Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los...

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 21, 2013 Dear people of St. Mary’s: I hope and pray that you are well. Coming soon! Our young people will receive the Holy Body and Blood of our Savior for the first time in Holy Communion. This will mark the last group of folks to receive the Easter Sacraments for us at St. Mary’s. May the reception of these Sacraments be for the sanctification and salvation of our people. Additionally, may we who are fully initiated never tire of receiving Jesus in the Holy Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Congratulations to all who have received Sacraments this Easter!... When was the last time you made a good Confession repenting of your sins and confessing them? Remember, one of the precepts of the Church is to make a Confession at least once a year. Maybe some of us are (long) overdue? This Friday is the first Friday of the month. We will have Confession from 9:30AM to 1PM and again in the afternoon from 4PM-9PM. Pope Francis I do hope and pray that someone is keeping track of Pope Francis’ weekday homilies in the chapel of the residence of Santa Martha near St. Peter’s. The homilies are not on the Vatican website. Pope Francis’ homilies in these “worker Masses” have been short, easy to understand and powerful! In his homily of April 4, the Holy Father Pope Francis warned that complaining about others and circumstances damages the heart and takes away hope. Never enter “into this game of living on complaints,” he said. Reflecting on the disciples on the road to Emmaus and their overwhelming dismay at the death of Jesus, he noted that they didn’t stop complaining. Their conversations made them withdraw into themselves and stew in their dismay. The Pope said, the Lord is “close to us, but we do not recognize him.” Jesus was “patient with them,” he said, first listening, then explaining, and in the end letting them see him. Jesus, he added, “does this with us,” even in our darkest moments. The following morning on April 5th, the Pope stressed that peace cannot be bought or sold, but is a gift from God — and we must beg him for it. It is like “the final step” of spiritual consolation, “which begins with a joyful wonder” in encountering Christ. But he warned that we should not “trick ourselves with our or others' fantasies, which lead us to believe that these fantasies are reality.” In truth, he said, it is more Christian “to believe that reality may not be so pretty.” The Pope also warned against divination: tarot card reading and fortune telling, stressing that salvation can only come through Jesus Christ. He recalled the story of a humble father of eight whom he knew in the Curia of Buenos Aires. Before going out each morning, he would say, “Jesus!” Pope Francis asked him why he did this. “When I say 'Jesus' I feel strong; I feel I can work, and I know that he is with me, that he keeps me safe,” the man replied. The man never studied theology, the Pope noted: “He only has the grace of baptism and the power of the Spirit. And this testimony did me a lot of good, too, because it reminds us that in this world that offers us so many saviors it is only the name of Jesus that saves.” This by the way is something that I have encouraged all of us to avoid by the way, anything that smacks of trying to seize power to know the future: fortune telling, palm readers, psychics, Ouija bourds, horoscopes. The Scriptures teach us that these are grave sins – in fact and insult to the one God, living and true. If you want to know your present and the future, READ THE GOSPELS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT! Marriage (Considerations from Ecclesial Law) In this bulletin over a period of a few months now, I have been continuing a catechesis on God’s definition and plan for marriage which can naturally only be between a man and a woman. The Catholic Church teaches, through its ordinary magisterium and with infallible certainty, that marriage exists only between one man and one woman. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, [“Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons” (2003) passim; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1601-1608; Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churchs (CCEO 1990) 776; 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC 1983) 1055 § 1; Rite of Marriage (1969) n. 2; Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes (1965) 48; Pius XI, Casti connubii (1930) 6, 20, 23; Leo XIII, Arcanum (1880) 5, 24; Matt 19: 4-6; and Gen 2: 21-24.] This belief is to be necessarily held by all Catholic Christians. To reject or deny this definition is to reject God’s creation and Divine Revelation. Christ’s Church exists to continue His mission – salvation of souls, proclamation of the word of God, sanctification of people. Therefore, the Church of whom we are a part is at the same time mysteriously our Mother for she teaches us. She has the right and duty “always and everywhere to announce moral principles, even about the social order, and to render judgment concerning any human affairs insofar as the fundamental rights of the human person or the salvation of souls requires it.” (1983 CIC 747 § 2; CCC 2246. God bless you in Jesus and Mary, Fr. Ed

Transcript of Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los...

