Death Threat - Sept & Oct 2011



Death Bringers newsletter for September and October 2011.

Transcript of Death Threat - Sept & Oct 2011



Letter from the editor

My Fellow Death Bringers,

It is with great pride that I am writing my very first letter from

the Editor. Recently Vryce bestowed upon me the job of News-

letter Editor-In-Chief, with this job comes great responsibility

which I am more than ready to handle. I want to start by saying I

love working in the Communications section, even though that

means putting up with Vryce and his mood swings. With that

being said I want to announce that we will be going to a bi-

monthly format for the newsletter for the time being. We have

seen a downturn in activity lately, resulting in less members,

which in turn means we are short on writers. Never fear though,

as soon as things start looking up we will go back to a monthly


I’m hoping to introduce some new things to the newsletter that

we haven’t been able to get going in the past, including a couple

of sections that appear in every issue. As always I am open to

feedback from the clan, so please feel free to let me know what

you what to see and what you don’t. My inbox, unlike Vryce’s, is

always open!

I would like to state that my door is always open. Sunny and I

are going to have words about this.


Some changes have been made within our HC. Paladin has

stepped down and Jam has taken his place. Stalker and Ice de-

cided it was time for them to move on. Immortalis is now the

new Head of Competitive Operations. The new Head of Internal

Operations has yet to be announced. Please congratulate Jam

and Immortalis on their new jobs when you see them.

We are needing members to help step up and take an active

part in recruiting. Jam has asked that members lend a helping

hand to get new blood in here. When you are in a game lob-

by, ask around and see if anyone would like to join, or cruise

a forum such as or and

see if any solo players would like to become a part of our

clan. It is very rewarding when you see a new recruit and

know they are here because of your hard work.

Now on to some happier news! The new games are now out

and that means increased gaming and increased activity,

both of which I am looking forward to very much. The age

old debates will fire up once again, Xbox or PS3, BF3 or CoD,

does PC really lord over them all? My answer to all this is go

bring death and prove to everyone that your opinion matters





Angrimm’s page 3 Girls Back again because it was such a popular addition to the last issue. Again, blame

Angrimm because it’s what he wanted.


Kkgosine301, musicman

Samj007—What music do you make?

KKGosine301— I make mainly dubstep, but I have also made a

few Dance/Electronica songs, and a couple of Drum and Bass

songs. So in general I'm a dance/electronica musician.

Samj007—What got you started?

KKGosine301— For me? I personally wanted to make music for

like, 6 months before I actually started. That was purely through

playing rockband with BulletAvenger (consequently, I played

expert drums on that game, and I can drum properly; and BA

played expert guitar- now he can play guitar.)

Soon, i discovered my cousin actually has his own mini studio in

the loft (he put on soundproofing, and bought all the neccessary

software/hardware to do so). That was where I discovered

about the software I use- FL Studio.

I got myself FL Studio soon when I had the £££, and my friend,

whose username was WastedPenguinz at the time, got me start-

ed with the basics.

From there, I got some synth plugins, got me some tutorials,

and learnt it all myself.

PS. I also have no music knowledge, or terminology, or qualifica-

tions. Just a creative mind.

Samj007—What's the process?

KKGosine301— It depends, for example my latest song, I begun

with a sample including all the synths and basic drums that I

wanted. Then I just added in a basic intro and whalah, I now

have over 2 mins of music. For that song, which I'm still working

on, I need to add in something at the end now, and then I'm

done with it- Off to mixing that bad boy. Mastering, I leave for

my cousin, since he's better at it than me :P

For some songs, I just made a loop off a tutorial, then did the


For some songs, I start from the beginning- Either with a

drum beat with a synth loop, or just a drum beat. Then I add

gradually to it, adding in what I feel matches and what I feel

sounds good. Once you've gradually added enough, you get

to the point where it's time for a break in the song- so you

have a break in the song, and thats when you start thinking

about how you'll end it- will it be one more main section? or

something completely new? will you end with a band? or

fade out?

All in all, it looks like a lot, and it is complex from afar, but

the way I do it (one at a time), it doesn't seem complex (to

me at least, since I make it) :P

Of course, there's much more to just random synths and

drum patterns Thats all in the fun of experimenting, learning,

and improving.

