Dear Parents/Carers, June and Wednesday 21 · PDF file · 2017-05-26Dear...

May 2017 Dear Parents/Carers, Please find attached the timetable for the forthcoming Year 9 exam period, which takes place between Monday 19 th June and Wednesday 21 st June 2017. Students will receive a more detailed timetable, including which rooms their exams are in, closer to the time. Students will be expected to attend registration first unless otherwise stated and then make their way to the exam room if they have an exam. All writing equipment must be in a clear, see-through pencil case or plastic bag and any water bottles must have their labels removed. This session will be the first experience of doing some exams in a large hall for some Year 9 students and must be taken very seriously. There must be silence upon entering and leaving all of the exam rooms as well as during the exam and exam regulations must be strictly adhered to. This will be an excellent learning experience for them and will get them used to how exams work well before any external exams they sit later on in school. No bags will be allowed into the Sports Hall and the bag room will be P14 and will be open 15 minutes before the exam start time. There are opportunities for revision before some of the exams, details of which can be seen on the attached timetable. Students should come prepared for this with relevant revision materials each day. The revision session will finish and the exam begin, in time for the exam to be completed just before the bell before break, lunch or the end of the school day. Students who have extra time due to their access arrangements may have less revision time in order for them to have their additional time within the sessions planned. Normal lessons will begin again for Y9 from lesson 1 on Thursday 22 nd June and students must come prepared with the correct equipment for this If you have any further questions please contact either the Year 9 Manager or the Exams Office. Good luck to all. Mrs Moat Mr Prager Deputy Headteacher Examinations & Data Manager

Transcript of Dear Parents/Carers, June and Wednesday 21 · PDF file · 2017-05-26Dear...

May 2017

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please find attached the timetable for the forthcoming Year 9 exam period, which takes place

between Monday 19th June and Wednesday 21st June 2017. Students will receive a more detailed

timetable, including which rooms their exams are in, closer to the time.

Students will be expected to attend registration first unless otherwise stated and then make their way

to the exam room if they have an exam. All writing equipment must be in a clear, see-through pencil

case or plastic bag and any water bottles must have their labels removed.

This session will be the first experience of doing some exams in a large hall for some Year 9 students

and must be taken very seriously. There must be silence upon entering and leaving all of the exam

rooms as well as during the exam and exam regulations must be strictly adhered to. This will be an

excellent learning experience for them and will get them used to how exams work well before any

external exams they sit later on in school.

No bags will be allowed into the Sports Hall and the bag room will be P14 and will be open 15 minutes

before the exam start time.

There are opportunities for revision before some of the exams, details of which can be seen on the

attached timetable. Students should come prepared for this with relevant revision materials each day.

The revision session will finish and the exam begin, in time for the exam to be completed just before

the bell before break, lunch or the end of the school day. Students who have extra time due to their

access arrangements may have less revision time in order for them to have their additional time within

the sessions planned.

Normal lessons will begin again for Y9 from lesson 1 on Thursday 22nd June and students must come

prepared with the correct equipment for this

If you have any further questions please contact either the Year 9 Manager or the Exams Office.

Good luck to all.

Mrs Moat Mr Prager

Deputy Headteacher Examinations & Data Manager

Year 7 Maths (Non-Calc) CR 1hr Year 7 History CR 50min Year 7 Maths (Calc) CR 1hr Year 7 Religious Studies CR 50min

Year 8 Maths (Non-Calc) CR 1hr Year 8 History CR 50min Year 8 Maths (Calc) CR 1hr Year 8 Religious Studies CR 50min

Year 9 French Writing CR 40mins Year 9 German Writing SH 40mins Year 9 Geography CR 1hr

Year 9 Italian Writing SH 40mins

Year 9 Spanish Writing SH 40mins

Year 7 Design & Technology CR 1hr

Year 7 German Writing CR 40mins Year 7 Science CR 1hr Year 7 French Writing CR 40min Year 8 Design & Technology CR 1hr

Year 7 Spanish Writing CR 40mins Year 8 Science CR 1hr 15min Year 8 French Writing CR 40mins

