

Transcript of Death

Page 1: Death


Page 2: Death


 DeathWhat is Death?Is that the end of life?I agree with the fact that anything in this universe goes through three phases.(Birth, Existence and Death)But can anything in this world be completely destructed?If the definition for death is diminishing from the universe, then there is nothing called death.Best example is a bubble in water. If the bubble considers itself as a bubble then its life span is for seconds. But when the bubble realizes that I am just water and took the form of bubble as part of the universal phenomenon then there is no death for the bubble. It becomes immortal. Another example is a sea tide. If the sea tide considers it as only a sea tide then its lifespan is shortened when it reaches the land. But when realizing that I am not just a sea tide and is the genuine part of the sea and thus the sea itself, then it exists forever. Same is the case with human beings. There is no death for a human being who realizes that I am not my intelligence body and mind. I am just my soul. Death is nothing other than taking new form. Same is the case with universe. Never going to end.