Death in Christianity

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Transcript of Death in Christianity


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Today's lesson

• Listen to the song, what do you think today's lesson is going to be about?

Christianity, life and death.

Learning intentions:

• To identify the key Christian idea about death

• To explain the significance of Christian practices regarding death

Success criteria:

• To have created a guide to Christian views on the afterlife

• To be aware of key Christian practices at funerals

Rules for today's lesson

• In today's lesson we are looking at a sensitive issue, whether you are religious or not, it is never easy when someone dies.

• You may not agree with everything covered today, this doesn’t mean you should be disrespectful about it.

• Remember the issues covered will effect everyone at some point

• Please make sure any contributions you make are respectful, sensible and polite.

Mind map

• Create a mind map of all the ideas you have heard about life after death. Try to include your own opinion as well.

Life after death

Life after death?

• There are a lot of different theories about what might happen when someone dies.

• Some are purely physical and scientific, other are much more spiritual

• Life after death.

Christian funerals

• Funerals are service to remember people who have died.

• They often involve friends and family sharing memories and stories about the deceased.

Life after death

• Funeral service are important to many people.

• But for religious believers when some one dies this is not the end.

• The idea of life after death is very important to religious believers including Christians.

Life after death.

• Using pages 88-89 Fill in the brochure template you have been given.

• You should have a summary of each of the key ideas

• And a small image or picture at the bottom of each one to help you remember it.

Extension: “life after death is impossible”

Give two reason why a religious believer might agree or disagree with this statment. (4 marks)

In three sentences explain how Jesus is important to Christian ideas of life after death.

Home work:

• For homework answer this question:

“Religious believers have to believe in life after death” Do you agree? Give reasons for you answer showing you

have thought about more than one point of view. You mustinclude reference to religious teaching in you answer.

8 marks

ForAgainstReligious viewMy viewEvaluate the Religious view

Plenary: Just a minute!

• Nominate 1 person from you table. They have to come to the front a and speak for one minute (or as long as possible) about the unit so far.

• If they hesitate, stop or pause they have to return to their table.

• The person who last the longest win a prize for their table.