Death Threat - Nov/Dec 2011


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The Death Bringers newletter Death Threat.

Transcript of Death Threat - Nov/Dec 2011

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Letter from the editor

Well another 2 months have passed, with that comes another

issue of The Death Threat. Things are picking up around the clan

in all sections. Recruitment is finally starting to pick back up,

thanks to new games and the hard work of all the recruiters.

People are becoming active again around the forums. All in all

things are starting to look up. However most sections/

departments still need help, so feel free to apply for a job that

interests you.

This issue has a few reoccurring pieces in it, as well as some one

time articles. You’ll find that the Featured Member of the

Month is back again, and the section “break down” article has

found its way back into our newsletter. Hopefully these 2 will

become permanent fixtures here. You’ll also find a follow up

article by lspo and an epic win/fail article by Snootyabodi. Sam

brings us a great interview with the newest HC member, Immor-


As the new year begins, DB is still going strong and will continue

to surpass expectations and goals as long as our members stay

dedicated, faithful, and continue to bring death to thy noobs!

Go forth and spread our name. Our 2nd year anniversary is com-

ing up as well, let’s make it the best one yet!


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Anticipated games 2011

Back in August I wrote a feature about most anticipated games

of the second half of 2011, now I'm looking back on these

games and deciding if they lived up to the hype.

I’ve played most f these games ,for the ones I didn't I’ll decide if

it lived up to the hype based on reviews.

So without further ado, let’s beguine

10. Saint Row The Third

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Saints Row The Third, is over the top silly action, if you’ve ever

wanted to dress up as a cat man and beat up Mexican Wrestlers

with Giant Purple “you know what” then I have two things to

say to you, 1. Seek mental help 2. Play SR The Third, I love this

game, I’ve only really had 1 hour to play it over at a friends

house and I’ve fallen in love with it, so by all means buy this.

9. Dead Island

Did it live up to the hype? - No

Dead Island has had mixed reviews when it came out, I say the

game did not live up to the hype, but by that I don’t mean it is

bad, by all means it is a good game, I had fun playing it but it’s

not for everyone, I think it would be easy to say, the game was

good, but now as good as it was hyped to be.

8. Uncharted 3

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Bare with me I'm not much of a PS3 guy, but from what I’ve

herd UC3 was a great game and had mostly positive reviews,

getting a average of 93% on game rankings, making it one of the

most critically acclaimed video games of 2011 for the

PlayStation 3.

7. Gears Of War

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Gears Of War is the longest game Epic has made to date, the

game is easy to immerse yourself in, and the story is well

written and you can sense allot of feeling for Marcus when

he’s tracking down his father, the Multiplayer is out of this

world, it makes you feel like Rambo, charging in with Chain-

saw guns sawing aliens in half and blowing up people with

the hammer of dawn, the Horde 2.0 (a revamped Horde

mode) is heavily boasted, and I personally think it is heavily

improved from the near Perfect Horde 1.0 in GOW2

6. Rage

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Rage, the feeling John Cormack had when he was fixing all

the technical issues with the game, for those of you who

don’t know your game developers very well, John Cormac is

the mastermind behind Doom and Quake, the man practi-

caly invented the First Person Shooter and pioneered 3D

graphics in games, so Rage his newest game, and the first

game he had developed now that ZeniMax owns ID soft

were, so how did the game do, to spite mixed review the

game is reaching a 81 on meritocratic right now, and in a

interview with Todd Harrod, he said Rage is selling quite

well, the game has well mixed RPG elements into a FPS, the

only main problem is that when the game first game out

there was some issues on the ps3 (which is now fixed by a

pacth) and graphical rendering issues on PC but these can be


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fixed by installing the latest drivers of your video card.

5. Battlefield 3

Did it live up to the hype? - sort of

BF3, as I am sure you might have guessed by now, did not out-

sell sales Juggernaut MW3.

