DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~...

DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Pl an/Report t or Goods & Non-Consul ting Serv ices (Cont ra cts Signed) I:: v :; I 1 ... , lc.wtaa I 1:-n I""''""'""""'"""' lu"' 1:= 0 .s 1........ ,""""'• 1 - I• £ Fc= 0 lr- ··" It BOll ::; > i .. I GD-• .• " •· Accessocles 1 1.3.500 1 1.050.00. lm.ooo l •s I PPR IN'" 12 I GQ.l.2 I laptops & Accessories 1 1.3,500 l.DSO, OOO ln. soo l •s I ••• I•• 13 I Gt>-L3 t.;,f)\ (JJ)$5 I M>o l soo.ooo 1 •96,150 l•s I ••• I•• I; rn.e.rte<J wilh GD·2.1 I G0· 1 .4 P rinters, 1 6.3!XI 1 •87 ,500 1 •2S,!OO I S<onner & C.tmera l•s I••• I•• , ,. Constuu: li<.W\$ I GD· 2.2 l rooml .,. ... I Moo ls oo .ooo 1 <86,EOO l •s I PPR I•• "' letobl I.IJ'II ite:d (6 I Stt(!l Almir 3h lsoo l n.ooo loc 1 ... I •" lsunny furniture MM 17 IGD-2. 3.2 (Oibint"C 1 300 lzo .ooo l l!l.OOO loc I,.. l ves 18 IGO-u ...... 1100 l sl.OOO lsz.- lros 1- I No (9 lc;o.u 11100 lro .ooo l ss . .oo lros 1- I,.. l u-O>. l ooo 1 70.000 1 70.000 ,.. I •• I GD-3 .2 .1 I •PS ror osc Ohak.a l•s IPPR I•• .... In I GD3-'l l iPS for DSC Mani\pnj (Sint,air• lm l to . ooo 1 70.000 IN s I••• I•• ln . ... .... .. 1•2 I GH2.l liPS for OSC J am<tlpur 1 900 1 70,000 1 70,000 INs I••• !No .... l•a I GOlM lt PS fo• DSC M'yrnt n!li.tl!h 1 900 1 70,000 17 0.000 I Ns I PPA I "• .. Companv l lA 1 Go-3.2.S OSC l<ishoretoflj 1 900 1 70.000 1 70.000 1-.s 1 ... I •• I IS-O"·"'" 15 I GD-JM l iP'S for OSC Netrokooa lm l l<I,OOO l l<I.OOO INS 1 ... I• , .; 16 I GD-U7 l iPS lot OSC Cl•nppa<>) 1 900 1 11>.000 l m.ooo l"s 1 - IHo .. In iGD-l1 .8 1' "" lot osc ..._ 1900 1 70 . 000 1 70.000 INS 1- lt<o ., I •• IGD-l.M I•PS lot osc eom;l.t (Botur.l) Jl.un'.wm 1900 l m.ooo 1 70. 000 INS 1- 1 ... I».., .ou lu '" li PS for DSC Barisal 1 900 1 70,000 lm . ooo l..s 1- I" :; 1 20 iGO·l 1.ll liPS for DSC Sagerhat CMorrelgann lm 1 ' 10,000 1 70.000 I••• I"• """"·' "" 121 lr.n.• "' li PS f Of D$C HObieonj lm 1 70. 000 lr.s I PI'• ,; 1 22 1 .• . 1 900 1 70,000 l >o.ooo IN s l rPR I•• ,, >no object! '. '•• •"' ••• 11'}-.v..::,t - -- - - Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized closure Authorized

Transcript of DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~...