Year 8 German Writing CR 40mins

Year 8 Spanish Writing CR 40mins Year 9 Religious Studies CR 1hr 30minsYear 9 Science - GCSE

Progress Exam F/HCR 1hr 30mins

Year 9 History CR 50min

Year 7 Geography CR 1hr Yr 7 English CR 1hr YEAR 9 English SH 45mins

Year 8 Geography CR 1hr Yr 8 English CR 1hr

Maths Paper J/K Non Calc CR 1hr Maths Paper L/M Calc SH 1hr





n 2










Y7-9 END OF YEAR EXAM TIMETABLEThursday 22/06Monday 19/06 Tuesday 20/06 Wednesday 21/06

CR = Classrooms

SH = Sports Hall

Y7 & 8 Back in normal lessons from P4

Normal lessons for Y7-9

Revision time P1 before exam Revision time P1 before exam Revision time P1 before exam

Y9 back in normal lessons

Revision time P1 before exam

Revision time P1 before exam Revision time P1 before exam (Y7&8)

No revision time Y9 No revision time Y9

Revision time P1 before exam (Y7&8)



Y7 & 8 Big Picture Lessons as normal P5 & early finish

22/05/2017 Yr7 to Yr9 End of Year Exam Timetable - Student version.xlsx Y7-9 End of year Exam Timetable


Handy Hints

To keep up your interest, it is

better to revise a variety of

topics each day.

Revise in short periods,

20 - 30 minutes.

Then give yourself a treat.



Ensure you have your exam timetable handy on your


Make a list of all the topics you need to revise for each

subject. If you are not sure ask the Teacher.

Work out how many hours you have available and how

much time you are going to give to each subject.

Decide on the order in which you are going to tackle

your subjects and the topics within them.

Use the revision timetable to record which subjects

and topics you plan to revise each day.

Leave a few revision slots blank so that you can use

them for extra revision of something difficult, or to

have an extra break.

Handy Hints

Be confident!

Ask for help at




Think about how you best remember things -

by reading aloud, writing things down or

drawing diagrams and charts.

If you study by reading aloud, write notes and

leave gaps. Read the notes aloud and fill in

the gaps. Read aloud definitions of key


If you study by writing things down, make a

list of key facts and key words. Remember

how many. Big topics write down and learn

the facts. Draw diagrams without labels.

Step 1: Read through your work - particularly notes you may have.

Step 2: Make revision cards or have a separate book for revision -

you could even do this on the computer. Choose whichever

suits YOU.

Step 3: Learn it! Make sure you choose a method that suits

YOU not your friend - YOU!

Or, you could remember a particular number of points. For example, try to remember how many Safety points there are to remember in a Science or a list of how many causes there were for an event in History.

Test Yourself


M is Movement

R is Respiration

S is Sensitivity

G is Growth and Repair

R is Reproduction

E is Excretion

N is Nutrition

R is …..

N is …..

M is …..

You could use a MNEMONIC. This is a word or phrase made from a set of letters, based on a list. Here’s an example from Science. For the

Signs of Life, the Mnemonic would be MRS GREN:



Year 11, Year 13 and

other exams will be going on.


Be considerate as you go around

the school.

During the exam itself, you

must be quiet at all times.

You may be asked by your teacher to sit in alphabetical


Subject teachers will give you more detail about when

and what it involves.

Remember, you must be quiet when you leave your

room as other people may be doing exams.

Never enter an area which is ‘out of bounds’: there may

be a notice or chairs blocking a corridor to show that

there is an exam nearby.

Avoid: Main Hall/Sports Hall and Gym upstairs & Gym

2 during exam time. Be aware of exams along the top

corridor A39-51 and A25 & A26

If you have PE/Games, the boys should enter the Sports

Hall from the ground floor.

The girls must go into the changing rooms and come out

of the changing rooms IN SILENCE!

Please ensure you read the room changes emailed out to

you every morning.



It is your responsibility to make sure you have everything you

need - with spares - just in case!

As soon as the teacher starts to hand out the paper and the exams,

you MUST be QUIET!!

From that point, you must not talk until you are told you may by your

teacher. This will be when all the papers have been handed in and the

exams in other rooms nearby have finished.