Page 1: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos


Dear people of St. Mary’s:

I hope and pray that you are well. Coming soon! Our young people will receive the Holy Body and Blood of our Savior for the first time in Holy Communion. This will mark the last group of folks to receive the Easter Sacraments for us at St. Mary’s. May the reception of these Sacraments be for the sanctification and salvation of our people. Additionally, may we who are fully initiated never tire of receiving Jesus in the Holy Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Congratulations to all who have received Sacraments this Easter!... When was the last time you made a good Confession repenting of your sins and confessing them? Remember, one of the precepts of the Church is to make a Confession at least once a year. Maybe some of us are (long) overdue? This Friday is the first Friday of the month. We will have Confession from 9:30AM to 1PM and again in the afternoon from 4PM-9PM.

Pope Francis I do hope and pray that someone is keeping track of Pope Francis’ weekday homilies in the chapel of the residence of Santa Martha near St. Peter’s. The homilies are not on the Vatican website. Pope Francis’ homilies in these “worker Masses” have been short, easy to understand and powerful! In his homily of April 4, the Holy Father Pope Francis warned that complaining about others and circumstances damages the heart and takes away hope. Never enter “into this game of living on complaints,” he said. Reflecting on the disciples on the road to Emmaus and their overwhelming dismay at the death of Jesus, he noted that they didn’t stop complaining. Their conversations made them withdraw into themselves and stew in their dismay. The Pope said, the Lord is “close to us, but we do not recognize him.” Jesus was “patient with them,” he said, first listening, then explaining, and in the end letting them see him. Jesus, he added, “does this with us,” even in our darkest moments.

The following morning on April 5th, the Pope stressed that peace cannot be bought or sold, but is a gift from God — and we must beg him for it. It is like “the final step” of spiritual consolation, “which begins with a joyful wonder” in encountering Christ. But he warned that we should not “trick ourselves with our or others' fantasies, which lead us to believe that these fantasies are reality.” In truth, he said, it is more Christian “to believe that reality may not be so pretty.” The Pope also warned against divination: tarot card reading and fortune telling, stressing that salvation can only come through Jesus Christ. He recalled the story of a humble father of eight whom he knew in the Curia of Buenos Aires. Before going out each morning, he would say, “Jesus!” Pope Francis asked him why he did this. “When I say 'Jesus' I feel strong; I feel I can work, and I know that he is with me, that he keeps me safe,” the man replied. The man never studied theology, the Pope noted: “He only has the grace of baptism and the power of the Spirit. And this testimony did me a lot of good, too, because it reminds us that in this world that offers us so many saviors it is only the name of Jesus that saves.” This by the way is something that I have encouraged all of us to avoid by the way, anything that smacks of trying to seize power to know the future: fortune telling, palm readers, psychics, Ouija bourds, horoscopes. The Scriptures teach us that these are grave sins – in fact and insult to the one God, living and true. If you want to know your present and the future, READ THE GOSPELS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT!

Marriage (Considerations from Ecclesial Law) In this bulletin over a period of a few months now, I have been continuing a catechesis on God’s definition and plan for marriage which can naturally only be between a man and a woman. The Catholic Church teaches, through its ordinary magisterium and with infallible certainty, that marriage exists only between one man and one woman. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, [“Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons” (2003) passim; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1601-1608; Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churchs (CCEO 1990) 776; 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC 1983) 1055 § 1; Rite of Marriage (1969) n. 2; Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes (1965) 48; Pius XI, Casti connubii (1930) 6, 20, 23; Leo XIII, Arcanum (1880) 5, 24; Matt 19: 4-6; and Gen 2: 21-24.] This belief is to be necessarily held by all Catholic Christians. To reject or deny this definition is to reject God’s creation and Divine Revelation. Christ’s Church exists to continue His mission – salvation of souls, proclamation of the word of God, sanctification of people. Therefore, the Church of whom we are a part is at the same time mysteriously our Mother for she teaches us. She has the right and duty “always and everywhere to announce moral principles, even about the social order, and to render judgment concerning any human affairs insofar as the fundamental rights of the human person or the salvation of souls requires it.” (1983 CIC 747 § 2; CCC 2246.

