December Open Doors 2011

THE OPEN DOOR bodoni The Magazine of the Lymington United Reformed Church DECEMBER 2011 - JANUARY 2012


Lymington United Reform Church Open Door Magazine - December 2011

Transcript of December Open Doors 2011

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The Magazine of the

Lymington United Reformed Church


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FROM OUR MINISTER Dear friends, As I write this letter it is the day of my move into the manse. My mind is full of images and memories from the past month since I left my home in Shanklin, but also of nervous expectation about the future opening up before us all at Lymington URC. In a strange way those things seem to come together in the message of Advent, the season we shall start as this magazine becomes available. Let me try to explain. The last month has seen me travelling many hundreds of miles as I have stayed with my sister in Norfolk and have visited Uganda with the Romans One Eleven Trust. I have travelled by car, by ferry, by train and by plane. Some roads have been superb, while some have been poor, chaotic and verging on dangerous, especially in Uganda. When Mary left the familiarity of her home life in Nazareth to travel to Bethlehem for the census, she faced a difficult journey, physically, emotionally and spiritually. That journey had begun in her heart when the angel Gabriel appeared to her to speak of Jesus’ forthcoming birth, telling her “Nothing is impossible with God”. I never cease to marvel at Mary’s faith when she responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”. I pray that will be our attitude this Advent as we enter a new chapter of our lives together. I pray too that the journey will not be too difficult! The past month has reminded me again of the love of family and friends, including the love shown to me in Lymington as I move to be with you. It is that kind of love, expressing in human ways the love which God shows us in Jesus, that helps us through difficult times, transitional times, uncertain times. Mary experienced that when she visited her cousin


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Elizabeth during her pregnancy and in the faithfulness shown to her by Joseph. I am so grateful for every expression of God’s love that I have been shown and pray that it will continue and develop in our church life this Advent and beyond. Whenever I visit Uganda (I have now been four times) I am moved by the beautiful faces of the people, many of them facing great difficulty as a result of poverty. For the Christians I share with, their faith is absolutely radiant and unswerving, despite all that they face in their physical environment (many, including the pastors, are peasant farmers). Perhaps most striking are the faces of the children, despite all the responsibility they take on at an early age, carrying water, working in the fields and looking after younger children. It is believed, of course, that Mary was only about 13 years old as she prepared for Jesus’ birth during that first Advent season. Let me leave you with an image of a Ugandan child, younger than Mary, carrying a baby on her back and ask you to reflect on the reality of the hardships Mary and Joseph faced when they were chosen to be Jesus’ earthly parents. They did not shirk, they did not say “no” in the face of difficulty: they moved forward with trust in God, just as my Ugandan friends do, and just as I pray Lymington URC will do in the coming weeks and months.

Your friend and minister, Chris


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SECRETARY'S NOTES DECEMBER 2011 It doesn't seem possible that we are almost at the end of another year and we are preparing for Christmas once again. See the diary for the dates and times of events and Services up to and including Christmas Day. We intend to hold our usual Gift and Toy Service on Sunday, 11th, at least for this year. We'll gratefully receive donations of toys which are new or in excellent condition, also, anything that will appeal to teenagers as the}' seem to get left out, probably because it's difficult to know what they'd like! They will probably go to the Sure Start Children's Centre in New Milton, who've been the recipients for the last couple of years and have really appreciated what we've sent. Please do not wrap the gifts but the inclusion of wrapping paper, tags and ties will be appreciated. If anyone is willing to act as Santa Claus and take our gifts over to New Milton on Monday 12th, please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you. We look forward to welcoming our Methodist friends to our joint celebration on Christmas Day. You can indulge in coffee and mince pies at 9.30 a.m. in the Open Door Cafe and the Service will begin at 10 a.m., earlier than usual so that you can get home to organise the lunch in good time! This Christmas may the Lord bestow on us the gift of His peace. May He fill our hearts with deepest joy and blessings that never cease.

Happy Christmas, Sandra

BASICS BANK We've just recovered from receiving Harvest Festival donations from 27 Churches, 14 Schools and 3 Care Homes (at the time of writing) and we're grateful for everyone's


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generosity and the hard work of the volunteers. We're well stocked now for a few months. We're turning our thoughts to Christmas and for a second year, thanks to the management of Macdonald’s Elmer’s Court, we are holding a "Fill a Sack for Santa” event on Sunday 11th December from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Instead of receiving a gift from Santa, the usual way of doing things, we are asking people to bring a gift for the Basics Bank and put it into Santa's sack, or place a monetary gift in the collecting tins. We did well last year, bringing back 5 carloads of goods!! There will be refreshments and lots of things for children...Bouncy Castle, face painting, quizzes. Please come and join us!! Thanks to Peter and Clare Bassett and their excellent organisation, we hope to provide special Christmas Parcels for as many needy individuals and families as we can. (188 went out last year.) If you can help by bringing Christmas puds, mince pies, Christmas cakes, large tins of ham, chocolate biscuits, they'll be gratefully received. If you would like to help with making up the parcels or their distribution, if needed, please contact Peter or Clare at the Basics Bank. Thank you.

CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY In the New Year, on 21st January, we wish a very happy birthday to Ruth Turberville who will be 6 years old. We hope you have a great day!


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EVERY WEDNESDAY the Prayer Group will meet in the Church from 9.15 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. Everyone welcome.

COFFEE MORNINGS: EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, from 10.00 a.m.—12 noon, in the Open Door Café. Every Tuesday the Open Door Cafe proceeds support the Good News Children's Home in Mombasa and local charities and groups. The Open Door Cafe will also open on Fridays and will be staffed by members of the Fellowship and Fundraising committee.

EVERY SATURDAY, from 9.30 a.m.—11.30 a.m., in the hall.

SUNDAY WORSHIP DECEMBER 2011 EVERY 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons Lymington Salvation Army services (plus the 5th Sunday from 2012). The 2nd Sunday will be a service in the Sanctuary and the 4th will be a Cafe service. 4th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship including Communion led by Rev'd Chris Vivian 11th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Toy and Gift Service led by Mr Peter Pay, Wessex Synod Clerk. 3.00 p.m. Carol Service with the Salvation Army 18th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Nativity Service led by Junior Church and Rev’d Chris Vivian 6.30 p.m. Solent Mead Carol Service


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Sat. 24th 11.30 p.m. Midnight Communion Service for Christmas Eve led by Rev’d Chris Vivian 25th 9.30 a.m. Coffee and mince pies in the Open Door Café 10.00 a.m. United Methodist/URC Family celebration of Christmas Day

SUNDAY WORSHIP JANUARY 2012 1st 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship including Communion led by Rev'd Chris Vivian 8th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship led by Mrs Mary Ann Jardine 15th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship led by Rev’d Chris Vivian Followed by BYO lunch and Church Meeting. 22nd NO SERVICE AT URC 10.30 a.m. United service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at St. Thomas’ led by Rev’d Dave Gooderidge, Baptist Minister 6.30 p.m. Solent Mead Service 29th 10.15 a.m. Elders’ Prayer Time in Vestry 10.30 a.m. Worship led by Rev’d Chris Vivian

EVERY WEEK there will be Junior Church and coffee/tea after the service.


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OTHER EVENTS EVERY FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH, New Forest Disability Information Service Outreach Session in the Open Door Café, 10am to 12noon, with Jean Reece (not on Bank Holidays though).

EVERY THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, from 10.00 a.m.—12 noon, Carers’ Café in the Open Door Café.

EVERY THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH, Cruse Bereavement New Forest outreach in the Open Door Cafe 10am to 12noon. Death is a part of life, and grieving a natural process. Cruse is committed to breaking the stigma around grief and ensuring that everyone, no matter how old or young, can access the highest quality support following a bereavement. Trained Cruse Bereavement volunteers will be on hand in the Open Door Cafe to offer help. Free Wi Fi connection to the internet available in the Open Door Cafe, Balcony and Main Hall areas. Just ask for the required password!

DECEMBER Fri. 2nd 10.00 a.m. Robins’ Choir in Church. (Open Door Café open 10.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.) 6.00 p.m. Crib Blessing at St. Thomas’ Sun. 11th 2.30 p.m. “Fill a sack for Santa” at Macdonald’s Elmer’s Court Tue. 13th 7.00 p.m. Elders’ Social Evening at Cathy’s. Mon. 19th 7.30 p.m. United Prayer and Praise Fellowship meets in the Church led by River of Life Church.


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Tue. 10th 7.00 p.m. Elders’ Meeting. Mon. 16th 7.30 p.m. United Prayer and Praise Fellowship meets in the Church (tbc).



FUTURE EVENTS DIGITAL TV AND THE SWITCHOVER Information packs are available from Helena if anyone would like one. Note that Hampshire will start to "switch" in either early February or March 2012.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH and party to be held at St. Thomas' Church Hall on Christmas day for folk from Lymington and Pennington who would otherwise be on their own and for married couples who are unable to cook their own lunch. On Sunday 11th & 18

th December, we would grateful for any

suitable gifts (or appropriate donation) for the Christmas tree, wrapped and labeled for Lady or Gentleman (value about £2.00 /£4.00) for our guests to take home. A box will be provided at the back of the Church. To contact us phone 01590 679084 or 01590 688048 day time please.

