Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must...

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016 3 Greetings from Germany! We thank you so much for your valuable prayers and support. We had a powerful conference in Augsburg, Germany. People were refreshed and challenged. Continue to pray for us as we have many meetings till mid-July in Germany. As you stand with us, you will receive the same reward what we receive on this earth and eternity (1.Sa.30:24). Beloved, God’s shekinah glory is shut up in your spirit, waiting for you to release it (Ex.25:22; 30:6). When you allow Him to come out of your spirit, all the life and power of God will flow through you to touch this needy world (Jn.4:38). That’s the greatest need of this hour. People sit in the shadow of death. You have God in you to give them life! Let Him flow and bless your world TODAY! We are constructing few more rooms in our Campsite considering the comfort of our delegates who th are planning to come for the 39 Short Term Intensive Course. Kindly apply for the course and if you need rooms immediately call the office and check the availability. We are expecting around 2000 people this time and we are praying and working for it. Pray for the construction and also send people for this seminar. For details visit We have our next batch School of the Holy Spirit for th th Men and Couples from July 15 to October 15 . If you are doing ministry or if you have a calling upon your life, this school is for YOU! Apply now and also encourage such people to attend this school and check this page to know more about the school events/1191553507544106/ ?active_tab= posts. This School of the Holy Spirit will touch and transform your life for sure. We have our School of the Holy Spirit for Ladies BERACHAH PROPHETIC MINISTRIES #81, 4TH CROSS STREET SENTHIL NAGAR, KOLATHUR CHENNAI - 600 099 PHONE +91 - 44 - 2650 1290 / 1390 EMAIL [email protected] WEB WATCH OUR TV PROGRAMS Daily at 7.00PM TV stations Schweiz 5 & Liechtenstein Time Every Saturdays & Sundays at 9.30MEG Life time subscription Inside India - Rs.1500 Other Countries - $300 Daily at 8.00AM (Hindi Program) Tuesday 9.30PM Thursday 12.00AM Friday 12.30AM Dearly beloved in Christ,

Transcript of Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must...

Page 1: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016


Greetings from Germany!

We thank you so much for your valuable prayers and support. We had a powerful conference in Augsburg, Germany. People were refreshed and challenged. Continue to pray for us as we have many meetings till mid-July in Germany. As you stand with us, you will receive the same reward what we receive on this earth and eternity (1.Sa.30:24).

Beloved, God’s shekinah glory is shut up in your spirit, waiting for you to release it (Ex.25:22; 30:6). When you allow Him to come out of your spirit, all the life and power of God will flow through you to touch this needy world (Jn.4:38). That’s the greatest need of this hour. People sit in the shadow of death. You have God in you to give them life! Let Him flow and bless your world TODAY!

We are constructing few more rooms in our Campsite considering the comfort of our delegates who

thare planning to come for the 39 Short Term Intensive Course. Kindly apply for the course and if you need rooms immediately call the office and check the availability. We are expecting around 2000 people this time and we are praying and working for it. Pray for the construction and also send people for this seminar. For details visit

We have our next batch School of the Holy Spirit for th th

Men and Couples from July 15 to October 15 . If you are doing ministry or if you have a calling upon your life, this school is for YOU! Apply now and also encourage such people to attend this school and check this page to know more about the school events/1191553507544106/ ?active_tab= posts. This School of the Holy Spirit will touch and transform your life for sure.

We have our School of the Holy Spirit for Ladies



Daily at 7.00PM

TV stations Schweiz 5 & Liechtenstein

TimeEvery Saturdays & Sundays

at 9.30MEG

Life time subscriptionInside India - Rs.1500Other Countries - $300

Daily at 8.00AM

(Hindi Program)

Tuesday 9.30PM

Thursday 12.00AM

Friday 12.30AM

Dearly beloved in Christ,

Page 2: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

th thfrom November 5 to December 5 and ‘Supernatural Lifestyle Seminars’ in Bhopal, Vijayawada in the month of October-November. We need your special prayers for these programs.