The game did however, offer a very amazing Multiplayer mode,

that is still being heavily played, the MP has been described as

BFBC2 on a larger scale, the single player campaign however

was dreadful, “it seamed very rushed” most critics agreed, (no

doubt to get out in time for MW3) and Edge did say they did

constantly change main development platform back and forth

PC to console then console for PC etc. in the middle of develop-

ment to get it out in time.

So in short if:

you want great MP: get BF3

You want a rushed story: get BF3

4. Morden Warfare 3

Did it live up to the hype? - yes

saying did MW3 live up to the hype is like asking if Homer is a

member of the Simpsons family, yes, the game sold 5M units in

the first 24 hours and made a Billion dollars faster then James

Cameron's blockbuster Avatar, so instead of me telling you if

this game lived up to the hype, take a rough guess.

3. Assassins Creed Revelations

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Assassins Creed Revelations is short, I’ll tell you that, the game

took me less then a week to complete, but that did not stop it

from being a great game, I would describe this game as Ubisoft

tiring up lose ends before they go into AC3 with a new An-

cestor, the game shows Altire in his final hours (to spite

there only being five levels with him in it) but the game is

really fun to play and a great time waster, the plot is also

pretty good, and answers the big question that fans has

been wondering over since AC2, who were the first civiliza-


2. Batman Arkam City

Did it live up to the hype? - Yes

Batman Arkam City is everything we loved about Arkam Asy-

lum, but on a bigger scale, open world, better combat and

better plot, the game has defiantly lived up to the hype and

has numerous amount of villains for you to beat the hell out

of with your batman gadgets, the only bad bit in this game is

all of cat woman's puns (other then that the game is


1. Skyrim

Did it live up to the hype? - Hell Ya

Skyrim is a amazing game, huge open world, magic, swords,

engaging game play and dragons!

Skyrim has been about the best game this year, and it is

HUGE I’ve been playing it since day 1 and still has tons of

more content to play though, the game is hug, the side

quests are great and have original story lines as well as cam-

eos from pop culture. Not to mention it never gets old to

FUS RO DAL (Google it) your companions off the throat of

the world

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Bitchfest results

Greetings once again my fellow Death Bringers your local Clan

Sergeant Major here with another letter to you concerning your

recent concerns.

I posted a thread and gave everyone in the clan a chance to

voice their concerns about the clan and also their positives on

the clan. With no surprise there were more negative than posi-

tive; however there still were very few negatives. This says to

me that the clan is in about an all and all average state of mo-

rale. Which is ok but let’s face it could be better.

Now I took all of your concerns to the HC and discussed them

with them so they are currently tracking all the latest problems.

However I would like to take the time to address not all but

some of the bigger ones here. First off being communication

within the clan. Communication is a 2 way street and is lacking

in both sides. Leaders need to pick it up and so do members.

Now if you are one of those members or leaders who is com-

municating but don’t have anyone talking back then take the

extra time to bring it to the appropriate person’s attention. The

clan only works properly if everyone is doing their job and if

someone is not communicating then they are failing at their job

and need to be corrected. Now you as a worker might be afraid

to approach your boss and be like hey you’re not doing your job

or you suck at your job. As a member you should be allowed to

in a PROFESSIONAL and NON INSULTING way let your superior

know that you think they are lacking or you can go to their supe-

rior. Everyone has slow moments or forgets things time to time

and there is nothing wrong with an occasional reminder of du-

ties from anyone.

Another concern would be is Members playing games with oth-

er members. Some people are concerned of a lack of in clan

members playing games with each other. Now my fellow DB I

don’t understand how this can be a problem. Are you guys just

not wanting to play with your fellow clansmen or is there a

scheduling problem. I encourage all members to take the

time and try and setup times where members can get to-

gether and play. Also try to encourage new members to join

you this will allow the new members to make some new

friends so they can feel like they belong to a Clan. If you are

too stubborn or that much of an ass where you just refuse to

let Fellow DB members play with you then I believe you

don’t belong in the clan. I speak from experience there was a

member a while ago that got on a lot of our nerves and we

still played with him. Because it’s about being the bigger

person or and a Better DB member.

