Debra Martin, Principal 2020 Alton Avenue Memphis, TN 38106 1.

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 Research-based teaching strategies will be provided to all students positively impacting them academically and socially to increase college and career readiness to promote success in a global world. 3

Transcript of Debra Martin, Principal 2020 Alton Avenue Memphis, TN 38106 1.

Debra Martin, Principal 2020 Alton Avenue Memphis, TN Given the right opportunities, we believe every child can develop a love of learning. We believe every teacher can stimulate our students minds in ways that will promote learning and successful achievement. We believe that our school can raise achievement beyond what once seemed impossible and because we believe these things, our mission is clear. 2 Research-based teaching strategies will be provided to all students positively impacting them academically and socially to increase college and career readiness to promote success in a global world. 3 The social curriculum is an important as the academic curriculum. How children learn is as important as what they learn. The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction. There is a set of social skills that children need to learn and practice in order to be successful. We must know our children individually, culturally, and developmentally. Knowing the families of the children we teach is as important as knowing the children. Teachers and administrators must Model, Model, Model the social and academic skills that they wish to teach students. 4 Elementary Number of Suspensions = 8.6% - Number of Expulsion = None - Attendance: 93.5% The number of suspensions decreased from the to Data used from TN Dept. of Education School Report card 5 Home suspensions will decrease by 10%. Office referrals will decrease by 10%. Student absences and tardies will decrease by 10%. Initiate appropriate interventions to address consistent disruptive behavior by 10%. Teacher participation increase by 10%. Increase positive incentives for students and teachers to promote a positive school climate. 6 Student, Parents, & Teachers Needs Assessment Surveys Classroom Management Professional Developments Love and Logic Tools Parent Trainings School Culture and Climate Professional Development Peer Mediation Groups School wide Assemblies Classroom Guidance Individual and Small Group Counseling Sessions 7 8 Revised 8/ Student accumulates 5 unexcused absences 2. Principal notification by3. Parent notification of meeting 4. Counselor holds SART meeting, parent signs PSAP* 5. Meeting documented in SMS Discipline Module 6. Student name placed on SART Watch List 7. SART Watch List monitored by support team 8. Re-offenders reported to principal 9. Principal contacts parent of re-offender and Truancy Officer 10 Role in Process MapOwner of role by name 1SART Process Owner Debra Martin 2Office of Attendance send listRon Pope 3Notify Parent of SART Meeting Sharon Ewing 4School Counselor convenes SART Meeting Karyana Jones 5Meeting documented in SMS Discipline Karyana Jones 6Student name placed on SART Watch ListSharon Ewing 7SART Watch List monitoring Sharon Ewing 8Re-offenders reported to Principal Karyana Jones/Sharon Ewing 9Principal contacts re-offender parent and Truancy Officer Debra Martin Revised 8/15 11 Revised 8/15 12 Date: October 21, 2015 School Name: Alton Elementary School Attendance Team Members: Indicate which staff serves on the schools attendance data team. What is this teams meeting schedule? Every Friday Principal Debra Martin Counselor Karyana Jones General Office Secretary Sharon Ewing Other: Attendance Challenges: Describe your top 3 attendance challenges for your school. Be specific. 1.Tardies 2. Unexcused absences 5 or more 3. Early dismissal Revised 8/15 13 School Data Summary AttendanceChronic AbsenteeismAbsences due to Suspensions GoalActualGoalActualGoalActual Notes: School Update Describe your plans for prevention and intervention strategies to address chronic absenteeism. Prevention StrategiesIntervention Strategies Additional Comments: Name of School: Alton Elementary PBIS Team is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of team members and designate counselor who will serve as Team Leader (TL) / Internal Coach Karyana Jones 14 Principal* Debra Martin Assistant Principal (recommended) Professional School Counselor* Karyana Jones School Psychologist Gina Faulkner General Education Teacher(s) Erika Hughes, Tamara Rogers, Bwana Hollowell MEA Representative Sherry Howard Elected Teachers (2)* Angela Gaia and Briney Johnson Special Education Teacher(s)* Mary Dabney and Cole Related Arts Teacher(s) Cedrick Hill Scholars: Ann Woods Educational