God bless you in Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Ed

Page 2: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos


Queridos feligreses de Sta. María:

Espero y ruego que estén bien. ¡Pronto! Nuestros jóvenes recibirán el Cuerpo y la Sangre de nuestro Salvador por primera vez en la Sagrada Comunión. Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos sea para la santificación y salvación de nuestro pueblo. En adición, que nosotros los que estamos iniciados completamente nunca nos cansemos de recibir a Jesús en los Sagrados Sacramentos de la Eucaristía y Reconciliación. ¡Felicidades a todos los que han recibido los Sacramente durante esta Pascua!... ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste una buena Confesión arrepintiéndote de tus pecados y confesándolos? Recuerda, uno de los preceptos de la Iglesia es de hacer una buena Confesión al menos una vez al año. ¿Tal vez algunos de nosotros estamos ya pasados hace tiempo? Este viernes es el primer viernes del mes. Tendremos Confesiones desde las 9:30AM a 1PM y otra vez de 4PM a 9PM.

El Papa Francisco Yo espero y ruego que alguien esté dándole seguimiento a las homilías diarias del Papa Francisco en la capilla de la residencia de Santa Marta cerca de San Pedro. Las homilías no se encuentran en la página web del Vaticano. Las homilías del Papa Francisco en estas “Misas obreras” han sido cortas, fácil de entender y, ¡poderosas! En su homilía del 4 de abril, el Santo Padre Papa Francisco advirtió que quejarse de los demás y de las circunstancias daña el corazón y te quita la esperanza. Nunca entres “en el juego de vivir de quejas,” dijo él. Reflexionando sobre los discípulos de camino a Emaús y su inmensa consternación por la muerte de Jesús, él notó que ellos no pararon de quejarse. Sus conversaciones los hicieron retirarse dentro de sí mismos y seguir en su consternación. El Papa dijo, el Señor está, “cerca de nosotros, pero nosotros no lo reconocemos.” Jesús era “paciente con ellos,” dijo él, primero escuchando, luego explicando, y al final dejando que lo vieran. Jesús, añadió, “hace esto con nosotros,” hasta en nuestros momentos oscuros.

La siguiente mañana del 5 de abril, el Papa subrayó que la paz no puede ser comprada o vendida, porque es un regalo de Dios – y debemos de rogarle a El por ella. Es como el “paso final” de consolación espiritual, “que comienza con un “alegre asombro” en el encuentro con Cristo. Pero nos advirtió que no debemos de “engañarnos a nosotros mismos con nuestras fantasías o las de otros, ya que nos pueden llevar a creer que estas fantasías son reales.” En verdad, dijo él, es más Cristiano “creer que la realidad no es tan bonita.” El Papa también advirtió sobre la adivinación: las lecturas de las cartas del tarot y las lecturas del futuro, subrayando que la salvación solo puede venir de Jesucristo. El recordó la historia de un humilde padre de ocho a quien él conocía en la Curia de Buenos Aires. Antes de salir todas las mañanas, él decía, “¡Jesús!” luego el Papa Francisco le preguntó porque hacia esto. “Cuando digo ‘Jesús’ me siento fuerte; siento que puedo trabajar, y se que él está conmigo, que me mantiene seguro,” dijo el hombre. El hombre nunca estudió teología, añadió el Papa: “El solo tiene la gracia del bautismo y el poder del Espíritu. Y este testimonio me hizo de mucho bien, también, porque nos recuerda que en este mundo que nos ofrece tantos salvadores es solo el nombre de Jesús que salva.” Esto es por cierto algo que les he fomentado a todos evitar, cualquier cosa que trata de hacerse con el fin de poder conocer el futuro: adivinación, lectura de la palma de la mano, síquicos, tablas de Ouija y horóscopos. Las Escrituras nos enseñan que estos son pecados graves – de hecho es un insulto al único Dios, el verdadero. Si quieres saber tu presente y futuro, ¡LEE LOS EVANGELIOS Y EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO!

