DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB...

DB Systemtechnik Activity Report 2017/2018 DB Systemtechnik Group

Transcript of DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB...

Page 1: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring

DB SystemtechnikActivity Report


DB Systemtechnik Group

Page 2: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring

We have decades of railway experience We offer all services from a single sourceWe understand every vehicle We are able to test every vehicleWe manage the approval process for you: anytime, anywhereWe are a railway undertaking (incl. vehicle fleet and train drivers)We master the railway system

Photos cover: Guido Fiefstück, Dr. Kai-Uwe NielsenPhoto on the right side: Dr. Kai-Uwe Nielsen, DB AG / Christian Gahl

Page 3: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring


Activity Report 2017/2018

Die DB Systemtechnik:Spearheading development

and mastering interfaces

In 2017, DB Systemtechnik set its sights firmly on the futureunder the auspices of the new Digitalization and TechnologyBoard Division. This has turned us and our over 800 employeesinto a key player charged not only with technical work, but alsoa growing number of strategic and planning tasks. We havemore than 5000 orders on our books and are finding successboth within Germany and far beyond its borders too.

Since it is independent and neutral, DB Systemtechnik has commit- ted itself to developing the railway into a sector that is fit for thefuture and to finding solutions to new problems. Operator rolesthat were previously integrated are being separated out, thus in-creasing the number of players on the market and leading to moreinterfaces whose various technologies and processes all need tobe mastered. The Vehicles Steering Committee has been createdto address this last point and has already taken many decisionsthat prove just how essential it is.

Alongside its full range of rail engineering and testing services,DB Systemtechnik is developing more and more products forpredictive and preventive maintenance, which is becoming in-creasingly important in the quest to achieve seamless rail trans-port. Globalisation of the markets is seeing new manufacturerspushing into Europe. DB Systemtechnik runs tests for their vehic -les throughout Europe, checks how they interact with the infra-structure and takes care of all aspects of approval management.

You will find information about this and much, much more in ouractivity report, which we have been producing for many years nowand which will give you a brief glimpse into what we do all overthe world day in, day out.

Hans Peter LangManaging directorCTO Deutsche Bahn AG

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01 Foreword: Hans Peter Lang

03 DB Systemtechnik: The Highlights

08 Lead article 1: The vehicles steering committee13 Lead article 2: Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

18 DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018 42 ESG Rail reference projects 2017/2018

45 Trade fairs and activities

50 DB Systemtechnik: Our products

51 DB Systemtechnik: Your contacts



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Highlights 2017/2018

Experts fromDB Systemtechnik at

work around the globe

Photos: Hitachi Rail Europe, Hans-Rudolf Hartmann / SBB

IEP audit for Hitachi Rail Europe in the United Kingdom

Hitachi Rail Europe is delivering new, modern trains forthe Great Western Main Line and East Coast Main Line.Here, DB Systemtechnik carried out the following audits:running equipment, brakes and wheel slide protection,pantograph, pressure tightness and aerodynamics. Thetests were carried out on the British railway network andat a test facility near Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire.

ICE 4 meets Giruno in Switzerland

In September 2017, two new vehicles came face toface during their approval journeys at Solothurn inSwitzerland. Both high-speed trains must complete ademanding set of tests to obtain approval for use inthe country. For the ICE 4, DB Systemtechnik was com-missioned by Siemens to test the running equipmentand pantograph, as well as conduct EMC and ETCStests. On the Giruno, DB Systemtechnik performedaerodynamic and running tests for the manufacturerStadler. These tests use highly sensitive measurementwheelset sensors to record and assess transport safety,track load and ride comfort.

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Highlights 2017/2018

Photos: Dr. Kai-Uwe Nielsen, Martin Loibl, Thomas Kwitschinski, beide DB Systemtechnik

Swedish Metro in MEikE

At the environmental chamber in Minden, a range oftests were carried out for Bombardier on a MOVIA C 30for the Stockholm metro. The vehicle was the first 70-metre-long train to undergo testing in the MEikE environ-mental chamber. The tests focused on the air condition-ing of the passenger area and driver's cab, as well as theheat transition coefficient (k value). The vehicle also underwent functional tests on the doors, windscreen,wipers and signal horn, as well as on the wheel flange lubrication under ice and snow.

Overhead line measuring instruments for Australia

American company ENSCO delivered rail maintenance measur-ing instruments to a major Australian rail company. DB System -technik provided the equipment for measuring the followingproperties on the overhead line: dynamic interaction betweenthe pantograph and overhead line, height and lateral deflectionof the contact wire, wear on the contact wire as well as its posi-tion and lateral distance from the catenary supports. Manufac-tured in Munich, the measuring instruments were installed innorthern Italy in a measurement train produced by GeismarDonelli. Commissioning of the measurement systems and thetechnical training of the customer’s staff took place in Brisbane,Australia.

Shunter with battery in Minden

A battery-operated shunter (type EL 16) has been purchased for Minden. The older vehicle was

completely overhauled and is now used mainly for shunting movements in the measuring hall. This

makes it possible to reduce the diesel emissions that were previously generated

during shunting operations in the hall.

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Highlights 2017/2018

Taurus tests in Sweden

As part of the electrification of the Danish rail network,Banedanmark and Hector Rail conducted tests in Swedenwith a TAURUS test locomotive in June 2018. Together withsupport from DB Systemtechnik and the Swedish rail au-thority Trafikverket, the locomotive was prepared for its future testing activities in Denmark on the high-speed linebetween Haparanda and Kalix. DB Systemtechnik was re-sponsible for monitoring the contact wire uplift. Alongsidethis, the vehicle was fitted with acceleration sensors tomeasure the vehicle dynamics.


GTO diagnosis - Innovative solutions for the ICE 1DB Fernverkehr commissioned DB Systemtechnik to find an innovative solution to significantly reduce drive faults in theICE 1 until the old GTO drive modules are replaced. The cur-rent ground fault monitoring system switches off the driveonce a threshold is reached.

DB Systemtechnik developed and integrated a measurementsystem that constantly monitors, records and transmits thesevalues, so that they can be analysed and assessed. The aim isto enable preventative maintenance measures before the driveunit switches off. The data evaluation system, verification anddesign optimisation are still in development. Preparations tofit the system as standard in a sub-fleet are also ongoing.

S-Bahn modernisation in Munich

The Munich S-Bahn has launched Deutsche Bahn’s largest vehicle modernisation project together with the BayerischeEisenbahngesellschaft (BEG). The project will see a completeremodelling of the interiors of each of the 238 units class 423.The Krefeld-based Engineering division is supporting the re-fur bishment of the multiple unit trains, from the initial designdrawing and first remodelled prototype all the way to seriesproduction.

Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik

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Highlights 2017/2018

CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC

An ICE 2 fitted with measuring instruments has beentravelling across the Deutsche Bahn railway network forover 13 years, delivering data every day to assess thecondition of the superstructure (track geometry). Now,DB Systemtechnik has fitted enhanced measuring instru-ments in another train, called the “CTM 2.0”, for DB Netzand DB Fernverkehr. The sensors integrated in the axleboxof the double-decker IC have been continuously monitoringthe track geometry (longitudinal level) between Bremen,Hanover, Magdeburg and Leipzig since the end of March.

Approval tests for Alstom iLint

DB Systemtechnik was commissioned by Alstom to con-duct TSI approval tests on the brakes of the world’s firstpower car with fuel cell drive. The main aim of the testson the Coradia iLint was to check the interaction betweenthe conventional pneumatic brake and the electro-dynamicbrake fitted in this vehicle family for the first time.

The hydrogen-powered Coradia iLint Train received ap-proval from the Federal Railway Authority for passengertransport in the German rail network on 11 July 2018.

30 years ago - World record speed with the ICE-V

On 1 May 1988, the ICE-V, the prototype for Germany’sfuture high-speed train, set a world record for wheel railvehicles with a speed of 406.9 km/h, a milestone in thedevelopment of ICE transport. Scheduled ICE transportbegan just three years later in 1991. The ICE-V that setthe record consisted of two power heads and two inter-mediate trailers containing the measuring instruments.

After several ramp-up runs, the record-breaking journeytook place in the Sinntal valley on the new-build linebetween Würzburg and Fulda, which was still under

construction at the time.

Photos: DB AG/Wolfgang Klee, Martin Loibl, Timo Klosa


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Highlights 2017/2018

Test run for Desiro HC in Bavaria and eastern Westphalia

DB Systemtechnik is monitoring the production of thefour-part Siemens trainset for Rhein-Ruhr-Express (RRX)until its approval. The engineering and testing servicesprovider is also conducting detailed approval tests withthe pre-production vehicles for Siemens. Up to four RRXtrains were on the tracks simultaneously for the measure-ment runs, which focused on running equipment, brakes,torsion dynamics, service management, pantograph, andacoustics.

Photos: Joachim Wegner, Martin Loibl 2 x

“Innovative freight wagons” project

Field tests for the “innovative freight wagons” project havebeen under way since March 2018. DB Systemtechnikwas commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transportand Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), together with projectpartners VTG and DB Cargo, to conduct a series of testsacross several months. The aim is to find out whethergoods wagons with innovative technology are quieter,more energy efficient and more cost effective than thoseused currently. The test train with 23 vehicles consists oftwelve wagons of different types fitted with innovativetechnology, alongside eleven normal goods wagons asreference vehicles.


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The vehicles steering committee

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The vehicles steering committee

Once self-contained value chains are increasinglybeing split into separate components, e.g. owner-ship, operation and maintenance of productionassets. The result is a very modern rail system ba -sed on the needs and interests of customers andorganised and operated by a diverse range of com- panies. We are experiencing continuous growth intransport volume. In passenger transport, disusedlines are being reopened and attractive servicesoffered even away from the major cities.

But where there is light, there is also shadow.The many stakeholders in the rail system naturallypursue their own interests, which do not necessa -rily align. In the past, their mission was to ensurepublic supply. Today, they must prevail amid fiercecompetition. This naturally creates conflicts thatneed to be resolved.

