n.k, A*,

B', Cr, Dk, Ek, or Fk are knowvn, and we do not necessarily restrict sp(Ak) c @-,

k E {1,2, ..., p } .

Construction of Controllers FCk: Given plant mode1 Pk, assume now that it is desired

to find controllers ECk to solve the robust servomechanism problem (RSP) [18] for Pk

for the class of constant reference input signals y,,/ E W' and constant disturbance

signals w E RQ, i-e. so that the following requirements are met:

(a) The resultant closed-loop system is asymptotically stable.

(b) -4symptotic tracking and regulation occurs, Le. for al1 constant reference input

signals yr,j E K and for al1 constant disturbance signals w E W,

(c) The controller is robust, i.e. for al1 perturbations of the plant described by

Page 156: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

P b h i c h do not dest abilize the resu!tant closed-loop system, property (b) still


Stÿitchzng Controller 1: With f E MSBF, X E Et+, and filtered error signal ef ( t ) given

by :

define Switching Controller 1 as follows:

where s E { 1 , 2 , 3 ,... }, i := ( ( s - 1 ) mod p) + 1,

M t ) , ~ ( t ) , ~ ( t ) , IW), ~ ( t ) , ~ ( t ) ) := (G', H=, S, K', L*, M'). t E (t,, t,,,],

(here (Ga , Hi , J i , K i , Li: M t ) corresponds to Controller Ki given by (8.4)) t := 0,

and where, for each s >_ 2 such that t,-L # m, switching time t , is defined by:

( min t 3

i) t > t,-L, and if this minimum exists t , :=

ii) Il[ri(t) e>(t)lll = f (s - 1)

I - O t henvise

iii) (Ck, AL, Bk) is stabilizable and detectable, and rank ([c: O:]) =%+.

for k E {l, 2, ..., p } .

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Theorem 3.1 [12] : Consider a plant P E with Switching Controller 1 applied

a t time t = O; then for every f E MBSF and A E Et+, for every bounded piecewise

cont inuous reference and dist urbance signal, and for every initial condition .Z (O) : =

[xf(0) qJ(0) e>(O)]' for which Assumption 1 holds, the closed-hop system has the

properties that:



iii )

there exist a finite time t,, 2 O and constant matrices (Gss, Hu, Jss7 K m 7 Lss, M N )

such that ( G ( t ) , H ( t ) , J ( t ) , K ( t ) , L ( t ) , M ( t ) ) = (GsS , H M 7 Jss , K y LsL", iIP) for

ail t 2 tsS;

the controller states q E C,, the plant states x E L, and the filtered error

signal e l E C,; and

if the reference and disturbance inputs are constant signals, then for almost al1

controller parameters (Gk , Hk, K k , Lk) , asymptotic error regulation occurs, i.e.

e ( t ) + O as t + oo.

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Appendix C

MATLAB Program

This appendix contains a MATLAB program which is used in Chapter 2 and Chap-

ter 3 to obtain the approximate decentralized fixed modes (ADFM) and approxirnate

structured decentralized fised modes or approxirnate quotient h e d modes (-4SFM or

AQFM) of a continuous-time LTI system with 2 or 3 control agents.


% This program finds the minimum condition numbers representing

% Approximate Decentralized Fixed Modes (ADFM) and Approximate

% Structured Decentralized Fixed Modes (ASFM or AQFM) of a system

% with 2 or 3 control agents.

% The system matrices must be given in the form of A, bl, cl, b2, c2

% (and b3, c3 if necessary) . % The output of the progran is s (eigenvalues of A), ADFM (the

% magnitude of the minimum condition numbers that represent

% approximate decentralized fixed modes for each eigenvalue), and

% ASFM (the magnitude of the minimum condition numbers that represent

% approximate s t ~ c t u e d fixed modes for each eigenvalue).

n=size ( A , 1) ;

Page 159: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

m-input ( ' How many input-output agents (2 or 3) ? ' ) ;

s=eig(A) ;

i f m > 3 1 m < 2 ,

disp('This program is only for systems uith 2 or 3 control agents')



if m==2,

for i=l:n,

ml(i)=cond([A-s(i) *eye(n) b1;cl zeros(size(cl*bl) ) l ) ;

m2 Ci) =cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) b2; c2 zeros (size (c2*b2) ) 1 ) ;

m3 (i) =cond([A-s (i) *eye (n) [bl b2] ; [cl ; c2] zeros (size( [cl ; c2]*. . .

