De posita, Div . ot S3e Treae . Dept. (Reorganiza tion) · PDF file ·...

Deposita, Di v. ot S3e Treae . Dept. (Reorganization)

Transcript of De posita, Div . ot S3e Treae . Dept. (Reorganiza tion) · PDF file ·...

Deposita, Div . ot S3e Treae . Dept. (Reorganization)


l I

Depres61on 94 See Business Conditions

de So l a Pocl , l'r. , David See I r11.q

, r

Destr oyers See \4e.r ConditionB: Ships



See War Coad1 tion•

See alao 'Book• 290 303

•troi"t t l 'ieh. s:lfi ferd pJ,.ante at Willow Run and Dearbor n •

I nspection trip by l~elsen, Capt . Lyttl e ton , a.nd Hl!Jr discussed by HJ.'Jr &nd Nelson 6/3/42 536• 16

DotroH, i.! ~•e Speech• • by Hl!Jr 662

' )

Detroit • t'ieh . See Speeche u by Hl.'Jr

Detroit Citizen• League See Branch BAnking 655

D~Ml, a. 11M~. Coot. I w- SarlJI&o ·­

(Di~ tuM)

BootW 50)


Devaluetloo of Dollar FOR indicates he will seek to keep:

emer eency power to devalue dollar ) 81 10/ 6/36 41-~J a ) H.WJr d iccusses s t atement •·it.b

uclotyre; c onsiders s tatement maJor mistake; thinks wha t FOR meant was continu&tion of Stabilization ~'und 10/ 7/)6

l:r) Comment ln London peper s 6<>-68 69-70

Devil' a I el and ':re.nefer of convicts fr 0r.1 Puerto Rico (wt-ore they

are now in jail and urdor cnre or lmaaigration Service) to Guadeloupe 6/2/41 •O) t 31

Dftey, Cbarao a. c~-. m.) .. Po-t_... Pl.ulldllc: ~ llt..ltWat'--

-~ 711 719

....,, eli. •• s. (~ii; m~r :·- ·· ··· .. c - ••to4ar na-1111• ~-u. ~ ~.,7 0

lrnt. •••• I.B.

~i~~-.., ~ .

~,~ ~•'"-'


32 ~tll""a. . ~, 'i'.t"~j t\\1\ ~;,r.~\\1,1\i.;Q-i-f\....,, 1 .. ....._.{> \...\~ '" <t..,.. ·~1\r)l,.,...,.I-\Vf"'~";-,

0 a;. , IH·•J~ k\..., 'll .. h_ .... "><\.v i), ~\,. a\ 1jlu\j~~ _...,.."'lii V ")(,.b. i~ \'I'M~~~ ·~~lL j 1~o\h•lf,1:>w..i,

(l)\ , i"'"~ ' c...w

Dewey, 'l'hoo, 1. (Republ1c1U1 no•inee for Preo., 19llo) See :r11Wlct~ , OO'Yt.

D-.y, !boo. t..(4 ... , II.Y.) 640 4 .. FU.ucing, Ont •• Yar S.Yiftll Bolldo

' (Orpailati• Pluo)

D ... y, Tboo. t, ( ..... bliOd ~io tw I?••·• 1~~) BulliYU•Nunaa - rogardl.rlc poooiblo -1 ~ ..,

cr1t1c1• ot pre•ent t- rnNUM law 8/30/« 7671 11,

Dewey, Thoe. J:, (Republican Cudidato t ... ,... ••• , 19«)7 See Taxation

DtVind, Adrian V, See Deferment a, Mil1tar7 701

Dexter, . C. (tfnitar i a.n Service Coa.) See War R• fur;ee !la . 713

Dexter, Robt . C. •· See Wor Refuc;ec !ld. : Port.ugul 7?2

Diamond T llotor Car Co. - Chieego , Ill. See Intletion• Excea• Protite 519

Diuon4t s .. War Cond.Uiont

See alto Bookt 239 340 3f3 at6 2!i6 264


Diamonds See liar Conditions: Foreign P'w!ds Control (Netherla nds)


Dl ckennon, Ur . (Nntl. Locomotive loorka) 2 2. See Self - l1quidnt1ng Projects: RnUronds

IHoktreoa ,-a~ A, · · · · .... · " · · · 7 r:2 See l'r'oour.,..,t DiYot lurpl• l'r'opertJ, Die-al ot

Di .. Coaiu-Oliplumt MIOO wsrn1., "«!'IDot i~ori.y; Ulio 111>4

oilllilAr «'""UJlO 12/15/'JS 1561 215

Dice Cotl.':l! t tee

r clc gr:.m f r om Co!1f;rco~ n J . Pw-ncll Tho....::.s to P'JR concerniot:" dclcy in re-iccucnco of ::Xccut.ive Order pcr.:Jittil"l€ Cotl:l.ittee to cxaoine t llx returns 5/12/39 1119, =n

Dies Co..llllttee t.hitley, rtftea (CO\L"lscl):

5/ 19/39 Foley -cmo concerning

190: ' 86

Dies Colllllll.ttee loa Corcoran and fDIJr diiCU81; Hli.Tr wnl Dot abuse

police powers given to h1a 12/29/39 2321 JJ

Dieolllart~?. c.,.,...,'l't..\... $20 , 000 tronoaoti .. clra• by 'lootriok, - 509

Germaa ageai, in ta••r et pr••· et 'l'uaa C.. nontlally roaohin& ill DiH cliocuooocl by Ickoo one! HIUr 3/l9/42 509• 55

a) Oaoton •-• 51,58

\r) ~~~ ......._~I '' \~" S1o "'\ ..r,.-

C..) \,.'1.;\L ~ \....! I ol. """ .... \..-, ._.~,;_,

).., .. ,... ""-·~ ·. ''"""' ~""-""' ""~'h S"t;·.14-

1)~-o ·:~(.

Dieo G..muoo Inveeti&ation• diacuaaed by Biddle and HMJr S14

4/ 9/ 42 5t4 o ]l4

ec..!ttee .., •""""-i- AeUrtt.lee .. Illt.eMl .._, ....... ~

,_ 718 7)2 747 750

Dies ' "Gerr"..a.n i.1tite Paper" i•iley memo 11/28/40

Lie( ::; .. ., !nv~stigations (Character)

uuo L1H or Goo~. roroo1111u See U..-Aioeriou .lctiYitiee

D1otr lch, N&rlene A~tka Tress. t.o look after W'r. RelltU'que


Dietrich, tJorlene Sct.tlet:tent of tax claim before sailing discussed

a t 9: 30 ceeting 6/U/39 195: :Z66, 282,)05

HMJ'r-Di tole phone converstlt l on JOl

Dietrich , Uarlene lC.:Jr o~its for resumd: atte:nrted nrrcnt , etc .

6/15/39 To1egrom of nppreciatiou 6/15/39 Graves 1 memo on f i nal outcooe

197: 1 11 17

Di etrich , Marlene HLIJr unable t o ae• 5221 250

5 ' >•> ' ._._ •/30/ •2

Dietrich , llor leno Ta.x 1itu.tion dhcuued b·, Tl-ee a . group

5/22/• 2 .

~:w· 5)01 265

Diet r ich , firlene Tu defic i ency and trezen funds diac uued

by Hl!Jr and Grav08 6/ 25/42

Dioii, Ho•td {veiro-¢o1dwya-l!ayet ) 4•• tnnati•n


ll1n, I.cnll.o A.rrlTal in I. T. an4 intention o! beeo•i.Dc .&.1. e1Us•

roporhd b7 Co~"" 7/13/40 2821 278, aet

q,n\i~.~....,\,.\1 R Sol~ f<-<\\i, \)~

Dlgte. l!ar ehal l See Comptroller of Currency


See aleo Joolu 127

Diggs , llnr shall Provides H?JJr with pl an f or c .msolldating bank

supervisory agencies 12/8/JS 1 55: 221.

introduce to HMJr 337: 59

Dlllon , Robert .1.. (A .. t . Dlr. of Public Relatlono) 697 See Deferment•, Militacy

Ditueia, Franci a X. Soe Occupied Terr i t orie•• Italy 653

Dipl o.,..He I.J,unHy crrtee of Ceneorohip-St a.t e - Treaa . c:or r os .

eonce rning r ead.t tareeo d e :i f or ene" y terr itor y 5/1/ H,


7261 93

Diplo,.He P•ssporis See Occupied Territor i es: l!orth Africa

Diplo,..He Poueh See Fore ien Funde Control

See al•o .look• 576 57l 5?2 5?5 5?? 5?8

Dipl ~"'t•:Hc Repr es entlj tivee ,tereic:n See Revenue Rev i eion 1 Excise nutee

Diplomats (A.D.) Abroed See Revenue ~vision

Dir ect or Coner o.l of n.aUroads Soo Rai l r oad Alui niot r ution

Di1agre.-nt1 See Covt. Ott ichl• 650

-4 I

L -·

. 1M" -......,...j - 'tl .. \~ c..~

f!"' "l, '- J....., ~ u "\a....: b·~""' h--.1 ""''t So-so ,~-........_ ; •'·\\ 1"'\,.rl- J 4~ \., F>:>R

Go.\\,~ 1 ._~)., 4..\"'-"'<. ..., t, "-1n~ ~~ ~ ... ~ -... . ..4 i u..: ~k ·~ ~!};- '/ • .-~.,

;;;, 1,...

