DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated...

DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l WWW.JHWEEKLY.COM Volume 7, Issue 50 9 16 19 Jewish music fest Center trouble Life in art

Transcript of DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated...

Page 1: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l WWW.JHWEEKLY.COMVolume 7, Issue 50

9 16 19

Jewish music festCenter trouble Life in art

Page 2: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

LIFE IS GOOD!By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor

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Page 3: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 3

EDITORMatthew Irwin

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Jeana HaarmanJen Tillotson


Teresa Griswold

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News & OpinionSnow Report 4Editorial: Frack, wild horses 4Them On Us 7Q&A: Estela Torres 8News Briefs 8

BackbeatCalendar 15Music Box: The Chosen Music 16CD Reviews 17Alice in Wonderland 18Garhart’s view of life 19Dine Out 20Crumbs: Trio’s burger ‘n fries 23

This & ThatLiving Well: Dharma thought 24Freewill Astrology 25Flipside 25Classifieds 26L.A. Times Sunday Crossword 26

FRACK ATTACKPhoto courtesy Pat’s DrivelineCover design by Jeana Haarman

Page 4: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

Cut the frack Matthew J. Irwin

F R O M T H E E D I T O R ’ S D E S K

U.S. Representative Jared Polis’ (D-Colo.) com-ments on hydraulic fracturing (cover story, page11), while making an important distinction betweenthe practice of fracking and a method that employsharmful chemicals, betray a widespread, thoughgeneral distrust of the oil and gas industry.

Polis said, “The problem is not natural gas oreven hydraulic fracturing itself. The problem isthat dangerous chemicals are being injected intothe earth.”

The subtext of this sentence implies that some-one or “people” argue that natural gas, itself, is theproblem. Jake Nichols’ cover story, alone, providesenough reason for people to distrust oil-and-gas –for example, refusal to disclose chemicals in theirmixtures for the purpose of identifying (or eliminat-ing) sources of illness because, they say, they’reconcerned about other companies discovering theirproprietary chemical blends.

A spokesperson in the story says that fracking de-tractors are acting emotionally, that the sciencedoesn’t add up, despite evidence of similar prob-

lems in distant regions that have fracking opera-tions in common. No doubt, much of the reason thescience doesn’t add up is that companies have onlyrecently started divulging their mixes.

In my view, the burden of proof is on oil-and-gas.They must demonstrate that fracking is safe. I knowa lot of money is at stake, but people get emotionalover money, perhaps as much as they do about theimpositions and charges of unethical behavior atcertain corporations. Nonetheless, lack of evidencethat fracking and the chemicals involved are dan-gerous – which there doesn’t seem to be a lack of –is not evidence that it’s safe.

All fracking activities in Wyoming should behalted for further study that comprises all avail-able data (i.e. rat out the chemicals, Haliburton and errors only on the side of health andsafety. I don’t care if it’s done on a state level asU.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) would have it,or on a federal level, but Wyoming has alsodemonstrated inaction on contentious land-useissues, such as wolves. JHW



More snow, please

s p o n s o r e d b yN E W B E L G I U M


Last week after making several good turns down the gut of Glory Bowl, I found myself, with skison, climbing down a tree over a rock outcropping. The skier-made, goat track from the good turnsto the road was marginal at best, but once off the track conditions quickly diminished to challengingmoves from one snow patch to the next. The hideous track out ensured I would wait until the nextstorm to return, and it narrowed my Christmas Wish list to one thing: SNOW.

Local alpine bowls, mainly on north and east aspects, hold 25 to 50 inches of old snow depositedby the autumn’s precipitation and wind. Snow crystal growth depends on temperature gradient,pore space between grains and temperatures. A large temperature gradient within the snowpack(critical TG is 10 degrees Celsius per meter), causes snow grains to become faceted or angular. Thisweaker crystal growth is common in a continental or a shallow snowpack.

The Tetons’ upper elevation, intermountain snowpack settled due to wind loading, varying tem-peratures, and time. Currently cold temperatures create a large TG; therefore facets are growingwithin the snowpack. Reports of good, powder skiing on Fossil Mountain and Mount Hunt loses itsallure with the few thousand feet of frozen-dirt walking between me and the snow.

Ski areas gun to cover their lower mountains with white strips. Local skiers crowd the whitestrips, carving turns and getting in shape for this winter. As for me, I am just asking Santa for somesnow, please, and nothing else. JHW

– Lisa Van Sciver

4 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

A word from our readersL E T T E R S

Hire localBuy local. No doubt most of you have heard this line on the radio

or read it on one of the posted ads around town. For many living inJackson, buying local means buying at the thrift shops or not buyinganything at all because many of these same businesses are hiring fromelsewhere bringing J-1 visa holders in from South America and EasternEurope. That’s not counting the 1,500 or so people working here fromelsewhere with no visas at all or the ones who have overstayed theirvisas. Three years ago, that wouldn’t have been that big of a problem,but now with unemployment at record levels in the county, it is uncon-scionable that the supermarkets and ski resorts are allowed to hire for-eign workers when so many longtime locals are desperately hurtingand our social services are being overwhelmed. United States citizensdo not have an advocacy group like Latino Resources that that dolesout its services solely on the basis of race. No, we American citizenswhite, black, Asian, Hispanic and native are treated equally with thesame total disregard by our elected officials.

Where is our courageous congressional delegation on this issue?Out to lunch as usual, of course. They’re using their time to fight thegood fight, making sure the uninsured 45,000 Americans who die fromlack of health insurance will not get the same kind of socialistic healthcare they receive. Oh, I’m sure deep down in their greedy little heartsthey’d like to do something for Wyoming’s unemployed workers butthere’s just no money in it. If there was, the unemployment lobbywould be the biggest lobby in Washington and then you bet Enzi, Bar-rasso and Lummis would take notice.

– Mike Craig, Jackson

What is rural?I am designing a new sign to replace the “Howdy Partner” sign at the

top of the pass: “Greetings Brothers And Sisters, The Forward Vista IsJackson Hole, The New Eclectic West, Founded 2010.”

Some of the planning commissioners do not know or understand thedefinition of “rural character”. The term “rural character” was deletedfrom the new comprehensive plan draft because – what does thatmean? They are not sure. Does it mean broken down cabins, trailerhouses, farm equipment sprawl, washing machines in the front yard?My washing machine would be in the front yard but the damned thingfreezes in the winter. One planning commissioner commented “leaveit out; the only good it does is to satisfy the public.” Oops! I hope thatwas a joke, son.

The Town and the County planning commissioners rarely agree onanything. Is it the country mouse and the city mouse scenario? I don’tthink so. This is a matter of the “Mr. Right “syndrome. I am somewhatof an expert on this, since my husband has suffered from the afflictionall of his life.

Not to worry. It sounds like the elected officials are going to takecare of things. They want to take the FLUP (future land use plan) andmap out what they want and don’t want. Then they will hand it back tothe planning commission. The planning commission will then have anunusually clear version of what the elected officials are going to ap-prove anyway. My take is that the elected officials will be advising theadvisory group.

Where does our time and money go?– Cindy Hill Stone, South of Town

Email your letters to [email protected].

In other land-use news: as solu-tion to the BLM’s claims of wildhorse overpopulation, the federalgovernment proposes having mus-tangs and burros shipped to theMidwest, where pastures are sup-posedly more abundant, accordingto the Casper Star-Tribune.

Wyoming has about 4,500 of theanimals, compared to a BLM goal ofup to 3,700, according to the report.

In Defense of Animals, a non-profit, filed a lawsuit on Nov. 23 to

halt Nevada’s BLM from shippingout more than 2,500 animals, argu-ing that doing so would violate the1971 Wild Free Roaming Horse andBurro Act, recently strengthened bythe U.S. House, now being debatedin the Senate.

The act calls the animals “livingsymbols of the historic and pioneerspirit of the West,” which “shall beprotected from capture, branding,harassment, or death.”

Though moving the animals is

certainly better than slaughteringthem and less expensive than con-traception, reports that the BLM ex-aggerates the population to makeits point in favor of ranchers whofeel burdened by these animals aredisconcerting. I’m also concernedby In Defense of Animals’ claimthat herding the animals, often byhelicopter, injures and kills the ani-mals. A multi-state taskforce involv-ing, but not led by, the BLM shouldlook into the issue further. JHW

Need more info on wild horses

Page 5: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 5

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Page 6: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

6 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily


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Page 7: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 7


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On “Steel Beauty,” Cover story■ Lets get crotch shots of the boys on a calendar so the female support-

ers of the woman’s hockey team can have some laughs.■ Cameltoe on the cover? Smacks of poor taste for a magazine widely

distributed in the valley. ■ Cameltoe? Shouldn’t we call it moose knuckle around these parts?

On “The Recessions,” Band Profile■ My favorite memory of these guys is them playing “ slave to my d*** “

at the mangy moose gong show.

On “Safety First,” The Buzz■ Natasha Richardson’s death was not due to lack of a helmet. Her

death was a tragedy, not a “ski accident.”■ Chill out! Wouldn’t you agree that had she been wearing a helmet her

outcome from the fall would have been different? ■ Give up. [That commentor] combs the internet for stories about her

and blogs in on how talented an actress she was . . .

On “What’s been said on healthcare,” Editorial■ Single payer is the only approach short of universal health care that can

actually reduce excess cost within the system. ■ It’s the wrong time to completely overhaul Heath Care and this is the

wrong plan.■ While it is true, that taxpayer dollars are spent on emergency room

visits for those who are enrolled in the Medicare or Medicaid programs,most of the expenses incurred by uninsured patients are borne by insurancecompanies and their policyholders.

Poll - Do you wear a helmet to ski/ride?Always: 13 (45%)Depends on terrain: 11 (38%)Never: 5 (17%)Total votes: 29


READER COMMENTSLog on to join the discussion

BEST OF BLOGSponsored by

‘Bearly’ a differenceWhat a difference a day makes. Jackson man Stephen

Westmoreland, 40, killed a grizzly bear in Ditch Creek onSept. 19. Three days later, Glen Fortsch, from Iowa, alsokilled a griz while on a six-day elk hunt trip with SwiftCreek Outfitters. Both men claimed they killed the bear indefense of their lives after the bear made threatening ges-tures. So why is Fortsch’s case a federal offense?

Westmoreland faces state charges of taking a grizzlybear without a license. On Sept. 21, the grizzly was relistedon the federal endangered species list, making Fortsch’scharge more serious. Roy Brown, a special agent with theU.S. Department of the Interior, investigated the incident.The findings were handed over to the United States Attor-ney’s Office for the District of Wyoming, who could handthe 48-year-old a fine of up to $25,000 fine and/or sixmonths in prison.

The story appeared in the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courierlast weekend.

Hollywood disses Wyoming again“Did You Hear About The Morgans?” They came to

Wyoming but never unpacked their bags. The upcomingfilm features Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant as a

feuding Manhattan couplewho witness a murder andare relocated to smalltown Wyoming as part ofthe Witness RelocationProgram.

The fictitious town ofRay, Wyo. might look a lit-tle southwestern forWyoming to astute movie-goers. That’s because Columbia Pictures opted to shoot inNew Mexico instead of the Cowboy State. Wyoming is stillconsidered too cost-prohibitive while the New MexicoFilm Office was boasting about the 25 days of filmingaround the towns of Roy, Pecos, Santa Fe, Galisteo and LosAlamos last May and June. The production hired about 75local crew members and 1,000 extras.

Of course, considering the previous news items, bring-ing Bart the Bear into Wyoming for filming could havebeen considered dangerous for the famous grizzled actor.Speaking of grizzled actors, yes, Sam Elliott plays aWyoming sheriff.

God has not forsaken AM radioA brand new AM radio station hit the airwaves in Jack-

son, Wyo. on Dec. 2. Listeners can now hear bible teach-ing, along with Christian news and information on theaward-winning Bott Radio Network (BRN) at 1450 AM, 24hours a day.

The Bott Radio Network launched in 1962. It broad-casts on 82 stations across the United States from Califor-nia to Tennessee, with a focus on the heart of America.This is the only Bott station in Wyoming.

BRN Executive Vice President Rich Bott noted, “We areexcited about expanding our coverage to Jackson Hole,Wyoming. This new radio station at 1450 AM will help lis-teners grow in their faith and keep informed with a Bibli-cal worldview.”

Tiger not out of the Woods yetTiger Woods’ fall from grace is news everywhere but

the Jackson Hole angle is the famed golfer’s digs at 3Creek. In one scenario, posed by a certain ski magazine,Mrs. Tiger (Elin Nordegren) walks away with $300 mil-lion, including the house in Jackson Hole. After all,Nordegren is a Swedish ski babe.

Another tabloid gossiper suggested the couple maybeat a hasty retreat from the media frenzy by visitingtheir 3 Creek mansion. JHW

‘Roy, Wyo.,’ not in Wyo.By Jake Nichols

The Morgans move to Wyo.







Page 8: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

8 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

By Christie Koriakin

Estela Torres recently tookover as executive director of theLatino Resource Center, becom-ing only the second person inthat community leadership role.The founding director, CarminaOaks, retired earlier this year.

With the most recent statisticsindicating that Latinos may nowaccount for as much as 20 per-cent of Teton County’s total pop-ulation, Torres will have herhands full continuing the LRC’smission to help integrate Latinosinto the Jackson Hole commu-nity.

Jackson Hole Weekly: What isyour vision for the Latino Re-source Center?

Estela Torres: I just want toget a good feel. I just want towork on what’s here right now;expand our existing collabora-tions and then go from there.

The [Latino] population isgoing to be huge. The projec-tions by 2050 are for the Latinopopulation not to be a minorityanymore, but to be the majorityin the United States. So the moreyou can enhance the cultural as-pect of Latinos into the commu-nity, the community is going tobe better off. I would just lovefor everyone to embrace that.

JHW: Have you seen bigchanges in the local Latino pop-ulation since you first arrived inJackson Hole?

ET: I came out in 1981. When Icame out there were very fewLatinos, maybe five. You couldcount them on one hand. Butthen in the ‘90s, the Latino pop-ulation exploded.

JHW: Do the Latinos herestruggle with the differences inculture and weather?

ET: I think basically, they justwant a job. It’s hard and its dif-ferent, with the snow and thecold, but they are not going to

complain about it that much ifthey have a job.

