Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel...

Woo-Sun Yang User Engagement Group, NERSC Debugging Tools New User Training - 1 - January 25, 2019

Transcript of Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel...

Page 1: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Woo-Sun YangUser Engagement Group, NERSC

Debugging ToolsNew User Training

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January 25, 2019

Page 2: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Debuggers• Program errors

– Program crashes– Program hangs– Wrong results

• How to find and fix them?– Print statements

• Difficult to guess where to put them and what to print• Recompile whenever you change them• Tedious and exhausting, especially for parallel codes

– Debuggers• Compile only once (generally)• Control execution of your program• Check variables• Identify where the code fails or hangs and why

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Page 3: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Parallel debuggers on Cori and Edison• Parallel debuggers with a graphical user interface

– DDT (Distributed Debugging Tool)– TotalView

• Specialized debuggers on Cori and Edison– STAT (Stack Trace Analysis Tool)

• Collect stack backtraces from all (MPI) tasks

– ATP (Abnormal Termination Processing)• Collect stack backtraces from all (MPI) tasks when an application fails

• Valgrind– Suite of debugging and profiling tools– Best known for its detailed memory debugging (memcheck)–

• Intel Inspector– Thread and memory debugging–

• Cray debuggers for comparative debugging– CCDB– lgdb

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Page 4: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

DDT and TotalView

• GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers• C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads• Licenses

– DDT: up to 8192 MPI tasks on Cori and Edison– TotalView: up to 512 MPI tasks on Cori and Edison– Shared among users and machines

• For info–




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Page 5: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

How to build and run with DDT

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$ ftn -g -O0 -o jacobi_mpi jacobi_mpi.f90

$ salloc -N 1 -t 30:00 -q debug -C knl$ module load allinea-forge$ ddt ./jacobi_mpi

Load the allinea-forge module to use DDTStart DDT

-g for debugging symbols;-O0 for the Intel compiler

Start an interactive batch session

Page 6: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

If you work far away from NERSC

• Remote X11 window GUI application over network: painfully slow response

• Two solutions– Use NX (NoMachine) to improve the speed

• Works for X window applications•

– Use Arm Forge remote client• Run on your desktop/laptop• Submit a debugging batch job on a NERSC machine and make the job connect

to the client (“reverse connect”)• Displays results in real time •

rse-connect-using-remote-client (for setup)•

oads/download-arm-forge (for downloading remote clients)

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Page 7: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Arm Forge remote client settings

• Uncheck the ‘Proxy through login node’ box -- for MFA authentication

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Page 8: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

DDT window

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For navigation

Parallel stack frame view is helpful in quickly finding out where each process is executing

To check the value of a variable, right-click on a variable or check the pane on the right


Processing entity to control

To evaluate expressions

Page 9: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Breakpoints, watchpoints and tracepoints

• Breakpoint– Stops execution when a selected line (breakpoint) is reached

– Double click on a line to create one; there are other ways, too

• Watchpoints for variables or expressions– Stops when a variable or an expression changes its value

• Tracepoints– When reached, prints what lines of codes is being executed and

the listed variables

• Can add a condition for an action point– Useful inside a loop

• Can be made active or inactive

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Page 10: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Check variables• Right click on a variable for a quick summary• Variable pane• Evaluate pane• Display variable values over processes (Compare across processes) or

threads (Compare across threads)• MDA (Multi-dimensional Array) Viewer

– Visualization– Statistics

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$ salloc -N 1 -t 30:00 -q debug$ module load totalview$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=6$ totalview srun -a -n 4 ./jacobi_mpiomp

Then,• Click OK in the ‘Startup Parameters - srun’ window

• Click ‘Go’ button in the main window

• Click ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Process srun is a parallel job. Do you want to stop the job now?’

Page 12: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

TotalView (cont’d)

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To see the value of a variable, right-click on a variable to “dive” on it or just hover mouse over it

For navigation

Root window Process window

State of MPI tasks and threads; members denoted roughly as ‘rank.thread’

For selecting MPI task and thread

Breakpoints, etc.

Page 13: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

STAT (Stack Trace Analysis Tool)

• Gathers stack backtraces (sequence of function calls leading up to the current function) for all (MPI) processes– Merge them into a single file (*.dot)

– Results displayed as a single call tree for all processes

– Can be useful for debugging a hanging application

– With the info learned from STAT, can investigate further with DDT or TotalView

• Works for MPI, CAF and UPC, OpenMP

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Page 14: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

STAT (Cont’d)

• STAT commands (after loading the ‘stat’ module)– stat-cl: invokes STAT to gather stack backtraces

– STATview: a GUI to view the results

– STATGUI: a GUI to run STAT or view results

• For more info:– ‘intro_stat’, ‘STAT’, ‘STATview’ and ‘STATGUI’ man pages

– /opt/cray/pe/stat/default/doc/stat_userguide.pdf


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Page 15: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Debug a hanging application with STAT• If your code hangs in a consistent manner, you can use STAT

to see whether some MPI ranks got stuck.

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$ ftn -g -o jacobi_mpi jacobi_mpi.f90$ salloc -N 2 -t 30:00 -q debug -C knl...$ srun -n 4 ... ./jacobi_mpi &[1] 158190$ module load stat$ stat-cl -i 158190…Attaching to application...Attached!Application already paused... ignoring request to pauseSampling traces...Traces sampled!…Resuming the application...Resumed!Merging traces...Traces merged!Detaching from application...Detached!

Results written to /global/cscratch1/sd/wyang/debugging/stat/stat_results/jacobi_mpi.0006

$ ls -l stat_results/jacobi_mpi.0006/*.dot-rw-r--r-- 1 wyang wyang 4855 Nov 6 00:58 stat_results/jacobi_mpi.0006/

$ STATview stat_results/jacobi_mpi.0006/

-i to get source line numbersSTAT samples stack backtraces a few times

with usual optimization flags, if any

Page 16: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Debug a hanging application with STAT (Cont’d)

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Rank 3 is hereRank 1 is here

Rank 0 is here

Rank 2 is here

Page 17: Debugging Tools - NERSC · 2019. 1. 25. · DDT and TotalView •GUI-based traditional parallel debuggers •C, C++, Fortran codes with MPI, OpenMP, pthreads •Licenses –DDT: up

Cray ATP (Abnormal Termination Processing)

• ATP gathers stack backtraces from all processes when an application fails– Invokes STAT underneath– Output in and

(which shows source code line numbers), which are to be viewed with STATview

• The atp module is loaded on Cori and Edison by default, but ATP is not enabled; to enable:

export ATP_ENABLED=1 # sh/bash/kshsetenv ATP_ENABLED 1 # csh/tcsh

• For more info– ‘intro_atp’ man page–

ing-tools/stat_atp/- 17 -

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National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

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