Another problem we face in the great Death Bringer Com-

munity is Recruiting. Everyone in this Clan is a Representa-

tive and a Recruiter for the clan whether you have the posi-

tion or not. When you are out there Playing the game and

Flashing the DB tag you are one setting the tone for what the

clan is and what it represents and also you could be a possi-

ble liaison/recruiter for that potential recruit. I encourage

everyone to go out and SELL Death Bringers. Yes like a prod-

uct let everyone knows how badass we are.

I know we have problems and to be honest there will always

be problems. We as members make the best of any situation

and do whatever we can to prove ourselves and make this a

better place. In the end it’s on all of us.

CSM Vikeadin.


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Interview with immortalis

Samj007: So what game are you enjoying most at the moment?

Immortalis: At the moment I am stuck between Modern War-

fare 3 and battlefield 3. Both games are excellent in their own

ways... when no one else is on you can really own a map in

MW3 but BF3 plays better with a squad who communicate...

Samj007: What sort of teams will there be in the future and for

what game?

Immortalis: Well at the moment the strategic command staff

are busy setting up teams for MW3 and BF3 across all platforms

and we will do our best to set up teams for any new release

games if the numbers are there. Our pc Division are also setting

up a counterstrike squad...

Samj007: Plenty of stuff to be excited about there, how will we

get on these teams?

Immortalis: Well here in DB k/d doesn’t matter so if you’re inter-

ested in playing just contact myself or one of the strategic com-

mand and we will play with you for a while and see what type of

player you are. Then we will invite you to a training session and

see how you work in a team. 99% of people do make the


Samj007: Now the questions get a bit more random, what is

your favourite game of the year?

Immortalis: My favourite game of this year so far will be the

new Starwars: The republic even though it hasn’t been released

yet but I know it will be excellent cause I’m a real star wars nut

and I loved both games of the knights of the old republic...

Samj007: I think I’m a bit young for the Starwars series lol.

Favourite game from your childhood?

Immortalis: God childhood that’s a long time ago...Well I

have loads of favourite games but my games as a child

would have to be Mortal Kombat on the mega drive....

Samj007: and what was the first game you ever played?

Immortalis: Oh first game I ever played was on the Atari it

was like tennis really basic two lines and all bouncing back

and for the first console game was shnobi on the sega mega


Samj007: Well mine was a sonic game on the first Xbox, bit

of a difference there, anyway thanks for your time


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BF3 Epic wins & Fails

Any true gamer knows that during your gaming experience you

are bound to have some epic wins, and a whole lot of epic fails.

It’s the course of gaming life, everyone has them, although

some we don’t like to admit. You know the ones I’m talking

about, when you walk right past an enemy and never saw them

and then BOOM knife to the back. Thankfully some of our mem-

bers were gracious enough to share some of their BF3 wins and

fails with us. Enjoy!

First one will go to PwNix as well he was at the right place but at

the wrong time, a freaking tank spawned at him and killed him.

Epic fail there, talk about crappy respawning. I still can’t believe

that happened!

I decided to jump in a jet to fly around and try to get some kills,

but I sucked at driving and ended up driving into a freaking tow-

er and exploded. I need to practice flying some more, anyone

got some tips?

I saw a clip once that you can kill the driver of a heli and take it

so I tried it and it happened to be on the edge in davmand peak

I managed to kill the pilot but I ended up diving into the moun-

tain and causing a suicide. Guess we can count this as both a

win for the kill and a fail for the suicide.

I finally got to fly a chopper and it turned out that it was the

venom so I couldn’t shoot. I was gonna pick up my friend, but I

landed on a tanker that blew up. Memo to everyone, don’t land

on tankers!

Now this is something that I have never seen before but I got

killed by a MAV. I was just walking around and it just flew right

into me so I was like WTF!?!?!?

Mattboi, a former member with us shot down a jet in a tank.

Talk about a kid at Christmas time when the points popped

up on his screen!