But those are some of thethings we try to help with.Tonight I said we should talkabout the chain law on thepass, because a lot of people

are not aware of that. Andparking restrictions at night.So those are the kind of thingsthat we want to make sure thatthe Latinos know too

JHW: What are the main issuesfacing the Latino population inJackson Hole and how does thecenter address these problems?

ET: Probably the number oneissue is immigration. Becauseonce the visa expires, then theyneed to go home. And that does-n’t always happen. People areafraid that they are going to bedeported. That’s living in fearand that’s hard.

There are also language andcultural barriers. There are just anumber of documents that needto be translated if you are not acitizen. We translate documentshere. We have monthly forums.We have a representative from abank who is going to come to ex-plain checking accounts andeverything you need to know inthe banking world.

We try to disseminate infor-mation that a person from an-other country might notnecessarily know because itmight be done differently intheir country.

JHW: What is your view on thecurrent immigration policy in

the U.S.? Is that something thatis in your mind as the directorhere?

ET: Not as the director, be-cause right now I just want toprovide the services that Latinosneed right here. But my personalview is that it seems like theproblem was heightened after9/11. But Latinos are the laborforce. There is a large number,but if they can find work, to me,that means that the Americansdon’t want that work. I think weought to come to some sort ofamicable solution, so that theyare not illegal.

JHW: Do you see discrimina-tion toward Latinos here?

ET: Sometimes I will readthings in the paper, like letters tothe editor. I think there is a littlebit of that, not that muchthough. To me, this communityhas embraced the Latino com-munity.

JHW: Is there any outreach totry to get the community to un-derstand and empathize withLatinos?

ET: We do as much as we canto try to inform the public. Ithink people are aware, but wewant to work on that. And withthe Latino population growing, Ithink it would behoove everyoneto learn a little bit more, tobroaden horizons.

JHW: Do you think Latinos feellike an integrated part of thecommunity? Or do you thinkthere are two distinct groups?

ET:I think as far as trying tofollow the laws and learning thelanguage, people are trying, butit takes a while. I know that Eng-lish as a Second Languageclasses are full. This is a newgeneration here so it’s going totake a while to get people fullyintegrated. As long as we can alllive respectfully and civilly, Ithink we can live within our owngroups. JHW

Estela Torres’ second day as the executive director of the Latino Resource Center.

New Latino center director on barriers, assimilation.

At a glance:N E W S B R I E F S

Public can review library plans

The public will have two opportunities next week to reviewthree design concepts for a Teton County library addition.

At the library from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday,the public can attend forums where three concepts will be unveiled.The designs were shaped by more than 900 public comments on li-brary improvements and an expansion, according to library directorDeb Adams.

The public forums will explore options for library building design,entrances, parking and outdoor spaces. Representatives from Gildayand Humphries/Poli Architects will discuss potential building sys-tems and sustainable practices.

Adams encourages the public’s continual input.“I feel it’s critical to continue to hear from the community during

the design process because the library belongs to all of us,” she said.A single design may be available for review by mid-January, ac-

cording to a press release. More about the planned 11,000-squarefoot addition can be found at

Library gala aDionysian affair

Teton County Libraryattempted to out modeitself for at least onevalley resident last Fri-day, when it raffled offan Amazon Kindle atthe annual benefitthrown by the library’sfoundation.

Otherwise, the li-brary attracted its usualband of enthusiasticsupporters, reachingcapacity at around 400people, for what hasbecome one of thebiggest parties of theyear in Jackson – allprovided by Four Sea-sons Resort at no costto the library.

The result: around $100,000 earned for the library throughticket sales and other fundraising efforts associated with theparty. That’s about a fifth to a quarter of it’s annual budget forprograms such as literary workshops, children’s programs, Latinooutreach services and the Page to the Podium author series,which brought nature writer Barry Lopez to the Center for theArts for free, the night before the benefit, for another full house.Lopez also attended the benefit.

After party guests loosened up on drinks and food (includingsushi, roast beef and snow crab) included in the $100 ticket,many gravitated to the dance floor for tunes by Pam Drews PhillipQuartet.

One attendee remarked that not only did some people “comeout of the woodwork” for the event, but that people who tend tobe about-town showed up looking more dapper than was previouslythought possible.

Mike Rubenstein won the book-killer. – MI

All the Wookies, meanwhile,are in Boulder

As if Jackson Hole didn’t already have enough claim to the orig-inal Star Wars trilogy, what with the actor who played Han Solo alongtime resident, a local young artist has joined forces with an-other passenger aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Ryan Haworth, of Victor, has created a stylized portrait ofPrincess Leia that is being featured on the “official” Web site of ac-tress Carrie Fisher, who played Leia.

Silver emulsion prints of the original oil-on-canvas painting can bepurchased for $50 (unsigned, 16 inches by 20 inches) or $200 (signed byFisher, 18 inches by 24 inches).The prints are available just in time forthe holidays, should you have any Star Wars aficionados on your shop-ping list. Visit JHW

By Ben Cannon


“I think people are

aware, but we want to

work on that.”

- Estela Torres

Q&A: Estela Torres










Patrons at the library party.





Page 9: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 9

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W W W .T E T O N W Y O .O R G







The public meeting agendas and minutes for the Board of

County Commissioners and Planning Commission can also be

found in the Public Notices section of the JH News and Guide.



Tickets available at Valley Bookstore, Main Event and Global Treasures

By Ben Cannon

The postponement of a partyto show some new artwork in-side the Center for the Arts, lastweek, has caused one young or-ganization’s leader to allegethat his side was treated unfairlyand possibly held to a differentstandard.

Teton Artlab volunteers wereinformed just days before the“Wallpaper 2” opening, sched-uled for Dec. 4, that there couldbe no alcohol at the event. Direc-tor Travis Walker and othersscrambled last minute to call offthe opening, which they had ad-vertised through fliers, word-of-mouth and with a paid emailblast. They had also purchased acatering permit to serve alcohol,good only that day.

The liability insurance, Walkerwas told, would not cover anevent with alcohol for that day.He knew that even if his groupdid not provide the coolersstocked full of Pabst Blue Ribbonas usual, some attendees wouldprobably bring their own alco-hol. After all, Artlab openingshave become a monthly party in-side the Center since the groupmoved in last March.

“We were threatened witheviction if there was any alco-hol,” Walker said, explaining hewas approached by the Center’sfacilities manager.

The “Wallpaper 2” exhibit,which has since been resched-uled for Friday, features 40

artists, making it the biggest ArtLab show to date.

A postponement of one weekmay not seem like a big deal, butWalker said he operates on a mi-nuscule budget of about $22,000,and spending a few hundred dol-lars to promote an event is a sig-nificant expense. Walker said hefeels like the part of an ongoingstruggle between him and theCenter, as well as Artlab’s parentgroup, the Art Association, underwhose insurance Artlab eventsare protected from liability.

“It’s frustrating,” he said. “Ifeel like I can’t talk to them.”

Art Association director KarenStewart, who has announced shewill soon retire from the organi-zation, said the sudden kiboshon booze was the result of herlearning that the Art Associa-tion’s liability insurance with al-cohol had recently lapsed.

“It was just a complete misun-derstanding on my end and his[Walker’s] end,” Stewart said. “Itwas an unfortunate misunder-standing and all around a lot ofknee-jerking and anger.”

Stewart said she hoped tomeet with Walker this week, andthat she believed that the situa-tion can be avoided in the future.

Facilities manager Doug Hen-derson said the building, whichis owned by the Town and TetonCounty, but leased to the Centerfor the Arts organization, is sub-ject to the same regulations asother public facilities.

“My job is to look at the one-in-a-million chance that some-thing could have happened,”Henderson said. He added, “Ilove their program. I thinkthey’re energetic.”

The Center for the Arts hasbeen without an executive direc-tor since Steve Schultz left the or-ganization in August. JHW

Tension flares at CenterShow postponement sparked tenant’s ire.

The Art Association’s

liability insurance

with alchohol

had lapsed.

Page 10: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

10 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

Page 11: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 11

see FRACK ATTACK page 12

merica runs on gas. And sometimesfrom it.

Natural gas is the cleanest of the fossil fuels. Used pri-marily to heat homes and make electricity, it emits 23-percent less carbon dioxide than oil. Gas is the country’ssecond-largest domestic energy resource, after coal. It’sclean, cheap and abundant – estimates are there are halfa million gas wells in 32 states already tapped intoenough pockets of gas to power America at its 2008 rateof consumption for some 90 years.

But there’s a catch. You can’t drink gas.The techniques used by powerful oil and gas compa-

nies to extract these fossil fuels from deep undergroundmight be responsible for contaminating groundwater indrilling regions. The elephant in the well is the undis-closed chemical fluids used in hydro-fracturing.

The industry hides behind federal protection, grantedby the George W. Bush administration energy policy, anda multi-tiered structure of independent contractors de-signed to deflect blame. Major oil giants like Chesapeakeor Shell or Chevron rely on service companies like Hal-liburton, BJ Services, and Schlumberger to do the actualdrilling. Those companies, in turn, hire firms such as En-Cana, Questar, and Devon to put the boots on theground. By the time a roughneck pushes the wrong but-ton and flushes gallons of benzene, a chemical believedto cause aplastic anemia and leukemia, into the aquifer,the suits at the top of the ladder are well-shielded,legally.

What the frack?Hydraulic fracturing – also known as ‘fracking’ or

‘frac’ing’ – is a process of extracting oil or gas trapped inthe tiny bubbles of tight sands commonly called ‘shale,’by use of fluids under high pressure. The exact ingredi-ents of the fluid are shrouded in mystery; closely pro-tected trade secrets.

“Halliburton’s proprietary fluids are the result of yearsof extensive research, development testing,” said DianaGabriel, a company spokeswoman. “We have gone togreat lengths to ensure that we are able to protect thefruits of the company’s research.”

Industry reps maintain that the drilling fluids aremostly made up of water and sand, which acts as a prop-pant – holding a crack open long enough to extract thegas or oil. Officials insist that when chemicals are used,they are just a tiny fraction of the overall mix, and releas-ing specific details would only frighten and confuse thepublic, and would come at great expense to the indus-try’s competitive business.

Chesapeake Energy, the nation’s largest gas driller,also stated proprietary concerns when asked by NewYork State regulators to disclose the chemicals in itsdrilling brew.

When New York’s Department of Environmental Con-servation (DEC) finally passed legislation forcing servicecompanies to reveal the list of chemicals they use orcease drilling, they were shocked at the number: 260chemicals.

Of the 300 or so compounds the Bureau of Land Man-agement suspects are being used by drillers in the WindRiver Range and Pinedale Anticline, 65 are listed as haz-ardous by feds, including benzene, toluene, ethylben-zene and xylene. Many of the rest are unstudied andunregulated.

Even more alarming, up to two-thirds of the fluids arenever recovered through ‘flowback’ and remain under-ground … somewhere, according to Halliburton’s ownrecords.

Nestled gas, the mother of inventionPulling natural gas out of sandstone has been a breeze

for mineral extraction companies thanks to the porosityand permeability of the loose rock. Until recently, big gasignored finer-grained geological formations like the Mar-cellus Shale (New York-Pennsylvania), Barnett Shale(Texas), and other mineral plays in Wyoming including

those in the Powder River Basin and Pinedale Anticline,deeming them too expensive to drill.

How to free up this trapped gas vexed the industry’stop geologists for years. In 1969, a 43-kiloton nuclear ex-plosion was detonated in a well drilled into the WilliamsFork Formation near Rulison, Colorado, in an attempt torupture the rock and get at the Piceance Basin gas deepunderground. The gas came out all right, but it was tooradioactive to use commercially. The area is still too ‘hot’for habitation.

By the late 1990s, when the price of natural gas sky-rocketed, the impossible became possible. Building offan idea they pioneered in 1949, Halliburton hit themother lode. The idea was simple: Pump a water-basedfluid into hydrocarbon reservoirs until the pressure liter-ally obliterated subterranean rock, creating fissureswhich could conduct the gas to the surface faster andfreer.

Halliburton had been fracturing rock for decades but itwasn’t until some innovative drillers working the BakkenShale of North Dakota decided to turn the drill bit side-ways that suddenly gasmen had the ability to tap previ-ously unreachable energy.

Horizontal drilling allows operators to remain in the‘sweet spot’ of a play longer, according to Dr. MarcBustin, widely-regarded as one of the world’s leading au-thorities on unconventional gas and oil. It also gave oiland gas companies the ability to reach underneath un-suspecting landowners who did not secure the mineralrights to their property.

Fracking of some kind is now used in about 90 percentof all wells drilled in the United States (more than onemillion). It allows oil and gas extractors to drill less wells,but recover more dinosaur juice.

More than 150 residents at Hoback Ranches, at the

northern end of the Wyoming Range called the HobackRim are almost uniformly against Plains Exploration’splans to tap into the natural resources underneath theirhomes. Plains Exploration had hoped to drill 136 wellson 17 well pads but stiff opposition has the developmentstalled for now.

Spiraling property values are one thing – oil derricksmake poor next-door neighbors – but some landownersare finding themselves on the fault line of a stirring,sharp debate over fracking and its potential to contami-nate water supplies. Allegations of compromised drink-ing water, suddenly sterile livestock, wildlife die-offs,even exploding houses, have a single common denomi-nator: gas wells nearby.

Trouble bubbling underOn April 30, 2001 Ballard Petroleum blew out a well at

their G33 pad in Dry Hollow in Western Colorado. Larryand Laura Amos could see the derrick from their kitchenwindow. On that day, 82,000 gallons of frack fluid wereinjected at 3,600 pounds of pressure. The Amoses’ drink-ing water well suddenly popped its top and began belch-ing muddy water.

“The fracturing created, or opened, a hydro-geologicalconnection between our water well and the gas well,sending the cap of our water well flying and blowing ourwater into the air,” Larry Amos said. “Immediately ourwater turned gray, had a horrible smell, and bubbled like7-Up. Tests of our water showed 14 milligrams per liter ofmethane. That’s almost as much methane that water willhold at our elevation.”

State inspectors did not test fracking fluids becausethey had no idea what to test for. As for the methane, theAmos’ were told that methane occurs naturally and isharmless. Inspectors warned them, however, to keep the

Directional drilling pads like this one reduce oil and gas mining footprints above ground, but ques-tions remain as to what happens deep underground when fuels are extracted under high pressure.