Samj007—Are you part of a band? what's its name? (can we

have a sample of its music?)

KKGosine301— I'm not in a band, but I do have youtube,

soundcloud, and now even facebook! Links are here:


PS. My artist name is Deoxin.



Member of the month

Featured Member of the Month

Just the other day I was sitting on the forums thinking about

what I could do to help get members connected to each other.

Sometimes it’s hard to get to know members that aren’t as ac-

tive or are in a different region as you. Out of the blue it hit me,

why not do a monthly feature piece over a member. I asked for

volunteers on our clan’s Facebook fan page, and after a day’s

wait, Immortalis finally spoke up and said he’d be down to be

featured. What follows is a short Q&A session I did with John to

help you guys get to know him better.

Q: What region, platform, and games do you play?

A: Well currently I play the only platform worth playing...No not

the Ps3. I am a true xboxer. I play mostly Eu Region but some-

times get my ass handed to me by our Na Brothers and currently

I’m playing battlefield three and i play halo with some of my real

life friends when i can.

Q: How long have you been a member of DB?

A: To be honest I’m not sure if it’s nearly a year or just over it. I

think i joined in November of 2010 but it has been a great year.

Q: How involved are you in the forums for the clan? What jobs/

positions do you hold?

A: My current Role is as one of two comp ops 2ic's reporting to

stalker and i help the eu strategic officers run and maintain their

specific platform squads but i also personally run The EU xbox

Group "Brotherhood" with the help of my 2ic Heavy Echo. I

would say i am pretty active on the forums not much of a chat

box man but i have been known to have a good old rant in the


Q: What all goes into being 2IC of Comp Ops and Head of the EU


A: A lot more than i though before i took the job lol.Well my

main role is to make sure people under me are doing their

job and if not find out why and help them the best i can.As

2ic i watch over all the activitys of all Eu comp squad PS3 and

PC i try to help with squad recruiting, training, attendance

problems basically anything the SC or the Sl need help with.

With the brotherhood I’m more hands on and arrange

squads, pick Sl, find and enter leagues and tournaments and

sometimes get a chance to kick ass.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your clan jobs?

A: The most rewarding part is as small as it seems is when

someone thanks you helping them get into a squad. if i cre-

ated two squads and only two players thanked me it would

be worthwhile. but regardless of if it’s a comp player of a

pinkie I’ve pointed in the right direction,The thanks is

enough for Me.

Q: What is your preferred game right now?

A: Like everyone at the moment like everyone else my pre-

ferred game would Be battlefield 3. I'm not much of a sharp-

shooter and this game still lets me help my squad and in be

in the top 5 players.

Q: In BF3, what "role" or "class" do you run with the most?

A:I mostly run with the support class and hang back feeding

ammo to the squad and trying to clean up the few struggling

enemy soldiers and it’s easier to take them down with a lmg

when your aim is crap.

Q: What type of gamer would you classify yourself as?

A: Well like soccer I’m a defender by nature so i like be in a



good defendable position. As paladin can vouch i suck at TDM

and objective games are more my liking. No i am not a camper i

am a "Tactical Defender" Simon’s words not mine lol.

Q: When you aren't gaming what are some of your other hob-


A: well i play soccer once a week but paintball is my real pas-

sion. Kat and i play as often as money will allow and apart from

that my family is my biggest hobby especially my two boys Josh

and John James (JJ)

I would like to take a moment to thank Immortalis for stepping

up and willing to be my guinea pig with this new project of

mine. I hope that you all learned a little bit about one of the

great members of our clan. I know I picked up a few tad bits of

knowledge that I hadn’t known about him. If you are sitting

there scoffing, thinking to yourself that I already knew all of that

about him, well here’s something you don’t. When asked what

was something no one in the clan knew about him he respond-

ed with the following, “Ah well vie done a few pantomines in my

home village to raise money for stuff and we done a mock wed-

ding where i was a bridesmaid. Yes i wore a dress wig etc.” Now

I don’t know about ya’ll but now I’m dying to see those photos!


Oblivion bucket list

16 things you should do before Skyrim comes out

At the time of writing it is only a few weeks before Skyrim is

released, probably a matter of days when this issue comes out

in that case if you plan on doing this list then you shoulkd load

up on coffee and play it non-stop. So anyway let’s get on with

the list.

