DC Pub 3double page

What is a clever logo


What is a clever logo CONTENTS PAGE Introduction

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What is a clever logo

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Sauna / Emil Paun

This is a prime example of a fantastic logo that is clever. The design itself is very simple. It’s only uses a typeface, but it doen’t really need a symbol.

If we take the idea of what a Sauna is suppose to do you can translate that across to this logo. When a person steps in to a sauna it’s to sweat out excess water in the body. So you walk in heavier then when you leave. This has been translated across to the design starting with a heavy weight in letter for the ‘S’ and graduadlly getting to a thinner weight for the last letter. It is a very simple idea but one that works very well I feel.

For more aesthetic Emil added a mist or a haze to the outside of the letters. This is particuarly noticable on the ‘N’. This is to represent the hot mist/steam produced in a sauna.

Based in Manchester and focusing on web written in

HTML5 and CSS. Digital and ranges of layout design

with a small amount of branding.

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A classic example of negative space used to create another aspect of a logo. This very simple design is a great piece of design and something that really communicates what a clever logo is.

The main part of this design is the symbol of a plug. An american plug to be exact, the way that the coil has been drawn with those small lines at the curves which really add to the design. The use of the negative space to create an ‘E’ is really clever. It is creating a second part to the design effortlessly. Using this as a piece of personal branding is great.

ED / Eden Clairicia

A french designer that focuses on branding and

printed media. Photography is also a big interest.

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Another very simple design for a logo. By using the typeface Stacker Bold the designer has added a triangle to the bottom of the I and the L to create the shape of a pencil. Very clever concept indeed. By adding a triangle to the bottom of a typeface the designer has managed to create a very clever identity indeed.

I sent Reghardt a few emails asking him a couple of questions and he sent back some responses found on the other page.

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Pencil / Reghardt Grobbelaar

Q. Which country do you currently live in?A. Currently I am living in South Africa.

Q. How many years have you been a designer?A. I finished my honors Degree early last year, but started doing freelance work in my second year, so roughly about since about mid 2008.

Q. Do you work from home or for a company?A. I work from home on a freelance basis, but plan to open a small studio soon.

Q. What would you say your speciality was in design?A. I would say my specialty is looking for the minimal in everything, that is one of the reasons why I prefer logo design. One has to find the right image to show the qualities on a company in a limited.

Q. When you designed this logo was it a live brief or a project for fun?A. The logo was designed while working on another concept, it was further developed and now just waiting to go to the right home. So basically fictional brief inspired by actual client work.

A South African designer working with international clients while specialising in

Identity Design.


Q. Whats your main goal when creating a new logo?A. The main goal is always finding the balance between what the client wants and good design, finding that special something that brings the company’s ideals/qualities across.

Q. Whats your favourite logo at the moment, and why?A. This changes a lot and goes back and forth between an number of logos, but at the moment it would be the personal mark of Swiss designer David Pache.

Q. Whats your favourite colour?A. I don’t really have one favorite color, but do have a certain soft spot for orange and blue.

Q. If you could brand anything in the world what would it be?A. I would say the South African Cricket team.

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Sauna / Emil Paun

Based in Manchester and focusing on web written in

HTML5 and CSS. Digital and ranges of layout design

with a small amount of branding.

This is a prime example of a fantastic logo that is clever. The design itself is very simple. It’s only uses a typeface, but it doen’t really need a symbol.

If we take the idea of what a Sauna is suppose to do you can translate that across to this logo. When a person steps in to a sauna it’s to sweat out excess water in the body. So you walk in heavier then when you leave. This has been translated across to the design starting with a heavy weight in letter for the ‘S’ and graduadlly getting to a thinner weight for the last letter. It is a very simple idea but one that works very well I feel.

For more aesthetic Emil added a mist or a haze to the outside of the letters. This is particuarly noticable on the ‘N’. This is to represent the hot mist/steam produced in a sauna.

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The Fashion Center / Pentagram

While researching clever designs like this one, I found a interview between Sean Adams and Michael Bierut from Pentagram. It was interesting because they discussed a lot of different subjects. One of them was about the design for The Fashion Center. Michael mentions that the identity was created to be a 2D design, but that in the end they made it 3D and thats what made it stand out. They made the button huge out of polyester resin

and put in on a roof held on with a giant metal needle. From that he says it was easily identifiable.

The ‘F’ for fashion is made from the holes that you would normally thread the cotton through to attatch it to a shirt or dress. This is a clever method of design because its subtle.

The choice of black and white is interesting, but I think that was to make sure that the work of the fashion show becomes the main part of any page and that the identity is what sits in the background.

Focusing on branding and web this polish designer produces

some high-end work.


“easily identifiable.”

