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Transcript of Dddddddfff

Page 1: Dddddddfff

The start of the modern science that we call ‘computer science ‘can be traced back to a long ago age

where man still dwelled in caves or in the forest, and lived in groups for protection and survival from

the harsher elements on the earth. Many of these groups possessed some primitice form of animistic

religion; they worshipped the sun, the ̀ moon,the trees or sacred animals. Within the tribal group was

one individual to whom fell the responsibility for the tribe’s spiritual welfare. It was he or she who

decided when to hold both the secret and public religions ceremonies, and interceded with the spirits

on behalf of the tribe . in order to count the days or to track the seasons. From the shamanistic

tradition ,man developed the first primitive counting mechanisms counting notches on sticks or marks

on walls.