’S D




Page 12: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

12 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

from FRACK ATTACK page 11

windows open and vent the basement,just in case.

Ballard denied any responsibilitywhile their field rep provided theAmoses’ with bottled water for a while.They said the fracking had taken placenearly a mile underground, far belowthe 225-foot water well, and there wasno chance the fluids could have trav-elled that far up.

Yet Geoffrey Thyne, a geologist at theColorado School of Mines in Golden,who studied the incident for theCounty, said, “Water wells just don’t dothat unless you apply pressure to thebottom.”

Two years later, Larry’s wife Lauracame down with a very rare conditionof a tumor in her adrenal gland. Shebegged EnCana, who bought out Bal-lard, for the ingredients of the fracking chemicals to helpher in her diagnosis. For months, the company denied 2-BE, a highly toxic and common fracturing fluid, had beenused. Amos’ lawyers eventually obtained documentsfrom EnCana showing that 2-BE had, in fact, been usedin at least one adjacent well.

The couple has since clammed up after a reportedmulti-million settlement from EnCana in 2006.

Another Colorado family is living in fear that theirhouse could burst into flames at any time. AimeeEllsworth of Hudson can routinely ignite her bathroomsink water, fire leaping from the faucet, because naturalgas from nearby wells has seeped into her groundwatersupply.

In the past year, more and more complaints have Envi-ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) inspectors jumping.

“We’ve kind of reached the tipping point,” said oneDenver-based field inspector. “The impacts are there.”

In December 2007, a house in Bainbridge, Ohio ex-ploded in a fiery ball. Investigators discovered that theneighborhood’s tap water contained so much methanethat the house ignited. The resulting study concludedthat pressure caused by hydraulic fracturing pushed thegas, which is found naturally thousands of feet below,through a system of cracks into the groundwater aquifer.

In February a frozen 200-foot waterfall was discoveredon the side of a massive cliff near Parachute, Colo. Ac-cording to the State, 1.6 million gallons of fracturing flu-ids had leaked from a waste pit and been transported by

groundwater, where it seeped out of the cliff. Nearby inRock Springs, a rancher was hospitalized after he drankwell water out of his own tap. Tests showed benzene inhis water, and the Colorado Oil and Gas ConservationCommission cited four gas operators, not knowing whichone was responsible for the spill.

As many as 22,000 fish and mussels were found deadlast September along 43 miles of Dunkard Creek, aMonongahela River tributary. West Virginia DEP said thekill was a result of “saline conditions from natural re-source extraction from nearby coalbed methane opera-tions.”

“Troubling incidents have occurred around the coun-try where people became ill after fracking operationsbegan in their communities,” said U.S. CongressmanMaurice Hinchey (D-NY).

Hinchey, with Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), and fellow Reps.Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Jared Polis (D-CO), is co-sponsoring the FRAC Act – Fracturing Responsibility andAwareness of Chemicals Act – which would amend theSafe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974.

“Some chemicals that are known to have been used infracking include diesel fuel, benzene, industrial solventsand other carcinogens and endocrine disrupters,”Hinchey said.

It’s called the ‘Halliburton Loophole’ “The former chairman, CEO of Halliburton, Dick Ch-

eney, within a few months of coming into office as VicePresident, was pressuring the administrator of EPA,

Christine Todd Whitman, to exempt hydraulic frackingfrom the Safe Drinking Water Act regulation,” said for-mer EPA employee Wes Wilson on a recent talk show.

Whitman confirmed this in a 2007 interview, in whichshe said that Cheney’s insistence on easing pollutioncontrols led to her resignation in 2003. But not beforeshe caved to Cheney’s demands.

The 2001 Energy Policy granted fracking a free pass onSDWA.

“That pretty much closed the door,” said Greg Oberley,an EPA groundwater specialist working in the westerndrilling states. “So we absolutely do not look at frackingunder the Safe Drinking Water Act. It’s not done.”

The Democratic-controlled Congress thinks it’s timefor a reversal. Chairman of the House Energy and Com-merce Committee Henry Waxman (D-CA) said, “The reg-ulatory loophole for hydraulic fracturing puts publichealth at risk and isn’t justified. The current exemptionfor the oil and gas industry means that we can’t even getthe information necessary to evaluate the health threatsfrom these practices.”

Don’t ask, don’t tellIn August 2008, a Colorado ER nurse Cathy Behr nearly

died after treating a wildcatter who had been splashed infracking fluid at a BP natural gas rig. Behr treated theman while the hospital went into Hazmat lockdown. Afew days later, Behr lay in critical condition, poisoned bychemicals and facing multiple-organ failure.

Her doctors searched for details that could save theirpatient. The irritant was a drill stimulation fluid calledZetaFlow, but the only information the rig workers pro-vided was the standard issue Material Safety Data Sheet,a complex form required by OSHA. Halliburton listed thechemicals as proprietary, well within their federal rightsof non-disclosure.

When further pressed, Halliburton threatened to pickup its toys and leave the state. The company’s attorneyswarned that if they left they would take some $29 billionin future gas-related tax and royalty revenue with themover the next decade.

Behr’s doctor eventually learned, weeks later, whatZetaFlow was made of, but was sworn to secrecy by themanufacturer and couldn’t even share the informationwith his patient.

“It is irresponsible to stand by while innocent peopleare getting sick because of an industry exemption thatDick Cheney snuck in to our nation’s energy policy,” Rep.Polis said. “The problem is not natural gas or even hy-draulic fracturing itself. The problem is that dangerouschemicals are being injected into the earth, polluting ourwater sources, without any oversight whatsoever.”

Wyo. plays key role in national debateStill, with cases growing nationwide, irrefutable evi-

dence was hard to come by. Until Wyoming rancherLouis Meeks poured himself a glass of tainted water.

As early as summer of 2007, the Pavillion rancher hadbeen telling anyone he knew that his water tasted bad.Meeks said many of his neighbors also admitted to expe-riencing “strange and random symptoms,” includingloss of taste and smell, since EnCana started drilling intheir area. Meeks turned over a 100-signature petition tothe Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Ameeting was convened in Casper and Meeks was basi-cally dismissed.

A year later, Meeks problems worsened.“My water well has been contaminated, and I believe

it’s because EnCana drilled and fracked gas wells close tomy well,” Meeks said in a press release.

Doug Hock, spokesman for EnCana Oil and Gas toldthe Casper Star-Tribune in July 2008 that his companyappreciates that people around Pavillion are concerned,but the sciences doesn’t support their claims.

“We understand their concerns and we’ve worked withindependent laboratories to analyze this in conjunctionwith government agencies,” Hock said. “At this point, theindependent scientifically collected data shows no hy-drocarbon contamination.”

When Wyoming Department of Environmental Qualitywas unable to pinpoint any hydrocarbon pollution, thefeds stepped in. A study was ordered, which is being con-How fracking works. Experts say drilling is so deep underground, groundwater should not be affected.










Drill pad in the Wyoming Range








Page 13: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 13

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Shale formations in the U.S. where natural gas is available.








ducted under the EPA’s Superfund program. It is the first time theagency has undertaken its own water analysis in response to com-plaints of contamination in drilling areas, and it could be pivotal inthe national debate over the role of natural gas and its safe extractionin America.

“Everybody’s in agreement that the well is messed up. It’s badquality water,” said DEQ district supervisor Mark Thiesse. “I’m sus-pecting it’s the oil and gas activities, but I don’t know that yet forsure.”

While more than 1,000 other cases of contamination have beendocumented by courts and state and local governments in Colorado,New Mexico, Alabama, Ohio and Pennsylvania, it’s another Wyomingcase that might prove groundbreaking.

Last July, a hydrologist sunk sampler pipe 300 feet down a water-well in Sublette County and pulled up a goo of brown oily water witha foul smell. Tests showed it contained benzene in a concentration1,500 times the level safe for humans.

The contamination in Sublette County is significant because it isthe first to be documented by a federal agency, the BLM, who has theright to pull leases on the more than 6,000 horizontal wells in thecounty.

However, in September, the BLM approved plans for 4,400 newwells in Sublette County, despite the unresolved water issues. Testsshowed contamination in 88 of the 220 potable water wells exam-ined. According to industry watchdog ProPublica, when researchersreturned to take more samples, they couldn’t even open the wells;monitors showed they contained so much flammable gas that theywere likely to explode.

Close to homeFor now, state and local authorities are being forced to draw up

hasty legislation to mitigate fracking’s potential risks. Out of concernthat Teton County health workers might be exposed to unknownchemicals used in fracking, commissioners passed a resolution lastweek urging the adoption of the Frac Act. Many of the workers in-jured in neighboring Sublette County gas fields are often taken to St.John’s Medical Center in Jackson.

“The Board of County Commissioners expresses its deepest con-cern about the lack of information about the chemicals used in hy-draulic fracturing in Sublette County, in particular its potential toharm the health and safety of Teton County Health Workers,” the res-olution states.

Petroleum Association of Wyoming President Bruce Hincheycalled the bill just another ploy to make things more expensive forthe U.S. oil and gas industry.

“It’s definitely coming from a bunch of environmental wackos thatare pushing this,” Hinchey said.

The bill is currently under review by a 13-person committee (SenateCommittee on Environment and Public Works), which includesWyoming Sen. John Barrasso. The former doctor has already publiclystated he does not support the legislation.

“Hydraulic fracturing has been a safe and effective way to developour domestic oil and gas reserves for decades. The state of Wyomingeffectively regulates oil and gas exploration activities, including hy-draulic fracturing,” Barrasso said in statement for press.

Sen. Enzi said he is waiting on additional studies before determin-ing the relationship between hydraulic fracturing and drinking water.

Rep. Cynthia Lummis preferred to leave matters in the state’s hands,opting for less federal government.

“Changes in federal law may not be necessary for the Teton Countycommissioners to obtain the information they seek regarding the con-tents of fracking fluid,” she said. “The commissioners should start byasking the companies and state agencies for the information.” JHW

Page 14: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

14 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

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733-4900 • [email protected] or visit us at the Center for the Arts Box Office.

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Discover the creative adventure of theatre through imaginative games,activities incorporating movement, dramatic play and literature.

The Joy of Performance: A month-long Theatre Performance Class for ages 8-11Mondays & Wednesday 4:00 – 5:30pmJanuary 6 – February 1 (4 wks) Tuition $150

Learn theatre performing skills while creating a play! Explore the joy oftheatre by acting out your own characters in a scripted play. Class culmi-nates in a performance for friends and family.

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It’s here … a serious forum for the actor … whether you’re 16 or 50,this class will bring you to the core of the acting process. This class con-centrates on the process an actor goes through to create a character in ascene. Paired with a partner, the two of you will work “organically” increating a scene from a play using basic acting principles.

Second City Improvisational Workshop: Ages 18 and olderSunday, January 17th from 12:00 – 2pm Cost: $50

Registration now open. Limit 15 people per session. Call 307-733-3021or email: [email protected]

2 hour workshop taught by company members of the famed SecondCity Improvisational Troupe of Chicago.

(Those students, 8 years and older who take an Off Square class, areautomatically cast in our upcoming youth musical The Wizard of Oz —provided they can commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule.)

Page 15: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 15

Wednesday 12.9MUSIC■ Open Mic Night, 7 p.m., atSouthside Pizza and Pub. Hosted byPeter “Chanman” Chandler. Free.734-0866. ■ Jackson Hole Jazz Foundation,7 to 9 p.m., rehearsal at the Centerfor the Arts. Big Band. Free. 699-0102. ■ Anne and Pete Sibley, 8 p.m.,at Dornan’s in Moose. Folk, blue-grass. 733-2415. $15 at ValleyBookstore or Dornan’s. ■ The Miller Sisters, 3 p.m., inthe Trap Bar at Grand Targhee Re-sort. Folk, rock. ART■ Life Drawing Open Studio,6:30 p.m., Art Association PaintingStudio, 3rd floor of the Center forthe Arts, 240 S Glenwood OpenStudio Life Drawing: 6:30 p.m. $20drop-in. 733-6379.THEATER★ Auditions for CumberlandBlues, 6 to 9 p.m., Center Annex(metal building south of the Centerfor the Arts on S. Glenwood St.)[email protected]■ From the Back of the Stacks, 3p.m., KHOL 89.1. Listen for libraryworkers, Rebecca and Marisa, asthey discuss literary topics the firstWednesday of every month KHOL89.1 FM. This month the ladies willbe traveling around the world withwriting icons Paul Theroux and JohnSteinbeck. 733-2164 ext.256.SPORTS & RECREATION■ Recreation Center ScheduleSpinning class, 7 a.m. Toddler gymrecreation center; 8:30 a.m. Toddlerswim; 8:30 a.m. Water aerobics; 9a.m. Toddler Club; 10 a.m. Circuitfitness class; 12:10 p.m. Yoga-latesclass; Senior Snowshoe WorkshopGrand Teton Natl. Park 1 p.m. Con-tract Bridge Club,1:15 p.m.;Stingray’s swim practice recreationcenter 5:30 p.m.; Yoga class 6:45p.m.; Open gym basketball, 6:30p.m. 739-9025.■ Kids Club afterschool programat Jackson Elementary school, 3 to6 p.m. Colter Club activity at Jack-son Elementary 3:30 to 5 p.m. OUTDOORS■ Sierra Club Hike Rosie RidgeJoin the Sierra club on a cross-coun-try ski to Rosie Ridge. 4 to 8 milesround trip with a beginner/easy ter-rain. 734-0441CLASSES & LECTURES■ Library Classes, Internet SearchTips and Tricks, 8:30 a.m. Intro toExcel, 10 a.m. 733-2164.COMMUNITY■ Habitat DIGS Happy Hour, 5 to7 p.m., Snake River Brew Pub, Bringa friend and both be entered to winHabitat swag! 734-0828 [email protected].

