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  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date


    Date Lie


    Date Debunk


    Van Jones went to prison for Rodney

    King riots (Went in in April, got out inAugust) 8/28/2009

    Eva Patterson, via FAIR. Van Jones plus attorney were sent out to monitorpeaceful march on 5/8/92. Police stopped march, arrested hundreds, including

    Jones & attorney. Jones and attorney released in a few hours, City of SanFrancisco paid them restitution


    Winter Olympics cost city of Vancouver$1 billion 9/30/2009 White House via Raw Story winter olympics haven't even taken place yet


    Chicago has had to close government

    for several days due to fiscal crunch 9/30/2009

    White House via Raw Story "Chicago has had one reduced service day in 2009

    and will have 2 more; Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.


    If you go to the "Cash for Clunkers"

    website the government will take over

    your computer, own it, and all files on itmay be monitored and intercepted byseveral law enforcement agenciesforeign and domestic 8/1/2008

    As an EE with a concentration in CS, I can assure you that this is technologicallyimpossible. But you would have to be paranoid to even think that it was possible.

    How would the government monitor your files through your firewall, ISP port

    monitoring, anti-virus software, and browser software? Why would anyone thinkthe government wants to monitor computers of people who use Cash forClunkers? Read the Consumer Bill of Rights on the website:


    45% of doctors will quit the practice ifhealth care reform passes 10/28/2009

    Outright lie. Based on Investors Business Daily poll where 45% of doctors saidthey will consider quitting, not actually quit. Further, the poll had a very low

    response rate, only 1376 out of 25,600 asked. So it's like one of those AOL snap

    polls meaniingless PLUS misquoted.


    You don't know if this ( the H1N1vaccine) is gonna cause neurological

    damage like it did in the 1970s 10/28/2009

    Barely true, and out of context. This was based on a swine flu vaccine effort in

    1976 that involved 45 million doses of flu vaccine. There were approximately 500cases of Guillain-Barre that year, but there was no direct proof that the vaccine

    caused the disease. However, even if it were true, it has been proven that sincethen there is no link between vaccine and Guillain-Barre. So in context with

    known facts, it's a lie. It's like saying "You don't know if you go to some remotePacific island you won't be shot by a Japanese soldier who hasn't heard that

    WWII ended." Yeah, right.

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Van Jones "is an avowed, self-avowedradical revolutionary communist." 10/28/2009

    Van Jones was a member of STORM, which dissolved in spring 2002. Theirhistory of the organization is a fascinating look inside the organizational structure

    of a communist revolutionary group. But Jones has left that line of thinking andnow believes that the only hope for survival comes from "eco-entrepreneurs" and

    the thriving of their investment enterprises. Only the business community has the[resources] to save us during this era where our very survival is on the line. Glenn

    didn't read Van Jones' book "The Green Collar Economy", which he clearly statesthat capitalism is the only system that can save us. No communism there, Glenn. BTW, does Glenn believe that people never change?That would make him a coke-snorting, drunken, wife-abusing fool, wouldn't it?

    9/3/2009 Van Jones is a "Truther" 10/28/2009

    No way of knowing, so that makes it at best speculation and at worst an outright

    lie. Van Jones signed a petition in September 2004 that demanded a new

    investigation into 9/11 to look at questions which are unanswered. Some say thatthere are STILL unanaswered questions. I might have signed that petition,especially in light of the fact that Bush/Cheney are known liars and they are notafraid to take actions that cost human lives by the thousands. I don't think that

    Jones is a "Truther" but like many of us who were on to Bush's lies early in thegame, I'm guessing that he still has a healthy skepticism about it. I do.


    John Holdren, director of the White

    House Office of Science andTechnology Policy, "has proposed

    forcing abortions and putting sterilantsin the drinking water to control

    population." 10/28/2009

    Holdren is co-author of a 1000 page book written in 1978 named Ecoscience:

    Population, Resources, Environment. As an aside, if you go to Amazon thecapitalists are at it again, trying to get $400 for USED copies of it. What's

    interesting is the anti-Obama, conspiracy theory screeds that "customers whobought this item also bought". LOL. OK, the book cites overpopulation to be a

    grave crisis. The book discusses various means to reduce fertility, includingputting sterilants in the drinking water. However, it NEVER advocates that

    approach, and it NEVER advocates mandatory abortions. It just discusses thoseideas in the context of public policy, society, and laws. Again, Glenn Beck and

    his cadre of liars are full of it.