Pray for me and my wife, for our ageing parents, as well as for our leaders and staff. May the Lord Almighty help you possess whatever God has already established for you in the spiritual realm, and may He make you a blessing to the nations. Be the head and never again the tail. Lend to nations and never borrow again. Let the blessings run before you and overtake you, in Jesus Name!

Your loving brother,

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

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Page 3: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

Dr. Ezekiah Francis

Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our power. God’s work must be done by God’s Power. That is why Jesus com-manded them not to depart from Jerusalem until they endued with power from above (Ac.1:4,5).

His Timings

The reason for the transformation of Peter was the Holy Spirit who came on him on the day of Pentecost. From that day, he began to develop a close fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Because of his intimacy with the Lord Jesus, he could easily win the friendship of the Holy Spirit. He received his schedule directly from the Holy Spirit.

Though he had been to the temple several times, one day the Holy Spirit arrested his atten-tion on the lame beggar. He revealed to Peter that the right time for miracle was then. If we were in his place, we would have taken it as unnecessary intrusion for our prayer commitment. Throwing perhaps a few coins at the beggar we would have rushed for the prayer reasoning within ourselves miracles follows prayer time and not before. But the Holy Spirit taught him on that day that it was not our prayer but His timings that is important for the miracles. The main reason for his miracle ministry was his sensitive to the promptings of the

Holy Spirit.

We must be totally led by the Holy Spirit, whenever we minister to the people. Whenever I proceed for meetings, I surrender my mind, emotion, feelings, experience everything to the Lordship of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to take over me completely. Some times, I command my mind and feelings to get align with the Holy Spirit. I try to be very flexible in the hands of the Holy Spirit.

I Like the kite in the air that flies according to the direction of the wind, I, too, desire to go in the direction the Holy Spirit is moving. I pray in the spirit for several hours to come to this yieldness. Then I discern how I am able to easily flow with the Holy Spirit in my meetings. He even inspires me of the songs that I need to sing.

Generally, I do not have rigid plans for my pulpit performance. I sway along with the Holy Spirit. My muscicians have the problem of not knowing what I would be singing next. Whenever I attempt to sing a song desired by others, I realize in no time that there is no anointing and switch over to other songs led by the Holy Spirit.

Once, I was conducting a fasting prayer in a major city in South India. We had scheduled to close the service by 4 o’clock in the evening. When I was about to commence the concluding


Spirit Saturated

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

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prayer, the Holy Spirit asked me to continue the service. I made believers sit down and started exhorting them to build up their faith. I was, then, led by the Holy Spirit to pray for the sick. I was surprised by the number of healings that took place that day some were ver spectacular.

Among those healed was a Hindu, who had come to that city for a surgery of hernia. Out of curiosity he entered the prayer hall. Instantly he was healed. The jubiliant man ran to the dais and gave testimony. Had I been insensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and closed the prayer as per our schedule, we would have lost several miracles. Of course, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of discipline and order. But He has His own time table and schedule for everything. When we completely yield ourselves to His control, He freely acts in us.

Peter was very sensitive to the timings of the Holy Spirit. He learnt this from his Master who alwaysw said, “My time has not yet come” (Jn.2:4; Jn7:6) It’s not very difficult for those who walk with the Holy Spirit to know His timings and to sense His nudgings. This is not something strange for spirit filled minister.

His look

Ananias and Sapphira sold a piece of their property and brought the proceeds to Peter and laid it at the apostle’s feet (Ac.5:1). Several people had done that. But Peter looked at what Ananias did. Peter was disturbed in his spirit. The secret was exposed. He said, “Ananias, why has satan filled your heart to lie to Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land” He asked Sapphira also. “How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?” He did

not say, “Why did you lie to me?” or “Why do you check me?” It is because he was one with the Holy Spirit. He was so one with the Holy Spirit, that lying to Peter was tantamount to lying to the Holy Spirit. The Bible also says, “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one spirit with Him in spirit” [1.Co.6:17).