Thursday 12.10MUSIC■ Farris Miller Smith, 7 to 10p.m., at Q Roadhouse on Moose-Wilson Road. Folk. Free. 739-0700. DANCE■ Dancers’ Workshop ThursdayClasses at the Center for the Arts.Zumba Fitness, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.;Family Tae Kwon Do, 6:15 to 7:30p.m.; Cardio Hip Hop and Break-dancing, 6:15 to 7:30 p.m.,; ZumbaToning 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 733-6398. KIDS & FAMILIES■ Storytime, 10:30 to 11 a.m. atthe TC Library. Kids ages 4 to 7 areinvited to join librarians for Story-time featuring a different theme


See CALENDAR page 16


Regional ForecastRegional Forecast WED. THU.CITY HI/LO/W HI/LO/WBozeman, MT 3/-10/sf 13/-8/cCasper, WY 3/-5/c 19/2/pcDriggs, ID 8/-6/sn 14/-4/cGrand Teton N.P. 7/-8/sn 13/-5/cIdaho Falls, ID 11/-2/sn 17/-1/cMissoula, MT 11/-3/sf 17/3/cPinedale, WY 7/-15/sn 14/-12/cRiverton, WY 1/-13/c 13/-7/pcRock Springs, WY 7/-2/c 16/0/pcSalt Lake City, UT 21/10/pc 21/11/cYellowstone N.P. 8/-11/sn 14/-5/c

Cold with a little snow

8° -9°Sunrise 7:44 a.m.Sunset 4:46 p.m.Moonrise 12:34 a.m.Moonset 12:39 p.m.

12° -8°

Mostly cloudy and cold

Sunrise 7:45 a.m.Sunset 4:46 p.m.Moonrise 1:45 a.m.Moonset 1:03 p.m.

13° -2°

Partly sunny and cold

20° 8°Sunrise 7:46 a.m.Sunset 4:46 p.m.Moonrise 2:56 a.m.Moonset 1:28 p.m.

25° 13°

A chance for snow or fl urries

Sunrise 7:47 a.m.Sunset 4:46 p.m.Moonrise 4:06 a.m.Moonset 1:57 p.m.

26° 12°

Mostly cloudy with snow pos-


Sunrise 7:48 a.m.Sunset 4:46 p.m.Moonrise 5:15 a.m.Moonset 2:32 p.m.

Mostly cloudy

Sunrise 7:49 a.m.Sunset 4:47 p.m.Moonrise 6:21 a.m.Moonset 3:12 p.m.

Periods of snow and ice

Sunrise 7:49 a.m.Sunset 4:47 p.m.Moonrise 7:21 a.m.Moonset 4:00 p.m.


Week of 12/9

Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy,c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain,sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-iceForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2009

Hop on the Ride the FREE Town Shuttle or the $3 routes

between Jackson and Teton village

Schedule & fare information can be found at, at each stop, at hotel front desks and on the buses. Questions? 733-4521


Get ready for a rare treat when for-mer members of old-time string bandReeltime Travelers—Thomas Sneed andRoy Andrade—join Ben Winship to passaround guitars, banjos, mandolins,tenor guitars, octave mandolins, fiddlesand human voices on Tuesday. Both ob-sessed with chasing the roots of tradi-tional music, Sneed and Andrade met inthe late 90s while working at the Centerfor Appalachian Studies in Johnson City,Tennessee. Before splitting in 2005, TheReeltime Travelers went on to play theGrand Ole Opry and score music withproducer T-Bone Burnett for the filmCold Mountain.

An evening of obscure old-time songs,lyrical instrumentals, foot stomping bal-lads and twists of tongue, 7 p.m.,Tuesdayat Alpine Wines in Driggs. Free. Wines bythe glass, cheese plates and non-alco-holic beverages will be available for pur-chase. 208-354-9463. – AD

Linda St. Clair loves animals. More than 15 years ago before she became a full-time artist, shepainted impressionistic landscapes and still lifes. Then one day, a rooster caught her eye and she re-produced him on her canvas.

Having grown up on a farm outside Nashville, Tenn., Linda St. Clair’s rooster renewed her at-tachment to the animals, emotionally, but she also discovered that animals offer a wonderful op-portunity for artists to use many different colors. She committed to painting animals almostexclusively.

Now a resident of Santa Fe, N.M., she paints any number of barnyard and wild animals. She lovescows in particular.

“Their eyes are so expressionistic,” St. Clair said. “I try to achieve emotion in animals . . . givinganimals human qualities . . . qualities they already have. And for the viewer, I often create memo-ries of animals they’ve known.”

St. Clair’s collection includes cows, of course, but also (many) dogs, sheep, horses and wildlife.The Linda St. Clair Showcase is Dec. 14 to Dec. 31, Trailside Galleries, 130 E. Broadway. 733-3186.

Hear some Reel music

Wallpaper 2, fo’ real

Give a dog a homeWick and Dash are ready to go

home. The two 10-year-old labsare very active, able to behavewhen alone, they’re meds are up-to-date and PAWS of Jackson Holewill pick up their adoption fees atits adoption event this weekend.

“They are very sweet,” saidPAWS director Amy Romaine.“They sit for treats. They’re great

family pets, and if you take one of them, you can also go home knowingthat you’re doing a good thing.”

Wick and Dash, and up to 80 dogs, puppies, kittens and cats (even afew rats) will come from Jackson/Teton County Animal Shelter, AnimalHumane Association of Star Valley and Targhee Humane Association.

Anyone who wants to help, but can’t bring a pet home, can insteadbring a toy for the pet toy drive. And if someone wants to gift an animal,but he’s not sure which pet to get, he can buy a gift certificate to coverthe adoption costs and let his giftee choose the pet at a later time.

Free treats, hot cocoa and live holiday music by the Jackson HoleChorale will take place in the heated tent. Even Santa Claus and his elveswill be there.

PAWS Home for the Holidays & Toys for Tails is 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Satur-day, in Albertson’s parking lot. 734-2441.

Nearly 2010, Jackson Community Theater will perform MichaelNorman Mann’s Cumberland Blues, a depression-era piece aboutthe coal-mining town of Cumberland, M.D., set to the music ofRobert Hunter and Jerry Garcia, considered by many to be the prin-cipal songwriters of the Grateful Dead.

But before that can happen, the local troupe of amateurs and afi-cionados needs a few performers to fill in its cast. The show, to bedirected by Cynthia Huyffer with Justin Smith as musical director,calls for five men and three women to take lead roles, and severalchorus members.

Cumberland Blues audtions, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., today and Dec. 14,in the Center for the Arts’ annex. [email protected]. 690-2386.

Teton Artlab’s Wallpaper 2 show was cancelled last week due tocomplications at the Center for the Arts (see story, page 9). But withthings sorted out for this weekend, art-lovers still get a chance tosee the latest work by Artlab’s cast of resident and deviant (at leastone of them, anyway) artists, such as Stephen Glass, Rachel KunkleHartz, Benjamin Carlson and Aaron Wallis.

The show is Artlab’s biggest to date, and prints are for sale. Wallpaper opens, 6 p.m., Friday, at Teton Artlab inside the Center

for the Arts. 699-0836.




Such a long time to be gone













Dash is ready!

A cow by Linda St. Clair

Roy Andrade

ARTBy Matthew Irwin

For the love of animals

Page 16: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

16 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

each week with related tales andactivities. 733-2164. ■ Toddler Time, 10:05 to 10:25a.m. at the Teton County Library.Toddler Time for children ages 3and younger features books, songs,finger plays and flannel board acts.733-2164 ext. 103.SPORTS & RECREATION■ Recreation Center Schedule,Wake up water aerobics, 6 a.m.;Boot Camp, 7 a.m.; Swim lessons 8a.m.; Toddler gym 8:30 a.m.; Tod-dler swim, 8:30 a.m.; Athletic Acad-emy for toddlers, 8:30 a.m.; Lunchhour basketball, noon; Spinningclass, 12:10 p.m.; Middle Schoolswim team practice 3:30 p.m.-nolanes avail. Parks & Rec Board meet-ing Town of Jackson Chambers 5p.m. start Holiday Centerpiece classmeeting room 5:30 p.m.; Stingray’sswim practice 5:30 p.m., 2 lanesavail. Open gym soccer, 6:30 p.m.739-9025. ■ Kids Club afterschool pro-gram, 3 to 6 p.m., Jackson Elemen-tary school. Colter Club activity,3:30 to 5 p.m., Jackson Elementary. COMMUNITY■ Mixer, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.,Mountain Trails Gallery, 150 N. Cen-ter St. Please join the Jackson HoleChamber of Commerce and theHowdy Pardners at Mountain TrailsGallery for a Chamber Mixer! Takethe opportunity to learn about theambassador arm of the Jackson HoleChamber of Commerce while view-ing Mountain Trails’ fine [email protected].■ Chamber Choir Auditions, 6:30to 8:30 p.m., In the Music Wing atthe Center for the Arts. Open to allvoice types. Men Wanted: Tenor,Baritone and Bass voices needed!Women Wanted: New Women’sChoir is expanding. 801-865-3171or [email protected].

Friday 12.11MUSIC■ Friday Night Jazz 6:30 to 9:30p.m., at Warbirds Cafe in Driggs.With vocalist Juliane Kowski and pi-anist Keith Phillips. 208-354-2550.Free. ■ Jazz Night 7 to 10 p.m., in TheGranary at Spring Creek Ranch atopEast Gros Ventre Butte. 733-8833.Free. ■ Bob Greenspan & The MonkeyWrench Gang 7:30 to 11 p.m., atthe Silver Dollar Bar in the WortHotel. Blues. or 733-2190. Free. ■ Bob Stevens 9 p.m., at the Vir-ginian Saloon. From Snoop Dogg toGeorge Strait. 739-9891. Free. ART★ Exhibit opening - MartinGarhart, Valerie Seaberg, Miga Ros-setti, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Art AssociationTheater Gallery, Center for the Arts.733-6379.■ Art Opening - Kids Only! 5:30to 7:30 p.m., Art Association LobbyGallery, in the Center for the Arts,240 S. Glenwood The exhibitionKids Only! (and their teachers) willopen with a reception. Come byand see art made by students in ArtAssociation Kids classes, plus art-work made by their teachers. 733-6379 [email protected].■ Portrait Drawing, 6:30 tomignight, Art Association PaintingStudio, 3rd floor of the Center forthe Arts, 240 S Glenwood ■ Open Studio Portrait Drawing:6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Art Association.Painting Studio Models will be pres-ent, easels are available for use.Bring your own paper and drawingmaterials. $20 Drop-In. 733-6379. 733-2792 750 W. Broadway

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See CALENDAR page 17

By Aaron Davis

Countless pieces of musichave been composed over thecenturies to compliment organ-ized religion. Arguably, music haskept religion remarkably visiblein our culture, regardless of aperson’s denomination or pref-erence in genre. Individuals, syn-agogues, temples and churchesuse art and music to shape thevitality of their spiritual lives.

The Chabad Jewish Center ofJackson Hole, together with adedicated committee of sevenlocal Jews, will launch its inau-gural Jackson Hole Jewish MusicFestival (JHJMF) over three daysthis weekend—the first of itskind in Wyoming and comple-menting Chanukah (observedDec. 11 to 19 this year).

“Regardless of background orreligion, the JHJMF is truly goingto be a fun, fascinating and joy-ous celebration of music in theshadow of the Tetons,” said

Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn, Ex-ecutive Director of Chabad Jew-ish Center.

From Biblical to modern timesand from such contrasting partsof the world as Poland, Yemen,Uzbekistan, Russia, Morocco,Romania and Cuba, cultural Jew-ish music has been evolving formore than a thousand years.JHJMF will showcase exotic gen-res Klezmer, Sephardic, Yiddish,Israeli, Middle Eastern andSephardic, combined with Jew-ish jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and evenbluegrass.

Saturday through Monday willfeature world renowned RubyHarris Band with a couple ap-pearances by local singer-song-writer Judd Grossman,performing the various instru-mental pieces from around theworld. Harris’s band also fea-tures Jerry Sokolov (trumpet),Ephraim Schwab (bass), FrankCaruso (piano) and Shaul Gotkin(drums). The band just returned

from a coast-to-coast tour that in-cluded stops in all five New YorkCity boroughs, topped with a sold-out concert on Times Square.

Harris, a violinist, is consid-ered “one of the Fathers of Jew-ish Rock, ” a title earned asfrontman of the first Klezmer Re-vival band. He was also apart ofSun Records Rhythm SectionRockabilly Legends (Elvis’sbackup band), and has per-

formed in concert with legendsGeorge Clinton, Buddy Milesand members of Jefferson Air-plane and Grateful Dead.

Through broad support fromthe community, all concerts arefree. There is limited space foreach show and online registra-tion will give ticket holders pri-ority over walk-ins.

“Our online and phone reser-vations for the three nights ofcultural Jewish music have beencoming in nonstop and we areexpecting a good showing for allthree nights,” Mendelsohn said.JHW

JHJMF, this weekend in TetonVilllage. Parking is free in the lotadjacent to the Alpenhof Lodgeafter 3 p.m. Shuttles from theAlpenhof lot to the Four Seasonsare available on Monday, every10 minutes from 4:30 to 5:10p.m. A rate of $150/night will beoffered at Four Seasons Resort.Register for tickets at

Frank, Judd, Schwab, Jerry, Shaul and Ruby








Regardless of background or religion




Klezmer, Yiddish Theater Music,and classic Jewish rock ‘n’ roll


Israeli, Middle Eastern, Sephardic,and classic Jewish rock ‘n’ roll


JACKSON HOLE - ballroom Jewish jazz, folk, blues, bluegrass,

and classic Jewish rock ‘n’ roll

Page 17: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 17

DANCE■ Dancers’ Workshop FridayClasses at the Center for the Arts.Pilates, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.; BalletWorkout, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. 733-6398. ★ Alice in Wonderland, 7:30p.m., Center For The Arts. This holi-day season Dancers’ Workshop willpresent the childhood classic Alicein Wonderland, featuring the JuniorRepertory Company and students ofDancers’ Workshop School. Specialguest appearances will featurefaces from the Jackson communityand members of ContemporaryDance Wyoming. $23/ $15 stu-dents. 733-4900.SPORTS & RECREATION■ Recreation Center Schedule,Administrative Office is Closed;Spinning class, 7 to 8 a.m.; Wateraerobics, 8 to 9 a.m.; Toddler gym,8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Toddler Club,10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Stroller Stridesfit4baby, 10:30 a.m. to noon;Aqualogix class, noon to 1 p.m.; Pi-lates class, 12:10 to 1 p.m.; MiddleSchool swim team practice, 3:30 to5:30 p.m., no lanes avail. Taek-wondo class, 4 to 6 p.m. Stingray’sswim practice, 5:30 to 7 p.m., 2lanes avail. Open gym soccer, 6:30to 8 p.m. 739-9025. ■ Kids Club afterschool pro-gram, 3. to 6 p.m., Jackson Ele-mentary school.COMMUNITY■ Shabbat service with Al Zuck-erman 6 p.m., St. John’s Episcopalchurch, small chapel The JacksonHole Jewish Community hosts aShabbat service with Al Zuckerman,Josh Kleyman and Chazzan JuddGrossman.Oneg to follow.■ Winter Festival, 5 to 9 p.m.,Teton Middle School. Enjoy a nightoff from cooking and warm up withsome cocoa from our hot cocoabar. Photos with Santa, raffles,game booths and prizes will pro-vide entertainment. Local craftersand vendors will be selling theirwares- Don’t miss this excitingfundraising event to benefit ourmiddle school. (208) 787-7872,[email protected].