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Net neutrality is the ObamaAdministration's attempt to control theinternet and give away free televisions 10/27/2009

    In fact, "net neutrality" is an attempt to make sure that private businesses don't

    gain the power to control what is currently a public internet system. Thecorporations and corporate Astroturfer organizations and lobbyists are trying to

    pass the "Internet Freedom Act" which does exactly the opposite of what its

    name implies (John McCain is the sponsor, so no surprise about the Orwellian"doublespeak" title of the bill). There is a lot of information about Net Neutralityavailable. If you listen to the crap from the lobbyists, they make it sound as if

    they are going to "innovate" the internet. Far from it... they simply want toCHARGE for high speed traffic by SLOWING DOWN traffic from people who

    don't pay fees. This is very dangerous, as it could lead to supression of newsunfriendly to those who pull the strings. That's why they are trying to pull them

    now. As far as the "free TVs" thing, Glenn never explains it but I think it's obviousthat nobody has suggested that the government should give away free TVs,radios, computers, or anything else.


    Manufacturing "Czar" Ron Bloom calleda "Maoist" 10/23/2009

    Glenn likes to quote people out of context, as he did with Anita Dunn (discussedelsewhere). In this case Bloom is speaking to a group of union activists and hesays "we kind of agree with Mao that political power comes from the barrel of a

    gun". This is a statement of political reality, in a figurative sense, and the contextof the statement clearly shows that Bloom was not suggesting that if you want

    political power you have to get a gun, or become a Maoist. This is an outrightFAIL of Beck that can be debunked by anyone who can Google the speech.

    (Another reason why we need net neutrality). You can read the context of thespeech at Media Matters HERE...


    Obama engaged in a "coverup" of

    Treasury Department documents fromMarch that show that the cost of cap-and-trade on carbon would cost $1726

    per household despite Obama saying itwill cost the price of a postage stamp

    per day. 9/20/2009

    The $1726 figure is not from the Treasury Department, it's a number pulled from

    the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act and twisted into apretzel by the overactive imagination of Drudge Report blogger DeclanMcCullagh. Congress did not adopt Obama's plan as proposed in the State of

    the Union speech, which would have cut taxes for working class families. (I lovethe term "working class families". It's so PC. Shouldn't it be "working poor"?)

    Obama's plan would have taxed polluters and given tax cuts to families. The EPAestimates that the ACES Act will result in a net cost of about $100/day per

    household which will be fully offset for low income families. The CBO numbers:

    net cost of about $20 billion per year in 2020 and that results in $160 per


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    Animal gasses produce more C02 thancars or coal-fired power plants 7/11/2007

    US Department of Energy's Greenhouse Gases page says Glenn Beck is full ofBS. The facts: 84% of C02 comes from coal and petroleum Electricity generation accounts for 41% of USgreenhouse gas production and 79% of this is f rom coal. (I happen to know quite

    a bit about this topic because I did maintenance training at one of the dirtiestgeneration systems in the US, 16 antiquated plants that are failing regularly and

    working loopholes in the EPA regulations of the 1970s.)


    Glenn complains about "hard line of

    questioning" (sarcastically, actuallymeaning softball questions) asked of

    Sotomayor by Senate panel. 1/14/2009

    The only problem is, Glenn, that the day you're complaining about was the day of

    nothing but opening statements of the hearing. There wasn't a single questionasked. WOW.


    Glenn Beck lies about Obamas

    swearing in by saying, I checked. We

    have never had a president sworn into

    office without a Bible. 1/22/2009

    Oops. Plenty of Presidents have been sworn in without a Bible. Teddy Roosevelt,

    Lnndon Johnson, John Quincy Adams. And what is Beck complaining about?The do-over swearing in which was done because of an error made by Bush

    Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts because he screwed up the publicone, in which Obama used Abraham Lincoln's Bible.