Page 1: DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~ 0documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/519881468188352669/pdf/98427-v2... · DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Plan/Report tor Goods & Non-Consulting

DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A

Procurement Plan/Report t or Goods & Non-Consu lting Services (Cont racts Signed)

I:: v :; I 1 ... , lc.wtaa I 1:-n I""''""'""""'"""' lu"' 1:= I~ 0 .s

1........,""""'• 1-I• £ • Fc= 0 ~ lr- ··" It BOll ::; > i .. IGD-•.• " •· Accessocles 11.3.500 11.050.00. lm.ooo l•s IPPR IN• '"

12 IGQ.l.2 I laptops & Accessories 11.3,500 l.DSO,OOO ln.soo l•s I••• I•• 13 IGt>-L3 t.;,f)\(JJ)$5 IM>o lsoo.ooo 1•96,150 l•s I••• I•• I; rn.e.rte<J wilh GD·2.1

IG0·1.4 Printers, 16.3!XI 1•87,500 1•2S,!OO IS<onner & C.tmera l•s I••• I•• ,,. lr~j Constuu:li<.W\$

IGD·2.2 lrooml .,. ... I Moo lsoo.ooo 1<86,EOO l•s IPPR I•• "' letobl I.IJ'IIite:d

(6 IGD-1.~1 I Stt(!l Almir 3h lsoo ~·o.ooo ln.ooo loc 1 ... I•" lsunny furniture MM

17 IGD-2.3.2 I Ft~e (Oibint"C 1300 lzo.ooo ll!l.OOO loc I,.. lves 18 IGO-u l~~~c.o> ...... 1100 lsl.OOO lsz.- lros 1- I No

(9 lc;o.u ~ ·~ 11100 lro.ooo lss . .oo lros 1- I,.. lu-O>.

looo 170.000 170.000 ,.. I•• IGD-3.2.1 I•PS ror osc Ohak.a l•s IPPR I•• .... In IGD•3-'l liPS for DSC Mani\pnj (Sint,air• lm lto.ooo 170.000 INs I••• I•• ln . ....... .. 1•2 IGH2.l liPS for OSC Jam<tlpur 1900 170,000 170,000 INs I••• !No .... l•a IGO•lM ltPS fo• DSC M'yrnt n!li.tl!h (Sh<~oluk;,) 1900 170,000 170.000 INs IPPA I"• .. Companv

llA 1Go-3.2.S ~ ~~~ for OSC l<ishoretoflj 1900 170.000 170.000 1-.s 1 ... I•• I IS-O"·"'"

15 IGD-JM liP'S for OSC Netrokooa lm ll<I,OOO ll<I.OOO INS 1 ... I•• , .;

16 IGD-U7 liPS lot OSC ~lpnj Cl•nppa<>) 1900 111>.000 lm.ooo l"s 1- IHo .. In iGD-l1.8 1'"" lot osc ... _ 1900 170.000 170.000 INS 1- lt<o .,

I•• IGD-l.M I•PS lot osc eom;l.t (Botur.l) Jl.un'.wm 1900 lm.ooo 170.000 INS 1- 1 ... I».., .ou

lu lr~•• '" liPS for DSC Barisal 1900 170,000 lm.ooo l..s 1- I"• :;

120 iGO·l 1.ll liPS for DSC Sagerhat CMorrelgann lm 1'10,000 170.000 l~<s I••• I"• """"·'"" 121 lr.n.• "' liPS fOf D$C HObieonj (Chvnano~ehat) lm l~o.ooo 170.000 lr.s I PI'• l ~<o ,;

122 1 .•. R.:t~ahi 1900 170,000 l>o.ooo INs lrPR I•• ,, >no object! '. '•••"'•••

11'}-.v..::,t - -- - -


lic D



e A




lic D



e A




lic D



e A




lic D



e A



Typewritten Text
98427 v2
Typewritten Text
Page 2: DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~ 0documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/519881468188352669/pdf/98427-v2... · DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Plan/Report tor Goods & Non-Consulting

DCAR (Cr. 4481·80) • Part A

Procurement Plan/Report for GoOd$ & Non-Consulting Services (Contracts Signed)

Actual ; ~ 814/ Utim;,t¢d Estim.Jtect ~ ~ Contntet/ <""'"" " £ iauot:~tion • Contr-~ct Oe:3crlptron Unit Value Value value 5 " • -0- Oeliowety (Ac1ual) Supplier Rema<i<s c

O~f111 No. • " .g (U$0) (BOT) (BOO :! , Slc•loc CA<W>Il "' .. (~1)