Dioburse.aent s , Govt. l Delegat ion of authority to lu:lbo snodors in foreign

countries and tho bonding of t hese Ambas sadors discussed a t 9: JO meeting 6/21./ JS 131 : 141

Dilblll'-ta, 'h-o&o. . · · · ' •i Enclo•ur•• in en'felopeet lDUr t o a_.pprOTe all ot u.-. -

dileuooioa by Tro&o. gro~p 8(22/44 764• 164

1b;·, ,.., :>

Dismissal Compen58.tlon See Defense, Natl.

Diomiual. e ... ponoaHon Soo Poot-!ar hannin& 653

Dismissal Wages See Social Security 433

Dismieoal 'Nege Cer tHieateo See Social Security

Dis11ey 1 "lnl t Soo \ovl' t.ue 1.eviuir r. : :.:!eke;, ··?u:-( "iL'!i. ..,., ,.,


Disney, Walt JJieg i vings concerning "propegenda • films

r eported to Kuhn J/6/ 42 505

505: 126

D10noy, waa Reader'• Digeat prepeaecl fila aeri ea -

Kuha •- 3/ 24/ 42

) .. o 5101 208

Disney, Walt See Finaneinc , Govt . t War Savin&• Bonde

See a l so Boot 562

(h \- ;\\~ \ t,··~ ~ .,,\;\...."\\..._

s~~ -J.~,~ 4

Diotilled Spirits Trotiiuie See Liquor

71 0

Diatlllere ( .. tl.) See Liquor

District of Columbia Sea Housing lOti

Dietrict or olW~\-.h. :lectrlc rower J larts - •r&lyeil r: r

1 l/20/42

Oividn"'d s ~ec t\evenus Revi "S!C'n

Divtdeods See Taxat l.on 61 4

Dixon , Robert {b r other-in-law of Fred Vlns cn) ~hort:1t;e in acct . in Staop Di vision t. Covlneton ,

Doughtm askr tr.W'r to i.nvcstL "lte 7/1"/1? ~J: 28

Djomgoroff, George See fi•h, Hamilton

DNB Germany 8)0:

Dodge Auto111oblle Co. PBI r eport (attached) acknowledged 5/ 29/40

2671 280

Dod s on , Albert See Appts. and ~eaienotion•

jl>ocrs, Guide (S..JD&-.,_) See Blind Persons

S.. aloo Book 468


D101itr 1 i'rUikHto (J>ru., J>rudenHli Lito I••• Co.) See FinancinE, Oort. • 'War Savinc• BoDIIlo 6 4 6

Dollar flill See Currenc y

Dollar Securities Owned Abroed See Conditions : Aceric<..n Securiti es Ovmed Abroad

See al1o Jook 234

Dollar Steaaabip Line See llercotice 3

Dolltl!' S-ip LiM I ' 11<:.\doo (h. ~l'b'bo) diOOlOMO wi lh !IIIJr ohi-\0

of bullion fro• ·.hlaUc porto 11/29/}S

153• }43

Dollar-a- year Wen I ncome t ax i nveotic:rtions: Di scussi on of 4'>8

8/5/1,1 1.28: 13' ,1'7,1' a ) PLrker (r.~ . A. ) ' or Bock and Gr ebG

HDrdwnre Co., Atlant.u , Ga . - cBse of '/V./1,1: Bk . M!J., p . 48

1) FDR d iss pproves a ppt . t o O?ll 10/17/41 : Bk . ill, , . 45

Dollar-a -:rear t.!cn I ndlcctcd dc!'~noo er;cnc::.cs dclc-.,t•ted r:uthor lty 455

b:,· FDR t o select c:..nd c:»"'l o,:,- cert• Ll inJiv:Juolo, tcr!l::> and c on 1ltlo:Js ~re::;crlbed 10/30/£1 4~' : t.?

Dollar-a-;rear 11811 See Defense, Hatl.

Dominlcnn Republic See Lat i n Ame rica

See also Book 484


Dominican Republic See Fish, ton SlG

Dom1n1C811 Repabllc See Pollt. ....... l'l.aul.nct ~ atabWMti<a

Book 6911 m 742

Dont.huo, Ed ... rd J. (Sur. o~ Ent;. l Pru.) See Deferment• , Uilitary 682

De~d Duck r11!'' "The "" 5p1rn· Beokingo, 2/8 te 4ete 3/ll/42

}/ .... \On ..

Donham , l'lnllace B. (Harvard Univ.) For resume' of experience , sec Book 187, p. 69

See War Cond1Uons: PurchAs1f'J.g Minion 333, Mic:bael J . (Bur. of inc- & Prt«.) See Deferment s , MU ltary


Donovan, r.m. J . (Col. ) Seo i'•c r Condition~: Lend- Lease 384

Dono...,, 11'11. J. (Col. ) See War Condltion6: Balkans

Donovon , Col. Vi'm. J. See Coordi rwt or of Infot"!::a t i on 422

Donovnn, Col. Wm. J . (Coor:li na t or of Info. ) •l ()1 See Treas . Representntives Abroad

Dononn, 11. J. ("ili 1l") See Inveot igntione and Surveillance

Donovan, Major General ·:11111am J . (OSS) 8)1 Germany 8)1 : 11)

Danove.rt , -;;r"', J, (OS$) s,e !nt ellic ence Service (Central)

n •• b. W.O,c..C' See Financing , Govt.t War Sa'Yinc• Bond• 64 9

(3roi Wa r Loan Dri .. )

Dool~e, Js.mee ( Brie. Gen. }

Thanko Hl:Jr for autogrophed pi ctur e t aken a t . '·) ·::olter Reed Hos~ltol 7/31/ • 2 555• 332

DooHHte, ~entra1 See Financing, Oo•t.l War Saving• Bondi 653

(3rd War Loan Drive)

Doolittle, "Jinnie" See F i nanci ng , C:ovt. 1 War Savi ngs Bond•

DooHtU•, •JJ...i.• See Cbilla 633

Oooiif.U• raid. S• • Chi na 646

Doriot, Col. Georges F. (!;.uartermeater Corps) See Canada

. ..., , ......

~l~ , L~ ~ s~~ ~\. .. bk~tr .. +, ·~


Dougherty 1 Anthony 5•• Deferments, Kilita.ry

Do~~ghorty, Anthony See Defermente, W:ilit~Lry

~W > ~o\..\ l. C~a.u ,1\ .c') 4

~ ~.,..l ~\41 ~ l'b'~~ <\4 -(_ _f"

~-\-n,) Rob.-\"L . ( ~,""Y\ (J 6

~ ~6..1 {'Af ~ ~1 ... ,~,--tJ:: ,;-'\ , t:J..J A\u~A {,..\o\ kil ~l,,\ 1tv:t- :.-\

Dou,;ht..;on , Robert L. (~onL'l"SSEilo"ill , U.C ~ ) ~.xED J..i xon , n.obcrt (brother·-in-ls~~o· ,_f Frf"d Vinson) :

Shor tvt,;e in ucct . i1 "'t: n1l J i vts ion nt Covint;ton , Ky . : Doq :·1._.on as\1-s HM.Jr t o \nve£ti.;Bte 7/13/39 703: 28

Kitcl1in , i.J.i l ls: unhnp~.J)' at , pt . ; i.louentm a sks 1I:.:Jr · o consi ier ~];: :L,L hi in '"':-eos . 7/ 13/39 30

Dolli!hton, Robt . L. (Congree9!D&ll, li.C.) See Revenue Revi s loo

See al1o .Book• 608 592 609


Dnu' 1 o-r1 , f{flh· , L . \ l'CJ1e; r ... e~8lalll , . (..; ~ }

~ee Fir&:l'l"~l"t: , "iovt . t ··: .. r =• ~ret. "'N·••

Douchton, l<O'bt. L. _\Con&relllll&n, N.C.} o'•13 HMJr 1a conT. v lth aft er Daughton'• re turn from

h 01pltal 3/ 2/43 613: 134

Ooughton, Aoht. L. (eongreeOtWI, !I.e.) for connent on Payr oll Savinc• Plan

eee Fi nane i ng • CoTt. 1 ':YSB


Dou~_tont Robt . L •. ( 1 N.e . ) HW'r eongratul11.tee 11/10/44 793 • lll

Douglas , • Lnie •. See Budget, Director of 2

~,\.w.;~ ~ -~·a·~'n '::0 - ~..~ -~ ~,_, '---i- ~lik .,~, ~'lluol-:-· "k~;,- :IJ;r li'j

hi. .• '="'a..b,.;,~ •1.'-... r .... ...._, -~ .• k ~ 91>


lloucJ..o.o, X..wlo l'i. See Mutul Ltte Ineuranc:e Co •• I. T.

Dous;le.e , Lew:i e r! .

~eo Spoor"hee by HJ(Jr (Ar.\her l'lt addt·eea) 40G

Douglu, L ... io w. See Financing , OOTt. • Deten•• S.•inc• Bcmd• q<)1

Douglas 1 Lewi e See ShiP! in&

56 if

Douglao, lin..,.. Soo OCD -l ( ..