Who has an overview of the smooth functioningof the rail system as a whole with its myriad tech-nical systems?

Where are solutions being developed to solvepotential conflicts of interest, e.g. between infra-structure managers and train operators or betweenapproval bodies and operators and maintenanceproviders?

And how is it ensured that operational rules, e.g.on braking systems, are applied equally to alltrain companies?

Policymakers have not provided answers.

The Lenkungskreis Fahrzeuge (Vehicles Steer-ing Committee) closes this gap and is key toanswering these questions.

The Vehicles Steering Committee

More suppliers create more competition.But more frictional losses and conflicts of interest too.Defining problems and implementing solutions.

The rail sector today is home to a wealth of different rail companies and new roles.These new roles include that of the local transport authority, which orders regional and local transport services.

Photo: DB AG / Max Lautenschläger

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The vehicles steering committee

In the age of state railway companies, no such body was needed.Central government departments had the task ofbalancing the interests of infrastructure managersand rail operations. Technical decisions, too, weretaken with a view to the system as a whole, withoverall responsibility for Germany's railway systemlying in the hands of the Bundesbahn's ManagementBoard. Though non-state-owned operators existedeven in those days, they did not yet play a big role interms of total transport volume.

Close cooperation between the national railwaycom panies allowed for international services. Athoroughly effective system from a technical per-spective, but one with other shortcomings. Withgovernment subsidies covering the deficit, therewas a lack of economic incentive. Given the ab-sence of competition, passengers were treated lessas valued customers than as an inconvenience.One has to wonder, however, whether some of thetechnical achievements of those times – the elec-trification of the German rail network and, later,the dawn of high-speed rail – could be replicatedtoday.

So what is this steering committee, who is involvedin it, what are its tasks and what is the role of in-fra structure undertakings? It might be tempting to see the committee's tasksas the preserve of the infrastructure undertakings.After all, their infrastructure is used by all trainoperators, making them seemingly predestined toset the technical and operational rules. But it mustnot be forgotten that infrastructure undertakingshave their own interests. Their managers are equallyobligated to the profit motive for their part of therailway system. Where trains meet track, technicalchallenges frequently throw up two key questions:

Who should take action: those responsible fortrains or those responsible for infrastructure? And who should bear the costs?

A degree of mediation is required to find a solutionthat brings maximum benefit. The task of solvingthe issue cannot be handed to a traditional standardsorganisation, as simply standardising everythingoften makes little sense. Instead, the steering com-mittee aims to deal only with matters that genuinelyrequire regulation.

Steeting Committee: Participants

Core responsibilities of the steering committeeI Continuous coordination with the parties involvedI Formulation of technical regulations where gaps

have been identified or due to new findings from disruptions and reportable incidents

I Established as a body for clearing up disagree-ments arising during the approvals process

Photos: DB AG / Uwe Miethe und Georg Wagner

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The vehicles steering committee

It always considers the impact on the institutionsforced to implement the solution.

There must be a reasonable balance between regulation, technical necessity and operationaland commercial im-pact.

In its current configuration, the steering commit-tee comprises all the relevant stakeholders for therail sector: Manufacturers (represented both bytheir association and individual companies nomi-nated by the German Railway Industry Associa-tion (VDB)) and operators (their Association ofGerman Transport Companies (VDV) and the RUsDB Regio and DB Cargo) as well as the Associationof Freight Wagon Keepers in Germany (VPI).

Infrastructure undertakings are represented bythe DB Netz rail safety managers as well as a re-presentative from production. Non-publicly-ownedinfrastructure managers are involved via the As-sociation of German Transport Companies. TheFederal Railway Authority sends employees fromits infrastructure and vehicle departments, and arepresentative from the Federal Network Agencycontributes on regulatory aspects. The Europeandimension is growing in importance in the contextof the requirements in the Fourth Railway Package.

Decisions by national bodies must be compatiblewith the European framework and national solutionsalso embedded at European level. A representativefrom the European Union Agency for Railways istherefore on the committee. Eisenbahn CERT (EBC)also participates, representing the interests ofEuropean regulatory approval. Political aspectsare covered by a representative from the Trans-port Ministry, and a representative from DeutscheBahn technical department represents the inter-ests of the rail system as a whole.

The members elect the committee chair every fiveyears. The current chair, who has been in this postfor several years, is Peter Lang, Chairman of theBoard of Managing Directors of DB Systemtechnik.

There is broad agreement that the rail sector needsplanning certainty and legal certainty for the super- vision and operation of vehicle development andapproval processes. The role of the group is there- fore to consult and find solutions where processesare not yet agreed or have been a source of con-troversy.

The rail sector needsplanning and legal certainty in order to conduct and monitor its vehicle development and approval processes.

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The vehicles steering committee

Where supervision or regulation is concerned,the committee aims for consensus followed bybinding implementation of its decisions.This makes it a central part of the liberalised Ger-man rail sector, which works on the principle ofself-organisation. In the procedural rule issued on5 June 2013 on planning certainty in the approvalprocess, the steering comittee is explicitly men-tioned as a disagreement-resolution body.

The committee's role can be illustrated by theexample of "sanding". Sand is used to help trainsgain traction or brake effectively in areas of pooradhesion. The drawback is that excessive sandwhere wheel meets rail can create an insulatingeffect, meaning that the track circuit infrastruc-ture used to detect trains no longer works safely.

Analysis showed that this safety-critical problem atthe interface between vehicles and infrastructurecould affect not only one type of train but poten-tial ly the whole of the rail sector. The operationalmeasures already taken were insufficient for thelong term, and no existing technical solution wasavailable. Finding a solution for the existing fleet,not just a rule for the approval of new vehicles, wastherefore essential. A clear case for the steeringcomittee.

When reviewing whether the most cost-effectivesolution should be sought on the rail vehicles or railinfrastructure – a typical step in solving interfaceproblems – it was found that the network containeda very large number of existing systems. This meantthat a train-based rather than a track-based solutionhad to be found. Using the knowledge and experienceof the whole sector, from RUs to infrastructure ma -nagers and manufacturers, the issue was discussedintensively and sometimes heatedly from technicaland operational standpoints in order to find an in-novative solution.

This example and the multitude of other issues dis-cussed by the steering comittee show how diverserail technology is, and the importance of this sector-wide committee. Asked about their mission, allmembers are passionate about the goal:

It is all about making rail transport more effortless –and doing so with passion.

Photos: DB AG / Christian Schmid

Current topics for the steering committeeI B011 sandingI EMV 05: configuration & introductionI Bridge dynamics track access

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Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

Page 16: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring

Regularly cleaning the outside of the vehicle helpsto both polish the rail company’s image and avoidpaying contractual penalties and damages to thoseinvolved.

As a result, the first step in developing efficientand cost-effective exterior cleaning technologyfor rail vehicles is to determine the requirementsfor this cleaning, based on the specific marketconditions. Turning these requirements into plan-ning specifications for procuring the necessarystructures and systems, as well as optimising thesewhen in use, is a difficult task. It requires an un-derstanding of vehicles, systems, operations andsupply processes. DB Systemtechnik has been ac-tive in this area for many years, and makes its ex-pertise available to all rail companies and systemsoperators as a service.

How to clean a trainCleaning the outside of a train requires a plan toachieve the cleaning objectives. As cleanliness isoften very much in the eye of the beholder, therequirements are described in quantitative andobjectively describable terms. The requirementsmust first be determined and organised into so-

called cleaning priorities, in order to limit theworkload. This step takes the specific surfacesinto account, i.e. the absolute (measurable) andrelative (subjective) level of dirt. The operatingconditions are also considered, along with thespecific characteristics of the vehicle and fleet.In terms of the vehicles themselves, the mainfactors are the condition of the surface, thecomplexity of its contours and similarity of thevehicles in the fleet.


Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

Modern Exterior Vehicle Cleaning

Systems, planning and operations

Dirt is not just dirt. The composition of dirt on a train is much different to that on roadvehicles, and requires special cleaning technology as a result. The main reason for this isthe high number of rail links from wear caused by friction between the wheels and rails.

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Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

The results of this analysis, along with considera-tions of the operational and vehicle-related re-quirements, form the basis of the cleaning plan.The main parameters are also defined, such asthe number and arrangement of the brushes(cleaning work), the pH value and dosing of thecleaning agent (cleaning chemicals), temperaturecontrol and treatment time. The treatment timecan be influenced by the washing speed and thegeometry of the system.

Cleaning frequencyDB regional trains are usually cleaned once perweek. The cleaning frequencies are often set outin the specifications of the ordering organisa-tions. Premium long-distance trains are cleanedmore frequently. A full cleaning plan also needsto specify the conditions under which cleaningcan be postponed and how to handle the vehiclesin this situation, in order to take account of oper-ating disruptions and other pressures.

Keeping on top of costsThe keys to keeping overall service life costs of anexterior cleaning facility low are proper budgetingbefore starting the project and keeping strict controlof requirements in the planning phase. In regionaltransport, budgets are calculated when pre paringbids for the respective transport tender. This meansthat even at this early stage, infrastructure plan-ning expertise and up-to-date knowledge of themachinery and construction markets are neces-sary, in order to create the conditions for the fa-cility project to be economically successful. DBSystemtechnik has data-based tools that make itpossible, in a relatively short period of time, todevelop facilities that take the local conditionsinto account and accurately estimate costs.

A modular systems catalogue was developed forexterior cleaning facilities. This illustrates theprocess of implementing the system. Here, thecleaning plan is transmitted into different variantswith approximate cost estimations, taking the localproduction conditions into account. The facilityplan centres on determining the functional com-ponents. These include the washing, control andconveyor systems, wastewater treatment, housingand technical building equipment.

System controlTo minimise the complexity of the controls for ex-terior cleaning facilities, modular control systemsare designed and successfully fitted on both newlypurchased and retrofitted facilities. DB System -technik’s concept for exterior cleaning facilitiesfeatures a uniform structure with changeable en-try levels. The shape and design of the vehicle isparametrised at process control level. The para-meter lists, which include both vehicle and facilityparameters, can be edited and expanded for newtrain configurations.