13 G0.3 2.14 IPS fOf 0SC kuriCf~ (Fulb;vrJ l»mpsum 900 >0.000 10.000 NS PPR No 23-rvn·101l 16-Jun·201J 26 Jun 2013 Aaillm.aftootltd. Oefr;~ed: post·facto no obfe< ~rcMc:led LS«l:-2013

24 GO.l 2.15 II'S to< osc ll<ajpnf """"""" 900 10.000 lOJDJ NS PPR No .U ·Jun-2013 2C).Jun ·20l~ 16-I<A-201) ltahimalrool ltd. ~ed; post·facto no obie< PfoYided 1~·2013

25 GO.l.2J6 IPS fo< OSC NooiJ»>I ......,..,m 900 10,000 10J)OO NS PPR No l$·)JI·l013 lS-I<HOJJ ~2 .... c-10tl Jbhlm3irooz Ud.. Delltweted; post-lac:to no obje( ptowded JS<tct-2013

26 6()..1.2.17 IPS fot 05C N~ill"'p.,. ............ 900 10.000 10,000 NS PPR No 29-Jol•2m3 19-lul·10ll G4 ..... t ·101) R3h:11\31roo> Ud. DeiMfed;posr-bctono ob;e< pr~ .lSoOcl·2013

27 Go-).l.d IPS for OSC PltOfrput ............ 900 10.000 10.000 NS PPR No 07-Auc-2013 ·--·2013 22-Au&•lOil lbhlft'I~OOlltd. Odi'fltlcd; post•l;Ja_o no Ob;e< prO'ided 1S.tJrt..20U

28 GD-l.l.19 IPStOfOSC~ ,.......,... 900 >OJDJ 10.000 HS ... ... 2S-J..,.20U 25-Nn-2011 24•11i11•201l Rahimahoozltd. ~t"d; PQSt•facto 110 obitt ptcMded l,S.Oct-2013

~ Go.l.2..20 IPS t01 DSC Sllt'f'Plll ........... 900 >OJ)()() 70.000 NS PPR "" 2l-l ... ·20U 2&.-Ju .. lOll »JI.II•lOU R.ahim.ftooz Ud. Delivt'red; P<nt~f-<K"to no ob;et: proW:ted l.S-Oct·201l

lO IPS !ot DSC Kholna (lllvp:;h~) Lumpsum 900 >0.000 10.000 NS ... No 26-Jun-20U 27·Jun-20U J4>Ji.d>20U lbhlmaftoot ltd. Oelivtr'td; post.fa<;to no ob~

orcMded J.S.Oct-2013

ll Go-1.2..22 IPS for DSC n ncall lumpsum 900 70.000 69,800 NS ··~ No 26-Auc·201l 2&-Au.c·20ll 27•AIIIl•20ll .IUhlmafroor.ltd.

Delivt:red; port..facto no obj('(

twO'o'ided 1S-Oct·20ll

3' GD·).2.1 J IP$ fo, DSC O•ltl:.JOI\k (A~nauni:,) Lumpsum 900 70.<XXJ 70.000 NS PPR No 26-Jun-2013 16Jt.tn·20U )().Jun-2013 !Qhimafrooz. Ltd. ~M!t'cd; pt»t.f<lcto no objc.•<

PfOoMed l.S-00.·2013

33 GD-1,2.24 II'S for OSC r ONICpur l,umpsum 900 70,000 70,000 NS PPR No .ZNun-2013 27-Jun•2013 n •Jun•101l Rahlmafrooz Ltd. ()clive,~; pos:t<ft~tto no obi<:< prOvided 1S-oct·2.013

)4 GD-3.2.25 lttS for OSC Sylhtt t.umpsum '!()() 70_.000 70,000 HS PPR No 2S-ful~1013 1..S·Jul·2013 l0.1ui•101J Rilhimaf,oot ltd. Oeliv~ed; p<l!.:l·f:.lQQ cu) Obje<

provided 1S·Oct·.2013

3S GD-3.2.26 IPS foe OSC Aartflflllf Lompsum 900 70_.000 70,000 NS PPR No IS.Jul•201l 24·Jul·2013 14 • Jui · ~013 Rahknalrootltd. OcliYercd; poSt·f~d.o no ob.icc provided 1So0ct•l013

