Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi

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  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi



    The story of the origin of Ekāda!  is to"d #y $yāsade%a to &ai'ini in the (ad'a ()rāna *+,,+*-.,/+ At the da0n of 

    1reation2 3ord Nārāyana 1reated a"" 'o%ing and non-'o%ing 1reat)res+ O)t of a"" different kinds of sins2 He a"so 1reated

    (ā4a4)r)sa2 the 4ersonifi1ation of sin2 to 4)nish those 0ho do not a#ide #y the r)"es of the s1ri4t)res+ 5eeing the

    horri#"e a44earan1e of (ā4a4)r)sa2 the 3ord a"so 1reated 6a'a2 the god of death2 to 1ontro" hi'+ 5inf)" 4ersons 0i""

    after death go to 6a'a2 0ho 0i"" send the' on to he""ish 4)nish'ent in the hands of (ā4a4)r)sa+

    5o'e ti'e "ater2 3ord Nārāyana 'o)nted Gar)da and f"e0 do0n to the a#ode of 6a'a+ 6a'a greetedthe 3ord res4e1tf)""y and offered Hi' #ea)tif)" 4rayers+ 7hi"e "istening to these 4rayers2 the 3ord 1o)"da"so hear "o)d2 4itif)" 1ries of he"4 fro' a"" dire1tions+ 7hen asked2 6a'a re4"ied that these are the 1ries of sinf)" 4ersons s)ffering in he""+ Riding on Gar)da2 3ord Nārāyana i''ediate"y 0ent to see ho0 they 0eres)ffering+ 7hen the sinners sa0 Hi'2 they 1a""ed o)t e%en "o)der for he"42 trying to es1a4e their tor'ent+

     Nārāyana 0as great"y 'o%ed2 thinking that these 4eo4"e 0ere s)ffering #e1a)se of His arrange'ent+ O)t of His #ody He then 'anifested Ekāda!2 the goddess of the e"e%enth ")nar day+ A"" the s)ffering sinners

    started fo""o0ing the Ekāda!-%rata2 and 0ere i''ediate"y 4ro'oted to $aik)ntha+5atisfied 0ith the ne0 arrange'ent2 3ord $isn) ret)rned to his a#ode+ Not e%eryone 0as satisfied2

    ho0e%er8 soon (ā4a4)r)sa 1a'e to 'eet the 3ord+ Crying and so##ing2 he 4rayed to the 3ord2 saying thathe needed His 4rote1tion+ After Ekāda! 1a'e2 he said2 'y "ife has #een destroyed+ 6o) 1reated 'e to take1are of the sinners2 #)t 0hate%er sins they do are i''ediate"y 0ashed a0ay on Ekāda!+ I 1annot resist her2sin1e she 0as #orn dire1t"y fro' 6o)+ ("ease he"4 'e9 The

    0ho"e 0or"d 0i"" soon #e e'4ty if this goes on9 On Ekāda!2 I ha%e no she"ter any0here+

    The 3ord s'i"ed and to"d (ā4a4)r)sa not to 0orry+ Fro' no0 on2 He said2 yo) 0i"" ha%e a safe a#ode infood on Ekāda!+ On that day yo) 1an enter a"" kinds of eata#"es2 and anyone 0ho then eats yo) 0i"" at thesa'e ti'e eat a"" kinds of sin+ In this 0ay yo) 0i"" #e safe on Ekāda!2 and not e%eryone 0i"" a)to'ati1a""y

     #e "i#erated+

    Histori1a""y2 it is 'ore diffi1)"t to find the origins of the Ekāda!-%rata+ The 0ord %rata a44ears a"ready inthe Rg $eda :e+g+ 2.38.7, ;"a0? and >ordnan1e?+ A"ready in the U4anisads one 1an see e=a'4"esof %ratas in the sense )sed in this #ook2 a %o0 or ho"y o#ser%an1e that in1")des so'e r)"es and restri1tions

     4"a1ed )4on onese"f for the attain'ent of a higher good+ The 1"assi1 di1tionary of A'ara defines a %rata as>synony'o)s 0ith reg)"ations2 1onsisting of fasting2 et12 and "eading to 'erit?+

    Des1ri4tions of the Ekāda!-%rata are not fo)nd in the @ahā#hārata :tho)gh D%āda!-%ratas are'entioned in 1ha4ter i of the A%a'edhika-4ar%a2 in the $aisna%a-dhar'a 4art/2 #)t a"'ost a"" ()rānas ha%eat "east a fe0 1ha4ters de%oted to so'e Ekāda!s+ Dating the ()rānas is a notorio)s"y diffi1)"t task2 #)t it issafe to say that at "east the Bodhan! Ekāda! 0as kno0n #y the fifth 1ent)ry A+D+ The 4o4)"arity of Ekāda! gre0 steadi"y2 as 1an #e seen in the ()rānas and U4a-4)rānas2 0here the different Ekāda!s are gi%en 'ore

    and 'ore attention+ The 4o4)"arity of Ekāda! is a"so sho0n #y the a'o)nt of te=t 0hi1h 'ediae%a" 0riterson dhar'a de%oted to its r)"es and detai"s+

    $ratas s)1h as Ekāda! 0ere %ery ')1h a 4art of 4o4)"ar Hind)is'2 sin1e they 0ere o4en to a"" %arnasand āra'as and offered great res)"ts 0ith 1o'4arati%e"y "itt"e effort+ It is nat)ra""y hard to say ho0 'any

     4eo4"e fo""o0ed the r)"es stri1t"y2

     #)t at "east #y the eighteenth 1ent)ry the 4o4)"arity of Ekāda! had 0aned+ A## D)#ois2 0riting in @adrasaro)nd the #eginning of the nineteenth 1ent)ry2 re4orted that a %ery s'a"" n)'#er of de%otees a1t)a""yfo""o0ed the r)"es of Ekāda!+ In Benga"2 Ekāda! 1a'e to #e seen as an o#ser%an1e 'eant a"'oste=1")si%e"y for 0ido0s+ A re1ent st)dy :Freed Freed8 Hind) Festi%a"s in a North Indian $i""age/ of re"igio)s rit)a"s in a north Indian %i""age fo)nd that on"y a fe0 #rāh'ana "adies o#ser%e Ekāda!+

    In 'odern ti'es2 'any Hind) refor'ers ha%e tried to re4o4)"arise the Ekāda!-%rata+ The 'ain arg)'entsthese 4ersons 4)t for0ard are 1onne1ted 0ith astro"ogy2 hea"th and fo""o0ing the an1ient Indian tradition+ 5ti""2

    their i'4a1t has #een rather "i'ited+ The efforts of A+C+ Bhakti%edānta 50a'i (ra#h)4āda :the fo)nder of 

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    the Internationa" 5o1iety for Krsna Cons1io)sness/ and his fo""o0ers ha%e s)11eeded in s4reading theEkāda!-%rata to 'any 4eo4"e in the 0estern 1o)ntries+


    The 'ain reason 0hy $aisna%as fo""o0 the Ekāda!-%rata is not freeing the'se"%es fro' he"" :as in the storya#o%e/2 #)t 4"easing $isn)+ On this day $aisna%as stri%e to 'ini'ise eat ing2 s"ee4ing and other 0or"d"ya1ti%ities and instead in1rease their de%otion to $isn)+ In the sa'e 0ay a"" great re"igions of the 0or"d1ontain ho"y days and festi%a"s 0hen the "aity gets a 1han1e to in1rease the intensity of its re"igio)s "ife+ Theidea" is2 of 1o)rse2 to "i%e a "ife of 1onstant re"igio)s e1stasy2 #)t for 'ost 4eo4"e this see's i'4ossi#"e+ For the' ho"y days and festi%a"s 0ith s4e1ia" re"igio)s o#ser%an1es are %ery )sef)"+ They a"so 4"ay a great 4art in1onne1ting ne0 generations 0ith the faith of their an1estors+

    Ekāda! 'eans the e"e%enth+ It is #e"ie%ed that on the e"e%enth day of the 0a=ing and 0aning 'oon2 the'oon 1a)ses great agitation in the e"e%en senses of the h)'an #ody+ For this reason one sho)"d reg)"ate hiseating and drinking on this day2

    so as not to get 1o'4"ete"y 1arried a0ay #y sens)a" desires+ If one does not fo""o0 the r)"es 0hi1h the sagesof yore ha%e set do0n for this day2 one 0i"" i'4"i1ate onese"f in sin and grad)a""y #e1o'e degraded+

    The idea is 1ertain"y not to si'4"y fast and stay a0ake2 #)t to do these things so that one 1an engage as')1h as 4ossi#"e in hearing and 4raising the g"ories of the 3ord+ One 4o4)"ar e=4"anation :different fro' theone gi%en in this #ook/ of the 0ord )4a%āsa or fasting is?to #e 1"ose?+ This i'4"ies that fasting sho)"d #e 'orethan )st refraining fro' food+ If fasting distan1es )s fro' ser%i1e to the 3ord2 it is not rea" )4a%āsa+ Fasting isa 'eans to the end2 de%otion to Krsna2 and it 'ay not 0ork for a""+

    There is a"so another )nderstanding of Ekāda!+ The ad%an1ed de%otee no "onger thinks of 3ord Krsna asthe 'aesti1 s)4re'e 3ord2 #)t as his dear 'aster2 friend2 son or "o%er+ &)st as o)r senses are easi"y agitatedon Ekāda!2 he thinks2 so are Krsna?s+ In other 0ords2 this day is a great o44ort)nity to 4"ease Krsns senses9For this reason2 he endea%o)rs to 0orshi4 the 3ord as o4)"ent"y and 0e"" as 4ossi#"e on this day2 0hen the)n"i'ited o44ort)nities for 4"easing the 3ord see' to gro0 e%en f)rther+


    There is so'e 1ontro%ersy 1on1erning 0ho a1t)a""y 0rote the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa+ In the o4ening %erses and atthe end of e%ery 1ha4ter :or $i"āsa2?'anifestatio / the #ook itse"f 1"ear"y says that it 0as 0ritten #y Go4ā"aBhatta Gos%ā'!+ &!%a Gos%ā'!2 ho0e%er2 "ists the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa a'ongst the 0orks of his )n1"e 5anātanaGos%ā'! at the end of his 3agh)tosan! 0ritten a#o)t ;.,2 as does Krsnadāsa Ka%irāa in his Caitanya-1aritā'rta :e+g+ +i+J./ fro' a#o)t the sa'e ti'e+ It is hard to #e"ie%e that these s1ho"ar"y 4ersons2 0ho

     4ro#a#"y #oth had 'et and st)died )nder Go4ā"a Bhatta and 5anātana

    Gos%ā'!s2 0o)"d ha%e 'ade a 'istake in as1ri#ing the 0ork to 5anātana Gos%ā'!+

    3ater tradition tries to re1on1i"e these state'ents+ @anohara Dāsa 0rites in his An)rāga-%a""! :fro' ;L/that 5anātana Gos%ā'! 0rote the 'ain te=t #)t Go4ā"a Bhatta 1o""e1ted the s)44orting %erses+ NarahariCakra%art! 0rites in his Bhaktiratnākara :;+;L*-;L/ fro' the ear"y i>h 1ent)ry that the idea of 0riting s)1h

    a #ook originated 0ith Go4ā"a Bhatta2 #)t that 5anātana Gos%ā'! 0as the one 0ho a1t)a""y 1arried o)t thetask2 0riting in the na'e of Go4ā"a Bhatta+

    The %a"idity of these 1one1t)res is "essened #y a st)dy of the te=t and its 1o''entary+ The 1o''entaryna'ed Digdarin! to the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa is )nna'ed2 #)t tradition has asso1iated it 0ith 5anātanaGos%ā'!+ A+C+ Bhakti%edānta 50a'i (ra#h)4āda 'entions in his 4)r4ort to Caitanya1aritā'rta2 %erse,+;+J.2 that so'e 4eo4"e think the 1o''entary 0as 0ritten #y Go4inātha-4Mā Adhikār!2 a dis1i4"e of Go4ā"aBhatta+ Neither na'e is 'entioned in the 1o''entary itse"f2 #)t the 1o''entary 4raises Śr! @adana-'ohanaat the #eginning+ It is 0e""-kno0n that 5anātana Gos%ā'! 0orshi44ed @adana-'ohana2 0hi"e Go4inātha 0asthe head 4riest of Rādhā-ra'ana+ A fe0 ti'es the 1o''entary a"so refers to the Brhad-#hāga%atā'rta #y5anātana Gos%ā'! :e+g+ the 1o''entary to i+ao/2 a #ook that is not %ery often )oted+ 5anātana th)s see'sa 'ore 4ro#a#"e a"ternati%e+ In that 1ase2 #oth the #ook and the 1o''entary 0o)"d #e 0ritten #y 5anātanaGos%ā'!+ For an a)thor to 0rite a 1o''entary on a te=t of his o0n is not )n1o''on+

    In sty"e2 ho0e%er2 the 1o''entary differs fro' the 'ain te=t+ The 'ain te=t 4"a1es "itt"e e'4hasis on'any things 1onsidered f)nda'enta"s of Ga)d!ya $aisna%is'2 s)1h as the oint 0orshi4 of Rādhā and Krsna20hi"e the 1o''entary d0e""s on the' as often as 4ossi#"e :for e=a'4"e i+rLg-aoJ/+ The t0o 0ere 1ertain"y

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    not 0ritten at the sa'e ti'e+ 5o'e editions of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa 1ontain a %erse at the end stating that the #ook 0as 1o'4"eted in the a)t)'n of ;.J+

    E%en 0ere this %erse not gen)ine2 the #ook ')st ha%e #een 0ritten #efore ;.;2 sin1e it is )oted in theBhakti-rasā'rtasindh) of RM4a Gos%ā'! :e+g+ ;+,+*,/2 0ritten in that year+ The Bhakti-rasā'rta-sindh)2 again2is 'entioned in the 1o''entary of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa :'+Jr/+ The 1o''entary ')st th)s #e yo)nger than

    the #ook itse"f+The 1o''entary often )otes %erses that 1o)"d %ery 0e"" ha%e #een in1")ded in the 'ain te=t+ E=a'4"es are the %ery

    "engthy )otation a#o)t Bhai'! Ekāda! fro' the @atsya ()rāna :;+;,/ and the additiona" 'antras in 1onne1tion 0ith

    (a%itrāro4ana D%āda! :I.+,"agh)? rather see's to indi1ate that the 'an)s1ri4t2 if it rea""y does e=ist2 is a "ater a##re%iation of the%o")'ino)s Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa+ At "east one s)1h a##re%iated %ersion2 5ādhana-d!4!kā2 0as 'ade #y NārāyanaBhatta Gos%ā'!+ The 0ord >%i"ikhitah? a"so does not 'ean 0ritten in detai" a11ording to the standard 5anskritdi1tionary #y 5ir @onier @onier-7i""ia's2 #)t si'4"y s1rat1hed or 0ritten+