16, travel from Chorrol to Bruma.

One of my favorite paths in Oblivion was from Chorrol to Bruma,

it really shows you how much effort the developers did to make

the game come alive, on this path you will see every from from

viewpoints down on the Imperial City to waterfalls.

15. Help settle a Goblin war.

Have you went to the small campsite of Crestbrige Camp, if you

didn't go there now as you will be given a quest called

“Goblin Trouble” where some settlers want to help bulid a town

called “Cropsford” but decided to build it in the middle of a

battleground between 2 Goblin tribes, your job is to stop the

war. for more info check this out

14. Experience the works of H.P Lovecraft.

A quest in the came called “A ShadowOver Hackdirt” is one of

my most favorite quests in the game, but did you know it is also

a reference to H.P Lovecraft book both name and plot wise? I

won’t spoil it on you but to start it go to Chorrol and talk to the

owner of Northern Goods and Trade if she dose not give it to

you hang around Chorrol until a friendly Angorin comes up to

you and greats you and says is the daughter of the owner of

Northern Goods and Trade then wait a day or two.

13. Become Lord of a castle.

Oblivion has DLC called “Fighters Stronghold” which is my favor-

ite bit of DLC, you become Lord of a castle which comes with

everything from your own private Knight army to secrete

passages that lead all over the castle. Bad news for PS3 play-

ers is that Oblivion DLC is Xbox and Steam only.

12. Get a unbreakable lockpick

Lock picking is one of the most annoying things in oblivion,

luckily there is the a daedraic artifact that boosts your lock

pick skill to a very high level (with boost my lock pick skill is

94) as well as making all your lock picks unbreakable. for

more info check this out

11. Complete Shivering Isles

Oblivion's extension pack Shivering Isles has a very original

main quest as well as interesting side quests that with the

extension about doubles the amount of quests in the game.

The main quest is funny (it is the mad god we’re talking

about here), action packed and has a surprising twist.

10. Become part of a order of highly trained assassin’s

The Dark Brotherhood is the assassin guild in Oblivion and is

my most favorite guild in the game because of it’s unique-

ness of the quests, for example one quest has you sneak into

a wealthy man in Bruma’s manor, remain undetected by his

man servant and go into a secrete compartment above the

wealthy man’s favorite chair and loosen the rope on a tro-

phy head so that it falls down and kills him.

9. Find the scamp merchant from Morrowind

Clavicus Vile

Made you look didn't it? the scamp merchent from Mor-

rowind is not in game as a scamp but as a hound. during the

Daedraic quest “Clavicus Vile” his hound speeks to you thew

your thoughts and says in a past life he was a “scamp making

deals with orcs” if you remember the scamp merchant lived

in a house with orcs.



8. Mod with the best of them

If your on pc then I’am sure you know you can get mods,. If you

don’t know what they are, mods are bit like “fan made DLC.” the

best place to get mods is IGN’s own planet elder scrolls http://

7. Glitch your way to fortune.

One of the game’s many glitches can get you a lot of gold but

you will need level 50 illusion for this to work it is too long to

describe here so check this out

Note: Glitching is not condoned in DB, but as this is SP only

game, you’re only hurting yourself.


6. Become a vampire.

To become a undead monster of the night, there are a few ways

you can go about this, 1 way is to find a vampire and become

infected by catching Porphyric Hemophilia and waiting 3 days,

the other way is a vampire member of the dark brotherhood will

offer you a chance to become one. For more info check this out

5, Cure your vampirism.

Being a vampire is not all that great there’s drawbacks and sun

damage and all that, to cure it you need to do a very long quest,

to long to list here

4. Kill Valen Dreth

This is were you scratch your head and go “who the hell is

that” Valen Dreth is that jacka$$ dark elf who insulted you at

the beginning of the game when your in prison. A dark

brotherhood quest called “secluded for execution” has you

kill him.