)(, Go-3.1.2? IPS f<H OSC N"to1e Lumpsum 900 70,000 70_.000 NS ••• No 24· 1UI·l0ll 24.Jui•20J3 30.1ul•:tOJ3 Rahlmalrooz: l ld, Oelf~ted; pOSt·f::~r.to no objtc pro11ided lS.Qrct-2013

31 G0-3.2..28 IPS for OSC Nllphatn i.Ui lumpstJm 900 70,000 70_.COO NS PPR NO 23-Jul•lOll 2·•·Jul·20ll a9·Jul·i013 Rahlmafrootltd. OeliYl"fC"d< post•f<tcto no obtec

provided 1S·Oct·20B

38 G0-3.~.29 IPS for OSC lh~lkur~()fl Lumprum 900 70.000 70.000 NS PPft No 17-Jul-20tl 17·1UI·20ll O?·AUfl·l013 f\ahlmatrooz Ltd. Oelivtrt-d; POS't•fa.cto no objec pravided l.S-Oct-2013

39 GD-3.2.!10 IPS for OSC Kushtl;t Lump10m 900 70,000 70.000 NS ••• No ZS·J\11·2013 l9·1u120U 3t.Jul~20ll Rilhlmafroot l.ld. ~ivered; post-facto no objec prcwided ~ct-2013

fw Ci0.3.2-3t IPS for DSC Jc=sort lump~ucn 900 70,000 70.000 NS ••• No 28·1u1·20J3 J Hul·20l3 14-Au.c•Wtl fbtllm3froo1. Ltd. O,~Overed; post-facto no objec pr<Mded J.S..Oa-20U

"' GD-3.2.32 1.1'$ for OS" Coa' t 6:u~r «,umpsum 900 70,000 70.000 NS ••• NO JO-Juo·201J JO-fun·201J 3().fun·2013 R.lh_mafroal Ltd. Oeri<~ered; post-facto no objec p(O~ed J.S.Oct-20ll

42 GO•l 2.3J IPS lot' 0SC ( ti.Jndput wmpsum 900 70.000 70.000 tiS ... Ho J.l.Jut-2013 JHu~·201l 04-~· 201'3 R~ftoozlrd. OeliYered; post• facto no objec pt~ 15-0ct·2013

<3 60.).2.)4 II'S r., OS.: _.._. ,._,.,., 900 10.000 >0.000 NS -... ll·.M·20U 12·~ .. 2013 JHul-2013 Rilhimafroozlld.

Of!livered; PQSt·bcto no obi«= lo<- 1S-Oct-20U

•• GO.l.US tPS for osc landl)fNft ........... 900 10.000 l'D.OOO HS .... tlo l:S-Ju'-2013 )l·Uo-2013 01·-'"C·2013 R~roo~:Ud. Otfi'lltlect; post·bcto no oO;nJ l)lovided 15-oct·lOll

s Gl>-6-1 Com put.,, & Ac::Cd.Sof~ ('or 1.)1 ............ 11.900 t • .ao.ooo 475.000 NS PPR ... 22· ... ·1012 ~· ..... lOU 03-,tl.ly-2012 SoftOOf'll tnte:.n~bon~ Dttk«ed: Mi:Spt"ocur~t ck .., ... ,oOSCsl Jul-l014

" -~~~ Q ,,.~~ ,.,.. • ----


Page 3: DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~ 0documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/519881468188352669/pdf/98427-v2... · DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Plan/Report tor Goods & Non-Consulting

DCAR (Cr. 4481-BD\ · Part A

Procurement Plan/Report for Goods & Non-Consulting Services {Contracts Signed)

~=' . ~ Sid/

I~J~~c :::.~''"' ~ • -0 £

l contr;~<t I'Jru:o;f;ription l"'"' i7~: ~ .. • ~PP"''' • ~.