The truth was revealed to him, only because he was blended with the Holy Spirit. The spirit filled look searches depths of the hearts. This is what prophetic look is. This is known as gift of word of knowledge. A segment of spirit’s knowl-edge was given to him instantly. Such revelations would be very common in these last days. Even ordinary believer will operate in such super natural way. On that day, Peter experienced the anger of the Lord. The zeal of the Holy Spirit consumed Peter which was experienced by his Master while cleansing the temple. It is also similar to the anger of the prophets in the Old Testament.

Ananias and Sapphira could not stand before such burning anger of the Lord and were con-sumed. Peter stood on God’s side. He couldn’t stand in silence before sin. He was full of the spirit of burning and shouted, “Why has Satan filled your heart?” But the same Satan, several days earlier, had sifted him like wheat. Christ also once rebuked him, saying, “Get behind me Satan” But today, he has thrown an open chal-lenge to Satan. He troubled one who troubled him. He sifted the one who sifted him. He cannot tolerate Satan’s intrusion anymore.

Oh! How we need such watchmen today?

How we need spirit filled people who take a stand

against all kinds of hypocrisy. End time church

will give no place to the devil rather retrieve the

lost ground from him. It will drive out all trace of

Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

Page 5: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

uncleanness and establish holiness. Even

Ananias’ death could not earn the sympathy of

Peter. His unquenched zeal sent Sapphira also to

the graves. Oh! What a holy zeal. It’s not possible

for a natural man to burn with such fiery zeal. Its

possible only to a man who is full of the Holy

Spirit and fire. See another occasion where this

man was filled with zeal of God.

When the apostles laid hands on the prose-lytes in Samaria, they received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Seeing this Simon, the magician, brought loads of money, offered to Peter and said , “Give this authority to me as well, so that every one on whom I shall lay my hands may receive the Holy spirit”. The Holy spirit filled Peter and he saw through Simon and his intentions. He dis-cerned the gall of bitterness in his heart and the bondage of iniquity he was bound by. “May your silver perish with you” said Peter (Ac.8:17-24). This anger also came from the holy spirit. Money could not lure him! End-time Peters will sound the death kneel for covetousness and profanity. The pleasures of sin cannot attract them. They are full of the holy spirit.

Gifts Flow

Peter was filled with all the nine gifts of the Holy spirit. Revelations were very common for him. When the emissary of Cornelius came to him, he was in a trance. He beheld the sky being opened up and a certain object like a great sheet coming down ,lowered by four corners to the ground. In it were all kinds of four footed animals and crawling creatures and birds of the air, and a voice came to him, “Arise, Peter, kill and eat!” He was perplexed by the vision and the voice. Then the holy spirit said to him, “Three men are

looking for you. But arise, go downstairs and accompany them without any misgivings, for I have sent them myself” (Ac. 10-20)

How clearly he heard the voice of the spirit! Visions were common. Even when the angel of the Lord escorted him from the prison (Ac.12:9). But he did not know that what was being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. This proves the frequency of his visions. As per Joel’s prophecy when the spirit is poured on all the flesh, visions, dream and prophetic utterances.

Prophetic Preaching

All the sermons of Peter were prophetic. Prophecy means ‘bubbling and gushing forth’ or inspired forth right messages. What Peter preached on the day of Pentecost was a bubbling message from the Holy Spirit. It was not a sermon prepared for a select audience and delivered with all the nuances of oration. It was the most un- expected time a crowd had gathered. There was confusion and confabulation every where. At that point there stood up Peter filled with the Holy Spirit. Scriptures and interpretations flowed easily from him. The double edged sword pierced through the hearts of the people. Like fire, it melted them. Like a hammer, it broke them in contrition. This is the result of a prophetic mes-sage. One sermon and three thousand surren-dered. That is the effect of the message from the Holy Spirit.