Godfather has a few epic wins I’d like to include. He went 43

-3 with a Littlebird and MAA on Canals. He has also gotten a

quadruple mortar kill. Sounds like someone I’d want on my


There you have it, some epic wins and fails from some of

your fellow clan mates. Now laugh it up at their fails, and

congratulate them on some of their wins.


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Featured Member

Last issue we kicked of the Featured Member of the Month sec-

tion with a great interview with Immortalis. This issue I decided

to get together with Da Names Robx0r, our NA BF3 Squad Lead-

er. He’s only been with us a short time, but he’s done so much

already. I’m very excited to see how well our NA BF3 team does

under his leadership. Without any further ado, I give you the

featured member of November/December.

Sunshine: How'd you come about finding us here at DB?

Da Names Robx0r: Posted on BF3 EA Forums looking for a clan;

ol Sunshine came and found me =p

Sunshine: How long have you been with us?

Da Names Robx0r: About 3 weeks now. (12/02/11)

Sunshine: What are your current clan jobs?

Da Names Robx0r: North American Battlefield 3 Competitive

Play Squad Leader

Sunshine: What's your favorite part of the clan?

Da Names Robx0r: Interacting with members of the clan and

getting to know one another. Helping one another learn new

things within games as well as general interaction.

Sunshine: How did you come up with your GT?

Da Names Robx0r: Friends call me Robx0r (Rob-zore) and it’s

stuck through the ages. Played Modern Warfare with some

friends who all had their names "Da Names ____" and I joined

the party.

Sunshine: What is your all-time favorite game to play?

Da Names Robx0r: All-time favorite: Tom Clancy's Rainbow

Six Rogue Spear

Da Names Robx0r: All time to play: Battlefield 2; can pick the

game up anytime and have fun playing it. Never really gets


Sunshine: When you aren't gaming what are some of your

other hobbies?

Da Names Robx0r: Hockey is a big one I play goalie in a

league and watch it as much as possible. I'm a fan of snow-

boarding and do that as much as I can in the winter. Big

movie buff more of an action/suspense/drama/thriller fan.

Tom hanks is fav. actor. Also hangout with the gf anytime I'm

not busy.

Sunshine: What ambitions do you have for Reaper Squad?

Da Names Robx0r: Right now it's to get it off the ground and

self-sustaining. Get a group together who can lead as well as

follow but still follow the core roots of the clan: activity,

communication, and respect. Be nice to get known competi-

tively but playing and having fun is the ultimate goal.

Sunshine: What's something about yourself that no one in

the clan knows?

Da Names Robx0r: I'm diabetic haha.

Sunshine: What was your best gaming moment? Worst?

Da Names Robx0r: Best- Battlefield 2. Me and a buddy took

over the aircraft carrier on Wake Island as the Chinese. Ad-

mins paused the server to tell us to leave the boat before we

got banned for spawn killing due to how bad we were raping


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their assault.

Da Names Robx0r: Also sniping a guy out of plane while para-

chuting down. Got me kicked from server for suspicion of auto

aiming. Never will forget it.

Da Names Robx0r: Worst- playing in a halo 2 tourney without a

working controller. Could have won it I know it in my mind but

using their shitty mad catz controller f'd me haha

Sunshine: What type of gamer would you classify yourself as?

Hardcore, laid back, try hard, casual, etc.

Da Names Robx0r: I'd say I'm a hardcore gamer with a laid back

personality. Takes a lot to irk me but I realize game is for fun

and can't be too serious. I do however play the game without

mercy when I play and rarely will allow myself to lose if I can

prevent it.

Well there ya go, another one of our members you know more

about now than you did before. I never would have guessed he

was a snowboarder and hockey player in some of his spare time.

I’m always on the look-out for the next featured member, so

you never know who might be next!

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Recruitment Section

I have decided to dive deep into each section of the clan for every issue

and give everyone an in depth look at what goes on in each section of

our clan. This issue I went with our recruiting section. This section is by

far, our most important section in our clan. If we didn’t have our re-

cruiters, then our clan wouldn’t be as great as it is and would eventual-

ly wither and die.