~ ..,.. (IIOT) :;;· ''S- ... .g. ~";' . ~: ·~

4G Gt>6.2 loh><•lO ll<C'\ j6,400 500.000 475,000 INS I••• I No l9 •Jvn ·201~ W~lern Computl!"f$

" Go6.3 A«~Oties (f()r( 3td

Ito\ A 37,200 ><1M I'M ' ....... , I NCB I••• IN• Wotld BD tlndu::

(lolA) I""•~ ~ "'"" IOCAR

~8 ~~;~~ lws (for 3rd phase 30 OSCs} I tote 87,200 '"""~" '''""'"' INca I••• I" • world ao loc••· ' 27·feb·'-'

l'" Go-7.1 & N.c~otles (for 1St pha~

41,700 "<ONn 10 05Cs).

•= rm I NCB I••• I"• Otobi Umlted

lso CD·?.> jph"c 10 OSCS) s (for :tnd

41.0 H l4) 1'M I NCB I••• I No Otobi ~i r~liled

1St Gt>7.3 ~~~~:81~~Csl (for 1St

3,300 260,000 lzss.ooo INs I••• I" • " " RANGSltd.

Is> lao-7.•1 s (for 2nd

3,800 300,000 1>62.000 INS I••• l"• RANGS lid. oh>sc10 DSCsl

Iss lao-1.s Color TVs (foe In pha>,;c: J.O DSCst 3,SOO 210,000 l>lo,ooo l"s I••• i"• " IRANGS lld.

's.t lco.7.6 Color TVs (for 2nd phase 10 OSCs) 6.'100 SOO,OOO 1210.000 iNS IPPR i"• & ;\ccessories (for 3rd

126.900 ISV$\tm ln(()fltl~tion O<llvery • · " '~>• lnduded

s s lG0-7.7 17.955.280 iNS i••• I"• :l i>l•but av ,., • ., 30 OSCs) ltd. '""

56 ~~:-AI ""· to< • llSl,BOO " ~ 10.790,000 iNCa lw• iYe$ !Pvl.) l,l(t . (wn conu~ 13242:

57 1~:'., mio·obus) loiB IJS.SOO """ ono :NCB l""" !Yes , (W6 COntr<tQ .l3:Z43~

58 iG0-8.1 [Mobile ftehabilitation Vans (20 unitS) ·<~ 1()(' "" ' ... oro jBG .y .. l0·~·1.013 ' l.td. Delivery pending;-

S9 :G0-9.1 :• r lSI phase ~:o~;,"' 1·148.700 ' nno; <lM NCB !PPR Yes , (wn Conttact 13231:

60 GD-9.2 !Therapy r 2nd , ~Mdllla<v 1·148,700 ,, """""' ' ···~ NCO •••• Y<lS · ~<· · ·'"" (\VB Coou~ lS lSO:

61 Go9.3 I"""' r l SI phase 10 OSCsl

16,400 1soo.ooo 1•99.600 NS .••a No , ,

[ n.er.:~py_ (qu !pm~nt & Andll!ary ?~~~ pendina; octu;d c.ontr~

162 G09.4 ' ~,.""' O< • M • "'=· ,, I(B PPR Yes tliry;)t Pvt. ltd. USO'·" 1S2 3r<.S ph~ 30 oSCs) lnduded In , app<ow

Aide Mernoire

163 IG0-10.1 I· I. 12S6.400 _l· • I. '., >I NCB I••• INo I . I. I. IM.C. Trode Cent« I. I_ -

~ ~~ < -

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DCAR !Cr. 4481-801- Part A

Procurement Plan/Report f or Goods & Non-<:on sulting Services (Contracts Signed)

.. G'









~ ~Delcrip'ion No.