Thank you........Mike and Ann Reynolds.


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UNSEEN WORK NUMBER SEVEN THE OPEN DOOR MAGAZINE’S PRODUCTION Objective: To produce 115 copies of the “Open Door“ efficiently and economically. Apparatus: Computer, Printer, Long-arm stapler, A4 white paper, - and Elastic Bands*, Envelopes and stamps. Method: Articles for inclusion are submitted to Wyn Davies (Editor) who, with expert use of the computer compiles a couple of master copies, from which 115 copies are then printed—by means beyond my understanding. These master copies are transmitted to Helena Carr at the church. Helena then, using skills no doubt learned from the “Little People” in her homeland, presses buttons, pushes knobs and slides a mouse around to bring to life a printer—on the other side of the office. Collated copies issue forth from the printer, as if by magic; in years gone by all those involved would have been accused of Witchcraft! These copies are then transported by June Copperi to the home of Norma and Mike Bell who, using a highly sophisticated long-arm stapler, secure the pages together and then fold them. Copies are then labelled and arranged in groups (* this is where the elastic bands come in) and they are now ready for distribution by the members of the Pastoral Team to their respective flocks. Further copies are also addressed and posted to interested others. Result: Successful completion of another month’s printing of the “Open Door”.


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Conclusion: By the means of modern technology, not forgetting the elastic bands, and team work our magazine is published each month to INFORM, EDUCATE and ENTERTAIN the Church Family. Here endeth the lesson!

Mike Bell

VISIT TO SCOTLAND Some of you may know that Mike and I recently hired a motor home for a week and drove north with an aim to explore part of the west coast of Scotland. In particular we wanted to meet up with Chris and Tom Stevenson in their home town of Lochgilphead. This we did on Tuesday and were blessed with one of the most beautiful sunny days that the area had had in a long while. It was lovely to catch up with news and hear all that they are involved in within the local community and their church. They enjoyed hearing about old friends and recent developments of the Open Door Project. It is clear to see they are very happy and content to be living in Scotland once again, and we were treated to a delicious lunch followed by a whistle stop tour of the surrounding countryside and waterways. It is truly stunning scenery, as is the view from their kitchen window. Chris and Tom were very instrumental in Mike and I becoming members of the Lymington URC, it was their warm welcome, openness of faith and dedicated service to others that made a big impact on our lives and others they touched. May we continue to pray for them asking the good Lord to watch over them, grant them healing and strength to deal with each new day and bless them in all the work he has assigned for them to do.

Jane and Mike


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STEWARDS ROTA I shall shortly be preparing the Stewards Rota for 2012. I am hoping that all those on the current rota will be prepared to serve our church in this way for the coming year. If you would like to volunteer to join the rota please let me know as soon as possible. If you are already aware of any dates during the year when you will not be available to steward again please let me know. Many thanks for your support.

Shelagh Richardson (01590 676645)

A PLEA FROM OUR COMMUNITY CENTRE Could you spare a couple of hours at Lymington Community Centre to serve coffees, lunches or teas as a regular or reserve helper? If you would like to join our friendly volunteer team please leave your name and telephone number at the Centre Office.

Thank you.

CHRISTIAN AID Do you know that Waitrose sell "Great Big Sausages and Great Little Sausages" (made by the Good Little Company) and "for every pack purchased they donate a staple meal to someone who needs it most every day, for two weeks - in partnership with Christian Aid" .. and they taste good too!

Peter and Shelagh Richardson


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A SEASONAL GREETING Once again the time has come to wish everyone an enjoyable Christmas and Happy New Year. In particular a big “thank you” to all those who work so hard to provide coffee and cakes on Saturdays, and refreshments following our Sunday Services. The amount of effort put in by so many people is very much appreciated. It is always so satisfying for us all to realise how much is raised over the year when the annual accounts are presented. As usual we do have a shortage of helpers and if anyone would like to join us do please give me a ring – I can promise you a warm welcome. God Bless and Best Wishes for 2012.

ANN WEBBER (01590 676284)


Ten year old Robert had not done his

homework the night before his exam, so at

school next day, he struggled through his

written test in geography, doing a lot more

guessing than he should have done.

All evening his mind went back to the

written test, and some of the answers he

had given. He was very worried, What if lots

of his answers were wrong?