    E%en so2 the 'ain 4ro#"e' 0ith this theory is so'ething e"se+ If 5anātana rea""y 0as the origina" 0riter20hy did Go4ā"a Bhatta not 'ention that in the #ook In the #eginning of e%ery 4art of his 5at-sandar#ha2&!%a Gos%ā'! 'entions that his #ook is #ased on the notes of Go4ā"a Bhatta+ Go4ā"a Bhatta 0o)"d 1ertain"ysi'i"ar"y ha%e a1kno0"edged the 0ork of 5anātana2 had he #ased his #ook on it+ There is no e%iden1e of ri-

    %a"ry #et0een the Gos%ā'!s+A si'4"e e=4"anation 0o)"d #e that &i%a Gos%ā'! )st 'ade a 'istake in attri#)ting the #ook to 5anātana2

    and that that 'istake 0as 1o4ied and 1ir1)"ated #y Krsnadāsa Ka%irāa2 th)s 1a)sing great 1onf)sion in the"ater tradition+ This is not "ike"y2 ho0e%er2 sin1e the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa itse"f #e1a'e )ite 4o4)"ar+ It is a"soe%ident fro' the te=t of the Caitanya1aritā'rta :,+,+J,L-J/ that Krsnadāsa Ka%irāa 0as fa'i"iar 0ith the1ontents of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa+ @y 1on1")sion2 therefore2 is that the te=t 0as 0ritten #y Go4ā"a Bhatta

    Gos%ā'!2 0hi"e the 1o''entary 0as 0ritten #y 5anātana Gos%ā'! so'e ten years "ater+ (erha4s #e1a)se of the great re4)te of 5anātana Gos%ā'!2 the 0ho"e #ook and not on"y the 1o''entary 1a'e to #e seen as his0ork+ There 'ay a"so ha%e #een so'e "i'ited 1o-o4eration #et0een the t0o+In any 1ase2 to a%oid the1ontro%ersy2 I 0i"" in this #ook )se the the ter's?the a)thor? for the a)thor of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa and>the1o''entator? for the 0riter of the 1o''entary na'ed Digdarin!+

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    CONTENT5 OF THE HARI-BHAKTI-$I3A5A The Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa is a nor'ati%e des1ri4tion of the

    1ond)1t of the idea" $aisna%a2 0ritten in the 1o''on An)st)#h 'etre+ It is 1o'4rised of t0enty $i"āsas+ The

    first $i"āsa dea"s 0ith g)r)2 dis1i4"e and 'antra+ The se1ond $i"āsa des1ri#es initiation2 the third thro)gh

    si=th the 'andatory 'orning rit)a"s and 0orshi42 and the se%enth the )se of f"o0ers in the 0orshi4+ The

    eighth $i"āsa 1on1")des the to4i1 of 'orning 0orshi4+ The ninth $i"āsa dis1)sses @ahā-4rasāda and other 

    to4i1s2 0hi"e the tenth des1ri#es the genera" )a"ities of a $aisna%a and essentia"s of $aisna%a-dhar'a+ The

    e"e%enth $i"āsa dea"s 0ith d)ties of the e%ening and night+

    After th)s des1ri#ing the dai"y d)ties2 the a)thor goes on to dis1)ss the fortnight"y d)ties of Ekāda! andD%āda! in the t0e"fth and thirteenth $i"āsas+ The to4i1 of the fo)rteenth thro)gh si=teenth $i"āsas aredifferent festi%a"s and o#ser%an1es aro)nd the year+ 7hen the dai"y2 fortnight"y and 'onth"y 0orshi4 has

     #een des1ri#ed2 the a)thor dea"s in $i"āsa se%enteen 0ith o11asiona" rites s)1h as different kinds of  4)ra1arana2 4re4aratory rites+ $i"āsa eighteen dea"s 0ith 1onstr)1ting i'ages of the 3ord2 $i"āsa nineteen0ith insta""ing the 3ord2 and $i"āsa t0enty2 the "ast2 0ith 1onstr)1ting a te'4"e for the 3ord+

    A"" in a""2 the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa 1ontains 925 %erses+ The %ast 'aority of these %erses2 ho0e%er2 are

    )otations fro' a"'ost t0o h)ndred ()rānas2 5'rtis and other an1ient 0orks+ The 'ethod of the #ook is to 4ro%ide a %erse or t0o a#o)t a s4e1ifi1 s)#e1t2 and then s)44ort and i"")strate that 0ith 1o4io)s and often re4etiti%e )otations+This gi%es the 0ork a great dea" of a)thority in the eyes of orthodo=y+

    5o'e 'odern s1ho"ars and a"so $aisna%as ha%e #een s)r4rised #y ho0 the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa o'its to'ention 'any things essentia" to Ga)d!ya $aisna%is'2 s)1h as the 0orshi4 of Rādhā and Krsna+ 7hi"e 5r! Caitanya is 4raised in the #eginning %erse of ea1h $i"āsa2 not a 0ord is said a#o)t 0orshi4 of hi'2 nor is his'antra 'entioned+ The e=4"anation for this is )ite si'4"e8 the 0ork is 1"ear"y not intended for Ga)d!ya $ais-na%as a"one2 #)t as a g)ide#ook for $aisna%as in genera"+ In 'any 4"a1es one is asked to 4ro1eed a11ordingto the r)"es of one?s 4arti1)"ar sa'4radāya or gro)4 :e+g+ +y./+ For this reason2 the a)thor a%oids things thathe #e"ie%es $aisna%as fro' other sa'4radāyas 0o)"d o#e1t to+

    It ')st a"so #e added that at the ti'e 0hen the Hari#hakti-%i"āsa 0as 0ritten2 a Ga)d!ya $aisna%a

    sa'4rādaya 4er se had not yet a44eared in $rndā%ana2 0hat to s4eak of rit)a" 0orshi4 of Śr! Caitanya2 0hoat the ti'e the #ook 0as finished had on"y )ite re1ent"y "eft the 0or"d+ In the ear"y 0orks of the Gos%ā'!sone 1an 1"ear"y see a desire to fit into a genera" 1o'')nity of Krsna-de%otees+ For e=a'4"e2 in his Bhakti-rasā'rta-sindh) (1.2.269, J

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    fast 1o'4"ete"y for one reason or another+ The 'ain a"ternati%e is to ha%e so'eone fast on one?s #eha"f+ Inorder to a%oid 'is)se of this2 the a)thor sti4)"ates that this has to #e done 0itho)t 4ay'ent+

    Us)a""y 'andatory d)ties are tho)ght to gi%e no s4e1ia" res)"t2 #)t there are e=1e4tions to this r)"e+ Thea)thor 1ites n)'ero)s ()rāni1 state'ents a#o)t the greatness of Ekāda!+ The ()rānas a#o)nd 0ith "ists of the great 'erit a0arded #y different %ratas and ho"y 4"a1es+ Reading these2 e%en the 'ost 4io)s reader 0i""

     #egin to do)#t 0hether they 'ay #e a "itt"e e=aggerated+ @ost traditiona" s1ho"ars ad'it this2 or then theysay that s)1h res)"ts 'ay a44ear in so'e 1ases2 #)t not in a""+ By gi%ing great 4ro'ises the s1ri4t)res try toget 'ateria""y

    'oti%ated 4ersons to engage in re"igio)s 4)rs)its2 so'ething that 0i"" grad)a""y 4)rify the'+ As in the 1ase of Dhr)%a in the Bhāga%ata'2 0hen the ti'e for re1ei%ing the fr)it 1o'es2 they 'ay 0e"" ha%e #e1o'e so

     4)rified that they ha%e "ost a"" interest in it+ Ho0e%er2 it is a great offen1e to 1onsider the g"ories of 3ordKrsna or His na'e to #e e=aggerated+ They are an e=1e4tion to this+

    5o'eone 'ight arg)e that s)1h great 4ro'ises 'ay te'4t 4eo4"e to "ead an i''ora" "ife2 thinking thatEkāda! 0i"" #)rn away a"" their sins 1o''itted d)ring the rest of the 'onth+ The re4"y to this is that s)1h

     4ersons 0i"" si'4"y 1heat the'se"%es+ There is a genera" r)"e :)oted for e=a'4"e in the 1o''entary to;,+.;*/ for a"" %ratas and re"igio)s o#ser%an1es stating that they ha%e to #e done 0itho)t d)4"i1ity+ Other0isethey 0i"" not #ear any fr)it+

    At the end of $i"āsa QII the a)thor defines the $aisna%a2 sin1e 'any r)"es are 'eant for s)1h 4ersonsa"one+ He fo""o0s the traditiona" definitions of the ()rānas2 4"a1ing stress on the a11e4tan1e of a $isn)-'antra2 #)t a"so on 4ersona" de%otion to the 3ord+ 5o'e of the definitions )oted are 1"ear"y 'ore of idea"s thanre)ire'ents+

    7hi"e $i"āsa QII 1ontains 'ost"y theory2 the first 4art of $i"āsa =iii2 ?Ce"e#rating the $isn)-%rata?2 is f)"" of  4ra1ti1a" r)"es of 0hat to do and 0hat not to do on the three days of the %rata+ These r)"es are 4ra1ti1a""y a"" 4resented 0itho)t any reasons #eing gi%en+ This does not 'ean2 ho0e%er2 that there are no s)1h reasons+ The 4rohi#ition against )sing #rass 4"ates for eating2 for e=a'4"e2 is #ased on the #e"ief that #rass gi%es off energyto anything that to)1hes it+ Food taken fro' a #rass 4"ate th)s #e1o'es 'ore agitating to the senses2 so'ethingthat sho)"d #e a%oided d)ring a %rata+

    The f)"" Ekāda!-%rata #egins on the 4re1eding day2 0hen the 'ain r)"es are that one is to 4ro1"ai' the%rata one is to 4erfor'2 eat restri1ted food on"y on1e and s"ee4 on the gro)nd d)ring the night+ On Ekāda!2

    after finishing the 'orning d)ties2 one sho)"d so"e'n"y de1"are the %rata one is to 4erfor' #efore the 3ord and drink san1tified 0ater+ This is 4erha4s the 'ost i'4ortant 4art of the 0ho"e %rata+7itho)t this2 so'e a)thorities 1onsider e%erything e"se )se"ess+ D)ring the 0ho"e day one is to fast and a%oid1ertain things2 s)1h as s"ee4ing+

    The a)thor defines fasting as 'ore than si'4"y refraining fro' food+ To fast is to refrain fro' sin andenoy'ent #y 1)"ti%ating good )a"ities+ The idea is not si'4"y to go h)ngry2 #)t to engage in de%otiona"a1ti%ities thro)gho)t the day+ At night2 one is to stay )4 and sing and dan1e in front of the 3ord2 read the()rānas or engage in other s)1h a1ti%ities+ A "ong "ist of a"ternati%es is )oted+ Before s)nrise2 s4e1ia" songsare to #e s)ng+ At the 4ro4er ti'e after s)nrise the ne=t day2 D%āda!2 one is to #reak the fast+ The %rata1ontin)es on this third day 0ith so'e restri1tions8 for e=a'4"e2 one is not a""o0ed to eat again after #reakingthe fast2 nor to s"ee4 d)ring the day+ On the Trayoda! day "ife 1ontin)es as nor'a"+

    5o'eti'es one is to fast on D%āda! instead of Ekāda!+ 5)1h a D%āda! is 1a""ed a @ahā- or great

    D%āda!2 and the eight s)1h D%āda!s are dis1)ssed in detai"+ They ha%e 4arti1)"ar r)"es and 'antras for the0orshi4 of the 3ord+ The 'ain detai"s of 0orshi4 dis1)ssed are those of insta""ing and 0orshi44ing the 3ordin a k)'#ha and the offering of arghya+ The 1o''entary is of great he"4 in this 1onne1tion2 1"arifying 'anydetai"s+ (erha4s the 'ost 1o'4"ete e=4"anations are gi%en for the &ayant!%rata+ 5o'e %ratas a"so ha%e s4e1ia"detai"s8 for e=a'4"e2 on the (ā4anāin!-%rata one sho)"d hono)r the 'yro#a"an tree+

    $i"āsas QI$2 =% and Q$I dis1)ss different festi%a"s2 and a'ongst these s4e1ia" Ekāda!s and D%āda!sthat one is to o#ser%e d)ring the year+ Those 4arts ha%e #een in1")ded in this #ook+ 5o'e of these festi%a"sin%o"%e rit)a"s that sho)"d #e 4erfor'ed on D%āda!2 0hi"e the fasting 'ay #e done on the 4re%io)s day+?Fasting on this day? sho)"d #e )nderstood in these 1ases to 'ean fasting in 1onne1tion 0ith that festi%a"2 ei -ther on the day of the festi%a" or on the 4re1eding day+ @ost i'4ortant of these are the D%āda!s at the

     #eginning2 'idd"e and end of Cat)r'āsya2 the fo)r 'onths of the rainy 4eriod+

    The festi%a" of 4)tting the 3ord to s"ee4 a"so in1")des #randing 'arks of the 0ea4ons of $isn) on the

     #ody+ This sa1red 1ere'ony of sho0ing s)#'ission #efore the 3ord is )n1o''on a'ongst Ga)d!ya $aisna%as:and e%en 1onsidered for#idden for rāgān)gā-sādhakas/2 tho)gh so'e tea1hers2 for e=a'4"e Ba"ade%a

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    $idyā#hMsana in his (ra'eya Ratnā%a"! :+-*/2 strong"y re1o''end it+ This #randing is )ite different fro'the i'ages of #randing 1att"e that 'ay a44ear in the 0estern 'ind9 The 'arks are "ight and 0i"" "ast a#o)t ayear+ This se1tion is #ased on 1ha4ter one of $edānta Deika?s 5a11arita-raksa+ On the sa'e day2 one is a"so toa11e4t so'e restri1tions for the rainy 4eriod+

    The festi%a" of a0akening the 3ord at the end of Kārttika is of great anti)ity+ It in%o"%es a 1art festi%a"2and is th)s the 'ost e"a#orate of a"" festi%a"s des1ri#ed in this #ook+ After this2 the rainy 4eriod a"so 1o'es toan end2 and 0hen #reaking the fast after the Ekāda! one a"so 1o'4"etes one?s Cat)r'āsya-%ratas+

    T0o of the %ratas in these 1ha4ters are 'eant to 'ake )4 for any "a4ses in the 0orshi4 d)ring the 4re1eding year+ These are the festi%a"s of offering a da'anaka-4"ant in the s4ring and that of offering a 4a%itra or 1ord in a)t)'n+ These festi%a"s ha%e their origin in the (a1arātra "iterat)re2 and es4e1ia""y the"atter is 1onsidered %ery i'4ortant+ The %rata of offering a da'anaka-4"ant has o#%io)s tantri1 inf")en1es inthe Hari#hakti-%i"āsa2 sin1e the 3ord here is 0orshi44ed as the God of "o%e+ Both festi%a"s re)ire