GO.l O.l Asslstrvt Dt-M6

GD--10.41.J An1fldnl Umbs (2 ltt m s)

GD·l0.4..J White Can~ {400 lttm$)

GD-10.4.) 'Nhrte Cant'S (100 1temj.J

G0-10.4.4 While Can(!~ ( 100 items)

G().J11 s..Mc""""on

G0-13 .3 Mis<:cll;,neous Goods ibJ<.'•IktlS for PWO$)

NCS-U Ouuour«d S~ce lot-Support PetiOnneltStliH/Gu:..d$/Otfversl

NCS·I.Z "'""""'""' s..-.co ,., -Personnel (Saff/Gu:wdiiO••versJ

NC$-1.) ~(td Senoke lot SuciPQn

,tr"$0nnd (Soff/G~rd,J'()rrivenl

t=l EJ

""" lumpsum





-on l\lmf)CVrrl



.-. .,

Estimot<d ~«< """" } ~I.e tv•, .. V;~lue


256,400 lfJJJ(XJJJ(XJ 14,9-fS.£,00 NCa

300 23,400 23.400 DC

XlO ls-.ooo SA,OOO DC

'"" 18.000 18.000 DC

200 18.000 18,000 DC

800 fiOJXXl S9,7JO DC

G.400 Soo,OOO 4G8,000 N$

13.100 1,800,000 4,900,789 NCB

2.UOO 1,800,000 ,t48 1,.000 NCO

185.900 14.SOO..OOO 16,.a3,000 H( O

Estitute Es.timate ...... (USO) IBOTI coon 6,0l9,900 4'7o_.3U.OOO 3.51,-207.467

; ! ~I ec..u.nJ "' ! ~·ion .. PP:cn'ne

~Ow"der: r.-'"'(A<tuaij ~u., R~rlu

73 ~ Slgnlflc Vo<tu;olf" "' ACtval) .. -

PPR , .. 10-M.Jr ·10H 20--AcW ·1014 ~·2014 Pf'Offi•IICO Ud. o.o-«1

PPR v •• Ol·Dec·~Oll 17·Dee-20L2 J;:lilll CorpQf\ltioo Delhlc:red; po~t-racto no object pi'OYid eod 1S.()(t·20 L3

PPR ""' - l l·O<t·lOll 11-D«-2012 HS8P OdiYttt'd; post·t.lao no ob)Kt prO'Iickd 15-0a·lOl)

PPR ... 14 Nov·2011 ()8.0e(F20U Zakl; Wh•te Cat11! Dchv~rtd: pO):t ·.fxtO no objea [providP.<IlS·Ort·lOl!l

PPR ,.. - 16-Apt·2011 22.,Apr·20ll z.a•lr I.Vhite Cane O!liYtted; S'IOSt·faao no Ob;ccti

PfOYided J.S.Oct-2013 ... No ~2-·2012 19-0«-lOt l II'IJet Bangladesh Ud. Ol!ltvertd: post-ba.o no object prOYI(Jed 1S-Oc~·2013 ... NO ~-2012 Q9..0e<-20t2 ll·DK•2012 M/S Monic & J.ah .. ne;ir Store Ot!41Yi.'fed; ~·fatto f'W) ob;ecti ptOYidH JS.Oct-20 JJ

PPR NO O&.M:w-~012 31·00·2012 31.0C1•20H C®nlrvS~ritySeMce' Coml)lo~tl e:d; po.st-faao no objcc Umlltd provld<.'d J.S.Qd:-201.)

PPO NO '20-Ju l·lOU 30-Mav-2013 U-M~ ·2.01S COIII'Itty Securitv St:r V"t."C'S CompJ.e<led; Post·f3Gto no obiro Um•led ptovlded 1S.oct-2o-1a

De~ CI~..C: not lnduded li - "" ll><>«·201• 12-t.Ut·201S 30·J111'!·2016 Counlt¥ ScGJritv Sef'<lkn _PI'~.lPf)(OYtd ,but .lgf(

Um1tt:d OCAR Aide Mcmolrc J.?-reb-201 value CSfim<ltl.>d o n b3$1$ ol m orr

Page 5: DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~ 0documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/519881468188352669/pdf/98427-v2... · DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Plan/Report tor Goods & Non-Consulting


DCAR !Cr. 4481-80) - Part A

Procurement Plan fo r Goods & Non-Consulting Services











I= IGO·S.l





Number of



Contl'l(t Dew iption Unh

Office £qt!Apmc:m -l rt:~ t S<:rc:~n TVs & Webcams for VIdeo

• c:. (20 unit$) '

I~.Jart'\/Color J

l"'we.' ....