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After saying his prayers that night, he

suddenly blurted out a nervous postscript,

"And please Lord, make Paris the capital of




Dear Friends, Many of you will be aware of the fact that for the past year I have been searching for someone to take over the helm at The Ark, but regrettably no-one has come forward. Since July various ideas and alternatives have been explored and much time and dedication have been expended in following these up, but the response received has not been encour-aging enough for the business to continue beyond this year. After a great deal of heart-searching and prayer and in con-sultation with my Advisory Group, I have decided to close The Ark with effect from the 24th December. I realise that for many this will come as a great disappoint-ment. During the 8 years The Ark has been open, so many of you have become friends. You have enabled my dream to become a reality and its success has been entirely due to your loyalty and support, together with the wonderful efforts of all the staff in making a visit to The Ark such a unique and enjoyable experience.

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Now in the build-up to Christmas we ask that you will con-tinue to support us by buying your Charity Christmas cards, Advent calendars, candles, etc. from the large selection we have in stock, and placing book orders for your churches, house groups and personal reading while we are still here. Please also continue to make The Ark a regular rendezvous for meeting up with friends for coffee, lunch or afternoon tea and make the most of the quality food produced by Lynn and her team which we think is unrivalled in Lymington! There are some wonderful bargains to be had in the way of special offers on books in stock, which would make excel-lent Christmas presents. Also, come and rummage in our drawer of hugely reduced cards for all occasions! Whilst in-evitably there will be a sense of sadness and loss, there will also be the joy and satisfaction for all we have shared to-gether. Our prayer is that The Ark will finish on a high note, celebrating the success of the last 8 years, and giving thanks to the One who gave me the original vision, for his provision and the many blessings He has showered upon all those who have visited and worked in The Ark during that time. We will presently be placing a book in a convenient position where visitors and others might like to express in a few words what The Ark has meant to them when visiting or as a regular customer over the years. Thank you for your prayers, support and friendship – it has been a real pleasure and a privilege to serve you and to pro-vide that “Christian presence on the High Street”. With kindest regards

Ginny Ayling

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COMMUNION SUNDAY: 1st COMMUNION ELDERS: Sandra and Margaret DUTY ELDER READING IN CHURCH 1st Margaret Clark Jenny Henderson 8th Jenny Henderson Janice Perkins 15th David Bywater David Hooper 22nd United Service at St Thomas’ Church 29th Catherine Bowell Shelagh Richardson STEWARDS SOUND SYSTEM 1st Mike and Norma Bell MS 8th Steve Turberville and Liz Griffiths MC 15th David and Ann Hooper PR 22nd Peter and Jill Haslett GC 29th Gill Wiseman and Ron Parker PR COFFEE MORNING ROTAS Saturday Sunday 1st Ann Webber 7th Judith Baker 8th June Copperi 14th June Copperi 15th Shelagh Richardson 21st Ann Webber 22nd Margaret Clark 28th Mary Ann Jardine 29th Junior Church

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COMMUNION SUNDAY: 4th COMMUNION ELDERS: Jenny and John DUTY ELDER READING IN CHURCH 4th Judith Baker Margaret Clark 11th John Wiseman Janice Perkins 18th Mary Ann Jardine Peter Richardson 25th Sandra Jackson Joint Service with Methodists STEWARDS SOUND SYSTEM 4th Gill Wiseman and Ron Parker WD 11th Janice Perkins and Jenny Henderson MS 18th Peter and Shelagh Richardson MC 25th Ann Longney and Kate Noon GC COFFEE MORNING ROTAS Saturday Sunday 3rd June Copperi 4th Ann Webber 10th Ann Webber 11th Kate Noon 17th Mary Ann Jardine 18th Ann Longney

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Forthcoming events:

Fri. 2nd December at 10.00 a.m.

Robins’ Choir in Church.

(Open Door Café open 10.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.)

The Fellowship and Fundraising Committee is having a rest in

the early part of the New Year, but is planning activities for

2012. These may include table sales, skittles evenings, an af-

ternoon at Moore Blatch, a beach BBQ and a swim at Cathy’s.

We are also delighted to report that our Friday Coffee is av-

eraging £26 per week, - £1200 a year—so thank you to all who

help and support us.

We thank God for his goodness to us in enabling us to raise

funds for the extension of his Kingdom in Lymington.

PLEASE NOTE: This magazine is printed on paper from renewable sources out of our concern for the environment.

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CONTACT DETAILS Minister: Rev’d Chris Vivian. Tel 01590 675633 e-mail: [email protected] Church Secretary: Sandra Jackson. Tel 01590 676306 Magazine Editor: Wyn Davies. Tel 01425 616384 e-mail: [email protected] Church web site: Tel 01590 676306 e-mail: [email protected] Basics Bank web site: Tel 01590 610008 e-mail: [email protected]