    Side note: If Glenn Beck had his way, the Mormon President would be running

    the show, not the US President. In that case, the swearing in would be on the

    Book of Mormon.


    Glenn claims that the Teabaggers

    march on Washington was estimated tobe 1.7 million strong by the University

    of "Don't Remember" 9/15/2009

    Well, Glenn might have been wishfully thinking or he might have been duped bythe false photographs circulated by conservative bloggers. The photo they had

    was taken prior to 2004, as the Air and Space Museum would be there. So whywould they try to fake it? Because they are trying to make it seem more

    "mainstream" by saying there were more people there than actually were. Sohere's a number that is commonly used by rational people... 60,000. If you

    subtract the people who were bussed in on Astroturf busses, it's probably about50,000. Here's a comparison of demonstration sizes... Beck's 9/12 project ranks

    down with the KKK march.

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    Rockefeller Center is decorated byCommunist/socialist art, which is

    propaganda somehow but most people"have no idea what they're even looking

    at". 9/2/2009

    It's tempting for me to delve into this one because I went to a beautiful junior high

    school that was built during the art deco era. I believe it may have been a WPAproject, although I'm not sure about that. Our little town got several buildings

    during that era, and according to Glenn my whole town of redneck, hippie- andcommie-hating mill rats must have actually been SOCIALISTS! LOL! I am going

    to defer to Leanne Haase Goebel, who came up with the top Google hit on thissearch. She does a great job of explaining the lie at

    Keith Olbermann did a nice sarcastic deconstruction of it, too, but MS Goebel iswriting as an art critic so she knows art history. Glenn, just STFU when you get

    an idea like this. Take an asprin, sit down, and STFU.


    "Carol Browner is a member ofSocialist International, a group for

    global governments... [shows picture ofhammer and sickle] 10/30/2009

    Carol Browner was not a member of Socialist International at the time Beck made

    the statement, so it is a lie. She was a member in capacity of serving on itsCommission for a Sustainable World Society. The purpose of Socialist

    International has nothing to do with "world government" and it is opposed to

    communism, a totalitarian system, as Beck lies again. Its purpose is to provide amechanism for social democratic, socialist, and labor parties to work together toprovide fair solutions to global problems. Among its standing committees are theCommittee on Economic Policy, Labor and National Resources; the Committee

    on Social Cohesion, Poverty and HIV/AIDS; the Committee on Disarmament; theCommittee on Local Authorities; the Committee on Migration; and the Committee

    on Peace. The organization's Congress meets every 3 to 4 years, the Councilmeets twice a year. The US does not have representation in the Congress at

    present, but many of our allies do including the UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada,Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy,

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Progressives used to be slave owners.

    "We call them 'progressives' now butback in Samuel Adams day they usedto call them 'tyrants', a little later I think

    they were also called 'slave owners',people that encourage you to become

    more dependent on them." 10/30/2009

    ironic. It's ludicrous for reasons I will explain shortly, it's ironic because Beck'sMormon Church is a racist cult that believes black people have the "curse of

    Cain". According to the Mormons, black people were created inferior by God andtherefore meant to serve white people, which is why they didn't support abolition

    of slavery. Mormons used to believe that black people turn white when they are"saved". Black people were not allowed into the "Priesthood" of the MormonChurch until 1978, when they faced civil rights litigation. Now onto the

    "progressive slaveholder" crap. The progressive movement began AFTER the

    Civil War, long after slavery was abolished. Even so, progressive values includecreation of professional social workers, day care centers, child labor laws,organized labor, conservation, populism, muckraking journalists, eradicating

    social injustice, and so on. In fact, one of the EARLIEST progressive writers, RayStannard Baker, wrote a scathing account of white hatred towards blacks called

    "Following the Color Line", in 1908. So Glenn, when you read this, consider


    Glenn says he hates the 9/11 families"because they're always complaining

    and we did our best for them. Andagain, it's only about 10." This was the

    same radio show where he calledsurvivors of Katrina trapped in the

    SuperDome "scumbags". Glenn says"They're EXACTLY like the 9/11families... there's about 10 of them". 11/6/2009

    I don't think we'll ever know exactly what inspired Glenn Beck to make hisinaccurate, anti-social attacks on families and survivors of 9/11 attacks and

    Katrina. Neither of his claims are true, however. Glenn may have thought that theFamily Steering Committee was just whining about money, but a quick perusal of

    their site shows otherwise. See it HERE. If you look attheir mission statement and click their "unanswered questions" link you know that

    it had nothing to do with that. Regarding Katrina, it's obvious that the families inthe SuperDome were "EXACTLY (his emphasis) like the 9/11 families." In fact

    the two situations have nothing in common. The families have nothing in commonexcept that they have lost love ones and the US Governement has failed them.