Recruiting may be one of the most important jobs within our clan, but

it is also one of the most demanding. I speak from experience, having

had the pleasure of working in many jobs and sections, recruiting is

probably the hardest job that I have had to date. It’s not that the job

itself is hard, it’s everything put together that makes it time consuming

and sometimes tedious. What exactly do recruiters do exactly? Well I’m

going to take you step by step thru the whole process of becoming a

recruiter to daily duties.

Jam is our current Head of Recruitment. He has the final say on all re-

cruitment issues from personnel to duties. When someone becomes a

member of the Recruiting Unit/Division the first thing that happens is

Jam delegates them forums to recruit from. For the most part we stick

to mainstream forums such as,, and

even the GB forums. Once a recruiter has their duties, it’s time to get

down to work.

Recruiting is a two part job. Part one consists of posting a thread on the

forum with an advertisement for our clan. Jam has a clan ad already

put together, however if approved by Jam you can use your own ad.

Once that thread is posted, you need to keep it “bumped” to the top

page so that it’s always one of the first Clan ads that people see. Part

two of recruiting is all about replying to “Looking for a clan” threads.

Normally that is the best way to grab up new recruits, as those are the

ones that are earnestly and actively looking for a clan. Most of the

times, the first reply or two are the ones that get the recruit. This is

where the hard part comes in, recruiters must check their sites daily.

Sometimes more than once a day, depending on how active their site

is. In addition to replying quickly, you need to be persuasive, there are

so many clans to pick from so you have to make ours stand out from

the crowd.

So you see it’s not that recruiting is hard, it’s just a bit time consuming.

However knowing that you are the reason that people are joining

and helping our clan grow bigger and better is one of the most re-

warding parts of being a recruiter. Next time you see a recruiter,

tell them thank you for helping us grow, without them we wouldn’t

be going on 2 years!

We have recently gotten back on to Some

of you may already know of this site, for those that don’t let me

give you a bit of background and tell you how you can help us. This

is a site dedicated for listing popular clans. They have categories for

gaming communities, gaming leagues, and then console/platform

specific clans. Basically they offer a place for a potential new recruit

to browse several clans at once. We need everyone’s help with

voting for our clan so that we can be at the top of the list and

getting a lot of exposure. There are a couple of ways you can vote.

There is a thread in the Press Releases section done by Immortalis,

just follow the directions he gives you in the post. Or you can click

the banner on our landing page that says top 100 clans and that will

pop up a new window, click the enter and vote button and boom

you are done. It literally takes less than 30 seconds.

We always need help recruiting, we can never have too many peo-

ple out there picking up new players for us. If you think this is a job

that you would be good at, then please get in touch with Jam. He

can use all the help that he can get! Stay tuned for the next section

in our next issue of The Death Threat!


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Death is my companion

The old man looked up from the old worn leather journal then.

His eyes were red from the tears that he was holding back. Re-

telling these stories was hard on him and the children listening

to him could tell this. They were all silent for a time and then

finally, one of the youngest spoke up.

“Grandpa, are you Arc?”

The innocence of the question lessened the blow to his heart and

even made him laugh, but it was still too much for him to hold

back the tears any longer. The children waited while he finished

laughing and wiped the tears from his face. It was hard for the

older ones to see the strongest man they ever knew cry, but they

knew it didn’t make him any weaker for doing so.

“No Sarah, I’m not Arc, but I did meet him. He saved my life.

That’s the part of the story that’s mine to tell.

I was young then, not much older than some of you now. I was

so green that they joked I could walk into the jungle and disap-

pear if I was naked. That was why when I reported for duty in

that god forsaken place they knew right away there had been a


Soon as my boots were on the ground I reported to the Base CO.

Arc was in there at the time. He took one look at me and knew I

was green and very much in the wrong place. But there was

something else in his eyes when he looked at me.

“Sir, look at this kid, he doesn’t belong here. There must have

been a glitch in the system to have him transferred here.” Arc

said to the CO. “Listen, assign him to us until we can get him out

here. The next transport is due in, what, just over a month. That

should be enough time to get thing straightened out.”