' ll.OC 8

, vanli Ill unit:.)

tfot alt DSCs)

(faf" lfd ~ 30 OSCs)

P. Additi0 1'131 TI~f;)PV

lfor selected OSCs)

1: ::· l • IBid/ "8


~~; ••

5 0

~ "' ~~kl~ ~

~ 1(801} ::;;

"' .. 38.500 -- INCa I""• ... 19.200 1.500.000 INCa , .... No

25.600 >IIM.Illll\ INCU I••• IN•

I~ 1""'- I .~ ~ IHCB 1- l·to I

1.538.500 20.000.000 IIC8 loG I Yes

1169,200 ""'~ NCB IPP• IN•

189.700 .NCIJ I ~'~'• I"•

138•,600 '"""'""" NCO lt'l'll IN•

:2S6.400 NCB ! ..... 1,..

Estimate IEstlmoce (USO) J(BDl]

2.665,500 jt07,9l0,000

s;.-1..- lo.•....-, Is-




~~·· I k>cfude< 14-Jun..lOlS

!iv .. . .,..........,;,.n reb-21

.. • < 10.S.,..10l5

In ph

l ~~r~ inOCI

•< •<

lo• Oct·lOtS

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QCAB !Cr. 4481-BDI · Part A

Procurement Plan/Report for Consultant Services (Contracts Signed)

Eitlm;ated '8 ; I Proposi~l/

'""""" Con'.;ploeticn eo ....... E«lmated Ac:tuaC V~b: c ! .......... = • """""',.........., Unit ...... jva ... IOOTI i • ,..... (Aau;)l ~as PH COftsl.lb.M ........ No.

(USOI (BOT} ,. ~ l ~ ,.....,q Con.-.a) ..

I SOl P.-ocur~ment ~ ......... )1.000 t,4 lS.69l 1,.415.,-693 SIC DG ,., 21M 1011 l<>l'd>·20l2 19-Au< .21)1J Md. (Ide 51\IN<f Completed cwec:on.raa una

! SOIA Ptowr~ ~cia!'i:R l'ldMdwfl 6,300 .. ~.21S 49S,21S soc 6G '"' ~·Oe<:-2011 Ol·M¥·20U 1?-Iun-2014 Sved s.r..-.v IM.wf\ Comp\e'ltd ewe Ccwttr~ 1517'9

3 so-u Pf'O(U((:fntlU Spedal~ ltldlvidua l 71t,l00 6,009,1»2 ].568,184 SIC llG ,., OS Dec·10U l8•Jun•:l014 31-MlJY•201S Md. N~tMu M lllh Oncoii\C (W&Contr• o lSllSlS: <xt<ndod

• SOo1 Fln~al Mf nilt:em<:nt SI)C'(:itJlist lndwldv~ l57.900 JZ-314.000 4.920.341 SIC 6G "". Z1·1ul ·2011 1S·NW·20U 14·Ap,·2015 MCI. Abcfur IIJIShld Completed (WB Conuao ~122&


s SD·3 f'ohcy Anatysls & Dc~lopmc:nt

lndlvu,Juut Sl,lOO 4,000,000 3,000,000 SIC OG ••• l$-NOV<-2012 04·NOV·20 1J 0Hf¢v· 201$ Md. M~hlur Rohman Ongoillf. (W6Corrtract l51G742;

ISpednllst eldend<ed

6 so.:t Dlsabi:iifVSpeci<JII$t lndlvi6u.:ll Sl,900 4,l2.5,000 3,7 t4, tl0 SIC 6G No · 1$-IIOV-20 12 Oti-Feb-2013 03-May-2015 lta jlb II~S31'1 0)11~t!&e1~ (W6 Contt.:tet IS L l '11 entf'lded

1 !0-6 Moni1M ing & E'valuauon Sl)f'Cialis1 11\dNklu.:!l 51,100 4,003,000 1.500,000 SIC BG No • 1,5-14()11·2011 2S-Auc·20ll 2.t.Apr<Z014 Kh, 'lW H~~ln Comple1ed lWO Cootrao lS U 71

a SO.J Ttllnitlc Spedaliin McSMcl\toll 95,.aQO 7,445,000 S,117.1Jd 51C 6G .... '271.a,..1012 20.Fc.b-20U 19-AiJC.·201S ,..d . Gol;tm M0$1;DfJ Qncolllc (W9Conu-act U17472) ..,..,.,..