· Do1...:lao t ~· e vyn ~el"' ~t&.t/' '"'t" r t" u ; 4 eens

Douglaa, Wm. o. (SEC) See Business Conditions

Doucla11. W'm. o. 7 Cont1rmed aa J u.et1ee of 9up!'eme Court: tella FY.Jr

llnoetatton wi th h im s tan\ I out abo..e e,.er~h1ng ehe ; understard1ng w11h rtcttrd to Tretnsamer1ea bAa been completely explllined to 1'renk ri ! i ehner 4/4/Y3 176: 91

Dou:, a e , ... 11'1 . 0. -! uetl ce See tit a.rc .ht 1 r.ovt . t ':,'&r S&vit.:, a or-.cle

(\.'&lb \'..ill &, ~·w. ..,h . )

Dou&los1 V'm. O. ( JuH.lee, Sur . ct. ) See Gen . Counsel , Of fjce of

See al•o Book 618


Dou&l ns l.ircraft Co . r:L,ll St.. J ou.rnal st ry: '"Chcn;>er , ud C:JS!er t.o

f1nc..nce c.! re&d t : n rt hoce" 7/ 1'3/,Q 20): 6 a) ·c.:.rr calls t o .... R' s

Dou&].as Aircraft Co. See War Conditi ons: Airplanes

Dow, Frank ("'ureau of Cus to:ns) Sec Cus toiils , b urcb u of


Do"ding, Sir Hugh (Air ::,rohLl} Sec :·.nr Conditlon:: : ,·

See alto Book 3?t5

Dnwl ' .,£, Jt~r.,e e

See Ch:l:na

Do,es , Olin (l'us l e Crlt'c , ll . Y. Tl~es) See Finnnc ·rte , Covt .t D~f .. ns '! S•w1--:rs Ronde

Dowr."'!', S~er! ~c.r. ('··· na. l,r , "~ , i f". , ::; .... ~rnl- ,.f' l. ed ....

See aleo Book 636

.. .. I I

Dows , Olin See Financing, Covt . (Defense Bonds, U. S. )

See a l 1o Book 499

Dowa, Olin 1 'Jr censulta D. concern ;n& fee to be paid J e i sseJt 11

who is paiut i ng in 'i're.w.s . for IC'Jr peraona lly

~~z ~· m

Doyl e , \.fr e . Honr y Gr a t tan See Appte . ond P.ceienati 674

Ooyl• , l 'r e. Henry CroHan 6 8 5 Child 6&r e f acH1ties 1 liJ'Jr aske for rspurt. on

l Z/20/< 3 ~85 t 216

.. ) -;).J. .... ,.:r.,'f" ( c'~.~·v ... ~--' ~.~, '"1"""~,~.~ .... ~...>\. -~· • ..t. " "I I

'' ~~ I. H ·. -1<>

Da7lo, ..... a...,. Gn.ttall S.. l!lllpl- a.lot1Clllo, freuuey

Boot 690 691 WI 722 ?If

Doyle, Mra. BenJ7 Grattan Soo Public Debt, llur. of ( Chle&f;O, Ill. )

71 G

Doyle, Ure. Henry Gr attan Paci!'ic Coae t office• to be vieited


Deylo, !.!rG. Her.:-y ~rattan Soo AI;pts . e.nd Roaignu.ti r c. :1

Do:::cnbc:-c, lic k Secn·t. ~er :icc leks u;> in Bf'nd, OI"f'f on' rcp'JtE"d

Co::.'luni::.t , O<i111J Bf ent :/U/9 :':-'0 : f.'l

Drttee;er 5h it rir>~ Co. See Fore.ig,n runde Cont rol 571

See aleo Book 574

Draft Dottratllt :~2G Treas. pol1C7 to be Y8T7 •trict - HMJr tell• 9130 sroup aod a aka Bell aod TboiiiP•on to confer v1tb hia about detallt 10/31/40 3261 318

Cont.: pruent: HM.Jr . Bell, Oat ton, l'ol~, !bompton 10/'SJ./40 347

Draft Deferment iDUr, Bell , O.tton, 'ol •7• Sullh·an, and

!'ho~tpao:1 dhcuaa Treae. proce4urt 11/28/40 332: 191

Drart, t•i l ihr~· Sel ective Service Men 1 Chuwifie .. tiona c .. r d ~ ~ i

100/i;iven to 7re... 9/2• / <2 571 • 27< "'t f ort Oix , t! . J . ,

Drafto .. , Credit to Retail Mrchantt rettr1ctlnc credl t t o aen

bet-.een the ages of 21 M d 31 beeaute of Cbo Conocrlption kt 1 I'll I report 288 : 127

Dr1Reoll, Wm. (Col. of Int. ReT. - Pttt•bur~, ""-.) Se e PoliticAl Acthitiefl of TreA!I .xhi hployeee

I U "V l NlN"MUL" • 55 See Foreign Funde Ccntrel

See Fr rei.;·n i'unda Control a Blllh r, Karl Frhdrieh )(}

S o:< ""~ · La~ 6{J;,D "2.-~. j,-f &-\.-.~ ,J._ ,..W \vi. h....l..oj1 FJ .c, \...,

C..... -.l~ ·, ~. F""'" r,.f} ~ .1 :

(...,.._ "-h .. ~.; ·~~tc •!~ : 1<--.. :i, ,D,~, '""\.... ~w ,c...\,, 'yi . ,~,. ..... "'"11·1 "'ff'~IM., ~ { 1-n~ L·-l'H-L.. . f) S' 1.- 1-~. II- I_}

~-ft R~\;,\ 7 "1•·.;, •I 'I,.\\ \\c \1 0\ 'J'r .1'>.\1 • V\\• (,1 .. 10. '-•\

1-o.J .,.\\.~t- ~ ~~- ~~ • ~u :\ v,... ;.,j • "I> In_

"'f'l ;, ~.~~< ...., .,.,.t_,.,,../4.1' \,.\\ ._ bj ~·11 n!}'

kc..h. ~""' t'4' ... ·." ..... T o\<, ... ~u"""' -"-··LL.._._

W1t : 1.t. .... :" h ~ \j •'~-.=J c.-vo. H,.;, ~~. t~ .,,., ~ !1lt l b ..

Droucl>t See 11D•pl.,_t llel1et

Book 46 51

DrouGht See Agricult ure

r,.u~, ~os .. mt.ic , r nd '-ll i ed I ndu st.rl O!l liO!:lmi tte(' 661 Srr Fim·nc l.:i._. , CoV t. .: :·.:. :- ~f \' lnts Uondr

( ~rd .. er Loon Dri ve)

DriiP a.od Jl.diol.aeo . . . ' . 7 ' r See Procur-t DiY .o Surpl.,. Property, Diopoeal ot

"""'fryLroCkSavu1&& Institution See 'Jiaanc ire , Govt. l \',"&r S• Bonds 5!5

D.Soh, Jooiah X,, Jr. See Appointaenta and Ree ignaticne 646

See alao Book 759

Dul!oio , Jool.o.h E., Jr. t.tter ot apology to HIUr 763• l - l

DuPoie , Jeoi&h :: ., Jr . rnaib~l.:.. ":.~ .~ c.cce--:;:an:;ir.!: L ul;;lin :. l'uc ;;tW

..! .r.. ~.~u<>ned 'ly ':'r cas . :reu., 3/15/45

a) Lul..~ir:-1 'Jr cor v .

DuBoia , Jeeia.h ~ . ,Jr . ~-e Ptst-·.-:~r Pl QI\ t ' -':e r n o1y ( Rel e1·e tione)

DuBois, Joaiai1 ::., Jr. ':'r~a• . apprevec a .. Mit;n ~nt • o L..1biJ1

(S.llied 1 e r-a r nt ions CII):::T1iso~ t'lr. 1 l'c.scow~ 4/2,'45 8}4 1 17

l'udlcy, i'vt. Ed,·.crd 686 ~E'C" F'itl~!.Cin~,.. , uo·.· t. . : " . !' t e v i 'ltC Dond.J

(~th •. t~r ~.t"': n I"r ivt•)

Dud ley,~ S "T-T f...._\ Se e Fi nMncir g , d'ov t .l ':la r Sll-vh'.e o Bond e


:J•1ilcy, !"aul - :;er&t , :ec :-"4.- ..,. ,·c.> ·, r:ov! . l - .,r S-.·rln, e r\C'nli a ?C)

(; u - .. r LC"Lr r· ve~

IIJ.•o, J ohn F. Ba• Def e r ments , IJi litary

Duff1el4, llupne S. See J.ppta. aD1 llea t«natl on~

See alao Booka 194 279

Duffield 1 Eugene S. Sec Business Conditions 171

See a l ao Book 176

Dlltt ia14, JocaDa I, Otter• ••nio•• 1! BJU'r e&a. tia4 ao one •1••

12/16/40 MOt 44 :~o

Duf"h.ld , Euccnf' S . (".,ell Ct . Journrl} U..:·ly &sd::: ::ecrnt Ccrvicc to invr.:..tit:, •e

r;ou.rce of Duf.!"irlC .::tor;,· t:1L!. '!i~ '::-..:.n -:.: r to be (..ivE>n no a uthority ; J: J r ~horou_hl~· op,>osed l/f·/Ll

c) 'l:~Jr opoloLice~ l/7/!.1 57


Duffield , Eugene S. r;:au St . Jour nal } IJ!.'Jr dhcusse o wi th D. Alien Propert y decision

7/7/•2 547 • 267

Outfield, Eugene S. 7 A Q See Financing , Govt . 1 'Rar Savin&• Bonete

( 5th War Loan Drive)

[!Jul'Tuo,Torlton w~~ See Financing , Govt.t ~ Saving• Bonde

Du!ty, J'rank , Jr. 296 See A.pptl . end Ru1cnaUon• (Col. of Customs -

St . AlbMs , Vt.)