Photos: DB Systemtechnik

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Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

Alternative uses for exterior cleaning facilitiesExterior cleaning facilities can be fitted with sys-tems for a range of additional functions. Most en-closed facilities now feature de-icing systems, forexample. Integrated warm water sprinklers or hotair nozzles can be used to de-ice a large numberof vehicles. Warm water connections are plannedfor manual de-icing of smaller fleets.

Graffiti is usually removed on separate work stations,as the solids and cleaning water used to do so arecollected and disposed of separately. In 2016, how- ever, a wastewater treatment module was devel-oped in Cologne-Nippes that allows contaminatedcleaning water to be treated and directly disposedof into the municipal waste water network.

Different performance classesThe parameters that influence each project meanthat decisions about the various facilities are al-ways made on an individual basis. Despite this,the facilities are divided into five different per-formance classes using the bill of quantities to beprocessed and the necessary investment.

The first performance class covers simple facilitiesthat can efficiently process up to 700 metres ofvehicle per day. The trains are driven into andthrough the facility and washed completely in atleast two cycles, although no automated frontcleaning takes place. Using neutral cleaning agentsallows for cost-effective wastewater treatment with- out the need for neutralisation. The more powerfulfacilities in performance class 5 are high ly auto- mated, provide reliable cleaning quality and areextremely flexible in terms of contour geometry,operating programme and cleaning agents. WithinDB, these class-5-facilities are mainly reserved forICE trains. The facilities used by DB Cargo andDB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung are mainly class 1 and2. Regional trains are mostly cleaned using class 1to 4 facilities, depending on the needs of the re-spective vehicle.

Fotos: DB Systemtechnik

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Modern exterior vehicle cleaning

Constant optimisationDuring operation, the focus is on systematicallyimproving facility performance. This usually be-gins by improving the cleaning quality. After col-lecting and validating specific empirical values,the focus switches to reducing operating costs.Thanks to its planning activities in project plan-ning and consulting for operators in all phases ofthe facility life cycle, DB Systemtechnik has com-prehensive experience of facilities in all perform-ance classes and from all manufacturers. This ex-perience helps both develop effective optimisationmeasures for existing facilities and determine atargeted improvement process for planning andrequirements management across all facility ge-nerations. Cost factors that can be influenced dur-ing operation include consumables, for example.

Adjusting the specific quantities of service fluids canachieve five-figure savings every year. Unplan nedfacility downtimes can also lead to additional costsin the form of contractual penalties or dama ges.All exterior cleaning facilities must be thoroughlycleaned and ventilated on a regular basis, in orderto prevent downtimes caused by corrosion to thewashing systems, structure or concrete elements.Longer downtimes or under-use of the facilitieshave a negative effect on their reliability.

Typical effects include silting in the wastewaterline or cleaning agent dosing system, which can bedifficult to remove. Regardless of the facility typeor manufacturer, the control systems are a frequentcause of failures. Making the required changes tothe control software is a time-consuming process.

As a result, DB Systemtechnik provides its fullrange of services in many projects to the entirerail sector.

ReferencesExperts from DB Systemtechnik are currently work-ing on countless projects at all stages of planning andimplementation. While the focus in the past was onnew facilities, activities now revolve around renovat-ing and adapting washing systems for rail vehicles:

I Locomotive cleaning facility in Seelze: New washing system, new underfloor cleaning system, wash hall insulation, installation of heating and ventilation system

I S-Bahn exterior cleaning facility in Munich-Steinhausen: New washing system and waste-water treatment unit

I Diesel locomotive cleaning facility in Kempten:Adjustment of washing system to allow the hall to be used for PESA diesel locomotives

I Double-deck passenger train exterior cleaningfacility in Cottbus: New washing system

I Facility in Augsburg: Condition assessment and upgrade plan

I New facility in Kiel: Retrofitting of de-icing systems

I Wash cabin in Kassel depot C: Renovation feasibility assessment

I Traction unit exterior cleaning facility in Dessau:Variant assessment for new facility location

I Additional cleaning and brush portals (“ARA Light”) for long-distance trains in Hamburg-Langenfelde: Location finding and feasibility assessment

I Exterior cleaning facility in Hof: New washingsystem and adjustment of the operating con-cept to the new vehicle fleet

Photos: DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

During construction, it was necessary to checkwhether a wind alarm system had to be reinstalledon the new Aller Bridge. To this end, DB System -technik carried out the safety case for crosswindaccording to GL 807 with the help of numerical simulations. The simulation is based on wind dataand geographical conditions.

Analysis of the simulation showed that, despite increased approved travel speed, the new bridgeis safer because of its non-removable walls. Thefrequency with which the defined wind limits wereexceeded has been reduced by around one fifth.

By dispensing with a wind alarm system, DB Netzcan save the one-off costs of re-installation as wellas the long-term costs of operating and maintainingthe system.

The old railway bridge over the river Aller near Verden was equipped with a wind alarm system.When the system was triggered because the wind exceeded certain speeds, this reduced thespeed of freight trains and could even hold them up.

Crosswind validation for the new Aller Bridge

Photos: Micheal Römpler, Grafiken DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Testing comfort and functions on the CAF Urbos tram

To check the climatic conditions in the driver'scab and passenger areas, climate tests were car-ried out on a tram from Spanish manufacturer CAFin DB Systemtechnik's MEikE climatic chamberin Minden. The driver and passenger areas wereequipped with measurement technology in ac-cordance with EN14750-2 and EN14813-2.

The climatic chamber test was then performedin a temperature range of -20°C to +35°C. Thepresence of people and the effect of sunlight inthe driver's cab and passenger area were simu-lated using heating mats, evaporators and abank of lamps. The energy consumption cycle(duty cycle) and the heat transfer coefficient(k-value) were also determined.

In addition, various functional tests were carriedout, including on brakes, pantographs and doorsin various kinds of adverse weather conditions.

The comfort and function test in the climatic cham- ber helps reduce the number of faults when newvehicles are introduced. It also ensures correctoperation of air conditioning and vehicle systemsunder different weather conditions and increasesvehicle availability. Determining the k-value andthe energy consumption will also provide CAF withproof that the vehicle meets any agreed energyrequirements.

Fotos: Marcel Jäckle, DB Systemtechnik

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S-Bahn Berlin is procuring new 483/484 classsuburban train (S-Bahn) vehicles for operationin the "Teilnetz Ring" transport contract. The ve-hicles are equipped with an extensive diagnosticsystem. It is also planned to implement elementsof PM/CBM (predictive/condition-based mainte-nance) when the vehicles are put into operation.

PM and CBM are underpinned by technical exper -tise and analytical capabilities designed to detectand repair damage at an early stage, preventingor minimising downtimes. This serves to increasethe availability and reliability of vehicles and air-conditioning systems. Furthermore, a function-ing PM/CBM system enables the operator to ac-curately predict the optimum time to performmaintenance measures instead of using inflexi-ble cycles. Significant cost-saving potential is ex-ploited without restricting safety or availa bilityaspects.

When it came to selecting components and partsto be "monitored" predictively, S-Bahn Berlin cal -led in support from DB Systemtechnik.

As the engineering and testing service providerfor S-Bahn Berlin, DB Systemtechnik used its highlevel of technical expertise to make the right re -commendations regarding which data to considerand where it should be transferred to, and alsoto develop a maintenance strategy. The followingresults were achieved within the scope of the com- missioned consulting service:

I Project timetable/design time line developedfor implementing PM for S-Bahn Berlin's new class 483/484 vehicles

I Draft concept derived for vehicle CBM/PM measures for the pilot technical discipline "passenger area air-conditioning system"

I Initial draft concept developed for standard-compliant handling of DIN 27201-1 to support predictive maintenance

Following drafting of the concept for CBM/PMmeasures for the passenger area air-conditioningsystem in the vehicle, other technical disciplinesare also to be considered.


DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018Photos: Fa. Stadler, Michael Setzpfandt

Predictive Maintenanceof the new Berlin suburban trains

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Havelländische Eisenbahn (HVLE) intends to further de-velop the existing maintenance program for its V 490 class(Voith Maxima 40CC) rail vehicles. DB Systemtechnik wascommissioned to carry out a preliminary study. The expertsfrom Kirchmöser performed an initial assessment of thesuitability of the maintenance records and maintenancedata provided (maintenance concept, maintenance pro-gram, manufacturer documentation, records of mainte-nance performance, relevant operating data, vehicle mal-functions) and determined improvement requirementsfor the intended optimisation goals (e.g. subsystems andcomponents).

The results report, which also included a decision recom-mendation for establishing a further project for overalloptimisation of the maintenance programme, was handedover to HVLE in August 2017 and explained in a joint meet- ing. Among other topics, the participants discussed therequirements for collecting and evaluating maintenancedata and their significance for successfully validating themaintenance program currently used for the Voith Maxi -ma 40CC.

The contents of the results report enable HVLE to use ana -logous approaches to handle maintenance data of otherclasses in its vehicle fleet. An internal review of next stepsis currently under way at the customer.

Maintenance analysis for Voith Maxima 40CC

The geometric characteristics of the profiles of wheelsetson all long-distance trains are monitored at regular inter-vals during the journey by fully automatic measuring equip- ment installed in the track by DB workshops. Reliable de-termination of the inner surfaces of the wheels, servingas a reference for the measured variables, provides a start- ing point for the precise calculation of the wheel profileparameters. The reference surfaces tend to become smal -ler due to design changes to newer wheels. Changes tomaintenance guidelines and wear on the inner surfacesof the wheels caused by track components also lead tochanges in the inner surfaces of the wheels. Unlike in thepast, evaluation algorithms can no longer rely on findingsufficiently large reference areas that are required formeasurement at a specific position. This resulted in in-correct orientation of the reference systems, measure-ment deviations, a decreasing yield of valid measurementsand, ultimately, frequent manual control measurements.

DB Systemtechnik was therefore commissioned by DB Fern- verkehr to analyse the measuring systems. After determin-i ng the causes already described, the metrology expertsin Chemnitz have developed a powerful, robust adaptivealgorithm. This takes into account geometric boundaryconditions known from the outset, as well as statisticalproperties of the measurement objects and measuringequipment and statistically verified limits for the measure- ment uncertainty.