     4re4arations 'ade 0e"" in ad%an1e+

    T0o Ekāda!s are 'eant for those 0ho are )na#"e to fo""o0 a"" the Ekāda!s and D%āda!s d)ring the year+The first is Bhai'! Ekāda!2 0hi"e the se1ond and 'ore 0e""-kno0n is 1a""ed Nira"a or the 0ater"essEkāda!+ On that Ekāda! one is to 4erfor' a"" the )s)a" rites2 #)t in addition to fasting fro' food2 one is a"soto refrain fro' drinking 0ater+ 5in1e this Ekāda! o11)rs in the hottest ti'e of the year2 4erfor'ing this %ratais 1onsidered es4e1ia""y 'eritorio)s+

    Another i'4ortant Ekāda! or D%āda! des1ri#ed is the Śra%ana-%rata+ 7hen the asteris' 5ra%ana is1o'#ined 0ith

    Ekāda! or D%āda! in the 'onth of Bhadra2 that is the a44earan1e day of 3ord $arāha+ $arāha sho)"d #e0orshi44ed and offered arghya2 and one sho)"d a"so gi%e gifts to #rāh'anas 0ith a s4e1ia" 'antra+ Ine=1e4tiona" 1ases2 one sho)"d fast for t0o days in a ro0 d)ring this %rata+

    At the end of the #ook I ha%e added fi%e a44endi1es+ The first dea"s 0ith 1a"1)"ating Ekāda!2 and these1ond 0ith 0hat &!%a Gos%ā'! 0rites a#o)t Ekāda! in his Bhakti-sandar#ha+ The third a44endi= 1ontainsthe $edi1 'antras that ha%e #een referred to in the te=t2 0hi"e the fo)rth gi%es the f)"" te=t of one song fro'the G!ta-go%inda si'i"ar"y referred to in the te=t+ The fifth and "ast a44endi= des1ri#es the 5ar%ato#hadra2 a'anda"a 'entioned se%era" ti'es+


    As the a)thor says at the end of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa :,

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    i"")strated2 the dra0#a1k of this #ook is that the r)"es gi%en for the Ekāda!-%rata are inf")en1ed #y 5'ārta

    ideas+ It is th)s not %ery a)thoritati%e for $aisna%as+ The se1ond one2 Ekāda! @ahāt'ya2 The G"ories of 

    Ekāda!2 #y BhM'i4ati Dāsa and ()ndar!ka $idyān!dhi Dāsa :Ras#ihari 3a" 5ons2 $rindā%ana ,ooo/

    1ontains the sa'e stories2 #)t a"so here 'any of the r)"es are different fro' :and e%en 1ontradi1t/ those

    gi%en in the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa+ OB&ECTION5

    5o'e Ga)d!ya $aisna%as 0ho read this #ook 'ay o#e1t to different things in it+ For s)1h readers I ha%e1o'4i"ed the fo""o0ing se1tion 0ith 4ossi#"e o#e1tions and ans0ers+

    o#e1tion r+ I ha%e heard that the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa 0as 0ritten to a44ease the 5'ārtas+ That is 0hy the #ook is so f)"" of hard and fast r)"es2 0hi"e Ga)d!ya $aisna%is' genera""y dis4enses 0ith s)1h+ No0here e"seha%e I heard of s)1h stri1t Ekāda! r)"es+

    AN57ER I+ In the #ook there is no s)1h state'ent+ A1t)a""y2 a11ording to tradition the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa0as 0ritten on the dire1t order of Śr! Caitanya2 0ho a"so instr)1ted the a) thor to dea" 0ith Ekāda! :5eeCaitanya-1aritā'rta2 +a+J oJ+,/+ Nor is the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa a"one in setting s)1h a rigid standard for 

    Ekāda!+ Nārāyana Bhatta2 4erha4s 1onte'4orary 0ith the a)thor of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa2 gi%es e=a1t"y thesa'e r)"es in his 5ādhana-d!4ikā2 (rakāas and .+ &!%a Gos%ā'! a"so gi%es the sa'e r)"es Pn his Bhakti-sandar#ha2 An)11heda LL+ I ha%e in1")ded the 4ortion a#o)t Ekāda! as a44endi= in this #ook2 sin1e it isa"so a good s)''ary+ RM4a Gos%ā'! a"so 'entions fo""o0ing Ekāda! as one of the ten 'ain 4ro1esses of sādhana-#hakti in his Bhakti-rasā'rtasindh) ;+,+*+

    o#e1tion ,+ That 'ay #e2 #)t s)1h r)"es are 'eant for #eginners 4ra1tising %aidh!-sādhana #hakti+ I fo""o0the 4ath of rāgān)gā-sādhana2 the 4ath that 5r! Caitanya a1t)a""y 0ants )s to tread+ Fo""o0ing Ekāda! isnot 1ond)1i%e for rāgān)gā #hakti+

    AN57ER ,+ As stated a#o%e2 the a)thor hi'se"f says that %ery ad%an1ed de%otees 0ho ha%e f)"" faith inKrsna 'ay or 'ay not fo""o0 a"" the r)"es of the #ook+ &!%a Gos%ā'! disagrees 0ith this2 and thinks thatthey too sho)"d fo""o0 Ekāda!+ 5ee a44endi= a+ If yo) are that ad%an1ed2 yo) are free to fo""o0 yo)r heart+

    If yo)2 ho0e%er2 are sti"" on the 4"atfor' of sādhana-#hakti2 yo) sho)"d fo""o0 the ad%i1e of $i%anāthaCakra%art! in his 1o''entary to Bhakti-rasā'rta-sindh) ;+,+,L.+ In that %erse RM4a Gos%ā'! states that #oth interna""y and e=terna""y rāgān)gā sādhakas sho)"d fo""o0 in the footste4s of the residents of $raa+$i%anātha 0rites that this 'eans that one sho)"d 4erfor' ser%i1e )nder the g)idan1e of the hand'aids2 et12of Rādhā and Krsna in one?s interna" 'editation2 0hi"e one e=terna""y sho)"d fo""o0 the e=a'4"e of the si=Gos%ā'!s of $rndā%ana+ O)t of fi%e Gos%ā'!s 0ho 0rote anything2 fo)r strong"y ad%i1e )s to 4erfor' theEkāda! %rata+ Fo""o0ing Ekāda! is th)s 1ertain"y to fo""o0 in the footste4s of the Gos%ā'!s9

    Ekāda! is a1t)a""y of great he"4 in rāgān)gā-sādhana+ In his Rāga-%art'a-1andrikā2 $i%anāthaCakra%art! states that it he"4s one re'e'#er Go%inda2 and that #reaking Ekāda! "eads to Nā'a-a4arādha+@ost a)thorities think that re'e'#ran1e of the asta-ka"!ya-"!"ā sho)"d take 4"a1e at the 1orres4onding ti'eof the day or night+ In order to #e a#"e to 1onte'4"ate a"" the ;!;ās one 0i"" th)s ha%e to stay )4 d)ring thenight+ Fasting a"so 'akes the 'ind and senses "ess 4rone to distra1tion2 the 'ain 4ro#"e' in 'editation+

    OB&ECTION J+ This #ook is f)"" of 4ro'ises of 'ateria" re0ards for those 0ho 4erfor' Ekāda!+ >One 0hodoes this goes to hea%en for ten 'i""ion years + I a' a ser%ant of Krsna2 and I a' not interested in 'ateria"enoy'ent2 going to hea%en or "i#eration+ If I get s)1h #oons2 they 'ay in fa1t distra1t 'e fro' 'y ser%i1eto the 3ord+

    AN57ER J+ 5)1h 4ro'ises are 'eant to attra1t $aisna%as 0ho sti"" ha%e 'ateria" desires+ The a)thor and the 1o''entator #oth state that the 'ain fr)it of Ekāda! is 4"easing Krsna+ Any other fr)its arese1ondary+ Krsna 0o)"d ne%er #e so 1r)e" that he 0o)"d gi%e a disinterested de%otee a fr)it that 0o)"ddistra1t hi'+ In fa1t2 that 0o)"d #e a "ogi1a" 1ontradi1tion+ If one rea""y has no 'ateria" desires2 ho0 1o)"d'ateria" things #e1o'e te'4tations In the 5r!'ad Bhāga%ata' (5.19.27) Krsna a"so 4ro'ises not to gi%ehis de%otee anything that 0o)"d distra1t hi'+ Besides2 Ekāda! is a great 0ay of 4)rifying the heart of )n0anted desires+

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    OB&ECTION + I 1o)"d ne%er do a"" the things enoined in this #ook+ I ha%e a hard ti'e fasting e%en for ha"f a day9 If Ifast I )st #e1o'e tired and irrita#"e+ Instead of thinking of Krsna I on"y think of eating+ I don?t )nderstand ho0 that1o)"d #e 1ond)1i%e for 'y s4irit)a" "ife+

    AN57ER + Fasting is2 in 'y e=4erien1e2 a 'atter of training and enth)sias'+ @y first &an'āsta'! 0ashe""ish :I had to #reak the fast in ear"y e%ening/2 #)t after a 0hi"e I got )sed to

    fasting+ I find that the 'ain things are enth)sias' and deter'ination+ If yo) ha%e a hard ti'e fasting2 start #yeating "ess2 then on"y on1e2 and fina""y fast 1o'4"ete"y+ At "east fast on one or a fe0 Ekāda!s+ If Bh!'a1o)"d fast on1e a year2 anyone 1an9

    As for thinking of eating instead of Krsna2 that 1an #e a 4ro#"e'+ Genera""y2 h)nger 0i"" 1o'e in 4eriods2and then go a0ay+ If yo) find yo)rse"f )st thinking of food2 engage yo)r 'ind in so'ething e"se2 s)1h asreading or 0riting+ And any0ay2 is it rea""y the 1ase that tho)ghts of food distra1t )s fro' thinking of KrsnaDo 0e find o)rse"%es thinking that ')1h 'ore a#o)t Krsna on nor'a" days

    o#e1tion .+ Krsna is a soft-hearted2 f)n-"o%ing God+ 7hy 0o)"d He #e ha44y #y seeing )s tort)ringo)rse"%es #y fasting and kee4ing a0ake the 0ho"e night 7o)"dn?t He rather "ike )s to #e ha44y in Hisser%i1e

    AN57ER .+ (re1ise"y #e1a)se Krsna is so soft-hearted2 He 0i"" nat)ra""y fee" 1o'4assion and "o%e forHis ser%ant 0hen the ser%ant )ndergoes hardshi4s in His ser%i1e+ &)st "ike a 4rea1her in%okes the

    1o'4assion of Krsna #y %o")ntari"y a11e4ting hardshi4s and diffi1)"ties2 so anyone 1an 4"ease Krsna #y

     4erfor'ing the Ekāda!-%rata+ Ekāda! is a"so not on"y a#o)t not doing this and thatS rather it is a#o)t

    in1reasing o)r ser%i1e #y "ea%ing o)t things s)1h as eating or s"ee4ing on this day+ OB&ECTION + I ha%e

     #een to"d that on Ekāda! one need on"y fast fro' grains2 anna+ This is 0hat is gi%en as a ref)ge for (ā4a-

     4)r)sa in the 1"assi1 story yo) a"so ha%e 4ro%ided in the #eginning+ In yo)r #ook2 ho0e%er2 yo) trans"ate it

    si'4"y as >food?+ 7hy s)1h an e=tre'e %ersion

    AN57ER + Anna? #asi1a""y 'eans aten? and th)s food in a generi1 sense2 #)t has o%er ti'e grad)a""y

    ass)'ed the 'eaning of grain2 es4e1ia""y ri1e+ Both 'eanings :food and grains/ are th)s 4ossi#"e in this1ase+ I ha%e 1hosen to trans"ate anna as >food?2 sin1e that 'akes the story 1onsistent 0ith other 4"a1es0here it is e=4"i1it"y said that one sho)"d not eat anything :see

    for e=a'4"e ;,+;,-J/+ The 4rohi#ition against grains and es4e1ia""y ri1e on Ekāda! a'ongst 'odern

    $aisna%as arises fro' the fa1t that if one is )na#"e to f)""y fast2 one is a""o0ed to take so'e "ight food on

    Ekāda!2 #)t ne%er grains :see;,+L*-;

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    AN57ER + In this 1ase yo) sho)"d do as yo)r g)r) says+ It is a1t)a""y said that the order of the g)r)ne%er #reaks a fast :;,+;oo/+ His order o%errides other 1onsiderations+ If yo) ho0e%er fee" a desire to in1reaseyo)r de%otiona" ser%i1e on Ekāda!2

    yo) sho)"d ask yo)r g)r) for 4er'ission2 and he 1an then te"" yo) 0hat he thinks yo) sho)"d do+


    I ha%e )sed the edition of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa 4)#"ished #y Śr! Haridāsa Śāstr! of $rndā%ana+ E%entho)gh it is a 1hea4 4)#"i1ation2 it is )ite good+ It 1ontains fe0 'is4rints2 and the a11o'4anying Hinditrans"ation has at ti'es 4ro%ed he"4f)"+ I ha%e endea%o)red to kee4 'y trans"ation as faithf)" to the origina"te=t as 4ossi#"e2 so that the 'ood of the te=t is not 1hanged+ 5ti""2 in trans"ating2 one a"0ays has to 'akeso'e 1hanges+ The 'ain 1hanges I ha%e 'ade ha%e #een 'oti%ated #y a desire to 'ake the Eng"ish %ersion'ore reada#"e+ 7hi"e the origina" is 0ritten 'ost"y in the An)st)#h 'etre2 'y trans"ation is in 4rose+ 7henthe te=t 'o%es into a 'ore?4oeti1? 'ood #y )sing other 'etres2 I ha%e 1hanged the trans"ation a11ording"yinto free %erse+ I ha%e tried to kee4 as "itt"e 5anskrit as 4ossi#"e in the trans"ation+

    5o'e readers "ike to see trans"iterated 5anskrit %erses a#o%e the trans"ation+ For the'2 I ha%e in1")dedthe %erses 0ritten #y the a)thor hi'se"f and 'antras and 4rayers to #e 1hanted+ Fearing to en"arge the #ook too ')1h2 I ha%e not in1")ded the 5anskrit te=t of other 1itations+ 5in1e the n)'#ers of the %erses are gi%enin the 'argin2 the 5anskrit %erses 1an easi"y #e fo)nd in the origina" if one 0ishes to 1he1k the'+

