
[1] THE RED DEVIL REVIEW December 2010 Volume 1, Issue 4 Erie High Charter School 1400 N. Main Erie, KS. 66733 Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide the students of Erie High Charter School a voice in the school and community. We pledge to always provide the news and events with unbiased, professional writing. The opinions, issues, or articles published shall not be construed as those representing the staff or administration of USD 101. The contents of The Red Devil Review are the responsibility of the staff. Christmas is coming up so here are some interesting Christmas facts: Did you know that a Christmas tree is actually edible? But don’t worry about it; it’s only one step away from a vegetable. Did you know that the Norwegians once believed that witches and evil sprits would steal their brooms on Christmas Eve? Did you know that there is a special act in Britain that makes it mandatory to go to church on Christmas Day? However, it’s not enforced much now and additionally no vehicle of any kind is to be driven there. Did you know that Kris Kringle really does live at the north pole, but he skipped the reindeer and he drives a 1984 Ford Tempo, and instead of a magical toy shop he is currently employed at McDonalds and makes cheeseburgers and Mcflurrys? Did you know that Christmas was illegal in England in 1647-1660 due to Oliver Cromwell? Did you know that on average, while christmas shopping you will get elbowed at least 5 times?


December 2010 issue of The Red Devil Review

Transcript of December

Page 1: December



Volume 1, Issue 4

Erie High Charter School1400 N. Main

Erie, KS. 66733

Mission Statement:Our mission is to provide the students

of Erie High Charter School a voice in the

school and community. We pledge to

always provide the news and events with

unbiased, professional writing.

The opinions, issues, or articles

published shall not be construed as those

representing the staff or administration of

USD 101. The contents of The Red Devil

Review are the responsibility of the staff.

Christmas is coming up so here are some interesting Christmas facts:

Did you know that a Christmas tree is actually edible? But don’t worry about it; it’s only one step away from a vegetable.

Did you know that the Norwegians once believed that witches and evil sprits would steal their brooms on Christmas Eve?

Did you know that there is a special act in Britain that makes it mandatory to go to church on Christmas Day? However, it’s not enforced much now and additionally no vehicle of any kind is to be driven there.

Did you know that Kris Kringle really does live at the north pole, but he skipped the reindeer and he drives a 1984 Ford Tempo, and instead of a magical toy shop he is currently employed at McDonalds and makes cheeseburgers and Mcflurrys? Did you know that Christmas was illegal in England in 1647-1660 due to Oliver Cromwell? Did you know that on average, while christmas shopping you will get elbowed at least 5 times?

Page 2: December



Black Friday

Main Street Makeover

Teacher Spotlight

Teen Pregnancy


Upcoming Movies

Deer Season: A Holiday

Facebook In School

Music Piracy


Teenage Fatherhood

Graduating Early

Relationships in High SchoolIN




Page 3: December


The Excitement of Black Friday

By Samantha Hodgden Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Typically, the idea is that you go shopping for major sales and start on your Christmas shopping. It is one of the craziest times of the year and for me, that holds true. It’s the good kind of crazy though; it’s one that you look forward to every year.

My Mom and I were in Arkansas on Thanksgiving and decided to get the whole family together to go shopping on Black Friday. We all started at 11:00 p.m. at Wal-Mart. We spread out across the store so we could get all the different things that we needed. Then when 12:00 a.m. Arrived, it got crazy! All you could see were toys flying in the air, people pushing each other around to just get a pair of pajamas. There were people jumping on top of each other just to get a movie! Suit cases were gone instantaneously when people decided to start grabbing them. There were people running into people not even caring to watch out for anyone. Then, we had to wait in line for about an hour just to check out.

After Wal-Mart, we decided to go to other stores like Old Navy, Kohl’s, and the Shoe Carnival. In Old Navy we went inside

and the sale started at about 2:00 a.m. Everyone was rushing around trying to find the things that they wanted. Then the time to check out was crazy. The line wrapped around the whole store corner to corner, and it took almost two hours just to check out! Some of my other family waited at Kohl’s because the sale started at 3:00 a.m. As they unlocked the doors, my sister was in the front and she was on crutches. The people started pushing her in

between the doors and me and my Mom had to yell at people to try and get them to back off of her. The people there were just plain rude, saying they didn’t care if she was on crutches, they were going to push anyways. Can you believe that? Then when we finally got into the store, we had to rush around just to get a chance at getting the things we needed. We waited outside from about 3:30 am until 5:00 a.m. to get us all the pair of shoes that we wanted. I think this was the most calm store out of all of them. The employees had it really organized so you didn’t feel like you had to push everyone out of the way to get

what you needed. Finally we were done. I think that it is so crazy how wild and rude people can get just to save a little bit of money. I thought that Christmas is a time of joy, not trying to kill each other over a pair of pajamas and some movies. Although it is a lot of fun to go shipping, I hate getting jumped on and pushed around over dumb little things like pajamas. However, it is a good time to get your

family together and work as a team and it gives you great stories to tell later on. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.


