[Dean Vitner] SQL Server “Denali” Contained Databases

download [Dean Vitner] SQL Server “Denali” Contained Databases

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Transcript of [Dean Vitner] SQL Server “Denali” Contained Databases

SQL Server Denali Contained DatabasesDean Vitner

The problem Logically, a database is a basic, self-contained unit But... A database depends a lot on the environment Different settings on different instances Collations Linked servers Logins This makes it hard to move a database from one instanceto another


The solution Contained database All important settings are contained inside the database Everything travells along with the database when wemove it

Is it contagious?


Item User Data (default) Temp Data (default) Metadata Temporary Metadata Variables Goto Labels Cursor Names

Non-Contained Database DATABASE_DEFAULT TempDB Collation DATABASE_DEFAULT TempDB Collation Instance Collation Instance Collation Instance Collation


Application vs Management model Application model Objects contained inside the database Metadata (sys.tables etc) Users with passwords User tables Management model Objects outside the database Instance-level functions Divided by application boundary

Application boundary Divides application and management model The idea was to put everything that logically belongs toapplication model into a database

Everything else is part of management model Features Outside of the Application Model:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff929118(v=SQL.110).aspx

Application model In SQL Server code name Denali: Users without login #temp object collations are always database_default Catalog collation is always: Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS PARTIAL containment only

DEMO 3 & 4

Loginless users Logged in to the instance as guests Must have default database specified in connection string Both for SQL and Windows logins Precede same-name logins CREATE USER xxx WITH PASSWORD = 123QWERTY sp_migrate_user_to_contained

Is my database contain-able? sys.dm_db_uncontained_entities dynamic managementview

database_uncontained_usage Xevent User with login Dynamic SQL xp_cmdshell sp_send_db_mail ...

DEMO 5 & 6

What is it good for? Failover in mirroring or log shipping scenarios Consolidation Testing Deploying applications All editions No performance hit

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