    I ha%e in1")ded a"" the %erses a#o)t Ekāda! and D%āda! of the Hari-#hakti-%i"āsa2 not "ea%ing o)t e%enthe so'eti'es rather "ong "ists of different kinds of 'erit one 0i"" gain #y doing so'ething+ 7hat I ha%e"eft o)t of the trans"ation2 ho0e%er2 is a"'ost a"" of the astro"ogi1a" infor'ation of the te=t+ I ha%e reasonedthat sin1e 4ra1ti1a""y a"" $aisna%as today )se 4re-'ade 1a"endars2 they 0i"" not #e so interested in the 1o'-

     4"e= detai"s a#o)t ho0 to deter'ine the date of a 4arti1)"ar Ekāda!+ Those that are interested in this2 on theother hand2 0i"" 0ant to find the infor'ation 0itho)t ha%ing to go thro)gh

    the 0ho"e te=t+ The 'odern $aisna%a 1a"endars I ha%e seen )nfort)nate"y do not fo""o0 a"" the r)"es of theHari-#hakti%i"āsa+ For these reasons2 I ha%e "eft o)t these %erses and instead s)''arised their 1ontents ina44endi= t+ The %erses "eft o)t are gi%en in 4arenthesis in the 'argin2 e+g+ :yo-ii/+

    In trans"ating the 1o''entary2 I ha%e "eft o)t the 4arts that e=4"ain the synta= of the %erse in )estion2sin1e that has a"ready #een taken 1are of #y the trans"ation+ In 1ases 0here different trans"ations ha%e #een 4ossi#"e2 I ha%e fo""o0ed the 1o''entary+ Other0ise I ha%e not "eft o)t anything fro' the 1o''entary2 nor added anything+

    In a"'ost a"" 1ases I ha%e ke4t the origina" headings and s)#headings+ I ha%e so'eti'es 'o%ed the' afe0 %erses #a1k or for0ard a fe0 ti'es for the sake of 1"arity+ In the origina"2 no 1ha4ter or %erse n)'#ersfor the 1ited te=ts are gi%en+ I ha%e tried to "o1ate the'2 and the #i#"iogra4hy at the end "ists the #ooks Iha%e #een a#"e to 1ons)"t+ 5o'e are diffi1)"t to find :e+g+ the $isn) Rahasya/ and so'e 1o'4"ete"y "ost :e+g+the 5a)ra Dhar'a/+ E%en the #ooks I ha%e fo)nd often do not 1ontain the %erses as1ri#ed to the'+

    There 1an #e 'any reasons for that+ @ost of the ()rānas 1ir1)"ated in re1ensions differing great"y fro'ea1h other2 and the 'odern %ersions 'ay #e #ased on other 'an)s1ri4ts than the ones the a)thor had a11essto+ The 5kanda ()rāna is one e=a'4"e of this+ The a)thor is not a"one in )oting )nidentified %erses fro' itS

    He'ādri and 'any other 0riters on Dhar'a )ote n)'ero)s %erses that 'odern s1ho"ars 1annot find+ 5in1ethese a)thors )s)a""y 0o)"d #orro0 the %erses fro' ea1h other rather than 1ons)"t the origina" te=ts2 'istakes'ay a"so ha%e #een 1o4ied+ 5o'e te=ts are es4e1ia""y e")si%e8 the Brah'a-%ai%arta ()rāna is )otedn)'ero)s ti'es2 #)t I ha%e not #een a#"e to "o1ate a sing"e one+ This ()rāna has 4ro#a#"y #een 1o'4"ete"yre%a'4ed sin1e the si=teenth 1ent)ry+ The 'any Dhar'a s'rtis 1ited are another e=a'4"e of this+ 7hat no0is kno0n as the De%a"a 5'rti2 for e=a'4"e2 is on"y a frag'ent of the origina" te=t+

    @any 4ersons ha%e he"4ed 'e d)ring 'y 0ork+ First of a""2 I 0ant to thank 'y 4)#"isher Christoffer 3eka for his )nf"in1hing s)44ort in this enter4rise+ Fro' the #eginning he 1onstant"y )rged and ins4ired 'e to go on+Kaisa Ra)tio 1reated the 5anskrit font )sed in this #ook and entered the dia1riti1s+ The efforts of @ikkoHassinen and Karda'āt'aa Dāsa 'ade 4)#"i1ation finan1ia""y 4ossi#"e+ @y 0ife 3a)ra ga%e her "o%e ands)44ort2 and he"4ed edit the te=t+ @artin Gansten2 $idyā%āg!a2 genero)s"y offered his he"4 0ith diffi1)"t5anskrit 4assages and did the fina" editing of the te=t+ (rofessor Asko (ar4o"a "et 'e )se his e=tensi%e()rāni1 "i#rary+ @y initiating s4irit)a" 'aster2 5r!4ād 5)hotra 50a'i @ahārāa2 5r!4ād Go4ānanda Bon@ahārāa2 5r!4ād B+$ Tri4)rāri @ahārāa and others ga%e ins4iration and "ent he"4ing hands+ I a' gratef)" tothe' a""+

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    5ti""2 there is one 4erson "eft to thank2 the rea" reason for the e=isten1e of this #ook+ As it is said8

    ekādaśī-vratam idam hari-t!anarh yad yatnena tāta k"r" nityam avaśyam eva evam !mithrdaya-nātha "vā#a dā!am śrī-!ad$h"%a &ranaya-dr!ti-dayāhhirak!a

    >@y dear2 sin1e this Ekāda!-%rata 4"eases Hari2 di"igent"y 4erfor' it2 a"0ays and at a"" ti'es8 Th)s s4oke the

    3ord of the heart to His ser%ant+

    O 5ad#h)a9 (rote1t )s #y gi%ing )s yo)r "o%ing g"an1e9 He"singfors2 i+,+aoot :$iayā Ekāda!/ $aisna%a-


    Bhrg)')ni Dāsa


    IN$OCATION nam $ha'avate ta!mai ya!ya &riyatamā tithih 1 ekāda!i dvāda!i #a

     !arvā$hī!ta-&radā nrnām

    O#eisan1e to the 3ord2 0hose dearest tithis Ekāda! and D%āda! f)"fi"" a"" desires of 'en9 DIG-DARŚINI-TIKA8

     śrī-#aitanya-&ra$h"m vande yad-āśraya-ra!ā&"tah vā#hātītam &haaty eva manratha-mahīr"hah

    I 0orshi4 3ord Śr! Caitanya+ 7atered 0ith the ne1tar of de%otion to Hi'2 the tree of desire #ears fr)it #eyond a""desires+


    ittha #a nityam k"rvānah kr!na-&*%ā-maht!avam 2 harer dine viśe!ena k"ryāt tam &ak!ayr dvayh

    Th)s a"0ays 4erfor'ing one?s d)ties2 one sho)"d es4e1ia""y 4erfor' a festi%a" of Krsna-0orshi4 on the day of Hari d)ring

     #oth fortnights+

    DDT8 The day of Hari 'eans Ekāda! and D%āda!+ THE @ANDATORINE55


    atra vrata!ya nityatvād avaśyam tat !amā#aret 3 !arva-&ā&ā&ahariv !arvārthadam śrī-kr!na-t!anam

    5in1e this %rata a 'andatory2 it sho)"d 1ertain"y #e 4erfor'ed+ It destroys a"" sin2 #esto0s a"" ri1hes2 and 4"eases Śr! Krsna+

    DDT8 Here the a)thor des1ri#es 1on1ise"y the fr)it of the %rata+

    + ta# #a kr!na-&rīnanatvād %idhi &rā&tatvata! tathā $h%ana!ya ni!edhā# #ākarane &ratyavāyatah

    It is 'andatory #e1a)se it 4"eases Krsna2 #e1a)se it fo""o0s the r)"es2 #e1a)se eating at that ti'e is 4rohi#ited2 and #e1a)se of the o11)rren1e of sin 0hen it is neg"e1ted+

    DDT8 He gi%es fo)r reasons for the 'andatoriness8 / the %rata 4"eases the 3ord2 a/ it fo""o0s ther)"es2 J/ eating is for#idden2 and / 0hen it is neg"e1ted one a1)ires sin+ E%en tho)gh the 'ainreason for its 'andatoriness is that one a1)ires sin #y neg"e1ting it2 for those de%oted to 5r! $isn)the 'ost i'4ortant reason is that it 4"eases the 3ord+ In a genera" sense a"so2 sin1e one a"0ayshears a#o)t the fa)"t Pn o%erste44ing r)"es and reg)"ations2 and sin1e it f)"fi""s r)"es andreg)"ations2 it ')st indeed #e 'andatory+ 5r! He'ādri and others ha%e e=4"ained this in their 

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    0ritings+ @ore e"a#oration is not needed+ 3ike this the s)#e1t of 'andatoriness sho)"d #e)nderstood a"so e"se0here+

    I+ (3EA5ING THE 3ORD

    .- In the @atsya- and Bha%isya ()rānas8>One 0ho fasts on Ekāda! sho)"d eat on D%āda!+ 7hether d)ring

    the "ight or dark fortnight2 this is a great $aisna%a-%rata8In the Agni ()rāna8 >On Ekāda! one sho)"d not eat+ This is a $aisna%a-%rata8

    DDT8 Here he first 0rites a#o)t the 'ain reason for the 'andatoriness a11ording to the $aisna%as+$aisna%a%rata 'eans that it is a %rata dear to $isn)+

    *- In the Brhan-nārad!ya ()rāna2 in the #eginning of the Greatness of Ekāda! :,;+,2J/8 >O #rāh'anas9 By #rāh'anas2 ksatriyas

    2 %aiyas2 and a"so #y Mdras and 0o'en2 this %rata 0hi1hgi%es "i#eration2 and 0hi1h is dearest to $isn)2 sho)"d #e 4erfor'ed 0ith de%otion+ This %rata 1a""ed Ekāda!20hi1h #esto0s a"" desired fr)its and 0hi1h 'akes $isn) 4"eased2 sho)"d a"0ays #e 4erfor'ed2 es4e1ia""y #ythe #rāh'anas8

    ,+ FO33O7ING THE RU3E5

    Kan%a Rsi8 >One sho)"d fast on Ekāda!+ This sho)"d ne%er #e L-' o%erste44ed8 In the Agni ()rāna8?Fast onEkāda!2 o King2 for 

    as "ong as yo) "i%e9? A"so in the $isn)-rahasya8 As "ong as one "i%es one sho)"d not gi%e )4 D%āda!8


    In the Nārada- and (ad'a ()rānas :+J+ii/8 >Bea)tif)" one2 ;, again and again the ()rānas 1a"" o)t8Do noteat2 do not eat on

    the day of Hari9?

    DDT8 >Bea)tif)" one? is said #y 5i%a to D)rga in the (ad'a ()rāna2 and in the Nārada ()rāna #yR)k'āgada+

    And a"so8 >O king2 the h)ndred Aga'as and the Itihāsas 1a"" iJ-r o)t8Do not eat2 do not eat on the day of Hari9 The 0ho"e as

    se'#"y of sages 1a""ed o)t to Nārada and the others8 Do not eat2 do not eat on the day of Hari9? In the $isn)-s'rti8?One sho)"d ne%er eat on Ekāda!8 A11ording to the state'ent of Śrgi Rsi8>E%en a 4regnant 0o'ansho)"d not eat on Ekāda!8 In the Brhan-nārad!ya ()rāna :,;+./8 >One 0ho desires the fr)it of the fast sho)"da%oid the fo)r ti'es of eating8 at night on the 4re%io)s and fo""o0ing day2 and at 'idday and night on the'idd"e day+? E"se0here8 ?In the e%ening of the 4re1eding and fo""o0ing day2 and 'idday and e%ening of the

    'idd"e day8 these fo)r ti'es of eating sho)"d #e a%oided #y one 0ho desires the fr)it of fasting+?DDT8 One 0ho desires the fr)it of the fast 0hi1h 4"eases the 3ord2 and so on2 sho)"d gi%e )4 fo)r 'ea"s+These are the 'ea"s on the e%ening on the 4re1eeding

    day2 'idday and e%ening on the day of fasting2 and e%ening on the ne=t day+It is said that>In a 'andatory %rata one sho)"d gi%e )4 t0o 'ea"s2 and in an o4tiona" fo)r+?

    This distin1tion #et0een 'andatory and o4tiona" is for 'ateria"isti1 non%aisna%a ho)seho"ders+A'ongst a"" $aisna%as this %o0 is 'andatory+ To hear a#o)t the res)"t2 et12 "ike one does in

    the Dara4a)rna'āsa and other sa1rifi1es2 does not interfere 0ith the 'andatoriness+

     NEG3ECT I5 5INFU3

    iL-VV In the 5r! Nārada ()rāna :r+aJ+-L/8?7hate%er sins there are2 s)1h as ki""ing a #rāh'ana2 enter food onthe day of Hari+ One 0ho eats on the day of Hari in1)rs a"" these sins8 E"se0here :t+aJ+/8>7ho eatson the day of the ki""er of @adh)2 eats a"" the sins of the earth+> In the 5kanda ()rāna :+L.+J*/8 A

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    ki""er of his 'other2 father2 #rother and g)r) is the one 0ho eats on Ekāda!+ He 0i"" fa"" fro'$aik)ntha+?

    DDT8 He 0ho eats #e1o'es a ki""er of his 'other and so on+ This 'eans that he in1)rs the sinsa1)ired #y ki""ing a"" these+ That he 0i"" fa"" fro' $aik)ntha 'eans that he 0i"" ne%er attain it+$aik)ntha 1an a"so 'ean the $aisna%as+ In this 1ase it 'eans that+he 0i"" not attain their 

    1o'4any+22-2+ F)rther'ore2 in the sa'e #ook2 in a 1on%ersation #et0een U'ā and @ahe%ara8 >@ahāde%!2 the

    ser%ants of 6a'a 0i"" thro0 #)rning red-hot iron in the fa1e of hi' 0ho eats on the day of Hari+? Inthe Brah'a-%ai%arta ()rāna8>He 0ho eats on the day of $isn) eats on"y sin+ D)ring this day a"" sinsreside in food+ He 0ho eats the' in his i"")sion is not re"eased fro' the'8 And a"so8 ?7ho does nothono)r his father 7ho does not 0orshi4 his 'other 7ho 1orr)4ts the Uedas 7ho eats on the dayof Hari?

    a.-a* In the $isn)-dhar'ottara8 A #rah'a1ar!2 grhastha2 %āna4rastha or sannyās! 0ho eats on Ekāda! %eri"yeats the f"esh of a 1o09 The dhar'a-āstras 'ention atone'ents for ki""ing a #rāh'ana2 drinkinga"1oho"2 theft and disgra1ing the #ed of the g)r)2 #)t not for one 0ho eats on Ekāda!+ A sinf)" 'an

    goes to he"" a"one2 o king2 #)t he 0ho eats food on Ekāda! sinks do0n together 0ith his an1estors8

    In the (ad'a ()rāna2 Uttara-khanda8 ?He 0ho says Eat9 a-J+ Eat9 on the day of Hari a1t)a""ysaysKi"" 1o0s2 #rāh'anas and 0o'en9 Drink 0ine9 He is degraded+ E%en sa1rifi1ia" 1akes2 s"ender-0aisted one2 1an ne%er #e eaten on the day of Hari2 0hat

    to s4eak of 1ooked food9?