Page 4: December


Main Street in Erie, Kansas has been totally remodeled because of a grant that the City of Erie received from the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant).

In my opinion, the newly remodeled main street looks very good. The city put in new light poles along both sides of Main Street; they poured new concrete sidewalks and laid new brick crosswalks at each intersection, which really looks great during the day as well as at night. Making the crosswalks out of brick

really added detail to the plain street and also goes well with the brick laid along the sidewalks. They have also put in large planters on every corner that will be full of plants during the spring and summer to add color to the street.

In my opinion the new main street makes Erie look completely updated. When people that are from Erie come back to celebrate the annual Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion they will probably be amazed because of all the improvements.

The New Main Street By: Tayton Beachner

How Good is Your Hand Washing?

Most of us know that hand

washing is important. It is probably the most

important thing a person can do to keep from getting sick. Think of all the things

you touch in a day: a door handle, bathroom faucet, toilet, pencil, calculator, computer, desk, lunchroom keypad, etc. All these things can have germs on them which can make us sick.

To keep these germs off our hands, we

need to wash them often. So, how often do high

schoolers wash their hands during the day? Ninety-two percent of students surveyed here at ECHS say they wash their hands after using the bathroom. Fifty percent claim they wash their hands after

coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose. Only twenty-five percent take the time to wash before lunch. So, with cold and flu season just beginning, let’s remember to wash our


By: Kaylee Cramer

Page 5: December


Smoking it Away

Why do we have smoking? Cigarettes were invented back in the late 40’s and they were made popular by televeision a few years later. Ever since then, a death wish has settled over each person that smokes. Why do people smoke? The usual reason for people smoking is to reduce stress and it helps the body be put at ease. Additionally, smoking is also addictive. “ I started when I was 16,” my aunt, Julianna Pontious tells me. “I did it because there was this guy I had a crush on, but it didn’t make him like me, and by then it became a habit.” Many young people do it because of peer pressure and that it also looks cool (according to them) if you do it. “ I started doing it to cover up drinking or anything else I wasn’t supposed to do.” my uncle, John Pontious says. “That was the same for me.” my father, Mark Pontious says. We all know that grownups have their reasons to smoke, like dealing with the stress of jobs, families, or any other reason a grownup usually stresses about. But what about minors? I interviewed a few minors in my school, but I swore an oath to them to not mention their names. The number one reason that minors smoke is the reason my Aunt did, peer pressure. When you’re young, you want to do what everyone else is doing so you won’t be excluded from everyone else. “I would have to open my window at night and wait till my parents were asleep,” an anonymous smoking minor tells me, “I would even have to bribe my brother to go and get me

a pack and I would smoke whenever I had a chance. It’s addictive.” I asked him why did he start in the first place and I got the usual answer, “ to look cool when I was at a party, and I went to a lot of them, so it became a habit.” Another reason I came upon for smoking is that it helps you eat less and it gives you a craving to have a cigarette instead of something sugary. “I used to think that I was fat, but I wouldn’t go bulimic or anorexic, so I heard that smoking helps out with it, so I did it,” my next door neighbor Pat, told me, who is skinny as a rail. “After a while when I got my head put on the right way and I finally realized I didn’t have a problem with my weight, it was a habit,” she says. Another common reason why people smoke is the reason it started when it was invented; it was cool to smoke because actors and actresses on television did it. Television was invented in the early 50’s and cigarettes that you could get from the store in packs were invented a few years before then. Before that, it was common for men to smoke because they would come in working from the fields and put a little tobacco in their pipes and puff away. “That was the reason I started, because it was common and we didn’t really know about the horrible risks it had,” my Nana told me. “ My father worked in a factory only getting $1.00 a week, so I guess it was also stress relieving, and I’ve been meaning to quit since I saw so many victims of smoking in my 40 years of being a nurse, but oh well, I’m 80 and I can do what I please!” Of course my natural reaction to smoking is that it’s horrible, smells bad, and is a waste of money. So this goes out to all the people who smoke; quit now while you’re ahead before it’s too late!

