Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Deccan-NAAC-Dept. of...Deccan College, Deemed University,...


Transcript of Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Deccan-NAAC-Dept. of...Deccan College, Deemed University,...

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Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Department of Linguistics



A: Brief History:The Department of Linguistics, founded by the late Professor S.M. Katre

in 1939, is the oldest Department of modern Linguistics in India. From 1939to 1956 the Department functioned as a Research Department known as theDepartment of Indo-European Linguistics, awarding Ph.D. Degrees andconducting research projects. The M.A. Linguistics programme began in 1958.The Department has played a pioneering role in developing modern Linguisticsin India. In 2008 the Department celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the firstPost-Graduation programme in Linguistics in India. In 2011 the Departmentwas selected by the UGC for the award of the Special Assistance Programme(SAP).

Post-independence, the development of Indian languages and dialects ofthe four language families became an urgent need since these were expectedto take on the responsibility of serving as vehicles of both literary and scientificworks and in due course of time to function as media of education andinstruction. The state of linguistic studies in Indian universities at the time wasnot adequate to handle such problems and the need to expand, modernizeand reorient language studies became a pressing need. Under the circumstances,a lead was taken by the Poona University by calling a conference in 1953 todiscuss these issues in addition to the urgent problem of a common mediumin Indian universities. This was followed by another conference called by theDeccan College for developing linguistic studies in the universities with thespecific purpose of applying their findings to problems of cross-culturalcommunication. As a consequence of these two conferences, the DeccanCollege started a large-scale language project with a magnificent grant madeby the Rockefeller Foundation of New York over a period of six years (1954-1960).

Under the able guidance of Prof. Sumitra Mangesh Katre, Deccan College,Pune spearheaded in the 1960s the firm establishment of the modern disciplineof Linguistics in India. To popularise this discipline, summer, autumn and winterschools of six weeks duration were conducted in Deccan College and invarious other parts of the country starting from 1954.

Building on the popularity of this new discipline in India, a Post-GraduateDiploma in Linguistics was started at this Institute in 1956. Prominent scholarsin Indian linguistics today were among the participants of the Diploma course.Year1958 saw the beginning of a formal Post-Graduate degree course in

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Linguistics at the Deccan College, the first of its kind in India in this field. Inthe years that have followed, alumni of this Institute have gone forth andestablished departments of Linguistics in various Institutions and Universitiesin the country. After the Rockefeller funding came to an end, the UGC tookover the responsibility of continuing the development by granting thefirst Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics in 1963 and this status continuedtill 1973.

Since 2011, the UGC-SAP has given a huge fillip to research activities inthe Department. Faculty and students in the department have set up individualprojects on the theme of language contact (especially across language families)including the following contact situations: Marathi-Kannada, Marathi-Telugu,Marathi-Kolami, Marathi-Nahali, Gondi-Hindi, Galo-Hindi, Khasi-English,Marathi-Hindi in Nagpur, Konkani-Marathi and Arunachali Hindi. TheDepartment has also organised national and international conferences/seminarson the same theme in recent years.

B: Main Focus of the Department:a. Teaching of courses to M.A. students and guiding Ph.D. students for

doctoral degree.

b. Carrying out research activities in the form of Individual ResearchProjects.

c. Carrying out outreach activities by conducting short-term courses inLinguistics.

d. Providing expertise to other Linguistics Departments in the country interms of membership of various subject related committees, etc.

e. Delivering guest lectures and special lectures in other institutions.

C: Thrust areas of the Department Research:SAP Thrust Area – Language Contact in India

Areas of study:

[1] Marathi-Dravidian contact

[2] Tribal languages in contact in Central India

[3] Tribal – non-tribal contact in North-East India


[1] Descriptive grammars of Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan andTibeto-Burman languages

[2] Studies in articulatory and acoustic Phonetics

[3] Sociolinguistic studies of linguistic variation and language change

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D: Special status awarded to the Department:In view of the excellent pioneering work carried out by the Department inthe field of Linguistics, the University Grants Commission granted to it thestatus of a Centre of Advanced Study in 1963. This was the first AdvancedStudy Centre granted by the Commission in the country. This special statuscontinued upto 1973. The University Grants Commission has granted to theDepartment the Special Assistance Programme (SAP)-DRS-1 for the period2011-16.

E: Faculty Strength:The Department has ten sanctioned Faculty positions in major fields of

Linguistics including Phonetics, Phonology, Marathi Linguistics, Semantics andLexicography, Tibeto-Burman, Austro-Asiatic, Indo-Aryan and Dravidianstudies.

F: Teaching Activities: Linguistics is taught as a Post-Graduate subject at the Deccan College.

The Department has a regular intake of students from the various Indian statesas well as from countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand, Iran and Korea. So fararound five hundred students have completed post-graduation in Linguisticsfrom this Institute.

The Department has a very strong doctoral research programme. TheResearch topics cover all branches of Linguistics. More than 170 Ph.D.Dissertations have been completed since 1944 and presently 18 Ph. D. studentshave registered for the Ph.D. degree.