    In the 5anat-k)'āra-sa'hitā8 >Best of ')nis2 if so'eone JI-JJ eats in a 5rāddha-sa1rifi1e on Ekāda!2he eats fi"th "ike )rine

    0ith e%ery #ite8 In the Ga)ta'!ya-tantra8 ?If a $aisna%a #y 'adness eats on Ekāda!2 then his 0orshi4 of $isn) is 0orth"ess+ He attains a terri#"e he""8 In the $isn)-rahasya8 >If a 'an a11ording to the r)"es #eginsthe e=1e""ent D%āda!-%rata #)t then #reaks it2 he 0i"" go to the he"" 1a""ed Ra)ra%a8

    This 4arti1)"ar sin a44"ies a"so to a 0ido0+ In the Kātyā- J-J? yana-s'rti8>7hen a 0ido0ed 0o'aneats on the day of Ekā

    da!2 her good fort)ne 0i"" #e "ost2 as if she had 'is1arriages day after day+? In the Nārada ()rāna8 A %ery

    as1eti1 0ido0 or a sannyās! 0ho does not fo""o0 Ekāda! is 1ooked in Andhatā'ira )nti" the fina"destr)1tion8



    As said #y De%a"a Rsi8>One sho)"d not drink 0ater fro' a 1on1h- J she""2 one sho)"d not hit a tortoise or a hog2 and one sho)"d not

    eat on Ekāda! d)ring either fortnight8

    DDT8 In this and the fo""o0ing %erses he 'akes it 1"ear that #e1a)se of fasting the %rata is 'andatorye%en d)ring the dark fortnight2 on sankrānti2 and so on+



    In the (ad'a ()rāna2 ()skara-khanda8>Rā'a2 0hen 5rāddha L-* fa""s )4on Ekāda! it is o11asiona" andsho)"d not #e 4er 

    for'ed on that day #)t on D%āda!8 A"so in the sa'e #ook2 Uttara-khanda8>7hen the day of thedeath of one?s 'other or father 1oin1ides 0ith Ekāda!2 Śrāddha sho)"d #e done on D%āda!2 ne%er on the day of fasting+ Gods9 The forefathers 0i"" not a11e4t for#idden food8

    *;-*, In the 5kanda ()rāna8>7hen Ekāda! is 'andatory Śrāddha is o11asiona"+ It sho)"d not #e 4erfor'edon the day of the fast #)t on D%āda!8 In the Brah'a-%ai%arta ()rāna8 >King2 if one 4erfor'sŚrāddha on the day of Ekāda!2 these three 0i"" go to he""8 the offerer2 the eater and the de1eased8

    DDT8 In the 5kanda ()rāna2 et12 it is said8 >(ea1o1kfeathered one2 if there is a fast on the day of Śrāddha2 one sho)"d 4erfor' the 5rāddha and then take a"" the re'nants of the food in his right

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    hand and s'e"" it+ This is Śrāddha2 (ea1o1k-feathered one+ It 4"eases the forefathers2 son2 #)t itdoes not #reak the %rata+? This sho)"d ho0e%er #e )nderstood as 4ertaining to non-%aisna%as+The 1on1")sion is that it is not s)ita#"e for $aisna%a forefathers to a11e4t 5rāddha on the day of Śr! $isn)+

    E3IGIBI3IT6 FOR FO33O7ING THE $RATA *J-* In the Agni ()rāna8 A grhastha2 #rah'a1ar!2

    %āna4rastha or sannyās! sho)"d not eat on Ekāda! of either fortnight8 In the (ad'a ()rāna2 Uttara-khanda2 a

    1on%ersation #et0een Śi%a and (ar%at!8?Fair-fa1ed one2 a"" %arnas and āra'as sho)"d fast on Ekāda!2 the

    0o'en a"so+ There is no do)#t a#o)t this8

    DDT8 7ishing to esta#"ish that e%eryone sho)"d a"0ays fast2 he first des1ri#es the e"igi#i"ity of a"" the fo)r āra'as 0ith the %erse fro' the Agni ()rāna+ Ear"ier it 0as stated8?By #rāh'anas2ksatriyas2 %aiyas2 and a"so #y Mdras and 0o'en+++? :i,+*/2 and "ater on it 0i"" #e dedared8?@enand 0o'en sho)"d fast8 :;,+**/ 7ith these state'ents he sho0s that the fo)r %arnas2)nto)1ha#"es and 0o'en are a"" e"igi#"e+ The state'ents A 0ido0ed 0o'an 0ho eats onEkāda!+++? :;,+J/ and?+++ 0ith her son and h)s#and she sho)"d fast :;,+*/ sho0 es4e1ia""y that

     #oth 0ido0s and 0i%es are e"igi#"e+ No02 it is said #y @an)8?There are no sa1rifi1es2 %ratas or fasts for 0o'en? :@an)-sa'hitā 5.r53),

    and a"so #y $isn) Rsi8 A 0o'an 0ho fasts 0hi"e her h)s#and "i%es "oses her+"ife and her h)s#and goesto he""8 These state'ents a44"y to 0o'en 0ho fast 0itho)t the 4er'ission of their h)s#ands+ Indeed2Śakha and 3ikhita say8>7ith the 4er'ission of her h)s#and she 'ay as she desires 4erfor' %ratas2fasts2 and so on8 Other0ise these state'ents 1an #e )nderstood as 4ertaining to 0o'en 0ho are not$aisna%as+ This is the 1on1")sion+

    In the Kātyāyana-s'rti8 ?A 'an o"der than eight and yo)nger *.-* than eighty sho)"d fast on Ekāda! d)ring #oth fortnights8 In

    the Nārada ()rāna8A 4erson o"der than eight #)t not yet eighty 0ho eats on the day of $isn) in 'y "and is asinner+ I 0i"" ki"" hi' or dri%e hi' fro' the 1o)ntry in d)e 1o)rse of ti'e+ In this 0ay2 o #rāh'ana2 'en

    and 0o'en sho)"d fast on Ekāda! d)ring #oth fortnights8In the $isn)-dhar'ottara8 A $aisna%a or 5ai%a sho)"d 4er- *- for' the Ekāda!-%rata8 In the 5a)ra

    ()rāna8 A $aisna%a2 5ai

    %a or 5a)ra sho)"d 4erfor' it?2 and in the 5kanda ()rāna2 #y Śr! Śi%a8A Śai%a2 5a)ra2 āra'a-d0e""er or t!rtha-ser%ant 0ho eats on the day of $isn) is no #etter than a dog-eater+ E%en if he has taken ref)ge in 'e2one 0ho eats on the day of Hari has dis4"eased 'e 0ith his %i"e sin8


    In the $āy) ()rāna8?7hen the sa1rifi1er is )na#"e to fast he 'ay a- engage his sons2 or other #rāh'anas+Other0ise he sho)"d a11or 

    ding to his 'eans gi%e donations to 'ost )a"ified #rāh'anas+ For hi' 0ho fasts for the #enefit of othersthe 4io)s fr)it is h)ndred-fo"d+ The 0o'an 0ho fasts on Ekāda! on #eha"f of her h)s#and a"so gets the0ho"e fr)it2 and her h)s#and2 say the sages 0ho see #eyond2 gets 0itho)t do)#t the fr)it of her fast ah)ndredfo"d8

    In the $arāha ()rāna8>7hen the #ody is too 0eak or 0hen one has a"ready #eg)n the %rata2 one 1anengage his faithf)" 0ife

    or o#edient son2 sister or #rother+ In this 0ay the %rata is not #roken8

    *-Lo In the Kātyāyana-s'rti8?One 0ho fasts on #eha"f of his father2 'other2 h)s#and2 #rother or g)r) attains ah)ndredfo"d 'erit+ Here one sho)"d gi%e no re')neration2 sin1e the fasting sho)"d #e done as afa%o)r+ 7hen a ho)seho"der #rāh'ana fasts on Ekāda! on #eha"f of a ksatriya he 0i"" 0itho)t ado)#t attain ha"f of the fr)it together 0ith his dear ones+ O #rāh'anas2 those 0ho fast on #eha"f of their grandfathers 0i"" attain the sa'e fr)it2 nay2 indeed they 0i"" attain a tenfo"d 'erit+ There is no

    do)#t a#o)t it8

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    Li In the @ārkandeya ()rāna8 A 1hi"d2 i"" or e"der"y 4erson 'ay take one 'ea" at night2 1onsisting of 'i"k2roots and fr)it+ In this 0ay D%āda! is not #roken8

    DDT8 7hat is so'eone 0ho is )na#"e to fast to do if he has no 0ife or anyone e"se 0ho 1an faston his #eha"f The ans0er is gi%en in this %erse and )4 to %erse L+ Be1a)se one fasts #oth onEkāda! and D%āda!2 Ekāda! is so'eti'es indi1ated #y the 0ord?D%āda!8 A"so2 sin1e Ekāda! 

    1an so'eti'es #e 'i=ed 0ith Daa'! :and sho)"d in that 1ase #e a%oided/2>Ekāda!? a"soo11asiona""y refers to D%āda!+

    L,-LJ In the Ba)dhāyana-s'rti8>Those 0ho are yo)nger than eighty #)t not a#"e to fast sho)"d take a sing"e'ea"2 says Ba)dhāyana @)ni8 And a"so8 >Those 0ho are o%er0he"'ed #y a disease2 0hose #odiesare too f)"" of #i"e and those 'ore than thirty sho)"d eat at night8

    DDT8 ?@ore than thirty? sho)"d #e )nderstood as >4")s thirty+? 5in1e it is said that>si=ty is the #estage?2 one sho)"d add thirty to that+ The 'eaning is th)s ninety+ Other0ise2 the state'ent?at theage of fifty one sho)"d go to the forest? indi1ates that a ho)seho"der sho)"d "i%e fifty years atho'e+ Adding thirty to that2 one arri%es at eighty2 the age that 0as indi1ated in the>o"der thaneight and yo)nger than eighty?-%erse :;,+*./+

    L-L In the KMr'a ()rāna8 A 1hi"d2 i"" or e"der"y 4erson 'ay take one 'ea" at night+ In this 0ay his #eha%io)r does not %io"ateD%āda!8 In the Bha%isya ()rāna2 D%āda!ka"4a8>Ha%ing 0orshi44ed 3ord $isn) on Ekāda! one 'ayso'eti'es fast and then offer 4rayers and eat at night+ Dear son2 one 0ho eats on1e does not #reak D%āda!+One 0ho fo""o0s this one r)"e is ne%er "ost8


    In the $āy) ()rāna8>Eating at night 'eans ha%isyānna or other L*-L food s)1h as fr)it2 sesa'e2 'i"k2 0aterand ghee2 and the fi%e 4rod)1ts of the 1o0 if the #odi"y airs are dist)r#ed+ This is right2

    the #est of the #est8 In the Bha%isya ()rāna :+L+/8>Better than fasting is to eat food o#tained #y #egging2 #etter than that is to eat food o#tained 0itho)t effort2 and #etter than that is to eat at night+ Therefore one

    sho)"d "i%e #y eating at night8A"so8 >Fear2 i""ness2 'adness and g)r)-gi%en 4)nish'ent+ LL-;If an initiated2 de%oted $aisna%a ;

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi



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    attains the f)"" res)"t of the %rata+ E%en one 0ho fasts on Ekāda! #e1a)se he has #een thro0n in ai" 0i"" 0itho)t do)#t attain the f)"" res)"t8

    ;,-;,L In the Brah'a-%ai%arta ()rāna8""s a forest fire 1ons)'es #oth dry and 'oist 0ood2 the day of Hari0i"" #)rn a"" kinds of sins+ O Bhārga%a2 to destroy the dry and 'oist fire0ood of terri#"e sin thereis no other 'ethod than fasting on Ekāda!8

    DDT8 Dry sins are those 1o''itted for a "ong ti'e2 'oist those 1o''itted in an instant+ Thedifferen1e is that the atone'ent is greater for the first gro)4+

    ;J< And a"so8 >O #rāh'ana2 this Ekāda!-%rata atones for e%erything and "i#erates one fro' #irth anddeath+ One 0ho 4erfor's it 0i"" attain "i#eration+ $isn) 0i"" 3i#erate a 'an 0ho sins d)ringfo)rteen days #)t 0ho fasts on the fifteenth9

    DDT8>The fifteenth? here 'eans Ekāda!+

    ;J;-;JJ ?This is the fir' o4inion of the seers in a"" the ()rānas8 one 0ho fasts on Ekāda! is freed fro' sin+There is no do)#t a#o)t it+ For those e%i"2 fa""en so)"s 0ho fo""o0 terri#"e 4aths2 there is no"i#eration fro' #irth and death e=1e4t Ekāda!8

    ;J-;J And a"so8 > The essen1e2 the do1trine2 the tr)th2 the %o02 the atone'ent8 fasting on Ekāda! is a""this8 @oreo%er8>For 4eo4"e to re'e'#er Go%inda and to fast on Ekāda! is atone'ent+ It 1er tain"ysa%es one fro' the 1y1"e of #irth and death8 On this s)#e1t is a"so said8?7hen Hari is 4raised onEkāda! 0ith "o%e and de%otion or 0ith fer%ent ani'osity2 a"" i'4)rities are destroyed+?