3. Read a book or two for God’s sake

Oblivion is filled with many many many many books each of

which are hand written by the game’s writers just to make

the world feel alive, the books are actuality pretty good

ranging from “factual” books which fill you in on some lore

and back story to story books which have, you guessed it,


2. Go on a killing spree

kill everyone in the game, (anyone who you can kill) for

those of you who don’t like depopulating the entire game

making it empty make a new save, and keep a black smith

alive so you can so he can repire you weapons.

1. Explore

Oblivion has a very open ended world, so get out there and

explore you don’t know what you may find from cave’s with

loot to a inn with a quest attached. The thing I love about

oblivion is how big the world is and the sky’s the limit, your

not forced to do anything you can go left or right, northeast

or southwest, you are free to do what ever you want, so get

out there and make the best of oblivion before Skyrim

comes out and you’ve locked yourself in your room growing

a beard. And one last thing, enjoy yourself and “Close shut

the jaws of Oblivion”


Warhammer 40K Space Marine


Well Warhammer fans the game has finally arrived. Space Ma-

rine is in my opinion one of the greatest games to come out in

the Warhammer series. This of course is my opinion. I will be

taking you threw an overview of the game through the eyes of

your everyday ordinary player. I know your thinking that there is

nothing ordinary about Vikeadin and you would be right but just

go with me on it please.

Let us start with the Single player Campaign mode. The cam-

paign offers you just what you would expect from a Warham-

mer 40k Game. Great story line and a SHIT ton of blood and

gore. That’s right gore fans this game is nonstop. Nothing says

imp a badass then cutting through an Orcs stomach with a

Chainsword. Or blowing off a Chaos head with a Heavy Bolter.

This game is packed with lots of action and great storyline. You

follow the story of Captain Titus, a Space Marine of the Ultrama-

rines chapter and a seasoned veteran of countless battles.

A million-strong Ork horde has invaded an Imperial Forge World,

one of the planet-sized factories where the war machines for

humanity’s never ending battle for survival are created. Losing

this planet is not an option, but a darker and far more evil threat

is lurking large in the shadows of this world. With an Imperial

liberation fleet en-route, the Ultramarines are sent in to hold

key locations until reinforcements arrive.

The flow of the game runs smooth and at least for me even

when you are dealing with major combat situations and a lot is

going on in the game everything continues to run smoothly and

it is not a choppy like experience. The default controls that the

game setup were a little confusing to me at first but you get use

to them and they turn out to be a great setup. This however

doesn’t mean you can’t have your own setup for your gaming



Annihilation is the game's Team Deathmatch, pitting eight

players against eight in a race to 41 kills (one of a few sneaky

winks to the "40K" setting). And Seize Ground is a Domina-

tion-style mode, with a few different command points on the

map (I saw maps with both three and four points) that must

be fought for and held by either team.

The basic gameplay revolves around the three classes, all of

which come right out of the Warhammer 40K setting. Every-

one plays a Space Marine, which is a genetically engineered

and technologically enhanced human warrior with a bad

attitude, though one team works for the Loyalists and the

others play Chaos Marines. Each player, however, chooses to

play as a Tactical, Devastator, or Assault Marine, and that

choice determines what weapons and perks players have

access to.

Tactical Marines are sort of the standard assault characters,

able to use mostly machine guns with a few sniper rifles and

explosive weapons here and there. They're the first class you

start out with in the multiplayer progression (which goes up

to level 41, of course), and they have access to abilities like

seeing player health at a glance or enabling other players to

spawn on their positions.

Devastators are the heavy characters of the setting, stacking

more armor and equipping big, long range weapons like the

Heavy Bolter or larger artillery. But Assault Marines are

probably the most interesting development choice for Relic,

they're basically a third-person shooter class built, of all

things, around melee combat.



The Assault Marine definitely feels different -- with practice, you

can use the jump pack's boost in a few different ways: Drop

down from a huge jump above on top of your prey, boost in and

take them out with a few swings of your melee weapon, and

then boost jump away and out of danger before getting killed.

Melee isn't super precise (and it's hard to line up swings in the

middle of battle sometimes).

Outside of the game you are able to fully customize the look of

your Space Marine, both regular and Chaos. The options are

unlimited when you figure colors, armor types, and the unit

crest you wish to place on your character.

This game is a great game to play and definitely has potential to

draw in a bigger crowd. Get behind it and let them know who

the Death Bringers are.