    The "scumbags" came from all walks of life, and I guess Glenn thinks that mostof them were too stupid or too poor to get out of NOLA so that makes them"scumbags". LIE.

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    Glenn Beck includes "Truthers" in the

    same group as Al Qaeda, Nazis, whitesupremacists as "groups who want to

    destroy America". 11/6/2009

    The Truther movement has NO LINK WHATSOEVER to the other groups and

    does not want to "destroy America". The premise of the "Truthers" is that theofficial government explanation of what happened on 9/11 does not match up

    with what actually happened. From there you go into different degrees of "truther-iness" ranging from disagreeing with the physics of how the buildings fell to full-

    blown conspiracy theories. But the aim of Truthers is to strengthen governmentby laying the facts bare and making sure all future governments tell us the truth.

    Given the lies that Bush and his bandits told us on just about every topicconcerning Iraq, it's not hard to understand why the Truther movement started

    and why they don't trust the Bush government's explanation of it.

    "They'll take away guns, they'll take

    away our sovereignty, they'll take away

    our currency, our money, they'realready starting to put all the globalframework in with this bullcrap calledglobal warming." 11/15/2009

    The global warming bill (H.R. 2454) that Glenn says creates a "global framework"does not have the words "gun", "ammunition", "weapons", "firearms", "bomb",

    "currency", "warplane", "battleship", "handgun", or any reference to "sovereignty".

    There is no "global framework" in the bill, but there is cooperation betweennations in sharing data on their emissions and atmospheric data. This is a BILL,not a TREATY. Therefore it has no reality connection with Beck's dementedconspiracy theory of a "global framework".


    Glenn accuses Little Green Footballs of

    accusing HIM of killing a frog.(Remember when he "play-acted" that

    he was throwing a frog into a pan ofboiling water to "prove" somecrackhead theory of his?) 9/24/2009

    On 9/23, the website put this statement up regarding Beck's actions: "This might

    have been another Glenn Beck stunt, designed to deliberately provoke outrage.

    He might come on his show tomorrow and say, Hah! Fooled all you liberal

    commies! Had you going! Or he might not. How sad is it that we even have to

    ask the question? But even if it was a stunt, and no frog was killed ... this is still

    amazingly sick. This show airs at a time in the early afternoon when children arewatching." Later, that day, the site posted this: " I dont watch Glenn Beck, but

    readers inform me that after this segment Beck revealed he was using a rubberfrog. My point about the irresponsibility of this kind of stunt still stands." You can

    read the full story at the LGF website at this link: (On a

    side note, I also suspected that this was a stunt and did a frame-by-frameanalysis of the video I obtained from YouTube. I concluded that you couldn't tell

    from the video whether ir was real or not, also stating that whether it was real itwas still an outrage.)

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Several assertions about Iowa'sSupreme Court ruling that struck down

    the ban on same-sex marriage.

    "yeah, you gotta have same sex

    marriage". "This is where trans-nationalism comes in." "Evolving

    standards of decency advocate gaymarriage" (by guest expert). "Marriage,

    however, is different [than civil unions],because I believe this case is actually

    about going into churches and going inand attacking churches and saying 'You

    can't teach anything else.' When yousay 'Marriage...' , civil unions is

    different, 'Marriage is defined as this'

    then you also have to go into theschools. 4/14/2009

    Refer to MediaMatters The firstassertion is absurd by inspection. You don't HAVE to have a gay marriage, you

    can have an "opposite" marriage or no marriage at all. Standards of decencyhave nothing to do with this decision. This was clearly a case of equal

    constitutional rights in the eyes of the court, and civil unions are not equal tomarriage. Glenn should have done his research a bit better, because the Iowa

    SC ruling CLEARLY states that churches maintain the right to decide who getsmarried on their property. This has nothing to do with the educational system,

    period. I am beginning to think that Glenn Beck's lie spreadsheet needs toinclude a lie for all the times that Glenn Beck asserts that he "does his own

    research." The Iowa SC decision is only 69 pages long. It is available online in.pdf form at

    1499.pdf so GLENN, GET BUSY AND START READING instead of shootingyour stupid mouth off without knowing anything about the subject matter.