Ph.D. – 18 students (of whom 03 students have submitted theirDissertations in 2012)

The M.A. and Ph.D. students besides being given class-room lectures aregiven practical training in the Language laboratory. They are also given practicaltraining in the field.

G: Research Activities:There was a flurry of linguistic activity and publication at the Deccan College

in the 1950 to 1970. These activities included the beginning of the SanskritDictionary Project. This is a major long-term project for the preparation ofan Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sanskrit on Historical Principles. Theother activities included the description of the dialects of Marathi language incentral, western and southern India and descriptions of some dialects ofKannada in addition to doctoral studies of a number of other Indian languages.

The Linguistics Faculty, which now includes one Professor, one AssociateProfessor, two Assistant Professors, two Teaching Associates (temporary posts)and two Research Assistants, conduct research activities alongside their teachingassignments. The Department concentrates on the core branches of Linguisticsas well as on applied aspects of the discipline; the Department has particularlyspecialized in the analyses of languages of all the four language families of thesubcontinent.

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H: Language Laboratory:A LAN-based interactive language laboratory is well equipped with software

such as Multispeech, Praat and Wavesurfer from the grant provided to theDepartment by the UGC. The laboratory is used to complement classroomteaching in Phonetics and Applied Linguistics and also in short-term coursesconducted by the Department.

I: Expertise provided to other Institutions:Members of the Department Faculty are on the Board of Studies/ Board of

Examiners at the Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, MSU-Baroda and NagpurUniversities. They have also made their services available to the UGC for theNET examination and to the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore invarious academic programmes.

Adivsory Boards of -

1) Maharashtra Association of Anthuopological Studies, Pune

2) Indian Institute of Science for Education and Research, Pune

3) National Association for the Blind, Mumbai

J. Other Academic Activities:a. Outreach Activities: Taking cognizance of the changing language needs

of the industry, the Department has since 2006 organised short-termcourses for the general public in Computational Linguistics, Phonetics forcorporate language trainers and school-teachers.

b. The Linguistic Society of India : The Department of Linguistics at theDeccan College has housed the office of the Linguistic Society of India(, a registered non-profit organization, since 1954 after itmoved first from Lahore to Kolkata and subsequently from Kolkata toPune. In November 1955 the Indian Philological Association which hadbeen functioning since 1945 at Pune, was merged with the LinguisticSociety of India. The effective office and management was transferred toDeccan College, Pune.

LSI publishes a Journal called “INDIAN LINGUISTICS” annuallyand the whole lot of its research work has been published in 73 volumesup till now (2013).

c. The Linguistics Discussion Group: This forum is intended for theFaculty, research scholars and P.G. students in the Department to presentand share on-going research. The group meets once every week.


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Evaluative Report of the Department

1. Name of the Department: LINGUISTICS

2. Year of establishment: 1939

3. Is the Department part of a School/Faculty of the University?: No.

4. Names of programmes offered (U.G., P.G., M.Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters;Integrated Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., etc.): P.G. and Ph.D.

5. Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: Nil.

6. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions,etc.: Nil.

7. Details of programmes discontinued, if any, with reasons: Nil.

8. Examination System: Semester.

9. Participation of the Department in the courses offered by other Departments:The Department is palnning to offer a course in Linguistic Archaeology fromJune 2014.

10. Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/AssociateProfessors/Asst. Professors/others):

Sanctioned Filled Actual (including CAS & MPS)

Professor 02 01 01

Associate Professors 06 01 01

Asst. Professors 02 02 02

Others (Teaching Associates) 02 02 02

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11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization,experience and research under guidance :

Sonal Ph.D. Professor Marathi Linguistics 8 + 3 08+Kulkarni- and Philology; 02Joshi Sociolinguistics co-guided

Shailendra Ph.D. Associate Austro-AsiaticMohan Professor Linguistics 7 + 3 08


Rahul M. Phil. Assistant Computational 4 NilMhaiskar Professor Linguistics

Shubhangi Ph.D. Assistant Ethno and 7 + 1 NilKardile Professor Sociolinguistics

12. List of senior Visiting Fellows, adjunct Faculty, emeritus professors: Nil.

13. Percentage of classes taken by temporary Faculty – programme-wiseinformation :

M.A. aprrox. 40% classes

14. Programme-wise Student Teacher Ratio :

M.A. 1 : 1.5

Ph.D. 1 : 8

15. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff:sanctioned, filled and actual :

Sanctioned Filled Actual

Academic support staff 05 02 02

Technical support staff 02 02 02

Administrative staff 01 01 01

16. Research thrust areas as recognized by major funding agencies

[1] Language Contact in India

[2] Migration, Resettlement and Linguistic Practices

[3] Documentation of Endangered Languages

Name Quali- Designation Specialization No. of No. offication Years of Ph.D./

Experi- M.Phil.ence students

guided for the last4 years

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17. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Internationalfunding agencies and c) Total grants received. Give the names of the fundingagencies, project title and grants received project-wise.