Precise measurements are now also possible if the preciseposition of the reference surface is a priori unknown, thereference surfaces of the wheels are very worn and showfaults due to indentations or adhesions, for example. Thealgorithm is patent pending and has been rolled out to allwheelset diagnostic systems at DB Fernverkehr.

Correction algorithm for geometric wheel

profile measurements

Photos: Thomas Wohlfahrt, Ralf Tielke 2 x

Fotos: DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Improved performance in light machining

of wheelsets

Rising vehicle mileages and the growing numberof self-propelled wheelsets in passenger transporthave led to a noticeable increase in the load onunderfloor wheel lathes in recent years. As a result,the requirements for reliable availability of thesesystems and the importance of an efficient feed-ing and machining process are also on the rise.

Against this background, DB Systemtechnik wascommissioned to analyse the process of wheelsetmachining on the tandem machines of long-dis-tance transport in greater detail. In workshops withlocal system operators, technical and organisatio -nal approaches were developed that enable signi -ficant reductions in the total time from deliveryto the maintenance depot to maintenance rightthrough to handover of the vehicle to operations.

These include technical measures (e.g. creatingthe conditions for automated data transmission),organisational measures (e.g. feeding without dis-mantling) and the introduction of new machiningstrategies (fine or economic turning with a "zerocut" in the measuring circle plane). To increase theavailability of DB Cargo's underfloor wheel lathefacilities, DB Systemtechnik first analysed the exis -ting maintenance concept and developed a keyfigure system for assessing technical availabilityand performance.

On the one hand, this resulted in technical measu -res that were implemented in the systems. On theother, a new maintenance contract was drafted andput out to tender. This contract binds the mainte-nance provider closely to the performance of theunderfloor wheel lathe systems by means of aquantified bonus/penalty regulation. One measurepursued in this context is the programming of amobile phone app, which will enable unscheduledsystem failures to be reported and documenteddirectly by the system operator and passed on di-rectly to the system maintenance provider for re-sponse. This will allow the necessary informationto be transmitted quickly and downtimes to be re-duced.

PositioningThe wheelset is driven onto the drive rollers.The track is pulled back, and the rollers bearthe wheelset.

FixingThe hold-down device is applied to the wheelbearing. From the inside, The guide wheelpresses against the flange of the wheel on therollers.

Turn roundThe chisel is moved to the wheel, where it re-moves swath at a fixed angle. This creates thenew profile.

Photos: DB Systemtechnik; Grafik DB Welt

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Immediate action and remediation solution:"Class 422 smouldering fires"

Fotos: DB Systemtechnik

Photos: Deutsche Bahn AG/Georg Wagner und Martin Busbach

On various DB Netz lines, the condi- tion of the infrastructure had to beexamined for resumption of curve-adapted running with tilting ICE-Tvehicles.

Vehicle response measurementswere carried out on the main Frank-furt/Main – Passau and Frankfurt/Main – Dresden routes with a class411 ICE-T and with DB Systemtech-nik's VT 612. First, the referencevehicle for tilting technology, DBSystemtechnik's VT 612.9, wasused to carry out inspection runs

with curve-adapted running to checkthe track geometry quality based onthe vehicle response with wheel/railforces.

In addition, the vehicle response ofan ICE-T equipped with measure-ment technology was tested usingacceleration measurements on thesame routes. In cooperation with theoverhead line measurement specia-lists, who simultaneously performeda test of the contact line (contactforce and uplift measurements), itwas agreed to restart tilting opera-tion with the ICE-T on the routestested as a result of the positivemeasured values.

This has significantly reduced traveltimes and improved connection op-tions on some ICE lines travelled bythe ICE-T.

ICE-T: reactivating the tilting technology

Between September and December2016, several smouldering fires oc-cur red in the S-Bahn multiple unitsin North Rhine-Westphalia duringservice. In addition to disruptingoperations and attracting public at-tention in the media, these incidentsresulted in vehicle failures lastingseveral months and significant re-pair costs.

DB Systemtechnik's „AC EMU Com-petence Centre“ in Krefeld was taskedwith examining the causes of thesmouldering fires and with develop-ing rapidly deployable correctivemeasures as quickly as possible.

The examinations revealed that se-veral high-voltage short circuits hadoccurred on the roof of the multipleunits involved, igniting the insula-tion between the vehicle body andinterior.

The short circuits were caused byan overhead power line breaking,flashovers due to birds on the vehi-cle roof and flying sparks in the areaof the pantograph, with the resultthat several different solutions hadto be found.

As a corrective measure, the roofventilators were grounded. Extend-ing the existing protective platesunder the pantograph offers addi-tional protection in the event offlying sparks.

The previously uninsulated con-necting tubes of the high-voltageline between the pantograph andpost insulators were covered withan insulation shrink tube.

The sample conversions were sup-ported by the Engineering DB Sys-temtechnik team, and the entiremeasure has now been successfullycompleted.

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Acoustic monitoring of track quality

Wheelset in the measuring bogie of the noise monitoringcar with accelerometers on the axlebox

Figure 2 DB Systemtechnik noise

As part of the "specially monitored track" (SMT)procedure, the DB Systemtechnik noise monitor-ing car runs over a defined part (approx. 12,000track-kilometres) of the DB Netz service networktwice a year. In addition to monitoring the SMTsections, the acoustic measurement data obtainedis used to prepare statistics on the developmentof the acoustic quality of the DB network and tomonitor and qualify grinding measures and proce-dures. It should also be possible to use the datacollected for other purposes in the future.

In cooperation with the Chalmers University ofTechnology in Goteborg, Sweden, DB Systemtechnikis developing a fully automated method for acousticpattern recognition as part of the AMONTRACKresearch project. The basic idea of the AMON-TRACK project is to use the measurement signalsacquired in large quantities and at regular inter-vals (airborne and structure-borne noise signals)to gain information on other rail parameters andchanges to them and to expand the range of ser-vices provided by the noise monitoring cars on thisbasis. The first step aims to identify non-acousticobjects such as surface defects, rail joints or cavi-ties. In the second step, conclusions are also to bedrawn on dynamic track parameters (track decayrate) and the acoustic condition of the runningsurface (and thus, indirectly, the quality of grind-ing measures carried out).

The AMONTRACK project is a 14-month Marie-Skłodowska-Curie measure, funded by the EU Frame- work Programme for Research and Innovation"Horizon 2020".

The project is divided into the following subprojects:

I Extension and validation of an existing simula-tion model based on the results of a measure-ment campaign carried out in the Roll2Rail innovation project

I Study of acoustic signatures of various track errors using the validated simulation model

I Implementation of a pattern recognition methodto identify track faults in the measurement data of the SMT

I Feasibility study for indirect measurement of acoustically relevant track parameters such as track decay rate and rail roughness

Photos: Deutsche Bahn AG/Frank Barteld, DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018Photos: DB Systemtechnik, Fa. Stadler

Offer support Stadler FLIRT Nordic

In Sweden, Stadler Rail AG has offeredthe operator Västtrafik regional vehic -les for the operation of long-distanceroutes.

The FLIRT Nordic regional trains al-ready in service in Norway were tobe deployed as long-distance trainsin Sweden. In view of the project dead- line, Stadler wanted rapid order pro-cessing with support from DB System -technik's air-conditioning experts.

The documents provided by Stadler(requirements, description of climate,design calculation) were reviewed andchecked for completeness. Västtrafik'sair-conditioning requirements werecompared with the description of theair-conditioning system of Stadler'sFLIRT Nordic.

For the identified deviations, the DBSystemtechnik HVAC engineering ex-perts have worked out solution pro-posals to supplement the descriptionof the air-conditioning system.

Thanks to the outstanding communi-cation between DB Systemtechnikand Stadler, the technical expertiseof the climate department and theexisting detailed knowledge of com-fort standards in long-distance andregional and local transport, the re-quirements were met, and the desiredprocessing was performed within therequired time frame.

The offer was submitted with a com-plete climate description of the typerequired for a long-distance vehicle.For Stadler, the DB Systemtechnik in-puts have minimised project cost andrisk accordingly.

In response to the new DB vibrationguidelines GL 820.2050, DB Netz hascommissioned DB Systemtechnik toperform vibration measurements on a48-km route section between Anger-münde and the German/Polish borderto ensure the vibration forecast.

DB Systemtechnik's Acoustics and Vi-brations testing laboratory measuredvibration in buildings caused by theadjacent rail traffic reference buildingsnear the track as well as in front of thebuilding. In addition, seven free fieldmeasurements were used to investigatevibration in the field. The locations ofthe building and open field measure-ments were always close to each other.

Some of the individual measuringpoints, on the other hand, were sepa-rated by busy roads or were located

far apart. This made it difficult to con- nect the measuring points by cable.

For this reason, DB Systemtechnikcarried out the vibration measure-ments using a measuring system(MEDA Red-Sens) that allows mea-surement data to be transmitted tothe central measuring computer wire-lessly and over a greater distance (upto 150m). Using multiple measuringsystems enabled the building and free field measurements to be recor -ded simultaneously, saving the clientvaluable time.

The fully automated train detectionsystem, in conjunction with the fullyautomated vibration measurement,enables unmanned capture of vibra-tion overnight.

Vibration measurements Angermünde – Poland

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Exhaust aftertreatment for DB Netz Rail Vehicle and Machinery Fleet

The DB Netz Rail Vehicle and MachineryFleet operates a wide variety of construc- tion vehicles, most of them powered bydiesel fuel. There are numerous regula-tions on exhaust emissions from dieselengines and preheaters both at EU andnational level (e.g. for occupational healthand safety reasons).

DB Systemtechnik was commissioned tosummarise the legislation and guidelineson exhaust emissions and to identify theirinfluence on the maintenance specifica-tions for rail-bound construction vehicles.In a first step, extensive research into thecurrent legal situation was carried out.