    "I mean, you dont have to be a

    socialist, I guess, to believe in globalwarming. Its just that almost everyone

    who does believe in global warming is asocialist. I mean, believes in manmade

    global warming that now can be fixedand reversed or whatever." 11/16/2009

    Again, Glenn, DO YOUR RESEARCH. A couple of Google clicks led me to a

    wealth of information about conservatives who support global warming scienceand GOP members who have made environmental concerns a high priority. I

    know Glenn Beck thinks that the Republicans are now colluding with theDemocrats to turn the US into the center for World Communism, but seriously,

    there are plenty of GOPERs who see global warming as a scientific problemrather than a political football. Check out this link, Republicans for Environmental

    Protection, Glenn should read this article, As usual he's full of

    BS. You don't have to be a socialist to believe in global warming, just someonewho can look at data and understand it. BUSTED.

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    Claim that the government spent $1.4

    million to "repair a door" on building5112. "They're peeing your money

    away. That's a lot of repairing, youknow.Can we buy a new one, a

    cheaper one? I don't know whatbuilding 5112 is, but it better fly, drop

    bombs, or have 1.4 million doors." 7/21/2009

    Media Matters points out HERE that Beck is lifting froma Matt Drudge story. That's NOT research, Glenn. The doors were hanger doors

    and they cost $246,000 to repair. $1.2 million was spent to replace the gasmains on the base. The repairs were at Dyess AFB and the information was

    available at the link provided in the Drudge story. LIAR.


    Glenn Beck, "quoting" the DrudgeReport, stated that the government

    "spent $1.1 million on 2-pound frozen

    ham," and "more than $1.5 million ... forsome mozzarella cheese." Beckfurther stated that "they checked" andyou can buy sliced ham at the grocery

    store for 80 cents a pound. 7/21/2009

    Media Matters points out HERE that Beck is lying again.Sec. of Agriculture Vilsack says that 2 pounds is the size of the package. The

    government bought 760,000 pounds of ham in 2 pound packages for $1.191million which is roughly $1.50/lb. As far as the "80 cents a pound claim", I

    Googled for "price of sara lee sliced ham" and found the following link: ounces of Black Forest

    sliced deli ham: $8.95 ($6.39/lb). DAK premium cooked sliced ham, 2.5 lb in2 packs, $8.59 ($3.44/lb) Case of Oscar Mayer cooked slice ham, 15 six

    ounce packages $42.05 ($7.48/lb). These are food service prices; I challenge

    Glenn Beck or any of the Beckerheads to send me a link to 80 cent ham. Beck



    Glenn Beck RT (retweets, meaning hespreads or disseminates to Twitter

    users) the lie that Nancy Pelosi saysshe's about to bring a vote to ban Fox

    News from covering Congress. 10/26/2009

    Jamison Foser picked up this Tweet from Beck and it's posted at MediaMatters at This is so preposterous that it's just

    stupid, but it's also a lie. You'd have to be stupid to believe it, but having rubbedelbows with Glenn Beck followers there's no doubt they are stupid enough to

    believe it.