2009-10 1 Minor 1. Indo-Aryan -Dravidian Deccancontact at Maharashtra College,Karnataka Border, PunePhase-1, Pr. Investigator:Prof. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)

2010-11 2 Minor 1. Indo-Aryan-Dravidian Deccancontact at Maharashtra College,Karnataka Border, Phase 1PunePr. Investigator: Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)

Major 2. Revisiting Khalapur: ICSSR 6,11,675Language Variation andSocial Stratification : 50 yearslater (in collaboration withAlighar Muslim University)Pr. Investigator: Dr. ShailendraMohan (Linguistics Dept.)

2011-12 4 Major 1. Indo-Aryan -Dravidian Deccancontact at Maharashtra College,Karnataka Border, Phase-1PunePr. Investigator: Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)Projects Under UGC-SAPDRS-1

Major 2. Language Contact in UGC-SAPSouthern Maharashtra DRS-1Pr. Investigator:Prof. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)

Major 3. Linguistic Convergence UGC-SAPAmong IA, Dravidian DRS-1and Munda languages inWestern Central IndiaPri. Investigator:Dr. Shailenda Mohan(Linguistics Department)

Year No. Minor/ Title of Project Funding AmountMajor and Faculty agency in Rs.

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Year No. Minor/ Title of Project Funding AmountMajor and Faculty agency in Rs.

Major 4. Nihali, Korku, Hindi UGC-SAPContact in Buldhana DRS-1Pri. Investigator:Dr. Shailenda Mohan

2012-13 8 Minor 1. Indo-Aryan-Dravidian Deccancontact at Maharashtra College,Karnataka Border, Phase-1PunePr. Investigator: Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi

Major 2. Internally Displaced UGC 6,29,600Population and MultilingualSpaces: A SociolinguisticPerspective PI. Dr. SonalKulkarni-Joshi(in collaboration with AligarhMuslim University andHyderabad Central University)

Major 3. Endangered Languages SOAS,9,996 GBP =Documentation London 8,00,000Programme: Documentationand Description of Nihali,a Critically EndangeredLanguage Isolate of IndiaPI.Dr. Shailendra MohanProjects on LangaugeContact Under UGC-SAPDRS-1

Major 4. Language Contact in UGC-SAPSouthern Maharashtra DRS-1Pr. Investigator: Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi

Major 5. Linguistic Convergence UGC-SAPAmong IA, Dravidian and DRS-1Munda Languages inWestern Central India,PI. Dr. Shailendra Mohan

Major 6. Kolami-Marathi contact in UGC-SAPYavatmal District of DRS-1Maharashtra.Pri. Investigator:Dr. Shubhangi Kardile(Linguistics Department)

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Year No. Minor/ Title of Project Funding AmountMajor and Faculty agency in Rs.

Major 7. Influence of Hindi on UGC-SAPNagpuri Marathi DRS-1Pri. Investigator:Mr. Rahul Mhaiskar(Linguistics Department)

Major 8. Hindi-Urdu-Marathi UGC-SAPLanguage Contact in DRS-1Daulatabad, Pri. Investigator:Ms. Sujata Bhujang(Linguistics Department)

2013-14 6 Major 1. SPPEL, Pr. Investigator: CIIL, 6,00,000.00Prof. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi Mysore +Field Exp.(Linguistics Department)

Projects on LangaugeContact Under UGC-SAPDRS-1

Major 2. Language Contact in UGC-SAPSouthern Maharashtra DRS-1Pr. Investigator: Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi

Major 3. Linguistic Convergence UGC-SAPAmong IA, Dravidian and DRS-1Munda Languages inWestern Central India,PI. Dr. Shailendra Mohan

Major 4. Kolami-Marathi contact in UGC-SAPYavatmal District of DRS-1of Maharashtra.Pri. Investigator: Dr. ShubhangiKardile (Linguistics Dept.)

Major 5. Influence of Hindi on UGC-SAPNagpuri Marathi DRS-1Pri. Investigator:Mr. Rahul Mhaiskar

Major 6. Hindi-Urdu-Marathi UGC-SAPLanguage Contact DRS-1in DaulatabadPri. Investigator:Ms. Sujata Bhujang

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18. Inter-institutional collaborative projects and associated grants received :

a) National collaboration b) International collaboration


19. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC-SAP/CAS, DPE; DBT,ICSSR, AICTE, etc.; total grants received.

2009-10 1 1. Sociolonguistic Dimensions Deccan College, DCof Bhili, Gondi and Korku Pune field grantLanguages of East NemadPI. Dr. Shailendra Mohan(Linguistics Department)

2010-11 1 1. Revisiting Khalapur: Language ICSSR 6,11,675Variation and SocialStratification : 50 years later(in collaboration with Alighar MU)PI. Dr. Shailendra Mohan(Linguistics Department)

2013-14 3 1. Nahili, a Critically EndangeredLanguage Isolate of IndiaPI. Dr. Shailendra Mohan(Linguistics Department)

2. Internally Displaced UGC 6,29,600Population and MultilingualSpaces: A SociolinguisticPerspective PI. Prof. SonalKulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)

3. Indo-Aryan -Dravidian Deccan College,contact at Maharashtra PuneKarnataka Bordar, Phase-1PI. Prof. Sonal kulkarni-Joshi(Linguistics Department)

20. Research facility / centre with :l State recognition - Nil.l National recognition - UGC-SAP.l International recognition - Nil.