While researching clever designs like this one, I found a interview between Sean Adams and Michael Bierut from Pentagram. It was interesting because they discussed a lot of different subjects. One of them was about the design for The Fashion Center. Michael mentions that the identity was created to be a 2D design, but that in the end they made it 3D and thats what made it stand out. They made the button huge out of polyester resin and put in on a roof held on with a giant metal needle. From that he says it was easily identifiable.

The ‘F’ for fashion is made from the holes that you would normally thread the cotton through to attatch it to a shirt or dress. This is a clever method of design because its subtle.

The choice of black and white is interesting, but I think that was to make sure that the work of the fashion show becomes the main part of any page and that the identity is what sits in the background.Overall I feel that this identity has that clever aspect of design that I look for. Its subtle, but from a distance you get the

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Diamond Book Store / Joanna Malik

Q. Which country do you currently live in?A. Poland.

Q. How many years have you been a designer?A. 10 years.

Q. Do you work from home or for a company?A. I work from home.

Q. What would you say your speciality was in design?A. Logos / Branding / Web Design

Q. When you designed this logo was it a live brief or a project for fun?A. It was a project for fun.

Q. Whats your main goal when creating a new logo?A. Make a smart, simple mark.

Q. Whats your favourite logo at the moment, and why?A. From my portfolio the favorite logo is Diamon Bookstore. It is simple and smart.

Q. Whats your favourite colour?A. Black / Gray / Purple

Focusing on branding and web this polish designer produces

some high-end work.Q. If you could brand anything what would it be?A. A bookstore so I could use my logo from my portfolio.

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Airtistic / Alex Toth

Q. Which country do you currently live in?A. I live in the United States of America.

Q. How many years have you been a designer?A. I’ve been a designer now for 12 years

Q. Do you work from home or for a company?A. I work from my home office.

Q. How did you get in to designing?A. I began my career as a web/UI designer and considered that my specialty for a long time. In 2005 I developed an unhealthy obsession with branding and decided to test my skills in logo design. I received an overwhelmingly positive response. To this day web development remains the bulk of my workload but I continue to receive logo design requests regularly.

Q. When you designed this logo was it a live brief or a project for fun?A. The Airtistic logo was initially for fun. I was working on a different project for a client and had the realization of how similar the end of a pencil was to a parachute. In that moment, the idea for

the logo was born. It has since been sold to a client.

Q. Whats your main goal when creating a new logo?A. My main goal in creating a logo is to capture the essence of a client’s vision for their product, service and/or company. This involves learning all you can about the client’s product offering, services, competition, mission statement, goals, vision, personal vision for their brand and how they want to be perceived by their target audience.

Q. Whats your favourite logo at the moment, and why?A. Wow... there are so many it would be impossible to choose only one favorite. I will say that one of my favorite logos lately is by Josiah Jost. He recently designed a rebrand for Tyroo. It is very clever.

Q. And finally whats your favourite colour?A. It depends on my mood and the project I’m working on. I do wear a lot of black.. but that’s not really a color, is it?

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An American designer that mainly focuses on Web and UI design but loves to get stuck in to a bit of branding.

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Lion Bird / Nashifan Nizam


Q. Which country do you currently live in?A. Sri Lanka

Q. How many years have you been a designer?A. Been designing for three years and two months now, and have loved every second of it.Q. Do you work from home or for a company?A. I work from home, but planning to open a studio soon.

Q. How did you get in to designing?A. My dad was a designer, and I just picked it up from him. He taught me how to visualise concepts and ideas creatively in an impressive way.

Q. When you designed this logo was it a live brief or a project for fun?A. Neither, it was to implement the conceptual idea that came in to my mind.

Q. Whats your main goal when creating a new logo?A. It should have a unique and impressive style. Thats my main goal.

A freelance designer based in Sri Lanka, that tends to focus on identity.

Q. Whats your favourite logo at the moment, and why?A. ‘Families’ logo because the idea expression is clever.

Q. Whats your favourite colour?A. Dodger Blue

Q. If you could design anything what would it be?A. I would really want to design a television station, I think that would be really interesting.

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Think Tank / Logiq

Q. Which country do you currently live in?A. We are based in America.

Q. How many years have you been a designer?A. Personally 6 years, but the other guys in the office have been going longer.

Q. Do you work from home or for a company?A. We have a small studio with a small team.

Q. How did you get in to designing?A. I always drew, and I did some collaborations with these guys for a bit, then we just decided to start up Logiq!

Q. When you designed this logo was it a live brief or a project for fun?A. This was actually my personal idea that I did before Logiq, it just grew in to something bigger, so fun really.

Q. Whats your main goal when creating a new logo?A. I like to research around the client before I put pen to paper, but overall I just aim to please the client.

A creative team based in America that focus on high impact creative solutions for the web and social networking market.

Q. Whats your favourite logo at the moment, and why?A. Always thought that the Toblerone logo was great with the bear in the mountain.

Q. And finally whats your favourite colour?A. Mint

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