Building on this, a detailed report withclear and specific recommendations foraction was prepared. Special customerrequirements were addressed in two co-ordination meetings.

Based on the report, clearly wordedmaintenance documents can be createdfor the various vehicle classes and theircomponents. The customer is informedabout which provisions and laws applyand must be adhered to when maintain-ing its rail-bound construction vehicles.Existing maintenance specifications cannow be optimised without violating legalrequirements.

At the Munich North marshalling yard,the class 290 with control is deployedfor four tasks: approaching wagons andgent ly moving the shunting locomotiveinto position, carefully pushing the un-coupled wagons/wagon groups together,humping and shunting. Humping is par-tially automated (i.e. shunting locomo-tive driver with monitoring function). Aspart of the "Automatic formation yard4.0" innovation project between theGerman Federal Ministry of Transportand Deut sche Bahn, a concept is to bedeveloped for a fully automatic humplocomotive" that handles all of the indi-vidual tasks listed above.

For this concept, a class 296 diesel-hy-drau lic shunting locomotive wasequipped in a first step with a computersystem, con sisting of three individualcomputers, and sensors. The sensors,which were selected by NurembergTech, were used to detect objects (ob-stacles, persons and cars). Another proj-ect partner was Nuremberg-based com-pany AAIT, which set up the connectionbetween the sensors' evaluation com-puter and the locomotive's control sys-

tem. In demonstration operation, thefunctions of obstacle and car detection,and positioning were then demon-strated.The knowledge gained serves as a basisfor drafting specifications and safetyconsiderations. When new locomotivesare procured, the specifications provideguidance on the functional requirementsthat must be met by the automatic loco-motive control of the fully automatichump locomotives of the future.

As part of this project, DB Systemtechnikdelivered the engineering services for theelectrical and mechanical installation ofthe computer and sensor technology aswell as production support for the equip- ment of the demonstrator. In addition,the experts provided support in the eventof component failures during trial runsand during demonstration operation(e.g. provision of test managers). TheDB Systemtechnik services were roundedoff by drafting of the technical specifica-tions and the system description, andparticipation in developing the safetyconcept. Work is under way to representcurrent operations at the Munich North

Photos: DB Systemtechnik, Deutsche Bahn AG/Barteld Redaktion & Verlag, DB AG/Pablo Castagnola

Fully automatic hump locomotive

VAL 2020

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Passenger and freight wagons are equip -ped with changeover devices, which areresponsible for adjusting the brakes inline with the current operating situation.

The G/P changeover device is used tochange the brake position between "fastacting" (P) and "slow acting" (G). In thepast, the changeover device, which ismade of aluminium, occasionally broke.Procuring spare parts is very difficult be- cause there is demand for only aboutfive units a year.

As part of Deutsche Bahn's "3D Printing"Group project, this new application tech- nology was also to be tested in an arearelevant to safety. Because of the smallsize of the changeover device, the lowdemand for parts and the difficult pro-curement situation mentioned above,this part was an interesting use case froman economic point of view.

In consultation with the DB AG projectofficers, DB Systemtechnik has developeda verification concept designed to avoidpossible anisotropy (directional depen -dency of the properties) of the parts. Inthe test itself, additively produced and,for comparison purposes, conventionallycast G/P changeover devices were sub-jected to fatigue testing to determinethe fatigue limit of the G/P changeoverdevices produced using the two methodsunder the same load.

The results of the first series of testsshowed that not all G/P changeoverlevers manufactured using additivetechnologies achieved the requirednumber of load cycles.

Materials-based inspection of the G/Pchangeover devices in DB Systemtechnik'smaterials and damage analysis inspectiondivision sought to answer the question

of whether additive manufacturing hadan impact on the number of load cyclesachieved in the endurance tests. Afterthe components have been optimised,further test series will be conducted toenable 3D-printing components to beused in this application.

3D printing for safety-relevant components

Fotos: DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018Photos: Lothar Labus, DB AG / Uwe Miethe

The overhaul limit for the Class 642 vehic -les is 1.3 million km. The mileage limitfor these vehicles' cardan shafts is cur-rently 1.1 million km or 1.2 million km,depending where they are installed in thevehicle. According to the maintenanceschedule, the cardan shafts must be re-placed before reaching 1.3 million km.This results in additional time and costsdue to the time vehicles spend in theworkshop. In addition, the vehicles arenot available for operation during thisperiod.

DB Systemtechnik was commissioned byDB Regio to investigate the possibility ofadapting the mileage limit of the cardanshafts to the vehicle mileage of 1.3 mil-lion km. As part of a test, the cardanshaft continued to run in class 642diesel/gas railcars (DMU) up to the ve-hicle overhaul limit of 1.3 million km.These cardan shafts were specially inspec -ted within the IS 520-IS 550 scheduledmaintenance levels.

In accordance with the requirements ofDIN 27201-1 (procedures for prepara-tion and modification of maintenanceprogrammes), at least 25 units must beinspected, i.e. 25 cardan shafts.

For safety reasons, however, DB System -technik checked approximately twice asmany. When the vehicle overhaul limitwas reached, these cardan shafts wereremoved from the previously definedvehicles and their wear behaviour wasexamined as part of the component over- haul at the DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltungdepot in Kassel. For this purpose, the car- dan shafts were first subjected to specialincoming inspections, e.g. to determinethe actual imbalance. Wear in the lengthcompensation of the cardan shaft is alsochecked as part of a buckling measure-ment.

In the next step, the cardan shafts weredisassembled to evaluate wear and tearto the trunnion bearings (rolling bearingsof the cardan shaft) and the remainingcomponents. The results of the diagnos-tic assessments were documented in areport.

If, as in this case, the values are belowthe limit values, the wear and tear allowsthe mileage to be extended safely. DBSystemtechnik has prepared a correspon -dingly positive technical assessmentconfirming the feasibility of the adjust-ment to the mileage limit.

Extending the mileage of the DMU class 642's cardan shafts

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Evaluation of modifications to locomotive software

Deutsche Bahn has been awarded thecontract for transport on S-Bahn Berlin's"Ringbahn" sub-network starting 2020.For operation of the public transportcontract, a framework agreement wasconcluded with the consortium of manu- facturers consisting of Stadler and Sie -mens, including procurement of 106 newS-Bahn vehicles as the first request.

With in the framework of the vehicle re-quirements, the authority has stipulatedthe subject of exterior and interior noise

in a contract and, because of its relevancefor both travellers and residents, hasgiven it high priority.

To fulfil these requirements, DB rollingstock procurement, as the performanceprovi der for this procurement project,must consider the acoustic effects dur-ing the design phase. DB Systemtechnikwas involved in the project to supportDB procurement with expertise in allaspects of acoustics. The acoustics ex-perts initially clarified and defined the

technical aspects of the contractual re-quirements. Next, the consortium ofmanufacturers' technical solution ap-proaches and concepts were discussedand jointly adjusted.

Finally, the technical solutions were eva -luated with regard to contract fulfilment,and existing potentials and risks wereassessed.

As a result, the final design review wassuccessfully completed.

Acoustic procurement support for S-Bahn Berlin during the design phase

Fotos: DB AG / Uwe Miethe, DB Systemtechnik

In the class 186 multi-voltage loco-mo tive, transformers have overhea -ted under certain operating condi-tions. The locomotive software wasmodified to prevent this overheating.

The DB Systemtechnik experts werecommissioned by DB Cargo to evalu- ate the adjusted software at the endof the first year of operation. Vari-ous documents were inspected, in-cluding documentation of the dam-

age to transformers as a result ofoverheating and associated repairs,as well as the operating data andfault messages from the locomotives.

The evaluation was carried out onthe basis of DB Systemtechnik's ex-isting experience and expertise re-lating to the locomotive class andcomponent. The positive assess-ment of the modified software wasthen recorded in a detailed report.

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018Photos: H. Lauterbach, DB AG/Martin Busbach, Grafik DB Systemtechnik

In the Freiburg im Breisgau region, theBreisgau rapid transit (S-Bahn) transportconcept, with higher line speeds and morefrequent services, will be implementedfrom 2020. Three and four-section elec-tric multiple units of the Coradia Conti-nental type will be used, whose newcirculations will involve out-of-servicetimes in the Neustadt-Titisee area. Theprovisioning of traction units requiresthe installation of service facilities toenable supply and waste disposal workto be performed.

DB Systemtechnik was commissionedby DB Netz to handle the planning ofsuch systems in Neustadt.

These consist of treatment systems forproviding fresh water, waste disposalstations for emptying WC tanks and sand- ing systems for refilling the brake sandreserves. Planning of shunting routesand the associated lighting systems isalso included in the services aimed atcreating an operable facility. Other sub-services include planning the preliminarydesign, draft and approval, including theobligatory application to the GermanFederal Railway Authority. In addition,the DB Systemtechnik experts providedsupport with their exper tise in the areasof civil and underground engineering,electrical engineering systems, buildingconstruction and noise control.

A preliminary cost estimate of the pro-ject scope, the invitation to tender forthe planned measures as well as the se-lection, and participation in the awardprocedure were also included in therange of services. The project is sche-duled for implementation in 2019.

Planning of a service facility in Neustadt-Titisee

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

In Chemnitz, railway components up to a volumeof 3 m x 2 m x 1.6 m will be measured. The coor- dinate measuring machine of DB Systemtechnikchecks very small form, running and bearingdeviations up to the micrometer range on large,heavy and complex components in a short time.This non-contact wheel profile measuring systemwas subjected to a metrological suitability test.The measurement uncertainty was determinedunder conditions of use and matched with therequirements of workshop operation. The resultof this investigation has shown that the require-ments have been fulfilled and the new measur-ing system can now be introduced as a measur-ing system for wheel profile mea-surements atDB Cargo and DB Regio. It thus completes therange of railway-typical measuring devices (EWFmeasuring equipment).

Class 612 power cars are used in DB Regio’sregional and local transport. The drive modulescurrently have a mileage limit of 925.000 km,corresponding to the mileage limit of the Cum-mins QSK 19R diesel engine installed in them.