Year No. Title of the Project Funding agency/ Fund and Name of Collaboarting ReceivedInvestigators agency

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21. Special research laboratories sponsored by / created by industry or corporatebodies -Nil.

22. Publications:l Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (National/

International) : 39l Monographs : 0l Chapters in Books : 4l Edited Books: 2l Books with ISBN with details of publishers : 0l Number listed in International Database : 0l Citation Index-range/average: Nil.l SNIP: Nil.l SJR : Nil.l Impact factor range/average : Nil.l h-index: Nil.

Year Number of Mono- Chapters Books Books withPapers graphs in books edited ISBN with

published in details ofpeer reviewed publishers



2009-10 08

2010-11 08

2011-12 10

2012-13 05

2013-14 08 0 04 02

Total 39 0 04 02

23. Details of patents and income generated : NA.

24. Areas of consultancy and income generated :

Faculty members offer consultancy to local school and colleges in the followingmatters:

(i) Planning curriculum for language courses.

(ii) Advice regarding setting up language laboratory in local schools andcolleges.

(iii) T raining in Linguistics to staff of CIIL, Mysore and Bhasha, Tejgarh,Gujarat.

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25. Faculty selected Nationally / Internationally to visit other laboratories /institutions / industries in India and abroad : Nil.

26. Faculty serving in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boardsd) any other (please specify).

Year Name Professional Bodies/agencies

2009-10 Sonal Kulkarni- l Board of Studies in English,Joshi Pune University

Sonal Kulkarni- l BoE, Dept. of Linguistics,Joshi Mumbai University

2011-12 Sonal Kulkarmi- lMember of the Examination Committee,Joshi Dept. of Linguistics, Mumbai University.

2012-13 Sonal Kulkarni- l Invited member, National EditorialJoshi Collective Meeting for Peer Review of

People’s Linguistic Survey of India(Maharashtra Volume), at ICSSR, NewDelhi.

l Board of Examiners,Dept. of Linguistics,Mumbai University

Shailendra Mohanl Board of Examiners, Dept. of Linguistics,Mumbai University

l Board of Examiners, R.T.M. NagpurUniversity, Nagpur and Mahatma GandhiInternational Hindi University, Wardha

2013-14 Sonal Kulkarni- l Board of Examiners, Dept. of Linguistics,Joshi Mumbai University

lMember, Research Advisory Committee,The Maharashtra Association of Anthro-pological Science (MAAS)

Shailendra Mohanl Board of Examiners, Dept. of Linguistics,

Mumbai University

l Board of Examiners, R. T. M. NagpurUniversity, Nagpur and Mahatama GandhiInternational Hindi University, Wardha.

27. Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation programs,workshops, training programs and similar programs) :(1) S. Kulkarni-Joshi participated in the Refresher Course in Historical

Linguistics, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.(2009)

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(2) S. Mohan participated in the Refresher Course in Historical Linguistics,Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore(2009)

(3) S. Kardile participated in the Refresher Course in Historical Linguistics,Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore(2009)

(4) R. Mhaiskar completed Orientation Programme in UGC-ASC-Universityof Pune (2012)

28. Student projects :l Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter-

departmental projects.Out of total 58 students, 18 have completed research Dissertationsamounting to 31.03%

l Percentage of students doing projects in collaboration with otheruniversities / industry / institute : In the year 2012-13, two studentsexecuted research projects on Konkani Spell Check in collaboration withC- DAC, Pune, amounting to 10% of the students.

29. Awards / recognitions received at the National and International level byl Faculty : Nil.l Doctoral / Post Doctoral fellows : Nil.l Students : Nil.

30. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized and the source of funding(National / International) with details of outstanding participants, if any.

Year Seminar/Workshop/ Funding OutstandingConference Agency Participants

2010-11 [1] February – March 2011. Deccan Prof K.P. MohanProf. K.P. Mohanan, College, Pune Prof. TaraIISER(Indian Institute Mohanfor Science in Educationand Research) conducteda workshop in Phonologyfor the Faculty and M.A.and research students ofthe Department. The work-shop was conducted in sixsessions.

[2] 26 February-1 March 2011. Deccan Prof. RajendraDepartment of Linguistics, College, PuneSinghUniversite de Montreal,Canada conducted awork-shop in Morphologyfor M.A. and researchstudents in theDepartment.

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[3] 30 March - 1 April 2011. Deccan Prof. Bishwa-Dept. of Linguistics, MumbaiCollege, mohan PradhanUniversity. Workshop in Pune.Semiotics

2011-12 [1]10-17 September 2011. Central J. C. SharmaWorkshop on Bhili Dialects Institute ofin collaboration with IndianCentral Institute of Indian Languages,Languages, Mysore. Mysore

[2] 9-12 November 2011. CIIL, Prof.Seminar cum Workshop on Mysore Khubchandani,Indian Languages with RockyMultiple Scripts in Miranda, Sudhircollaboration with the Jetley, K. S.Central Institute of Rajyashree,Indian Languages, Mysore. Madhavi


[3] 28-29 February 2012. UGC-SAP K.P. Mohanan,UGC-SAP National B.R.K. Reddy,Seminar on Language K.S.Contact in India: Method RajyashreeTechniques and Issues.