By: Ronnie Pontious

Guess Who? Keith




1. She likes to debate things.2. She loves photography.3. She’s late to school almost every


1. He wants to be a football coach.2. He is a three sport athlete.3. He loves to wear sandals with calf-

high black socks.

Page 6: December


-How long have you been a teacher? I have been a Special Education teacher for 6 years.

-What made you want to be a teacher? I was influenced by my advisor during college.

-What is your favorite grade to teach? High School

-Why Erie High School? It’s close to home and I enjoy the environment and staff at the school.

-What school activities are you in charge of? I am the cheerleading coach.

-What do you like to do in your free time? I like to relax and read a book.

Teacher Spotlight - Ms. Woldum

By: Chase Stich

Teen Pregnancy: A Growing ProblemBy: Chelsie Brinson

Teen pregnancy has been an ongoing issue in

the United States for a long time. Based on

statistics, there has been more teen pregnancies in

the past 2 years than there

has been in any other

two year period. The

United States has the

highest teen pregnancy

rate of any country in the


Statistics state that

three-quarters of a

million teens between

15-19 become pregnant

each year. They also

state that very few teens

that become mothers plan

on doing so.

The teens that get pregnant can face major

consequences like, health risks for the baby, or

premature labor. The

mothers also won’t have

enough money to support

herself and her child. The

teen will also most likely

have to drop out of high

school or delay going into

college. Teenage

pregnancies have also

been associated with

increased rates of alcohol

and substance abuse,

lower educational value,

and reduced earning

potential in teen fathers.

In conclusion, the

teens of our age are getting

pregnant earlier and earlier each year. Teen

pregnancies can also cause problems, whether it is

with the baby or the mother.

Page 7: December


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We all love to go out on the town to the old movie theater to have a laugh, get scared, cry, or go to a movie you know is going to stink and you go anyway just to make fun of it and do voice overs on the dumb characters. Oh, you don’t do that?...hmmm...YOU SHOULD TRY IT! The Red Devil Review is your place to check out what’s coming to a theatre near you and the opinions of some fellow moviegoers. The movies that are coming out are Pirates of the Caribbean 4, Tron Legacy, Gulliver’s Travels, Hangover 2, and the scary movie that’s already out, Paranormal Activity 2! When I heard that these movies were coming out, I decided to get the opinions of some moviegoers myself. “I can’t wait to freakin’ see it,” says Emily Mitchell when we were sitting in Mr.Barcus’s class. “I love the fact that the first one even made me scared in the daylight and not one movie has made me that scared.” I heard a voice chime in behind me and Mathew Frech said, “no thanks to that one!” It’s too scary for me.” As you might have guessed, Paranormal Activity 1 and 2 is about...well, paranormal activity! It’s about a demon that scares the family who lives in the house and posseses the people that can help get it what it wants. My personal opinion: it’s scary! My boyfriend Jacob Sanders took me to go see it the day before Halloween and by the time we walked out of the theater when it was over, my voice was hoarse from screaming and my hand hurt from clutching his too tightly. I also asked Mr. Barcus if he would want to go see it. “No thanks,” he told me while widening his eyes and shaking his hands

back and forth. “My older sister would make me watch scary movies when I was younger and I’ve been scarred for life.” With the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 4, I thought that it would be a good idea to see if people were looking forward to its release. “I think it would be good. I loved the other ones because they were unpredictable and you really couldn’t figure out what would happen next and they really were out of the ordinary,” Mathew Frech told me. Honestly, the main reason I went was to judge how good of actors Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were (wink). Another movie that might be interesting to watch would be the movie Tron Legacy. It’s about people playing in a world of racing neon cars inside of a video game. If you’ve seen the old one like my father, you’re going to want to see this one. “ I remember being psyched about the colors, it was a good movie,” my father told me. Another classical favorite that is being remade is the movie Gulliver’s Travels with Jack Black playing Gulliver. It’s about how one man tells his town that there are other worlds and cultures on this Earth and he goes out to see for himself, but he didn’t know he’d wake up on the beach with little people tying him to the ground. Last but not least, the best movie of all time that has a second adventure coming out this year: Hangover 2! Almost everyone that I’ve interviewed has said they couldn’t wait and I wonder what city they’ll party in this time? I hope I gave you a good look at some upcoming movie releases and good comments about the cool movies that’ll come out and you’ll make it in to see one or two. You can always count on the Red Devil Review to keep you up to speed as to the latest and greatest movies! releases!