Matrimonio(Consideraciones de la Ley Eclesial) Por un periodo ya de varios meses en este boletín, he continuado una catequesis sobre la definición y plan de Dios para el matrimonio que puede naturalmente ser entre un hombre y una mujer. La Iglesia Católica nos enseña, a través de su magisterio ordinario y con certeza infalible, que el matrimonio existe solo entre un hombre y una mujer. La Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, [“Consideraciones acerca de los Proyectos de Reconocimiento Legal de las Uniones entre Personas Homosexuales” (2003) pássim; El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 1601-1608; El Código de Derecho Canónico para las Iglesias Orientales (CCEO 1990) 776; 1983 Código de Derecho Canónico (CIC 1983) 1055 § 1; Rito del Matrimonio (1969) n. 2; Vaticano II, Alegría y Esperanza (1965) 48; Pio XI, Casti connubii (1930) 6, 20, 23; Leo XIII, Arcano (1880) 5, 24; Mateo 19: 4-6; and Gen 2: 21-24.] Esta creencia ha de ser necesariamente ocupada por todos los Cristianos Católicos. Rechazar o negar esta definición es rechazar la creación de Dios y de su Divina Revelación. La Iglesia de Cristo existe para continuar Su misión – la salvación de las almas, la proclamación de la palabra de Dios, la santificación de las personas. Por lo tanto, la Iglesia a la que formamos parte es a la misma vez misteriosamente nuestra Madre porque ella nos enseña. Ella tiene el derecho y el deber de “anunciar los principios morales siempre y donde quiera, hasta del orden social, y de rendir juicio acerca de cualquier asunto humano en la medida en que los derechos fundamentales de la persona humana o la salvación de almas los requiera.” 1983 CIC 747 § 2; CCC 2246.

Dios los bendiga en Jesús y María,

P. Eduardo

Page 3: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos



APR 29 8:00AM Litugy of the Word


APR 30 5:30PM †Timothy Dessert


MAY 1 7:00AM Holy Souls in Purgatory


MAY 2 7:00PM Patricia Escalera


MAY 3 8:30AM Velasquez Family


MAY 4 5:30PM †Manuel Torres


MAY 5 8:00AM

†Albert Moralez

Virginia Young

Henderson Family

10:00AM St. Mary Parish


†Juan Vilchis

†Aurora Molina

†Eligio Rivera

Please Pray for the Sick of Our Community

Abraham Oropeza, Adrián Tapia Alex Abatti Sr., Alicia

Crawford, Amadeo Jacobelli, Amber Young, Amelia

Cruz, Ana Maria La Madrid, Angel Morales, Art DeMars

Jr., Betty Jo McNeece, Brian Escobedo, Carlos Lara,

Carolina Garcia, Concepción González, Concepción Tapia,

Consuelo Morales, Danny Chávez, Diane Caldwell, D.J.

Velasquez, Eddie Alvarado, Edgar Garcia, Elena Nessi,

Emilio Marquez, Esperanza Larios, Estela Montaño, Eva

Deen, Evelia Castro, Fumi Galvan, Gary Studer, Georgia

Dewey, Gerardo Esquivel, Graciela Elias, Guillermo

Niebla, Henry & Emily Alarcon, Isabel Gutierrez, J.D.

