Death Threat - July Edition

That’s all for this month, but keep watching the press release forum for im- portant news from the clans administration. -Jam Issue 5 is finally here! And I would like to announce some changes that will be hitting the newsletter. The newsletter will NO LONGER be a newsletter. It will be a magazine. Release dates will stay the same, content will stay the same, but the name is much more fitting. A separate newsletter will be re- leased containing only clan news, advertise- ments and events. In other news, our great leader, Pheonix, is on a 2 week LOA to go on holiday in France. Grislythread is acting commander until Pheonix’s return. Podcast episode 2 is out and ready for download with a spe- cial guest, ReconPace! Upcoming changes & recent news Saying our goodbyes... This month, some great people have left the clan who will be greatly missed. Vikeadin is leaving to be deployed over- seas with the US army. We all wish him a safe return and an even safer time while he is fighting for his country. Give ‘em hell, Vikeadin! Dogthebughunter is also leaving but he will stay with us as a clan rep, being an ambassador for his soon to be new clan. Good luck Dog, you’ll be missed! VISIT OUR SHOP AT SHOP.DBC- FORUM.NET/ WE STOCK OFFICIAL CLAN MERCHANDISE, PS3, XBOX AND PC ACCESSORIES AND GAMES THE DB SHOP IS THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR CLAN NEEDS July - August Issue 05 THE DEATH BRINGERS WWW.DBC-FORUM.NET The Death threat


Death Bringers Clan newsletter July Edition

Transcript of Death Threat - July Edition

Page 1: Death Threat - July Edition

That’s all for this month, but keep watching the press release forum for im-portant news from the clans administration. -Jam

Issue 5 is finally here! And I would like to announce some changes that will be hitting the newsletter. The newsletter will NO LONGER be a newsletter. It will be a magazine. Release dates will stay the same, content will stay the same, but the name is much more fitting. A separate newsletter will be re-leased containing only

clan news, advertise-ments and events. In other news, our great leader, Pheonix, is on a 2 week LOA to go on holiday in France. Grislythread is acting commander until Pheonix’s return. Podcast episode 2 is out and ready for download with a spe-cial guest, ReconPace!

Upcoming changes & recent news

Saying our goodbyes...

This month, some great people have left the clan who will be greatly missed. Vikeadin is leaving to be deployed over-seas with the US army. We all wish him

a safe return and an even safer time while he is fighting for his country. Give ‘em hell, Vikeadin! Dogthebughunter is also leaving but he will stay with us as a

clan rep, being an ambassador for his soon to be new clan. Good luck Dog, you’ll be missed!












July - August Issue 05

T H E D E A T H B R I N G E R S W W W . D B C - F O R U M . N E T

The Death threat

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The Death threat

For this issue of the death threat i inter-viewed Pheonix to dis-cuss some questions I had: First i asked him why he first formed the clan and he gave this answer: I started DB in the after-math of DoW (Dogs of War), with a clear mis-sion to create an inter-national, multi-console clan that was built by gamers for gamers, with no corporate BS or power-crazed money grabbing like Tactical Gaming etc. Six months on, we have hundreds of awesome members, two badass new websites, teams getting ready to kick ass on GB and money in the Clan

Treasury – we ain’t done bad. Then I decided to ask him what his plans for the future were and he said “plans? You think i have plans? My only current plan is to see if I can survive reading the dozens of PMs I get every day. But in all se-riousness, i think this clan has some serious poten-tial if we work at it, there’s no reason we couldn’t be up there with Tactical Gaming in a year’s time and if we stick to our original mis-sion that will be one hell of an achievement. Until then let the dice fall where they may. So as a last question I

asked Pheonix if there was anything else he wanted to say and he simply said: “LET US BRING DEATH!!!” Ok so there it is guys

our mission statement for

the next year. samj007

is off to find another

person to annoy, is PD



An interview with Pheonix

An interview with YRUACNT

Googie: Will you be changing anything or will you be leaving the department as is. Truancy: The events depart-ment is going through some changes; I am trying to make it more organized and more avail-able for people who play dif-ferent games. Googie: Are there going to be more positions available in “events” or will you be cutting it down and making it smaller? Truancy: events is becoming bigger slightly, this is so we can provide events on Xbox, PS3 & PC equally, and now each event co-ordinator will have a game focus so we can now give peo-

ple BCBF2 tournaments. So yes 2 PC jobs are available soon, and there will be 2 Xbox jobs avail-able too. Googie: A common problem with events, and I would know I live in Australia, is the different time zones for example: For one member it could be day the other night. How will you man-age this extremely difficult problem? Truancy: It’s really hard like you've pointed out, I think it’s best to try and find a time that is reasonable in the 3 majority time zones: GMT, PST & EST. Unfortunately that will affect the minority members at DB.

Googie: Hey Truancy congratu-lations on becoming the new head of events. Truancy: Thank you very, much it’s an honour. Googie: How long have you been with us in the clan TRU? Truancy: Since the beginning of May 2010. Googie: What made you inter-ested in the events department in the first place? Truancy: I noticed when I joined the clan there wasn't anything I could get stuck into that was organized and not in a public lobby, so I decided I'd set up a knife party in members events then one thing lead to another.