Assistant(s)/ Non-Certified Staff Vernice Bowles Community Member Robert Robertson Parents (s)* Sherry Howard ISS Assistant (recommended) Cafeteria/Custodial Staff Carolyn Thomas/ Rodney Jefferson Bus Driver Other(s): PBIS Counselor Gina True 15 20 Day Reporting Period Approximate Dates of Reporting Periods All data for period entered into system (A) SW PBIS Team meeting dates (B) Faculty meeting dates to report interpretation of 20 day data (C) 1 08/10/15-09/04/159/4/15 09/04/201509/09/ /08/15-10/6/1510/06/15 10/21/1510/28/ /07/15-11/10/1511/10/15 11/201511/4/ /12/15-12/14/1512/14/15 12/18/ /15/15-01/27/1601/27/16 02/ /28/16-02/26/1602/26/16 03/ /29/16-04/01/1603/27/16 04/ /04/16-04/29/1604/29/16 05/ /02/16-05/27/1505/27/15 TBA Aug Inservice week 2015 (A) Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Sharon Ewing, General Office Secretary (B) Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column. Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to SW PBIS Team. Karyana Jones School Counselor: Determine how you wish to examine your data: by location, by student, by infraction, by time of day, number of referrals per day per reporting period. Also consider office referral procedures and data integrity. (C) Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the SW PBIS Teams Meeting. Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty. Karyana Jones Counselor: Team may wish to lead faculty in brainstorming intervention strategies based on data. Share successes and areas of continued efforts. 16 Please insert names of Team members below: 20 Day Attendance Reports 20 Day PBIS Reports Office Referrals Discipline Tracker Progress Reports Report Cards Parent Conferences Counselor Referrals S-Team Referrals 17 How is data used by the School-wide PBIS Team to determine progress toward goals and Action Plan? Scholars are placed in appropriate Tier Intervention/Enrichment Groups Data meeting are held during PLC to discuss progress Team meets monthly to discuss and review our Plan of Actions for this school year 18 Teachers and Scholars are celebrated throughout the school year 20 Days Attendance Incentive Store Scholar of the Week Teacher of the Month Honors Programs/Trips Most Improved Scholar Awards The celebrations and successes are communicate though: Announcements Bulletin Boards Faculty Meetings Schools Website 19 1. A lways respect yourself and others 2. L isten and follow directions the first time. 3. T ake responsibility for your actions. 4. O bey all school rules and procedures. 5. N egotiate with positive communication. 20 School Wide-Rules ClassroomCafeteriaHallwayRestroomBus Be PreparedCome to class with all necessary materials Be on timeObey the Quiet Zone signal Enter quickly and quietly Be aware of morning and afternoon schedule Be ProductiveStay on task, submit assignments, take notes Do not leave your assigned area Carry a hall pass if sent on an errand Follow instructions the first time given Be seated quickly and quietly; listen attentively Be PositiveDo your best at all times Be a positive role model for others Model proper behavior Model positive attitude and behavior Be PolitePractice good manners Dispose of trash during breakfast and lunch Walk quietly and to the right in the hallways Dispose of trash properly throughout the school Respect yourself and others 21 Minor Problem Behavior (Staff) DefinitionMinor Examples Major Problem Behavior (Office) DefinitionsMajor Examples Inappropriate Language Any spoken, written, or non-verbal communication that insults, mocks, belittles, or slanders another person. Comments (profanity) and gestures that are not directed at an individual, harmless rumors. All your family is dumb, This sucks, Crap, Butthead, Stupid, What the! Abusive Language/ Inappropriate Language/ Profanity Verbal messages that include profanity, name calling or use of words in an inappropriate way. Profanity directed at an individual, hostile threats either written, spoken, or non-verbal Physical Contact/Physical Aggression Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact. Silly horseplay, playful grabbing, pinching, non- aggressive punching or slapping, chasing, shoving, inadvertent physical contact, stepping on feet Fighting/ Physical Aggression Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.). Hitting, punching, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, choking, biting Defiance/ Disrespect/ Insubordination/ Non-Compliance Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to respond to adult requests. Talking back, not following directions, sleeping, refusal to complete assignments, ignoring request of adult Defiance/ Disrespect/ Insubordination/ Non-Compliance Refusal to