Coming to a Theater Near You!

By: Ronnie Pontious

Three Generations: Carol, Cindy, and Chelsey

Page 8: December


Happy Deer Day



foroneday.Ithinkthisbecausetomyselfandmanyotherpeople,deerseasononlycomesonceayearanditalwaysfallsonaschooldayandtomedeerseasonisaholiday;somethingtobecelebrated.Therefore,justlikeallotherholidays,weshouldn’thavetocometoschool. Inmyopinion,everyonewhodeerhuntsshouldbeabletoskiponedayofschoolduringdeerseason.Iknowforafactthatsomestudentsbelievethatdeerseasonislikeitistome;itisrelaxingandexciting.Inordertobeeligible,acoupleofgoalsforthestudentsshouldbemade.Forexample,wehavetobeontimeeveryday,nodetentionsinthesemester,nounexcusedabsences,andnoD’sorF’s. Ithinkthatbydoingthis,itwillencouragestudentstodobetterinschoolandtostayoutoftrouble.Also,itcanincreasetheabilitytotryharderinallsubjectsbyencouragingcompetitiontoseewhowillgetthebiggestdeer.IfIcouldbeexcusedfromschoolforadaybecauseIwashunting,lifewouldbeprettysweet.

OpinionBy: Seth Emert

One of the biggest obstacles in the life of a high school student is the problem of sleep deprivation. Have you ever been really tired in class and have tried to stay awake and it makes you even more tired? Then when you fall asleep, you suddenly wake up to a noise or a voice of a teacher and wonder what you missed. I know I have. There are a lot of different reasons why you’re so tired in class. One is the simple fact that you’re not going to bed early and are instead staying up surfing the Internet or watching your favorite show. Another

reason why your tired could be that you’re not getting the right nutrition by not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Also, another reason why you might be tired is because when you try to go to bed, you toss and turn and just can’t sleep. Usually the reason for that is because your mind is still wondering about the exam you took or the relationship problems you might be having. High school students are always going to have sleep deprivation but there are ways you could help yourself. The simplest way is to simply make a conscious effort to go to sleep at a certain time each night. If you do this long enough, hopefully your body will fall into a routine and you will have a more normal pattern of sleep. With this article, I hope that I help out students to try and avoid sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation

By: Shaun Blackburn

Page 9: December



Page 10: December


Facebook is a drug to most people and an

obsession to all. Facebook has become a worldwide connection to

everyone and every company in the world. It has become so popular that it has begun to brainwash people into not concentrating on certain things like work and school. In my opinion, Facebook should not be allowed during school hours for the following reasons: It takes student’s attention away from teachers and their learning; it causes cyber bullying while at school; and the more we are on it, the less privileges we get as far as cell phones and the normal use of computers.

We all have things that bother us and distract us at school, but how many people would actually admit to Facebook being the top reason? Probably none. At Erie, everyone is connected through Facebook, either through a cell phone or a computer. I know from experience that sitting in class can sometimes be boring, so what better thing to do than pull out your computer and get onto Facebook, right? Wrong. Less and less people are graduating their senior year and when you walk by a typical class, most of the time you see them on their computers chatting on Facebook to someone who is also in school. It takes your mind off of doing your homework at school and when you get home because you are so eager to get on and chat or play games that some people don’t realize they are ruining their education and future.

Studies have shown that cyber bullying is the most common type of bullying. Every one at some point usually either gets bullied or is a bully themselves at school. With most high school students having a computer, you can imagine the problem in that. In school another person is logging onto Facebook every two seconds of the day and most likely over half are writing,

messaging, or commenting on someone’s profile, picture, or status to be rude or having cruel intentions. I definitely like to be on my phone all of

the time during the day, including while in school, but have you ever logged onto Facebook real quick to see what the latest news was and your phone gets taken away from a faculty member? I think most of the students at

Erie have and it’s not fun. Students immediately get irate and mad that someone else took their phone, so before you even say anything back to the person who took it, think about the stupid things you were doing to get your phone taken away. Could it have not waited until break or after class? This is a big reason why the faculty doesn’t like us to have phone rights while in school and why they take student’s privileges away for phone use.