[4] 30-31 March 2012. UGC-SAPWorkshop on Computa-tional Linguistics in collabo-ration with AAI Group ofC-DAC, Pune.

2012-13 [1] International Conference on UGC-SAP, Profs. HansLanguage Contact in India New Delhi Hock (USA),6-8 Feb. 2013 ICSSR, New Anvita Abbi

Delhi CIIL, (JNU, NewMysore Delhi), Probal

Dasgupta (ISI,Kolkata), K.P.Mohanan(IISER, Pune),S.N.Sridhar(USA),B.R.K. Reddy(Hyderabad),Tor Afarli(Netherlands)

Year Seminar/Workshop/ Funding OutstandingConference Agency Participants

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Year Seminar/Workshop/ Funding OutstandingConference Agency Participants

[2] 9 February 2013. One day UGC-SAP, Prof.seminar on Marathi in New Delhi RajeshwariContact Situations Pandharipande

(Illinois, USA)

[3] 11-16 February 2013. UGC-SAP, Prof. HansWorkshop in Argumen- New Delhi Hock (Illinois,tation Studies of Language USA)Contact and Change

2013-14 [1] 10 August 2013. One-day UGC-SAP, Prof. H.S.National Seminar to New Delhi AnathanarayanaCommemorate Birth and Deccan (Bangalore),Centenary of Prof. College,Pune Dr. R.P. PotdarA. M. Ghatage (BORI, Pune),

Dr. SarojaBhate (BORI,Pune)

[2] 3-5 December 2013 UGC-SAP, Prof. RajendSocio-Historical Linguistics New, Delhi Mesthrieand the Indian Diasporas of (Capetown,the 19th and 20th Centuries South Africa)

[3] 11 February 2014. One-day UGC-SAP, Prof. PrashantBlock Seminar on Functional New Delhi PardeshiPerspectives on Language (Tokyo, Japan)Typology

[4] 14-15 March 2014. Two-day UGC-SAP, Prof.seminar on Marathi in New Delhi RajeshwariContact Situations Pandharipande

(Illinois, USA)

31. Code of ethics for research followed by the departments :

The Department follows the code laid down by the Deccan College (DeemedUniversity)

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32. Student profile programme-wise:

Name of the Applications Selected Pass percentageProgramme received Male Female Male Female

(refer toquestion no. 4)

M.A. Linguistics

2009-10 19 7 4 85.71 100

2010-11 13 2 5 100 80

2011-12 14 5 5 0 20

2012-13 18 5 6 20 100

2013-14 29 6 13

Linguistics Ph.D.

2009-10 6 1 0

2010-11 10 1 4

2011-12 10 7 3

2012-13 2 0 0

2013-14 4 1 2

33. Diversity of students

Name of the % of % of students % of students % ofProgramme students from other from students

(refer to from the universities universities fromquestion no. 4) same within the outside the other

university State State countries

1) M.A. Nil 50% 45% 5%

2) Ph.D. 41.17 29.41 35.29 16.66

34. How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Servicesexaminations, NET, SET, GATE and other competitive examinations? Givedetails category-wise.

Year Name of student NET/SET/UPSC/TOEFL

2010 Jayesh Sharma NET

2011 Sambhaji Jadhav, Sujata Bhujang,Ritika Sinha NET

2012 Edna Vaz NET

2013 Ruta Paradkar, Mongchan Wanglit NET

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35. Student progression :

Student progression Percentage against enrolled

U.G. to P.G. NA

P.G. to M.Phil. NA

P.G. to Ph.D. 14%

Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral NA

Employedl Campus selection As PFs : 03l Other than campus recruitment


36. Diversity of staff :

Percentage of faculty who are graduates

of the same university 25%

from other universities within the State 25%

from universities from other States 25%

from universities outside the country 25%

37. Number of Faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D., D.Sc. and D.Litt.during the assessment period. : 01

38. Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with regard to

a. Library : The Department staffroom houses a smallDepartmental library

b. Internet facilities for staff andstudents : The facility is available for Faculty

c. Total number of class rooms : 03

d. Class rooms with ICT facility : 01 Classroom equipped with A/V facility

e. Students’ laboratories : 01

f. Research laboratories : 01

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39. List of Doctoral, Post-Doctoral students and Research Associates :

a. List of Doctoral students from the host University :

Ph.D. in Linguistics1 Apinao Reisagmi Leisan 2 Gayetri Thakur

3 Kumari Niti 4 Esther Talang

5 Jadhav Arvind Tukaram 6Pol Anupama Prakashs

7 Laishram Rishikanta Meitei 8 Geyi Ete

9 Shrity Rai 10 Nending Ommo

11 Rev. Morakandegoda Ariyawansa 12Atiur Rahman Khan

13 Manish Mishra 14 Rahul Mhaiskar

15 Sujata R. Bhujang 16 Megna Glenn Carvalho.

17 Anandakiththi K 18Jaehee Park

b. from other institutions/universities : Nil.