Schwer, Jack Borchard, Jennifer DeRosier, Jesse Martinez,

Joanne Scharer, Joe & Consuelo Morales, José Buzo,

Joseph Manuel Araiza, J. Louis Navarro, Josie Rojo, Julio

Espinoza, Kalub Romero, Karol Delgadillo, Larry Studer,

Leo Tampos, Leslie Gilbert, Lilia Verduzco, Lillian

Terribillini, Lisa Puga, Lourdes Castillo, Luis Enrique

Calderon, , , Maria Teresa Vasquez, Maritza Pasillas,

Martha Herrera, Micaela Herrera, Miguel Molina,

Monzerat González, Nathaniel Conant, Neddie Marie

Amador, Norma Isela Moreno, Oscar Puentes, Ramona

Diaz, Ramón Gamboa, Reyes Angulo, Richard Phinney,

Rigoberto Granados, Robert Lopez Sr., Robert Sheffield, Robert Schultz, Santos Carrillo, Sarah Lay, Sebastian

Minor, Silviano Tapia, Steve Acuña, Theresa Marich, Tino

Verduzco, Tom Seibert, Tony Abatti, Veronica Cabran,

Virginia Mousel, Woody Blaine, Yolanda Benito

Liturgical Roles

Saturday, May 4, 2013 5:30PM

Lector: June Bernal

Extraordinary Minsters of Patricia Escalera

Holy Communion: Beatrice Hashem

Jane Kemp

Sunday, May 5, 2013 8:00AM Lector: Eddie Madueño

Extraordinary Minsters of Jeanne Vogel

Holy Communion: Steve Rangel

Irma Rangel

Sunday, May 5, 2013 10:00AM Lector: Joe Picazo

Extraordinary Minsters of Michael Munguia

Holy Communion: Lourdes Munguia

Barbara Muzzarelli

Sunday, May 5, 2013 12:00PM Lector: Adriana Ramirez

Extraordinary Minsters of Martha Perdomo

Holy Communion: María Muñoz

Jesus Muñoz

Readings for the Week of

April 28, 2013

Sunday: Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-

33a, 34-35

Monday: Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26

Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31a

Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 or Gn 1:26-

2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/

Mt 13:54-58

Thursday: Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11

Friday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14

Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21

Next Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Rv 21:10-14, 22-

23/Jn 14:23-29

©Liturgical Publications Inc

Page 4: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos


Roving Rosary

Throughout the month of May, we are blessed to honor our Blessed Mother Mary. We are privileged to host the Roving

Rosary every Thursday for the Month of May at the following dates and location. The Rosaries will commence

at 7PM SHARP: Thursday, May 2 Barbara Moralez

2485 Wensley Ave., El Centro

Mother’s Day Novena

A Novena of Masses will be offered at St. Mary for all mothers, living and deceased. Starting on May 12, 2013, special novena envelopes can be obtained at the entrance of the church or in the parish office. If you would like to have your mother remembered in our novena of masses, please return your envelope by Thursday, May 9, 2013 to the parish office. Thank you.

Una novena de misas será ofrecida en Santa María para todas las madres, vivas o fallecidas. Empezando el 12 de mayo de 2013, puede obtener en la entrada de la iglesia o en la oficina parroquial sobres especiales para el novenario. Si usted le gustaría que su madre esta recordaba en nuestra novena de misas, por favor devuelva el sobre el Jueves, 9 de mayo 2013 en la oficina parroquial.Gracias.

Come and See “Come and See Weekend:” Young single men – 15 to 25 years of age – interested in a chance to spend a prayerful and interactive weekend with experienced Spiritan priests to reflect on the call of the Spirit to religious and missionary life as a priest or brother are invited to join us! The event will start at 7:00 PM, Friday, April 26th and will close at noon with lunch on Sunday, April 28th. The workshop will be held at the Spiritans’ Casa Laval, Hemet, CA. Total cost for the weekend: $20. Some scholarships are available. There is limited free transportation. Directions are available and carpooling is encouraged. If you want to think, dream and plan for your future with the priesthood or brotherhood as a possibility, and wish to participate in the weekend, write or call: Fr. Bill Headley, CSSp, [email protected], phone: 619-307-9990.