Peter knew well that the message from the Holy Spirit alone can win souls. Even after a full night’s labor no fish could be caught. His exper-tise in fishing did not help him. But one word from the Savior could enable him catch a big

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shoal of fish, the weight of which could almost sink two boats. Jesus then told him that he was going to be a fisher of men. It was a fore token of his future evangelism.

We cannot win souls on our own efforts. But through Spirit filled messages, the churches can be filled very soon. Peter knew and experienced this. Power and gifts also abounded in his minis-try. Gifts of healing, working of miracles like raising the dead, special faith are the benefits of his close walk with the Holy Spirit.

He was a witness unto Christ. Not alone but along with the Holy Spirit. “And we are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him”(Ac.5:32). Whatever he achieved in his life were achieved with the partnership of the Holy Spirit. And his

epistles were inspired by the Holy Spirit and was added in the canonicity of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, Peter has completed his course and gone. But the same Holy Spirit who was with him, has not left us. He is very eager to work with you. He is looking for yielded vessels. Will you be the one to say ‘yes’ to Him. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to be the president of your life? Will you be always be full of the Holy spirit? Will you earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy spirit? Will you be the close friend of the Holy Spirit and walk in daily fellowship with Him?


Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016


l Power secrets to be used by God

l Practical tips to lead a life of holiness and power

l Profound end-time truths to make you a revivalist

The One who trained you is desperate to use you

Page 7: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

9www.ezekiahfrancis.orgBerachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

Rev.Benita FrancisYour relationship with your parents might be

quite strained at this point of time. Maybe you feel the same way as many youngsters have told me, often crying bitterly, “They don’t understand me at all! They don’t trust me even a bit! They think I am totally stupid or crazy! Whatever I do is always wrong in their eyes! They never liked me, they always prefer my brothers and sisters! They don’t want me to have any fun in life, only study, study, study! They don’t give me any money. Always I look like a fool before my friends because they all have money and I don’t….” and many other complaints.

Actually, you accuse them of spoiling all your fun and entertainment, pushing away all your friends, depriving you of the most normal things everybody enjoys - in short, you accuse them of stealing your life! But is that really true? Are they the real culprits?

I know you will be very much tempted to lie to your parents and hide your real life from them, but please, for Heaven’s sake and for your own life’s sake, don’t!

I know you may be tempted to steal money from your parents and buy friends and recognition outside, but please, for your own future and wellbeing’s sake, don’t!

I know you will prefer your friends’ counsel to your parents’ words, but please, for your own peace’s sake, don’t!

Let me give you one important revelation. Do you know why your parents don’t trust you? Do you have any idea why they don’t fully believe you? Well, there is only one reason: As hard as it may seem for you to believe it, there was a time when they also were young! They also thought and felt exactly like you do today! And because they know they would have made some serious mistakes if they had followed their heart, mind and emotions at that time, they are very suspiciously watching your each and every move. What is the motive behind it? The motive is to protect you from harm and heartbreak!

So please, don’t see your parents as your enemies. They are not these old, outdated, ignorant police agents. They are the vessels God used to bring you into this world. They are your God-ordained caretakers until you reach spiri-tual, mental and physical maturity. They are the ones who are responsible for your life not only before society and the justice system, but also before God Almighty (Hebrews 13:17).

Think about it. You are their own flesh and blood. You were formed and nurtured in your mother’s womb for nine months. Your father had to run and work hard to provide a livelihood for you and the rest of the family. Will they not be the very first ones to desire your good? Think about it. They fed and clothed you all these years - will they suddenly want to harm you and deprive you of any good thing?

Parents and Authority Figures

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10Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

Actually, the great problem is that all too often, parents try to push their children to accom-plish what they failed to accomplish in life. It sometimes almost looks like they want to live their own lives once again through their children. Of course, this is impossible, and I have seen young people, both boys and girls, sobbing and crying uncontrollably because of the tremendous pressure put on them by such expectations.

