Death Rites Example

Write a will o Explains how you want to be buried and what you want to do with all of your material wealth after you die Sometimes people purchase & reserve a gravesite where they want to be buried Family of the deceased will organize a visitation (also called a wake) for all of the deceaseds friends and family to visit the corpse o A sermon and prayer will be said for the deceased at the wake After the visitation, they hold a funeral o Typically there will be another sermon; if the deceased is Catholic the pastor will absolve the deceased of their sins o Hymns are usually sung at the funeral o The casket will be carried from the car to the plot where the funeral will be held Burial is the traditional option but cremation is becoming more popular Christians believe that if they follow the teachings from The Bible they will go to Heaven where their souls will live with God for the rest of eternity Catholics believe there is a chance your soul could go to purgatory or limbo Both Protestants and Catholics believe if you are bad and do not follow The Bible you will go to Hell Whether we are religious or not, most of us in America will follow the traditional Christian burial We tend to feel anxiety about death in our culture We may sort of fear death? If people in our culture identify as Christians or agnostics they are probably afraid of going to Hell. Death is a potentially scary thing for us Christianitys death ritual seems very sad and burdensome to the family of the deceased


An example for our Tuesdays with Morrie assignment

Transcript of Death Rites Example

  • Write a will o Explains how you want to be

    buried and what you want to do

    with all of your material wealth

    after you die

    Sometimes people purchase & reserve a gravesite where they want to be buried

    Family of the deceased will organize a visitation (also called a wake) for all of the deceaseds friends and family to visit the corpse

    o A sermon and prayer will be said for the deceased at the wake

    After the visitation, they hold a funeral o Typically there will be another sermon; if the

    deceased is Catholic the pastor will absolve the

    deceased of their sins

    o Hymns are usually sung at the funeral o The casket will be carried from the car to the plot

    where the funeral will be held

    Burial is the traditional option but cremation is becoming more popular

    Christians believe that if they follow the teachings from The Bible they will go to

    Heaven where their souls will live with

    God for the rest of eternity

    Catholics believe there is a chance your soul could go to purgatory or limbo

    Both Protestants and Catholics believe if you are bad and do not follow The Bible

    you will go to Hell

    Whether we are religious or not, most of us in America will follow the traditional Christian burial

    We tend to feel anxiety about death in our culture

    We may sort of fear death? If people in our culture identify as Christians or agnostics they are probably afraid of going to Hell. Death is a potentially scary thing for us

    Christianitys death ritual seems very sad and burdensome to the family of the deceased