Economic potential can be exploited by increas- ing the mileage of the class 612 drive module.This is why DB Regio wanted to examine andevaluate whether the current diesel engine andthe drive module deployed offer potential forincreasing mileage.

In accordance with the process for increasingmileage, DB Systemtechnik first assessed thesafety situation. Next, three diesel engines withthe current mileage limit were subjected tofunctional tests. Following functional testing,the diesel engines were broken down into theirindividual components and, together with theremaining components of the drive module, sub- jected to wear evaluation. DB Systemtechnik'sservice was rounded off by the submission of atechnical assessment, including indications ofrisks.

Metrological testing of a new model of the

CALIPRI Wheelseries (C42 wireless)

Increased mileage of the Class 612 drive module

Photos: DB Systemtechnik, Ralf Thiele

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

The track section between Offenburg andRiegel is to be upgraded for a maxi mumspeed of 250 km/h as part of the newand upgraded Karlsruhe – Basel line.In this case, only long-distance passen-ger transport is to be regarded as rele-vant when considering the effects of railtraffic noise levels on residents. Localpublic interest groups are express ingreservations about the project becauseof allegedly increased noise pollution.

Among other things, it is argued that pan -tographs are the main sources of noisefrom long-distance trains and that theuse of modern pantographs or a speedreduction can reduce noise pollution,in particular by reducing aerodynamicnoise. DB Systemtechnik’s Acousticsdepartment was commissioned by DBNetz to identify all the relevant facts.By evaluating the results of acousticmeasurements, the experts showed thatrolling noise is the dominant noise sourcein the speed range from approx. 50 km/hto 250 km/h.

The influence of aerodynamic noise ismarginal. This means that merely im-proving the acoustic properties of apantograph in this speed range has noinfluence on the level of the total noise.

The decrease in overall noise whenspeed is reduced from 250 km/h to200 km/h is due solely to the reducedrolling noise. If the rolling noise is ad-ditionally redu ced by the use of activenoise control measures, the share ofaerodynamic noise in the overall noisetends to increase. However, since speedis also an input variable for the scale ofrequired active noise control measures,

a lower speed would also result in re-duced active noise control. Supportingarguments are provided by the resultsof acoustic measurements on the ICE 1 and ICE 3 regarding the influence of

pantograph noise on the total noise at250 km/h and the results of the "son-RAIL" online calculation tool, whichshow the acoustic effect of reduc ingspeed from 250 km/h to 200 km/h atdifferent sound source heights. The ex-amination provided enables the cus-tomer to better respond to objections tothe planned measure based on panto-graph noise.

Sound emissions from pantographs in high-speed trains

Map: DB Netze, Illustration: DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

To reduce the noise pollution caused by passing trains,the Nuremberg – Ingolstadt high-speed line and Allers-berg station (Rothsee) were equipped with the Vossloh300-1 rail fastening system.

The acoustic effect of the Vossloh rail fastening systemcan be proven by determining the track decay rate. Thetrack decay rate describes the damping rate of the vibra- tion amplitude of the bending waves in the rail in thelongitudinal direction and provides information on theacoustic properties of a track. The lower the rate, thelonger the vibrations caused by a train passing by, whichindicates increased noise emissions.

DB Systemtechnik's Acoustics and Vibrations testing la-boratory was commissioned by Vossloh to measure thetrack decay rate in accordance with DIN EN 15461:2011in order to investigate and quantify the effect of the railfastening system on rail damping.

For this purpose, an accelerometer was fixed to the railand the rail was "tapped" with a pulse hammer at anincreasing distance from the accelerometer. Based onthe force pulse and the impulse response at the accele -rometer, the transfer function was calculated for eachimpact position. The decay rates in each third octaveband could then be determined from the transfer func-tions. The DB Systemtechnik service was rounded offby an accredited test report.

In the past, there have repeatedly been weather-re-lated malfunctions of switches in winter. On behalfof DB Netz, tests and functional tests were thereforeperformed under documented and reproducible con-ditions in DB Systemtechnik’s climatic chamber inMinden. The tests serve to ensure the basic functionof the switch system.

The switch was equipped with temperature measur-ing points and subjected to various tests at tempera-tures between -20°C and 0°C. The functionality wasalso tested under exposure to snow and ice.

The functional tests carried out in the climatic cham- ber produced a data basis for the systematic analysisof weather-related malfunctions, which DB Netz canuse for future development of measures aimed at in-creasing the availability of the switch functional system.

Measurement of track decay rateon slab tracks

Functional testing of a switch system

in the climatic chamber

Photos: Edgar Bergstein, DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

In 2016, DB Systemtechnik was com-missioned by Siemens to perform thecomplete approval test of the ICx, whichis now in passenger service as DeutscheBahn's approved ICE 4. For running testsof the multiple unit, a concept was imple- mented which, by doubling the numberof instrumented wheel sets used, enab -led both the empty and loaded conditionof the vehicle to be tested. A total oftwelve instrumented wheel sets weresuccessfully used, first in Germany andlater also during running tests in Switzer- land and Austria.

After all the running tests had been com- pleted, the instrumented wheel sets wereremoved and stored by the owner.

Two of the total of eight drive/instrumen -ted wheel sets continued to be used in2017 and were operated as part of therunning and approval tests of the multi-ple unit of the Rhein-Ruhr-Express (RRX).The client was again Siemens. The factthat the latest generation of DB System -technik's "Type Minden" instrumentedwheel sets no longer has to be modifiedin terms of design, enabling the series

design of the wheel sets to be used, re-peatedly delivered benefits for the cus-tomer Siemens.

If, as in this case, the vehicle manufac-turer adopts a platform concept, allow-ing instrumented wheelsets to be re -used, resulting in significant cost and,above all, time savings in the approvalprocess.

Siemens has taken advantage of thesebenefits within the scope of this appro -val project.

Photos: Stefan Güth 3 x

Approval tests for RRX using instrumented wheel sets

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Particularly on the Cologne/Rhein (KRM) line, therewas an increase in cases of pantograph damage toICE-3 trains in early winter 2016/2017. These werecaused by arcing on hoarfrost-covered overheadlines and resulted in major impairment to qualityof operations.

DB Netz and DB Fernverkehr launched a joint pro -ject aimed at avoiding these impairments in thefuture and preventing similar difficulties when thenew-build VDE 8.1 line goes into operation. The aimof this interface project (infrastructure/vehicle) isto reduce pantograph damage in hoarfrost situa-tions, thereby increasing the operational reliabilityof the ICE fleet.

A cross-business-unit working group was formed, inwhich DB Systemtechnik assumed the leading andmoderating function. Within the working group, themechanisms involved were analysed and possiblesolutions developed. One key starting point wasretrofitting the entire ICE fleet with arc-resistantcontact strips; another was changing operating re -gulations. The team of DB Systemtechnik expertsprovided the persons responsible for the ICE withorganisational support during field testing andcarried out the accompanying operational monitor- ing of incidents and the systematic investigationof damaged parts.

To quantify influencing factors more precisely, anICE-3 multiple unit was also equipped with theDB Systemtechnik arc detection measurementsystem and collected data in regular commercialoperation during the winter of 2017/2018. Finally,a recommendation for changing regulations wasderived from the understanding of the damage me -chanisms, enabling fundamental and lasting impro -vements to be achieved in the construction of newoverhead line systems in the future.


DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Malfunctions due to damage to pantographs due to hoarfrost

Photos: DB AG / Volker Emersleben und Axel Hartmann; DB Systemtechnik / Wolfgang Meisen

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Designated Body (DeBo) certificationfor Euro Loco PH 37 ACai

General Electric has commissioned SNC Lavalin in GreatBritain to approve the new Euro Loco PH 37 ACai.This is a six-axle 2,750 kW freight locomotive with anoperating speed of up to 120 km/h, which the operator,Heavy Haul Power, plans to use in Germany.

DB Systemtechnik has contributed a wide range of ser -vices to this project. First, braking and wheel-slide pro- tection tests were performed by the braking systemstest department in Austria. In addition, the InterimDesignated Body issued the DB System technik inspec-tion body with a certificate of compliance with the NNTR(Notified National Technical Rules) for Germany. Forthis, DB Systemtechnik provided its own expert reportsand conformity assessment reports in the followingareas: running equip ment, braking systems, environ-mental protection (crosswind/aerodynamics), fire pro-tection/evacuation and inscriptions.

These, together with seven more assessment reports,were then checked for compliance with the applicableNNTR for the project.

The manufacturer declarations and technical certificatesin the four core areas for this diesel locomotive arecurrently being checked by the Federal Railway Autho -rity as part of the approval procedure. This is the finalstep before authorisation to put the locomotive intoservice can be granted.

Since the introduction of the new ICE 407 class, whichhas the same wiring system concept as the class 412vehicles, there have been a growing number of problemswith the DC 670 V external power supply at the Frank- furt-Griesheim ICE depot. Some of the trains cannotbe connected, as the system is automatically switchedoff by the intervention of various protective devices.

Components were destroyed in the rectifier systemand in the on-board electrical system of some ICEs.Together with Siemens, AST and Gustav Klein, DB Sys-temtechnik has developed a retrofit solution for theDC 670 V external supply system in Frankfurt-Gries -heim to compensate for the interaction between con-nected vehicles and the supplying converters. The ef-fectiveness of this solution was proven by measure -ment. The compatibility of the DC 670 V externalsupply system is ensured for existing as well as newvehicles of the ICE fleet. This made it unnecessary toreprocure an external supply system in Frankfurt-Griesheim.

Based on the findings of the investigation to find asolution at the Frankfurt-Griesheim ICE depot, DBSystemtechnik developed a concept that prevents theinteractions between different vehicles and betweenthe vehicles and the rectifier system. This concept wasdocumented as part of a functional statement of workfor adapting other existing depots and also for the de-pots currently under construction or in planning thatare tasked with maintaining other vehicles. The retro-fit solution for the existing DC 670 V system is to bevalidated at the Berlin ICE depot. DB Systemtechnikis providing technical support for the implementationand acceptance of the DC 670 V converters of the newsystems for the Cologne-Nippes, Hamburg Eidelstedtand Munich ICE depots.