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    Glenn claims the "Overton Window" (aconcept which totally escapes him as

    he demonstratest that he clearly has noidea what it means) has been moved

    "to the left" by health care reformadvocates and now "those who choose

    not to pay for any kind of health care,those who choose not to have a job,

    we're going to fund abortions, we have

    extra money from the rich, we caninclude illegals here, we can give illegaliimgrants health care, that's crazy talk"

    (More on the Overton Window below). 11/22/2009

    Glen is lying about so many things in a single collection of phrases that he iscompletely out to lunch. Painfully so. This is why you shouldn't get your

    information from Glenn; he is a serial liar. First off, the HCR bill passed by theHouse contains ths "Stupak Amendment" which specifically prohibits any federal

    funding for abortions. Unfortunately, it goes too far and says any plan that gets afederal subsidy can't fund abortions. This will be worked out in conference. The

    point is, taxpayer dollars will not be used for this purpose, even though many ofus believe that abortion is legal, it is a medical procedure, it is a decision made by

    a woman after private counsel with her physician, and if that's what she wants todo she should do it even if she has to take federal dollars. But it's NOT in the bill,

    Glenn. The House bill specifically states that only American citizens will becovered, in fact, illegals can't even join if they WANT to pay with their own money.

    Glenn says there are "those who choose not to have a job." Make up your mind,

    Glenn, you bash Obama for high unemployment rates. We KNOW that thecountry is in a recession. There are 5 times as many people looking for workthan there are vacant jobs. Underemployment is rampant. Glenn is lying when heimplies that those who are not working "choose" not to have a job. Does he think

    they "choose" to lose their homes, cars, purchasing power, credit ratings andevery other part of the "American dream", too? LIAR. Another myth touched on

    here is "those who choose not to pay for any kind of health care." The US CensusBureau is the source of the data that says that 47 million Americans do not have

    health insurance. This is not because they CHOOSE it. It's because they can'tAFFORD it. Health insurance costs as much or more than a mortgage payment.

    The loss of living-wage jobs is the primary cause of the high number of

    uninsured. The result is that people are going without health care when they needit or facing crushing medical bills. This is not idle speculation. This is the result ofan analysis of Census Bureau data by The Commonwealth Fund.

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    Glenn chalkboards up the "Overton

    Window." 11/22/2009

    Glenn's use of the "Overton Window" is fully bastardized and a lie in its own right.

    The Overton Window postulates that the range of political possibility based on therange of public reactions to ideas in public discourse. In fact, this idea was

    developed to explain how American policy has become radicalized to the right sothat even the middle is right wing. Glenn lies AND misunderstands. He says that

    health care reform moves the Overton Window to a place where choosing not towork, choosing not to buy insurance, paying for abortions with public money, and

    buying insurance for illegal aliens are all MAINSTREAM ideas. That's not onlyuntrue, it's absurd. Any politician who stood up and defended any single one of

    those ideas in public would be voted out of office and be ostracized by their party.The health care reform proposals do none of those things, and nobody in

    Congress defends any of those ideas. Glenn LIES again. For an explanation ofthe "Overton Window", visit this link:


    "America already has the best healthcare in the world. We DO take care ofour sick."


    "You're about to lose the best health

    care system in the world"


    "What does it mean for the rest of theworld if we lose our position as the

    innovator, as having the best healthcare in the country, in the world".

    OK, Glenn, why is our health care system ranked 37th in the world by the WorldHealth Organization? Why is the US worst in preventable death ranking? Whyare 47 million Americans stuck in a system where private employer based

    insurance is key to seeing a MD yet they don't have insurance? And most of all,if it's so great, Glenn, why did you make this VIDEO, you lying sad sack of dung?

    LOL enjoy, everybody, if you can stand to watch Glenn Beck feeling sorry for hismillionare self, oh, the pain, the suicidal thoughts... if only... well, a person can

    DREAM, can't they?

    You should always be careful about speaking from the heart, Glenn, especially1/4/2008

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    Glenn tells Bill O'Reilly that anyone whorefuses to buy health insurance will go

    to jail. For the first time in history. 11/14/2009

    Not true. No one has ever proposed that and it is not in either the House or

    Senate bills. The proposal is that refusing to buy insurance will result in a taxpenalty. This idea is not new, it's just a different enforcement mechanism. Every

    state in the union has mandatory auto insurance, which started in Massachusettsin 1927. This system protects the general public by forcing individuals to buy

    insurance to cover costs of misfortune. The option is having everyone else payfor it in cases where the cost of a mishap is well in excess of the resources of the

    individual. In many people's opinions (including mine), health insurancecompanies should be abolished and replaced with a single payer system.

    Mandatory insurance is a compromise and it should be accompanied bymandatory payout ratios. However, NOBODY is going to jail for refusing to buy

    insurance. That's as stupid as "death panels".