Obviously, you are not allowed to eat during the exams.

During the exam, look at your own paper. DO NOT look at anyone

else’s work.

Do not signal to anyone else during the exam.

If you have a problem or want to ask something, put

your hand up as you would normally do in lessons.



You will need

Pens (perhaps cartridges), pencils,

ruler, eraser, calculator (spare

batteries) and Mathematical

instruments. You may also need

colour pencils for some exams.


You should write in pen, unless you are told not to. If you have

forgotten anything, tell the teacher before the exam starts.


Write your name, form and your Subject Teacher’s name at the start

of your answers, or on the cover of the answer booklet

Write your name on every separate sheet you use.

Check that you have all the questions.

Start to read the questions. DON’T panic. Think about what your

teacher has told you.

Follow instructions carefully.

You will probably find that the number of marks available for each

question is shown in brackets at the end of the questions. Therefore,

make sure you write twice as much for 4 marks as you do for 2 marks.

Write neatly and clearly.

Draw diagrams in pencil and rub out any mistakes carefully.

If you change an answer, make sure it is clear what the new answer is.

If you have done something wrong, draw a line right through it.

Try to answer all the questions. Try not to leave gaps.

If you have time at the end, check your answers carefully.





Mrs Ellenthorpe

Day 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes






Revision Timetable


YR9 topics

The topics that YR9 have covered this year are:

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Calculating with non-integer values

Error and approximation Solving Equations Interpreting Data

Finance and Percentages Algebraic Graphs


Expand and Factorise Quadratic Expressions Probability Polygons

Inequalities Transformations

Congruence and Similarity Indices: Laws and Standard Form

Loci, Plans and Elevations

The tests are written to assess your understanding of topics taught throughout year 9, but also mathematical

concepts that you will have worked on in previous years.

Ensure you are familiar with using your scientific calculator, as it is permitted in one of the papers, and Ipads must not

be used.

Possible Revision Websites, logins and passwords

school login: harrogategs

school password: graph6



There will be one paper, lasting 45 minutes, based on the work you have been doing on ‘The

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’.

You will be given an extract from the novel and one question for which you must refer to the

passage and the novel as a whole. This question will be about a character in the novel.

In order to revise, you should

Be familiar with the story – look at your chapter summaries

Make lists of impressions, key moments and the part played by each character

You will need to quote so should learn 4-5 quotations per character showing their

development through the novel.

You will also need to refer to historical context so look back at your notes on Victorian

England eg the gentleman and attitudes to crime.

In class, you will practise how to answer this kind of question.


Year 9 Geography End of Year Exam revision outline

In preparation for your Year 9 end of year exam you should put together revision notes

on all the topics we have covered this year. Your notes could be in the form of summary

lists, mindmaps or flash cards. You should use information in your books, class resources

on Showbie and possibly revision geography sites like Bitesize or cool geography.

For each topic the specific areas that you should focus on are given below.

Wild Weather

• The effects of a tropical storm.

o Give examples of short and longer term effects.

o Group effects into categories e.g. social, economic, environmental.

o Be prepared to use linked statements to help you to extend descriptions.

• Strategies that can be used to help reduce the risk of tropical storms.

o Give examples of appropriate actions that governments could take.

o Give examples of how people could help themselves.

Penguins and Polar bears

• Changes in Artic Sea ice over time.

o Causes of sea ice change. (Be prepared to be specific and use relevant


o Impacts of sea ice change. (Consider categories of impact.)

Go Nuts!

• Issues in the Amazon.

o The effects of large scale projects such as hydro-electric dams (consider social,

economic and environmental effects).

o Weigh up the benefits and problems of dam projects.

Running Out!

• Time’s running out for Britain’s town centres (CBDs).

o Causes of town centre decline. (Be prepared to give specific details and


o Strategies to help tackle the problem of this decline. (Be prepared to categorise

the possible benefits of particular strategies and to fully consider both positive

and negative impacts. You should also identify possible winners and losers and

consider how the strategy might need to develop over time.)