Class 407: problems with the external power supply

Photos: DB AG / Uwe Miethe; DB Systemtechnik / Guido Fiefstück

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

Energy-saving potential for air-conditioning systems

To optimise energy management in ve-hicles, DB Systemtechnik carried out astudy in which multiple disciplines wereexamined. The result showed increasedsavings potential for air-conditioningsystems.

Based on this study, DB Fernverkehr com- missioned DB Systemtechnik to furtherdelimit the energy-saving potential of anoccupancy-dependent fresh air supplyand free cooling for the use in a selec tedclass. In addition, the cost effectivenessof a possible technical implementationwas to be examined based on an indica-tive offer. To perform realistic calcula-tions, DB Systemtechnik first conducteda document review of the air-condition-ing systems and calculated the annualenergy consumption of the class in ques- tion using the DC 2013 ("Duty Cycle2013") energy consumption cycle de-veloped by DB Systemtechnik. This hasnow become established as a useful toolfor determining the annual energy con-

sumption of rail vehicle air-conditioningsystems.

These calculations using the simulationmodel developed by DB Systemtechnikshowed potential savings of approxima -tely 18% with a continuous, occupation-dependent fresh air supply and approxi-mately 15% with a three-stage fresh airsupply compared to an occupation-in-dependent fresh air supply. The savingspotential of free cooling was also in-cluded in the evaluation by means offurther calculations and simulations.

Based on total energy-saving potentialof approx. 20%, an indicative offer forthe implementation of the necessarytechnical measures was subsequentlyobtained, and a profitability analysis wascarried out. With the calculations andcost estimates, DB Systemtechnik wasable to identify reliable savings potentialand make recommendations to DB Fern- verkehr.

In addition, the steps recommended byDB Systemtechnik ensured feasible tech- nical implementation, taking thermalcomfort and air quality into account.

DB Systemtechnik's input therefore givesDB Fernverkehr secure economic advan- tages without compromising passengercomfort.

Definition: free cooling

Free cooling is possible if the outside tempera-ture is lower than the temperature inside thecar. The interior is cooled by the supply of am-bient air without the air-conditioning systemhaving to be put into operation, which savesenergy. This form of cooling can be used onlyat lower outside temperatures. When outsidetemperatures are higher, the air-conditioningsystem must be used.

Illustration: Leonhard Hörth

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

To ensure the safety of national rail traf-fic, Entity in Charge of Maintenance(ECM) centres have been introduced inEurope. The ECM is responsible for theresults of the maintenance activities itmanages and requires an appropriatesystem to monitor them.

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is one ofthe safety-relevant activities performedduring maintenance. This not only justi-fies the additional specific sectoral re-quirements, but also requires monitor-ing of the maintenance workshops wherenon-destructive testing is carried out.

The ECM fulfils this responsibility e.g. bytemporarily authorising the NDT testinglaboratories on the basis of a certificateof conformity in accordance with speci-fied requirements for the performanceof non-destructive testing on its vehicles.

The ECM either specifies its own criteriaor makes use of generally accepted rules.

DB Systemtechnik has been carrying outapproval procedures for workshops insideand outside DB AG since 2001, ten yearsbefore the ECM Directive was published.DB Systemtechnik offers conformity as-sessment of NDT testing laboratories asan inspection in accordance with theprinciples of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020.

Five employees inspect maintenanceworkshops where non-destructive test-ing is regularly performed to determinewhether the specified requirements aremet. This statement of conformity is madein the form of an inspection certificate.Last year, DB Systemtechnik carried outaround 20 inspections for internal cus-tomers and 10 inspections for externalcustomers.

ECM certification Conformity assessment of NDT inspection centres

Photos: Andreas Zoga, DB Systemtechnik

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

As part of the planned refurbishment ofthe multiple units class 423 of the MunichS-Bahn and the associated conversionmeasures, DB Systemtechnik was taskedwith performing HVAC inspections. Theplan was to use the results and CFD si-mulations running in parallel to evaluatethe influence of the conversion on ther-mal comfort. This had to be ensured evenafter the conversion. Furthermore, ne-gative effects of the conversion on pas-senger comfort were to be recognisedand eliminated in advance.

In this project, DB Systemtechnik's HVACspecialists carried out measurements onan unmodified end car during cooling andheating operation. The actual values forair temperature and air speed in the pas-

senger area were determined and criticalpoints relating to thermal comfort wereidentified.

In addition, a CFD simulation of the in-terior for the current state and for thenewly planned design was created basedon the measurement data. Comparing themeasurements with the CFD simulationenabled the simulation results to be va-lidated. To ensure thermal comfort, theexperts proposed new air vents and ana -lysed their influence on comfort.

The analysis and optimisation of the in-terior design was used to minimise therisk of subsequent changes ensure ther-mal comfort for passengers even beforeconversion work began.

HVAC inspections prior to refurbishment of EMU Class 423

Photos: DB AG / Uwe Miethe, DB Systemtechnik 2 x

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DB Systemtechnik reference projects 2017/2018

In the procedure for changing plans forthe VDE 8.1 new-build line, an "expertopinion on the propagation of smokegases in tunnels taking into account thegeographical conditions" was required.This should support the local fire briga -des in determining their tactics in theevent of a fire. DB Systemtechnik, in closecooperation with the Ministry of the In-terior of Thuringia and the local Bavar-ian fire brigades, coordinated suitable

basic conditions and used these to carryout simulations in line with requirements.The results present local temperatures,optical smoke densities and CO2 distri-butions in the area around the burningvehicle as a function of time. Based onthese simulation results, it is now possi-ble to precisely determine the firefight-ing tactics.

This includes statements on access tothe seat of the fire through lateral res-cue air locks and on the need for respi-ratory protection equipment. With theassumed basic conditions, the resultscan also be applied to other tunnels onthe VDE 8.1 line.

Smoke gas simulations for the new-build line VDE 8.1

Photos: DB AG / Frank Barteld, Grafiken: DB Systemtechnik 3 x

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ESG Rail reference projects 2017/2018

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ESG Rail reference projects 2017/2018

A wagon of a two-car class 150 multiple unit ofArriva Trains Wales was damaged in an accident.To continue using the undamaged car while thedefective car was being repaired, it was planned tointegrate the former into another, two-car multipleunit as quickly as possible, thus putting togethera usable three-part vehicle. Once the repair hadbeen completed, it was intended to return the carto its original train.

ESG was commissioned to determine the amountof work required for the conversion. Two optionswere examined: putting the undamaged car (donorvehicle) between the vehicles of the two-car trainor using as an end wagon. It was decided to use thefirst option, as this enabled all the necessary worksteps to be carried out on the donor vehicle whilekeeping the multiple unit in operation. Anotherproblem was the long delivery time for the requiredcouplers.

The fastest possible solution was therefore to re-move the rod coupler and the coupler head fromthe damaged carriage. These were installed byESG Rail in the converted train. After the damagedcar had been repaired, both trains were returnedto their original configuration.

Services provided by ESG Rail:I Expert opinion on vehicle and meetings with

suppliersI Technical inspection of the rod coupler with

dye penetrant inspection to confirm the suit-ability of the existing coupler for continued use

I Creation of the conversion and inspection instructions

I Delivery of all materials for installation and assembly, except for coupler and coupler head

I Setting up and dismantling the three-car mul-tiple unit as well as putting all vehicles back into their original trains

I Conformity certification for acquiring the op-erating license was performed by Railway Approvals Ltd., a sister company of ESG.

Conversion for Arriva Train Wales

Photo: Arriva

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ESG Rail reference projects 2017/2018

ESG Rail received an order from the British railway opera- tor London Midland to supply various video surveillancesystems (CCTV).

I Video system for monitoring the line in 26 class 323 and 40 class 350 vehicles

I Interior video monitoring for the class 323 unitsI Video monitoring of the pantograph using a camera

on the roof of a class 350/1 vehicle

The scope of the order included the following partial ser -vices: design, draft, procurement, installation, testing andcommissioning of the systems. ESG was also responsiblefor approval of the systems and training of the operatingand maintenance personnel. During the three-year oper-a tion of the systems, provision of the measurement datais ensured by WiFi connections.

In cooperation with Icomera, the supplier of the CCTVand the cameras, the project was completed during 2017.

The rail vehicle leasing company Porterbrook Leasing operates class 458 vehicles with the Automatic SelectiveDoor Operation (ASDO) system.

Since these five-car units often had to be operated as ten-car units to improve peak capacity, and some stationswere unable to accommodate longer trains, they requirea selective door control system to prevent doors fromopening that do not stop at the platform. The system wasbased on the use of track-side beacons that are installedalong the railway line and specify which doors may openat the individual stations.

As the fleet was to be deployed in an alternative networkand under a new operator, ESG was asked to carry out atechnical evaluation of the system. This evaluation inclu -ded different approaches: the use of the current system,the use of an alternative with GPS function or a combina-tion of the two solutions. This called for considerationsregarding not only the condition of the vehicle, but alsothe possibility of providing additional technical equip-ment for the infrastructure. The evaluation includedtechnical solutions as well as an overall assessment ofthe project.

Turnkey delivery of CCTV systems

Automatic and selective door control for Porterbrook Leasing

Photos: ESG Rail

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Trade fairs and activities

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Photos: DB Systemtechnik, Klaus Kleske, Matthias Stangl


Trade fairs and activities

In May 2018, DB Systemtechnik held itsacoustics seminar for the fifth time at its

site in Munich. Over 70 participantsfrom various Bahn organisations gained

insights into technical principles, thestate of the art and the latest develop-

ments in acoustics and vibration.

Acoustics day 2018 in Munich

DB Systemtechnik showcased its full range of services at one of easternEurope’s largest trade fairs, as part of a joint stand for the states of Berlinand Brandenburg. Four colleagues presented a variety of products andservices to a large number of visitors, with the focus on approval mana -gement and measurement instruments for overhead line and trackgeometry.