“Alright Arc, since you’ve taken a shine to him, he’s yours.

Glitch, you’re with Arc until you get you ticket outta here. Dis-


That name stuck with me for the rest of my career. Life with

my temporary squad was busy. I mean they drilled my sorry

ass like I was back in basic, but the skills they taught me

were less about following orders and more about getting out

alive. In the short time I was there, I learned more about

fighting and surviving than I had all through basic training.

Out there you learn fast or you die fast. It was about 3 days

before I was to ship out that it happened. To this day I still

don’t know what or who they are. But they didn’t like us and

they hit us hard.

During Basic, my Drill Instructor said, “When the shit hits the

fan, don’t think, react and react fast. I will drill you so hard

that your training will kick in and save you.”

In a way, he was right, but it wasn’t his training that saved

me. When the alarm sounded in the base that night, was up

and moving before my brain registered what I was hearing.

Arc looked at me then and said, “Glitch, you live through this

and you won’t be green anymore. So live and show me we

didn’t waste our time on you.” and with that he was out the

door and in to the thick of it.

I don’t know how long we fought for, but we had to fight

hard for every square inch of base we wanted back. All I can

remember is roar of weapons fire, muzzle flashes lighting up

a room as you cleared it and the bodies everywhere. We

were going to lose this fight was the only thought I can re-

member processing. Then I heard Arc call my name and as I

spun around he hit me like a linebacker, and a split second

later we were both thrown by an explosion.

The impact from the landing knocked me out, when I came

to Arc was lying beside me in a pool of his own blood, weap-

on scanning.

“Good, I would hate to have done that for nothing. Remem-

ber you’re not green anymore. You’ve been baptised in Hell

The last Chapter

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fire and came out alive. Just promise that you’ll get home to see

your mother again.”

Before I could answer him the light faded from his eyes. I knew

it was too late, but I still screamed for a medic and I was still

screaming when Lt found us.

“It’s too late for him Glitch.” Was all he said as he closed Arc’s


“He saved my life. He died to save my life. Why did he do that?”

Lt looked at me and he let me see a part of his soul. It was cold

and black, “You don’t belong here Glitch, Arc knew that and

wanted to make sure that if anyone ever got out of here with

his boots on it was you.” And with that he stood up and walked


Turned out that we didn’t really win. They just disappeared

when the sun came up. Took their dead and vanished. The next

3 days are a blur for me. I only remember Lt coming to me just

before I got the transport and handed me a leather journal.

“I don’t know why, but Arc asked that you have this.” With that

he Saluted, turned and left. I served 7 more years in the field in

various places, 10 more after that training new recruits. 3 years

into those 10 I started to train Drill Instructors on my methods,

because my graduates lived longer. I had thought them, what

Arc and the others had taught me. Together we saved a lot of


By now the old man was crying again. An older woman who had

been listening from a doorway stepped into the room.

“Alright children, time to leave your Great-Great-Grandfather

alone.” She ushered the children out of the room and turned the

old man. “Grand-dad, why do you torture yourself by telling that


“Because, today is the anniversary of that night. Besides, this

year is extra special for me. I got a letter in the mail. Turns out

the Base CO knew some day what happened there would

come out into the open. Or atleast some of it would. He left

standing orders that when it did, if I was still alive, that I

should receive this.” The old man then handed her some pa-


She look through them confused. “I don’t understand. What


“Marriage License, Birth Certificate, Service Records, they are

the answer to the one question that I have had all these

years. Who was Arc?”

“Well who was he Grand-dad?”

“My father. He knew it from the day he saw me. Even though

he had never met. My mother told me my father died serving

in the military. Now dear one, answer me this question. Did

my father make the right choice in saving my life then? Was

his sacrifice worth the price?”

Without even a second to think about it she replied, “Yes, oh

yes it was.”

“Good.” Was all he said before he closed his eye the last time

and past away.

Arc (aka Vryce)