    ;J* And a"so8>In this 0ay this Ekāda!-%rata is kno0n as the e'#"e' of Ka"i2 the a#ode of a"" good)a"ities2 re"igion and ha44iness+ O Śa)naka2 a 'an 0ith faith o#ser%es this %rata and #e1o'esdear to a"" s1ri4t)res and gods+ He o#tains "i#eration8

    DDT8>The e'#"e' of Ka"i? 'eans that it is the #est of a"" re"igio)s o#ster%an1es+

    At the end it is said there8>7ho a'ongst 'en hears this2 does rJ this2 gi%es his a44ro%a" and has 4eo4"e 4erfor' this 0ith faith2

    is 1o'4"ete"y freed fro' sin 0hen he 4erfor's the Ekāda! %rata2 and he attains the di%ine a#ode of Hi'

    0hose orna'ent is Gar)da8

    In the (ad'a ()rāna2 the greatness of $aiākha2 in a 1on- iJL-ii %ersation #et0een the 'essenger of thegods and $ik)nda"a8

    ?If so'eone fasts on Ekāda! e%en in1identa""y he 0i"" not go to the a#ode of tort)re+ This 0e ha%e heardfro' 6a'a+ O %aiya2 0hate%er sin has #een done #y the e"e%en senses2 a"" that is destroyed #y fasting onEkāda!+ In this 0or"d nothing is as a)s4i1io)s as Ekāda!+ E%en those 0ho 4erfor' it de%io)s"y do not go tothe a#ode of 6a'a8

    DDT8 ?In1identa""y? 'eans that so'eone 'ay 4erfor' the %rata #y 1han1e2 or to attain kingshi42kno0"edge or the "ike+

    This se1tion 1ontin)es 0ith se%en %erses identi1a" to those fro' the Nārada ()rāna )oted a#o%e :'J-itL/+

    And then :J+Ji+r+/8 >3ord of 'en2 so'eone 0ho has fasted on Ekāda! in his 1hi"d- ;,hood2 yo)th or o"d age 0i"" ne%er go to he""8

    In the sa'e #ook2 the greatness of $aiākha2 in a 1on%ersa- ;J tion #et0een 6a'a and a #rāh'ana8>(eo4"e 0ho de%oted"y fast a11ording to the r)"es on Ekāda! d)ring #oth the dark and "ight fortnight 0i""attain hea%en8

    DDT8"A11ording to the r)"es? 'eans fo""o0ing the r)"es for a%oiding sin that 0i"" #e des1ri#ed f)rther on+ 7ith the 0ord >hea%en? the higher 0or"d is indi1ated2 and that 0or"d is 5r! $aik)ntha+ Other0ise it1an #e )nderstood that on the 0ay to 5r! $aik)ntha one goes ste4 #y ste4+ Be1a)se one enoys the #"issof hea%en the 0ord >hea%en? has #een )sed+ This is the 1on1")sion+

    Then fo""o0s a %erse identi1a" 0ith the one fro' the Tatt%a- I-I. sāgara2 #eginning 0ith?3ike a 'other?2

    )oted a#o%e :;

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    then :+.L+;2 +=J+io/8 >There is no re'o%er of sin "ike Ekāda!+ One 0ho fasts on that daya11ording to the r)"es goes to hea%en+ O #rāh'ana2 0hate%er sins that ha%e #een 1o''itted #y thee"e%en senses are shaken off #y the 'an 0ho fo""o0s the %rata+ W)i1k"y he 0i"" 4ro1eed to hea%en8

    ;-i* It is a"so said :+J*+,-./8>On one side 0as the dhar'a attained fro' a"" sa1rifi1es2 a)sterities at ho"y 4"a1es and gi%ing of great gifts and on the other side the dhar'a fro' the $aisna%a-%rata+ The1reator 0eighed the' here2 and the se1ond 4ro%ed hea%ier+ A"" the de%otees of the day of Hari1a""ed o)t8 >A1y)ta9 A1y)ta9

    -L >O #rāh'ana2 I do not 4)nish2 indeed2 I fear those 0hose son or grandson fasts on Ekāda!9 5)1h agreat so)" de"i%ers a h)ndred re"ati%es thro)gh his 4o0er+ A 4erson 0ho fasts d)ring #oth fortnights0i"" 1ertain"y get his enoy'ent and "i#eration8

    DDT8>I? is 6a'arāa+

    15-152 In the (ad'a ()rāna2 the greatness of Kārttika2 in a 1on%ersation #et0een 6a'a and DhM'raket):+,J+-/8>(eo4"e 0ho f)""y fast on Ekāda! #e1o'e "i#erated fro' a"" sins and go to thes)4re'e a#ode of $isn)+ Bea)tif)" one2 D%āda! is 1ertain"y a gi%er of dhar'a2 0ea"th2 4"eas)re and"i#eration2 it is a 1o0 gi%ing 'en the 'i"k of a"" desires+ @y friend2 if so'eone has f)""y1o'4"eted e%en one Ekāda!-%rata2 0hat is the )se of 1harity or a)stere ho"y 4"a1es for hi'2 sin1e

    Ekāda! 0i"" f)"fi"" a"" desires 0hen o#ser%ed a11ording to the r)"es?DDT8 7hat is the )se of 1harity2 et12 sin1e Ekāda! 0i"" f)"fi"" a"" desires 0hen o#ser%eda11ording to the r)"es The senten1e 1an a"so 'ean that Ekāda! f)"fi""s a"" desires that area11ording to the r)"es2 or that Ekāda! thro)gh Brah'ā f)"fi""s a"" the desires+ A"" desire 'eana"" the desires of e%eryone+ That indi1ates the attain'ent of $aik)ntha+

    r.J In the sa'e #ook2 Uttara-khanda2 a 1on%ersation #et0een Śi%a and (ār%at! :+=J+L/8>He 0ho gi%es)4 Ekāda! and 4erfor's

    so'e other %rata thro0s a0ay a great e0e" he"d in his hand and then #egs for food8

    In the 5kanda ()rāna8 A sing"e Ekāda!2 e%en 0itho)t any ;.-;.. s4e1ia" ste""ar 1onste""ation2 destroysthe sins of 'en "ike a #ad

    king destroys the "and+ Charity2 4enan1e2 ho"y #aths or any other 4io)s deeds do not "ead to "i#eration2 #ea)tif)" one2 0itho)t the day of Hari+

    >By fasting on this day a"" a'o)nts of sin disa44ear at on1e+ r. If 0e ha%e one day of Hari on one sideand gi%ing the 0ho"e 0or"d in 1harity on the other2 the 4oets de1"are that they are

    not the sa'e+ The day is said to #e higher9?

    In the sa'e #ook2 in 1onne1tion 0ith the 1h)rning of the 157-159 o1ean of 'i"k2 6a'a gi%es theseinstr)1tions to his 'essengers8

    >The sin of i""i1it se=)a" 1onne1tions2 ki""ing a friend2 et12 or so'e other sin 1o''itted intentiona""y2 that0hi1h arises fro' s4eaking to a hereti1 or #y asso1iating 0ith fa""en 4eo4"e2 a"" that I 0ash a0ay fro' those0ho fast on Ekāda!+ O 'essengers9 The sin that arises fro' attaining gifts or fro' gi%ing )4 one?s stage of "ife2 that I a"so 0ash a0ay fro' those 0ho fast on Ekāda!8

    DDT8 >5tage of "if 'eans #rah'a1ārya and so on+

    And a"so8>O Śatānanda2 that 'an 0ho fasts on Ekāda! 0i"" #e ;5o'eone #orn in a fa'i"y of dog-eaters 0ho fasts ;, on Ekāda! is s4"endid2 #)t not a #rāh'ana 0ho kno0s the fo)r $edas #)t eats on the day of Hari8

    In the 5kanda ()rāna2 in a 1on%ersation #et0een Brah'ā ;J-; and Nārada8 >D%āda! is kno0n and 4raised #y 4eo4"e as a 0ish-f)""fi""ing tree2 the gi%er of a"" desired things and a #e

    sto0er of fort)ne+ Chi"d2 the fr)it attained #y fo""o0ing the day of D%āda! is not attained #y a tho)sandhorse sa1rifi1es or #y #athing in ten 'i""ion ho"y 4"a1es8

    165-167 >Those 0ho 4erfor' the D%āda! of Hari attain hono)r e%ery0here2 do not fear i""ness2 and ha%e nofear of e%i" 4eo4"e 1a)sing 1a"a'ities+ They kno0 no fe%er2 fatig)e or 4ain2 nor are they e%er 

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    se4arated fro' their 1hi"dren+ They a"0ays re'e'#er Hari+ They #e1o'e e%er attra1ted tonarrations a#o)t the 3ord and ha%e no fear at a""+ On the #att"efie"d and in the 4a"a1e2 indeede%ery0here they 0i"" #e %i1torio)s+

    ;-;L ?The 'ind of a 'an 0ho is intent on D%āda! 0i"" a"0ays #e t)rned to dhar'a2 and he 0i"" a"0aysha%e de%otion to Krsna+ He is ne%er to)1hed #y sin+ Th)s I te"" yo) this se1ret after ha%ing st)dieda"" the s1ri4t)res8Gi%e )4 a"" re"igio)s d)ties in the age of Ka"i and 1e"e#rate the day of Hari9

    DDT8>De%otio 'eans de%otion 1hara1terised #y hearing2 et12 or #y e1stati1 "o%e+>7ho isintent on D%āda!? 1an a"so 'ean so'eone 0ho 4erfor's D%āda! thro)gh ")sty desires+ E%enhe is not to)1hed #y the sins he has 4erfor'ed+

    If reading the greatness of the D%āda!-%rata "eads to fo""o0ing it2 then that reading 0i""a"so gi%e freedo' fro' a"" kinds of s)ffering and o#tain'ent of 4io)s fr)its+ Therefore he)tters the fo""o0ing t0o %erses+

    ;*He 0ho in the age of Ka"i reads this des1ri4tion of the greatness of D%āda! 0i"" ha%e no 'enta"agony or i""ness 1a)sing different kinds of tro)#"e+ The 4io)s fr)it attained #y the de%otees in theage of Ka"i at (rayāga or K)r)ksetra does not e)a" that 0hi1h 'en get fro' reading the greatnessof D%āda!8

    172-17+ In the Bha%isya ()rāna8 >Ekāda! is 'ost a)s4i1io)s2 a re'o%er of a"" sin2 "ighter of de%otion to $isn)2 #esto0er 

    of the highest gift+ A 'an 0ho fasts on it 0ith de%otion 0i"" not re'ain 0ithin the 1y1"e of #irth and death+ He

    0ho does not eat on Ekāda! and then takes food on D%āda! 0i"" not attain the nether0or"d+ He 0i"" not see

    he""+ One 0ho has 1o''itted a tho)sand sins2 #)t fasts on Ekāda! and then 0orshi4s $isn) on D%āda!2 0i""

    not go to the nether0or"d+

    ;*.-;* ?This tithi of 3ord $isn) is high"y 'eritorio)s2 it #esto0s ha44iness+ 5in1e the 3ord of the )ni%erse1ertain"y 'anifests

    Hi'se"f on this day2 it destroys a"" sin and re'o%es a"" s)ffering+ One sho)"d 1onsider $isn)'ay!2 the)n"i'ited2 a""-4er%ading Śakti2 to #e the 1haste Ekāda!9?

    5anat-k)'āra has said8?One 0ho has 4erfor'ed a tho)- ;**-;* sand sins2 e%en ki""ed a h)ndred

     #rāh'anas2 0i"" #e1o'e 4)re #y f)""y fasting 0ith de%otion on one Ekāda!9 A 'an 0ho 4erfor's another %rata than Ekāda! sho)"d)nderstand that its fr)it 0i""2 "ike a t)'o)r2 #ring nothing #)t s)ffering+?

    In the 5a)ra-dhar'a8?7hen Agnihotra and other sa1rifi1es yL are 0eighed against the D%āda! of the3ord2 D%āda! is hea%ier+?

    In the De%!-rahasya and in the 5kanda ()rāna8?5in is said to ;

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    "ot)s feet 0i"" not s)ffer+ 7hat 1an one then say a#o)t those 'en 0ho ha%e gi%en )4 a"" sin and0orshi4 D%āda!? In the sa'e #ook2 (rah"āda says to Ba"i8As there is no heat in the 'oon or 1o"din fire2 so there is no sin a'ongst $aisna%as 0ho fast on Ekāda!8

    DDT8 In the ne=t %erses :;L

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    DDT8 7ho then is a $aisna%a Fearing that so'eone 'ight ask 0hether a $aisna%a is one 0ho hasde%otion to the 3ord or so'eone e"se2 he 0rites this %erse+ These r)"es 4ertain to s)1h a 4erson2 #)t notto those 0ho ha%e attained f)"" faith in the 4ath of de%otion2 sin1e they do

    not ha%e to fo""o0 %ratas and the "ike+ This sho)"d #e )nderstood "ater a"so2 0hen the r)"es of a%oiding things s)1h as #rass )tensi"s on D%āda! and other days are des1ri#ed+

    JJL-J< A#o)t this2 in the 5kanda ()rāna8 >One 0ho ne%er gi%es )4 Ekāda!2 0hether in the greatest'isfort)ne or in a ha44y sit)ation2 his deter'ination is $aisna%a+ 7ho is e)a" to a"" "i%ing #eings20ho does not de%iate fro' his o0n d)ties and 0hose a"" a1tions are 1onne1ted 0ith 3ord $isn)2 heis kno0n as a $aisna%a+?

    DDT8 He is e)a" to a"" "i%ing #eing #e1a)se he is not %io"ent and does not 1riti1ise2 #)ttreats e%eryone as he 0o)"d hi'se"f+?His o0n d)ties? refer to $aisna%a-dhar'a+

    JI And in the (ad'a ()rāna8 >Those 0ho fo""o0 r)"es of initiation2 0ho ha%e nyāsas and yantras and0ho 'editate on a t0e"%e- or eight-sy""a#"ed 'antra2 or so'e other2 and 0ho are atta1hed to the0orshi4 of $isn)2 are kno0n as $aisna%as8

    DDT8 Nyāsas and yantras are 4arts of the 0orshi4+>5o'e other? refers to 'antras s)1h as the5r! Go4ā"a-'antra+ 5in1e 0orshi4 1annot #e fr)itf)" 0itho)t initiation2 initiation is a"soi'4"ied here+ Of a"" initiated those atta1hed to the 0orshi4 of $isn) are s4e1ified+


    ; Śr! Brah'ā says in the $isn)-rahasya8 >The 0ords and deeds of those 0ho a"0ays ser%e $isn) 0iththeir 'inds2 0ords and #odies2 sho)"d #e kno0n as e)a" to $isn)8

    DDT8 If there is do)#t #e1a)se of a dis4)te #et0een many different astro"ogers and kno0ersof s1ri4t)re2 it sho)"d #e reso"%ed #y the state'ents of those de%oted to the 3ord2 not #yothers+ 5er%ing?0ith their 'inds2 0ords and #odies? 'eans #y re'e'#ran1e2 g"orifi1ation21ir1)'a'#)"ation and so on+

    The 3ord says in the KMr'a ()rāna8 >One sho)"d ask the i.-r $aisna%a #rāh'anas2 1on%ersant 0ith the$aisna%a s1ri4t)res2

    fir' in their %ratas and of 4)re #eha%io)r2 and then ea"o)s"y fo""o0 their ad%i1e8 In the (ad'a ()rāna2$aisna%a-tantra8 ?The state'ents of those 0ho kno0 the Itihāsas and ()ranās2 are a1)ainted 0ith the1on1")sion of the 5'rtis and 0ho are dear to $ās)de%a2 are $edi18


    In the $isn)-rahasya and KMr'a ()rāna8?5tate'ents not #ased y-iL on the a)thority of the Uedas2 #rāh'anas2 &anārdana2 Tantras or 

    the Dhar'a-āstras2 sho)"d #e ree1ted8 In the $aisna%a-tantra8 >5tate'ents of those 0ho ha%e no de%otion tothe g)r)2 )ttering 'antras or the s)4erso)"2 $isn)2 sho)"d a"0ays #e ree1ted8 In the 5kanda()rāna8>5tate'ents of those 0ho do not ha%e de%otion to the 3ord of a""2 $isn)2 the 'ost a)s4i1io)s2 sho)"dnot #e a11e4ted if one desires the 4erfe1tion of one?s re"igio)s endea%o)r+?