follow directions, talking back and/or socially rude interactions. Refusal to comply with established rules, leaving class without permission, overtly verbally defiant/argumentative 22 23 Observe Problem Behavior Warning/Conference with Student Use Classroom Consequence Complete Discipline Tracker Call Parent Schedule Conference Refer to guidance Preparedness Calling Out Classroom Disruption Refusal to Follow a Reasonable Request (Insubordination) Failure to Serve a Detention Put Downs Refusing to Work Inappropriate Tone/Attitude Electronic Devices Inappropriate Comments Food or Drink Weapons Fighting or Aggressive Physical Contact Chronic Minor Infractions Aggressive Language Threats Harassment of Student or Teacher Truancy/Cut Class Smoking Vandalism Alcohol Drugs Gambling Dress Code Cheating Not w/ Class During Emergency Leaving School Grounds Foul Language at Student/Staff Write referral to office Administrator determines consequence Administrator follows through on consequence Administrator provides teacher feedback Write the student a REFERRAL to the main office Issue slip when student does not respond to pre-correction, re-direction, or verbal warning Once written, file a copy with administrator Take concrete action to correct behavior (i.e. assign detention,complete behavior reflection writing, seat change) SIDE BARon Minor Incident Reports -correction, re-direction, or verbal warning Once written, file a copy with administrator Take concrete action to correct behavior (i.e. assign detention, complete behavior reflection writing, seat change) SIDE BARon Minor Incident Reports Is behavior office managed? Classroom Managed Office Managed NoYes 24 25 The Three Steps To Teaching Procedures Explain: State Explain Demonstrate Model Rehearse: Rehearse and practice the procedure under your supervision. Reinforce: Re-teach, rehearse, practice and reinforce the procedure until it becomes a habit or routine. * All Scholars should be tested on scholar handbook. 26 List school procedures for entering school Classrooms are open each day at 9:00 a.m. and school begins at 9:15 a.m. Scholars entering the building between 9:00 and 9:15 a.m. should enter the main entrance. All scholars will report directly to classrooms and support staff with assist with monitoring this process. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will eat breakfast in the classroom. Scholars are expected to move through the halls swiftly, meanwhile staying to the right of the hallway. When the weather is inclement scholars will be allowed to enter the building as they arrive and assemble in cafteria. Closing of school Scholars will be dismissed each day at 4:15 p.m. Scholars should be completely off campus by 4:30 p.m. unless accompanied by a teacher for a specific activity. A warning notice will be given to parents and scholars on the first occurrence of being on campus after 4:30 p.m. On the second occurrence, scholars will be issued a Parent Conference Form/ Home Suspension. Passing Classes Scholars should always be monitored at all times. ( Ex. when traveling to restrooms, cafeteria, and support classes.) 27 Lunchroom Scholars will enter the cafeteria quietly. The scholars will also be assigned seats according to homeroom sections. Please talk to your students about manners and behavior in the cafeteria. Scholars are expected to act like young ladies and young gentlemen while in the cafeteria. We expect scholars to use their company manners at all times. The administration and designated staff will supervise the cafeteria during lunch. Scholars are to follow their directions without question and without hesitation. If the cafeteria gets too loud during lunch, talking will be prohibited in the cafeteria until order is well established. "Silent lunch" may last several seconds or for the entire lunch period, depending on how cooperative and responsibly scholars respond. There will be a time-out table in the cafeteria for scholars on punishment where talking will not be allowed. Scholars helpers will be selected by cafeteria monitors. Rules 1. Food will be eaten and not thrown. 2. Students will not scream or talk loudly. 3. Students will remain seated until asked by an adult to move.. 4. Trays and waste should not be left on the tables or the floor. 5. Students will not play, run, or push. Scholars will be quiet the last 5 mi nutes. 28 Assemblies Scholars are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and courteous manner during each program. Applause should be generous when appropriate. Whistling, stamping of feet, shouting aloud, booing, and constantly talking will not be tolerated. Restrooms/Hall Passes: 1 ) Restroom visits by class should be before/after lunch. Teams should continue to schedule their visits accordingly. 