    Glenn agrees (on his radio show) withSarah Palin's claim on Facebook that

    health reform will create "death panels". 8/10/2009

    Here Glenn is promulgating and reinforcing a direct lie. There is no "death panel"

    provision in either bill. There never has been one and this lie has been debunkedthoroughly. The notion was a deliberate distortion of a provision in the House billthat includes a benefit for "end of life counseling", which allows people to choosewhat steps they want to have done should they become incapacitated and unable

    to state what they want done. This is also called a "living will". Everyone shouldhave one out of fairness to their family. A very, VERY far cry from a "Death

    Panel", which Sarah claimed bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective

    judgment of [people's] level of productivity in society, whether they are worthy of

    health care. Lies, dirty, damned lies.

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    Beck: (about his protestors, andanyone who disagrees with him) Now

    they're worried about bombings takingplace. Well, let me show you some new

    footage. A bombing did take place

    this past week in a town just north

    of Seattle called Everett. The only

    reason why I know this story is 'cause I

    was there. Radio station KRKO, their

    towers were blown up. When

    freedom of speech is being squelched,

    the left usually says, "That's fascist!"But in this case the left doesn't even

    call them anything! 9/30/2009

    Glenn showed footage of two radio towers that were knocked down in EverettWashington and claimed that they were bombed by people trying to suppress

    free speech. Not so. They were knocked down by a piece of stolen constructionequipment. They were not the object of terrorists trying to supress free speech.

    They were knocked down by vandals who were venting frustration in a long-brewing controversy over whether the towers should be allowed to be in a

    residential area because of alleged dangers of living in close proximity to high-energy radio transmissions. There was a note left at the scene claiming

    responsibility; the Earth Liberation Front did it. Freedom of speech? BS. KRKO is

    a SPORTS station. Glenn LIES again.


    Glenn claims that WH Press SecretaryGibbs never calls on Fox Newscorrespondent Major Garrett: "I know

    Major Garrett doesnt ask the questions

    at the White House, because hes

    never called on. Hmmm. I wonder why." 8/13/2009

    Yes, Glenn must be wondering about a lot of things. However, if he really DIDHIS OWN RESEARCH like he claims he does, he'd know that Gibss called onMajor Garrett in nearly EVERY press briefing to date including the day that Beck

    made this lying claim. 5 times in August, and also Feb. 9, March 24, April 4, andJune 23. NEVER is a long time, Glenn, you LIAR.


    Beck claims that he had never warned

    people that they were in danger of

    being "slaughtered" by the Obamaadministration and its friends. Says henever used the word "slaughtered" and

    if he did, it was in the context of Mao,Stalin, Hitler, or the context of the

    Obama Administration "slaughtering"the truth." 2/1/2010

    Glenn, YOU LIE. On November 3, 2009, Glenn Beck insanely ranted the

    following: "I told you yesterday, buckle up your seatbelt, America. Find the exit --there's one here, here, and here. Find the exit closest to you and prepare for a

    crash landing. Because this plane is coming down, because the pilot isintentionally steering it into the trees! Most likely, it'll happen sometime after

    Christmas. You're gonna see this economy come up -- we're already seeing it,and now it's gonna start coming back down again. And when you see the effects

    of what they're doing to the economy, remember these words: We will survive.

    No -- we'll do better than survive, we will thrive. As long as these people are

    not in control. They are taking you to a place to be slaughtered!"

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Only 3 percent of the stimulus plan will

    be spent in the next 12 months1/28/2009

    According to the CBO's full cost estimate of the bill, 11.2 percent of the $816billion bill would be spent in the first seven-and-a-half months after the bill is

    enacted, and, when including the bill's tax cut provisions, $169 billion -- or 20.7percent of the bill's total cost -- would take effect in the first seven-and-a-half



    Beck says that under the Wagner Act,

    Unions only need 30% support fromemployees to be established 2/13/2009

    Section 9 Paragraph 159 (b) states the conditions under which the NLRB willrecognize a union. The union must have MAJORITY support, meaning over 50%.