Invariably, the relief they feel when that yoke of expectations is taken off of them is almost like a deliverance. Maybe you hate your parents for the superhuman demands they laid on you, but please don’t. They really want your best, they just don’t know how much this stresses and strains you.

Please don’t react to them. Start by praying for them, asking Jesus to allow you to see your parents, leaders, teachers or other authority figures with His eyes. I actually had that experi-ence many years ago. My father is a very strong personality and as such hurt me many times, probably often without intention and without his knowledge. I felt crushed and became a very shy, fearful and insecure young girl. This distanced me further from my father who despised weakness and would have wanted a strong, self-confident daughter.

One day, as I was praying for his salvation, suddenly the Holy Spirit showed me his extremely difficult childhood during the second world war. He lost his father when he was only seven years old, and from that day onward, he practically had to take care of his mother and his elder brother who was less gifted and talented than my dad. Suddenly I could see how much pressure and burden this situation put on that tender little boy. No wonder he wanted his daugh-ter to be strong and ready to face anything in life!

Interestingly, this spiritual experience completely transformed my relationship with my dad. Seeing his difficult background completely

healed me of the hurts he had inflicted on me. My whole attitude toward him changed, and very soon, my dad opened his heart for Jesus and became a believer. This was a great miracle for everyone who knew him, and it was only possible because I could see him with God’s eyes.

So please, keep praying daily for the author-ity figures in your life until you can see them with God’s love and compassion. Make sure there is no more anger and rebellion in your heart toward them. Then prayerfully try to explain to them that you are very aware that God made you with a specific plan and purpose (Ephesians 2:10).

Tell them that you are very aware that satan, the enemy of your soul, is trying to steal your life in so many different ways. Tell them that you are very seriously praying and desiring to live with wisdom and obedience. Then, after reassuring them that you are well aware of all the dangers and threats against your life, tell them that you very much desire to GET a life - preferably your own!

Let me say it one more time. Your parents are NOT your enemies. They are NOT out to steal your life. Somebody else is. The devil and all his cohorts are working overtime to drag you out of the protective covering God has provided for you by giving you parents - as imperfect as they may be. God Himself knows they are not perfect, but still He has placed them as your authorities to chasten you - which means to correct and rebuke you - to make you grow up in a healthy way. See this:

7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?

8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.

Page 9: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

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9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?

10 For they indeed for a few days chas-tened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness.

11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

This is what both God and your parents desire when they rebuke you: You should be trained to live a peaceful, enjoyable life in righteousness. A small counsel: If you endeavor to make God happy, He will make sure your earthly parents are also happy with you. Try it…

Let me quickly tell you about a person who was NOT rebuked by his father. He was Adonijah, the fourth son of King David (2 Samuel 3:4). After the death of his elder brothers, Amnon and Absa-lom, he tried to seize his father’s throne, but failed. Solomon, one of his younger brothers, was made king according to God’s plan and promise (1 Chronicles 28:5).

Adonijah took refuge at the altar and was forgiven (1 Kings 1:5-53). However, when he attempted to seize the throne a second time, he was killed (1 Kings 2:13-25). All the Bible says about him is this:

6 And his father had not rebuked him at any time by saying, “Why have you done so?” He was also very good-looking. His mother had borne him after Absalom (1 Kings 1:6)

Can you see it? Not being rebuked can kill you! It seems King David didn’t bother to correct this son Adonijah. He therefore could not develop a good character and died because of his pride and ambition. What a tragedy! Actually, your parents rebukes are not a curse. They are a great blessing and protection for your life and your future. So next time they rebuke you, rejoice! Your life is in safe, God-ordained hands!