2) Individual scholars will be permitted to visit the restroom during other times if issued a hall pass, or if they have a letter from a physician. 29 Classroom Instruction Orientation (School Counselor Classroom Guidance) Daily Announcements Assemblies Parent/Scholar Handbook Posted Signs 30 Teach SCS Code of Conduct Teach Schoolwide Rules and Behavior Expectations from matrix Twist into Great Attendance Scholars Celebrations Teachers Celebrations 31 Twist into Great Behavior(96% Goal) Celebration for the class(es) with the highest attendance Honors Program Scholar of the Week/Month Morning and Afternoon Announcements Altons Bucks/ Tickets (coming soon) Out of Uniform Day Sock Hops Movie Day 32 33 Alton Elementary Incentive Ticket 34 Stringers Incentive Ticket Nine Weeks Perfect Attendance Recognition Teacher of the Month Bulletin Board Competition Award Door Completion Teacher of the Year Award Team Award for Highest Academic Growth Kudos in the Altons Advisor 35 36 Altons Teacher Recognition Adopters Community agencies & businesses Local Restaurants Fundraisers Local and Neighborhood Churches 37 SCS School Website Parent Meetings Annual Title 1 Meetings Open House SCS Messenger Monthly School-wide Calendar Thursday Folders 38 39 Teachers, staff and administrators use the exhibited behaviors, whether positive or negative, demonstrated by a scholar to reinforce proper social constructs and relationships. Physical Education The Physical Educational department and counseling department will participate in the SCS Healthy Choice Week in October/November. During this week, the scholar and staff will focus on healthy eating, the important of exercising, and healthy relationships. Year Round/Annually Special guest are invited to attend and speak at school-wide assemblies throughout the entire year, for special events as well as community involvement projects. Good Behavior and Good Work Ethics are rewarded throughout the year, through a variety of resources proved by the support staff here at Alton Elementary. Monthly classroom guidance lessons focuses on character education and character traits are revisited during morning announcements. 40 Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Prevention Programs Prevention education is addressed in: - Lifetime Wellness 2 nd Nine Weeks Healthy Choice Week -Classroom Guidance - Individualized drug and alcohol interventions 41 Training with faculty: Professional development provided by SCS and administered by the School Counselors, to faculty, staff and stakeholders. Training for Students: Taught by School Counselors during Classroom Guidance Cyber-Bullying will also be implemented by the school counselors 42 Violence and Drug Prevention will be implemented in classroom guidance, school- wide assemblies and administrative announcements throughout the school year. Gang Task Force presentation as needed Peer Mediation School Counselors Bullying Prevention Programs Friday Treats Special Recognition During Announcements Extra Computer Time Altons Bucks 43 School Counselor, administrator, appropriate instructional staff and behavior related personnel. Will monitor group and targeted interventions such as group counseling, Check in Check out, and skill building. Evaluate outcomes of interventions and make adjustments for scholars 44 Describe secondary interventions (Tier 2) for scholars who have been referred to the office times, such as: Group and Individual counseling Check In, Check Out Behavior plans for repeated minor infractions and over 5 days out of school suspension (using BIM and other resources), 45 Self monitoring programs Peer mediation Increased academic/behavioral supports & practices Parent Training & collaboration Self management training and support Social skills instruction Behavioral Contract 46 What is your Tier 2 Team using as indicators of progress & success for scholars who participate in your scholars interventions Number of office referrals Observation data 20 Day Reports Student surveys Disciplinary Tracker 47 Purpose Assist general education teachers Provide strategies & interventions Records Review Progress Monitoring for 20 weeks Vision Screening Hearing Screening Other Health Information Absences Additional Support Services Maximize students learning & development 48 Pre-Referral Academic Concerns Implement Modifications Teaching Strategies Written Language Homework Modifications Behavior Concerns Implement Modifications Determine What is Maintaining the Behavior Skill Training Referral Decision Comprehensive Evaluation Yes No Parental Notification Assessment Results 49 50 51 TN PBIS links& Maryland PBIS PBIS