Saturday 12.12MUSIC■ Tram Jam, 10 a.m., at the baseof Bridger Gondola at Jackson HoleMountain Resort. Ski bum music.Free. ■ Pianist Pam Drews Phillips, 7to 10 p.m., in the Granary at SpringCreek Ranch atop East Gros VentreButte. Free. 733-8833. ■ Bob Greenspan & The MonkeyWrench Gang, 7:30 to 11 p.m., atthe Silver Dollar Bar in the WortHotel. Blues. Free. or733-2190. ■ Bob Stevens 9 p.m., at the Vir-ginian Saloon. From Snoop Dogg toGeorge Strait. 739-9891. Free. ■ Judd Grossman 4 to 8 p.m., inthe Four Seasons Lobby Lounge.Folk, rock. 732-5000. ★ Jackson Hole Jewish MusicFestival 7 p.m., at the AlpenhofLodge Bistro in Teton Village. Fea-turing Ruby Harris Band and per-forming Klezmer, Yiddish TheaterMusic, vintage and classic JewishRock n’ Roll. Judd Grossman goeson at 9 p.m. Free. Advance ticketsavailable at ★ The Outskirts, 8 p.m., atCutty’s. Folk-rock. 732-0001. $5. ■ Moulton Jess, 10 p.m., at theKnotty Pine in Victor. Country. 208-

LIVE MUSIC 7:30 - 11:00pm

December 15Bluegrass Tuesday




December 11-12BOB GREENSPAN &


Ben Winship’s bluegrass en-semble, Kane’s River, will reunitefor a string of holiday shows. Theband also includes John Lowell(guitar), Julie Elkins (banjo),David Thompson (bass), andJason Thomas (fiddle)—repre-senting the core quartet thatfounded the band in 1994 (origi-nally named Deep River) in Mon-tana. Impeccable instrumentalprowess in a contemporary blue-grass format that spans folk,blues, Celtic and jazz, Kane’sRiver has released two albums—self-titled in 2000 and Same RiverTwice in 2003. Before headingnorth for a couple of shows, theywill perform at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16at Dornan’s in Moose. Advancetickets are available at ValleyBookstore and Dornan’s. Dinner

will be available pre-show, 5:30 to7 p.m. 733-2415, ext. 200.

■Urban legend has it that Jimi

Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, andEric Clapton allegedly insistedthat Phil Keaggy was the best gui-tarist in the world. Why is that im-portant? He returns to town forthe second year in a row to per-form solo acoustic. Each yearfrom 1998 to 2001, Keaggy hasdominated the InstrumentalRecord category at the GospelMusic Association’s Dove Awards,and for three consecutive years

Guitar Player Magazinereaders voted him one ofthe top fingerstyle gui-tarists. Phil Keaggy willdebut new tunes from hisChristmas project, WelcomeInn, at 7 p.m. on Sunday atRiver Crossing in Rafter J.Tickets are $30 for Gold Cir-cle, $20 general admission,and $15 for students. 690-7443.

■Holy three-part harmony!

The Outskirts busted out of thegates just last spring, armed withan original repertoire of Venus-in-spired folk-rock. Veterans of boththe music and theater stages, thecore trio includes Michelle Bevier(guitar, mandolin, djembe, vo-cals), Susan Jones (keys, guitar,

vocals) and Molly Moon Thorn(bass, guitar, vocals). The ladieswill expand to their Mars-styledfive-piece that consists of TetonValley’s Greg Creamer (guitar)and David Bundy (drums) fortheir upcoming show, 8 to 10:30p.m., Saturday, at Cutty’s. Admis-sion is $5 at the door. – AD





See CALENDAR page 18

Since 2003 or so, Jason Molina (Songs: “Ohia”) hasbeen touring with a revolving cast of musicians asMagnolia Electric Co. Will Johnson has made recentappearances with the Monsters of Folk (ConorOberst, M. Ward, Jim James).

Not unlike their indie-folk brethren, and possibly toa greater extent the hipster-art movement, who havefound new material and personal satisfaction in collab-oration, Molina and Johnson have created a “side proj-ect” to rival their existing works. Also like theirbrethren, however, the accomplishment of the albumdoesn’t soar to the popularity of the group effort itself.

Jason Molina and Will Johnson relies on appearancesby folk up-and-comers, such as Sarah Jaffe. Solemn,often haunting and painful, the album is held up byMolina’s falsetto moans, carried by sparse instrumen-tation and occasionally lifted by soft harmonies.

The live experience of Molina and Johnson wouldbe something to remember, I’m sure, and this albumwould be at best a record of that experience, ofhearing typically solo (lonesome) performers findcommunion with each other.

– Matthew Irwin


AND WILL JOHNSON★★★★★ Usually the topic of controversy and re-

vulsion, Lady Gaga is as much a vocalist asshe is a performer. Those who saw herjaw-dropping performance at the AMA’s afew weeks ago know that her stage pres-ence and voice pack one hell of a punch.And with these eight new tracks to compli-ment 2008’s The Fame, Gaga has less andless to prove to the haters.

“Bad Romance” is the golden single, withinfectious beats and raw rah-rahs, but LadyGaga truly shines in “Speechless,” her belt-ing, beautifully-sung ballad that is so leftfield from what people expect out of thisPop Queen. “Telephone,” featuring Bey-once, is soon becoming the dance track ofthe season, pounding out a beat that’s im-possible to sit still to.

Ultimately, Gaga’s release feels like a Eu-ropop mix-tape – disjointed, but attractive.She’s becoming the performer for our gen-eration, a Madonna of the 21st Century,geared up to shock, prepped to wow.

– Andrew Munz

The Fame Monster


Will Oldham’s boyish melancholy vocals aren’tas wobbly, the production more full, and the writ-ing achingly beautiful on Beware. The Louisville,Kentucky native’s prolificacy is remarkable, be iterratic. Though Wikipedia lists this as his 17th stu-dio release since 1993, cult followers of the mys-terious singer-songwriter claim he’s put outaround 100 recordings.

I’ve come to appreciate his inconsistent vocalpitch, while others suffer from lack of melodic def-inition and appropriate key choice. Released inMarch, Beware is the product of care and planning,not an impulsive studio session.

Fiddle and pedal steel emotionalize many of the13 tracks, which contain plenty of thought-pro-voking lines …

“I know everyone knows the trouble I haveseen / That’s the thing about trouble, you can loveeveryone as the eyes and ears to be where I havebeen.”

According to Paste, he will release a vinyl anddigital-only album called Funtime Comedown onDec. 15 under the name Bonny Billy and ThePicket Line.

– Aaron Davis










The Outskirts

Page 18: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

18 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

787-2866. Cover TBD. DANCE■ Dancers Workshop Classes atthe Center for the Arts. IntermediatePilates, 9 a.m.; Zumba Fitness, 9a.m. 733-6398. ■ Alice in Wonderland, 7:30p.m., Center For The Arts. $23/ $15students. 733-4900.SPORTS & RECREATION■ Recreation Center Schedule,Swim lessons 10 a.m. to noon; 15Anniversary Celebration noon to 8p.m.; Open gym, noon to 8 p.m.;Open swim, noon to 8 pm. 739-9025.MIND, BODY & SPIRIT■ Wellness Bodywork Clinic, 10a.m. to 5 p.m., Attuned HealingMassage & Bodywork - 430 S. Jack-son St., Upstairs. Receive 30-minuteLymph Drainage Therapy and Reikisessions every second Saturday ofthe month. $30.■ Chamber Choir Auditions, 2 to4 p.m., In the Music Wing at theCenter for the Arts. Open to allvoice types. Men Wanted: Tenor,Baritone and Bass voices needed!Women Wanted: New Women’sChoir is expanding. 801-865-3171or [email protected]■ Wilson Christmas Bazaar, 10a.m. to 4 p.m., 1520 Fish Creek Rd.,Wilson. Fresh shipment of beautifulrugs Natural Pet Beds, handpaintedcashmere and silk shawls and muf-flers. Teenage Rotary Fundraiser -Unique items to support a library inNepal. 733-4124.■ Winter Solstice Celebration &Art Show, 10 a.m., 1825 Buck-wheat Condo in the Aspens. Turnright in front of the Westside Store;continue thru parking lot to the firstset of condos. Look for the prayerflags! A holiday art show featuringbatik, photography, glasswork, jew-elry, wreaths, prayer flags, water-color, painting, polaroid transfers,and more. [email protected].

Sunday 12.13MUSIC■ Stage Coach Band, 6 to 10p.m., at the Stagecoach Bar in Wil-son. Old-time country, folk, West-ern. Free. 733-4407. ■ Judd Grossman 4 to 8 p.m., inthe Four Seasons Lobby Lounge.Folk, rock. 732-5000. ★ Jackson Hole Jewish MusicFestival 5 p.m., at the AlpenhofLodge in Teton Village. FeaturingRuby Harris Band performing Israeli,Middle Eastern, Sephardic, vintageand classic Jewish Rock n’ Roll.Free. Tickets available at ■ Jackson Community Chorale7 p.m., in the Center Theater. Per-forming “The Messiah.” Also featur-ing The Jackson Hole Symphony andJackson Hole Brass Quintet. 733-2252. Free, donations accepted. ★ Phil Keaggy, 7 p.m., at RiverCrossing in Rafter J. Gospel,acoustic. $30 for Gold Circle,$20/$15 students. 690-7443.FILM■ Sunday Funday Film Series:Nerdcore Rising, 1 p.m., at Lynd-say McCandless Contemporary.Showtimes: 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 6p.m., 8:30 p.m., Nerdcore Rising in-vestigates the newest wave of hip-hop, nerdcore,as it follows thegodfather of the genre, MCFrontalot, on his first national tour.$6. 970-420-7762.HOLIDAYS

See CALENDAR page 19


By Ben Cannon

Last week, not long after Presi-dent Obama announced hewould soon send another 30,000troops to Afghanistan, Babs Casewas busy daubing paint swirlsonto stage costumes.

Case was so engrossed inpreparation for the upcomingDancers’ Workshop holidayshow that she barely noticed thenational brouhaha over an esca-lating war. But for the artistic di-rector of the local dancecompany, the task at hand in-volved getting ready to premiereAlice in Wonderland, the endur-ing fairytale about the impor-tance of a strong imagination.

Alice, which premieres Fridaynight and will run over the nexttwo weekends, is an original DWproduction that combines LewisCaroll’s two famous children’sstories – Alice in Wonderland andThrough the Looking Glass.

Various retellings over the

years – Disney’s 1951 animatedversion, for example– have takencharacters and scenes from eachstory and fit them into a singlenarrative.

“I think Alice is pretty multi-layered,” Case said.

The story is timelessly rele-

vant, Case noted, because chil-dren must learn aboutimagination as healthy means ofescape, and adults often need tobe reminded.

“I see her bored with this verysafe, Victorian world,” she said.“But the journey can be veryfrightening. Parts are delightful.And when it’s all over, she’s achanged person.”

Case and DW staff spentmonths choreographing Alice,which features a cast of nearly150 dancers and actors. Actorand playwright Bob Berkyhelped direct cast members toexpress their individual roles.

Alice will be played by eighth-grader Ruby Jones, a young tal-ent for whom her instructorshave high hopes.

Although traditionally Alice isbut the tender age of seven, shehas often been portrayed by ac-tresses and dancers who gavethe character a teenager quality.Jones, however, has the rightcombination as a young dancerwith maturing talent.

“Ruby has an innocence wethought was required to playAlice,” said Erin Roy, coordinatorof DW’s Junior Repertory Com-pany, whose members play alarge role in the production. Inaddition to an alternating cast of130 junior dancers ages seventhrough high school seniors, 18

adults, including experiencedprofessional dancers and actorswho are new to dancing, roundout the ensemble cast.

Kate Kosharek, a DW teacherand member of ContemporaryDance Wyoming, arranged aneclectic score for the production.She included songs by musiciansas diverse as the popular Ameri-can film composer Danny Elf-man, a Balkan brass band calledBoban Markovic Orchestra, andeven a rhythmic composition byformer Grateful Dead drummerMickey Hart.

Case said audiences shouldnot count on an Alice that is fullof the safe and usual. “Cute’s notenough,” she said. JHW

Alice runs at 7:30 p.m, Fridaysand Saturdays, Dec. 11, 12 and18 and 19, with a 1:30 p.m.matinee each Saturday at theCenter for the Arts, 240 S. Glen-wood. $23/$15 students; Mati-nees $18/$10 students. 733-4900.

Ruby Jones (left) as Alice rehearses with Michaela Ellingson, playing the White Rabbit.





A new look at Alice

Case said audiences

should not count on an

Alice that is full of the

safe and usual.