John Footer Peareon eOl\.UI:IIa alleging th-in with rranco of Spain and the Reich 9/20/ 44 773• 99

Duluth, !Jenubi, a nd Iron R"~nGe Rai lroad FDI report 279: ;so

Dwobartoe .O.h. eO..torOile\ Hull Md IDIJr Tr ... • • rep. U.cuaed y

8/18/« 763• 206

"')1-\'M;r; " •~ \o \h.\\. 'i\,,\4-.&- l H ·:1.>1

•)c;......., l~\11 \.'+., lh.,, 1'"1>11. "'"" "l"'~ "~--.1 "Y""-\- f\,,\..... '~ "' ''~--

DWDbarton Oake Confer cnee See Post..Wer Plannifl&

Sec «/&o ISooi( 783

DUr.lborton Oaks See Post --:e.r Plann i ng

Dupl.Bc Ste War Condi tiona 1 Japan

Dumpi ng Applic' tion of l a ws t o be reconsi deJ·ed b:,•

St c.te DGpt. . &t. r e..uest of Dr lt.i sh. 17/ J/40

Duncan, Ruuell See Poet-War Planning t Surplua Propert y , Disposal of

.tu o../so ISoo I( 7ff

l>unkirk See liar Condition.: Purchaoin& Minion 'l 8Q

Dunkirlt , N.Y. See Cuatome, Bur. of

Dunkle, Lloyd L., Jr. (Procurement DlT. ) See Deterznenta, Mlll tary


Dunn, Gano Stc r:a.r Condi tions : Steel

See al•o Book 3815

Dunrt , J ruree C. ? et er Edson art iclee inter ; r e!.ed in Luxfor d ~e!":O

1/?7/45 813• 63

Dunn, James (Ass't Sec'y of State) Post-·.:ar P lanning : Gennany

J l

8)1 : 258 rr

Dunne, Irene ~ < J J Husband (Dr. Fr<mcio Griffin) consult• Trens . about

aome CalU: property he • i ahe a t o acqui re 5/5/ 41 J95: J

~.I.I. , Oo. a.. Pil>lmc1.a&, Oo9t ·' War S.'11.Dca ICDda

loot 518 543

~~..,t 1 ~ - \lvV.,. ~. ' 1~ ~ ,.h, lKw,.,_o~, -;s-.l, 0'.

~"''- \-...., ,_~, . .,.. 'L~ ~ ~ ... :;,.,(1\ .glo..::,t , K.,.\ ,

-r •• .,.M ·~•II (,"6 ~.3 ~,.... ~\-....,\) 'l ~hb ~ ,.- , •) 1\..,r 16\.....;, 4.!> .;,\~· ... lo., ~ ... ~ ., ,~ ,~-..._ , l,.\~

'•\1\l • ~·) iy., ~ '"'"' i,b" ~.JJ ~T"f ~ ~ Cv,t ~t Jlt ....... ~

") ~'li....';:J. .J...Q, ~\ ~ ""- "'a.,j. · s.,.~.L • ' "" 1,. t.JJ..j,

Du Pont (Ethel) - Roose velt (FDJr) '• edding Progrrun as worked out by Secret Servi ce 74 :


Duquesne Licht Co . Sea f'inancil.g , Covt · • ':tar Savi n&t'! Bonde

oumi, rut 6:>0 'l'hanked by HW.Jr tor word• ot encourac•.rt

S/1/43 630• 112

Durnil'lll, Harry (Collector of Cu:rt.0t1s, N.Y. City) See Hatch Act

Durnit.g, Harry C~ston/raeonnenda for t.!a.r!tin~e Com .

J/l/ 42 523•

Dv.teh laot Indin See War Coad.itioael l'ore1cn hnd.1 Coa\rol


See al•o Book 381

Duteh Eut Indiu See War Condl ttont: letherlandt 2Ee

See aloo Book 29&

Do.teh Jut In41eo 2 90 See 'liar Con41Uoo01 stratocio llatorialo (011)

Duteh iast Indies See Wa r Cond lt1onR: 011 (llethe:-lM ds) :109

Dutch k•t l a.d lu See Y~tr Condlt1on1 : Ellport Control

Du.teh !:!~e t lndiee he War Condtt!onll R'etherlandt i&et l ndle•

See &leo Jook:e 344 3?0


:O..'eh 1&1, Ia4l11 lee Yar Cond.lUoa.l l IU•er

l>lttcll kot Ia41oo S.o War CondHionoo ltspor' Con,rol (Oil)

Dutch East Indies See iis r Conditions 1 Steel

Dutcl. ta•t h.Hu Soo llothorlu4• 634

Dutch Surlnaa See Yar Condition•: l'•therlancb


Dutch nest Indies ,5.' '~ Appt. of CuracGosche Bl nk at Curccs o a s

depository of U.s. public monies discussed i n Cnble t o Amn . Consul 6/ 26,'42 54J: 94

Dutchee• County See Financh1e; , Govt. l War Saving• Bond1

See alto Book 537

Mob .. ; · CO., I;Y • .. . he fiaaBoing, Oorlo I 'far kYince Boeda 7 b

(5th War Lout Drin)

Duih• See Lend-L••• 633

Dwan, Rt. lph :ee A;>pt. o. r;nd ReGi £nhti::mo 7C3

See aleo Book 410

Dwiggin, W. A. Sec Financing, Govt. (Defense Bonds, U.S.)

o-.-iggins, \.{r . Soo ' i.,t , f3ur. or

Dykel..-a. , r:lo..-enee A. (Pr e· . , l!ni v . o!' l·i.seonsin) S~>e Appte .\ 'lne ipnr tions 420

Early , Stephen Sile Fina!'lC illg , Covt.

JlartJ, Hophon See R.e-.ea.ue Rn1a1oD 631\

•• ,,, lla411J

••• jpp••· u4 le•lpa\loa.l

laat J.o!atlc Co. See War ConcUtiont: lore1111 Pundt Control

Eastman, Joseph See financing , Cov t .l War Saving• Bond• 555

Eat6n , CyrU• T. Soe Er i e Ftailroad ~" 9

Eaton, Cyru1 Banki ng l)'etem reTision urged. in telegram to FDR

10/ 9/ 44 78ol 257

lcoltot, llarr1Der s. Eccloo 2 O.olnble cbanpa as pruentecl b7 - to llll

ll/2/JJ. 21 155 Selected •• GoY. ot r..s. Reo . Bd. ( oae ot lllllr'•

aoc .. pll-ta durl.D& Ilk. ot ll/112/34) 189

Eoclee- ~rimr s. See Fed, Rea. Bd, 3

See alao Book ~

» ... -., "'"' r-1a ..1.... ;rDQ. ~'1,~~~ \,;>... \.><..... rkl-t\w ~6~ tc . F. J..c . • .t,, .. .g w1·~ ~ ~"''' "hll• i"ul" '1 .. 1,: ~ 1<1-_;

~ IZ<.<-\ tJ> 1WI~ r,,..\1< ''1 \\\1 111"'"1~ 'nc '"'" -\..\w. b""\1.... \-.. •

< &\ .... , ~ \<1 \. "t\- w..v~·*'·M .... -t •• t c.. ''(j ~

~1 ' 1 1 \Iii'\

f u.\U>, 'Wiwv ;n.)

~offT \. Cv....o.-,\. -B -\,fJ .~. (l,~. · l\v.J,.,- ~ 1 • ) 5~ ... ~"'"'"'''" ~ '{ "'"" · "-··~; • C.............. yL... )

'-.\\, '--!\..~ •\ 0 'C..,n.,J ('-d\.c,\\~)·<~ -lc tk\,1...;

~MI.;'\ •o·~ ,.., fi:)jl, h.., ,...L_ '!5"""' ,;,-\...:L,~C..., . .,. .... '"'' \P """k-~ '~ '" "' 6.,: .~ :t· &\.,., ~~~ ""''"" b'lfl "" c....O'"'·'·"' ;A\"""·M- ..... s .... ot.



v '"'""'

~ ~· \~t. l 'l'll·VV\· ""' .:::. 34

\\"' ~ ... - r't-t\t.., (~ \,~) lr.; . I'~

{·. l o ~\'ri~\,:\~1.~!>4- ·. 4 t - 10 ""''~ .<;\.


Gu.\(.~ 1~:nvr q

~ ~ ...... ~ lvr,\.\.;..J , G-1·~· --:,. 'b :'''··.t H

o.t. .. lr b'"·"\;*' ~ .~ G..;t "T'·<A 1.,,,. ...... .....