DB Systemtechnik at the TRAKO

trade fair in Gdańsk

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Trade fairs and activities

In October 2017, the wheelset team invited technicalcontact persons from all Deutsche Bahn organisationsto a wheelset information day in Minden. 55 partici-pants attended and experienced a wide-ranging pro-gramme. The event included ten presentations and atour of the laboratories and test benches, impressivelyshowcasing DB Systemtechnik’s range of services.

Photos: Christoph Baumann, Thomas Kwitschinski, Grafik: DB Systemtechnik

Wheelset day in Minden

Almost 50 participants took part in the 6th HVACday in Minden in March 2018. Speakers from acrossDeutsche Bahn gave a total of eight presentationson HVAC-related topics in areas like the environ-ment, strategy, vehicles and operations. The widespectrum of topics ranged from interim solutionsand long-term measures for dealing with currentcoolant problems to HVAC activities in vehicleconversion projects and new methods for main-taining air conditioning systems.

6th internal HVAC day

On 24 April 2018, aerodynamic specialists from DB Sys -temtechnik hosted the aerodynamics day in Munich.Over 35 participants took the opportunity to discuss andfind out more about aerodynamic-related topics, as wellas to network. The event provided a wide range of inte -resting topics, with presentations about crosswinds onthe Filstal bridge, the special requirements for emergencyexit doors in tunnels, the high-speed rail project betweenGothenburg and Boras, and aerodynamic aspects ofpantographs.

2nd aerodynamics day

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Photos: Martin Loibl 2 x, Hassan Benaich, Dr. Ingo Trockels


Trade fairs and activities

Almost 150 guests attended the DB Systemtechnik cus-tomer day in Munich. The event began on the evening of16 October with a joint visit to the museum of the Munichtransport association.

The second day consisted of technical workshops on topicsranging from energy savings as a competitive advantageand vehicle modernisation to the reforms of the fourthrailway package in vehicle approval.

DB Systemtechnik customer day

in October 2017

On 6 March, DB Systemtechnik joined DB Engineering &Consulting to showcase its services at IT-Trans in

Karlsruhe, the leading conference for IT solutions in the rail vehicle sector. The focus was on diagnostic

solutions for predictive maintenance.

IT-Trans in Karlsruhe

On 19 and 20 April 2018, DB Systemtechnik hosted the128th meeting of the VDV “Depots and Maintenance Fa-cilities” committee in Kirchmöser. Representatives fromvarious transport companies (including BVG, MVV, Ham-burger Hochbahn, SSB and the transport operators of Leip -zig and Vienna) joined the VDV and DB Systemtechnik todiscuss the latest developments in bus and rail vehiclemaintenance in local public transport and regional andlocal rail passenger transport. For DB Systemtechnik, themeeting was a good opportunity to present its range ofservices for metro and tram vehicles.

Meeting in Kirchmöser:VDV committee Depots and

Maintenance Facilities

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Trade fairs and activitiesPhotos: Dr. Peter Spiess

As part of the long-lasting collaboration between DB Sys -temtechnik and the Japanese rail research institute RTRI,a workshop was held with Japanese specialists in Mindenin September 2017. The workshop focused on winter-related problems in braking. The event was attended by16 representatives of the Japanese rail sector, as wellas participants from German industry. The workshopfeatured highly technical presentations, which led tointensive discussions. As a result, the event was judgeda major success by all who attended.

Cooperation between DB Systemtechnik – RTRI Japan

In September 2017, Deutsche Bahn (DB) andthe Japanese rail company East Japan RailwayCompany (JR East) celebrated 25 years of co-operation. Over the course of an entire week,over a hundred experts and managers discus -sed the latest developments and issues in thesector.

The event concluded with a celebration at-ten ded by Dr. Richard Lutz, Chairman of theManagement Board of Deutsche Bahn, and hisJapanese counterpart Masaki Ogata, Vice Chair- man of JR East. Ever since the cooperation be- gan at the start of the 1990s, staff from DBSystemtechnik have taken part in the annualexpert conferences.

Here, delegates discuss issues like vehicleengineering, infrastructure, control and com-mand technology, safety, digitalisation, stationdevelopment and marketing.

25 years of cooperation JR East and DB AG

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Our products

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Our products



In der Business Line Prüfdienstleistungen stehen Ihnen250 Mitarbeiter mit ihrem umfassenden Sys temwissen,geeigneten Prüfverfahren und -werkzeugen sowie fun-diertem Versuchs-Know-how zur Verfügung.

Prüfungen I FahrzeugeI InfrastrukturI Komponenten

ZulassungI Zulassung von FahrzeugenI Europäische Anforderungen

(TSI-Zertifizierungen NoBo) I Nationale Anforderungen (DeBo)I Teilfreigaben InfrastrukturI GutachtenI Sicherheitsrelevante Änderungen (AsBo)

Messtechnik I Verkauf von Mess- und Diagnosetechnik


The 250 employees of the Business Line Testing support you with their comprehensive knowledge of systems, suitable test methods and tools, alongwith well-founded technical trial expertise.

TestingI VehiclesI InfrastructureI Components

ApprovalI Vehicle approvalI European requirements (TSI certifications NoBo)I National requirements (DeBo)I Partial releases for infrastructureI Expert opinionsI Safety-critical changes (AsBo)

Measurement technology I Sale of measurement and diagnostics systems


In der Business Line Prüfdienstleistungen stehen Ihnen250 Mitarbeiter mit ihrem umfassenden Sys temwissen,geeigneten Prüfverfahren und -werkzeugen sowie fun-diertem Versuchs-Know-how zur Verfügung.

Prüfungen I FahrzeugeI InfrastrukturI Komponenten

ZulassungI Zulassung von FahrzeugenI Europäische Anforderungen

(TSI-Zertifizierungen NoBo) I Nationale Anforderungen (DeBo)I Teilfreigaben InfrastrukturI GutachtenI Sicherheitsrelevante Änderungen (AsBo)

Messtechnik I Verkauf von Mess- und Diagnosetechnik


With a total of 350 employees at various locations theBusiness Line Engineering support you in all topics ofconstruction, engineering and digitization for vehiclesand components.

Engineering designI Design support:

New and existing vehicles & componentsI Conversion and redesignI Damage and accident refurbishment

Engineering I Supervision of production assetsI Fleet managementI Procurement accompanimentI Supplier/product qualificationI Conducting studies & expert reportsI Operating regulationsI Representation on committeesI IT use & diagnosticsI Accident and damage analysisI Assessment of financial benefit (RAMS, LCC)


In der Business Line Prüfdienstleistungen stehen Ihnen250 Mitarbeiter mit ihrem umfassenden Sys temwissen,geeigneten Prüfverfahren und -werkzeugen sowie fun-diertem Versuchs-Know-how zur Verfügung.

Prüfungen I FahrzeugeI InfrastrukturI Komponenten

ZulassungI Zulassung von FahrzeugenI Europäische Anforderungen

(TSI-Zertifizierungen NoBo) I Nationale Anforderungen (DeBo)I Teilfreigaben InfrastrukturI GutachtenI Sicherheitsrelevante Änderungen (AsBo)

Messtechnik I Verkauf von Mess- und Diagnosetechnik

Maintenance systems

Our 150 employees of the Business Line MaintenanceTechnology are pleased to advise and support you inall engineering services for design, construc tion andoptimization of all maintenance system elements inthe field of railway technology and infrastructure.

Maintenance systemsI Development and supervision

of maintenance conceptsI Condition-based maintenanceI Works planning and intra-plant logisticsI Testing and diagnostics equipmentI Non-destructive testingI Metrology/calibration technologyI Materials engineeringI Welding and adhesive bonding


In der Business Line Prüfdienstleistungen stehen Ihnen250 Mitarbeiter mit ihrem umfassenden Sys temwissen,geeigneten Prüfverfahren und -werkzeugen sowie fun-diertem Versuchs-Know-how zur Verfügung.

Prüfungen I FahrzeugeI InfrastrukturI Komponenten

ZulassungI Zulassung von FahrzeugenI Europäische Anforderungen

(TSI-Zertifizierungen NoBo) I Nationale Anforderungen (DeBo)I Teilfreigaben InfrastrukturI GutachtenI Sicherheitsrelevante Änderungen (AsBo)

Messtechnik I Verkauf von Mess- und Diagnosetechnik


DB Systemtechnik is the only provider of consulting ser- vices to be born of an overarching rail operater. Weanalyse your problems and design solutions just foryou within the rail system as a whole, covering areassuch as rolling stock, components and infrastructure.In doing so, we always keep your economic success inmind and have a laser-like focus on the financial aspectsof the overall rail system.

System consultingI Strategy and controllingI QualificationI Quality and managementI Environmental dimensionI General system issuesI Operations planning and implementation

Technical consultingI Optimisation of the entire life cycle

of rolling stock and componentsI Procurement of rolling stockI Vehicle maintenanceI Workshops

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Your contacts

Hans Peter LangManaging Director

Christoph KirschingerGeneral Manager Sales

Rudolf FischerGeneral ManagerFinance/Controlling,Human Resources

Josef RixnerSales Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Sergej SamjatinSales Asia, America,South and EasternEurope

Jérome RobinSales France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway

Paul ForrestSales UK

Alfred HechenbergerMarketing/Sales Deutsche Bahn

Dr. Lars MüllerBusiness Line Testing

Nils Dube Business Line Engineering

Dr. Burkhard Schulte-WerningBusiness Line Maintenance Systems

Nick GoodhandESG Rail

Dr. Stephan SchubertCTO, Innovations-management

Photos: DB Systemtechnik, ESG Rail

Page 55: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring
Page 56: DBS LR 2017 2018 engl V - DB Systemtechnik · Photos: Benjamin Reffay, Neomind-BEG, DB Systemtechnik. Highlights 2017/2018 CTM 2.0 in double-decker IC An ICE 2 fitted with measuring

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DB Systemtechnik GmbHPionierstraße 10

32423 Minden, Germany

Further information: Website: www.db-systemtechnik.de

E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Alfred Hechenberger

Subject to change without noticeErrors and omissions exceptedLast revised: September 2018