Altamira Fine Art Gallery172 Center St. 739-4700Artspace Gallery/Art Association240 S. Glenwood, 733-6379A Horse of a Different Color60 E. Broadway, 734-9603A Touch of Class10 W. Broadway, 733-3168Astoria Fine Art35 E. Deloney, 733-4016Buffalo Trail Gallery98 Center Street734-6904Brookover Gallery125 N. Cache Street, 732-3988Caswell Gallery/Sculpture Garden145 E. Broadway, 734-2660Cayuse Western Americana255 N. Glenwood, 739-1940Center Street Gallery30 Center Street, 733-1115Ciao Gallery766 S. Glenwood., 733-7833

Diehl Gallery155 W. Broadway, 733-0905DiTomasso Galleries172 Center Street, 734-9677Fay GalleryTeton Village Road, 739-1006Fighting Bear Antiques375 S. Cache, 733-2669Full Circle Gallery335 N. Glenwood, 733-0070Galleries West Fine Art70 S. Glenwood, 733-4412Gros Ventre GalleryHeriz Rug Co.120 W. Pearl, 733-3388Horizon Fine Art

165 N. Center, 739-1540Images of Nature 170 N. Cache, 733-9752Images West 98 E. Little Ave., Driggs, 208-354-3545Jack Dennis Wyoming GalleryTown Square, 733-7548Jeff Grainger Workshop335 N. Glenwood, 734-0029JH Muse Gallery62 S. Glenwood, 733-0555Legacy GalleryTown Square, 733-2353Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary130 S. Jackson Street, 734-0649Mountain Trails Gallery155 Center Street, 734-8150National Museum of Wildlife Art3 miles north of Jackson, 733-5771Oswald Gallery165 N. Center Street, 734-8100RARE Fine Art Gallery485 W. Broadway, 733-8726

Robert Dean Collection180 W. Broadway, 733-9290Rivertime Designs98 E. Little Ave., Driggs, 208-351-2045Schmidt’s Custom Framing890 S. Highway 89, 733-2306Shadow Mountain Gallery10 W. Broadway, 733-3162Trailside GalleriesTown Square, 733-3186Trio Fine Art545 N. Cache, 734-4444West Lives On74 Glenwood, 734-2888Wilcox GalleryNorth of town on Cache, 733-6450Wild by Nature Photography95 W. Deloney, 733-8877Wild Exposures Gallery60 E. Broadway, 739-1777Wild Hands70 S. Glenwood, 265 W. Pearl733-4619


Page 19: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 19

■ Wilson Christmas Bazaar 10a.m. to 4 p.m., 1520 Fish Creek Rd.,Wilson, WY Natural Pet Beds, hand-painted cashmere & silk shawls andmufflers. Teenage Rotary Fundraiser- Unique items to support a libraryin Nepal. 307-733-4124 ■ Jackson Hole CommunityBand’s Holiday, 3 p.m., Center forthe Arts. Holiday tunes and a fewbeautiful pieces from classic bandcomposers.

Monday 12.14MUSIC■ Jackson Hole Hootenanny, 6p.m., at Dornan’s in Moose. Musi-cians may sign-up beginningaround 5:30 to play a two-song,ten-minute set. 733-2415. Free. ★Jackson Hole Jewish Music Fes-tival, 5 p.m., Four Seasons Resort inTeton Village. Ruby Harris Band andlocal singer-songwriter Judd Gross-man perform Jewish jazz, folk,blues, bluegrass, vintage and classicJewish rock n’ roll. Free. Advancetickets available at ART■ Young at Art, 10:30 a.m. to11:15 a.m., Museum of Wildlife Art.Cost of admission. 732-5435.CLASSES & LECTURES■ Library Classes: All day Exhibi-tion, “Land. Trust. Ranching in TheirHands”; 5:30 p.m., Library AdditionPresentation & Forum; 6 p.m., Introto Excel; 7:30 p.m., Basic Word Pro-cessing. 733-2164.

Tuesday 12.15MUSIC■ Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m., atRock Rabbit in Pinedale. or 307-367-2485. ■ Bootleg Flyer, 7:30 to 11 p.m.,at the Silver Dollar Bar in the WortHotel. Country, rock. Free. 733-2190. ■ Jackson Hole Symphony Or-chestra, 7 to 8:30 p.m., rehearsalat the Center for the Arts. Free. 413-0458. ART■ Art After Hours and TapasTuesdays, 5 p.m., Museum ofWildlife. Galleries open 5:30 p.m.Rising Sage Café opens 7:30 p.m.Film in Cook Auditorium SpecialFeature: Jackson Hole Brass Quintetwill be playing. Attend a programand receive a discount that night inthe Café. Reservations. 732-5438 ■ Silversmithing Open Studio, 6p.m., Art Association Multi-PurposeStudio, in the Center for the Arts.Studio includes soldering equip-ment and hand tools. Some materi-als available to purchase. $20drop-in. [email protected]. KIDS & FAMILIES■ Toddler Time, 10:05 to 10:25a.m. and 10:35 to 10:55 a.m., atthe TC LIbrary. Toddler Time for chil-dren ages 3 and younger featuresbooks, songs, finger plays and flan-nel board acts. 733-2164. CLASSES & LECTURES■ Library Classes: All day Exhibi-tion, “Land. Trust. Ranching in TheirHands”; 6 p.m., Crochet at Your Li-brary; 6 p.m., Ranching 2010: ALook at Ranching in 21st CenturyTeton County. 733-2164.

Anne & Pete SibleyJackson Community TheaterWednesday, Dec. 9, 6:00-9:00 p.m.: "Cumberland Blues" Auditions – JCT holds auditions for its Februarymusical, a tale of hard luck in an old mining town with songs by the Grateful Dead, in the Center Annex. Auditionsalso held 6:00-9:00 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 14. Email [email protected] for additional details.

Art Association

Jackson Hole Community Band

Friday, Dec. 11, 5:30 p.m.: Opening Reception – Jackson artist Valerie Seaberg and guest exhibitor MartinJohn Garhart show their work in the ArtSpace Main Gallery, and Wilson painter Miga Rossetti exhibits in the ArtSpace Theater Gallery. Show hangs through Jan. 29, 2010. 733-6379.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 3:00 p.m.: Holiday Concert – Join the all-volunteer ensemble for holiday favorites and folkclassics – including works by Tchaikovsky, Grainger and Copland – in the Center Theater. FREE! Visit www.JHCB.orgfor other details.

all programs, artists and dates subject to change

ticketsCenter Box Office 265 S. Cache Streetby phone 307.733.4900online

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Business LeadersLeading into the Future. It’s smart. It’s easy.

Dancers’ Workshop presents

december 11-19FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS

Alice in WonderlandJoin Dancers' Workshop and 140 community members of all ages for their annual Holiday Show, this yearfeaturing an extraordinary retelling of the tale of Alice and her enchanting journey through Wonderland.Experience the magic of this childhood classic with creative choreography, stunning sets and whimsical

costumes. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. nightly, with two Saturday matinees at 1:30 p.m. 733-6398.

TICKETS $23/$15 Matinees $18/$10

Center for the ArtsThursday, Dec. 17, 7:30 p.m.: Béla Fleck & The Flecktones – Fleck and his long-time bandmates – VictorWooten, Futureman and Jeff Coffin – help Jackson Hole celebrate the Holiday Season with their 2008 Grammy triumph, "Jingle All The Way," in the Center Theater. $75/$60/$50.



– Compiled by

Kristin King & Aaron Davis
















By Matthew Irwin

After 20 minutes or so talking about hispaintings, Martin John Garhart and I turnedto the subject of literature. Garhart’s descrip-tion of the way symbols create a narrativepoem with the primary subjects in his workhad brought to mind the “treated” pages of anovel by artist Tom Phillips, called A Humu-ment.

Garhart hasn’t heard it, he said, and thatcould have been the end of that conversa-tion, but then,he asked mewhat I havebeen reading.(Earlier, hehad also in-sisted that heknow some-thing aboutme before I interview him about his work.)Turns out, we’re both reading 2666 byRoberto Bolano and each of us had recentlyread Gargoyles by Thomas Bernard.

2666, Garhart said, illustrates his pointabout mirror and windows in art. The experi-ence of “the critics” are not similar to hisown, so in that sense the books act as a win-dow, opening possibilities. But then,Bolano’s description of scene, his depictionof character, mirror the world we live in,things we recognize in ourselves.

Though Garhart has been quoted as sayingthat he’s a storyteller and his work demon-strates a narrative, or at least a glimpse into a

moment of a longer narrative, he said thathis latest work is “much more about the po-etry of it.”

In Garhart’s “Voices, Voices” the woman atthe focus is a physical image, something wecan experience directly through vision. Thenin the outer frame – a fish standing upright,flowers, and the words, “voices, voices,voices.” This frame also contains the framewith the woman and the pattern in the woodreflects the water at the woman’s feet, insist-ing on the interconnectedness of the images,which in turn reveals the poem.

This part is intellectual, symbolic. “[The point is] to consider these things

and how they interrelate,” Garhart said.“They are not factual. The physical elementis held together by the self. The frame be-comes the self.” JHW

Garhart will introduce his work, 5:30p.m., Friday, at the Art Association’s Art-Space Galleries with local artists ValerieSeaberg and Miga Rossetti. Free. 733-6379. “Voices,Voices” by Martin John Garhart

Experience of the world we live in



ness of theimages

reveals the poem.

Page 20: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

20 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily


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Asian & SushiBLU KITCHEN We offer the freshest ingredients,an open kitchen and a beautifuloutdoor deck. Small plates in-clude caramelized eggplant withfresh mozzarella, and grilled as-paragus with olive bread crumbs.Appetizers include luxury shrimpand pan seared red deer withcherries and shiitakes. Largeplates include a kobe beef striploin, air chilled chicken breastwith truffled mac n cheese andour giant pastrami burger. Fullbar, sakes and tequilas. We areopen nightly at 5:30 p.m. 155 N.Glenwood. Reservations are re-comended. Walk-ins welcome.734-1633

BON APPE THAI Lunch served from 11 a.m. - 2:30p.m. Dinner starting at 5 p.m.Closed for lunch on Sundays.Take-out and delivery available.Walk-ins welcome. Reservations.245 Pearl, 734-0245.

KOSHU WINE BAR Koshu serves an ever-changingmenu of contemporary pan-Asiancuisine, delicious cocktails and avariety of wines by the glass. TheJH Wine Company is just outsideour door. Open Wednesday - Sat-urday at 5:30 p.m. DJ on Thursdaynights. 733-5283.

NIKAIJackson Hole’s favorite sushi baroffers the finest delicacies fromboth land and sea. Featuring inno-vative sushi and sashimi as well asa creative asian inspired grillmenu. Full service bar specializesin tropical cocktails and offersunique fine sake and wine lists.225 N. Cache. Reservations arerecommended, 734-6490.

SUDACHIOpen through the off-season. NewJapanese cuisine. Sudachi sushiserves the freshest fish fromaround the world. Our seasonalmenu features tuna carpaccio, cit-rus pepper salmon, shiitake salad,broiled black cod, kobe beef striploin, and sushi sushi sushi. Enjoyspecialty rolls such as our bru-ho,kichigai, and the famous monsterroll. Full bar, fine wines and Japan-ese sakes. Open at 5:30 p.m.,Tuesday - Sunday 3465 NorthPines Way, in the Aspens. Reserva-tions 307.734.7832

THAI ME UPAuthentic Thai dishes including co-conut chicken lemongrass soup,drunken noodle and coconut milkcurries. Full bar and children’smenu. Serving Lunch Tuesday-Fri-day, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Din-ner, 5:30 p.m. - close,Tuesday-Saturday. Limited editionbeers on tap. Take-out avail. 75 E.Pearl. 733-0005.

ChineseCHINATOWNAuthentic atmosphere for yourdining pleasure. Featuring over 100entrees, including Peking, Hunan,Szechuan and Canton cuisines.Lunch specials daily. Full servicebar. Open 7 days. Grand TetonPlaza, 850 W. Broadway. 733-8856.

Continental43 NORTHServing dinner seven nights a weekat the base of Snow King. Happyhour begins at 5 p.m. Cozy pub at-

mosphere and great selection ofwhiskies. Live music four nights aweek. 645 S. Cache, 733-0043.

THE BLUE LIONA Jackson Hole favorite. Offeringthe finest in creative cuisine. Join usin the charming atmosphere of arefurbished older home. Ask a localabout our rack of lamb. Also serv-ing fresh fish, elk, poultry, steaks,and vegetarian entreés. Opennightly at 6:00 p.m. Off season spe-cial is 20% off your entire bill allnight long. Good through Decemer17. Reservations recommended.160 N. Millward, 733-3912.

BURKE’S CHOP HOUSESample our superior steaks, chops,and innovative fish, game and fowldishes in this historic renovatedbuilding. Reservations, smoke-free.Open nightly from 6-10 p.m. 72 S.Glenwood. 733-8575

DORNAN’S PIZZA& PASTA CO.Gourmet pizzas, homemadesoups, pasta, sandwiches and sal-ads. Enjoy a relaxing lunch whilesitting along the Snake River enjoy-ing the fabulous view of theTetons. 12 miles north of Jacksonin GTNP at Moose. 733-2415.

NORA’SIf you like to eat among locals, andif you like to eat a lot, Nora’s is theplace to hang out in Wilson. If youvisit us often, you’ll start to recog-nize our regulars, who discussworld issues or gossip over coffee.Breakfast is especially good, pan-cakes and huevos rancheros barelyfit on our huge plates. Dinner isserved nightly from 5:30 p.m. Wil-son. 733.8288

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Page 21: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 21

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Rendezvous Bistro, “Q,” on TetonVillage Road, serves up a variety ofRoadhouse fare. Menu items in-clude; Blackened Catfish, ShrimpJambalaya, Turkey Meatloaf,Steaks, BBQ Ribs, Pulled Pork &Beef Brisket. Extensive wine listand full bar available. Serving Twofor One entrees Oct. and Nov.Open nightly 5:00 p.m. HappyHours at the bar only are 5 - 6p.m. and 8 - 9 p.m. Reservations739-0700.

RENDEZVOUS BISTROThe Bistro offers something foreveryone including salads, sand-wiches and daily plate specials.Our Raw Bar features oysters onthe half shell, tuna tartare andoyster shooters. Appetizers in-clude mussels, gnocchi, grilledoctopus, steak tartare and more.The entree selection rangesfrom traditional bistro Fish &Chips, Meatloaf, Veal Marsalaand Coq au Vin to many otherselections including fresh sea-sonal seafood, pasta & steaks.20% OFF before 6:30 p.m.Open nightly at 5:30 p.m. Reser-vations are recommended. Lo-cated at 380 S. Hwy89/Broadway. 739-1100.