Eccles, Ynrr iner See Budget

Eccles , Warriner See Benkl n& Legi s l a tion

t-f~tr.l~ \ \-"~>., • •. n~


Eccloe, llarrl.nor b See Buaineaa Condi tioos

See aleo Book 13'

~u.\~ '-"W~ S.

~ G..vt ~""'~ YY~<>.·<~<cT t 1\u..~..;;:t-' -~ ..•• f<.<.\,\ ~ " ..:\\w..,,\' -1! lA<.U

"';c.,.,.,~\;~1 .. 6"'t~~ ..... v........ ~t-" ' \ 1;\, 1 C. o : 1~

Eccles, llarriner S , See Govt. DODd ll&rket

• 1

Eccles, Warriner S. f 1 S Sucmary of article in Fortune , April 1937, entitled ,.

"Controlling Booras e rd Depressions" 116 : 2J5 Swmnry o!' sta teccnt of 3/15/ J? on c redit and

mone tary policies 2)8

!cc lea, Warriner S. f or recoTery plm , eee Bua1neas Coru\1 t1oniB :"!

:tcc t eo, ~rrt~r S. 131 R"o t..'l ( Gove!"'lor, Swe1. s.l-:. Cent r Al. Bk. ) CO::l.."!len ta to

Cn c."l.:-pn 1n :BA.sel on CO!':'' of ~cles 1 apef>Ch r ecent l:y eent hie ; ditH\rre•s wh1.ely w\t h soZM l)f thf" '1.ewo expressed t..,ere1n 6/30/?S 131 : )SO

Eccles, Uarriner S. l•ll1te digest of speech of 12/ 1/38 to N.Y. Chapter,

Amn. Inst itute of Bankbg 12/ 19/38 157: 69

kcle-e, Warriner s. Copy of l e tter to Senator :Byrd , anawer1ng Byrd •a

l!lddre-ett 1n !oeton, ennt to HWJr 12/ ?8/38 158: 109

Icc lee. ~riner 1. !U1!111th ta of rAdio epeech in ltyrd controTer17

1/23/39 162: 123 liMe me IN) • pl"f\hint lcele 1 1 tpeec:h on

Govt. •pending 1/25/39 203

lcele 1, Warriner s. St111.teoent befor e Sene.te Speeb.l Silver Coll%:!:1ttee

3/23/39 170: 202

Eccles, rAw-r iner S. Tells !!MJr he reerots Alsop-Klntncr colu=.n w"licn

ln11cotcs lock of coop<>r"Uon ?/:7/J9 214 : JS a ) li:I.Jr Jiscusse s at pr es• conf. 9/28/J9 159

Eccles , Ltardncr S. A.:idt•C"ss at. Fed . ~-es .. Sic.. <:>'" C • Ltluis on

75t.'l nnnivcr": ry ll '9/A? ~~2 : 9') e.) :I ne::~ a::.ka :t,!Jr lf ;..o ... cv~oe cwmol be

!"ow1•J ·dlllnb t.o toll Eccles to 1:1ir.d hi s orm businco:. 11,'10/?9 158

b) da nes• p-rC !:i!:. conf . )71

Eccles , :.k.. r:·L1cr S. Ro~e:-tt:1cnt <..t tr..x speech in ~t. . Louis c>.p:-coscd

bj a ... Jr und Henes to Ranso.:::~ , l.lcKee, :..rupcr , and Szycczak u:'tcr Open Ukt. Com. ccct.!.ng 11/27/39

Al:;op d i~cus::~es speech with :Jr.ncs

721.. : 1~6 , 31.0


Ecclrs, Marriner S. Correspondence betreen Eccl~a and ffi.U"r concerning

N.Y. Time s articl e on Dnvi d Losoer (PrPs ., Worker• Alliance) 2/28/40 UJ: 71

a) "Eccl es cites curb on special funds ; their use for rel i ef needs vote of Congress, he ss.ys in l etter t o Lasser "

b) HL\Jr ' s answer 2/29/40 263

q i:«.\~~~ · ~....,'14,<-< \~~ C,u.IO~ ... ..,. .,, ~o\

Eccles , Marriner s~ 332 Speech before Uc. tl. Industrial Conr . Board

ll/27/40 132 : 65 a) HW'r-Eecl es conversation concerning -

12/4/40: See Book :J.ll, p8GO 181 b) ID.!Jr-Harrison conversct ion concm-nin& -

12/1./40: Book :J.ll, p . 186 c) Eccles confers with Treas . group:

Gaston memo - 12/ 4/40: Book :J.ll, p. <'41

Eccles, t.larriner S. See B.v.n.l< Hol ding Co. Legiehtion


Eccles, Warriner S. taJr discusses connections otlter t :tan with Govt.

5/ 12/ 41 397: 7 a) Fed. Res. Act pr ovides t.'-lat Bd .

r.~e tbers' entire time shall be devoted to business or Bd. -Foley oemo 5/12/41 22

Eeeleo , Marr iner s. rtllt ' o r tmsons for r euppol.ntf'lont discussOO by

Gl1'le s t'nd Foley b/2/tol 403 t 13

Eccles , Marriner S. :128, "Pr ice fixine 1:; not enout¥1" - Fort.une arti clE?-___ 4?8: 142

.!:cc leo , •·· r r· ... e r S. .i'l~ · r Cv ·~ t , . ! 1,:' 1 ti<in HiC

E:ccle ::J , l 'nr'tirer .-1.

:luJi o J oech on ;q ril 14

!!echo, llu~l~w !, a .. Piaancing, eoot.' Yor Aovin&• 8oNh 636

See al10 lloolt 63?

cc1eo1 i~rrinor S, 6 6 5 "Tho bual Syoto .. or Bankirlg" I Addroao boforo

)!atl. Aaen. ot Supcrvi eor• ot State BIUlk•• CincinnoU, 0 . 9/17/43 665• 115

locl.e,~s. - Po.t_... PlamdJic: t:oarr.q stabllheU•

(IIIterneUODil Coer.) Boot '123

724 733

f;ee1••• J.larrinar S. See rinancing, Oovt. 7"'4

Eccles . 1Jar t·:!.ae1· s. Soo Fir.c.z.c i "·&, Govt . 1 !!ar Savinsa Banda

(7th "l.'ar !..oun Drive) See Rove l'lue :\ovi aion

Eccleo , ~rriner s. Sc• Federal RcDerve SystC!I'I

" f inaneh1g1 Gov..._ .

Ecker-!tae:, T.nozto ':'r anafer frora Army to Stnte DeJ.~t . or bo.ek -to

':'roan. 1iae ueoed by Tr ea e: . r,r cup 12/ ll/ U 8o2 1 66

J:eooomle Ae t lYlUoo, Coaltteo to Coordloato 643 See Occupied !erri toriea

leOiloale all4 JIOilotar7 Confer••• · In h,..tloll&l - looA4oa Juno, 1933

Boot 0

"leonom!c Bill of 1\!ghie" (1m employment Progrcm) See Do1110cratic Cupaign or 1944

Economic Defense Sec War Conditione

Econo.11ic Defense Doc.rd Sec 11or Condi ttons

Soo aloo Booll:o 348 430 434 441 449

Ecoa0111ic Defense Comitteo See liar ConditiODo

Soo aloo Boot 421

oncl"'ic ,.,. ('r eir;n F'olicy 1 Exe c . '" o:a . ;.1.' c, P&rry :>., ~ o re1 . 7r ota: r .

4/13/ 44 at) r :m •e le !.ter cot c er n ln ...

rtf.conOOlic .,i ct.urc Eco Du.:in(. S~ 'n~ 4lG

"'cono.le Pror;na far A11n. Drnocn~.ey• by SeTal Rl'lr'f'1U'4 AM 'l'ufte lcon.a•i•t•

Seltzer revie w of book 1/5/39 159: 129

1 :1

loODoaio S.Ouritr, eo-itt .. CD llu.o - "" repozot or ca.. 1/5/35 a) c-nto by !111.1r

ec...tttee ... ti.Dc:; present& HIU'r, Perkine, Wallace, 11•• Roche, Wittle, lltmeyer, Eliot, and ••· (reprooantio& Hoptino) l/7/35

a) IDIJr'a oa..nte on report coalidered RJI.1r CQiloulto !opldno ~out_ FJlll'o plano to care ror people OYer 6S 1{7/35

:r .31• 37



Economic Security, Com1dttee on HMJ'r lnfoms FDR he will continue t o serve


:·u.J 209: J76

Econo:~lc !:ecurit:,· , Coa.-:~iltee on Bell ce::~o of ~.ceLing (11/16/39)

Econotdc St 1 tat i on , Cffice of See Infh.tion

F2conot,ic Stabil i ut tou Authori ty See Ir.flation

See al10 Book• 666 575

Econo:nic $t abiH zati on :.ut he11H y ~flbstitOt&d' for ,~tinboro <lf Adv i:Jory ed .

forbidden - U:,· r nes ex} Lo h1"Jr 3/l,/43 617 o 272

IaflatioDt ror Paul •• atateeat Oft ~Nr'J' M•bl&• ••• Rrrernaa Rnhi ...