Facebooking while in school is a disrespectful and unneeded way to communicate to people who might even be in the room right next to you. Getting on there just to read someone else’s business or to comment on someone that shouldn’t matter to you while at school is a waste of time. Students should worry more about their education and paying attention in school so that way when they get home at night, they have time for Facebook and don’t have to worry about homework or passing a class. Think before you Facebook.

To Facebook, or not to Facebook

By: Rachel Blackburn

Page 11: December


Downloading Music - Is it worth it?

Everybody does it, but usually nobody gets in trouble for it. Downloading copyrighted music is a crime and you can get fined for it. In Minneapolis, Minnesota a single mom is being fined 1.5 million dollars for downloading 24 songs on the site Kazaa. She was charged $62,500 per song for violating copyright law 24 times. Three juries found her guilty and each has ruled that she must pay a fine but they didn’t agree on the same amounts. The thing is, the single mom of four tells the press that she can’t pay the outstanding amount. The woman also states that the money that would go to the fine is money she could be spending on her four kids for food, clothes, and

mortgage. The Recording Industry Association of America said they found that Thomas-Rasset(the lady) shared more than 1,700 songs on the file sharing site

Kazaa. Her attorney says that the amount for damages is too outrageous for her client.

Instead of $62,500 per song it should be 1 dollar a song, which is what the

amount would have been if she had bought the songs off of a paid site such as iTunes. So, do you think its right to download music for free off of file-sharing sites? If so, then it is possible that you will end up where Thomas-Rasset is by being sued an outrageous dollar

amount for a song you buy for 1 dollar on iTunes. So why not use

iTunes if you can totally avoid this situation? In my opinion, when you go

to download illegal music, you should think about Thomas-Rasset and the lawsuit. Just

get on iTunes and buy it; it will save you in the long run.

By: Jack Ford

At first when I found out I was going to be a father, I was really disappointed and did not want a kid at my age; nobody does. About a month or two later, it started to really sink into me and I just started thinking how my life was going to be. All I could think was, “I am done,” and “I’m not going to be able to do anything because I am too young and do not have a constant job to help pay for everything a baby needs.” When we first went to get a sonogram, I was really nervous and did not know what to expect, but when the doctor put Valarie on the heart monitor, it started to calm me down when I heard the baby’s heartbeat. Until that point, it did not seem real and the first time I got to hear the heartbeat, I got really excited. When you are able to watch it grow over time through the months, you really do not think about the negative things at all. All you can think about is what it is going to be, and who will it turn out to be. The

week that we knew it was going to be born, Valarie, myself and our whole family got really excited for us and kept telling us that we were going to do great and be great parents. When we were at the hospital the day Madison Renae was born we were so excited and happy and when I told everyone what gender the baby was, everyone started crying for joy. It has now been more than two weeks since Madison was born and she has completely changed my life. I am grateful for her to be able to get me out of almost all of my bad habits and be safer now that I have another life to care about. Being a dad is great and I would choose it over anything else in the world right now. Taking care of Madison has been really fun and especially having our families behind us all the way really lets me know how much more they think about Valarie, Madison, and I being together and there for each other when we need something. I am very happy and after everything that happened between us Madison is here and it has been the best days of my life. I will look forward to what is going to come in the future.

Teenage FatherBy: Kris Moore

Page 12: December


There are many things that young adults want to do other than being in high school. Graduating early seems to be a good idea for those people who don’t want to be in high school. Why be here longer than you have to? Get out and start your life. My reasons for graduating early are that you can take college classes right away instead of waiting, you can leave and start a new chapter in your life somewhere else, and you can receive scholarships for graduating early.

For some people starting college is a scary, but exciting thing. High school is supposed to prepare you for college but some people are already ready before their senior year, so why be stuck there longer? I know I hate high school and want to get away and get out of the small town or Erie. There are so many opportunities out there so why wait around when you can graduate and start now?

Starting a new chapter in your life is a exciting and makes you feel more mature. In college it’s your responsibility to come to class and get your homework done. This makes you feel like an adult and teaches you time management. In high school, you have

teachers telling you what you can and can’t do and teaching things you probably won’t

remember. In college you can meet new people and get away from the people you have grown up with your whole life. It’s nice to experience new places.