SNAKE RIVERBREWERY & RESTAURANTAmerica’s most award-winningmicrobrewery is serving lunchand dinner. Enjoy the atmos-phere while enjoying wood-firedpizzas, pastas, burgers, sand-wiches, soups, salads anddesserts. $7 lunch menu from11:30am-3pm. Happy Hourdeals from 4-6 now include ourtasty hot wings. The freshestbeer in the valley, right from thesource! Free WIFI. Open11:30am - midnight. 265 S. Mill-ward. 739-2337

SNAKE RIVER GRILLCelebrating 15 years! Whetheryou stop by for a pizza and beer,or enjoy our celebrated menu ofAmerican and International fareand our huge wine list, you willbe pleased by Jackson’s mostbeautiful restaurant and as statedin The Wine Spectator, the“best!” in town! Open nightly at6:00 p.m. On the Town Square,733-0557.

SWEETWATER RESTAURANTSatisfying locals for lunch and din-ner for nearly 30 years with deli-ciously affordable comfort food.Award winning wine list. Lunch11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dinner5:30-9:30 p.m. Corner of King &Pearl, 733-3553.

TRIOVoted one of “Jackson Hole’shottest restaurants” Food andWine Feb. 2009. Trio is owned andoperated by local chefs with a pas-sion for good food. Our menu fea-tures contemporary Americandishes inspired by classic bistrocuisine. Daily specials feature wildgame, fish and meats. Enjoy a glassof wine at the bar in front of thewood-burning oven and watch thechefs perform in the open kitchen.Open for dinner nightly at 5:30p.m. 45 S. Glenwood. For reserva-tions call 734-8038.

Coffee HouseHARD DRIVE CAFE Internet access: our computers oryours. Organic espressos, soup,salad, panini and wraps. ServingSnake River Roasting Co. coffee.Open Mon. to Fri. 5:45 a.m. to 2p.m., Sat. and Sun. 6:30 a.m. to 2p.m. 1110 Maple Way, 733-5282.

See DINE OUT page 22

Page 22: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get



22 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

“There is a


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Open for Dinnernightly at 5:30pm

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PEARL STREET BAGELSOpen daily 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Twolocations to serve you. In Jackson145 W. Pearl, 739-1218. In Wilsonon Ida Lane, 739-1261.

ItalianCAFÉ PONZAItalian Pizzeria and Cafe with gour-met pizza as well as large NYSlices. Jackson’s only late nighteatery. Pizza, salads and home-made tiramisu and cannoli’s as wellas Illy Espresso. Glasses of winestarting at $5. All day cash pricespecial: Cheese Slice and 16ozBeer $5. Open 3 p.m. ‘til late. PinkGarter Plaza, 50 W. Broadway, Call734-2720 for delivery or pick-up.

OSTERIAHighlights include Osteria’s 12-seatwine bar, eight seat salumi bar,house made pastas, wood-ovenfired pizzas, and paninis. Thesausage stuffed olives, fresh fishand veal chop won’t disappoint.

Serving Two for One Entrees Oct.& Nov. Walk ins welcome, reserva-tions recommended 307-739-4100. Dinner nightly 5:30-10.Lunch daily 12-2:30

MexicanEL ABUELITOAuthentic Mexican Cuisine. Homeof the original Jumbo Margarita.Featuring a full bar with a large se-lection of Mexican beers. Open 7days a week from 11 a.m. to 10p.m. 385 W. Broadway, 733-1207.

THE MERRY PIGLETSVoted Best Salsa in Jackson! Jack-son’s oldest and most rockin’ Mex-ican restaurant. Choose from over10 salsas and sauces, Tex-Mexplates, including enchiladas, rel-lenos, mesquite-grilled fajitas, sal-ads, burrito’s, wraps andfire-roasted chicken. Huge margsin 10 flavors plus our “Big PigMarg,” a 32 oz original. One blocknorth of the square,160 N. Cache,733-2966.

SpecialtyBread BasketLa Canasta Del PanReady for something different?Visit the Bread Basket of Jackson

and experience an authentic cul-tural experience. A mix of Frenchand Mexican specialties includingbaguettes, bolillos, croissants, Painau Chocolat, Marzipan croissants,conchas, empanadas, Ham andSwiss croissants, Elephant Ears,hot and cold drinks including ourfamous French Hot and SpicyChocolate and more. Also, themost affordable place for lunchwith its $5.00 and $6.00 menus in-cluding a savory, a desert and adrink. Offering as well a wide vari-ety of sandwiches ranging from$1.50 to $6.00 … Hard to beat!!The Bread Basket open 7 days aweek from 7a.m. to 9 p.m. 185Scott Lane, 734-9024

Atelier OrtegaArtisan chocolates, fine pastries,croissants, crepes, gelato andmore. See our ad on the next pagefor FREE chocolate with any pur-chase. Monday - Friday. 7 a.m. - 8p.m., Thursday - Saturday 7 a.m. -9 p.m. or later, Sunday 9 a.m. - 5p.m. 150 Scott Lane. 307-734-6400






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From DINE OUT page 21

Page 23: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

By Ben Cannon

Man, if you thought the off-season doldrums peaked backin November, you should tryfinding the inspiration for afood column in early Decem-ber!

This place is downright darkright now, and I’m not just talk-ing about the fact that a heavycurtain of night falls soabruptly during the 5 o’clockdrive home.

But the winter solstice, nowless than two weeks away, onDec. 21, will bring the longestnight of the year. I look forwardto getting to the other side ofthat date, when the daylight be-gins to grow again against thereceding night. By my shakycalculations, there will notagain be a day as long as eventoday (Dec. 9) until January 2.You think darkness fell earlytoday, wait til you see nextweek.

The miraculous news, ofcourse, is that already by theNew Year we will begin to see afew more minutes of daylightthan any day next week. And itonly gets better from there,until one day, at least, when itdoesn’t.

Lately, while passing throughall this darkness, I’ve noticedmy eyes are drawn into all the

glowing restaurant windows.Many of those I recall peeringinto have appeared mostlyempty and quiet. Ditto the fewrestaurants I’ve actually goneinto over the last week.

In summation: It’s dark mostof the time, few are venturingout to eat, and you alreadyknew about the cold part.

But the stillness is fleeting.Over the next week or two,some of the the valley’s hipperrestaurants will roll out theirnew winter menus in time forthe crowds. Some, like Ren-dezvous Bistro and Blu Kitchen,introduced new menus thisweek. For now though, I canonly imagine the tasty newideas that await. So I’ve got thatgoing for me, which is nice.

But I did pop into Trio re-cently, where I sat at the barand had the excellent $15 bisonburger. It’s topped with meltedCabot cheese and bacon. Wish Icould say I ate around thebacon, but then I’d be lying. Idid not, however, vacuum upall the bacon that jettisonedonto the plate, which is sign ofrestraint. My path to lower cho-lesterol is traveled with babysteps.

Having ordered the burgermedium, it came out slightlymore done than I expected. Butthen, I wondered if it could be

that bison – which is muchleaner (and lower in choles-terol) than beef – also dries outmore quickly. Regardless, ter-rific burger.

Also, one of the waffle frieson my plate looked a little bitlike Batman. I guess it actuallylooked more like the symbol forBatman more than Batmanhimself, but, no, it definitelylooked like Batman himself,too. Sometimes the symbol forsomething can become so inex-tricably tied to a person or ideathat we can lose sight of whereone begins and the other ends.I am slightly more aware of thisevery time someone yells “Hey,Crumbs!” at me on the street.

As for the waffle fries, I didnot, however, choose to addthat addictive blue cheese fon-due gravy, as the Trio kitchenwill do for a surcharge of $2. Se-riously, those blue cheese friesat Trio are addictive as anything– you just can’t bring yourselfto stop and you’re willing to dowhatever it takes to get the lastof it.

The bar at Trio, with the radi-ating warmth of the wood-firestove, is a perfect spot rightnow for a cozy date or casualbite with a friend. JHW

Trio is located at 45 S. Glen-wood. $12-$28. 734-8038. updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 23

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Batman fry and bison burger





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Foreground: waffle fries. Background: bison burger. You get the idea.

Page 24: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

24 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

Rinpoche is the term used torefer to Anam Thubten, a Bud-dhist scholar from Tibet. Somepeople attach hierarchal mean-ing to the title, but he does not.To him it is a term of endearmentthat he likens to “brother” or“sister,” the same titles used toaddress monks and nuns inChristian monasteries and con-vents. He says Rinpoche has themeaning of precious in the sameway a parent refers to a child.

An accomplished Dharmateacher and author, Rinpochedelivers messages of transcen-dent hope in excellent English,having lived in the United Statesfor nearly 20 years. He left Tibetwhen he was 22, partly as a formof protest against the Chineseoccupation of his country andpartly because he felt themonastery was no longer sup-porting his spiritual voyage.

He lived in the monasteryfrom an early age, describing itas being in a university and acave at the same time.

“You have to study quite inten-sively, but you also have to do alot of meditation,” he said.

Life was quite simple, and itinvolved a lot of spiritual activity.

He came to the U.S. in 1992 byway of India within a year ofleaving Tibet when he acceptedan invitation from LamaTarthang Tulku who he met while

both were visiting Bodhagaya, aholy site where Buddha becameenlightened. He was asked to bethe resident lama of Odiyan, aBuddhist retreat center inSonoma County, Calif.

In 2005, Rinpoche founded theDharmata Foundation based inPoint Richmond, Calif., and he isthe primary Dharma teacher forthe Dakini Temple there. It isworth a visit to dharmatafounda- to listen to his teachings,but even better is experiencingthem firsthand. This weekendprovides that opportunity, as hewill be in Jackson to give a talkand a retreat.

I attended Rinpoche’s teach-ings here two years ago, and Ifound them to be lighthearted,meaningful and readily accessi-ble – simple to grasp, but notsimplistic. His style is thoughtful,gentle, poetic and clear. Hebrought the Buddhist conceptsof opening your heart, emptyingyour mind, and letting go ofeverything to light in easy to un-derstand terms for Westerners

and people of all faiths. It is notoften you meet someone with somuch presence, delight, ground-edness and wisdom.

His talks are spontaneous andthe point is always one, which ishow to go beyond our limita-tions, the ego mind, and to rec-ognize our true nature, which isalready enlightened, he said.

He is unusual in the Buddhistcommunity. “I teach in a very dif-ferent way than most Tibetanteachers,” said Rinpoche. “I tryto transcend all the spiritualtrappings. I don’t promote anyparticular doctrine or sector.

“I tend to pretty much say thesame thing again and again,which is how to awaken from thisworld of dreams and not to sufferendlessly in this nightmarishlyworld of duality between self,others, good, bad, success, fail-ure and to awaken from thatnightmarish dreamlike hold tothe highest truth. In that awak-ening there is only freedom andjoy.” JHW

Rinpoche gives a public talk,7p.m., Friday, at the Wilson Com-munity Building. $15 donation.Retreat is Saturday and Sundayat the Chiropractic and SportsInjury Center, 215 Scott Lane.$150, but no one is turned awayfor lack of funds. 413-4094 [email protected].

Anam Thubten Rinpoche from Dakini Temple.










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wisdom, andcourage often tigers.”


Page 25: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Indigna-tion is one of the most rewarding ofemotions,” writes Theodore Dalrymple,“as well as one that automatically givesmeaning to life . . . There is nothing likeirritation to get the juices circulatingand the mind working.” Of all the ideasthat have made me irritable and indig-nant in recent weeks, this one steamsme the most. I disagree so completelythat I am practically beside myself withparalyzing rage. And as I plunge my at-tention further and further into hisridiculous proposal, I feel the tensioncoursing through my body. I sense mymind becoming swampy, my percep-tions distorted. There’s a good chancethat I am inducing in myself a state ofstressed-out stupidity. Please don’t fol-low my example, Aries. It’s possiblethat sour fury could be useful to you atother times, but right now you shouldavoid it. If you want your intelligence towork at peak efficiency in the comingdays, you’ll need long stretches of ten-der, lucid calm.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The evi-dence is incontrovertible: You have def-initely acquired more power in 2009.Whether that means you are now sit-ting in a corner office bossing around agaggle of subordinates, I don’t know.What I do know is that you are ingreater charge of your own destiny. Youknow yourself much better, and aresmarter about providing yourself withwhat you need, when you need it. Youhave gained access to enormous newreserves of willpower, in part by har-nessing the energy of your obsessivetendencies. Blind fate just doesn’t havethe same control over your life as itused to. More than ever before, you’re

making decisions based on what’s re-ally good for you rather than on yourunconscious compulsions.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I trustyou’ve traveled all over creation in2009 — or have at least exposed your-self to a wide range of novel sights andsounds near your home turf. I pray thatyou’ve escaped one shrunken niche,two narrow perspectives, and three lowexpectations. I’m also hoping that inthese last 12 months, you have regu-larly sought out pleasant jolts andbreathtaking vistas that have inspiredyou to see the big picture of your un-folding destiny. If you haven’t beendoing these things with the eagerabandon you should have, please takethe next flight to the other side of theworld. Eat unfamiliar food, meet peoplewho are very different from you, listento strange music, climb a mountain,and get your mind blown.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): So howare you doing with your year-long res-urrection project, Cancerian? Have youbeen taking care of the finishingtouches these past few weeks? If not,do so soon. It’s high time for you to of-ficially and definitively rise from thedead. Your wandering in the under-world is at an end. Your mourning forbroken dreams should be complete. InJanuary, the age of exploration willbegin; make sure your reborn spunk isready for action by then.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I bet your re-lationship life will be a source of revo-lutionary teachings in 2010.Adventures in intimacy and partnershipwill draw you into some highly educa-tional fun and games. You will be in-vited to dramatically expand your

understanding of the nature of commit-ment. You will also be asked to digdeeper to discover your real desires,which up until now have been partiallycamouflaged by more superficial long-ings that were grafted onto you duringthe darker days of adolescence. Howshould you prepare for the interestingtests of the next 12 months? How canyou get yourself in shape to earn thedemanding gifts that will be withinreach? Now is an excellent time to startthinking about those questions.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When-ever the tide goes out, the creek I livenext to loses a lot of its water to thebay. It becomes a narrow trickle sur-rounded by stretches of mud. From adistance the mud looks like a wet blackdesert, but if you get up close you’ll seeit’s covered with tiny furrows, pits, andbulges. This is evidence that manysmall creatures live there, althoughonly the hungry ducks and egrets knowexactly where to look to find them. Belike those birds, Virgo. As you surveyyour version of the mud flat, ignoreanyone who tells you that it’s barren.Go searching for the rich pickings.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It seems tome that in 2009 you’ve learned to lovethe fact that all the world’s a stage.You’ve found roles that have been funto play, and you’ve expressed yourselfwith the nuanced zeal of a skilled actorin an elaborate theatrical production. Ihave very much enjoyed seeing you re-veal the full range of your inner riches.If I were going to award Oscars to theastrological signs, you Libras would getthe prize for “Best Performance of One’sTrue Self.”