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An interview with YRUACNT continued Truancy: Well it’s pending right now, I hope he will be-cause he held probably the first major tournaments for DB: The Ladder Of Death, so he has the experience and he's a great person and fun to play with, so those are the main character traits you need, to be a good Events Co-ordinator. Googie: Who will be your second-in-charge for the new Events team? Truancy: Dogthebughunter is my right hand man, he's dedicated and easy to talk to. Me and him consult on most things clan related. Googie: Finally are there any Announcements you would like to make? Truancy: Events Co-ordinator jobs are up for grabs in thsse Job Centre section, we want

dedicated and easy to talk to people and look out for BCBF2 events coming to your screens soon! Googie: Thank you for your time Truancy and I wish you lots of luck in your job. Truancy: Thank you.


Googie: What are three new rules/Events you are implementing? Truancy: We are bringing BCBF2 tournaments across all 3 platforms, bringing the fun sessions back to Xbox & PC. I am also making sure the events co-ordinators are ac-tive, so I've tried to create understanding that if you are a Tournament co-ordinator you must hold 1 tournament every 6 weeks, this is to make sure we don't go 2 months with no tournaments available. These can be quick 1 session tournaments or stretched out long ones, it all depends on what the Tournament Co-ordinator wants to host. Googie: Will Avm, the for-mer Head of Events, still have an active role in your events team?

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July - August Issue 05

The debate to end all debates

It has the potential to improve its graphics, for all its worth. The controller has a Six Axis Pad, which is preferable to most users. CONS: It is more expensive then the Xbox 360, why? I’ll never know! Can have longer loading times for Blu-ray. The online is more basic then the Xbox 360”s. The PS3 at the beginning had less games then the Xbox 360, but now there about equal. The first PS3”S were prone to freezing. The Xbox 360 has also many pros and cons and here are only a few of them. PROS: The Xbox 360 has great online. Is more affordably priced then the PS3.

It has lots and lots of games. CONS: Microsoft are you kidding me?! We actually have to pay money to go online. It’s prone to problems (i.e. Cool-ing System) The headsets smash easier then my mum’s china plates. This is one for all of you who aren’t in America A.K.A. me, There are too may exclusives just for America. Now that the facts are over would you like to hear what I say? Probable not, but what the heck any way. I think it doesn’t really matter which console you’re using its what your friends are using. So if your mates using a Ps3, use a PS3. Get what I’m saying ;)


Which came first the chicken or the egg? What happens if an unstoppable force hit an un-moveable wall? What happens if a square is circular? All great debates, but none of these are as great or has cost as many flamed threads as “WHICH IS BETTER PS3 or XBOX360”. Yes I said the words, the words that have caused two world wars and may bring on a third. Now please read the rest of this arti-cle, for I hope to end this war that has dragged on for too long here. But yet again these are merely dreams. Now let’s start: The PS3 has many pros and cons here are only some of them. PROS: It has a Blu-ray player for all your HD movies. You can go online for free as long as you have broadband.

Page 4: Death Threat - July Edition

Being as summer time is slowly coming to an end (I’m referring to those of us that still get a summer break from school) I have recently come to the con-clusion that parents are often too hard on their children by forcing them to waste the little break that they get by doing things that most of the time they do not want to do. The first thing that made me realize this is the fact that both my parents and my girlfriends parents push us to get a summer job every time we come back home from college. I understand where they are coming from, and I know they think it is just for the best of our inter-ests, but for my case I have earned myself a full scholarship for my educa-tion, and have not bur-dened myself or my fam-ily with any bills from school, therefore I really do not need to save up money for school (I’m not saying that extra money is a bad thing). In my girlfriend’s case, she has a job during the school year that she uses to cover all her bills, and therefore doesn’t need to have a summer job. But nonetheless, every sum-mer I go back to my sum-mer job a stocker at my local grocery store, not because my parents want

me to, but because I actu-ally enjoy the job, and having money to go do what I want is a good thing, but if I didn’t want to do this my parents would still force me, like my girlfriend’s parents do. By forcing us to work during our summer break we are essentially missing out on our only free time of the year, and once we graduate we will never get that opportunity again. Now this may seem like an ungrateful kid just complaining, but I have always worked and earned everything that I have because I come from a family that se-verely struggles finan-cially, and if I ever wanted something I would have to get it for myself, which has brought me to where I am today, I worked my way to col-lege, and I work my way through life because I have no other option. This is why I am ranting on this topic because I know there are plenty of fami-lies out there that push their children too far and expect too much from them. Basically, you need to put yourself in other people’s shoes and see what it is like to live their life for a day, and maybe you will

realize that we all need a break once in awhile… So to everyone out there that feels the same way I do, take that time off you deserve and don’t push yourself to the limits just because others want you to, instead live life how you want and have no regrets. END RANT


Riddler’s Rant

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The Death threat

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After a complete hour of watching my brother, play this game. I’ve got to say, it’s good! If you are a Star Wars and Lego fan then you’ll definitely like this. Now you’re probably wondering what, “TCS” means. Well this games name is Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Meaning if you’ve seen all the movies, then you’ll get to play through all of them also.