40. Number of Post-Graduate students getting financial assistance from theuniversity.All registered Ph.D. students are entitled to a modest stipend of Rs. 400/-from deemed University.

41. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken before the development ofnew programme(s)? If so, highlight the methodology.Yes. The ‘Student feedback’ form includes a component on assessment ofexisting M.A. programme and invites suggestions for changes/additions to theprogrammes available in the department.

42. Does the Department obtain feedback from -a. Faculty on curriculum as well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how

does the department utilize the feedback?The department does not take formal written feedback on teaching-learning-evaluation. However, such feedback is taken in departmentalmeetings and suggestions are incorporated in the curriculum/syllabus-revision, introduction of short-term courses, etc.

b. Students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-evaluation and howdoes the Department utilize the feedback?The Department collects formal written feedback from M.A. students ina particular format. The feedback covers assessment of Faculty, curriculumand teaching-learning process.

c. Alumni and employers on the programmes offered and how does thedepartment utilize the feedback?The Department is in close interaction with its alumni, especially those in

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service in other university departments. Their suggestions for changes/additions in syllabus, addition of new courses etc. are invited and suitablyincorporated.

43. List the distinguished alumni of the Department (maximum 10) :

Padmashri Prof. Ashok Kelkar Dr. Asha Mundlay

Prof. Peri Bhaskararo Prof. B.R.K. Reddy

Prof. Pramod Kumar Pandey Prof. Rajesh Sachdeva

Prof. K.S. Nagaraja Prof. R.C. Sharma

Prof. Nazir Ahmad Dhar Prof. Jyotiprakash Tamuli

Prof. Mina Dan

44. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops/ seminar) involving external experts.

The Department regularly organizes workshops and lectures in various fieldsof Linguistics for students and Faculty. Experts in various areas of Linguisticsare invited to conduct these activities.

The following is a list of enrichment programmes conducted during 2008-12:

1. Workshop in Phonetics by Prof. P. Bhaskararao, Tokyo, Japan. 2010.

2. Workshop in Phonology by Prof. K.P. Mohanan, National University ofSingapore. 2010.

3. Workshop in Morphology by Prof. Rajendra Singh Montreal, Canada,2010.

4. Seminar in Semiotics by Dr. Bishwamohan Pradhan, Mumbai University,2011.

5. Workshop on Bhili Dialects in collaboration with Central Institute of IndianLanguages, Mysore. 10-17 September 2011. Prof. J.C. Sharma (formerDeputy Director, CIIL, Mysore) was the resource person.

6. Workshop on Computational Linguistics in collaboration with AAIGroup of C-DAC, Pune. 30-31 March 2012.

7. Workshop on Argumentation in Studies of Language Contact and LanguageChange by Prof. Hans Henrich Hock, Emeritus Professor, University ofIllinois, Urbana Champaign, USA. 11-16 February 2013.

8. One-day workshop on Marathi in Contact Situations by Prof. RajeshwariPandharipande, Professor Emerita. University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, USA. on 9 February 2013.

9. Workshop on Issues and Challenges in Machine Translation. 18-19March 2013.

10. Prof. Dipti Misra Sharma from Language Technology Research Centre,

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IIIT, Hyderabad, 18-19 March 2013

11. Prof. John Smith, Cambridge University, UK was invited to make anaudio-visual presentation on the Pabuji Oral Tradition of Rajasthan tomark International Mother Language Day in February 2011.

12. Prof. K. Paddayya, Emeritus Professor, Deccan College, Pune was invitedto speak on ‘Heritage: its study and preservation’ to mark InternationalMother Language Day in February 2012.

13. Prof. L. S. Sashidhara, coordinator of Biology at the Indian Institute forScience Education and Research delivered a special talk on ‘BehaviouralAdaptations and Evolution’ on 19 April 2010.

14. Socio-Historical Linguistics and the Indian Diaspores of the 19th and 20thCenturies. Series of 03 lectures delivered by Prof. Rajend Mesthrie, Dept.of Linguistics, Capetown University, South Africa. 3-5 December 2013.

15. Block Seminar on Functional Approaches to Typology by Prof. PrashantPardeshi, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics(NINJAL), Tokyo, Japan on 11 February 2014.

16. Workshop in Syntax by Prof. Tara Mohanan, formerly at the NationalSingapore University, in February-March 2014 (the workshop wasconducted in 05 sessions).

17. Seminar on Marathi in Contact Situations. Invited expert - Prof. RajeshwariPandharipande, Professor Emerita, University of Urbana Campaign, Illinois,USA.,. 14-15 March 2014.

45. List the teaching methods adopted by the Faculty for different programmes.

M.A. programme :l Emphasis on interactive method of teachingl Use of handouts and photocopied reading materiall Use of powerpoint presentationsl Chalk-and-boardl Group discussion and paired workl Individual practice in the laboratoryl Individual presentationsl Mini data-based assignments/projects

Ph.D. programme :l Interactive methodl Powerpoint presentationsl Paired activity in the classrooml Activities in seminar-model Presentations by individual students

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46. How does the Department ensure that programme objectives are constantlymet and learning outcomes are monitored?Through continuous assessment of students in the form of class tests, homeassignments and student projects.