9 ,SI).I $odi)..((Of'\IOiftiC_ AsW1StllleM (Desk

··~ 31,~ )JJOOJX)O 1.199.960 ... ... No :21 Ho¥-1012 10.f.eb-201l 19-J..,.,..201.) 1.actwftalt ~ts Umitrd "'""""'" ~ofPWDs

Otwlopnc Tra.wr&& leaf"'"&

10 SO.IS.J Materi»s I 0rpnlDf!C.1!'3Inlt\C & r""' 100,000 ',80l0JX)O 5..9'».750 FilS ••• No U ·Otc·lOll 31-()Q 20U 30-0tc-2014 Gono IJMiyiA ShQciiN .,._. .. Onetltauoft Pf~ Oew:loping T t •inine & le~mint

II S0.1S.2 M3'1tti<Jb I Olg;:tni.!WI& SPt'Cll<llitcd A1m 8).)00 ,,500,000 4,721,.8(10 FRS PPR No 1&-llln 20J.l 04-Jut-2013 28--J~l014 EAOS Urn.ted CofTI,JIIetcd Tralnlnf: & TOT Pro~a-nu.

12 SO·l G.l Audit firm (f-Y 2013) r"''" 600 .50.000 39,500 RfQ PPR NO 08·0ctc•201l 18..t)eC•l 01J 23·Jan-2011'1 .u. Ahmed & Compolny Comp&etcd; not i1lduded , , pre\'

Ch;,u tCI¢d AcCOII!II Itf'll.S approved flP but t equlrt>d bv FA

LV AIHt!td ~ Compai\V Com(llt led; no t included iJl prcvt

IJ so-u;' Audit n rm (FY 20l4t f iun 1,300 100,000 90,620 sss PPR No 19·0ec;·201., IO.Jan ·2015 18 ·Ftb-201S approvtd PP bvt requ.red bV FA; OU!rt eted AcCOUfltUnts oo,ectlon l)fOiokled 22-0ct-:l0t4

Pte-Sh~ tnspeaiOf'l Attn1 Qrtsolnc; r t qulred as pt r concr<K

" SOol7 (forG.0-8.1 &G0-9.'1) firm )2,100 l,SOO,OOO 2.122.982 cas """ ... ll•M:tr•l01.5 l9 Mar-2015 ~Jun-201S O.U.cav Vcrl't!K 8.1 and G0-9.4; aroHI contract"


B -• r.-· EstitNtt -(USD) (101) (001}

11UOO 50.151.000 17,415~


Page 7: DCAR 4481-80) ·Part A 1:= I:: I 1- I~ 0documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/519881468188352669/pdf/98427-v2... · DCAR !Ct. 4481-80) ·Part A Procurement Plan/Report tor Goods & Non-Consulting

OCAR !Cr. 4481-BD) -Part A

Procurement Plan for Consultant Services











Numbef"of Contr;,11!H

I t.VaJuation Speci;di:;1


of t£CActivities

Tratnlne & Orientalioo

2015& fY lOt6t

lefor GD-8.21 Inspection A~1




I lM~ I~

F;rm i262.800

f km .U9.500 110.100.000

lnrm 2 .. 600 1zoo.ooo

IRrm li.800 '"~"""

I Form 19,200 "~"""

Estimare Estimate lUSD) (OOT).

458,3,00 JS,?SO,OOO

7~' ; • II

~ .!! .• ,. 0 .s > 5 .. v

~·~: · 1~ ~ '


'QCBS BG lves .... ,. '"'

'•as PPR I No

CQS Pll1t I No

CQS """ I No

CQS """ I No