    DDT8 >The 'ost a)s4i1io) 1an a"so 'ean ?or to 5r! R)dra8

    And a"so8 >The state'ents of 'en 0ho #"as4he'e the (a1a- ,o-,t rātras2 ()rānas and Itihāsas sho)"d1ertain"y #e ree1ted8 6aa

    %a"kya a"so says8 >The ()rānas2 (a1arātras2 $edas and (ā)4atas are 'ost a)thoritati%e+ They sho)"d not #e

    1ontradi1ted8 DDT8?Not 1ontradi1ted? 'eans not dis4)ted thro)gh arg)'ents #ased on fa"se "ogi1+

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    Th"! end! the twe/th $i"āsa2 #aed 0e!#ri&tin / kādaśī, in the rī 4ha'avad-$hakti-viā!a, written$y rī &āa Bhatta+



    vande #aitanya-devam tam kr!nam nitya-navt!avam 1 ya!ya &ra!ādāt sidhyanti dīna!yā&i maht!avāh

    I 0orshi4 3ord Caitanya2 Krsna2 the eterna""y fresh festi%a"2 #y 0hose 'er1y 1e"e#rations of e%en the fa""en are

    s)11essf)"+ DIG-DARŚINI-TIKA8

     ya!ya śaktyāmśaā$hena $rahmāder a&i śaktayah tās tā %i#hānti tam vande !arva-śakti-&radam vi$h"m

    I 0orshi4 the A"'ighty2 the #esto0er of a"" 4o0er2 #y a fra1tion of 0hose 4o0er the 4o0ers of Brah'ā and theothers g"i''er+

    Ha%ing des1ri#ed the Ekāda!-%rata the a)thor 0i"" no0 dis1)ss the 1e"e#ration #eginning at Daa'!+ To a1 -1o'4"ish the 1e"e#ration of 0riting that2 he 0orshi4s the 3ord 0ith this %erse+ The 3ord is an eterna""y fresh festi -%a" for the de%otees2 or then His for' is a festi%a" of fresh 1hara1teristi1s+

    RU3E5 FOR THE DA6 BEFORE THE FA5T  &rātah-!nānādikan krtvā !"veś dha"ta-va!trakah 2 vratam

     !aka&ya k"rvīta vai!navaiś #a maht!avam

    Ha%ing taken their 'orning #ath2 et12 0e"" dressed in fresh 1"othes and ha%ing de1"ared the %rata2 the $aisna%as sho)"d

     4erfor' the 1e"e#ration+

    DDT8 >EtX 'eans ha%ing 4erfor'ed a"" their 'orning d)ties s)1h as sandhya-%andana+ They sho)"d #e >0e"" dressed? #yfo""o0ing the reg)"ation for sha%ing2 et12 for $aisna%as on Daa'!+ The )nfa%ora#"e ti'e for sha%ing is gi%en in theRatna-'ā"ā8 >By those 0ho ha%e gi%en )4 eating and )ng)ents2 ha%e gone o)tside their %i""ages or 0ho fo""o0 a %o02 nosha%ing sho)"d #e done on Na%a'!2 the ninth day+ At initiation2 re"ease fro' 4rison2 4re4aring for death and 'arriage2 onthe order of the king and #y #rāh'anas8 in a"" these 1ases the seers ha%e de1"ared sha%ing a)s4i1io)s8 And a"so in the5'rti8 >Hot 0ater2 )ng)ents2 s"ee4ing2 sha%ing and se=8 these sho)"d ea"o)s"y #e a%oided on the three days #eginning0ith Daa'!8 This sho)"d #e )nderstood as 4ertaining to non-$aisna%as+

    One sho)"d 4erfor' the 1e"e#ration as has #een des1ri#ed and as 0i"" #e des1ri#ed f)rther on2 nat)ra""y a"0ays #eha%ing 0e""+ In 4arti1)"ar2 one sho)"d 4re4are the te'4"e of the 3ord #y 1"eaning it and so on2 de1orating it 0ith #an-ners and Aags2 and then ha44i"y 4"a1e the 3ord on a #ea)tif)" throne+ Then one sho)"d offer great 0orshi4 0ith de%otion2in%ite the $aisna%as and res4e1tf)""y sing and dan1e+

    THE @ANTRA OF DEC3ARATION 3 daśamī-dinam āra$hya kari!ye ham vratam ta%a

    tridinam deva-deveśa nirvi'hnam k"r" keśava >Beginning on the day of Daa'!2 I 0i"" 4erfor' a three-

    day %rata for yo)2 3ord of the god of gods+ Re'o%e a"" o#sta1"es2 Kea%a9?

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    E%en if the 4erfor'er to)1hes so'ething )nto)1ha#"e he sho)"d not #athe+ In the $isn)-s'rti8 >He 0ho2 fearing i'4)-

    rity2 #athes on the festi%a" of $ās)de%a #e1o'es i'4)re+ Anyone 0ho sees hi' sho)"d enter 0ater 0ith a"" his 1"othes

    on9? . st)t%ātha $ah"dhā kr!narri 'h!ayen niyamānvitam

     śrīr"kmā'ada-matte$ha- &atahd'h!itam va#ah

    After one has 4raised Krsna in 'any 0ays one sho)"d 4ro1"ai' the r)"es to #e fo""o0ed 0ith 0ords th)ndering "ike a

    kett"edr)' on Śr! R)k'ārigada?s fero1io)s e"e4hant+

    DDT8 D)ring the festi%a" one sho)"d in 'any 0ays 4raise Krsna #y hy'ns in 4rose and 4oetry+ One sho)"d 4ro1"ai' the r)"es "o)d"y and "isten to the'+ >The r)"es? 'eans the r)"es for Daa'!2 et12 0hi1h 0i"" #e e=4"ainedf)rther on+

    A#o)t this it is said in the Nārada ()rāna :,+,J+J,-J/8>(eo4"e9 On the #eginning of the day of Hari2 stay at ho'e and

    eat on"y on1e+ The food sho)"d #e 0itho)t ksāra and 1onsist of ha%isya+ 5"ee4ing on the gro)nd and gi%ing )4 the

    1o'4any of yo)r "o%ed ones2 re'e'#er God2 the 'aster2 the 'ost an1ient2 highest 4erson9 A"so on D%āda! yo)

    sho)"d on"y eat on1e8

    And a"so8>To ha%e se= 0ith yo)r 'other is good+ To eat the Aesh of 1o0s is good+ To ki"" or to drink 0ine is a"so

    good2 #)t not to eat on Ekāda!8

    K5ARA Cerea"s2 e=1e4t ')ng-#eans and sesa'e-seedsS #eansS 0heat L and kodra%a

    :(er4e")' 51ro#i1)"at)'/S 1hi1k4eas and de%agrains :Andro4ogon 5a11harat)s/8 this gro)4 is kno0n as ksāra+

    HA$I56A H)sked 0hite 0inter ri1e2 ')ng-#eans and sesa'e2 ka"āya ; And a"so8?Brass )tensi"s2 'eat2 'as)ra-

     #eans2 eating 'ore than on1e2 se=2 ga'#"ing and drinking ')1h 0ater8 these se%en sho)"d #e a%oidedon Daa'!8

    ;* In the @atsya ()rāna8 >Brass2 'eat2 0ine2 honey2 oi"2 "ies2 4hysi1a" e=ertion2 a#sen1e fro' ho'e2s"ee4ing in the dayti'e2 se=2 stonegro)nd f"o)r and 'as)ra-#eans8 these sho)"d #e gi%en )4 onD%āda!8

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    DDT8 Ear"ier :+;J7hen one s1ra4es his tong)e 0ith a tooth-t0ig on Daa'! in order tofo""o0 the r)"es of D%āda!2 6a'a "oses ho4e+ Dee1ted2 he destroys the sin that has #een re1orded+The sinner 0ho does not eat goes to the a#ode

    of $isn)+ To eat in the 'idd"e of the day a11ording to the r)"es is 1a""edeating on1?2 and it sho)"d #e ea"o)s"y 4erfor'ed8

    DDT8 After eating on Daa'! one sho)"d 1"ean one teeth 0ith a t0ig+ On Ekāda! t0igs of 4a"āa:B)tea Frondosa/ and other trees are for#idden+ As it is said8?On Ekāda! one sho)"d 1"ean the 'o)th

     #y on"y rinsing 0ith 0ater t0e"%e ti'es8

    tato rātrim nayetā #a $rahma#ārī %itendriyah a $ha'avantam !maran $haktyā $h*miśāyī  !"kham !va&an

    Then at night one sho)"d as a #rah'a1ār!2 0ith 1ontro""ed senses2 re'e'#er the 3ord 0ith de%otion and

    ha44i"y s"ee4 on the gro)nd+

    DDT8 As a #rah'a1ār!? 'eans gi%ing )4 the 1o'4any of 0o'en2 et1+ It has a"ready #een 0ritten thatone sho)"d refrain fro' se=2 so here >as a #rah'a1ārP sho)"d #e )nderstood as not "ooking at 0o'en2and so on+ That 0i"" #e 'ade 1"ear f)rther on :PJ+./+


     &rātah !nātvār#ayitvā #a $ha'avantam yathāvidhi ,J tārnra-&ātrariv !amādāya vrata- !amka&am ā#aret 

    After ha%ing #athed in the 'orning and 0orshi44ed the 3ord a11ording to the r)"es2 one sho)"d fet1h a1o44er %esse" and state the de1"aration+

    DDT8 A11ording to the r)"es? 'eans as has #een e=4"ained ear"ier on in the #ook :$i"āsas J-L/+

    A#o)t this De%a"a says8 >Ha%ing fet1hed a 1o44er %esse" fi""ed 0ith 0ater2 the 0ise sho)"d2 fa1ing thenorth2 start the fast or state the de1"aration8

    DDT8 If there is no 1o44er %esse" one 'ay si'4"y state the de1"aration+

    THE @ANTRA OF DEC3ARATION 25 ekādaśyām nirāhārah !thitvāhwm a4are hani$hk!yāmi &"ndarīkāk!a śaranam me $havā#y"ta

    >O "ot)s-eyed one2 I 0i"" re'ain fasting on Ekāda! and eat on the ne=t day+ O A1y)ta2 4"ease #e 'yshe"ter9?

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    26 "##ārayann imam mantram śrīkr!na-#aranā$%ayh &"!&ā%aim !amar&yātha mantra-&*tam %aam

     &i$et Uttering this 'antra one sho)"d offer a handf)" of f"o0ers to the "ot)s feet of 5r! Krsna+ Then

    one sho)"d drink the 'antra1onse1rated 0ater+

    ,*-, A#o)t this @ārkāndeya says8 >He 0ho desires the fr)it of the fast sho)"d 1on1entrated"y drink 0ater 

    1onse1rated #y ')ttering the eight-sy""a#"ed 'antra three ti'es o%er it+ Ha%ing 0orshi44ed God andoffered a handf)" of f"o0ers2 he sho)"d )tter the 'antra of de1"aration and anno)n1e it to God8

    DDT8 After 0orshi44ing the 3ord it is so'eti'es said that one sho)"d drink to his satisfa1tionand so'eti'es that one sho)"d offer a handf)" of f"o0ers+ There is an o4 tion #et0een either drinking 0ater or offering f"o0ers here+ In another reading an o4tion #et0een 0orshi44ing andoffering f"o0ers is a"so indi1ated+

    29 daśamyām #ārddha-rātr&ary an"vrtta" &"rah-!arān ekādaśyāś #at"r yāmān hit%ā !aka&am ā#aret 

    If Daa'! e=tends #eyond 'idnight2 one sho)"d 0ait )nti" t0e"%e ho)rs of the Ekāda! ha%e 4assed #efore )ttering the de1"aration+


     #rāh'ana2 0hen there is the fa)"t of 1onne1tion 0ith the ear"ier day2 one sho)"d a%oid #athing and0orshi4 d)ring the first t0e"%e ho)rs of the

    Ekāda!+ After0ards those 0ho fast sho)"d #athe2 0orshi4 and so on+ If the d)ties of the day are not1o'4"eted2 then the night is a""otted+ The d)ties of the day sho)"d #e 1o'4"eted at the #eginning of night8

    tataś #a $ha'avad-$haktyā &ari#aryādi-r*&ayā JJ dinam rātri #a'amayed "&avā!a &ar $"dhah

    Then the inte""igent 4erson2 de%oted to the fast2 sho)"d s4end the day and night in de%otion to the 3ord #y0orshi4 and so forth+

    A#o)t this2 in the 5kanda ()rāna8 >The inte""igent one J sho)"d2 ha%ing 0orshi44ed the 3ord of the godof gods 0ith

    the greatest de%otion2 4ass the day and night to attain the fr)it of the fasting+?


    In the Grha-4ariista2 Kātyāyana-s'rti2 $isn)-dhar'a2 Brah- J. 'a-%ai%arta ()rāna2 et18>To stand fast in thefa1e of sin #y 1)"ti%ating good )a"ities2 and to gi%e )4 a"" enoy'ent2 is 1a""ed fasting+?

    EN&O6@ENT It is said #y Śātāta4a8 >(erf)'es2 orna'ents2 fine 1"othes2 f"o- J-J*

    0er gar"ands2 oint'ents2 #r)shing the teeth and 1os'eti1s

     4o"")te one d)ring a fast2 and #y 5r! $yāsa8>F"o0ers2 orna'ents2 fine 1"othes2 sanda"0ood2 in1ense2 oint'ents2 #r)shing the teeth and 1os'eti1s defi"e one d)ring a fast8

    DDT8 Here he "ists the ite's of enoy'ent+ >Cos'eti1s? 'eans that 0hi1h a1tors2 et12 )se in their eyes+These things are 4o"")ting d)ring a fast and sho)"d therefore #e a%oided+ That is the i'4"ied 'eaning+

    In the Kāi-khanda of the 5kanda ()rāna it is ho0e%er said8>E%en d)ring a day of fasting #r)shing theteeth and 1os'eti1s do not 1orr)4t+> This 'ain"y refers to the

    dress of 0o'en2 0here )sing 1os'eti1s is an integra" 4art+ In the sa'e 0ay the other things2s)1h as #r)shing the teeth2 in that %erse sho)"d #e )nderstood as 4ertaining to 0o'en+ This has

     #een e=4"ained ear"ier in the #ook :+,,-Y/+

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    5IN J-JL 5r! 5)'ant) says8>Not o#ser%ing the r)"es2 not restraining

    the senses and 4erfor'ing for#idden 0orshi4 sho)"d a"0ays #e di"igent"y a%oided8 As said #y Śātāta4a8

    >54eaking "ies2 ga'#"ing2 s"ee4ing at day and se=8 a 'an de%oted to the fast sho)"d do none of these d)ring


    o-r And in the $isn)-dhar'a8 >Those 0ho fast and are de%oted to the 0orshi4 of $isn) sho)"d not to)1hhereti1s or s4eak 0ith the'8 In the 5r! $isn) ()rāna :J+;+L*/8 >Therefore2 the dis1i4"e sho)"d gi%e)4 s4eaking 0ith or to)1hing sinf)" hereti1s es4e1ia""y at the ti'e of sa1rifies2 and so on8

    ,-J The atone'ent for that has #een 'entioned8 After seeing s)1h a 4erson the 0ise sho)"d "ook at the s)n8A"so2 in the $isn)-dhar'a8 After to)1hing2 the 0ise #e1o'es 4)re after #athing and "ooking at thes)n+ After s4eaking 0ith the'2 he sho)"d think of A1y)ta 0ho d0e""s in 4)rity+?