Year 9 Assessment

Your end of year exam will take the form of a source-based question paper in which

you will need to combine your knowledge of World War One and Field Marshall Haig

in particular, with your ability to analyse sources (written and cartoons).

Revise the following knowledge:

• The Battle the Somme • The role of generals • The different interpretations (historical opinions) of Field Marshall Haig e.g.

whether he was a hero or a butcher

Revise the following skills:

• Identifying the main point / argument from sources • Explaining why the different provenance of sources (who produced it and

when?), might this affect the views given in the sources • Using the provenance of a source to identify the PURPOSE (why was it

produced / what did the person producing it want to achieve?). How might this affect the view of the source?

• PEEL paragraphs explaining the importance of events


Year 9 Religious Studies Revision List

You will need to revise:

Christian Beliefs

o Key words

o Nature of God and the Holy Trinity

o The Creation Story

o Jesus and the Crucifixion, resurrection and after-life

Christian Practices

o Key words

o Worship and Prayer

o Baptism and Holy Communion

o Pilgrimage and Festivals (Easter and Christmas)

o The role of the Church in the Global and local community

o Mission and Evangelism

Islamic Beliefs

o Key words

o Nature of Allah and their Holy books

o The prophets and differences of Shi’a and Sunni Islam

o Belief in life after death and angels

Your assessment will involve some short answer questions worth 1-5 marks and a

12 mark question where you will need to use the PEEL paragraphs that you have

been practicing all year for each of the three topics you have learnt about. Use the

resources in Showbie and on FireFly to help you.

Use the resources in Showbie and on FireFly to help you.


Year 9 End of Year Revision Exam Topics Biology The Biology component of the end of year exam will assess content from section B1.1. of the GCSE

Biology specification. The main principles in this are:

- Animal cells - Using microscopes - Plant cells - Diffusion - Prokaryote and eukaryotes - Cell specialisation and cells - Tissues and organs.

Visit Kerboodle pages 4-15 in the GCSE Biology online textbook for support with this.


The Chemistry component of the end of year exam will assess content from section C1.1. of the

GCSE Chemistry specification. The main principles in this are:

- Atoms and elements (P4-5)

- Chemical Equations (from previous KS3 work) (P6-7)

- Separating mixtures: Distillation, filtration, evaporation, chromatography (P8-9)

- History of the atom

- Atomic structure including ions and isotopes

- Electron configuration (for first 20 atoms)

Visit Kerboodle pages 4-21 in the GCSE Chemistry online textbook for support with this.


The Physics component of the end of year exam will assess content from section P1 of the GCSE

Physics specification. The main principles in this are:

- Energy transfers

- Work, energy and power

- Efficiency

- Heat transfer by conduction

- Ways to reduce waste energy

- Energy resources (renewable and non-renewable).

Visit Kerboodle pages 4-7, 14-21, 24-29, 32-33, 36-45 in the GCSE Physics online textbook

for support with this.

Kerboodle: To access Kerboodle visit: To log in your username will be your first

initial followed by your surname. Your password will initially be set the same. The institution code is


Please use AQA GCSE Science 9-1. In this section go to the digital book tab and select the relevant






Below is an outline of the main topics and grammar that have been covered this year. Revise these areas by using notes from your exercise book and Showbie:

Topics Grammar

Television, music and


- Words for types of

programmes, types of music

etc, giving opinions on them

and saying when/how often

you do them.

Sports and activities

- Words for types of hobbies,

giving opinions on them and

saying when/how often you

do them.

Health and illnesses

- Words for body parts and

saying what’s wrong.

Food and drink

- Words for these, including

giving opinions on them and

saying when/how often you

eat/drink them.


- Words/phrases for types of

weather and what you do in

different types of whether.

Daily Routine

- Words/phrases for saying

what you do in a typical day,

including giving timings and


When you were younger vs

today – How to compare the

past to the present.