There is a great mystery not only in the parental rebukes but also in the parental blessing. If you read through the Old Testament, you will see that the parental blessings came to pass word by word. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and so many others received the parental blessings and later on released them on their own children (Genesis 27:27-29, 39-40; 28:1-4; 49:1-28).

In the same way, the parental curse also came to pass as we see in Noah who cursed Canaan and blessed his sons Shem and Japheth (Genesis 9:20-27). Both Old and New Testament empha-size the importance of blessing our parents as well as the dangers of cursing them. Let us see some Scriptures:

And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death (Exodus 21:17)

For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him (Leviticus 20:9)

Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in deep darkness (Proverbs 20:20)

For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death’ (Matthew 15:4)

For Moses said, 'Honor your father and

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12 Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death’ (Mark 7:10)

Can you see it? Do you now understand why it is so difficult for you to live peaceably with your parents? As I keep telling you, there IS somebody who wants to steal your life - and here he has a very easy game!

Maybe you say, “But sister, I would never curse my parents!” Well, I am not so sure. Proba-bly you don’t know the meaning of the word “curse”. Let me help you.

See here some of the meanings of the Hebrew words translated as “curse” in the Old Testament. To curse means “to make vile, execrate, malign, stab with words”, “to make light, treat with contempt, bring contempt or dishonor, make despicable”. If you are under a curse, you will experience “to be insignificant, be of little account, be lightly esteemed”. Other Hebrew words mean “to pierce, perforate, blaspheme” and even “to devote to destruction”. The word used most frequently is “to bitterly curse”.

Greek words used in the New Testament mean “to curse, doom, imprecate evil upon”, “to speak evil of, revile, abuse”, even “a person or thing doomed to destruction”.

Soooo… are you sure you don’t curse your parents? How do you talk to them? Do your words stab their hearts as with a dagger? Do you revile and abuse them with your words? How do you talk about them? Do your words make them vile, despicable or insignificant in other people’s eyes? Do you speak doom, destruction or evil about them and their future? Did you know that death and life are in the power of YOUR tongue (Prov-erbs 18:21)?

Remember, the great apostle Paul reminded his churches of this eternal truth, saying: “Chil-

dren, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:1-3).

Can you see how this enemy of your soul is trying to use your hurts and your resulting rebellion to kill your parents through your stabbing words and to kill you through your disobedience to God’s fourth commandment? Can you now see who REALLY wants to steal your life???

Now, how do you make sure you get your parents’ blessings? Let us learn again from the source of all wisdom, God’s eternal Word. In Genesis chapter 27, you can read a story that sounds like a modern drama. Father Isaac is getting old and wants to bless his favorite son before his death. So he calls him and asks him to hunt and cook his favorite dish. His wife Rebekah, however, hears the conversation and starts scheming how to trick her husband into blessing his other son, the one whom she favored. You must read it! It is exhilarating!

Finally, Jacob cheats his father Isaac and gets the blessing intended for his brother Esau. When Esau comes in, he cries with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and says to his father, “Bless me - me also, o my father!” Can you see how serious they all took the parental blessing? Not only the son, also the father knew of its importance. When Isaac found out that he had been cheated, he trembled exceedingly, and asked, “Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate all of it before you came, and I have blessed him - and indeed he shall be blessed… Your brother came with deceit and has taken away your blessing.”

Seeing Esau’s desperation, Isaac tried to bless him with whatever blessing he had not used for Isaac. The whole matter was so serious,

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though, that Esau decided to kill his brother who had taken his blessings by deceit as soon as he got a chance. Wow! This is how important the paren-tal blessing is!

Now please, don’t despair. I can hear some of you saying, “What can I do? My parents only hate me. They only love my brother and my sister, not me! How can I get their blessings?” or “My parents are dead and gone. I missed the opportu-nity to get their blessings. What can I do? My luck is lost forever!”

No, don’t worry. If you are a believer in Christ, your Heavenly Father God has already blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). You ARE blessed - and yet, why not do everything in your power to get also the earthly blessings of your earthly parents?