This game got 8 out of 10 by, making this Lego game a success. As in the other Lego games, when there are two or more people to play as you can switch people. Build broken Legos to-gether, slice enemies with your lightsaber, earn Lego money, and fight bosses to get yourself to the end of the game. Characters from each Star Wars films appear in their

respective episodes (see pic) and it really is a great game so go pick up your copy of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga today for any gaming console you may have, except the PSP, sorry guys. I hope that it’s a great buy for you guys how have bought it and I’ll see you guys later. THAT’S THE GAME RE-VIEW OF THE MONTH. -Youngone95

Game Review: Lego Star Wars: TCS

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The Death threat

In the news this week, it was revealed that Caroline Cart-wright, a 48 year-old mother from Houghton-Le-Spring, has been held in custody for being too loud during…how to put this delicately.. ”boom boom” (as Metal would call it) Having previously been given an Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) for her over-zealous bedroom (and kitchen) antics, she was arrested after a par-ticularly loud session was deemed as a breach of her ASBO conditions. This has lead me to ponder on exactly what behaviours soci-ety deems as “anti-social”. Of course, I am not protesting that the stereotypical asbo-worthy behaviours should be em-braced - public displays of idiocy are still a no-no. How-ever, has society gone too far? Or is it all too little, too late? Camden Council have recently slapped a few dozen Asbo’s on people for fly-posting. You know - pasting parochial-looking homemade notices onto telephone poles and the such. Annoying? Maybe a little, de-pending on the content of the

poster. Anti-social? Not really. And it’s not just your run-of-the-mill Asbo’s that are flying around these days either. In the final years of their power, Labour put forward the idea of the “fasbo” - an asbo for a foetus. Yep, you read it right, they’re slapping asbo’s on unborn babies these days. Unsurprisingly, this idea didn’t catch on too well (what would a foetus do to deserve and asbo - kicking too hard??) On a more serious note, there are movements of people cam-paigning for e-Asbo’s to be brought into place to stop per-petrators of violent crimes bragging on social networking sites. It seems deplorable to think of things like this happen-ing, but unfortunately victims (and families of the victims) often have to endure this as insult to injury. Teenager Ben Kinsella was stabbed to death in 2008. One of his killers posted several status’ on Face-book bragging about the event. I have to ask, who raises people like this? People who not only think it is acceptable to take someone’s life, but to

then boast on a worldwide scale? But I digress. So, it seems that the widest spectrum of behav-iours can be, and have been, deemed anti-social. From noisy boom-boom makers to fly-posters to over-active unborn babies, to malicious criminals. And what is the price of all these Asbo’s being slapped on people left, right and centre? A staggering £5.8 billion a year. Yep, that’s a BILLION after that 5.8. A mind-numbingly stupid amount, con-sidering when you take into account that an estimated 46% of the damn things are breached. Mr Cameron, Mr Clegg, if you gents are looking for ways to throw away this country’s money, might I suggest you turn your attention to a certain gaming clan I know? I’m sure they’d have a multitude of better options in which to invest it. Just a thought. -haggard_hannah

Asbo? How About AsNO?

Page 6: Death Threat - July Edition

Death is my Companion - Part 3

countered a very large hunting party. They came upon each other suddenly and fortu-nately, for us, he was able to react faster and turn tail and run. I’m not saying he’s a coward by any means. I would have run too facing down something like that, well maybe. So we waited and we waited. It seemed like forever, but then they came at us, and boy did they come hard. Dust took a glancing blow to his head. Bled like crazy but Doc says he’ll live. Dust somehow managed to break his arm saving LT’s life. I have to say thanks to Stone Dog and the rest of the 23rd. If those boys hadn’t shown up when they did I’m not sure if we would have survived that scrap. Now, normally we would have bugged the shit out of them for be-ing lost as bad as they were, but this time we were happy they were there at all. Now I’m going to have to cut this

short here. They’re drinking on our tab to-night and I’m buying the first round. You save my life, the least I can do is buy you a drink or 12. ~Arc

LT took us out on Patrol today to Fire Pass. I now know why they called him Dash, kid runs his feet just as fast as his mouth, and fortunately he knows enough to keep it shut when he needs to. Goblin is an-other easy name too. Poor bastard is uglier than I am, and not even my mother loves my face. That’s enough about those two for now. Smoke was on point; you know I don’t know how he does it. I’ve seen guys be stealthy and all, hell I can be damn ass quiet when I need to, but that som’bitch disap-pears like he is smoke. Like I said though, Smoke was on point. He usually operates about a half mile a head. But when he came tearing at us like the Devil him-self was chasing him we knew the shit was going to hit the fan. Now it’s not like Smoke to freak out like this, so LT de-cided we needed to dig, hard and fast. Smoke said that he en-

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July - August Issue 05

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Newsletter/Magazine layout designed by Jam Graphic Advertisements designed by Jam