Present Tense - Regular and Irregular verbs in different persons e.g. je joue (I play),

j’habite (I live), j’achète (I buy), je bois (I drink), il mange (he eats), nous regardons

(we watch)

Perfect (Past) tense – e.g. j’ai joué (I played), j’ai mangé (I ate), j’ai bu (I drank), je

suis allé (I went)

Imperfect (Past) tense – e.g. je jouais (I used to play), j’étais (I was/used to be),

j’avais (I had/used to have)

“Near“ Future tense - e.g. je vais jouer (I’m going to play), je vais manger (I’m

going to eat), nous allons regarder (we are going to watch), il va aller (he is going

to go)

“Simple” Future tense - e.g. je jouerai (I will play), j’irai (I will go), je mangerai (I

will eat), je ferai (I will do)

Reflexive verbs – e.g. je me lève (I get up), je m’habille (I get dressed)

Modal verbs – e.g. je dois aller (I must go), je veux manger (I want to eat)

Adjectives - describing words e.g. passionnant (exciting), ennuyeux (boring), génial


Qualifiers – e.g. assez (quite), très (very), vraiment (really)

Opinion Phrases followed by infinitives – e.g. je déteste jouer (I hate playing),

j’aime aller (I like going), je n’aime pas regarder (I don’t like watching)

Opinions over three tenses – c’est... (it is...), c’était... (it was...), ce sera.. (it will


Justified opinions – parce que .../ car ... (because ...)

Connecting words e.g. cependant (however), mais (but), et (and)

Negatives - e.g. je ne mange jamais (I never eat), je ne bois rien (I drink nothing), je

ne fume plus ( I no longer smoke)

Time Phrases - e.g. souvent (often), quelquefois (sometimes), de temps en temps

(from time to time), le weekend dernier (last weekend), demain (tomorrow)

Sequencing events – e.g. puis (then), après cela (after that)

Possessives – e.g. mon frère (my brother), ma mère (my mum), mes amis (my


YEAR 9 GERMAN If you go to and find the set called “STIPETIC Y9 German top 100 revision list” you will find a list of 100 words and phrases that are handy to revise. This could be a good starting point to your revision. However, this is your full checklist of what you need to revise. You should know… - how to say which hobbies you do, using the following verbs correctly in the present tense: spielen, hören, machen, gehen, fahren, lesen, sehen, arbeiten, kaufen. - how to make a question to ask someone about their hobbies. (e.g. Spielst du Fußball? – Do you play football?) - how to use “gern”/”sehr gern”/”nicht gern” for giving opinions. (e.g. ich sehe gern fern – I like watching TV) - that you use “es ist…” for “it is…” but as an exception “es macht Spaß” = “it is fun” - how to give a justified opinion (e.g. ich esse gern Pommes denn sie sind lecker). - the difference between using “denn” and “weil” and be able to use both effectively. - the words for a broad range of adjectives (e.g. spannend - exciting, gefährlich – dangerous etc) - the words for a broad range of qualifiers. (e.g. besonders – particularly, äußerst – extremely etc) - the words for a broad range of connectives. (e.g. aber – but, obwohl – although) - how to say how often you do something, using a range of time phrases. (e.g. jeden Tag – every day, machmal – sometimes etc) - the verb second idea rule and be able to apply it properly. (e.g. Jeden Tag höre ich Musik) - the words for a range of different types of TV programmes, e.g. die Nachrichten = the news, Quizsendungen – quiz programmes) and be able to give opinions / information about them. - how to make a past tense using “ich habe … ge_” / “ich bin … ge_” (e.g. ich habe Fußball gespielt / ich bin nach Berlin gefahren.”) - how to give an opinion on a past tense event, using “es war …” or “ich habe es … gefunden” - the words for a wide range of different foods and drinks (e.g. Eier = eggs, Gemüse = vegetables). - how to give justified opinions on foods and drinks, including using a range of qualifiers, connectives and adjectives - the words for all numbers up to 100. - how to tell the time. - how to say what you eat and drink at different times and meals of the day. - how to give an account of a past trip into town and say what you bought on a recent shopping trip. - how to use “ich werde” correctly in a sentence and be able to give information on future events. - how to say what other people will do (for higher marks) e.g. “Ich werde Fußball spielen, aber mein Bruder wird Rugby spielen.” - the words for different items of clothing (e.g. Hose = trousers, Kleid – dress) - how to say what you wear, wore, will wear and like wearing. - how to say how much pocket money you get, who gives you it and what you spend it on. - how to say whether you have a part time job, with your opinion on it. - the words for a range of different types of jobs. (e.g. Lehrer = teacher, Zahnarzt = dentist) - how to say what job would like to do in the future and why, as well as what you would not like to do and why. - how to sequence the events that you would like to do in the future (zuerst möchte ich …, danach werde ich … = firstly I would like to …, after that I will …)