How do you do that? Very easy. See what

Isaac himself tells his son: “And make me savory food, such as I love, and bring it to me that I may eat, that my soul may bless you before I die” (Genesis 27:4). Pray. Find something your parents really like. Make them happy so they can happily bless you!

So your parents are NOT the ones who want to spoil your life. Now let me remind you who REALLY wants to steal your life. Well… do I really need to remind you? I think you know by now…

From ‘Get a Life - Preferably Your Own’ BY Rev. BENITA FRANCIS


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Page 12: Dearly beloved in Christ, - NEWS Jul... 5 Dr. Ezekiah Francis Those who want to be used by God must be full of the Holy Spirit. God’s ministry cannot done by our might or or our

14Berachah Prophetic Voice - July 2016

Owned and published by V. Johnson from, 4th Cross Street, Senthil Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 99 and printed by Augustine David at Kalos Prints Offset Division, 9A, Jeevan Nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai - 88. Ph: +91 - 44 - 22670 808. Editor.V. Ezekiah Francis

The Ten Commandments deal with the fruit, the Gospel deals with the root. The God who thundered His Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai is now giving His Ten Enablements from Mount Calvary. Listen:

=I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of this world and the dominion of the god of this world (Col.1:13; 2.Co.4:4). You will not fear the devil but resist him, rebuke him, cast him out and tread him under your feet (Jas.4:7; Mk.1:25; 16:17; Lk.10:19; Ro.16:20).

=You will not worship the works of your hands, the gods of covetousness, the world and self (Col.3:5; 1.Jn.2:15-16; Phil.3:19). You will not bow to them to them nor serve them.

=You will not use My Name in vain but give thanks to My Name continually (Heb.13:15; Eph.5:20)! In My Name, you will cast out demons, heal the sick, speak in tongues and demand things to happen (Mk.16:17-18; Jn.14:14).

=You will remember the Sabbath day for your life starts with Sabbath (Heb.4:10). I have finished all My works for you, and you have entered My rest. Enjoy! Your life is a constant Sabbath rest, blessed and hallowed (Eph.1:3; Heb.10:10). Now you can labor more than all according to My mighty power working in you (1.Co.15:10; Eph.3:20; Phil.2:12; Col.1:29).

=You will honor your father and mother in the Lord, and it will be well with you, and you will live long on the earth. (Eph.6:1-4). You have the Spirit of Jesus and will submit to your parents and to one another (Lk.2:51; Eph.5:18-21).

=You will not murder anyone in thought, words or action. You are not a murderer, you are a life-giver (Mt.10:8; 2.Co.2:14)! You spread the aroma of life, leading many to life (2.Co.2:16). You are totally free from the devil who is a murderer from the beginning (Jn.8:44). You don’t hate anyone, for you have eternal life in you (1.Jn.3:15).

=You will not commit adultery, not even in your heart. You will not look at a women lustfully (Mt.5:27-28). You have crucified your flesh with its passions and desires (Ga.5:19,24). You will put to death the deeds of your body by the power of My Spirit in you (Ro.8:13; Col.3:5). Sin has no dominion over you (Ro.6:14)!

=You will not steal but give (Lk.6:38)! The grace of giving is bestowed on you as a cheerful giver (2.Co.8:1; 9:7,15). The Life-Giver lives in you, and you give even your life for your brethren (Jn.10:10; 1.Jn.3:16).

=You will not bear false witness against your neighbor, rather speak the truth in love (Eph.4:15). You will speak the words for necessary edification (Eph.4:29). You will be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving, caring for others and suffering with them (1.Co.12:25-26; Eph.4:32).

=You will not covet anything that is your neighbor’s, you will covet spiritual gifts (1.Co.12:1; 14:1,39). Your mind is set on the things above, not on the things of the earth for your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:2-3).


Dr. Ezekiah Francis