    DDT8 It is )nderstood #y this that one sho)"d a%oid e%en seeing s)1h 4eo4"e+>7ho d0e""s in 4)rity? 'eans that He is sit)ated in 4)re 0ater or in 4)re 'oti%es+


    -. In the Bha%isya ()rāna8 >(atien1e2 tr)thf)"ness2 'er1y2 si"en1e2 4)rity2 1ontro" of the senses2 0orshi4 of the 3ord2 sa1rifi1ia" "i#ations2 satisfa1tion and refraining fro' stea"ing8 this tenfo"d dhar'a is1o''on for a"" %ratas+> In the (ad'a ()rāna2 in a 1on%ersation #et0een 6a'a and DhM'raket)8>Ha%ing restrained hi'se"f on Daa'!2 he sho)"d 4ass the day of the %rata 0ith 1ontro""ed senses20itho)t anger or %io"en1e and 4raising Krsna8

    DDT8 First he gi%es the 1o''on good )a"ities and then 0rites a#o)t the s4e1ia" good )a"ity onEkāda! 0ith the se1ond )otation+ Tho)gh one 1o)"d say that 1ontro""ing the senses2 et12 #e"ong to the1o''on good )a"ities2 it 1an #e said to #e s4e1ia" #e1a)se of the s4e1ia" 4erfor'er+ >(raising Krsn'eans to 4erfor' Krsna-k!rtana+ One sho)"d 4ass the day "ike this+ This is the 'ain r)"e+

    In the $isn)-dhar'ottara8 >To )tter His 'antra2 'editate on His 'antra2 "isten to stories a#o)t Hi'2

    0orshi4 Hi' and to 4raise and hear His na'es2 et18 these )a"ities are 'entioned #y the tho)ghtf)" to #e fo""o0ed d)ring a fast8

    DDT8?EtX refers to the different 'odes of de%otion2 s)1h as 4raying+


    It is said in the $isn)-dhar'a8 >The 'an 0ho fasts and 'eth- * tates 0ith de%otion )4on Hari2 0ho )ttersHis 'antras2 0ho 4erfor's His 0ork2 0hose 'ind is atta1hed to Hi'2 0itho)t desires2 0itho)t a do)#tattains the a#ode of Brah'an2 )st

    "ike the de'on8

    DDT8?7itho)t desire 'eans that he has no desires2 or then that e%en if he has2 he #e1o'es desire"ess+The a#ode 1onsisting of Brah'an is Śr! $aik)ntha+ >The de'o is 5r! (rah"āda+


    In the Kātyāyana-s'rti8?One sho)"d fast f)""y2 o#ser%ing #rah- -L 'a1ārya8 De%a"a says8 >Brah'a1ārya2non-%io"en1e2 tr)thf)"

    ness and %egetarianis'8 these fo)r sho)"d a"0ays #e 4ra1tised d)ring %ratas8

    DDT8 $egetarianis' sho)"d #e 4ra1tised on the day of fasting and 0hen #reaking the fast+ Tho)gh it0as said 0ith the %erse ?these eight things do not #reak a %rat :i+ioo/ that 'edi1ine does not #reak the%rata2 'edi1ine

    in the for' of 'eat sho)"d #e a%oided+ This is a"so said #y $yāsa8 >One sho)"d a"0ays a%oid'eat on the day of fasting and 0hen #reaking the fast2 e%en if it is in the for' of 'edi1ine8

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    .One sho)"d attenti%e"y fast onEkāda! d)ring #oth fortnights+ Ha%ing #athed a11ording to the r)"es one sho)"d2 dressed in 4)re1"othes and 0ith 1ontro""ed senses2 1orre1t"y 0ith faith and %ery attenti%e"y 0orshi4 $isn) 0ithf"o0ers2 sanda"0ood2 in1ense2 "ights2 food

    offerings2 'any other arti1"es - s)1h as )ttering 'antras2 sa1rifi1es2 and 1ir1)'a'#)"ations - hy'ns2 differentdan1es2 songs and re1itations 4"easing to the 3ord2 sti1k-"ike o#eisan1es and "o)d sho)ts of>&aya9+ After 0orshi44ing "ike this fo""o0ing the r)"es2 one sho)"d kee4 %igi" at night+ He 0ho is de%oted to $isn) sho)"d

    re1ite narrations or sing+ That 'an 0i"" go to the s)4re'e d0e""ing of $isn)+ There is no do)#t a#o)t it8In the Bha%isya ()rāna8>Ha%ing 0orshi44ed Hari one sho)"d < 4ass the night fo""o0ing Ekāda! as one

    is a#"e #y "istening to the ()rānas and so forth8


    vai!navān %ā'are $hyar##ya tīrtham śakhdakānvitam ; te$hy dattvā !vayam &rāśya vidvān !ttrādikam &athet 

    After 0orshi44ing the $aisna%as d)ring the %igi"2 the 0ise sho)"d oZr the' ho"y 0ater together 0ith 0ater fro' a 1on1hshe"" and then drink it hi'se"f+ Then he sho)"d read hy'ns and so forth+

     &"rānādi tatah śr"tvā 'ītā-nrtyādika !vayam 62 k"ryāt &aśye# #a &ārakya vārayen na ha!en na#a

    After hearing s1ri4t)res s)1h as the ()rānas2 one sho)"d hi'se"f sing and dan1e and a"so 0at1h others do that+One ')st not hinder or "a)gh at this singing and dan1ing9


    In the (ad'a ()rāna8 >He 0ho o#str)1ts song or dan1e d)ring J- the %igi" of Hari #oi"s for <

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


    . In the 5kanda ()rāna8 >6a'a 4resents s)1h a 4erson 0ith he"" and great tort)re+ One sho)"d not e%en"ook at a fa1e that has not seen the %igi"8

    DDT8 It 0as said that one sho)"d>0at1h others> :PJ+V/+ 7ith this and the fo""o0ing %erses hesho0s that seeing the %igi" is 'andatory+ >(resent 'eans that 6a'a 0i"" take hi' fro' hissinf)" #ed and %ery angri"y2 0ith 1)r%ed eye#ro0s and 0ith 1onte'4t take hi' a0ay+

    - And a"so8 >Those #eings 0ho do not see the %igi" of Hari 0i"" indeed ha%e their eye! ri44ed o)t and getki1ked in the 1hest8 F)rther'ore8 >Those 0hose eye! are #right 0ith the fire of Ka"i ne%er see the%igi" of Krsna2 and ne%er &anārdana+? A"so8 >The eyes of 'en 0ho do not see the %igi" are sinf)"+They are fir'"y s)rro)nded #y the 'any 4ro'inent sins of Ka"i8


    L-*J In the 5kanda ()rāna2 a 1on%ersation #et0een Brah'ā and Nārada :,+++r-./8>3isten Nārada9 I 0i""s4eak a#o)t the 1hara1teristi1s of the %igi"+ E%en 0ith on"y a "itt"e kno0"edge a#o)t the'2 &anārdanais easy to attain+ 5ong2 ')si12 dan1e2 reading the ()rānasS offering in1ense2 "a'4s2 foodst)ffs2

    f"o0ers2 sanda"0ood-4aste2 fr)its and 0aterS faith2 1harity2 sense-1ontro"2 tr)thf)"ness2 refrainingfro' s"ee42 1heerf)"ness2 o#ser%an1e of the r)"es2 sho0ing astonish'ent and enth)sias'2 refrainingfro' sin and "ainess and so forth2 4erfor'ing 1ir1)'a'#)"ations and o#eisan1es2 "ighting "a'4sand ha44iness of 'ind8 O fort)nate one2 0ith a"" these things one sho)"d 4erfor' ārāt rika of Harie%ery third ho)r+?

    DDT8 The 0ords>and so forth? in after>refraining fro' sin and "ainess? refer to ga'#"ing2gossi4ing2 et1+ The 'ost i'4ortant )a"ity is ha44iness of 'ind+ Refraining fro' sin and"ainess are re1koned as t0o different things2

    0hi1h #rings the "ist )4 to , different things2 as stated in another reading+

    And a"so :,++JJ+P-*/8>He 0ho 4erfor's this %igi" on the day of *-*. $isn) 0ith de%otion and 0itho)t0i1kedness of 'ind 'erges in

    the 5)4erso)"+ A ri1h 'an 0ho ho0e%er does the %igi" de1eitf)""y 0i"" hi'se"f then #e tri1ked #y a %i"ega'#"er+?

    DDT8 The %igi" sho)"d #e done 0itho)t de1eit2 as is sho0n #y these t0o %erses first 4ositi%e"y and thennegati%e"y+ >@erge 'eans that he attains eterna"2 1"ose 4ro=i'ity+

    In the sa'e #ook2 a 1on%ersation #et0een U'ā and @ahe- *-* %ara8 >Fo""o0ing the s1ri4t)res2 refrainingfro' s"ee42 dan1ing2

    singing2 ')si12 1"a44ing of hands2 "ights2 1o'4any of saints2 offerings of arti1"es2 0e""-kno0n sy'4to's of de%otion2 satisfa1tion2 ha44iness and de"ighting the 4eo4"e8 0ith these t0e"%e one sho)"d di"igent"y 4erfor'the %igi" dear to @ādha%a d)ring #oth the "ight and dark fortnight8

    @oreo%er8 >Criti1ising others2 ha%ing a dist)r#ed 'ind2 *L-r not fo""o0ing the s1ri4t)res2 not singing2

    not "ighting "a'4s2not offering arti1"es e%en tho)gh a#"e to do so2 indifferen1e and s"ee4ing8 a %igi" 0ith these nine )a"itiess)ita#"e for Ka"i is 4arti1)"ar"y "o0? And a"so8 >Instead of s4eaking one sho)"d sing and dan1e+ O D)rgā20hen s4eaking2 one sho)"d read the ()rānas8


    In the 5kanda ()rāna2 a 1on%ersation #et0een Brah'ā and ,- Nārada :*++,+*-L/8 >If so'eone does

    not kee4 %igi" on the

    day of $isn)2 then his 4re%io)s and 1o'ing re"ati%es 0i"" #e 1ast do0n+ By non-4erfor'an1e he destroys his

    sons2 'erit and 0ea"th+ A residen1e in he"" is 1reated for hi' 0ith his an1estors for a "ong ti'e+ O #est of 

  • 8/18/2019 Dearest to Vishnu, Ekadasi


     #rāh'anas2 this sin 0i"" not #e destroyed #y atone'ent2 %ratas or dee4 'editation 0itho)t the %igi" onD%āda!8

    DDT8 5in1e the %igi" is ne1essary for e%en destroying sin2 its 'andatoriness is 4ro%en+

    .- In the sa'e #ook2 a 1on%ersation #et0een U'ā and @ahe%ara8> The fort)ne of one 0ho does not kee4%igi" on the day of $isn) is destroyed )st "ike #y ins)"ting $aisna%as+ He 0i"" not ha%e any interest

    in the %igi" of D%āda!2 and he 0i"" not ha%e e"igi#i"ity for 0orshi44ing Kea%a8* In the sa'e #ook Brah'ā says8 >In 0hose heart Hari2 the 3ord of yoga2 a"0ays resides2 in hi' interest

    in the %igi" on D%āda! is #orn8


     &"rāekhi 'īta-vādyādi-nityatāadh"nā "ikhyate so yam %ā'are #a viśe!atah

    (re%io)s"y the 'andatoriness of singing2 dan1ing and so on 0as dis1)ssed in a genera" sense+ No0this 0i"" #e des1ri#ed in 1onne1tion 0ith the %igi"+

    DDT8 In 1onne1tion 0ith the %igi" he no0 again 0rites a#o)t the 'andatoriness of song2 dan1eand so on2 a 'andatoriness he has a"ready esta#"ished 0ith regard to the dai"y d)ties :+.P-aL./+ Fearing the fa)"t of re4etition2 he 0rites this %erse+ The intended 'eaning is that onesho)"d 1ertain"y sing2 dan1e and so on d)ring the %igi"+ And so on? refers to )ttering hy'ns2 et1+

    L-Lo In the 5kanda ()rāna2 a 1on%ersation #et0een U'ā and @ahe%ara8 >He 0ho "ike a d)'# 4erson doesnot read or sing on the %igi" of Hari 0i"" #e #orn into d)'#ness in se%en #irths+ O (ār%at!2 the foo"0ho does not dan1e d)ring the %igi" of Hari 0i"" #e #orn into "a'eness in se%en #irths8

    L;-L, In the (ad'a ()rāna2 in 1onne1tion 0ith the (aksa%ardhin!-%rata8 >Those 4eo4"e 0ho do not 4raise or a44re1iate the %igi" of Hari 0i"" ha%e no festi%a"s in their ho)ses d)ring se%en

     #irths+ Those 0ho 4raise and e=to" the %igi" of the Carrier of the disk 0i"" ha%e a 1ontino)s festi%a" for fifteen #irths9?


    In the 5kanda ()rāna2 a 1on%ersation #et0een Brah'ā and LJ-L Nārada2 and in the (rah"āda-sa'hitā8?Thean1estors 0i"" not

    attain "i#eration #y offerings at Gayā2 nor #y sa1rifi1es at 'any ho"y 4"a1es 0itho)t the %igi" on D%āda!+ In0hate%er sit)ation2 one 0ho 4erfor's the %igi" of Hari on D%āda! 0ith e%ery three ho)rs #)rns sins fro' atho)sand "i%es+

    >O #rāh'ana2 one 0ho offers a "a'4 d)ring the %igi" of the L.-L night of Hari attains the fr)it of gi%inga0ay a h)ndred 1o0s

    0ith e%ery #"ink of the eye