47. Highlight the participation of students and Faculty in extension activities.

[a] Faculty of the department –

Name of the Faculty Academic Extension Activity


Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi 1. Co-opted member, BoS (English), Pune University.2. Treasurer of the Linguistic Society of India


3. Member of the Examination Committee, Dept.of Linguistics, Mumbai University.

Shailendra Mohan 1. Joint Secretary, Linguistic Society of India, Pune.

2. Joint Chief Resourse Person-cum-Supervisor, LIS-India- KOLAMI Central Institute of IndianLanguages. Mysore.

Rahul Mhaiskar 1. Delivered a lecture on ‘Rule based MarathiAdjective Recognizer ’ in the LinguisticsDiscussion Group.

Pangersenla Walling 1. Coordinated activeties of the LinguisticsDiscussion Group (January to April 2010)

2010-11Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi 1. Treasurer of the Linguistic Society of India


2. Member of the Examination Committee, Dept.of Linguistics, Mumbai University.

3. Taught a short-term course in ‘Phonetics for thePronunciation of English’, 7-21 May 2010 in theDept. of Linguistics.

4. Reviewer, Bhasha ani Jeevan published byMarathi Abhyas Parishad.

Shailendra Mohan 1. Joint Secretary, Linguistic Society of India, Pune.

2. Joint Chief Resource Person-cum-Supervisor, LIS-India- KOLAMI Central Institute of IndianLanguages. Mysore.

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Rahul Mhaiskar 1. Assisted in conducting laboratory sessions for theshort-term course in ‘Phonetics for thePronunciation of English’, 7-21 May 2010 in theDept. of Linguistics.

2. Delivered a lecture on “POS tagset design forannotating Marathi corpus” in the LinguisticsDiscussion Group, Dept. of Linguistics, DeccanCollege.

Renuka Ozarkar 1.Co-ordinated activities of the LinguisticsDiscussion Group (July-November 2010)

Shubhangi Kardile 1. Course-coordinator for the short-term course in‘Phonetics for the Pronunciation of English’,7-21 May 2010. Conducted the laboratory sessionsand contributed to material preparation with thehelp of Mr. Rahul Mhaiskar (lecture sessionswere conducted by Dr. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi).

2. Co-ordinated activities of the LinguisticsDiscussion Group (January-April 2011)

2011-12Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi 1. Treasurer of the Linguistic Society of India

(2009-2011; 2012- present).

2. Made a departmental presentation for UGC-SAPin Linguistics on the thrust area LanguageContact, in UGC, New Delhi on 30th June 2011.

3. Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP-DRS-1 in theDepartment of Linguistics (2011 – present)

4. Member of the Examination Committee, Dept.of Linguistics, Mumbai University.

5. Reviewer, Bhasha ani Jeevan published byMarathi Abhyas Parishad, Pune.

6. Reviewer, Maharashtra Rajya MarathiVishwakosh Mandal, Mumbai.

Shailendra Mohan 1.Secretary, Linguistic Society of India, Pune (2012-present); Joint-Secretary, Linguistic Society ofIndia, Pune (2009-2011).

2. Made a departmental presentation for UGC-SAPin Linguistics on the thrust area LanguageContact, in UGC, New Delhi on 30th June 2011.

3. Deputy - Coordinator, UGC-SAP-DRS-1 in theDepartment of Linguistics (2011 – present)

Name of the Faculty Academic Extension Activity

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Name of the Faculty Academic Extension Activity

Shubhangi Kardile 1. Joint Secretary, Linguistic Society of India, Pune(2012-present)

2. Coordinated activities of the LinguisticsDiscussion Group (July-October 2011)


Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi Treasurer, Linguistic Society of IndiaCo-ordinator, UGC-SAP-DRS-1in the Department of Linguistics.

Shailendra Mohan Secretary, Linguistic Society of IndiaDeputy-Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP-DRS-1in the Department of Linguistics.

Shubhangi Kardile Joint-Secretary, Linguistic Society of India.

2013-14Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi Treasurer, Linguistic Society of India Co-ordinator,

UGC-SAP-DRS-1 in the Department ofLinguistics.

Shailendra Mohan Secretary, Linguistic Society of India Deputy-Co-ordinator, UGC-SAP-DRS-1 in the Departmentof Linguistics.

Shubhangi Kardile Joint-Secretary, Linguistic Society of India.

[b] Participation by students

Year wise Student Name

2009-10 Geyi ete, Ommo Nending, Wanglit, Shrity Rai, C.M. Khambu,Parvat Vadi and Lachmi Cheda on Dissertation related fieldwork.

2010-11 1. Shini Uni and Sabarni Datta on Dissertation relatedfieldwork.

2. Sujata Bhujang, Sambhaji Jadhav and Arvind Jadhav fieldvisit at IIIT, Hyderabad on summer school programme.

3. Niti Jha Ph.D. fieldwork in Bihar.

2011-12 1. Edna Vaz Dissertation related fieldwork.