Healed Not Judged


RETREAT ***For Catholic Women*** (or Catholic Friendly)

May 3-5, 2013 Location: Confidential

Call for Information & Registration for Retreats: Leslie Brunolli: 760.745.2529

[email protected]

Alicia M. Lucio: 760.587.8914 [email protected]

Donation: $100 (includes lodging, meals, & workbook) Partial

scholarships available.

Group Size limited, Register Early.

Confidentiality is Respected & Maintained!




Culture of Life Family Services (COLFS) cordially invites you to an afternoon tea to honor Our Lady and to support the pro-life mission of COLFS. The tea will be held Sunday, May 19, 2013, from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the beautiful home of Claire Reiss

in La Jolla. View event details and register at For more information or to sponsor a table, contact Erika Santana at 619-564-3307 or [email protected].

Enjoy a charming venue, inspiring talks, engaging conversations, and delicious catered food and drinks. Guest speaker is Shari Rigby, an accomplished actress who played the birth mother in October Baby. Marie Finn joins us as Honorary Chairperson. Mingle with COLFS staff, board members, and volunteers, and hear amazing testimonies from pregnant moms. Join us May 19 for a wonderful afternoon tea.

Page 5: Dear people of St. Mary’s · Esto marcará el último grupo de personas en recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua para nosotros aquí en Sta. María. Que el recibimiento de estos Sacramentos



Registration We will be having our Confirmation Registration on

Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th and June 1st and

June 2nd. These will be the only days for registration. To register, please bring in the Baptism and First Holy Communion certificates. We thank all of our current students and our future students for your cooperation and willingness to register in our program. Vamos a tener nuestra Inscripción de Confirmación el

sábado, 4 de mayo y el domingo, 5 de mayo y el 1 de

junio y el 2 de junio después de todas las misas. Estos

serán los únicos días de inscripción. Para registrarse, por

favor traiga el certificado de Bautismo y la Primera

Comunión. Agradecemos a todos nuestros estudiantes

actuales y los futuros estudiantes por su cooperación y

buena voluntad de inscribirse en nuestro programa.

Join John Paul the Great Catholic University for an Open House on Saturday, May 18th from 11am - 2pm at our campus in Scripps Ranch. JP Catholic offers an authentically Catholic environment and cutting-edge programs in Film, Entrepreneurial Business, Animation, Video Gaming, and Theology. For more information, visit or call 868-653-6740 ext. 1101.

We would like to thank all of you that supported the Youth Group by purchasing tickets for the Divine Mercy Bible. It

wouldn’t have been possible to do this fundraiser without your help! Thank very much! A special thanks goes out to Michael and Lourdes Munguia for donating the Divine Mercy Bible! The winners, Rudy & Amy Vallarta family, we hope you enjoy the bible for many years to come.

Time to register for Family Camp!

The Sky's the Limit Pick a weekend and join us this summer!

June 14-16 & 21-23; July 12-14 & 19-21

Summer Family Camp offers families the rare

opportunity to spend quality time together on the

mountain celebrating our faith as we grow closer to

the Lord and each other. Join us for Mass &

dynamic speakers, activites like swimming, zipline,

and more fun activities, Programs for children,

teens and adults. We look forward to seeing your

this summer!

El Carmelo Catholic Men’s Retreat

The annual men’s retreat at El Carmelo retreat House serves as a reflective time of spiritual growth and renewal for retreat participants. El Carmelo is located in Redlands, CA. and offers a striking view of the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains on a serene and quiet landscape. The retreat presentations are conducted by the ministry of the Discalced Carmelite Friars of California-Arizona Province and the retreat is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Six delicious meals are prepared by nuns, sisters of the Oblates of St. Martha. The retreat begins Friday, May 31 with dinner at 6:30pm and concludes on Sunday, June 2 after lunch. A $50 non –refundable deposit will hold your room. Come and enjoy what God has waiting especially for you! For more information call El Carmelo Retreat House at 909-792-1047.