Everyone needs help for college as far as money and finances go. College is very expensive these days and especially so at the four year universities. There are scholarships you can receive in high

school for graduating early in high school and this can be a big help to you and your parents. Applying for these scholarships is great and can get you ahead in life.

Graduating early is a great experience for everyone who wants to leave and be done with high school. Regardless the reasons for leaving early, it’s nice and lets you start your life. The reasons I gave are just some of the things you can do and there are plenty more. I’m graduating early and I think it’s one of the best decisions I have ever made. It‘s hard work but totally worth it.

High school relationships are great. They're fun, exciting, wonderful and just overall fantastic. There are several good perks to being in a relationship while in high school, but keep in mind there are numerous downfalls to being in a relationship while in high school as well. I will try to fill your brain with some useful information about teenage relationships.

When you're young, relationships can be the most important thing to you and when they end, it feels like your whole world is ending; you are getting sucked into a black hole full of death and

despair and nothing can make it any better. The overall idea is that high school relationships are great, but when they're over, it's not the end of the world. You’re going to fall down, but

you need to get right back up, brush the dust off of yourself and keep moving

forward. You may feel like everything is horrible and nothing is going your way, but no matter what you’re thinking, it will get better.

Your partner could either be there and support you, or make you even more stressed out. The only advice I am able to give is, don't get too wrapped up in high school relationships. Think about it this way, it’s almost like it’s peer pressure. You see your friends that have a bf/gf and then you feel left out so you find one, and then most of the time you end up getting hurt. Don’t forget, you have your whole life to live and you don’t have to be tied down with the stress of a relationship, juggling school, and trying to live your life to the fullest.

I am not trying to talk you out of being in a relationship, but rather I am simply trying to help you understand some of the things you may not understand about relationships. It’s your choice, it’s your life and you can live it however you want! Keep in mind that you should live life to the fullest and don’t get into a relationship if you think that later you may regret it.

By: Rachel Blackburn

Graduating From High School Early

Relation NationBy: Taylor Beery

Page 13: December


LOREM IPSUMLeroy’s Thoughts

Social Insignificance

What’s the social significance of one person compared to all? Everyone realizes that the minds of all are different in ways, but similar, if you look at them in the bigger picture. I see the world as being in three categories that everyone belongs in. You can see these types of people when you take a closer look.

The first category is the work-a-holics who spend all of their time working, which is like an addiction that they have no control over. These people spend their lives like robots, hot-wired to work twenty-four seven. They do not take the time to enjoy the life they are living, just wasting it away on something that could disappear in an instance. Then you have your sloths; the laziest people you can find. These people have no goals, unless you consider getting to the bottom of the potato chip bag a goal. Then the third group, the healthy middle, which are a mix between the lazy and the workers. I consider these people to be a healthy group because they’re well rounded and don’t just focus on one thing. They are able to multi-task, such as watching TV and doing paper work at the same time. Also, the well- rounded people are the greatest friends you can have, if you choose a group. I can tell you that it is always better to be the center of the Oreo cookie that’s soft and sweet, instead of the exterior, which is rough and hard.

Take a look around to see what group you fall into. You will see the results to be either satisfying or the

ugly truth. I’ll go a little further into the types of people that you can see around

you. The quiet types for instance are those who never talk, never make noise, like a ghost in the room watching you. I have first hand experience with this, because I was a silent type. Most people believe that it is just fine to be quiet, with no interaction with anyone; I believe it is the opposite. People, who waste away their life alone, have no idea what they

are missing in life. People who are hyper, loud, and fun should really try to open these people up, so they too can be outrageous and fun. People who waste their lives like it’s nothing should really change the way they are for the greater good.

Everyone has something to offer the world. Wasting life is like throwing away a bowl of ice cream

that’s covered in chocolate and gummy bears, just because it’s too sweet. Life is

an adventure that should be taken everyday, even if they don’t see it as such. Also, from the beginning to end I have had the same thought; should we help those who have trouble living life or are they just too socially insignificant to worry about? You be the judge if their life means something. I hope you make the right


By: Leroy Thomas

Page 14: December


And now, part 2 of....

In the next issue:

*Scholars Bowl *Movie, book, and music reviews*Winter Sports Update*Taking Finals*Teacher Spotlight

And much more!

If you have any questions or if you would like to send a letter to the editor, please send it to [email protected]

If there are any story ideas that you would like to see the Red Devil Review cover, please let us know!