le011oaio ltabilisaUoa Aolthorlt)' 6 Jod , !leo, lld, I Wi4 ... iDC Of poworo OYOr ext .. oioa 32

of crodlt wulor he. 5('b) of 'l'ra41oc-w1 th-th .. .._ .Let auuootod b;r ll;rrnoo 6321 98

a) froao. roactloa 5/6/43 96 'b) llzoc. Or dar draft 99, !2>ootor C, (.&4111nlotrator, War lood Ada1n,) 1

R rte on aoblll•Uon of acrlcultu.ral re1ourc•• t •••t 194:3 crop pro4ucUon &"oall 5 6/43 103

~') ~""'"' ,....,.,._ ...,.;, .n ~ ~\ I -. - ·-r "\.., ">4-, ''\

~onomie St.biliution AuthorH7 liar Labor Bd. baeh tor ve«e ad.Ju•t•ente

under "Hold-the-Line Order• clarified 5/ 12/4 3


633: 98

lcoaoa1c Stal>1lbaUoa 14. See Office ot koa.oale Stabiliaattoa

s •• &110 Boat:• 612 etO

halltlhaU•. Ottlco ot a .. Otflco ot .looaoalc SablllsaUoa -·----610

au 116 -,.

looaoale Stab1lhat1oa loar4 s .. Oftte• ot lconoalc S\abUiaaUoa

61 6

l:cOiloalc stabllluti .. 14. tls,ooo rr.. War naua. nmda to be apeot tor 7 (' · ~

OIII aclftrtlain& pro- oalled "Planned Spor~din& 811111 l!aYine" 8/19/JJ. '761,1 57

Econo:Jic r;arfare See fiar Conditions

p:oeaeaio warrare See Latia U.rioa 500

teoaMJ.e Yutu•, u. ot , •• hport•

Economic 'f':artaro1 Board of See Board of Economic

See aleo Book &21


Econo:.1iot!l !-"or list , aoe :lov f"r.ue 1evi&l·m

li:eonomiate Nntl. Com i or. l!onetary Polley Soc Pos t - ::"ar l' • Bret ~ ... n i oodo Con!' .

Ecuvdor See Gol d

-.tor SM Latin Merica

Booko 234 ~311

368 6&4 286 688 3N 646 42? 131 4&4 'to 4V6 ~23


lcuad.or 7 A S S.o Poot-Var Pla•ut1oc: CurrODq Stab1lhaU011

(l4teroatl . Con!.)

Eden, An thony 52 Spe(lk5 in Hotwv of CoWOlon s on European pevc e 1120/37 5:2: 51.-~

Eden, Anthony Interview with h1'Jr hrrc.nced by l! fnx


(;16 6161 101

Eden , Anthony Hull explains purpose of t r i p to IJ."Jr

3/26/43 21~

• 619• 256

Ed i c , Lione l (Invent ..... ,.. ~. t Co..u:~oel )

Sec :us i nc so Con.:i t.iomJ '!

Zdhon. Charl ee Reait;na as Secy. of Navy t o run for GoT. of U.J •

6/4/40 268: 285

ldhon Co: (Booton and •w Torlcf Itt J'inaneinc, Oon. a:r7

Edi t or s of Industrial Publi cations See Fina.ncL'lg, Covt . : War Savings Bonds

Edaon , Peter Se o Dunn , Je.r~ea C.

ldueatlon, Ottleo ot See Var Oon41tlono: J.irplanoo (Conool14ato4 J.ircratt)


Edwa rds , B. :tia rlon See Appts . and Res 1c:1at.:I:Jns ~Rt

See aleo Book 475

Edwards, B. M. See Finoncing, Govt. 1 Defense Savings Bonds

See &leo iooke 4:11 460

ldooarda, B. I. h 'l4 See l"iDaDaiJI&, GoYt. • -... Sanna a Booda

(Orpnisatic.. Plau)

Edwards, Juoes H. See Appto . und Resl gnuttons

Egeer, Rowland (Budget Direc tor, Va . ) "fin.a.ncial Planning for the Fut •tre" - copy 1

~, ..... of nddr css cent t o H'lJr b; Gulick (Lut!ler) 8/6/IJ. /()") : 17<

Ect~ S ~e nnn Ccst Cl f' Livint 690

Eglin Field , f'lorida See Contrects, Govt.

Egypt Seo tfe.r Conditione

See alao Boot:• 407


Er;ypt 3oo .ur Cot .... itiu .. o l L1'' .t- Loaee -l5G

See aleo look 461

IIJP' Relatione broken with r1nlaJKl, Bulprta, an4

Vichy (rra.oce) 2/U/42

~. Le&at1011, c.u-., sh• pr...,...,.. w !acilitde ••coti ation ot U.S. c.,.cko and currency 3/2/42


503• 155

Egypt :;._!1 Budget: Report on speech of Flnnnce i*inister

in Chamber of Deput i es pre.ccntinc largest budget 4/28/ 42 521: 381

Egypi 1 Ctir• See Lend- I.e••• 6?2

Egypt See Ratageee (Je ieh )

War Ret ugee Bd .


~ Poot-War PlaDa.1J>c• Clarreey et.b111aat1 .. (1Dt.ert~at1<aal Cont.)

8th Ail' ro~•• ~ J See Financing, Got-t. a War Sad.n&• Bon! I

teo Billi on llational I nc011e See N•tional Inc.-

BOO!S 182- 183


Ei nzig , Paul (London hnancial News) See BIS


EiTf' See rl'a.r Condi ti nns! Purchasing IJ1ss1 o::~

lire See W&r CoDd.l t1on11 Surplu1 Materiel

Eire See Tiar Conditions

Eire (Ireland) Sea War Conditions: Shippi ng



Co.:u r :!.i't:r expurta r eJ Ort.6d to :lttJ.ov :;.n (CCI ) 12/l; , .. l

1'"-aennatrer, Oen. Dvisi>t See Horth Africa

J:1o~owor, GM.~M, See Oecup1o4 !err1tor1ool lorth .l.!r1ca (Ourronqo) SOl

l:lMDb_., a....z..J llwicllt D. S..llorc-, '-rJ, Zr. (!r1p to 'far z-to)

-671 672

Eit~Anhowor, Cen. Dwight D. Seo 1-"inene t ... g .'t . l ·~Jc.r Sc.\• i ng o 9 onds

(4th '7!1:i r I.'-un Drive)


Eisenhower, Gen . O..ight D. See Financing , Covt.I\Var Sav in£• Bond.• 702

n .. nhowor, doa, l)right D. -, r' J!lroclamation on enterin& Ge~1 See Poet .... ar Pluminc


Eioonhower, Cen. Dwight D. See Financing, Govt.: War Se.vinge Bonds

(6th 'liar Lo•n Drive - !llropeon Theatre or Operation•)

Eieonhowor, Con. bwight n. See Po1t-f.lar Planni ng • Cen.ny Booke of epeei.8ene of variou currenciee and

1tampe ror occupied territor i ee prepared by n-.... ll/3/44

"-)~,~ "'""' >t

'PI 791• 109

1'\A- : I

l£ioenhow.-, Oen. Dwight !), · See F1nan01&1 Oort.• War S...-ing• Bond• ( 6th War Lo.n


ll:ieonoehiml, OHo See Poet ...War Planning I Gerean:r

El Foder&l ~•• l.&tin A•ericat Arcentina 712


J:l Saha4or See Gold 514

El Salvador See lhf_teeH ( t _ :H)oj) -::fl.r Refu~• • B ••


See Peat-war Planning f Currency Stabilhation (lnterr.atl. Conf . )

n,der !tateeaea ••• Tre&l\ll"7 Department 487

12 J(,ll

Ele~~~i~n~~r~::~ of consolidated contracts now in/ 1 effec t 9/28/39 2l..G : 116

Electric C•.:.rrent Govt . !\aquireoents: Gr aves ' meco 10/ 9/39

216: ~87

El<r.Ldc Or-u, Hn: eoa. , Council of ee t inancint , ovt .l t'&.r So.vint e 'londe {rtl. $'

Sav! r., o l>lan)

Electr l c ?ower Sec War Condition s l

Electric Power Plants See Distric t of ColWDbia ,;

E'leeirlea1 riotkers Union See ~evenuo Rovieion 569

Elizabeth City, !I.C. Gaston memo concerning dedication of new airport

10/10/40 )201 426 a) HUJr tt_pproves Gaston' s pe.rticipntion -

10/11/401 Sea Book ill• p. l :320

Elh t, To• - .... 1 Connection with 7re~&. s . dieeueeed by 9 130 tr , '/

9/22/• 2 .071 • l OB

I Eliei • Thttna a (ecntretUtr.e..n, \~ea.~. HJ'Jr diecuseee ae Aeet. Rt 9 •30 r~eetin, 5R.~1

140 11/16/~ 2 ;a.o

Elkus, Abr am !1 ~C2 See Financing , Govt . 1 War Savings Bonde

Elkus, Abrrua I. r See Post-il"ar Pl!UIIlin&: Gel'!U.Qy

Zlle!tt!.er, Sen . (Lou i !j lana) See Lou1s 1ann •'•

!:llcnder , .4.llen J . ( Senator , La . ) :lee Len4- eaoe

f.lliot.t , .':Lfr ... d J . (Co:l • .J'Cr:, ut , CLll". ) ~oe flnrmci,.t , Govt . : !'.nrr Cov:nt,;:>

ncvcnun :l(.v l-ion

Ell i •tt, Harrie! lDMn et Weaen, UniT. at N.C. ) See Financing, Gevt . t War Savin&• Bond• S:~9

S.. aleo ao. 661

Elliott, Harr i et. l~eo.n of Women, Unlv. of l~. C. ) See Appte . and Reei gnati on l

See aliiO BOot 691 ) " ., . -

EllJeit , Harriet ".:'r .. n'r. a ta:Jr f •r r • neid e 1·• jon ehown in c• nn . wUQ..