Cbl b2l))l);

ml1 (i)=cond( [A-s (i) *eye(n) bl; c2 zeros (size (c2*bl) )] ) ;

ml2(i)=cond( [A-s(i) *eye(n) b2;cl zeros(size(cl*bS) )]) ;

ADFM(i)=min([ml(i) ,m2(i) ,m3(i)]) ;

[ni2 ,dl21 =ss2tf (A, bl, c2 Dzeros(size(c2*b1) , 1) ;

Ln21 ,d21] =ss2tf (A ,b2,ci,zeros(size(ci*b2)) , 1) ;

ASFM(i)=ADFM(i) ;

if norm(nl2) '= O & norm(n21) -= 0,

ASFM(i>=min([ml(i) ,m2(i) ,m3(i) ,mll(i),ml2(i)l) ;




for i=l:n,

ml(i)=cond([A-s(i) *eye(n) b1;cl zeros(size(cl*bl) )]) ;

m2 (i) =cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) b2; c2 zeros (size (c2*b2) ) 1 ) ;

rn3(i)=cond( [A-s (i) *eye(n) b3;c3 zeros (size(c3*b3) 11 ) ;

m4(i)=cond( [A-s (i) *eye(n) [bl b21; [cl ; CS] zerodsize ( [cl; c2] * . . . [bl b21))J);

m5 (i) =cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) [bl b3] ; [cl ; c3] zeros (size ( [cl ; c3] * . . .

Page 160: Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching …Decentralized Control of Systems Using Switching Methods Amir G. Aghdam A thesis submit ted in conformity wit h the requirements

Cb1 b31))I);

m6 (i)=cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) Cb2 b31; k 2 ; c3] zeros (size ( Cc2; c3]* . . .

Cb2 b33))I);

m?(i>=cond([A-s(i)*eye(n) b;c dl) ;

ml1 (i)=cond([A-s (i) *eye (n) b2 ;cl zeros (size(cl*bZ) 11 ) ;

ml2(i)=cond( [A-s(i) *eye(n) bl ;c2 zeros (size(c2*bl) 11 ) ;

ml3 (1) =cond ( [A-s (i) *eye (n) [b2 b31; [cl ; c3] zeros (size ( [cl ; c3] * . . . b 2 b31))J);

ml4 (i) =cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) [bl b33; cc2 ; c3] zeros (size ( Cc2 ; c31* . . .

Cbi b31))I);

m2l(i)=cond([A-s(i)*eye(n) b3;cl zeros(size(cl*b3) 11 ) ;

rn22(i)=cond([A-s(i)*eye(n) bl;c3 zeros(size(c3*bl))]);

m23 (i) =cond( [A-s Ci) *eye (n) [b3 b21; [cl ; c2] zeros (size ( [ci ; c21* . . . [b3 b2l))l);

m24(i)=cond([A-s (il *eye(n) [bl b21; Cc3; c21 zeros(size ( Cc3; c2] * . . . Cb1 b23))I);

m3l (i)=cond([A-s (i) *eye (n) b3; c2 zeros (size(c2*b3) )] ) ;

1x132 Ci) =cond ( [A-s (il *eye (n) b2 ; c3 zeros (size (c3*b2) ) 1 ) ;

m33 (i)=cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) [b3 bl] ; Cc2; ci] zeros (size ( Cc2; cl] *. . . Cb3 bll))]);

m34 (i) =cond( [A-s (i) *eye (n) [b2 bll ; Cc3 ; cl] zeros (size ( Cc3 ; cl) * . . . [b2 b1J))I);

ADFM(i)=min([ml(i) ,m2(i) ,rn3(i) ,m4(i) ,mS(i) ,m6(i) ,m7(1)] 1 ;

In12 ,dl23 =ss2tf (A,bl, c2 ,zeros (size(c2*bl) a 1) ;

Ln21 ,d21]=ss2tf (A,b2,cl,zeros(size(cl*b2) , 1) ;

Ln13 ,dl31 =ss2tf (A, bL, c3 ,zeros (size (c3*bl) 1) ;

En31 ,d31]=ss2tf (A, b3,cl ,zeros(size(cl*b3)), 1) ;

Cn23, d23] =ss2tf (A, b2, c3 ,zeros (size (c3*b2) , 1) ;

Cn32, d321 =ss2tf (A,b3, c2 ,zeros b i z e (c2*b3) 1 1) ;

ASFM(i)=ADFM(i) ;

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s=s '




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