Below is an outline of the main topics and grammar that have been covered this year. Revise these areas by using notes from your exercise book, relevant Quizlet sets and Showbie:

Topics Grammar

Free time and the media - Words for types of programmes, types of films, sports and hobbies, giving opinions on them and saying when/how often you do them. School

- Words for school subjects, facilities, adjectives to give opinions including on teachers and their personality, comparatives, activities at school, future plans.


- Words for transport, countries, holiday activities, weather expressions and adjectives to give opinions.

Health and illnesses - Words for body parts and saying what’s wrong, advice from the pharmacist, opinions on healthy eating and exercise. Shopping for clothes

- Words for clothes, adjectives to give opinions.

Present Tense - Regular and Irregular verbs in different persons e.g. juego (I play), hago (I do/make), voy (I go), compro (I buy), bebo (I drink), come (he eats), bebemos (we drink), estudian (they study)

Preterite (Past) tense (used for completed actions) – e.g. jugué (I played), comí (I ate), bebí (I drank), fui (I went), fuimos (we went), comieron (they ate), estudié (I studied)

Imperfect (Past) tense (used for description or something that you used to do) - e.g. llevaba (I used to wear) , era (it was), tenía (it had), había (there was), estudiaba (I used to study),

Future tense - e.g. voy a jugar (I’m going to play), voy a comer (I’m going to eat), vamos a bailar (we are going to dance), va a ir (he is going to go), van a visitar (they are going to visit)

Adjectives - describing words e.g. emocionante (exciting), aburrido (boring), genial (awesome), divertido (fun),

Qualifiers – e.g. bastante (quite), muy (very), verdaderamente (really), un poco (a bit), tan (so)

Infinitive structures – e.g. odio jugar (I hate playing), me gusta ir (I like going), no me gusta ver (I don’t like watching), no soporto llevar ( I can’t stand to wear), voy a estudiar ( I am going to study), me gustaría vivir (I would like to live), tengo que comer ( I have to eat)

Opinions over three time frames – es... (it is...), fue/era... (it was...), será.. (it will be...)

Justified opinions – porque/dado que/puesto que/ya que ... (because ...)

Connecting words e.g. y (and), sin embargo (however), pero (but), aunque (however) también (also/too), no obstante (nonetheless)

Negatives - e.g. no juego (I don’t play), nunca como (I never eat)

Time Phrases - e.g. a menudo (often), a veces (sometimes), de vez en cuando (from time to time), el fin de semana pasado (last weekend), mañana (tomorrow), en el futuro (in the future), el año pasado (last year), el año que viene/el año próximo (next year), normalmente (normally)

Sequencing events – e.g. por la mañana (in the morning), por la tarde (in the afternoon/evening), por la noche (at night), luego (then), después (after)

Possessives – e.g. mi hermano (my brother), mi madre (my mum), mis amigos (my Friends), mi familia y yo (my family and I)

Modal verbs – e.g. hay que (one must ), tengo que (I have to), tenemos que (we have to), debemos (we should)


Below is an outline of the main topics and grammar that have been covered this year. Revise these areas by using notes from your exercise book and Showbie:

Topics Grammar

Personal information

Hobbies and preferences


House and Home


Daily routine

Helping around the house

Pocket money and part time



Present tense – a wide range regular and irregular verbs

using different persons and in new contexts

Perfect tense – a wide range of regular and irregular verbs

in different persons and in new contexts

Future tense – a wider range of regular and irregular verbs

in different persons and in new contexts

Reflexive verbs

Use of a wider range of connectives, qualifiers, time

phrases and justified opitions

Use of a wider range of adjectives and nouns in a variety

of topic areas