    The average UAW worker makes $154

    per hour 2/19/2009

    Barclays Capital (international investment bank) analysis reportedly found thatU.S. automakers "pay an average of $55 an hour in wages and benefits to hourly



    The US does not fingerprint foreign

    visitors or collect rapists' DNA 3/17/2009

    Department of Homeland Security does take fingerprints from "aliens seeking

    admission to the United States" at U.S. entry points, and according to theNational Conference of State Legislatures, "All 50 states require that convicted

    sex offenders provide a DNA sample."

    5/6/2009 ACORN received stimulus funds 5/6/2009

    ACORN is inelegible for funds in the "stimulus" (American Recovery andReinvestment Act). It has not applied for them, and is not mentioned in the bill.


    Obama said that he doesn't want health

    protestors to "do a lot of talking" 8/11/2009

    Obama was referring to "folks on the other side of the aisle", not the publicprotestors. "So, we've got some work to do. I don't mind, by the way, being

    responsible; I expect to be held responsible for these issues because I'm thepresident. But I don't want the folks who created the mess -- I don't want the folks

    who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them just to get out of the wayso we can clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a

    lot of talking." [Obama remarks in Tysons Corner, Virginia, 8/6/09]


    Glenn Beck reports fake murder storyfrom ACORN as fact 8/16/2009

    The story was fake. The ACORN staffer, Tresa Kaelke, realized that she wasbeing set up by amateur wannabe James O'Keefe (currently awaiting charges forattempting to tap Senator Mary Landreiu's phone). She spun a wild tale about

    murdering her husband. Beck and Fox didn't fact check, they just went off andreported this as an "EXPLOSIVE" revelation. LOL


    Beck claims that IPCC's Mojib Latif, a

    prominent climate modeler has "pulledthe rug out" from under climate changeconsensus. 9/24/2009

    In fact, Latif asserted that contrary to common "media" misperceptions of globalwarming as a "monotonic process" in which "each year is warmer than the

    preceding year," there are significant natural c limate variations within the decadal

    timescale that do not change the "long-term warming trend."

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Beck claims that support for the public

    option is "35 per cent of the population"and accuses Harry Reid of lying when

    he said the public wants it. 10/27/2009

    Polls have consistently shown that a majority of Americans want the so-called

    "public option". WaPo, 57% (10/15-10/18) CNN 61% (10/16-10/18) CBS News62% (10/5-10/8) Kaiser Family Foundation 57% (10/8-10/15) USA Today 50%



    Beck claims that under the Senatehealth care bill, "You don't get a single

    benefit until 2014". 11/19/2009

    Eliminating lifetime limits, and cap annual limits, on health-care benefits. In otherwords, if you get an aggressive cancer and your treatment costs an extraordinary

    amount, your insurer can't suddenly remind you that subparagraph 15 limitedyour yearly expenses to $30,000, and they're not responsible for anything above


    2) No more rescissions.

    3) Some interim help for people who have preexisting conditions, though the billdoes not instantly ban discrimination on preexisting conditions.

    4) Requiring insurers to cover preventive care and immunizations.

    5) Allowing young adults to stay on their parent's insurance plan until age 26.

    6) Developing uniform coverage documents so people can compare different

    insurance policies in an apples-to-apples fashion.

    7) Forcing insurers to spend 80 Epercent of all premium dollars on medical care(75 percent in the individual market), thus capping the money that can go towardadministration, profits, etc.

    8) Creating an appeals process and consumer advocate for insurance


    9) Developing a temporary re-insurance program to help early retirees (folks over55) afford coverage.

    10) Creating an internet portal to help people shop for and compare coverage.

    11) Miscellaneous administrative simplification stuff.

  • 8/14/2019 Debunk Date



    Beck claims that Obama suggested it'sOK to "put a spike in the baby's head" 11/25/2009

    Fact: Obama opposed an unnecessary Illinois abortion law amendment because

    Illinois criminal code unequivocally prohibited killing children. This amendmentwas an attempt by abortion opponents to open the door to limiting legal abortions.


    Beck claims that "no jobs are being

    saved or created" 12/2/2009

    In fact, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently estimated that theAmerican Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009, which was heavily promoted

    by President Obama, created 1.6 million jobs

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