December 10.pptx

Getting Started 1. Take out your assignment book and copy the following homework: Due Friday, December 11 Complete your published response to the following: Explain how the Puritan religion and culture may have contributed to the hysteria and witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. 2. Take out your Word Generation folder.

Transcript of December 10.pptx

Page 1: December 10.pptx

Getting Started1. Take out your assignment book and copy

the following homework:

Due Friday, December 11

Complete your published response to the following:

Explain how the Puritan religion and culture may have contributed to the hysteria and witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts.

2. Take out your Word Generation folder.

Page 2: December 10.pptx

Students will debate should the US send troops to other


Page 3: December 10.pptx

Success Criteria

I can recall this weeks focus words and use them in correct content.

I can state a claim and use evidence to support my claim.

Page 4: December 10.pptx


displace - to force from home or homeland

regime - a government in power

diminish - to make smaller or to seem smaller

stable - not easily changed

estimate - a rough calculation

Page 5: December 10.pptx

VocabularyAfter their house caught fire, the Smith family had to find another place to live.

While Destiny was hiking, she came across a wooden bridge. She wondered if it was secure enough to cross.

Steven was so happy when he noticed that his big pimple was finally getting smaller.

The evil ruler governed with an iron fist.

Monica was trying to figure out, roughly, how long it would take her to get into Manhattan on the express bus.

Page 6: December 10.pptx

Students will debate should the US send troops to other


Turn and Talk

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Pro or Con?

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Pro - argues the yes side of the debate

Con - argues the no side of the debate

Moderator - use accountable talk sentence stems to keep the debate going. After pro and con each speak, moderators summarize arguments and recall focus words used

Evaluator - tallies the number of focus words used by pro, con, and moderator

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Opposite Sides1. One side of the room is the “Yes” side, and the opposite side

of the room is the “No” side

2. Only the student with the talking stick is permitted to speak. Everyone else is standing up straight and actively listening.

3. Be prepared to own your answer.

Must provide evidence to back up your claim.

Use focus words.

Use phrases like I believe that…, I agree with you but…, You make a good point, but have you considered…, Can you show me evidence in the text that…

4. If you are sufficiently swayed by a justification from the other side, be prepared to justify your move to that side of the room.

Page 10: December 10.pptx

Should the US send troops to other


Page 11: December 10.pptx

Success Criteria

I can recall this weeks focus words and use them in correct content

I can state a claim and use evidence to support my claim.