2. Jayashri Bharambe: fieldwork with Shubhangi Kardile inYevatmal.

3. Shrity Rai Ph.D. fieldwork in Sikkim.

4. Swapnil Moon: fieldwork with Shailendra Mohan in Jalgaon-Jamod.

5. Manish Mishra Ph.D. fieldwork in Arunachal Pradesh.

6. Niti Jha Ph.D. fieldwork in Jharkhand.

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2012-13 1. Ruta Paradkar Dissertation related fieldwork in Goa.2. Swapnil Moon: fieldwork with Rahul Mhaiskar in Nagpur.

3. Geyi Ete Ph.D. filedwork in Arunachal Pradesh.

2013-14 1. Mr. Sambhaji Jadhav (Research Assistant) and Ms. MegnaCarvalho (Teaching Assistant) conducted a short-termcourse in Phonetics for School Teachers of English.6-22 January 2014.

2. All students and staff of the Department contributed to theorganisation of ‘Open Day’ on 22 February. The eventwas organised to inform prospective students and othersabout the research and teaching activities of theDepartment.

3. All students and staff of the department participated inthe organisation of an invited talk by Prof. Maxine Berntsen(Co- founder, Pragat Shikshan Sanstha and ProfessorEmerita at Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Hyderabad)to mark International Mother Language Day on 21February 2014.

l Rahul Mhaiskar coordinated activities of the LinguisticsDiscussion Group during 2012-13 and 2013-14.

l In January 2014 the department initiated a ‘Study Circle’for researchers in the department working on LanguageContact. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi, Shailendra Mohan,Shubhangi Kardile, Rahul Mhaiskar, Sujata Bhujang andRuta Paradkar are members of this group. The groupmet six times during the semester.

48. Give details of ‘beyond syllabus scholarly activities’ of the Department.

[a] Regular organization of seminars and workshops for students bydistinguished Faculty from other universities.

[b] Weekly meetings of the Linguistics Discussion Group, a forum in whichstaff and students of the Department discuss research in progress.

[c] Students write field work-based M.A. Dissertations.

[d] Occasionally students accompany Faculty members to observe/conductfield work in Faculty projects. This provides good field training to student.

49. State whether the programme/ Department is accredited/ graded by otheragencies? If yes, give details. : No.

Yearwise Student Name

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50. Briefly highlight the contributions of the Department in generating newknowledge, basic or applied.

[a] The Department has been the pioneer Department of Linguistics in India.The first Post-Graduate Diploma in Linguistics and, subsequently, thefirst Post-Graduate Degree programme in Linguistics began at the DeccanCollege in 1956 and 1958 respectively. Linguists trained at the DeccanCollege were instrumental in establishing Departments in other parts ofthe country.

[b] The Department has made very significant contributions to the descriptivestudies of languages belonging to all four language families of the country.These studies are available in the form of monographs published by theDeccan College.

[c] The Department has taken up research on language contact situations indifferent parts of the country and expects to evolve a typology of contactsituations in India.

51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges(SWOC) of the Department.


[1] Nourishing academic environment which puts a premium on research andteaching.

[2] On-going research projects with opportunities for training students in field-oriented Linguistics.

[3] Access to a wide-range of old and recent book publications in the centrallibrary.

[4] The provision of a well-equipped computed-based, LAN-ed PhoneticsLaboratory to complement classroom teaching of Phonetics, LanguageTeaching.

[5] Research and publications in field Linguistics as well as theoreticalLinguistics.


[1] Vacant Faculty positions due to non-availability of linguists domiciled inMaharashtra with particular specialisations.

[2] Inadequate number of specialized teachers/researchers for various sub-areas in Linguistics.

[3] Non-availability of funds for subscription to recent important journals.

[4] Non-availability of access to online resources through UGC.

[5] No provision for studentships/freeships/stipends for needy/deservingstudents at the M.A. level.

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[1] The Department strives to become a leading research centre for LanguageContact in India.

[2] The development for a specialized centre for the study of lesser knownand endangered languages.

[3] Developing a corpus for linguistic aspects of the Marathi language.

[4] Commencing student fellowships at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels.

[5] Developing ties with the industry, especially in the fields of languagetechnology and corporate language teaching.


[1] Filling vacant Faculty positions with the existing specialisations.

[2] Lack of space for expansion of Phonetics Laboratory.

[3] Inadequate number of Faculty positions.

[4] Impressing upon the state government the need for the creation of newFaculty positions to accommodate various specializations in the field ofLinguistics.

[5] Preparing dialect maps, especially a dialect map of Marathi.

52. Future plans of the Department.

[1] To develop the Department as a premier centre for research in field ofLinguistics in general and in Contact Linguistics in particular.

[2] Urgent filling of vacant positions in the Department.

[3] Developing the linguistics curriculum to cater to the needs of the industry,communication technology, speech technology, language teaching.

[4] Developing a laboratory for computational Linguistics.

[5] Commencing extension activities to increase awareness of language andlanguage-related issues among school children.
