Dear diary The Japanese tsunami 2011 march the 11 th was worst disaster ever to happen to japan in...


Transcript of Dear diary The Japanese tsunami 2011 march the 11 th was worst disaster ever to happen to japan in...

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  • Dear diary The Japanese tsunami 2011 march the 11 th was worst disaster ever to happen to japan in all of the history. The people who lived will never forget that day and honor the people who died that day. If you want to see a video of it click here if you do not want to watch you may continue reading. Tsunami happens when a earthquake breaks the seafloor sending big waves because the air is pushing it to create waves of destruction. Which makes the waves going at 50 km/h or 31 mph destroying any thing in its way,here
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  • Dear diary Today there was a tsunami we where scared if you want to see a video click here if you do not want to watch it continue reading. It happened on the 11 th of march 2011. many people died that day so we will respect those who died. The tsunami was terrible it happened the same day as the Japanese one. It was terrible that day family's where torn apart houses ripped to pieces all because of a earthquake. they will never
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  • Dear diary Many people died we will always respect those who died it was a tragty. if you want to watch a video click here. It happened on the 26 th of December on 2004. people will never forget what happened that day. It started with a earthquake than turned in to a tsunami. Worst tsunami in the world it took at least 200,000 people in 14 countries. So it will always be remembered by people who had witnessed it and survived
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  • Dear diary It happened on July 17 th 2006 killed at least 654 people. We will always respect those who died that day. It was a 7.7 magnitude quake striking and creating a tsunami. If you want to see a video click here if you do not want to watch the video continue reading. It tore trees from there roots buildings
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  • Dear diary It happened April the 2 nd of 2007 it was a 8.0 magnitude earth if you want to see a video click here if you do not continue reading. The tsunami kills 52 displaces thousands of people. those who died will always be respected in many ways. People lost loved ones that they wish they could of said
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  • Dear diary It happened September 29 th 2009 it was a 8.0 magnitude it killed more than 190 people. If you want to see a video click here if you do not want to watch the video continue reading. Some people died most lived to tell the story of the tsunami. here
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  • Dear diary It happened on February 27 th 2010 it was a 8.8 earthquake. It killed at least 521 people many died we will always respect those who died that day. If you want to watch a video click here. here
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  • Gap in the seafloor
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