Delinshir &t Un i v. •f N. C. 9/3/•2 5~6· 197

Elliott , Harriet H!'Jr thotaka Daan of Univ . o f N. C. for

continued loan l / 8/43


6o2 t 122

Elli ott , Har r i e t U'1iv . of l: . C.-H?.'J r cor r cu . t:'Jnc or n ing r et. Jrn

t o colles e l?/22/<3 6€6 1 H~


LJ.lioU, l!nrricL 6SQ !!e:to on Consu:~cr Office i n the Covt.

1/1 . .'~'\- 690: 1~9 , 151 s } · Coozuoer Report 153

llllott. Barr i-t Bee !'1Duc1111;, Oort.: liar S.'l'il>p , .....

(5th .... ._ Ill-1ft)

look 716 728

:nou, Borth& L. lee L1bral'7 ot Caner•••

Elwell, Foyette H. (Univ. o!' '~oi t;cor~;,~in) Fo: r c::;umd of experience, sec Dook 1 7, p. ~

117, Siet See Var Con41 t1on11 Ool4 336

Emanuel , Victor See also ConJitlons: Ai r planes Bu:-lncss co1mect. lons discussed at Tr ees .

group meeting 1/ 20/£0 2)61 UJ

lllutael, YioiOI' Priaolpal bualMoo laterooto • ollarl

lrllaJiuol , netor Principal buolnooo lntorooto •• or l/l/ 42 504t 223


Er.lanuel, Victor Chart showin& pr inc ipal buaine u i nte r es ts ea or

7/9/<2 l.'.>rc~ ~

a.) I rey r eno 548t


201 246

•barco,(i..,.iation lla•ollne, Scrap Iron, Lubrleatinc ou. See Var Cond.ltlonll hport Coa.trol etc.) eciee ~ee Revenue Revisi on ~7i

Ettlbaeeies ~ee Finaneinc , Covt . t '/a.r Savinge Bonde 678

r.'(<\o'J ~'·~ .!.0

S<• ~~T> ~ 1 -y;; I . L~.\.\;M .k,.J, \\-'M~f ~, .. t

Emergency Cont. l o Save J ew1 of Europe See Rofug .. • (Jowiah)

688 Part I

Emergency Com. to San t he Jewiah People of luro~ 7 Q 1 See Ref 8" (h hA)

';lar Refugee Bd .

J:•r~Q' !'owen 160 Cont. ; ~t JNJ'r , Loehheed. , Whlte ,

Bernstein 1/16/ 39 Pol.,.. """

lbottiJ li!Z

a) Oold , o1lur, Mil otal>1lhat1on Uocuooo4

E~erceney Price Centr t l Aet of 19(~ See I ntlatien

lmtrgtnCJ Rol itt See Unemploraea.t Relief

See alto Book1 5 6


!:Dcrccncy Rel i ef : ~l} 5 Consolida t ion of Trco.s. c.ccountinc: ~.nd dir.bur slnc

o!'"fices i n /Ubaey , U.Y. , to be ex-plained to farley , \,ncncr , and L.!eud 1/(/1.1 31.~ : (5

l!:mergenoy Roau 409 l'orelgn !'undo Control and n.r ..... Sevingo Bonde•

IDIJr inquires concerning auraes on ducy 6/17/41 409• 205

a) Thompson answer 206

E:::~r son , Si r Her ':lert 3ee t"'"'r !'te~u;ee Bt!. 7?4

.. uoa, 'rhH. 1. Ia .... atl.pU• tar uat, o.,, CaUMel. ia CI'A

41eouue4 at 9130 -illc 1/U/42 a) Juatiae111H Pelier:-aur -·

1/1.2/42 b) J,..u,.. 111ee Peli~a•'- • ..,.,

1/1.3/42 o) Oaat.•lleDderND oerr••• o~~Mer.iaa

raperi , 1/1.4/ 42

.tR5 48So 25




699 Hotel See Space Requireaent•


Empire Hotel - San Francie eo, Oali£. See RFC ~1 0

llop1ro Ordnaneo Co. See Ta.x ~:Tallon

EMployee Relati one , ':'r cas. ervice S90 Doyle , Ltro . Henrr Gn~tt.on a Da y cur e;lor

children of workine; r"'oU er • - me:r.o

69Cs 146

Doyle , ~rs. Henry Gr. tt111.n t Eoer e:eney Roome -enlaq~ement or profr~o._m dhouseed l /5/" 69l t

~ > Dr . f' eatr l ee Berle report reviewed (~f. ""' .... :~~ f)

\)~~o .... , .• ,,~ ~ e..........._

<. '> IT ""~ - ('"""""'- Cww ,

E~<ploy oa Rol otlono , frooa, 6 9 9 L~o . Doyle 1a Memo on Day Care Ser-vic::e l t r

Chil dren of Working Cother• /1/ 44 699 • 88, f9

3\1\t.-... "70 .- , I S" \

F.ll loyee Reh.ti ans , 'rret~ e .

toyle, rre . Henr y Gn1tta.n 1 6 •oe . reeu.t~e' of 7?2 • ork <eeuapliohed •/17/ t t 7221 10<)

'! "' , t • .-e n - , r i t t"l"'!!

· !"r~ 1e 8 f or BU(tentt ra ln r e ""<'1 ~"nr t Cl'te ~ '1 - · - ·,"r ' .. -· ... • (" • · .. ~ . ,..., ,.:

Ltr\ ~. : • ., . . . t / "'" 1• •

::: .. p!e~·ee !':elaHene -'Mc....u....1 t•.:n•. 1 l~· bull ~ tin r"r • t-e s'o ,OUO ':"ru:s . e•I l•:;~· ..

J1. -: ... 3ac.i ttt ) t _.O noe tin:, r;/f./ H ; 291

1 ~1.,.. . ' 0

i n'"..c r view arrc.rced 7?3 733 • u

' r - -, ... rr, · ·- . ... .,.., •· I~ ' I• ,

r I'r • • ~~ .. . , ' {' '"'


Employ•• Relation• t Ttea1 . Doyle, llrs. Henry Grattanl Report on actiTitiel

at end or one year 10/ 31/ 44 78~ 1 54

~ployee n.e::.!l.tlr;:.s , ':'rt tl.D • earkO%" (m- ito House Guard} C8 SO (diea l eav i ne

l !" children) dh cuaeed by 9 •3.0 erou;: 2/H./45 8 0 1

Employees , Treas . (Women) See Tret~s . Employees (Women)


Em;loyt~ent See Defense , Untl . 444

El!lrl• yment See Pos t -tiat Planniq~t Full Employr~ent

2plty"'•"i ( ~ull) See <t'ore!cn Eca nor"ic Pelicy 9d .

Encloaureo 1n ! r oo. !D'telol""' See Dl.ll:>uraemento, n-.&a.

! •. fOI'I.! f .1:. 1 t .c ir . :':--( t:: u·:· 'i :1 ~~ l !. C'l. ' • .·r 1od .. fn••cr ~ f"1

:} rJ-!.,


~~ 'J ~:\\ 27

~\oJ \-.\~; ~"'~~ :\ \;Y .:. b ~- rua. ~·11\....,. ~ \-.\, ~ s._~ ~.k_,..J ~l11ln -xt:DI•~•

~) ....... •• , \.; \1 ..... ;- ··t~···~ '"t'~ '.-) " C....\\) G;~\.""' S,_\w. Gw,_f+A:.\..J...\ -.

~~w- l"~r·1 \.o ~··~i'> ~ ·~~- ,..!>

'f.,..\"""""-~ 6.,..,,\L , "'fn ..... ..,. 32

n T 1 ·~ ~ •W.•R . ""J"' ,.\t. '11-.~r h ~\,1 ~Ol ' ./ ') ~ 'lt\1, 1 ··~~·~\~' __ ,, .. "'l~o\v,.. ~

&..~ ~h..\\._ ........ 't. -'1.'...11 ..,_~ ~\~

.Enforcement !gencie~, Treaeurr Orgsnhatioc. .. progress of or coordint!on

or Treae . Uept. Rgeneiea at Honolulu, T. B., tor the auppreaeion of amuggling or n.ueot.lea J/8/J? 58: JrTI

Enforcement Aeenciea, Treasury Graves tran i!IEdte progress report ot E. C. Palaer,

who baa been on duty in Chicaeo aa spec. rep. ot HMJr in connection rlth law entorcBMlent work since 4/15/37 5/13/37 681 129

Enforcemont .t.t;enciH, !reaa, 107 ll<!oua! report by lr•l' 1/26/JS 1071 52

!:nf:~~::;:~~~~t ee , Tr~es•u-y l ') Conf.: nreiU!nt : T!llJr. Olt!)Mnt , ~cRe!tno?H. t!