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “The na-

ture of the work is to prepare for agood accident,” said filmmaker SidneyLummet. He was talking about the craftof creating movies, but he could havealso been advising you on how to makethe most of the coming week. Yourtask, as I see it, is to set in order every-thing that can be set in order. Get veryorganized. Make sure you’re well-re-hearsed. Be warmed up and highlyalert. That way you’ll be ready to re-spond with graceful intensity whenserendipitous opportunities arise withinthe framework you’ve put in place.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):One of your top accomplishments in2009 is the way you have united partsof yourself that had not previously beenvery well connected. It seems you de-cided that you were tired of being splitup into fragmented sub-personalitiesthat had different agendas. Somehowyou managed to convince them all towork together in a common cause.Now I’m quite impressed with the newspirit of cooperation that’s at work inyour depths. I predict it will lead to anunprecedented singleness of purpose in2010.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In hisbook The Way of Transition, WilliamBridges defines the “neutral zone” as“that in-between time, after you’ve letgo of your old life and before you havefully discovered and incorporated yournew life.” Sound familiar? Maybe theneutral zone where you’re currentlysimmering isn’t as dramatic as that —maybe you haven’t been stripped ofevery single certainty and you’re notwandering in limbo. But I suspect youhave at least let go of one aspect ofyour old familiar rhythm and have yet

to ease into the one that’ll be familiarin the future. My advice? Don’t rush it.Get all you can out of this unique andeducational time in the neutral zone.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In2009, the cosmic powers-that-be havebeen conspiring to get you to expandyour self-image and enlarge your un-derstanding of your place in the world.So I trust that in these last 12 monthsyou have started a business or organ-ized a support group or reinvented yourphysical appearance or begun yourmasterpiece — or done something toinitiate a new phase in your long-termcycle. If for some reason you’ve beenremiss about doing this work, I suggestyou scramble to make up for lost time.And if you have been taking advantageof the abundant cosmic help, it’ll soonbe time to move on to phase two: con-solidation.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): To pre-pare for his turn to hit, a Major Leaguebaseball player slips a doughnut-shaped piece of metal over the top ofhis bat, making it a few pounds heavierthan it normally is. He then takes anumber of practice swings. The theoryis that when he removes the doughnutand strides up to home plate to actuallyhit against a pitcher who’s throwingthe ball at 90 miles per hour, the batwill feel lighter and he’ll be able toswing faster. As you prepare for yourown equivalent of going up to bat,Pisces, I urge you to use this as youroperative metaphor.

HOMEWORK: Send me predictionsfor your life in 2010. Where are youheaded? Go to;click on “Email Rob.”


[email protected] ©2009 ROB BREZNEY

WEEK OFDECEMBER 9, 2009 updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 25




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An Ohio family in Jacksonlast week for a short vacationturned their frustration at thefather they said planned apoorly-timed getaway in theinterest of saving money.

Charles Hennigan allegedlypromised his family “the Jack-son Hole ski vacation of a life-time,” according to Debbie, hiswife. Mr. Hennigan apparentlydiscovered deals on lodgingand airfare used to lure visitorsduring the off-season lull.

Expecting to find a winterwonderland, the family insteadfound a valley mostly barren ofsnow. Most of the restaurantsMrs. Hennigan had read aboutonline were closed. The Henni-gans believed they were theonly guests in a hotel where

they had difficulty findingsomeone to bring them cleantowels.

“This sucks,” said daughterAmber, a 16-year-old. She saidshe was not allowed to take atrip to Lake Placid with friends.Not every member was sullenwith the vacation.

Wilie, 11, enjoyed sitting inthe artificial snow blowing atthe base of Snow King moun-tain, near the family’s motel.

“This is awesome,” he said.On the family’s final night inJackson Hole, Amber metsome “older boys” who droveher around town and gave hercigarettes.

I hate my family,” she saidthe next morning at the air-port. JHW

Family bummedabout timeshare


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Page 26: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get

26 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily

HELP WANTEDLove theatre and want to help it besuccessful, volunteer one night thisseason or once a month, we’re veryflexible. For more information callthe Off Square Theatre Company at(307) 733-3021.

Florida Condo For Rent: Sarasota,Florida; newly decorated 2 bd, 2 bthunit, year round lanai, overlookinggolf course; 15 minutes to ocean;monthly rentals only; $2900/monthprime season, less for multi-monthrentals; [email protected]

FOR RENT2 Bd/1 Bath house in Red Top. Lotsof sunlight, wood-burning stove and

baseboard heat to keep you warmthis winter. 2-car detached garage of-fers plenty of room for storage. Per-fect for a couple. Pets considered.$1600/mo. 307-690-9124.

FOR SALEChanukah Candles and Menorahs forSale: Our office is stocked withChanukah candles and menorahs.The cost of one box of candles or amenorah is $5. To purchase, pleasecall Andrea at 734-1999 or stop byour office 480 S. Cache, Suite #6.Chanukah begins at sundown on Fri-day, December 11.

MUSIC & BANDSJudd Grossman Music is a full service

music agency providing all styles ofmusic for all occasions - solos, duos,trios, dance bands, country, rock,folk, jazz, and classical. Live musi-cians and DJs available. (307) 690-4935.


CLASSIFIEDSClassified Line Ads: $16 per week for 25 words or less. $.25 for each additional word.

Classified Box Ads: $16 per column inch per week (logos/photos $5 each.JH WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM MADE BY A CLASSIFIED AD IN THIS PAPER.

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Across1 Archie Bunker oath5 Spice (up)9 Refracting device14 Fashions19 Mercury or Saturn20 __ fixe21 Soprano Mitchell22 Last Olds model23 Sharp rock used by

early hominids?26 One paid to make

hoops, briefly27 Get rolling28 __ paradoxes29 Refinement31 Fields of study32 It might be given

orally33 Choose Mounds over

Almond Joy?35 Cavs, on scoreboards37 Former Giants man-

ager39 Prone to prying40 Rained out, e.g.: Abbr.43 Not gun-shy?47 Scary movie reaction49 West wine valley53 Like the elbow of

Rodin’s “The Thinker”?56 “The Kitchen God’s

Wife” novelist58 Box59 Perfumer Chanel60 Singer Vannelli62 Reproductive cells63 Vino __: dry wine64 Capital of Pakistan’s

Punjab province68 Earth tones70 Anti-park service ca-

reer advice?75 Monarch’s spouse76 1980s timekeeping

fad77 Omnia vincit __79 Prefix with fauna80 Speak hoarsely82 Briny greeting84 Ocho minus uno85 Wet floor?87 According to predic-

tions in the show“Medium”?92 Bald eagle relative93 Went two ways95 Lasso96 “That’s right,” quaintly97 MBA subject99 Language that gave us

“khaki”101 “M*A*S*H” NCO103 What Ali did often at

the Rumble in the Jungle?107 Teammate of LeBron111 Ageless pitcher

Satchel115 “Spamalot” co-creator116 Major muddle117 Turkish coins118 Family auto119 “Clear skies tonight,”

to an astronomer?123 Wind, as a river

124 When la luna rises,usually125 Falafel holder126 Blue-green hue127 Fished using pots, per-

haps128 Turn out129 Farm team130 Reading material for


Down1 “Star Wars” gangster2 Swiss mathematician3 Floor, in France4 12-part belt5 Skippy competitor6 Napping7 Antifreeze brand8 Ethan Frome’s sickly wife9 And10 “You eediot!” speaker

of cartoons11 Electrified particle12 Scornful look13 4 Seasons hit of 196314 Tropical fruits15 Capital west of

Boston, MA16 Reeves of “Speed”17 Upright18 Tender spots24 Shackle25 It’s up the coast from

Napoli30 Bloated condition?

33 Convergence points34 Boondocks possessive36 Afore38 Source of some ’60s

trips40 101-Across’s subordi-

nates: Abbr.41 Studied in detail42 Extremely unforgiving44 Richie’s dad, to Fonz45 African virus46 Joltless joes?48 Silly Putty holder50 Amends51 Vocalist who gave his

farewell performance at the2006 Winter Olympics inTurin52 Santa __: offshore

winds54 Jackets facetiously

called bum-freezers55 Not at all57 Big name in shower-

heads61 Leb. neighbor65 __ pro nobis66 Pave over67 Artist who explored

infinity in his work69 Marsh of whodunits71 Rent72 Primary author of the

Mayflower Compact73 UFO pilots, ostensibly74 More than that

75 Docket item78 Guns81 72, often83 “__, verily”84 Drink with a Real Fact

on each bottle cap86 Some women’s mag

photos88 Arctic seabird89 Common office plant90 Uneven?91 And so forth: Abbr.94 Like a road section

with a flagger, maybe98 Neologized100 Sen. McCain’s alma

mater102 Not of the clergy

103 Frankfurt’s state104 1935 Nobelist Joliot-

Curie105 Word with flat106 Dieter’s breakfast108 Curly-haired pan-

tomimist109 Paste on110 Dealer’s offering112 Kirkuk native113 Refuel114 Spanish pronoun116 Procedure part120 Calculator display,

briefly121 Moo __ pork122 Dashed

L.A. Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle



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Page 27: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get updated daily l JH Weekly l December 9 - 15, 2009 27


Page 28: DECEMBER 9-15, 2009 l Volume 7, Issue 50€¦ · 2 December 9 - 15, 2009 l JH Weekly l updated daily LIFE IS GOOD! By Shepard Humphries - the Windshield Doctor “Each day, I get



*In the event the week’s Top Sale is erro-neously reported it’s listed price is used.

**Some information for the Real Estate Score-board© is derived from the Teton MLS Systemand information submitted by Teton MLSMembers; information is deemed to be accu-rate but not guaranteed. Art Hazen Real EstateLLC advertising and promotional ads, products,and information are the sole property of ArtHazen Real Estate LLC and may NOT be repro-duced, copied, and/or used in whole or partwithout the prior expressed written consent ofArt Hazen Real Estate LLC.

WEEK OF 11.29.09 TO 12.05.09

Total # Average of Sales Sold PriceResidential 10 $710,453Building Site 1 $730,000Multi-Family 0 $0Farm & Ranch 0 $0Commercial 0 $0

Total # of sales 11Week’s top sale $1,600,000

Properties Currently Pending 62Properties Pending Last Week 71

Last 12 Months (12.05.08-12.04.09) Number of Sales 198Days on Market 189List Price Volume Sold $259,167,534Median List Price Sold $759,000Average List Price Sold $1,308,926

12 Months - Year Ago (12.05.07-12.04.08) Number of Sales 317Days on Market 156List Price Volume Sold $588,698,985Median List Price Sold $1,050,000Average List Price Sold $1,857,094

Current Inventory Active Listings 824Listing Inventory Dollars $2,052,031,407Average List Price $2,490,329Average Days on Market 281

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Amazing Hillside Lot with mature trees, gives afeel of living in the forest. A wonderful place toget away. $269,000 Contact: Dena Luthi


Enjoy fabulous views of the Teton Range from thisrecently remodeled home that sits on 3 acres ofhorse property near JH Golf and Tennis Club. Thisbeautiful home boasts granite countertops, high-endappliances, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, 2story great room, and a 2500 square foot garage.$1,850,000 Contact: Kristin Vito

Quiet country living located just a short distancefrom three golf courses. Frequented by deer andother wildlife. A great site for a country home.$76,500 Contact: Dena Luthi

Peaceful valley views lend to the charm of thiselevated 5.1 acre lot. Abundant wildflowers, maturebushes and Aspen add to it’s beauty. The perfectspot to call home. $184,500 Contact: Dena Luthi


OWL CREEK-lots from 3.4 to 8.3 acres-offering tilt your head back views of the Grand Teton,Sleeping Indian, and Death Canyon or framed and filtered views of the same but with the privacyof tree cover. All lots have been re-priced for the 2009 real estate market. Strong wildlife area,secluded, and offers Snake River Access for fishing and hiking! Contact: Timothy C. Mayo Lot 1 8.36 Acres Listing Price $ 2,465,000 Listing Number: LL273Lot 10 4.01 Acres Listing Price $ 1,207,000 Listing Number: LL274Lot 11 3.46 Acres Listing Price $ 1,169,000 Listing Number: LL275Lot 12 3.39 Acres Listing Price $ 1,169,000 Listing Number: LL276Lot 15 3.51 Acres Listing Price $ 995,000 Listing Number: LL277Lot 41 4.01 Acres Listing Price $ 1,190,000 Listing Number: LL278 Lot 43 4.14 Acres Listing Price $ 1,190,000 Listing Number: LL279

LL273Quiet country living located just a short distancefrom three golf courses. Frequented by deer andother wildlife. A great site for a country home.$76,500 Contact: Dena Luthi



The Lazy J Corral RV Park has 24 RV Sites, electricmetering at each, a Laundry/Shower facility, 100KWbackup diesel generator, Snake River frontage androom for tent camping. Also included is a 3,132square foot caretaker home. Property is comprisedof 5 lots and 2 partial tracts with developmentopportunities. $2,293,000 Contact: Sarah Kerr


Teton County Attainable Category IV, adorable,immaculate 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in MelodyRanch bordering open space, hardwood floors,granite tile, and a mahogany deck. Exceptionalquality at only $215.00 per square foot. Buyermust meet Teton County Housing Authority FinancialQualifications. $519,000 Contact: Jennifer Reichert


TC195Affordable living at it’s best! Condo includes 3bedrooms, 1.5 bath, open kitchen area, garbagepick-up, driveway maintenance & ease of commute.$147,000 Contact: Dena Luthi


Owner financing available! Beautiful 10 acres ofhorse property located 20 minutes from Pinedaleand 1 hour from Jackson Hole. Located in theGreen River Ranches subdivision, this propertyhas fabulous views of the Wind River MountainRange at an affordable price. $67,900 Contact: Kristin Vito

Take a look at this 4+ bedroom home with spaciousliving area, eat-in kitchen, formal dining, views ofthe Tetons, cathedral ceiling, study, 3 car garage,barn/tack room, and 3 fenced acres for horses.$1,100,000 Contact: Penny Gaitan