Dcm migration

Migrating Sites to DRUPAL Piyuesh kumar QED42

Transcript of Dcm migration

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Migrating Sites to DRUPAL

Piyuesh kumar QED42

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AGENDA√ Old school migration strategies.√ Migrate Module√ Additional features of Migrate√ Walk through migration from rails 3 to Drupal7√ Q&A

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Old School Migration Strategies

√ Writing Migration(php) scripts.√ Accuracy required.√ Time consuming.√ Not good when migrating large content.

√ x_export (node_export, user_export et al):√ Easy to setup but requires exact mapping√ No way to rollback

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Migrate Module√ Rollback functionality provides for iterative

development.√ Simple and easy to understand migration

classes.√ Drush support.√ Extremely elaborate UI showing all the statistics.√ Support for importing custom fields data.

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How To Migrate√ Identify you module to drupal using


√ Extend migration classes as per the requirement.

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Function mymodule_migrate_api {

return array(

‘api’ => 2



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Extending Migration Class

√ Public function __construct()√ Constructor for the migrate class.√ Tells migrate about entity_type(node,taxonomy,users)√ Source of the content(Databases, csv, xml)

√ Public function prepareRow()√ Handles the post-processing of data imported.√ Can also be used to add extra data to entities being


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class DemoMigration extends Migration {

public function __construct() {


* Override the basic Migration class here.




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class DemoMigration extends Migration {

public function prepareRow($current_row) {


* Alter the data for the row being migrated here.




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Metadata required in constructor√ Description : Text to tell what are we migrating.√ Source_fields: Primary keys and any field that is not found in

the initial query.√ Query: Query to fetch the data from legacy database.√ Source: MigrateSourceSql instance to define the source of

migration.√ Destination: MigrateDestination<entity_type> instance to

define the destination.√ Map: Mapping to track the relationship between the source

rows from the source database and their resulting Drupal objects.

√ Create one-on-one mapping between legacy db and drupal objects (Using addFieldMapping).

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Query√ Query legacy database to fetch data to be

migrated.√ Legacy db on Local

Use db_select√ Legacy db on remote server


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MigrateSourceSql & Destination√ MigrateSourceSql: Takes the query object

and source_fields as an argument and defines the souce of data.

√ MigrateDestionation<entitytype>: Defines the Destination drupal object type.

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Example√ $this->source = new

MigrateSourceSQL($query, $sourceFields);

√ $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationNode('posts');

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MigrateSqlMap√ Responsible for creating mapping (source_id

+ destination_id).

√ Useful while creating relations between imported drupal objects whose primary key value has changed after migration.

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Example##User_legacy.inc$this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array( 'uid' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => t('User id from old site'), 'alias' => 'u', ) ), MigrateDestinationUser::getKeySchema());

##Content.inc$this->addFieldMapping('uid', 'uid') ->sourceMigration(‘User_legacy')

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Mapping fields√ AddFieldMapping : Takes the source field

name and dest field name as arguments.

√ Options:√ DefaultValue√ SourceMigration√ DNM√ Arguments and seperators.

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Example√ $this->addFieldMapping('uid', 'user_id')



√ $this->addFieldMapping('revision_uid')


√ $this->addFieldMapping('body', 'body')

->arguments(MigrateTextFieldHandler::arguments(NULL, 'wysiwyg'));

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Database Architecture√ Migrate_map_<classname> : Stores the

mapping data.

√ Migrate_message_<classname> : Stores the warnings or errors which come over while migration.

√ Migrate_status: Stores the status for all migration classes.

√ Migrate_log: Logs the migrations ran.

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Processing data√ Pre-processing: function prepareRow().

√ Post-processing: function complete()

e.g., D6 uses md5 encryption while d7 uses sha512 for password. Logic for handling this while migrating should go in here.

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Examplepublic function complete($entity, stdClass $row) {

$pass = 'U'.$entity->pass;

$uid = $entity->uid;



'pass' => $pass,


->condition('uid', $uid)



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Additional features of migrate v2√ Classes for varied import sources – Xml, JSON,

CSV, Databases√ Allows to define own field handlers.√ Allows migration of different entities: node,

taxonomy,users.√ Drush integration makes it just awesome.√ Rollback allows iterative migration easier i.e.,

you don't have to migrate all at once, migrate one item, test, fix and repeat.

√ Highwater Mark

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Highwater Mark√ Allows to re-import newly added/modified

content in the legacy db.√ How??

√ Field marked as highwater inside migration class is saved by migrate when we import the data first time.

√ Overtime more content gets added/modified to the legacy db (for which this fields value is larger).

√ Next time we run import, migrate alters the source query to fetch only those content which have the value larger than highwater value saved by migrate.

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How to choose highwater field?√ It should change everytime the content gets

modified.√ It should have a greater value for a new

content added(compared to all the previous nodes).

√ In case of drupal this can be the “changed” property of nodes.

√ Make sure to order the data from legacy db using this highwater field, so that last row processed has the highest highwater value.

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Example√ Use of orderby clause in query.


√ Define highwater field.$this->highwaterField = array(

'name' => ’modified','alias' => ‘p'


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Drush Commands

√ Drush ms: lists all migration classes√ Drush mi <classname>: Import content√ Drush mr <classname>: rollback content√ Options:

√ Idlist: allows migration of content with specific ids.√ limit: allows to migrate n no of items.√ Feedback = n seconds/items :status of migration

after n items or seconds.

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Modules based on Migrate

√ Ubercart_migrate√ Migrate_d2d√ Wordpress_migrate√ TYPO3_migrate√ phpbb2drupal

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Putting it all together


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√ https://github.com/qed42/rdm-drupal√ https://github.com/piyuesh23/joomla_drupal√ https://github.com/qed42/rdm-rails

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Thank You!!