6{~1/:.s 1)0: 115 A) Fol ey 1 " cPl l on Sen. •~r.e r fUld Warner t s

subuc;\J.ent convenp t1 on w1 th OH phnnt dl8C'.lt 8fld

b) OUyVvmt ~:tl O corr er n1ro(: tel ~n~me convers~ .. t1 onr: •1th SenAtors li'BCle r ,.re Whe ,.lcr 6{16/3~ 11"1

~t'-' s c onwnot1 on ,.,!tt. Cwt,tnr,s 6/71/38 llS ~ meno to~: RMJr "-Jt ll directed t hAt ~ Jul;v 1 f\1 1 wir•- t Apu1ng 1a t o be OI'd by -:'., pl'rcona11y 6{21{;_1!, 122

l:.nforceoent Agencies, Tress . 11 l{.1Jr tells 9 : ; 0 &roup he i s about. to withdruw

r ccOt'l."lcndt. tion of consoli dction; wa.."lts noth ~ n& t o r ese::lbl e Gorm!1n Gestapo or :b.lesi· n OGPU

!L.r-'r cx~la.ins rcvor svl of opinion to 1•urphy ~/<609

.L_.Ir 1 s letter t o 1;-DR 1./27/39 ; ) F!)R ' :; l.!Jls\·,er i n Uc":.t:ng onbnrrnss-c~t

at clmnge (~/1;- J)

lSl : ?6~

Enforce~ent At;:enci es, Trees. 1 L p ·wr d i a::usses his c lu.~nge of c.tlit.ude and his

cor respondence w1 t h FDR wlt.h lolcReynol ds , Bell , t~nd Sad th (Budget) ; decides t o lct:Dz matt er r ide 5/4/39 188:

i.ntoreer.:ect J..geneies, TreAt. Brandoa, 'i<Wund J. (u. s. J..tty .

n?nthly co..,rdt.natlon ueettng

S/21/<0 30?: 24?

Correa . ·.vith Se,,ut or 1, ':'rto~as ., and ·:.1,ite Hous e conetJr nit c silver 2/17/ •3 bv9 : 37~

tngolhud 1 Chal • 6 10!!-Sngelhord corru . on pla .. tor tho poet-war 4 5

world 6/ 30/43 645t 330

Engelhard, • Corree . with FDR concerning lloecow con!. and

U IIG ot eih'Gr !.W1 gold a e baab for i ntornatl , credit 12/l/ •3 682 1 77

Eq;elh'"'rd , C}-'"-s• Lett er pre r a r ed fo r rnR in re ou.;c:c ut.1cn

• b Co., t . bordo should ineuro adoqu110te h x b~ne f.:.ts , e t c . l /':...9/1.4 (.c;O r .53

. rep ... e1 f or FO!l to ~-tt.~r on curr·r=r ota~ ~ u ticm knd lncr.-&.eod . r~ ce !"cr

o1 tver 4/ " / U 71'1 1 ::.H

llqlaad See Stabillzat1Da

s ...

Engand See Great Britoin

See al.o Book 66 78


En&l•nd See St ab111wtlon: Gt. . Drit~in

See alto Book• 78 94

neand See Publ ic Debt

English Commer c i al Corpor ntion See \\ar ConditloDB : Gt . Br i t ci n

EngrD.ving and Printing , Bureau of Di s cussion as to relative advantages of ent,T tJ.ved

plate method nnd the offset process with regt~ rd to counterfeiting:


a) Conf. in IUUr ' s office with repo. of Printing Press~en' • Union 1/4/37

b) HMJr confer s with Hal l und Gr aves Al • 13- 15

1) HMJr t ells HJl; that they must convince reps . of pr inters ... of the necessity of changing future distilled s pirit.8 s t.Uilps to t he engraving process ; wishes russ Roche present at

conf. with reps . of Printers Union 1/5/ 37

lll i ss Roche report. f; on co1lf . beh een reps. of t'r~,fS~!~~;1 ~'11?9d/~.;aves, ~•ilson, Hell,

62- 61.


ln._.r ;rilU ·.nd t'dllt!.•lt; , !iur t,: u of ~2

wi~- \OChE" n-por t.s o .• conf<! .. C·•ce bctveen . of v·,rio' ·.miono on lj,UE":. t.ion o:' c'11 n4..i!'la policy

ro::'l o:·r .. e t ;Jrintir}6 !.O unt.>J'.:.vtllb of bott.lfld - tn-bonJ li.,uor 'to~~" 1/?0l'J? 5~: 119

~avi.n& and Print in& b KJUr e.ake t hat MaJor Bel'1"7 be inrormed. that hia

request tor the 15. di.t'!erent1a.l t or nig ht worker• baa been approTad 4/27/37 66r 103

ln~•lnt: - Pl'!ntlnr;, llm'esu <4 I Ded lcatioo <4 -x: 11/18/38

a)PI'nl:f'!lll b) RK.Tr 1a reiiiU"ka ( not ua.S ; apoke

extemporaneouel ;y) c) RWJr 11 notea m&de 11hile on pl8.tfora

151: 258 Ita 259


Jncro.Tta,; lm4 Prlntl"f: , Bonm of '-1 Prova• report ._owtn« -*:a work: •.Ue\aatlall.J'

up to dAto• 1/J/}9 159• 21

Engraving and Printing, Bur. of Crnves asked to i.ovestigate slowness of

procrao 2/14/41- 372: 29L

Ene l"'e.v 'r1g l!nd Printi l'l~ t Bur. of ~ Shor t or plate pri11t er s di ecueeed at 9 t30 ll\8et i ,.

7/ll/ 41 4 201 51

rn'"'-r· :: ' rlJ .r :ld Print be, ::!ur . ~r 1-,() '! .Jr ' u i n:- . "C'. i o:l tri.' i t::;l:-c: f!'f ' 1i..; •· ·:ur:' :~· t

1 : - -: .. 1 :. "( ' { ::o ·1~~· : c on · Jt:.j : ~ :~ · .... '1t - :r 'Jr ' ~ a o • o

I) . ...... :"1 !)

c ) "fho: -0'1 1. I • /,1 1~

Engraving o.nd PrU.Una, Bur. Stampe, c__,oratb·•• IDlJr-Hall cerr• ..

pouiblo OCOn<lOIJ 1a J/6/ '2

Engraving and Printing, Bur. ot i.14 Negro••• Cafeteria eituatioa reported to llr•· ~ ... -

in letter from Alvin w. Hall, Director •/ 22/•2 519 • 203

.. ,.,~'"i.,.,.._ .,;,:\-, ~....._- \\(!'.,. ....... "1.,)4. .... :i'"Lo\ : ' ... )


Engrav~nr; and Print i ng , Dura of :3cc Finane ~ng , Govt . 1 'lar Savi nee Bon:l a 548

_ngraving a.nd r l lt ne , ur. (l

tlegr o problem acain n ised by letter t . l!rs. F'DR frou Uaehineton ':'r ibune

7/14/ •2

Engr avi ng end Pr inttnc , Bur. of !Jegro and i'1hite E111ployeeu Si t uation in lunchroot~ 1

etc., explair.ed in Reynold• ( Senator, r .c.) corros . 7/28/42 5~4 ! 291


! n,t·avJ.,, Rnd rl ... ... t ~q: , Pur . ~r

Pla t~ rrintirt d!.ecusPed at conr .; r-r~Sf"tlt l .);"",1 .,.•,rr 1 - t- ""1: s on 1 Hall 1 Cr~en, Colea:an 1

" "''"-tt , K5f\tler , .,nd l'eet'llr. 9/2t:;/4. 2 ~'?_! 1 • •

-.) P.i~.ll ~~~~•o on hours , etc . 61

Ehgru1ng and Pr1ntbg, Bur. of Currency situation during 1943 - Kane memo :J39

12/26/42 599' 1.4 (For coinage situat ion aee Wint, Bur. of)

Engraving and PrLlHng , aur. ot IIWUillliJIIXUIIIJX Char•onen' s Pay 1 HL~Jr o.skl Paul

to Comptroller General

653 to •,PP•l directlJ 8/•!•3 653 • 210

: \v....~ -.\~o ._,_,,~ .... - .. s.~ ... J ' l•v.., .. , ~: ~, 10nd 1 Bill', of ..._..,,. 661 l:atet eria invee t igation requeeted ot ......... Bell

9/ 3/ 43 6611 237

ftngraving t.nd Print !ng, nur. ot 670 Charwoment ~ill t o reatore p•Y eent t o Senat•

and Houao 10/ 7/43 670 • 132

En&rlivil'l.b a r.l Prin t.:.n~, nur. '..'at;e incteau dc!:W.nds disc usaed by m..1J r ,

" ell , 11:oopson , Ga st.on , ~il son , Hall 12/23/ • 3

i. ) ':'l':o:"lpson r~~ .... o 6661 213